HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-04-08, Page 2o'
4011.8 11192
Xesve Nies Ind the Cooly
NO. Spring fair ill Brtilisels this year.
110ht. WilsOn,.Seaforth, purchas-
ed Mr Whitely's tt11jozi "Carbale" ,for
the KIM of $1760,
ha. M. Martin has rented the 200
farin of Alm Forsyth, Morris, for
one year) on shares.
AleXarider McNeil was found
• dead in MoBride's hotel, Seaforth, on
Friday Merning last.
• John Bowlnan, jr., Morris, has atlast
to that at one time preva-
^ . lentnsease, in grippe.
The, prostration after the Grip is entire-
ly OVeroonse by Bood's Sarsaparilla. It
really doemake the weak stroog.
E. McQuarrie, of Blyth, has been ap-
panted Licem Commissioner for
• West Huron,in place of Mr Young,
On Monday morning Mr S. A. Sea-
• en, of Gorrie received a telegram
from Landsdown aneouncing thedeath
of his Sister:
The contract for the erection of a new
school house in S. S. No. 18, Howick,
luta been awarded to Mr Dicks, of Ford-
wich, for $610.
The Directors of the Morris & Grey
elteese factory have engaged J. P. Mc-
Pherson, of Bluevale, as cheese maker
for the coming season.
. J. B, Morrison of Walton, has gone
to 'Manitoba, where he will engage in
the teaching profession, having secured
a lucrative position near Brandon.
William Duncan, one of the oldest
residents of Bluevale, removed with
his family to the house of his son -in-
- law, Mr Becker,who lives in Wingham.
It is with deep regret that we an-
nounce this week the death of Miss
Bessie Fitagerald, a sister of Mrs M. P.
Hays, for many years a resident of
Isaac Gill, of Ethel, was fined $50 and
costs, last Friday, before A. Hunter, J.
P., Brussels, for selling liquor without
license. Inspector Miller was the
On Saturday the Directors of the
Howick Insurance Co. met at Putland's
hotel, Gorrie. 70 applications were
passed amounting to $91A370. A few
small clainis were settled. .
Death' 'entered the home of John
Spence, olthe 2nd con. of Morris, 'last
Wednesday morning, and called away
his beloved wife after a short illness.
He had been married only a year. Her
death was caused by blood poisoning.
Many of our readers herewill sti
remember Mr Janes Anderson, who
one time owned the farm on *hie
Kippen now stands. They will reget
learn of his death, which took .place i
Shelden, Dakota, on the Uth of Marc
M. Y. Farrow, of Winnipeg, son
Postmaster Farrow, of Brussels, h
taken a position as Mail clerk on th
C. P. R. in the West. His brothe
John M. fills a similar 'position on th
main line of the G. R., east of Lon
don, Ont.
What a debt of gratitude the world owe
to such men as Drs. Ayer and Jenner
the latter for the great discovery of vac
eination, and the former fOr his Eatrac
of Sarsaparilla—the best of blood purifiers
Who can estimate how much these dis
coveries have benefited the race!
Joseph Griffin, reeve of Ashfield, A
, C. Hawkins, Thos Hussey who wer
• appointed by the Council, and Denni
Sullivan by the people, as delegates t
Ottawa in the interests of Port Albert
harbor, and railway matters, left on
• Tuesday morning.
Goderich citizens were startled on
Thursday afternoon to hear of the
He had been ill but about a week, and
for the first couple of days regarded it
as only a temporary indisposition. De-
?sect was widely known and highly
esteemed for his sterling character and
• honorable and industrious career.
Jno. Jury, of Ethel, sawyer by trade,
has been working of late in Longeway's
mill, Logan. On Wednesday of last
week he carelessly used his foot when
he should have used a hand or a stick
and the saw struck his heel, shattering
it Very badly,besides spraining hip and
knee and shockinE the whole system.
Mr Jury, being jeast the prime of life
and not in the best of 'health .6,t the
time of the accident, failed to rally and
--died-on Monday-morninFin- spite -of all
that could be done for him.
Of Hood's Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier
entitles it to your confidence. No other
preparation has ,sech a record of cures of
Scrofula, Salt Rhein°, Blood Poisoning,
or other blood diheases. To try it is to
• know its merit. Be sure to get 'Hood's
For a general family cathartic we con-
• fidently recommend Hood's Pills. They
ehould be in every home medicine chest.
A meeting of the directors of the new
Horticultural and the West Riding
Agricultural Societies was heldin the
Court House, Goderich, on Saturday
last. Mr Jas Connolly was appointed
first vice president, vice, D. A. Purvis,
deceased, and Mr A. A. Young, of Col-
borne, appointed to succeed -Mr Con-
nolly as 2nd vice president. Mr Jona-
than Miller having tendered his resig-
nation as a director. Mr Robt Dickson
• was appointed in his stead, and Mr
Henry Curwen as a director for Gode-
rich township in the place of the late
Mr Purvis. The dates of the fall ex-
hibition for 1892 were fixed at Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 27th,
28th and 29th.
Rev Mr Simpson, of Brucefield. on
Saturday last, received a telegram an-
nouncing the very sudden death of
his only brother, in Detroit, and he
has been away attending the funeral.
The Detroit Free Press, of the 26th of
March, makes the following reference
to the deceased:,-"Bui id ing Inspector
Edward W. Simpson was found dead
in his bed at noon yesterday, at his
residence, 568 Bagg street. The report
of his death was received with pro-
found regret in municipal circles, in
which he was deservedly popular. The
deceased attended to the duties of his
office as ususal on Thursday, and drew
his pay for the current month in the
City Treasurer's office. He showed no
symptoms of illness, although he had
been under a physician's care for sev-
eral months. After office hours on
Thursday he went home, but made no
complaint a feeling unwell. Accord-
ing to his custom he retired to his
reirm, on the second floor of his resi-
dence, at .inea
rly hour, and Went to
his last sleep., Ile did tast appear for
breakfast, and his
fay believing. hhimto decided ni!it 'to Oall hinrnritil
noon for dinner ,eediVing rio • re -
1150 1,0 the dazeRroihrn was enter -
and he was founil a Corpse, although
bOdy was still WarilUr
-- •
Say yes to God's continual; that%
Bo ambitiously, positively, eagerl
good, and eternity shall yet ope
around you as the only sufficient fiel
for such a life as yours.
I am glad to think I am not compel
led to make the wrong go right, bu
only to discover,and to do,with cheei
ful heart, the work that Clod appoints
Do daily and hourly your duty; do it
patiently and' thoilighly; do it as it
presents itself, do it at the 'moment,
and let it be its own reward, Never
mind whether it be known and ac-
knowledged or not, bat do not fail to
• do it.
The least complicated and shortest
rule of morals that I know is this ; Get
others to work for you as little as pos-
sible, and work yourself as much as
possible for them; make the fewest
calls upon the services of your neigh-
bors, and render them the maximum
number of services yourself.
God gives us life at the rate of a
si le second of time at once. No oth-
er econd comes until that is gone, so
thijt we must make the best of the
tirne e have by living a true life in it.
God hi self is in possession of a com-
plete lit having what we think of as
past and future, no less than the
present. 1is life is eternal; ours is
Be patient with men. After a man
speaks hurriedly when he has come to
himself he feels he has made a mistake.
He is not quite man enough to ac-
knowledge his fault. If you hold him
mercilessly to the record he has made,
you will make him an enemy. Be
large enough to overlook his faults,
and take him for what, on the whole,
he intends to be. Many misunder-
standings andserious differences would
be avoided by this.
Seek your life's nourishment in your
life's work. Do not think that after
you have bought or sold, or studied or
taught, you will go into your closet
and open your Bible and repair the
damage of the loss which your day's
life has left you. Do those things cer-
tainly, but also insist that your buying
or selling, or studying or teaching shall
itself make you brave, patient, pure
and holy. Do not let your occupation
pass you by and only leave you the
basest and poorest of its benefits, the
money which fills your purse. This is
the life that, indeed catches the quality i
of the life of God, and still it s a life
possible to every one of us.
English Spavin Linament removes all
hard, soft or callous Lumps and Blemish-
es from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, RingBone, Sweeny, Stifles, Sprains,
Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc.
Save $50 by um -of one bottle Warranted
the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever
known. Sold by J H Combe.
A vacant mind is a standing offer to
the devil for free house -room.
Money lost can be recovered, but an
hour lost is gone forever.
Don't talk much about yourself
when you want to be interesting.
Success will never come to yo lir house
without a special invitation.
Religious selfishness is no better than
any other kind of selfishness.
Nothing keeps a stingy mail from
stealing but the risk of the thing.
Ready money is a good thing to
have, but a contented mind is better.
If we hinder God's work in ourhearta
The man man who lives only for himself
is engaged in a very small business.
Genius is powerful, but it takes out-
and-out muscle to tern the grind-
The sinner who helps the devil most
is the one who is most respected.
The right kind of a smile never hurts
a prayer meeting.
If you set up for a growler, you can
always be busy.
The surest way to become poor in
earnest is try to keep all you get.
The only sins that Goa cannot for-
give are those you desire to keep.
There is no mansion in heaven for
the man who is mean to his wife.
— Ewipy thrie"yoh leek Ot'icsin it seems
to become a little better looking. i
There isn't a bit of religion n mak-
ing a boy do a man's work with a dull
It is only when a man gets where he
has nothing left to be proud of that
the devil leaves him.
People who blow their own horns do
not always furnish good- music for oth-
Praying to the congregation may
sound very nice, but it never attracts
any attention in heaven.
Children Cry tor
Pitcher's Castor's.
The great bridge over the Pecos
canon, Texas, is open for traffic. The
structure is 328 feet high and 2,180 feet
long. It was built by the Southern
Pacific Railway Company, and is a
Mr Henry Henderson, of the 4th con,
McKillop, has purchased from El -
coat Brothers, of Tuckersmith, the
splendid yothig thoroughbred Durham
bull, "Honest Joe." He is thirteen
months old, is of red color and is from
Messrs Elcoat's well known stock bull,
"Prince Atherstone." He has a splen-
did pedigree and will be a splenid ac-
quisition to the thorobred stock
of the neighborhood.
Most people suppose that the manufac-
ture of tobacco consists merely of taking
the leaf and pressing it into plugs. The
fact is, however, that the process is a very
delicate one, and the least false step will
injure the flavor. The leaf must be care-
fully attended to for months after it leaves
the planter's hand. It must neither dry
too quickly or too slowly. Even after it
has reached the factory the utmost delicacy
of manipulation is required. The weatther
must be carefully studied, for if there is
too much moisture in the air when it is
pressed it will mould, and the same will
happen if too much moisture is sprinkled
upon it for the purpose of opening the leaf.
Again, if it is overdried in the oven it will
turn crisp, and will nip the tongue in
smoking. It is by careful attention to all
these points that the "Myrtle Navy" has
been brought to such perfection. The firm
who manufacture it have their own store-
houses in Virginia, and from the time the
leaf have:3 the planter's hands until it is
tinned out of the factory, reontha after-
wards, in pings, 'it is ander .'the 'Ore of
theinikilled and ttustall carploYee11:
• '7% —A-77Iftw'r7J177^4P7717".77711".."1"7'..-
The Sultan's household numbers 6,-
000 peesons.
Swans have been known to live 800
The Bank of England covers nearly
3 acres.
'J he French still fight an average of
3,000 duels.
Eleven hundred steaniers traverse
the fourgreatoedui vontes.
The first theater in the United States
was built at Williainsburg, Va, in
There are only 3,715 cities in this
country virbich contain more than 1,000
More physicians commitsuicide than
the members of any other of the, learn-
ed professions.
A creznated body leaves a residuum
of only eight ounces; all besides is re-
stored to the gaseoug elements.
The Joins of India frequently under -
fasts of forty days, partaking dur-
ing that thne only of warm water.
Live flsh have been safely sent in
the mail from India to the British
Museum. They aro now prospering in
the tanks of the museum.
Creede, Col., is not yet nine months
old, but it has a population of 8,000
souls, two morning papers, one even-
ing and four weekly publications.
The laborers of Argentine make WO
a day by shooting the "rivasols," a
bird whose feathers are much prized
this season by the fashionable world.
There are nine metals which rank
under the denomination noble. These
are mercury?, silver, gold,, platinum,
paladiuns, rhodium, ruthenium, osmi-
um, iridium. The first four on the
list are the only ones well known.
This is the way a Texan reporter be-
gan his written account of a wedding
to which he had been assigned: "A
cloudless sky, ruled by the radiant
moon and gemmed with millions of
stars, arched grandly the nuptial
The largest heathen temple in the
world is at Seringharn, India.
A cacoon of a well fed silk worm will
often yield a thread 1,000 yards long,
and one has been produced which con-
tained 1,295 yards.
The new clock being made for St.
Paul's Cathedral in London will have a
face thirty feet in diameter. The harn-
mar Which strikes the bell weighs 680
The largest congregation in America
is St. Stanislaus ICostka, in Chicago,
which has 30,000 communicants. The
number of attendants at the several
masses every Sunday frequently ex-
ceeds 15,000. .
The longest single span of wire rope
in the world is that now in use in a dam
at Austin, Tex. The rnain cable is 1,-
350 feet long and two and one-half
inches in diameter. The hoisting ap-
paratus will lift a weight of seven tons
and carry it the entire length of the
span in about a minute and a half.
Will you heed the warning. The signal
perhaps of the sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask your-
selves if you can afford for the sake of say
ing 50o., to run the risk and do nothing for
it. We know from experience that Shiloh's
Cure will cure your cough. It never
fails. 6-D5e-4-91
So much has been requested of me
concerning- gloves that just now Seems
-aTiTI-pfeafirretime, saya-the-Dry Goods
Economist. A kid glove, real kid If
mean, is made of the thinner, finer
grained skins. They are made from the
kids which are about three to five
weeks old. They are placed in baskets
as soon as born and fed on milk. Great
care is taken that they shall not scratch
or tear their skin, or in any way make
it touch by rublaihg against any hard
A kid glove cart be told from a lamb-
skin best, of COUITSe, by experience in
handling and getting the true feel, but
by noting. that the kid is thinner, more
elastic and finer grained shows the.
veins inside. By taking a pair of real:
kid and a pair of lambskin gloves to.
gather you can "study out the above,
and when once fully appreciated it will
be hard to be deceived. Lambskin
roves are made from the older kids.
They are fairly elastic but thicker, and
make a heavier feeling glove. They
are raised quite numerously in the Ger-
main provinces, and vary in qualities
quite as much as the lambskin varies
from the real, kidskin. When the
lamb is turned out to grass it is called
chevrette, and makes a comae glove,
but wears well.
Schmaschen gloves are made from
the still -born kid, and are the cheapest
gloves. It is poor stuff for retailers to
handle, and has theappearanee of tripe
Thereal kidskins are only about half
size of a lambskin. Suede gloves are
made from either kid or lambskin,
shaven thin and cuticle taken off.
By the capsizing of &shoat at Clifton,
Galway, Ireland, four men were
A protest has been enteredagainst
the return of Mr W. B. Northrup, M.P.
for East Hastings.
Carmen Rodriguez, a Mexican wo-
man 150 years old, died at Tucson, Ari-
zona., on Wednesday.
The steamer City of London, belong-
ing to Capt. Foster, was deabroyed by
fire near London, on Thursday.
Joseph Collins, a glassblower, wa.4
run over by a street car in Hamilton,
Wednesday, and d ed from his injuries.
The steamer City of Paris made the
rim from Queenstown to New York in
five days, 22 hours and three minutes.
The steamer Golden Rule was burned
at Cincinnati Thursday. Miss Nettie
Maloney, one of the passengers,jumped
overboard and was drowned.
Mrs Sage. and Miss Annie. of Wal-
ton, expect, 10 visit Detroitshortly to
fill a min -la -al engagement, in that, city.
This will be I h ei r second or third vi si
R. Beattie & Co. have purchased
the vacant lot 00 Main street between
Hawkshaw's hotel and Stewart's black
smith shop, Seaforth, and intend erect-
ing a large three,storey brick pork
packing d5tablishnjent thereon.
Children Cry for
Pitcher' Ca Ori0i,
6 .
Much Comment has been excited by
a recent occurrence at Wilna, in west-
etn Russia. The men of one of the
batteries of an artillery regiment sta-
tioned at, Walla mutinously refused to
salute one of their officers when he
came among them. He summoned
them more than once to pay him the
due sign of respect, but the soldiers
paid no attention. The officer enraged
at this behaviour, at length drew his
revolver and shot, two tincommissioned
officers one after the other. He was
taking aim at the third when the sold-
iers, in fear of their lives, at length
gave the proper salute. The incident
is being hotly discussed in military
circles, some officers maintaining that
their confrere was justified in his net,
while others condemn hisextreine con-
duct..—London Times,
Hest °ugh Syrup. Taates Good. Use
In time. Sold by druggists.
Otto Varnier's Loss.
The Canadian Miller says under the
heading of "Who pays the duty?": The
question is an ever -debatable one, and
in the abstract the balance of argu-
ment will sometimes be made to lean
to one side and again to the other. It
is, however, when someone gets squeez-
ed in his own purse that, regardless of
political leanings, he will come out
with a very bold piece of logic from
the practical side. We have in the
followingstory, as told by Mr C. G.
Cody, an implement agent in Victoria
county, an illustration of -the farmer
who had been experiencing the unto-
ward influence of the McKmley Bill on
the price of barley. Mr Cody says:
"A few days ago I had occasion to re-
new a note amounting to $00 for a
farmer in this county (Victoria) as part
payment for a binder he bought of me
a year or so ago, and of course had to
charge him the usual rate of interest.
In talking the matter over with him I
found that he sold this year 350 bush-
els of barley and got 45 cents a bushel
for it, or $157.50 for the 350 bushels.
I had the last week's barley report, as
published in the Empire, in the office,
which showed a difference of 40 cents
per bushel between Canada barley sold
in Toronto, and the same grade of the
very same barley as sold in Oswego.
We figured it up and the 30 cent duty
on each bushel going to Oswego
amounted to just $105 clear loss to my
farmer on his 350 bushels, or enough
to pay his note in full and have $15 to
the good, which he could have given
tobis wife for her share."
The Soo train on the C. P. R. going
west was partially derailed at Hull sta-
tion Wednesday after noon. Fireman
Thomas Golden was killed and Engi-
neer M. O'Connell badly scalded. The
engine and three cars were considerab-
ly damaged. The passengers escaped
Replying to several enquires regarding
THE CANADIAN QUEEN'S Offer to give away
one of Mason & Risch's high class Upright
Pianos each month during 1892, we have
received an order from the publishers of
the Canadian Queen for twelve of our
Studio Uprights in solid black walnut
cases, our price for which is $325, each.
_These be-shinped-
factory.or salerooms to the addresses sup-
• plied us by the publishers of the Queen.
As far as the quality of the piano is con -
earned, every person with a cultivated ear
for musicknows what the Mason -Nisch
piano is, and the ones to be supplied to
The Queen are the same high grade as far
as tone, etc., is -concerned, and the best we
make. A rumple of these prize pianoeo is on
exhibibition at our warerooms, 32 King St.
West, Toronto, and can be examined by
you or any of your friends at any time it
suits your convenience, Yours truly,
' MASON & Risen, Toronto, Out.
The first prize piano offered by the pub-
lishers of Thekieera was won by Miss_gaa_
Watson,136 Close Ave,—Parkilale, Ont; the
second prize piano was won by Edward W.
Dowling, Clerk in the Windsor Hotel,
Montreal; the third prize piano was won by
Edward W. Gardner, 78 Sullivan St. Tor-
onto, Ont.
If Moses was the son of Pharaoh's daugh-
ter, what relation would Moses be to the
daughter of Pharaoh's son?
The Queen will give an elegant Mason de
Risch Fine Toned Upright Piano to the first
person answering the above problem cor-
rectly ; an elegant Gold Watch for the
second correct answer; a China Dinner Set
for the third correct answer; an elegant
Bilk Dress Pattern for the fourth correct
answer; and many other valuable prizes,
all of which are announced in this issue of
The Queen. A valuable special prize will
be given for the first correct answer from a
reader of the "CLINTON NEW 1tA"a Each
person answering must enclose fifteen two
cent stamps for "THE •CANADTAN
just out, together with a copy of The Queen,
containing a beautiful water -color repro-
duction, "Seven, He loves," and full par-
ticulars of our Educational Prize Compe-
titionr The object of offering these prizes
is to increase the circulation of this popular
magazine. By sending to -day you may se-
cure a valuable prize. Address THE
CANADIAN QUEEN, "A" Toronto, Can.
Instant Relief, Permanent
Cure, Failure Impossible.
Many so-called disessss nye
simply symptoms of Catarrh,
such as headaohe, losing Flenqe
of smell, foul Urea am, ki ng
and apitting, general feeling
of #ebility, etc. If you are
roubled with any of these or
Andred symptoms, you have
Catarrh, and should lose no
time procuring a, bottle of
NASAL Harm. Be warned in
time, neglected cold in head
results in Catarrh, followed
by consumption and death.
Hold by all druggists, or sent,
rt paid, on receipt of price,'
60 cents and SI) by addressing
FORD Is CO. Brockville. Ont.
ortrz) EN,Tove
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Pip is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys•
tem effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitutil
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c
bottles "by all leading druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any one who wishes
to try it. Manufactured only by the
Mr John Owen, a well-known vessel
man, died of old age at Detroit Thurs-
day. He was born near Toronto in
1809, and went to Detroit when a boy.
He became prominent in political and
business circles, and amassed much
Minard's Liniment is the Beat
Thomas Zacharin, a National League
umpire in 1881, met with a frightful
death Wednesday. Zacharin was com-
ing from Johnstown, where he had
been residing for two or three yrears,to
his homestead. At Braddock he jump-
ed off the train, when his foot slipped
and he fell, his head landing on the
rails. The wheels of tae car ran over
his head, pounding it into a jelly.
ful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a par.
allel. in the • history of medicine. All druggins
are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee,
a test that no other cure can successfully stand.
If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis,
use it, for it will cure you. If your child has
the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use itpromptly,
and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious
disease CONSUMPTION, don' t fail to use it, it
will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your
Dmggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price To cts.,,
Lungs are. sore, At
Ea& lame, use Shiloh's Porous Piaster.. 25 cts.
riageopottal and other 0440
Barristers, Solicitors,
Commissioners for Ontario and Manitoba
Iv -I -Bought. Private Funds. c RIDOUT,
Office over.? Jackson's store,_ Clinton.
/TA -undersigned at the Library Rooms, JAS.
SCOTT, Clinton.
Ill undersigned, at residence or drug store.
JAI- small sums on good mortgage noway,
moderate rate of interest. H HALE. canton.
Provincial Land surveyor, Draughtsman,
etc. Officer, up stairs. in Perrin Block, Clinton,
DENCE on Ontario street, centon, op-
posite English Church. Entrance by side
H. R. ELLIOT, M. D., L. R. C. P.,
"'Edinburgh, L, R. C. S.. Edinburgh, Lben-
date of the Midwifery, Edinburgh, iffice at
Street, a few doora East o Albert Street. W.
Aceoucheur, eta., oft100 in the Palace Block.
Rattenbury St. formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve,
ciinton Ont.
-I" Medical Department of Victoria Univer-
sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and
Dispensaries. New York, Coroner for be
County of Huron, Baytield, Ont.
A. 0.13. W.
The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meet in Riddle
combo Hall on (bo 1st and Srd Fridays in each
month. Visitors cordially invited. IL STONE.
RAM, M. W. J. BEAN, Recorder
We can make a tevr good loans from private
funds at ow rates and modate expenseer.
Termsmade tosuit borrowers.
MANNING dt SCOTT, - - Clinton
Piano, Organ and Technleon,or Muscl developer.
for use; or pupils. Roome Est Mr. El. Hartt's,
Rattenhurv Street, Clinton.
U • RononnyGraduate of the OntarloVeterinary
Conege. Treats all diseases of domesticated an.
mala On the Most modern and acientific princi-
ples. office — immediately west of the Royal
Rotel. Residence.-- Albert St., Clinton. Wills
nigbt orday attendedtopromptly.
J. L. Turnbull, M. EL, Terento University,
0.51., 'victoria university, 11. 0.1' & S., Qatari°
loeliow of the Obstetrical Society of Edieburgh
lato of bondon, tam; and Edieburgb
Otlioc•-,-Dr. Dowsoly old °dice Hattenbury St?,
Night • Ile auSwerecl at the sane piece
rip e. Antics, L. D. 8., DENTIST, GRAM -
ate Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario. All operations of modern dentletry
carefully performed. Anaesthetics adretulatered
for the painless extraction of teeth. Office
Heater's old stand, Coats' Block, Olinton.
Will visit Myth professionally every Monday, at
Mao' s Hotel.
oEON A °concha r, Licentiate of the Colle,ge
of Ph Ysiciane, and Surgeone of Lewer Canada,
and Provinela Licentiate and Coroner for the
County of Huron. Offiee and residence. -The
building formerly occpulcd by Mr Thwaites
unroll Street. Cowen. Jan 11. 1870,
-5-1 Auctioneer still in the field, able and will-
ing to conduct any sales entrusted to him, and
takes this opportunity of thanking his patrons
for past favors. Also Chattel Mortgages closed
and rents collected. Charges moderate. D
DicKINSoN, Licensed Auctioneer for the County
ot Huron. Residence Albert Street, Clinton.
Subscriber desires to thank the public general-
ly, for the patronage bestowed upon hint; and
at the same time to say that he is now in a bet
Ser position than ever to supply the wants of all.
As he gives personal attention to all the details
of the business customers can rely on their
orders being promptly and satisfactorily filled.
His motto is "good meat at reasonable prices?' .
'Choice Sausage, Poultry, ate.,
In season.
Cash paid for Hides, Skins, dm.
Albert St., Clintou,
Holds the exclusive right for the county for the
Hurd process of adnnnistering chemically
pure Nitrogen Monoxide, which is the safest
and best system yet discovered for the pain-
less extraction of teeth. Chargee moderate
satisfaction guaranteed. Mice, Enuorrs
/MOCK, over Jacksons Tailor Shop, Enron
Street (MD ton .
A general Banking Business
ti ansacted
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
Advances made to farmers on their own
notes, at low rates of interest.
A general Banking Business transacted
Interest allowed on deposits.
Sale Notes bought
J. P. TISDALL, Manager
The Molsons Bank.
- - -..Enseeltorated•hc Act cf,Parriiametvmsiir'-'
CANT A L , - - $2,000,000.
REST FUND, - $1,000,000
J. 15. R. MOLSON Preis.
Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts
issued, Sterling and American ex-
ciange bought and sold at lowest
current rate8.
interest at 4 per cent allowed on deposits.
Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with
one or more endorsers. No mortgage required as
security. - -
11. C. BitEW-Eft--., Manager,
January 1997. Clinton
Loaa & Investment Co'y
This Com,8any is Loaning Money or Farm
Security at Lowest Rates of Interest,
8, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Deposits, according to amount and time left.
OFFICE -Corner of Market Square and Nor th
MAN Aell
5th 18815
The subscriber would intimate to
the public generally that he has
added to his business that of
And is prepared to supply all fun-
eral necessaries at short notice
and in a satisfactory manner.
Coffins, Caskets
ShroudS, '&c,
He has also purohased a first-class
Hearse, and can therefore meet all
requirements in this line. Night
calls answered at residence, Isaac
Street, Clinton.
Undertaker and dealer in
Furniture, Clinton.
By mail to any lady sending us her post offle1
address, wells, Richardson & Co., Minimal*.