HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-04-01, Page 7'417WRIVIIItt BY APPEARANCES.
4 man prominent in Canadian poli-
tical life, but carelpes of bis dress, was
*nee On his way to call upon a gentle
Man of Quebec, and etOpped an Irish-
-Mania the street to enqnire the way.
"Can you tell ine where Mr Hunter
lives ?" said the statesman. "It's no
use your going there," ,.was the unex-
pected reply. "But do you know
where he lives ?" "Faith and I do, but
tsino use going there." The inquirer
began to get angry. "I didn't ask
your advice. I simply wanted toknow
where Mr Hunter lived." "Oh, well,
he lives down that street yonder, the '
first house round the corner ; but I tell
,y941.,VA lag_ use your going there, for
I've just been there myself, and he's
already got a man." Mr Hunter had
advertised for a servant thedaybefore,
and the:statesman, so the story goes,
went and bought a new hat. -Chicago
If there is any such thing as an effect
without a cause it must be a woman's
,change of mind.
Before marriage woman wants tend-
erness, . hpp. little while she is satisfied
with legal tender.
"A horse will never die for want of a
crumb." "No !" "No, as long as he
has a bit in his mouth."
Pugailist Sullivan says some pub-
lishers offer him a round sum for a
book, "and they haven't even seen the
book yet." So we infer.
"I never see a tree fall without a
pang," wrote a ecintributor ; but the
sentence was printed: "I never see a
tree fall without a hang."
The Irish patriots should not be dis-
couraged. Married men have strug-
gled forhome rule for twenty centuri-
es, and have not yet succeeded in get-
ting it.
Minard's Liniment is the Best
From "The Leamington Post."
We are living in a rapid age. To -day
we;read and hear of so many marvellous
inventions and happenings that we scarce-
ly give them a second thought, and they
serve to prepare the human mind for some
greater surprise the day following. A pe-
culiar feature, however, of most, if not of
all the marvellous oacurrences, is the fact
that they invariably happen at a great dis-
tance away from home. For instance we
hear of wonderful things taking place in
Mexico, Egypt, or possibly in the Southern
States, but always too far away to be veri-
fied by a Canadian. It is for this reason,
therefore, that when anything bordering
on the miraculous does o3cur right at our
doors itis regarded by the public as doubly
The facts of the following case, as well as
the lady chiefly interested, are so well
known in this district that little need be
!said as to their accuracy. But the lesson
taught herein is one which, we hope, will
prove of interest and benefit to every read-
er of the Post:
Probably no lady in Leamington is better
known throughout this distriot than Mrs
Hugh McSween. wife of the well known
and popular agent of the Michigan Central
Railway at this point.
••-Fer-sume..years-ber continued ill -health
nas been the cause of a great deal of worry
and coesiderable expense to her friends.
Hearing quite recently that her health
had retimed, a Post reporter, always with
a keen eye to the public welfare, decided
to investigate the causes of Mrs 5.1cSween's
remarkable recovery, and the following is
the result of the interview held with that
lady: -
"What was the nature of your trouble,
MrsMcSween?" was the first question asked
by the scribe. "For many years I have
been troubledwith an affection of the throat
which gradually worked upon my lungs
and about two years ago I was compelled
to remain in bed most of the time, the
unanimous opinion of my friends being
that I was rapidly going into consumption.
The pain.in my lungs was teriffic arid_I doc-
tored a great deal, but to no effect. I was
reduced in weight to 100 lbs."
''To what do you ascribe your rocovery?"
"I was requested by a friend to try a medi-
cine called "Salvator Magnus" and with
many misgivings I consented. After tak-
ing three bottles I.can truthfully say I was
entirely well, and I have not had the slight-
est difficulty with my throat or lungs since,
although previous to taking this medicine,
I suffered continually from them."
"What is your Opinion of the remedy?"
"I have great faith in it and would recom-
mend it to any one afflicted with lung
trouble. I believe it is superior to any oth-
er remedy. It benefitted my whole system."
"Is it disagreeable to take?" "I found it
exceedingly pleasant to take." Having
thus accomplished the object of his mission
tbe reporter withdrew. We have since
learned that the medicine to whose healing
powers is ascribed this wonderful cure is
sold by W. J. Smith, -Leamington, and we
would certainly join with the lady above
interviewed in recommending everybody
troubled with bronchial affections to test
Salvator Magnus.
"Salvator Magnus"
Which, being translated, signifies "The
Great Healer," the new remedy for Con-
sumption ! It is a purely chemical prepa-
ration, not unpleasant to the taste, and,
not only is capable of dissolving the tuber-
cular deposits in the lungs, but heals the
inflamed and ulcerated surfaces, sustains
the vital powers, gives strength and vigor
to the nervous system, improves the appe-
tite, lessens the cough, and, if continued
for a few weeks, will restore to health any
consumptive or bronchitis patient, who has
not already passed into the third or last
stage of the disease. It is also being em-
ployed, with gratifying results, in very
many cases of nervous disorder, and in
those cases of debility which follow after
fevers, diphtheria, la grippe, dyspepsia, etc.
Nursing women of a delicate constitution
find it invaluable in sustaining their nerve
force, and supporting their systems gene-
rally. The S. M. M. Co. also manufacture
that unrivalled cough mixture, "Magnus
Expectorant," "The Magic Pile Lotion,"
and "Acme Cholera Syrup." These great
Canadian remedies are for sale throughout
Canada and the United States, and are to
be found in every reliable drug store. If
your drnggiat has not got them in stock,
ask him to order what you want at once, or
send direct, with remittance, to the Labor-
atory of Salvator Medicine Co., at Brock.
ville, Ont.; Morristown, N.Y.; or Salt Lake
Ctty, Utah.
Piso's Remedy for Catarrh Is the
Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest.
CitekTik R R I-1
Sad bY &Mists or cant ay trait
aid. 11.T. milne Arttryk1
"Man is twice born ; the first time
when he is made in the image of God;
the second thrte when he becomes
ronsclous of it."
Minard's Liniment 1.umberman'e friend
Do to day's duty, fight to day's
temptation, and do not weaken and
distract yourself by looking forward
to things which yo.0 cannot see and
could not understand if you saw them.
Duties are ours, events are God's.
This removes an infinite burden from
the shoulders of a miserable, tempted,
dying creature. On this consideration
only can he securely lay down his head
and close his eyes.
Itob, Mange atm Sorathes of every kind
on human or animals, cured in 80 minutes
by Woolford'e Sanitary Lotion. This
never fails. Sold by J.H. Combe,druggist.
"My burden is light," said the bless-
ed Redeemer. A light burden indeed,
which carries him thatbears it. I have
looked through all nature for a re-
semblance of this, and I seem to find a
shadow of it in the wings of a bird,
which are indeed borne byithe creature,
and yet support her flight towards
The every -day cares and`duties which
men call drtolgery, are the weights and
counterpoises of the clock of time, giv-
ing its pendulum a true vibration and
itshandsa regular motion ; and when
they cease to hang from the wheels,
the pendulum no longer swings, the
hands no longer move, -the clock stands
It is not theory but fact -that Hood's
Sarsaparilla makes the weak strong. A
fair trial will convince you of this merit.
The most obvious lesson in Christ's
teachings is that there is no happiness
in having and getting anything, but
only in giving ; and half the world is
on the wrong scent in the pursuit of
happiness. They think it consists in
having and getting, and beingserved
by others • but it consists in giving and
serving others. He that would be
great among you, said Christ, let him
serve ; he that would be happy, lethim
remember that there is but one way -
it is more blessed, it is more happy, to
give than to recei ve.
Is often the forerunner of serious illness,
which may be broken up if a good tonic
like Hood's Sarsaparilla is taken in season.
This ,medicine invigorates the kidneys and
liver to remove the waste from the system,
purifies the blood and builds up the
Constipation is caused by loss of the
peristaltic action of the bowls. Hood's
Pills restore this action and invigorate the
Miss Williams, the servant whose
name was mixed up in the recent Rus-
sell diVorce case, has brought a suit for
t 10,000 against Earl Russellfor slander.
"Gentle Spring" loses many of its ter-
rors when the system is fortified by the
use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. With multi-
tudes, this wonderful tonic -alterative has
long superseded all other spring medicines,
being everywhere recommended by physi-
It is officially stated in St. Peters-
burg that the provinces affected by the
failure of the crops are DOW provided
with sufficient food to keep the inhab-
itants until May.
Many have read the announcement
which has been made that "Creede,Col,
has electric lights," but few are aware
ofithe phenomenal time occupied in the
construction of the plant. The idea of
equipping the plant was conceived at
noon, February 1. Before the day was
over the Creede Electric Light and
Power Company was organized and in-
corpoi ated, supplies were ordered and
placed aboard a special train of cars at
Denver and everything necessary for
the complete equipment of it model
electric light plant, for arc and incan-
descent lighting by midnight of the
same day were on their way to the
modern mining camp. Creede was in
Bight -Tuesday 2, and by daybreak the
following morning a gang of laborers
was put to work breaking ground and
getting the foundations of the power
house ready. The work progressed
night and day and the electric current
was turned on at, 11.15 p. in., Saturday,
Friday 6. The.actual time occupied in
completing the plant, erecting the
building and placing the machinery in
position was from February 3, 7 a. m.,
to February 6,11., 15 p. m. less than a
week after the machinery was purchased
in Denver, over 300 miles away, and
this young town was given the latest
luxury of civilization.
"I think 'twas just but yesterday,
A friend of mine across the way -
A Mrs. Solomon Caleb Long,
Sent me an invitation strong
To visit her that very night,
As she would me by candledight.
This news to me was strange and sad;
I hoped that things were not so bad,
As she had made them out to be
In the strange note she sent to me.
The night came on -I hurried out
To visit with a face devout
My friend, who was to ow that night,
Under a candle's fliclering light.
I gently rapped; my beating heart
Did almost from its place depart;
When suddenly, with smiles of hope,
Dear Mrs Long the door did ope:
I stood and gazed with wond'ring eyes,
She said, 'come in and see my dyes.'
Of course, I quickly saw the joke,
And not a word 'bout dying spoke;
But saw that by mistake, an
She'd used, instead of letter 'Y.'
I grasped her hand with much delight -
She' took me to her kitchen bright,
And with great confidence declared
That all her dyes were now prepared.
The fan began: a Cashmere dress
That had its day of usefulness,
But now was faded, dingy, streak'd,
A vengeance terrible and strong
On this worn dress of Mrs. Long;
Now, one good bath in Diamond Black
A new life to this dress brought back.
To Raven Black a Grey was brought -
A metamorphose deftly wrought:
By Diamond Black for Silk prepared,
Her old Drab Silk a new life shared.
She finished up with cotton hose,
Which once were colored blue and rose;
And in the twinkle of an eye,
She had them deep immersed in dye:
She called this dye Fast Stocking Blitok,
And said, the ladies were not slack
But quickly found, if they were wise,
'Twas safe to use the Diamond Dyes.
With happy thoughts I then was fill'd,
My heart with feelings grand was thrill'd
A 'sweet, 'good night,' then home I hied,
Well pleased that Mrs Long had DYED."
MD be a hero when his liver
is out of order.
It is not always the Wan who looks
like a fool who is one.
It is hard to find fault with people
who just think as we do.
It is gentle manners which prove eo
irristible in women.
The devil never has much trouble
with the man who is in love with him-
",Like ma,io„
producedTHE eeot ebyttyloiti
and Ogre Throat are, in most case, iln-
medIately relieved
by the use a this
wonderful rkpedy.
It atrengthena the
vocal organs,.allays
Irritation, and pre-
vents the inroads of
Consumption; in
every stage of that
dread dis-ease,
Ayer's Cherry -Pec-
toral relieves cough-
ing and induce!)
refreshing rest
"1 have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
In my family for thirty years and have
always found it the best remedy for
croup, to which complaint my ohildren
nsuVoot."—Oapt. U. Carley,
"From an experience of over thirty
years in the sale of proprietary medi-
cines, I feel justified in recommending
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. One of the
best recommendations of the Pectoral is
the (inclining quality of its popularity, it
being more salable . now than it was
twenty-five years ago when its great
enema was considered marvelo.uts."-
R. S. Drake, M. D., Beliot, Kans.
"My little dater, four years of age,
W88 so from bronchitis that we had
almost given up hope of her recovery.
Our family physician, a skilful man and
of large experience, pronounced it use-
less to give her anY *Pre medicine;
shying that be Iiild done all' it 'was Pos-
sible to do, and we must prepare for the
worst. As a last resort, we determined
to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and I can
truly say, with the most happy results.
After taking a few doses she seemed to
breathe easier, and, within a week, was
outkifslanger. We continned giving the
Pectoral until satisfied she was entirely
well. This hat given me Unbounded faith
in,the preparation, and I recommend it
confidently to my customers." -C. 0.
Lepper, Druggist, Fort Wayne, Ind.
For Colds and Coughs, take
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
1Price 11 : bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle.,
Frozen gas is now used for fuel.
Chicago has a bicycle electric rail-
way. Cars are run on one rail.
A Boston dry goods house has a regu-
lar physician for its employes.
A German statistician daces the
world's population at 1,480,111,000.
Chicago has several societies com-
posed exclusively of colored men who
have married white wives.
The penal institutions of all kinds in
this country are supported at an an-
nual expense of $15,000,000.
The bark of the mangrove tree is
used, in tanning leather. Experi-
rnents in theU niversi ty of Pennslyvania
show that it may be grown in the
United States.
Brazil has 2,000,000 acres of coffee.
The people of the United States use
$450,900,000 worth of shoes each year.
A Belgian paper is publishing arti-
cles on the decay of the English navy,
In California peach trees are success.:
full7 grafted -with Tose budS, thus fib-
ducing groves of red, white and pink
In England they use thirteen pounds
of butter a head each year,in Germany
8, in Holland 6. in France 4, in Italy 1,
in the United States about 20.
In 1891 58 postmasters, 23 assistant
postmasters, 45 clerks in post offices,
and 66 mail carriers were arrested on
charges of dishonesty, out of over 75,-
000,000 employed.
The ostrich surpasses the goat as an
epicure. When in confinement it
swallows with avidity anddigests with
ease, stones, pieces of wood -and iron,
knives and other like delicacies.
‘. t • • 'V
Airs. AI. E. ?derrick,
Of Toronto, OntariO, Cured of
Catarrh and Neuralgia
Good authority has said that "neuralgia is
the rry of the nerves for pure blood." The
prompt action of Hood's Sarsaparilla on the
blood, combined with Its toning and strength-
ening effect upon the nerves. Make this a
grand medicine for neuralgia, and also for
catant, etc. We commend this letter to all
having such troubles, and especially to
Suffering Women
" For a good many years I have been suffer-
ing from catarrh, neuralgia and
Ceneral Debility
I failed to obtain permanent relief from
medical advice, and my friends feared
I would never find anything to eure me. A
short time ago I was induced to -try Hood's
Sarsaparilla. At that time I was unable to
walk even a short distance without feeling a
Death -like Weakness
overtake me. And I had intense pains from
neuralgia in my head, back and limbs,
which were very exhausting. l3ut 1 am glad
to say that soon after I began taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla I saw that it Was doing me
good. When I took 8 bottles I was entirely
Cured of NeUraigia
I gained in Strength rapidly, and can
take a two-mile Walk without feeling tired.
I do net Suffer nearly so much from ca-
tarrh, and find that as my strength increases
the catarrh decreases. I gm indeed a
changed woman, and am very grateful to
Hood's Sarsaparilla
for what it has done for me.. His my wish
that this'my testhnonial Shall be pliblished
in order that -others suffering as I Was may
learn how to be benefited." MR8. M. E.
Maatnrcx, 57 Elm Street, Tenant°, Ont,
1-1000'S PILLH cure all Liver Ills, Mous.
ness, Jaundide, Dullgeitkin, Sick Tleiliclache.
A Audette, proprietor House of Commons barber
ehop. Ottawa, says:—A number of my customers are
using Atiti-Dandruff, and it gives the best a satisfac-
tion and 1 consider it a a uocess for the purposes ad
The "rights of women," what are
they ?
The right to labor and to pray;
The right tc watch while others sleep;
The right o'er others' woes to weep;
The right to succor in reverse;
The right to weep while others curse:
The right to love whom othersscorn ;
The right to comfort all that mourn;
The right to shed i joy on earth;
The rightto feel thesoul's high worth;
The right to lead the soul to God
Along the path the saints have trod -
The path of meekness and of love,
The path of patience under wrong,
The path in which the weak grow
sti ong.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I
The Clinton New Era is -
the paper you want. Only
$1 a year in advance. No -
better $ paper published
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I -
House to Let.
The elegant brick Cottage Residence, on On-
tario Street, west of the manse, lately occupied
by Mr Wm. McGee. All conveniences. Large
garden. Clinton, Jan 19, 1892, II. HALE. 1 mY
• House to Let.
The subscriber offers to rent the cottage on
Huron fit., at present occupied by Mr G. Leith -
wane, containing 6 rooms, hard and soft water
and WI modern conveniences, Barn and fruit
trees on the premises. ,MISS J, ROBINSON.
If you want to buy a first-class
Brick Store or a nice Dwelling
--House-on-easy-teruts,upply to -
W. C. SEARLE, Clinton
House fo''.! Sale or to Rent
House on corner of Rattenbury and Erie fits.,
containing 7 rooms and good cellar, barn, hard
and soft water. good bearing orchard and all con-
veniences. Terms easy. Apply to JAS. SHEP-
PARD, Clinton, or T SOS. TiPLING, 344 Butter•
nut Street, Detr 7. it.
Property for Sale,
Tne frame house on Maple Street, Clinton, re-
cently occupied by and belonging to the estate of
She late Hugh Bigharn, is offered for sale. It
consists of 1 story dwelling, suitable for ordi-
nary family. Quarter acre lot, Hard and soft
water, frame stable. Will be sold cheap. Apray
to H. HALE, Clinton, or ALEX. JAMIESON, Sea -
For Sale or to Rent.
TIMee premises known as the Commercial Ho-
tel, in the Town of Clinton, together with the
stabling and appurtenances. Also those premi-
ses in the Village of Exeter, known as the Queens
Hotel and the Brick Store adj.iining the hotel,and
used as a general store an c post office. These
desirable properties will be sold on easy terms -
For particulars apply to the proprietor. JOHN.
ROISSIER, Lot 6, Maitland Con Colborne, Ben -
miller P.O. '"em 2-5
Valuable Farm for Sale.
The North half of lot 30, end concession Has
Wawanosh. Apply to CAMERON, HOLT &
CAMERON, Goderich
Farm for Sale or to Rent.
A first-ole,se grazing farm, heir g lot 22, con 11,
Goderich township, containing 80 acres, about
40 acres cleared. A never failing creek running
through the back of the farm ; frame house with
stone cellar, frame barn and stables near new,
rand a good well near the house. Situated of a
mile from Holmesville,and ds miles from Clinton.
Also a Waggon Shop and Dwelling in the village
of Holmesville, a good business stand. For par-
ticulars apply to E. C. POTTER. Holineevilie.
Farm for Sale.
Farm for sale.—Lot 12, in the Oth concession of
the Township of Stanley, County of Huron, the
property of the late Mrs Catherine Mitchell. 100
acres -80 acres cleared and free from stumps,and
in good state of cultivation -20 acres of bush well
wooded with hardwood timber. Tbe farm is
well watered, and there is a good fruit bearing
orchard- Frame Dwelling house and barns.
Terms of payrneut can be made to suit the
convenience of the purchaser, a fair proportion
after purchase money may remain on mort-
gage at a low rate of interest—For ferther
terms and particulars apply to the undersigned.
Clinton, 1B Jan. 1892 Barristers etc. Clinton.
Buggy for Sale.
Good second-hand buggy for sale, cheap. Ap-
ply to DR. WOR,THINGTON, Clinton.
Shingles for Sale
I carry on hand a stock of first-class Cedar
Shinglem two qualitien, which I will sell at a very
low rate. Orders large or small filled on the
shortest notice. Please give me a call.
W. RILEY, Londesboto, 3m •
Next to Commercial Hotel.
This establishment is in hill operation and all
orders filled in the most satisfactory way, Ceme-
tery and !granite work a specialty. !Prices as
reasonable as those of any establishment
SEALE, HOOVER & SEALE, Clinton. lin
Shingles and Lath for Sale.
Subscriber has purchased a large quantity of
No. 1. shingles. These shingles will be made to
order ottt of the very best quality of north shore
cedar. All who want a ftrst-olase, saingle will
find it to their advantage to ask for prices before
beying eleewhere. Orden] large or small deliver-
ed at any statioti along the line.
• W H. NvErrmr, Londeshorcr.
April 1, 1892.
lifilwattee is tbe 110.1330 of a DIseis Teak
blend of Indian and Ceylon, put up M Eng%
land, The English people are neted for
having the finest Tea, We guarantee full
weight in every paokage. Dratt8 very
smooth and of rich flavor. Xon pan only
prooure it from us as we control tbe pie' Of
it in Clinton, and our trade for Om Tea
has increased very fast, fat be3,0114 What
we anticipated. We have just got a fverib
supply. Try a paokage.
Fresh GROCERIES all in$toelg
Have Wanted and Must Have
A full stook of D. M. Ferry's and Steel Bros Field and Garden SEEDS and CORN.
Full stook Field and Garden TOOLS. A few pieoes of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE.
and all goods in oonneotion with the Harness business. I WANT a continuation 'of
my present customers patronage and a few more if I can get them by honest dealing4..
to close up at 8 o'clock p. m.; to give every customer as much for $1 as they tan get any
place else; to take any kind of farm produce in exchange for goods from a pound of iron
to a load of grain. Hides and Furs for which I will pay cash. I MUST HANE' all
my 184 aecounte settled by the let of May, at the latest. The balance of my Crookeiy
and Glf.n fire will be sold or given away as soon as possible to make room for °that.
good% Three more Robes to be sold this spring. I will give Crookerylor Glassware to
the value of 5 per cent on all accounts paid during March.
Adams' EmpOrium
We this week announce to the purchasing public that we have received a fine supply ok
SHOES -Gentlemen's Shoes, Ladies' Shoes, Youths' Shoes, Misses Shoes, and
Children's Shoes, in various styles and prices.
HATS -A large stock of Hats and Caps -Felts, Straws, &c.
Are going off rapidly as they are nice and cheap.
MILLINERY -We never had such a fine display of Millinery. This will be pleSsing
to the ladies especially.
We have on order some beautiful WOOL ,CAPES to arrive shortly. Dont miss them
Our TWEEDS are excellent value and selling so well our tailor Lhas to get a hustle
on. You would do well to compare prioes.
SHIRTINGS and COTTONADES moving lively -prices low, quality good.
noatndinGeanrtdioenn Seveeerdysthininsgtoaaks
•the store is filled in all departments. Wo
are oonstantly having visits from new customers who are well pleased with our goods
and prices. A tried respectfully solicited -it will pay you. We want to make room fer
more goods yet to come in. Produce taken in exchange at highest prices.
W the great value of our goods less you can see them. We have
tut -
a line of MEN'S SUITS at
$7.50, $10 and $12. Also MEN'S OVERCOATS at $8.50, $9
and $10. YOUTH'S SUITS from $3 up that can't be daplicated
in value within $3 to 1f5 of these prices, and no where else can you
get the faultless fit which characterize our clothing. Examine and
judge for yourself. Remember that we keep in stock a well selected
variety of the most fashionable in tile Furnishing and Hat
and Cap Department, Our Sealette Goods are hand.
someand away down in price.
Searles Block, next to J. W
Irwin's, Clinton.
lintehering - Business A First-class Step or Long Ladder ?
To the Public.
Subscriber having bought out the business so
successfully conducted by Mr Couch, °licit
a continuance of the liberal patronage bestowe
on his predecessor. No pains or expense will be
spared to procure the very best meats, and orders
will be promptly and carefully filled. The busi-
ness will still be conducted at the same stand as
heretofore. Highest price paid for Hides, Sheep-
skins, &e,
/MUTH rinANs are a new dis-
covery that cure the worst eases of
Nervous Debility, Lost Vigor and
Failing Manhood ; restores the
weakness of body or mind caused
by over -work, or the errors or ex.
005800 of youth. This Remedy ab-
solutely cures the most obstinate cases when all other
assersiners have failed even to relieve. Sold by drug-
gists at $1 per package, or six for $5, or sent by man on
receipt of price by addressing THE JAMES MEDICINE
00.• Toronto, OM. Write for pamphlet. Sold in -.-
Clinton by J. H. Combe.ig
To Advertise
AT Any time
No. I 0 Spruce Street,
A Handy Wheelbarrow?
A Splendid Churn, or anything of like
nature? Then call oriM. SMITHSON, at
shop, No.7 Frederick St„ or E. Dinsley
Will be atiDinsley's corner every Saturday
When I say 1 cure I do not mean merely to stop Ulna
for a time and then have them return again. I mean a,
radical cure. I have roade the disease of FITS, EPILEP-
SY or FALLING SICKNESS a life.long study. 1 warceat
my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because ethers 8*18
tailed is no reason tor not now receiving a cure.
once for a treatise and a Free Bottle et my
remedy. Give EXPRESS and POST.OFFICE.
H. G. Rgssr, M. C.,1843 ADELAIDE ST.
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The bestEmbalming Fluidused
Splendid Hearse.
Residence over store.
Repairing of all, kinds promptly itittond to rot
wish% rates. A. trial Nblicited.