HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-03-25, Page 6li,"n",:rr",•71•• ' '
R•ii,drotwing,,It re
• 0 prOortea
* growth; prOfiatst!v
tbo tOri•01$9,44. or •
oolooti MOM the
• hair 0ott
4.,roPaxtO • 0119
- PAW but lasting per.
"Several Menthe
ap,p7 hair ceila
Mence oUt,
'and in a few weeks
my'llead was almost
bald. I tried many
04 did Ile red. I final -
Of Ayer s Hair Vigor,
WO ft Part of the con -
ea was covered with a
I recommend
• tian aa the hest In the
gandaY, 'Sharon Grove, Ky.
ed Ayer's Ilair Vigor for a
oars, and Alias always Oven
It is an excellent ciresa-
ta the., hair from turning
Tigerens,growth, and
Scalpwhito. and clean."-.
#00011f'Salara, Mass.
used Ayer's Hair ;Vigor for
AO PO:Nth ot the hair, and
finalea. For restoring the
opiqp0 eaa,0010r, and for adress-
Butpassod,"-a-Mrs. Geo.
On Rapids, 12loh.
Vigor is a mast excel-
' 7 IMP experieuce. Its use
•• raft,for, the'hair. I speak
• $ growth of new hair and
tg19$8.,VIAtt soft. The Vigor is
Oettancintff."-,-.7. W. Bowen,
, McArthur, Ohio.
4300 Ayer's Hair Vigor for
os years, and found it all it is
eti..,40 he. It restores the natu-
to:gray hair, causes the hair
freely', and keeps it soft and
• PA M. • V, RV, Cohoes, N. Y.
• rffse*. '/330tit the age of fifty,
ArPna the top of his head.
Taitnitlf Cl';75.31 of .Ayer's Hair
•!hall, began coming, and, in
th•Sthe luta a fine grovzth of
41101*ural color." -P. J. Cullen,
air Vigor,
pa3Y89nD BY
Ayer; & Co., Lowel!, Mass.
Wrpregaists end Parfnmers.
1iiesays: To lose South Perth
'OFIdOil through a scandalous
'East Simcoe by 16, West
.!.1,13, East Bruce by 14 and
$by$1, is the extremity of hard
or, the Liberal party. Giving
• an his legitimate majority in
ui the Conservatives bold these
a* lay less than 90 votes. In not
t,te*p3 could a Conservative be
*don's, general election.
136 Lexington .. New York City, Sept. Ave.19, 1.
used the Flax -Seed Emulsion in several
Ironic Bronchitis, end the early stages of
an&havebeen well 'pleased with the results.
rooltlyni N. Y., Feb. 14ths1 9.
'30our Einulmon in a case of Phthisis -
tin) ,with beneficial results, where patier.;.
itse" Cod Liver OiI H.
E, M.
, Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 2,0th, 1 ea:.
y recommend Flax Seed Emulsion as
he olief and possibly the cure of all Lung.
end Nervous .Affections, and a good gea
ft:physical debility.
EfooklynN. Y., Oct. 10th, 1888.
'te•SeedEmuision as greatly superior to
• all Emulsions so generally in use.
• D. A. GORTON, M. D.
187 West 84th St.,
New York, Aug, 13, 1
klieted your Aix -Seed Emulsion Compound
yereleaseorMal-nutrition and the result was
hoped for -it was marvelous, and con-
4,;Tiveoturnend it cheerfully to the profession
:inanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D.
d.byDruggists, $1.00.
IS Liberty St., New York.
L;iiitle by J. H. COMBE, Clinton.
Laocoon itt
the coils of
the fatal ser-
pents was not
more helpless
than is the
man who pines
under the ef-
fects of die -
ease, excesses,
- overwork,
etc. Rouse yourself. Take
girt of hope again and BE A 1,1A 1•T 1
'haVe Mired thousands, who
r us to refer to them. 'SE CAN
TOU by use of our exclusive
Ithods and appliances. Simple,
failing treatment at home for
st or railing Manhood, General or
rvons Debility, Weaknesses of
Ay and Mind, Effects of Errors or
COWS in Old or Young. Robust,
Mi 10100D fully Restored.
krovonant seen the first day.
tr` to enlarge and strengthen,
El's OP BODY. Men testify from
ritato and Foreign Countries.
it them1. Book, explanation
proofs Mailed (sealed) free.
RE 'MED! Oa, .
Frequent applications of witch hazel
are recommended,for
POIVdered tannto wU should be car-
ried iriNt,szxittU poeitet box. -Used as a
KAM% Will check, nose bleed.
soda) not Only will relieve a- burn, bu
A dust of bicarbonate Of sotla(baki
it if1 Said will eoothe a toothache. Oi
chwes will surely do this.
Bend the head for ward so that the
chin mete deeply on either collar bone;
close the eyes ; let thehead. "nod" from
`side to side in the attitude into which a
person falls naturally when dozing in a
ch,a1r. This position cuts off the stip-
ply of blood to the brain,
. One of the simplest and most effec-
tive cures for that often serious afflic-
tion to a traveller, a cinder in the eye,
is that of a common flaxseed. One or
two of these may be placed in the eye
without injury. They shortly begin to
swell and exude a glutinous( substance
that covers the ball of the eye, en-
veloping any foreign substance that
may be in it ; then seed and irritant
"pay be washed out.
For a rush of blood to the head try
to get some of it down to the feet.
Even in sitting you can use the same
device as that which prevents cold feet
in a church or horse car ; rest the
leg on the toe of each foot. Make as
though you were about to walk on tip-
toe. This diverts the blood from an
apoplectic head: and is found to relieve
giddiness or swimming of the headin
few minutes. Perhaps the resolui,ion
to send the blood to the toes has some-
thing to do with it, as well as the atti-
Twinkle, shine, ye lovely dyes,
• Bright as stars in midnight skies.
Ye are all of gorgeous hue,
Bright and fast, so clear and true.
Ye are Diamonds rare and clear -
Jewels made the heart to cheer;
Home without your light is sad,
Ye can make the longing glad.
Diamonds pure -your glorious rays
Bring to us such happy days;
Days so full of sweet content,
Home seems rich and affluent.
Glitt'ring, brilliant, fadeless, strong,
To our:people ye belong;
Ye go in at ev'ry door.
Friends alike of rich and poor.
Onward ! Forward ! Never cease
In your work of wealth and peace,;
•Show to eager, watching eyes, , -1
Your great pow'r as Diamond Dyes.
Minards Linament is physicians
The ev, of this life arise for the
from the abuse of that which
is good.
/No real prayer can ever come out of
the heart of the man or woman who
has a heart with a welcome sin hiding
in it.
Life is a unit made up of all the num-
berless acts, the obedience and trans-
gressions which seem so small.
That which is called "considering
what is our duty" in a paticular case, is
very often nothing but endeavoring to
explain it away.
Proclaim what you think in words as
hard as.cannon balls to -day, and say
what you think in words just as hard
to -morrow, though one contradict the
other ; this is growth.
Whatever tends to make us ill con-
tented with ourselves, and more earnest
aspirants after perfect truth and good-
ness, is gold, though it conies to us all
molten andlburning, and we know not
our treasures -till we have bad -long
Is guaranteed to every one who takes Hood's
Sarsaparilla fairly and according to direc-
tions. This is the only preparation of
which "100 Doses One Dollar" can truly be
affHave you seen Hood's Rainy Day and
Balloon Puzzle? For particulars send to
C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, jaundice, bil-
iousness, sick headache, constipation'.
The latest statistics all telll us tbat out
of London's 4,000,000 or 5,000,000 of people,
more than 3,000,000 earn less than three
shillings a day per family. Between 40,000
and 45,000 children in the Board Schools
alone go to school hungry eveiy morning,
and rarely know at any time whatit is to
have sufficient food
They tell us also that one week's income
of the owners of Loudon's ground, the val-
ue of which increases at the rate of $4,000,.
000 annually, would provide a dinner every
day in the year for each of the 40,000 ill -
fed children, and that London's 1,000,000
poor could be decentlyahoused on the un-
earned increment of a year.
Facts like these, pictures like this one
before us, naturally make us question
whether the time is not ripe for the favored
and happy to stop and "consider" the prob-
lem of the poor. • 2B1107
The same pitiless statistican, who goes
on building a pyramid of proof by piling
convincing fact on fact, states that London'
has over 30,000 people who have no home
and no shelter but that afforded by the
fourpenny Dose House and the Casual
Ward.- Harper's Bazar.
They do nOt call it murder when men
meet to slaughter each other in battle,
They simply report so many dead,
wounded and missing. ,,When you fire
into the smoke concealing the other
battle line, you fire in the hope to kill
or wound. It is your duty. Battles
cannot be won without killing. You
load and fire -load and fire -move to
the right or left -advance or retreat,
and when the battle is over you may
have fired fifty rounds and yet you
have not had a near sight of the enp-
my ; you have simply fired at him, and
you cannot vouch that a single one of
your bullets has found a living target.
Here is a brigade of us in battle line
across an old meadow ; our right and
left join other brigades. We have
thrown down the rail fence, gathered
logs and brush and sod, and erected a
breastwork. It is only a slight one,but
enough to shelter us while lying down.
A division of the enemy breaks cover
half a mile away and comes marching
down upon as. The fleld pieces behind
us open on their solid columns, but
they are not checked. Under the
smoke we can see thework of the shells,
but they cannot halt that mass otruen.
The grape and canister does awful ex-
ecution, but there should be a dozen
guns instead of six.
' They are going to charge us. The
guns cannot prevent that. Orders run
along the line, and we are waitinguntil
every bullet, no matter if fired by a
soldier with his eyes shut, must hit a
foe. I select my man while he is yet
beyond range. I have eyes for no
other. He is a tall:, soldierly fellow,
wearing the stripes of a sergeant. As
he comes nearer I imagine that he is
looking as fixedly at me as I am at him.
I admire his coolness. He,looks neith-
er to the right nor to the left. The
man on his right is hit and goes down,
but he does not falter. ,
I am going to kill that man 1 I have
a zest for my gun:on the breastwork,
and when the Geller comes to fire I can-
not miss him. He is living his last
minute on earth 1 We are calmly
waiting until our volley shall prove a
veritable liame of death. Now they
close up the gaps and we can hear the
shouts of their officers make ready to
charge. My man is still opposite me.
'He still seems to be looking at me and
no one else. I know the word is corn-
ing in a few seconds more and I aim
at, his chest. I could almost be sure
of hitting him with a stone when we
get the word to fire. There is a billow
of flame -a fierce crash, and 4,000 bul-
lets are fired into that compact mass of
advancing men.
The smoke drifts slowly away -men
cheer and yell -we can see meadows he-
yond'heaped with deadand dying men.
We advance our line. As we go for-
ward I look for my victim. He is ly-
ing on his back, eyes half shut and
fingers clutching at the grass. He
gasps, and draws up his legs and
straightens them out, again, and is
dead as I pass on. I have killed my
man I My bullet alone struck him,
tearing that ghastly wound in his
breast.and I am entitled to all the hon
or. Do I swing my cap and cheer ? Do
I point him out and expect to be con-
gratulated? No! I have no cheers.
I feel no elation. I feel that I murder-
ed him, war or no war, and that his
agonized face will haunt me through
all the years of my life.
It is now pretty well understood to be a
dangerous practice to attempt to palm off
worthless imitations of the "Myrtle Navy"
tobrtaco for the genuine article. In former
years that practice was the cause of much
annoyance, and Messrs Tuckett & on were
compelled to resort to the law courts to put
a stop to it. Though they have not met
with any Cases of this kind lately, it is al-
ways a safe precaution for the purchaser to
see that the trade mark T. & B. in bronze
letters is stamped upon each plug ; no plug
ever leaves the factory without it, and to
appropriate the mark is a punishable of-
Elijah D. Howard, Of Lynn, died on
Saturday in an attio which he had ocoupied
for more than twenty years. He was a
fnachinist and was supposed to be worth
about $3,000. When the room was search-
ed money and securities aggregating more
than $60,000 in value were found, besides
Boston s,nd Maine railroad stock amount:
ingito several thousand more.
3.11 For the cure et colds, coughs, and all de-
rangements of the respiratory organs, no
other medicine is so reliable as Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. It relievetife aathmatio
and coneumptive, eVen in advanced stages
of dhoti and has saved innnmetablelives.
hal ten Cry tot
1 ....i...
The estate of the late RevDrStafford,
who died in Hamilton, is valued at
Itch, Mange aria Sors04-aa-of every
on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes
by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This
never fails. Sold by J.H. Combe,druggist.
Patrick Cloney, a 15 -year-old Strat-
ford boy, fell into a cellar and received
injuries which will probably prove
Probably in March more than any other
month in the year are the ravages of cold in
the head and catarrh most severely felt.
Do not neglect either for an instant, but
apply Nasal Bairn, a time -tried, never -
failing cure. Easy to use, pleasant and
agreeable. Try it. Sold by all dealers or
sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price
-50c and $1 a bottle. Fulford & Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Minard's Liniment iumberman's friend
Mrs J. W. Hummer, of High Bridge,
New York, attended an oyster supper for
the benefit of the Methodist' Episcopal
Church. While eating the bivalves from
the hard shell her teeth suddenly struck a
hard substance. Thinking she had bitten
a piece of oyster shell, Mrs Hummer re-
moved the substance from her mouth.
It proved to be an extraordinary large pearl.
A Philadelphia jeweler, who chanced to be
present, pronounces it to be of perfect for-
mation and exquisite color, and said it was
worth at least $2,500.
Sheep Raising In Dakota
Is a financial success, as is evidenced bythe
statements made by prominent Dakotians
in a pamphlet just issued by the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St Paul Railway, copy of
which will be sent free upon applimtion
to J. II. Hiland,• Gen] Freight Agent,
Chicago, Ill., or to A. J. Taylor, Canadian
Pass. Agent, 4 Palmer House Block, To-
ronto, Ont.
I I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
— The Clinton New Era is
— the paper yon want. Only
— - $1 a year in advance. No
11)er $ paper publi i ed
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
DR. T. A.
Oxygenized Emulsion of Pure
Diftio.taty of BroatUitog
Tightneem of the Cheat
Wasting away of Flesh
Throat Troubles
Bronchitis, 'Weak Zeunge
Asthma, Coughs',
Catarrh, Colds
Hugh McDonald, who carried on busi-
ness in Kingston during the war of 1812,
died in Fitzroy township on Saturday,
aged 103 years.
A 15 -year-old colored girl employed as
a servant by W. R. Holmer at Ryanville,
La., was lynched Sunday for attempting to
poison Holmer's family.
The C. P. R. Company has sold $100,000
worth of land during the past couple of
months. The sales average 1,000 notes a
day. At present the principal demand
is in Southern Manitoba.
C. M. Chappell, a colored waiter, has
brought suit against Cr% Deibel, a well-
known caterer of New Haven, to recover
$10,000,000. Chappell made a contract
with Deibel on Feb. 15 to work for him at
his restaurant for "the sum of 1 cent per
day, doubling daily each amount for the
time" be was employed. Chappell now
claims millions, and says be shall press the
suit to the end.
A Business Education.
will secure the catalogue of the
Bit esC�lle.
, 1,0 1NT 3:Doiv o 1\1 -
Over 100 students in e.ttendance.
J. W. Westervelt, Principal.
Christmas Goods
New iralencia Raisins off stalk, New Sultan .Raisins -extra value,
New Black Basket Raisins, New Currants, New Greioble Walnuts
New S. S. AlMonds, New Filberts, New Candied Peols-Citron,
Lemon and Orange, New xtrasts-lissesees of all kinds.
EAS" TEA .Splendid values in choice Green, Black or Japans. Try our
Special Blend of pure India and Ceylon Teas pat up in one
pound packages. Best value in r ackage Teas in the market -Try it.
We have just received a large invoice of fine Bohemia Cut Glass Bottles
_ _filletILfinest_PEREUME. fall 4tnd-see-t-he flue dispral.
Prices within the reach of all.
--1Glasgow House, Brucefield
Enjoy It.
of pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypo-
ehosphitea of Lime and Soda is
8ImOst 89 palatable as milk.
It is Indeed, and the little lads and
lassies who take cold easily, may be
fortified against a cough that might
prove Bootie, by tatting Scott's
Mailmen after their meats during
the w' Ater season.
Beware of substitutions and imitation's.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Bellevine.
Tested Remedies.
Fail spire, Weak and Impoverished
Old, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpa-
ation of the Heart, Liver Complaint,
Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis,
Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid-
ney and Urinary Diseaaes, St. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General Debility.
Priv. and Manufacturer.
Sold by J. H. Combe, Clinton
The new model of the Rockford Wateh, when
placed in a screw bezel case. will fill a ion felt
want among farmers, as it is not due proof
only, but very strong. The plate which the
wheels work between, not being separated by
pillars as in the ordinary
But by the bottom plate being turned out of a
solid piece of metal, with the edger lett of the
top piste to rest on; it also being pendant or lever
set with ennkbalance to prevent breaking, mak-
ing in all good rong watch
For a Farmer
"WM. SCOTT' & 00
Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS,
Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of Grain, Dressed Hoge. Hides, Wool and Cord-
wood. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Agents for G. N. W. Telegraph Co., with tele
graph conneotion to all parts of the world.
We beg to thank our numerous customers for their long and liberal patronage for tke
past 30 years, and hope by strict attention to business, and rock bottom prices, to stil
aontinue in line with our old and many new customers.
'We have this week received a large stock of New Goods for
the spring trade. A fine line of TWEEDS for Suits and
Pants. These are special value and now is the time to order
your clothing and have it made ready for spring. Our prices
are low compared to others.
SHIRTING—A large varieiy and cheaper than ever.
FLANNELETTES—Several kinds and prices—Very best
12 cents. Early tb talk about PRINTS but we have them.
BeautieE for 10 cents. •
Head and bottom both knocked out.
Can't last long -100 lbs Granulated for. $5 cash. Secure a
bargain when you can. Crop short this year.
All Goods at Rock Bottom Prices.
the great value of our goods un-
less you can see them. We have
a line of MEN'S SUITS at
57.504 610 and $12. Also MEN'S OVERCOATS at 58.50, 59
and $10. YOUTH'S SUITS from 58 up that can't be duplicated
in value within $3 to 56 of these prices, and no where else can you
get the faultless fit which characterize our clothing. Examine and
judge for yourself. Remember that we keep in stock a well selected
• variety of the most fashionable in the Furnishing and Hat
• and Cap Department. Our Sealette Goods are
some and away down in price.
• Searles Block, next to J. W
Irwin's, Clinton.