HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-03-18, Page 54 CLIDITON 1)1 W MIreli 18 1892; 't k It 1.s with pleasure that we announce to the people, of Clinton and vicinity that J. C. Gilroy and John Wiseman have entered into copartnership to carry on the gen- eral Dry Goods business in Clinton. We wish also to intimate that we have leased the premises lately occupied by Mara ,& Co., and for the past week hair() been visit- ing the different wholesale cities with a view to laying in one of the most complete stocks of likTMW ILNI) SICIFLISI111:31Etir 01001DS That this town has seen for years. We merely state for the benefit of the general public* that we have bought our whole New and Artistic Stock for SPOT CASH, and saved by doing so a handsome profit which we will divide among our customers. We have spared neither time nor pains We have laid in a stock ot the newest CarpetsillouseFurnishings in order to seek out the best places to procure thins to be had in Mens',Boy's and Childrens .44 the Latest and Choicest things to be had in Dress Materials, Hosiery, G./oyes, Ribbons, Corsets, Laces, Parasols and Embroideries As we are fully aware that no stock is com- plete without being well represented in all these different lines. Then in GREY COTTON, BLEACHED COTTONS, PRINTS, TABLINGS, COTTONADES; DENIMS, SHIRTINGS, TOWELINGS, SA,TEENS, GINGHAMS, SHEETINGS, and FLANNELETTES Our stock is very full of everything that is new IITB and CAPS In all the Newest Shapes and Col oriiigs. Also Ladies and Misses STREET CAPS, Newest Slia,pes and Styles—the prices too will be found as new as the goods themselves. BOYS -CLOTHING' Not having an old garment on hand we have I aid in an entirely new stock of Boys Clothing which we think for Style, Workmanship and Quality will not fail to satisfy the most care- ful buyer. GILROY & 'WISEMAN, • You will see that we have not forgotten to look after your interest in this department either as a full line of TAPESTRY, WOOL and HEMP CARPETS, Floor OIL CLOTHS in 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 and 8-4 LACE CURTAINS, Roller Window Blinds, Window Hollands, Art Muslins, Cretons, and every article _necessary to the adornment of your home, will be found in our stock and at prices that will be found right. In a word we would say to the people that as our whole stock is entirely new, and havin; the advantage of be- ing bought for Cash, and at the same time being most care. fully selected, our position is such as to guarantee the best possible value for the least possible outlay to the customer. We trust to have every one of our old friends and customers find their way to our new store, and each ode to bring along anothor friend as our Motto is Worth,Variety, System, Truth - Clinton LOOK AT THIS -- SILVERWARE And come to our store and see what it means. RUIVIBALL'S Noted Jewellery Store it Bell Telephone Exchange YOU WEAR BOOTS WE HAVE A FINE STOCK pF NEW SPRING GOODS OR The quality is first-class. Prices are sure to meet your views Eggs taken hi exchange. 5 per c. off for cash. W. Taylor & Sons CLINTON AND 14IENSALL FOSTER When FOSTER looks through the camera, all images upon the ground glass are upside down. If nature has favored the subject with warts and freckles on his nose, moles on his chin, and wrinkles in his brow, 1110 are all distinctly visible without the aid ot a microscope. But in finishing the Photogi•aph these blemishes are removed or modified,and t,he result is a beautiful picture with the likeness perfectly preserved. WALL PAPER • 000 Our Wall Paper for the spring trade is in, and comprises the newest designs in American Pa- per hangings. from 5 cents up to the highest priced. BORDERS to match all papers, ex- quisite in design and low in price. CEILING DECORATIONS of all kinds. W. H. Simpson, Clinton Bookseller and Stationer CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, March 17,1892. Wheat, old or new 0 84 a 0 90 Wheat spring 0 84 a 0 90 Oats 0 29 a 0 29 Barley 0 40 a 0 50 Peas 0 60 a 0 60 iFlour per bal 5 00 a 6 00 Butter 0 16 a 0 16 Eggs 0 12 a 0 12 Potatoes 0 20 a 0 25 Pork 5 50 a 5 50 Hay 10 00 all 30 Hides, No. 1 trimmed 4 00 a 4 05 Hides, rough 3 50 a 3 50 Sheep Skins 0 50 a 0 70 Apples, per bag 0 50 a 0 60 Wood short 2 25 a 2 50 Wood long 3 00 a 3 50 Clover 6 00 a 7 00 Timothy 2 50 a 2 75 NOTICE TO DEBTORS. All owing to the firm of 'WALTON MORRISON will please call be- fore isiarah 21st and make arrange - mets fOr tbe settlemeat of accounts,. CARD OF THANKS We take thief means of reaching our many customelfs and thanking thetn for their past, patronage. Tailors; Minton_ LONDON MARKETS. Thnrsday March 17. Wheat 80 858 a Oats 0 301 a Peas 057 a Barley 0 43 a furkeys per lb 0 10A a Geese 007 a Butter per lb. 0 22 a 0 87 O 31 O 66 O 48 0 11 O 08 O 23 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS. There were about 275 head of butchers' cattle,15 calves, and two or three spring lambs offered at the Eaat End Abattoir on Monday: Despite the cold windy weather a good many butchers were on hand and though the prima were considerably higher than on [met Thursday, trade was brisker. A few of the best beevea Wbre sold at from 41 to 4i o per lb., pretty good stook sold at from 4 to 4fc do.; bulls at from 3 to 31c do. rough steers, dry cows, and milkmen's strippere at from 3 to Sc per lb. Pricea were on the whole from $12 to 83 per head higher than last week. Nearly all the good calves and mutton critters were bought up before reaching the market, and Prices seem to be loo,Iting hp, especially fOr sheep,which sell at from 40 to 50 per lb. Fatogs ate rather scared, and Sell at about 6 per lb. e• SALE REGISTER. Farm Stock of John Brickenden, lot 21, Con. 2. Ilnllett, on Tuesday, March 29th. T. M. Carling, Amt. Dr. Keating of Guelph died audddenly of heart disease,on Saturday night. Thousands of sheep have perished in the County of Tyrone, Ireland, owing to heavy snowstorms. The provisions of the franchise clauses of the Indian Act have been extended the Indians of British Columbia. Mahlon A. Swartz, a farmer living near Lambeth, Middlesex County, poured coal oil on his clothing and set it on fire. He died in great agony. Hereafter civil service employes will have to pay postage on private correspondence, and persons sending letters to members of the service at Ottawa must also pay. Frank Churchill, a colored man, ran amuck in the Streets of Toronto on Sunday and fired at everybody he met, but fortun- ately without bitting anyone. He was arrested. Another old resident passed away last week in the person of Mr G. Henry, who has been a resident of Darlington for a great many years. Mr Henry was a man of ster- ling qualities and was universally respected. The happiest man in Limington to -day is George Gammon, a young farmer, who in the last twelve yeas has become the father of ten children. Sunday morning his wife gave birth to her fourth pair of twins, which, with two children that came into the world singly, make up the happy house- hold. The mother is doing well. Durham Bull for Service. Subscriber koeps for service, on lot 21, 9th ',T.D. of Hullett, a thorough bred Durham Bull, of re- gieterod pedigree. Terms, 31 payable next Jann- axy witb privilege of returning if necessary. ,TGFIN HARVEY. pd 1 m Durham Bull for Service. Subscriber will keep for service, on tho farm 3rd Con. of Hallett, near Clinton, the famous thoro-bred Durham Bull, Lord ' Jake. This animal was bred by 3, and 'VV. Eye, of Elora, and was lately the property of Washington Brea., of West Wawanosh. arms, $1.50 with privilege Of returning if neatry. TYlitrAtti liROS. We never before had such a variety of DRESS GOODS rine Henriettas In all the new shades, have ".made their appear- ance. Fine rich qualities invite a careful ex- amination. Rich Black Brocades are meeting a ready sale. A line, of French Fancy Twills in six shades, at 17 cents, is worthy of your attention. DRESS TRIMMING— Silk Cords, Surrah Silks and Fancy Braids. Brocade Velvets. PRINTS are in great variety and are sure to please. LACE CURTAINS—stock large; patterns and prices are exactly as you want them. We handle the practical sort of READY MADE CLOTHING The points considered are strength and dur- ability, with symmetry of cut, good colors and fabrics. Moderate prices. The constant rusk of work in ORDERED CLOTHING Is evidence that our stock of Tweeds and Worsteds is right, and that our cutter thoroughly understands his business. NEW HATS were placed in stock last week. We sell a, good Hat for half a dollar. See it. NEW WALL PAPERS are now in stock and are better patterns and better values than before. W. L. OUIMETTE, 1....,t001N130T1S-1343IPIE1,40 HOUSE PAINTING PAPER HANGING DECOItATING,&c blaS., WILSON' pERSONS wishing to have their Rouse Papered or Diaerftted inside, or Painted outside, will7find to their advantage to engage OtiAS.' WILSON, as he is a thoroughly ex- • perieneed Painter and Decorator.. Special attention given to Decorating attd Paper Ranging. All work done at the lowest prices. Shop on nattenbury Street,