Clinton New Era, 1892-03-18, Page 2Much 18, i89 MS Ile• ArODId the COulityl The Awn of $anderson 04 Miller, gen- I ers1 nierehen4, has been dissolved and • Mr Sanderson is now in fall command, ' It is reported tliftti the Grand. Central block, mime, has changed hands, a gentlenaanifrom Baiollton being the parehaSer, Mr .0, Myers, nf1saB, has,sold his farm f5 acres, being part of "lot 22, s towright of flablett, to Mr Thos. Mil- ler, for 1,800 cash.. There died at the resiclenceof Ws son George, 2nd eon., Usborne, after it brief. H1110440 GeOrge Rook, $rs, at the age of. 78 years, 1 month and 13 days. Minard'sLinareentieueedforhorsessIt (tattle Mr C.H. Reed, of Varna, has sold his imported heavy draught stallion, Lord Shannon, tsssW,R.Woods, of StHelens, for the sum of EI000, The great reason forthe success of Hood's Sarsaparilla is found in he positive merit. It puree where other preparations fail. • - The death of Mr G. Holland, eldest ' son of Mr Thos. Holland, of Seaforth, occurred in Ridgetown on Wednesday, March 2nd, at the age of 33 years and 6 months. On Saturday, a little child of Mr R. Weir's, of the 6th eon. of Turnberry, feel into a tub of hot water and was badly scalded about the head and shoulders. On Monday, Robert W. Armstrong, son of Wm. Armstronsrbformerly a well known hotel keeper, &c., in Bruss- els, died at the home of his sister, in L'Anse, Mich., .of consumption, aged 25 years. The John *Forbes' farrn, containing 150 acres, on con. 8, Grey, and generally conceded a first-class property, has been purchased by James Elliott, of Listowel. The price paid was $7,300. The many friends of Dr MeLeod, of Goderich, and they are not confined to this county, or even the Dominion, will regret to learn of the death of his 'wife, which occured on Tuesday last. from puerperal fev,ei . - Each season has its own peculiar malady; but with the blood maintained in a state of uniform vigor and purity by the nse of Ayer's Sarsaparilla little danger need be feared from rneteorilogical influences. -No other blood medicine is so safe and effective. Stanley Anderson, who a few years ago taught school in McKillop andGrey townships, and who has beenlfor some thne studying dentistry, has success- fully passed his final examination, and • is now a full-fledged L. D.S. He has engaged rooms in Mitchell and will be- gin practice there. H. W. Meyer, Q. C., of Wingham, has entered suit and recovered against Mrs Hattie Conover, for the recovery of a bill for professional services amounting to $532.20. MrMeyer claims that he was engaged to try; H. Garbutt, her son-in-law, who is wanted in Texas on a charge of forgery. , Our popular friend, Mr Jas McMich- ael, of Seaforth, gave a birthday party to a number of friends on Wednesday evening, it being the occasion of his 69th birthday. There was a large num- ber ;present and all spent a pleasant evening. We wish that Mr McMichael will be spared to give many more birth- day parties. On Friday last a very painful and serious accident happened to Mr .Jas. ...._,A,rrnstrop,oof the 14th coscession of Howick. . He was-W-Miligstalfteitlesthe house when he slipped on the 'ice and fell, breaking his thigh. He now lays in a very critical condition. As Mr A. is getting old and feeble his recovery is doubtful. Mr Scott, of Bayfield, has a quilt patched 100 years ago, which came to hiin through the death of an uncle. The quilt had a border of crowns fae similes of all the crowns of the Kings and Queens of England, commencing with Egbert, and finishing with Queen Vic- toria. Under each crown is the day they sascendeded the throne and the date of their death. it :Ilse has the British Coat of Arms, .tc. The quilt is quite a novelty, and is kept as a relic by Mr Scott, who takes great pleasure , in showing it to his friends. ,-.. A horse deal was the cause of litiga- tion in the County court at Toronto last week, between Frank Bassin°, an Ontario county farmer and trader who lives at Bayfield, in Huron county. Porter bought a horse from Bassano who claimed that it was nist as repre- sented to be and so claimed $200 differ- ence between the amount paid by Por- ter for the animal and $200 daina•ges for. fraud and misrepresentation. A verdict for $160 was rendered in favor of plain t•iff, A pleasant incident occurred at the railway station, Seaforth, Thursday evening on the arrival of Mr John Ross Robertson, grand master of the Ma- sonic fraternity. , A large delegation of the school children of the town as- sembled to show their appreciation of Mr Robertson's well-known benevo- lence, as particularly manifested in be- half of poor children, for whose benefit he has contributed largely in the build- ing of hospitals and for other char i table institutions. On the arrival of the train the distinguished visitor was sur- rounded by a group of children, and Miss Aniiie Sniith and Master James Robb stepped forward and assured him that they came to greet him on account of his great kindness to poor children, and requested his acceptance of a hand- some boquet of flowers as an evidence of their regard and esteem for his great, benevolence.' Mr Robertson addressed a few words to the 7chi1dren, and ex- pressed himself highly delighted with the pleasant welcome they had given him, and said he would always remem- ber with pleasere the cordiality of their greeting. On Tuesday morning last, Mr .1. H oss Robertson, (h -and IVIastei• or the Ma- sonic Order in Canada, was being rap- idly driven along the 9th con., from Fordwich to address the Brethern of Wroxeter Lodge. By some accident the whiffletree broke, and the spirited horses becoming fractious, the rig was upset, landing the most popular Mason of Canada in a crust -covered Howick anowbank. Mr Brown, the driver. manfully clung to the team, and after being dragged fare downwards, for nearly 109 yards, managed to stop the horses, then went back and raised the Grand Master from his tomb. Fortu- nately no one was hurt, and by the kindness of a neighboringfarmer,fresh whiffiletrees were prdvided •so that Mr. RolaertsOn stepped into the hall in Wroxeter only TOminutes late. But there carne Very near being a trernend- ons Masonic Funeral. • • NOVir$ /470Tg$ John Blevvett, one of the oldest merchants of Napanee, cited 84440111y Friday evening. Mr Joseph fkonk was suffocated to death in a tire at BellevQle last week. It is calculated that every ten days of London fog casts 2.6,000 people on beds of sickness :and kills 2,500, • From January 1, IWO; to 41ine 80, 1891, 2'637 Qhineso Immigrants entered Canada and paid 8181,000 to the revenue. Rev W. J. Little, until recently pastor of the Hamilton Itoad Methodist Churoh, died at the London Hospital Thursday. Mr Pridlaam, Conservative, Was elected in South Perth for the Commons on Mon- day, defeating Mr James Trow by 16 votes. The 4 -count in the London election increases the majority for Mr C. S. Hyman, M, P., from 16 to 22, exclusive Of the bogus ballots. . Mrs Stephen Reynolds, wife of a leading citizen of Mooretowns,N,J.,waa killed on Friday by falling downstairs. The position left vaoant by the death of Mr M. Mackenzie has bee.s filled, and Mr Robert Baird is now postmaster of Kin- cardine. Eight hundred miners were en- toombed in a Belgian colliery by an explosion. It is believed but few will he saved. Many people have been frozen to death and much damage was done by the blizzard of the past few days in Dakota and Minnesota. A train of 28 cars, containing 12,000 bushels of shelled corn, has been made up by citizens of Bloomington, Ill., for shipment to the Russia famine suf- ferers. Mr Turcotte. Montmorency, and Mr Dyey, Brome, both Conservatives, are elected to the Commons by acclamation. Mont- morency was represented by Tarte last session. Reports from various cities and towns throughout Illinois are to the effect that winter wheat has been greatly damaged by the recent blizzard. Grace McKinney, an opera singer, and Rev W. R. Stearley were married in Cleveland Wednesday night. The bride was on her death -bed at the time. Itch, Mange ana Scrathes of every kind on human or animals, cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This never faila. Sold by J.H. Combe,druggist. Hon. G. W. Ross has introduceda bill into the Local Legislature regulat- jng the fees and registrars. Division Court clerks, County Court clerks and other public officials. "Ayer's Medicines have been satisfactory to me throughout my practice, especially Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which has been used by many of my patients, one of whom says he knows it saved his life." -F. L. Morris, M.D., Brooklyn, N.Y. ENTITLED TO THE BEST. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy, so every family should have, at once, a bottle of' the best family remedy, Syrup of igs, to cleanse the sys- tem when.costive or bilious. For sale in 75c bottles by all leading druggists. About four menthe ago Mr Philip Wil- lits, a well known resident of Norwich, suddenly and mysteriously lost his voice in the course of a term of sickness, and from that time to within a few days since, when his utmost efforts in the talking line only amounted to a whisper. Whilst waiting at the Woodstock station for the train his voice was restored to him as suilleily as ort the 1,5th-October-laat it_ weeded: The reason •shy "Myrtle Navy" tobacco has taken so strong a \hold upon the smok- ing community is because it is the genuine artiole. No man ha a desire to smoke anything else than tobacco. Even opium is not smoked for the pleasure of smoking it but for its soporific effects.' The desire for tobacco is, of course, best satisfied by getting the pure article, and when to this is added the finest quality, the satisfaction is complete. These two things are corn- - blued in the "Myrtle Navy." A farmer named Wilkinson, residing in Carlisle, came to Aberboyle the • other day and went to the house of Isaac Kidd to inquire after his wife, who had left his house three weeks or a month ago. The story goes that the missing woman was found in the house, anda quarrel ensued, in which Wilkin- son got the worst of it. He was found outside the door with a large gash above the temple. The County Crown Attorney wa,snotified of the occurrence, and more may be heard of the case. In the meantime a constable has been ap- pointed for that section. It may not have been just the right time and place to unload it, but Judge Armour's speech to the grand Jury at Stratford con- tained a deal of sense. He characterized the proposal to reduce the number of grand jurors as an effort to economize in regard to trivial matters, while overlooking the th;ngs that were of real importance. There were a great many people, he said, notably farmers, who were in the habit of seeking curtailment in small things, oblivious of the great leakages that were elsewhere going on. They plugged up the spigot, but left the bung open. They allawed theinselves to by taxed on all sides without saying a word. He himself wag paying about $600 a year in taxes. He thought it would be better if people, instead of paying out their money indirectly, as was now done, were in a position to know exactly what they were paying, as would be the case under a system of direct taxation. couNT MERCIER'S FAREWELL. • Mr Mercier resigned his seat, in the Legislature and issued the following letter: "To many friends: Mr Augers is victorious; his coup (Teta.] has received the approbation of the electors. Cal- umny has got the better of the con- stitution, and the people have refused to blame the MILE W110 had substituted himself f or the libmse 41 Parliament and who dissolved t hem without rea- son. All the good 1 have done has been set aside, ingratit tide is my only reward. The verdict of the people is unjust. and will be severely blamed by history. But meanwhile 1 must submit and re- turn to private life. The Province re- quires rest after the agitation the last six months. 1 forgive those who calumniated ine; I will endeavor to ignore always the names of those who were beholden to me and who betrayed me, and remembering those friends who were faithful to me in adversity as in prosperity,I will return to the labors of t,he field in order, if possible, to regain health, and to my lawyr's office for the maintenance of my family. I wish you all, my friends, the happiness and prosperity which you deserve, and ardently hope that our dear Province will not suffer too much from the violence which has been exercised against its,institntions." T ,4 CLINTON AIA1101•1.• Karon! Alaroh I tfareh They aro coining In troops, kto the tune of the wind; lied.headed Woodpeckers drumming, Oold-orested thrushes behind, Sparrows in brown inqketo 110PPing Past every gateway door; Finches with crimson caps stopping .1ust where they stopped years before. March I March I March I They are slipping Into their places at last - Little white lily buds, dipping T.Indar the showers that fall fast ; Buttercups, violets, roses, SpoWdrops and bluebell aad pink, Throng upon throngsof sweer posies, B‘nding the dewdrops to drink, March March I March 1 they will hurry Forth at the wild bugle, sound-. Blossoms and birds in it flurry, Fluttering all over the ground, Hang out your flags, birch and willow, Shake out your rod tassels, laroh ; Grass -blades, up from your earth pillow Hear who is calling you-Maroh I AS YOU GO THROUGH LIFE. ' -- Don't look for the tiawe as you go through lidfe' Aneven when you find them It is wise and kind to do somewhat blind And look for the virtues behind them• For the cloudiest night has a fint of light Somewhere in its shadows hiding; 11 18 better by far to look for it star Than the spots on the sun abiding. The current of life runs ever away. To the bosom of God's great ocean: Don't set your force 'gainst the river's course And think to alter its motion. Don't waste a curse on the universe - Remember it lived before you; .Dian't butt at the storm with your puny form- Batbendand let it go o'er you. The world will never adjust itself To Bait your whims to the letter; Some things go wrong your whole life long, And the sooner you know it the better. It is folly to fight with the Infinite. And go under at last in the wrestle; The wiser man shapes into God's plan • As the water shapes into a vessel. From the Jewish Tidings. English Spavin Linannent removes al hard, soft or callous Lumps and Blemish- es from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, RingBone, Sweeny, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, eto. Save $50 by use of one bottle Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J H Combo. HOW TO TELL A GOOD HORSE. A HORSE TELLS HIS CHARACTER IN HIS PACE, SA YS A HORSEMAN. "I never ask about a, horse's traits," said a horse buyer the other day. "All I want is a good., square look in his face. Once in a hundred times I may mistake the head, but not oftener than that, I believe." It doesn't require an expert to read horses' faces, either. A person who has never handled a horse can .1) saeusTicantered(rowolna,Broadwaytthev and point out the good, docile family carriage horse, the biting horse, the treacherous animal, the one likely to kick or run at any moment, or the proud, dangerous and yet not vicious in the least. The kickin horse•ca high spirited horse that may be n nearly always ars afternoongleam nl his eye, which stamps him a born!kick- er. Of all horses,' though, the miser- able looking horse attracts most atten- tioni . This s the horse persecuted by the check rein. Like women and men who wear shoes a size too small, he shows the outward evidence of misery.. Many good natured horses, ' horsemen say, have been made fretful and vicious by "being enslaved by the infamous and cruel chec•k rein. They are horses broken down by long and continual service of man, which show sad facial expression. These tnay be found hitched to -drays around town, to rickety waggons of peddlers and rag -pickers, and occasion- ally to waggons of contractors and teamsters. Once, perhaps, they were full of the buoyancy of youth, but con- stant drudgery has made them mere tools, barely animals. Ayer's Hair Vigor jS the "idoal Hair -dressing. It re - 1 stores the color to gray hair ; promotes a fresh and vigorous growth; prevents the formation of dandruff; makes the hair soft end silken; and imparts a deli- fcumateeb. ut lasting per.. "Several months ago my hair com- menced falling out, and in a few weeks my head was almost bald. I tried many remedies, but they did no good. I final- ly bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and, after using only a part of the con- tents, my head was covered with a heavy growth of hair. I recommend your preparation as the best in the world." -T. Munday, Sharon Grove, Ky. "1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a number of years, and it has always given me satisfaction. It is an excellent dress- ing, prevents the hair from turning gray, insures its vigorous growth, and keeps the scalp white and clean." Mary A. Jackson, Salem, Mass. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for promoting the growth of the hair, and think it unequaled. For restoring the hair to its original color, and for &dress- ing, it cannot be surpassed." -Mrs. Geo. La Fever, Eaton Rapids, Mich. "Ayer's Hair Vigor is a most excel- lent preparation for the hair. I speak of it from my own experience. Its use promotes the growth of new hair and makes it glossy and soft. The Vigor is also a cure for dandruff." -J. W. Bowen, Editor "Enquirer," McArthur, Ohio. "1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past two years, and found it all it is rr presented to be. It restores the natu- ral color to gray hair, causes the hair to grow freely, and keeps it soft and pliant." -Mrs. M. V. Day, Cohoes, N. Y. "My father, at about the age of fifty, lost all the hair f :om the top of his bead. After one nionth's trial of Ayer's Hair Vigor tie hair began coming, and, in three months, he had a fine growth et hair of the natural color." -P. J. Cullen Saratoga .3prings, N. Y. Ayer's Hair Vigor, PREPARED nir Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ob., Lowe% Mass. Sold biOrristsists and ;Nearest& N4S/ST 4.114, • ONE) =ATJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly op the Kidneys, Liver and -Bowels, cleanses theoeys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prom yt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its manyexcellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in no bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on. hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, SAN FRANCISCO, OAL. 401111113V1LLE, KT. WSW YORE. T wenty-nine years ago Thursday last, the Prince of Wales married Prin- cess Alexandra, eldest daughter of the King of Denmark, at Windsor Castle, where the Prince is at present sojourn- ing, the bells were rung and a salute fired in honor of the anniversary. No festivities will be held at the castle. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. This GREAT COUGH'CURE, this success. ful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a par- allel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease CONSUMPTION, don't fail to use it, it will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price so cts., 5o cts. and Si.00. If your Lungs are sore ot Back lanae, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 eta; ,Itfottootianni anu other &NO MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, To. Butmg. r4. Th S.PE•14TAST, altADV, v ate Aoyal Oeilese of Donna Fiurgeoup of Ontario. 1i Plieretictie Or owlet% sientletry carefully pallor/Mid. Ancesthetioe aemirdstered for the painless extraotie0 Of teeth.. 011100 lieefer'e old stand, goats' Block, Caintoa. WW sisit Iybh profeselouslly every Motley, at Mame' Rotel. wontlritiorow,—PHYSIOUN SD ewe AtmetloheriLleentlate of the olle o of Pleveielans, and Surgeon° of Lewer Ca , and Proviuola Lloenttato and Coroner for tbe County of Huron. Office and reeldence.-The building formerly 000puicd by 'Mr Thwalte,e, Hurou Street. 'Denture Jan 11. 1870, DDICKINSON, THE OLD di RELIABLE Auctioneer still In the field, able and will- ing to coacluot any sales entrusted to him, end takes thia opportunity of thanking hie patrons for past favors. also Mattel Mortgages closed and rents collected. Charge; moderate. D Drosaesoe, Licensedlluctioneer for the County of Huron. Residence Albert Street, Clinton. The Central BUTCHER SHOP Subsoriber desires to thank the public general- ly, for the patronage bestowed upon hitn ; and at the St0330 time to say that he is now in a bet ter position than otter to supply the wantb of all. As he gives personal attention to all the details of the business customers can rely on their orders being promptly and satisfactorily filled. His motto is "good meat at reasonable prices." Choice Sausage, Poultry, Oke., in season. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &e. JOHN SCRUTON, Albert St., Clinton, G. H. COOK, Licentiate of pental Surgery, Honor Graduate of the TOTOIMO Sohool of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the pain- less extraction of teeth. Othoe in Smith'e Block over Emerton's Barber Shop, Clinton. Se" Night bell answered ly J. T. WILKIE, SURGEON, DENT1S1' --- Holds the exclusive right for the county for the Hurd process of adminietering chemically pure Nitrogen Monoxide, which is the safest and beet system yet discovered for the pain- less extraction of teeth. Charges moderate satisfaction guaranteed. °thee, ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, over Jaoksons Tailor Shop, Huron Street,nlinton. GEO, D. MeTAGGART, BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Business ti ansacted - — NOTES .DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARRAN & TISDALL BANKERS, CLINTON. ONT Advances made to farmers on their own notes, at low rates of interest. A general Banking Business transacted Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bought J. P. TISDALL, Manager CONVEYANCERS, &C. Coinnnssioners for Ontario and Manitoba OFFICE NEXT Dorm TO NEW ERA, CLINTON. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament,1955. CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,000,000 It VOAto O' to *40 BOP** OF CHATHAM, ONT., Stands without a worthy rival in Caned* as a school of buelnese training, Ito Special Dell naent for ERIOATHANP see TTPEWSPAAN has been particularlysuccosetul, Beery Orer4131 of 1651 class, plaoed ba a good positiou. Wilts is record we feel proud of. We err Pot aletrautee Situations, but are in it position to find:toga ces tor all oOmpetent etenogrephera, s those who bave a good knowledge of booil-befeltr Ing. Merah, April and May e. AMODO the Peep months in the year for reakine a titan. 10000 BOARD for gente at 82.110 per week for ladies at 82. Railway fare allowed tO at departroeneaddress D. lidoLA CHIAN, Oh dents from a distance. For eatalognee °for n f BENAIILLE11 NURSERY PRINT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTC.U. AND ASTRACHAN PINE. TIM LATTA* fir WHI011 WIA MASS A IFICIALTY LARGE- STOCK ON HAND. The aboye orCsamental trees and shrubbery w 11 be sold at very law prices, and those g any- thing in this connection will save mom y by purchasing here. .s.. Orders by Mail will be promptly attended • to. Address, JOHN STEWART.6 — Benmillet. Planing Mill —AND— DRY IIILN,! frillE SUBSCRIBER HAYING JUST COk PLBT J. and furnished his new Planing iW with machinery of the latest improved patter's is now prepared to attend to all orders in his line in,Ashe most prompt and satisfactory manner and afca see.thle rates. He would also return thanks total whq patronized the old mill before they were burn d out, and now being in a better position to exe ute orders expeditiously and feel(' confident he oan give satisfaction to all. FACTORY -Near the Grand Trunk Railway, Clinton. '1HomAs ,bilmq,:t AN WANTE To take Charge of Local ' Ageney. Good opening for right man, on ealay or commission, Whole or part time. We are the only growers of both Canadian and Airloirl stock. Nurseries in Ridgeville, Ont. ; and cheater, N. v. Visitors welcome at wounds days excepted.) Be quick and m rite for tail In formation. We want you now: BROWN BROS, CO., TORONTO, ONT, (This House is a reliable, Inc. Co., Paid Cap al 8100,000,00.) -3na- Jas. 26. Stoop's Food & Sod Sro OAT MEAL -10 pounds Rolled Oat- meal to the bushel Oats in Exchange. Flour, Bran and Shorts at Mill Prices Hogs Wanted - dead or alive. JAMES STEEP, Seed Dealer, Clinton HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. MONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES J. ft. R. MOLSON Pres. Ail Bought. Private Funds. C RIDOUT, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Office over J Jackson's Store, Clinton. — • Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts I issued, Sterling and American ex - THE JAS. change boughtand sold at lowest current rates. Interest at 4 per cent allowed on deposits. 13.M1013.ts3 Mseecnueryitayd.vaneed to farmers on their own notes with m one or ore endorsers. No mortgage required as 11. C. BREWER, Manager, January 1887. c ARRIAGE LICENSES -APPLY TO If/ undersigned at the Library ROOMS, SCOTT, Clinton. ATARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY THE -OA- undersigned, at residence or drug store. MRS A. WORTHINGTON. ATONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR -0-1- Small sums on good mortgage security, moderate rate of interest. H HALE. Clinton. A BEL S. WEEKES, CIVIL ENGINEER, re- Provincial Land surveyor, Draughtsman, ete. Office, up stairs. in Perrin Block, Clinton, Ont. nR APPLETON - OFFICE - AT BEN- I-, DENOE on Ontario street, Clinton, op- posite English Church. Entrance by side gate, TIR. H. R. ELLIOT, M. D., L. R. C. P., .1 -/Edinburgh, L. R. C. S.. Edinburgh, Wien - Hate of the Midwifery, Edinburgh. 3ffice at Brucefield. DTARS. GUNN et GIBSON, C FICES ONTARIO Street, a few doors East o Albert Street. W. GUNN, R. J. GIBSON. DR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, Accoucheur, etc., office in the PeAa,ce Block. Rattenbury St. formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Clinton Ont. nR STANBURY, gGRADUATE OF THE Medical Department of Victoria univer- sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for he County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. A. 0. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meet in Biddle - combo Hall on the lst and 9rd Fridays in each month. Visitors cordially invited. It. STONE - HAM, M. W. J. BEAN, Recorder MONEY! MONEY! MONEY We can make a few good loans from private funds at ow rates and modate expenseer. Terms made to s nit borrowers. MANNING & SCOTT, Clinton MRS. WHITT, M. 0. M. a TEACHER .OF Piano, Organ and Tech(' icon,or Musel developer. for use of pupils. Ronnie at Mr. S. Hartt's, Ftattenhurv Street, Clinton. D. BLACK ALL VETINERARY SURGEON, e.1 • HonoraryGraduate of thoOntarioVeterinary College. Treats all diseases of domesticated ani- mals on the most modern and scientific princi- ples. Office - immediately west of the Royal Hotel. Residence - Albert St., Clinton. :Calls night orday attendedtopromptly. DR. TURNBULL. 3.1,. Turnbull,rd. 13., Toronto University, M D., 0.81., Victoria Universitsr, M. 0. I' 86 8,, Ontario; Fellow of the Obstetrical Soofety of Edinburgh; late Of London,Eng„ sea Edinburgh Hospitals. Office' -Dr. Doweely's old office Rattenbury Eit., Clint° Night 118 smeared at tbe same place HURON AND BRUCE Loa.9 It Investment Co'y This Company is Loaning Money or Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Interest, -- MORTGAGES - - PURCHASEI SAVINGS BA -Ta ‚BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE -Corner of Market Square and Nor th Et dORACE HORTON. MAN 5th 1881 ENDER T RING. The subscriber would intimate to tlue public generally that he has added to his business that of UNDERTAKING, And is prepared to supply all fun- eral necessaries at short notice and in a satisfactory manner. Coffins, Caskets, ShroudS, &e, CARRIED IN STOOK. He has also purchased a first-class Hearse, and can therefore meet all requirements in this line. Night calls anewered at residence, Isaac Street, Clinton. JOS CHIDLEY Undertalwr and dealer in • Furniture, Clinton. A COOK BOOK FREE By mail to any lady sendlnos her post affhs , addrags, wells, Richardson & Co., Mcinireal• wor000sw.s.01.1. COPP'S WALL - 'PAPER and Paint Shop . Is stocked with it Select Assortment of American and Calladtan Wall Palm WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from five cent rolls to the finest gia. Having bought Tay Papers and Paints tar Spot Cash, and my practical ex- perience justify me in saying that all wanting bo decorate their houses inside or paint them ont- side will find it to their advantage to give me a call, OffShop, south of Oliver Johnston's blacksmith shop, and directly opposite Mr. J. Chidley residence. JOSEPH COPP .Practical Paper Hanger and Painter. MeKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFICIIRS. Thos, E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. O.; W J. Shannon, Seey-Treas., Beatorth P. O.; Jno Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Donald, Ross ci ton: Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; Geo. waterier' Joseph Evans, Beechwood; 3, Shannon, We Thos. Garbert, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos, Neilans, Harlock; Robt, McMillan, Sea- orth; 8 Carnochan, Seaforth; John 0 Stillivlin and Geo. Murdie, auditorr. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly ttended to on application to any of the bove oftioera addressed to their respecitve offices. ASTHMA DR. TAFT'S ASTHMALENE n never fails; sena your address, andal IJ we will mail free trial bottle DR. TAFT BROS., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Canadian FREE Dept. 186 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Canada Oct 9-6m BOOK AGENTS WANTED for DARKNESS & DAYLIGHT or LIGHTS AND SHADOWS OF NEW YORK LIFE A Christian woman's thrilling narrative of Mission work done "in His Name" amoung the poor and lowly of a great City revealing the underworld M New York "as seen by a woman." It describes Gospel and Temperance work and gives a famous detective's 303 ears experinces. By Mrs Helen Camp- bell, and Inspector Thos. Byrnes (Chief of the N.Y. Detectives), With 250 engravings from flash -light photographs. Bright. pure and good, full of tears and smiles, 1 le a powerful ally of Temperance, a mighty witness to the power of the Gospol,-a book for every home. Ministers say, "God 'Teed it" Eminent women endorse It. Agents Wanted, Men and Women throughout Canada. /1:gr $200 a month made. ST -Distance is no hindrance, for we Pay Freights and all customs duties and give Extra Terms. Write for eirenfarv to 3m A. D. WORTHINGTON & CO., Hartfoid, Conu CONSUMPTION. !have a viisitive remedy for the above disease; by Its vac thousands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been eared. Indeed so strong Is my faith In Its akar. that I will send TWO BOTTLES FREE, with a VAIALAILE TREATISE on this &blew to see Mifferer wee win send me their EXPRESS and P.O. Mantels T. A. Siccum, M. C., 186 ADELAIDE ST., WEST, TORONTo. ONT. '