HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-03-18, Page 1eePtst inAds
Veneta Will
et) the ,,lsbrW
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BUT ,110T4MS,, gsliter and Pr011rleter.
'have Inst pasSed
iikte stock a eensIgrk.
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There are s0131f3 very nob -
17 and select patterns,
and NOe'would like to have
you see them before the
seteetion is broken
us a trial for your
II4G SUIT. we think
we -can please you,
0 per cent ote for Cash
Itsto 3i.Up
Goderich Township
• • NOTE8f.-A young man of the 9th
eon: aside to the amusement of a cer-
tain young lady, of the Huron road,
by talking of annadotes of 'Switzerland.
• Re* W. Ayers, as was announced,
gave has lecture in Cole's church on
• 'Thursday evening of last week, to a
*audience; the lecture, along with
'emit, was well worth the admission,
e amount realized was nine dollars.
. The -entertainment held in No. 9 school
,house was attended by a good audience
consideringthe stormy weather, the
program was good; the musicians of
our section, along with Porter's Hill,
supplied the Music of the evening; the
songs of Mr Floody, of Blyth, were a1 -
ways encored; the amount realized was
• $14. Mr & MxsJElliott,who have been
visiting in this neighborhood, have re-
turned to their horne in Dakota.
WEDDING. -;-011 Wednesday, March
An, a, 'most pleasing event took place
at the residence of l‘Ir Gabril Elliott,
when his eldest daughter Maggie A.
was married to Mr John W. Reid, son
, oe the late Mr Robert Reid, of Stanley,
by the Rev A. Thibadeau. The bride
looked handsome, and was supported
by her sister Miss Lizzie Elliott, while
the bridegroom appeared to, be the
happiest man,in Christendom, whose
right hand supporter was Mr Robert
sReid, of Toronto. The ceremony over,
the congratulations of over one hun-
dred friends were extended to the
newly wedded couple, who., after din -
in'. entered into the most jovial and
FrOM all partft og, the CoUnty—by wide -Awake
and lively Correspondenta
' Stanley
SICKNESS. -Mr Johia Baird has had
an attack sff influenzas„but is slowly re-
•HIRED. -Mr Geo. Cp011, has engaged
with Alexander Thompson, Hayfield
road, for the aummer. Mr Thomson
has secured a first class man.
LEssr,-Mr John Gihnour left on
Tuesd,ay last for Moose Jaw, He is
taking with him a span of horses- and
intends V, go into work, We wish
John success.
TEA. MEETINGS. --The tea meeting in
the English church, Goshen line, east,
Wednesday evening passed off very
pleasantly. There was a goodly attend-
ance, considering the state of the
roads. Revs. Messrs .e.tcheson, Wal-
ker, and Henderson, delivered inter-
esting addresses, selections Jsy the
choir and harmonica band, and. recita-
tions by the pnpils of No. 5, Made an
excellent program. The pastor, Rev
Mr. Newton, filled the chair very. ac-
NOTES. -Robert Metcalf, 'of Marlette,
Mich., is visiting friends on the Parr
line this week. Thomas Dowson, of
Baybylon line, left for Dakota on
Wednesday of last week: One of those
pleasing events which serve to relieve
the monotony of every day life, took
place at Hayfield on Wednesday of
last week, being the marriage of Miss
Charlotte PeckSygrand daughter of Mr
Wm. Peck, Goshen line, and Mr W.
Johnson, Hayfield; the wedding was a
quiet one, only the nearest relatives
being present. An excellent paper on
"Direct Taxation," read before Stanley
Sun Grange, will appear next week.
social amusements bf the evening,
which seemed to greatly elevate the
hearts of their friends. The delight-
ful and enthusiastic company soon ex-
hibited their gymnaptics in performing
the meat graceful islay of the night,
until the small hours of the morn,
when about five o'clock the party
broke up, and each went to their re-
spective homes with light hearts filled
with the spirit of the night and jokes
and laughter which may be heard ring-
ing for generations to come in the ears
of the descendants of our foi efathers.
Many beautiful and costly presents to
the value of one hundred dollars were
Notas.—AU At Moine will be held at
the residence of Mr Wm McIntosh on
Monday evening next,. under the;au-
spices of the IsaAiles Ale.; es tne society
is a worthy one, as many as possible
should make it a ,,:ziast to attend. The
Methodist church choir took paitin
the soCial at Mario* last week, and as
usual they acquitted themselves credit-
ably,. Mr Robt Clark left last week
for Chicago, where he is sure to sue -
coed in the business which he has
chosen if he isaccepted at his true worth
From an occasional Correspondent.
NOTEs. - Quite a number of our
young folks spent a very pleasant and
social evening at ex -warden Heys', on
Friday last. Mr R. McMillian is off to
Manitoba and the northwest, taking
with him quite a number of horses.,
A ROMANCE. - Our usually quiet
village was thrown into quite an ex-
citement the other evening, when it
became known that three of our most
estimable young ladies were missing,
and withal had forgotten to return
their conveyance: The owner beconia-
ing somewhat alarmed at the too long
absence of his horse and rig, set out a t
once in search of the youthful trio,
and eventually succeeded in overtak-
ing their la,dyehips, apparently making
for the Morris boundary. He easily
induced them to return and the whole
affair is hushed up. They had pro-
bably been reading works an adven-
ture such Gullivar's Travels, Odd
people on the earth, and. such like, and
thus occurredthisromantic episode in
their lives which they will not soon
forget or be allowed to forget.
NOTES. -The Phonograph concert
came off on the 8th inst., and was
listened to by an appreciative audience;
the selections rendered could be heard
distinctly in every :part of the hall ; the
Glee Club sang twice and Miss Annie
Baker, of Hayfield, and Miss Wanless,
of Varna, rendered it couple of solos
effectively. Mrs Martindale and fa-
mily, who have been the guests of Mrs
G. Burgess for some time past, return-
ed to her home in West Superior.
Mrs Smith has been visiting her par-
ents Mr and Mrs Burgess: Lieut.
Sayeri,-or Goderieh -Salvation- -Army-
has been visiting here for some time.
Mr and Mrs A. Stalker have left here
for Toledo ,• they will be much missed
by the Hayfield citizens. One of those
interesting events occured on the 9th
inst., when Mr W. G. Johnson was
joined in the holy bonds of matrimony
to Miss Charlotte Peck, at the parson-
age, by Rev Mr Thibeadeau; we wish
the young couple every success. Mr
Thomas Johnson left for pakota this
week. Mrs John Whiddian gave the
young people a very pleasant party
some evenings ago, and the boys and
girls enjoyed themselves exceedingly
well. Mrs: Alex. Granger entertained
a mamba.' of the young people at her
place on Saturday evening. We are
very sorry indeed to learn of the death
of Mrs Esson, which occurred at London
last week.
bestowedamen the bride, which con-
sisted in tM'Itilh1Wing:- •
• -Mr-and Nis: Wm" Bothwell, Album; Mrs R J
Woods, Myer cake stand; Mrs John ViNicirls, one
dozen sifwv-specaus Chas Reid, silver butter
cooler; Mrs 13 Reid ; ---sayer butter knife; John
Bothwell, Silver pickle Cruet; Mrs Wm Elliott,
• pair of towels; Miss MMorshall, breakfast °rust;
J Barkley, looking glass; Misses 8 and A Reid,
water sel; Mis5 Maria Cook, silver pickle fork;
• W J Johnstonrand J Colwehl, silver pickle Cruet;
' Mr Wm and Miss N Beacomoilver butter cooler,
Miss Martha Cook, 4 dozenlanver spoons; Mr Wm
, ' and Miss X ElliOtt, water set; mx and Miss
• braith,Irtit •Whitemore and 11 Martin,
pair Of vaieraMilis Curry, card receiver; J Barn-
well, silver pickle. cruet; R and H McLean, silver
butter. coolen,Miss Is A Elliott, silver ernet;Miss
• M Richardson, cake dish; Miss Stephenson, wet -
or , pitcher; T and j• Wiggington, cake stand;
Mlsse I and P Keys, toilet set; Mr McCool and
SUN Armstrong, Photo frame; Mr J Armstrong,
rolling pin and masher; Fred TbomIsson, a lamp;
Mrs J W Elliott, preserve dish; Mee May Reia,
table cloth; Miss Maud Elliott, painting; Miss
. Maggie Reid, pair of towels; Miss Maggie Woods,
tea tray; Miaow 1' and E Do wson, doz goblets;
, Miss F Elliott, cake stand; Miss Lizzie Wilson,
pair of towels; George Bothwell, diver butter
knife; Mrs T Elliott,set of -silver knives and forks;
Miss Isogon, pair of towels; Miss IdasElliett,
table cloth; Wm Foot morocco pocket book; Miss
• S Elliott, °hawse dish; Mr J and Miss A Johnston,
pair of vases.
Nomas.—Mrs Biggins sr, of the 2nd
con., has been seriously ill for several
days with bronchitis. Mr John Brick-
,enden,. who intends to give up farm-
Ang, will have an auction sale of his
• 'stock Mid effects on the Beth; Mr T.
Carling will Wield the hammer; it is
•',.altogether likely that Mr Brickenden
•'will go to Clinton to reside; he has
been a herd working, industrious man,
a tapital neightiort and is entitled to
to the rest.that he is about to take.
Hill's Green.
NOTES. -Thos Coleman started for
Cypress River, Manitoba, last Ttiesday
with a lead Of horses; the cold weather
Weadd be Veil- unfavorable for the first
part of his trip; he expects to be back
e r in April. The bananas here are
✓ nig in saw loge to Mr Shea's mill,
ta i,
lig advantage of the little sleigh-
ing that has coring. Mt Albeit Clark,
who has been very lbw with grippe, is
recovering. Rev laines Walker.- of
Varna, preached the Educittionalset-
Meal. in fhe Methodist- church here last
Sunday night.
15 'mite in advance will s'ectire the
Nave Eit.sIor the Isaltinee �f the year.,
BEREAVEMENT. -Last week we were
again reminded of the shortness of life
by the death of the infant daughter of
Mr and Mrs Jas Tobin. The little one
died Sunday, being a little over five
months old. Thus are we reminded
that not only must the aged die, but
often the young also. The funeral on
Tuesday `6 as attended by a good num-
ber of sympathizing friends and neigh-
JOY AND GLADNESS. -While one fa-
mily in our midst sorrows because of
the loss of a little one, another has
been made glad by the addition of an-
other in their home. Such is the deal-
ing cf Him who rules over us all, each
have their times of sadness and rejoic-
ing, which is all for the best, though
we sometimes fail to think so. The
rejoicing parents of whom we speak are
Mr and Mrs Jas McManus, a little
daughter being born on Sunday morn-
NOTES. -MF D. Cumming and J.
Horton attended the Reform conven-
tion held in Clinton last week. Mr J.
Clutton spent a short time with rela-
tives in Stratford last week. The sale
of farm stock and implements at Mr H.
Belton's, on Wednesday last, was very
largely altended, and things went at a
very fair rate, with the exception of
horses; Mr Relton and family leave for
Windsor about the lst of April. Miss
R. Gordon, who has been residing in
this neighborheod for some months,
left thig week for her home at Shep-
perdton; this leaves a blank in our
midst which will be hard to fill as
where ever Rachel was there would be
some fun.
• lyte1t,1114)1).1
On WedxuSadil
and tirsday etefiings last..,Wee
Air John Parlsh and faraily, Wttas are
about to renteVe 00 - Manitoba, . Were
very egreeal surprised p. nurcooy
of their hien s from :Walton and
ry's Methodist appointments respect-
ively, who, on the eveniegginesitieued;
'made Mr and Mrs Parish the tecipients
of very nicely worded „addresses and
banclsorce preSentS. A 'very pleasant
social time Was spent On each evening,
and after partaking of the dainties
provided by the „friends; all parted,
wishing lvSr Parish and family success
and Divine blessing in their new home,
Mr Parish has acted as local preacher
for some time, on the Walton elrelffit;
and his friends take this Meelse of
llattially showing their, good Ti741, to-
wards him and his family. , On Brida,,y
evening last a tea Meeting was held in
Hatlock, where he also Condpatad re-
ligious service every two Weekts-611-
Sabbath evening, and, the proceeds (-I
the meeting., which amounted to up-
wards of $60, were presented to him,
accompanied with a very kind address.
Again, on Tuesday evening of this
week, a number of his immediate
neighbors, and members of Bethel ap-
.pointreent, 12th emu., assembled at his
residence, and presented him with b,
purse containing upwards of $40. Mr
Parish has been a zealous worker in the
interests of the Methodist church, and
has proved himself a useful man, a
good neighbor, and Christian counsel-
lor, and richly deserves the respect of
those who know him.
WEDDINGS. -It becomes our pleasant
privilege this week to record a 'couple
of those happy events, that give ex-
treme pleasure, not only to the actual
contractors, but also to all those_ who
participate in them by their presence.
The first of these is the marriage of
Miss Belle Kerr, youngest daughter of
Mrs James Kerr, of Winthrop, to Mr
Geo. Barr, of Hibbert,which took place
on Wednesday of this week, at the
residence, of the beide's another. The
nuptial knot was tied by, the Rev P.
Musgrave. We congratulate Mr Barr
on getting one of McKillop's fairest
daughters, as Miss Kerr has; proved
herself most useful and agreeable to
all whose fortune it was to make her
acquaintance. The second is the wed-
ding of Mr Egerton Roe, second son of
Mr Thos. Roe, and Miss Zella Holland,
daughter of Mr Robt. Holland, both of
this township. This event took place
at the residence of Mr . Holland, a* 3
o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, in
the presence of a number of friends
and relatives. The Rev Mr Ottawelk
of Walton, performed the ceremony,
and we predict for the young couple a
very happy and successful careen hav-
ing started in life under very auspicious
circumstances. All join in extending
bestsevrshes-to the eontracting
p asr es. -Mr
-Mr and Mrs John Forbes, of
the 14th con., have both been confined
to the house for spme time, on account
of severe colds, which took somewhat
the formed la grippe.
No'ree.-Mr Chas Disney and family
left on Friday last for Manitoba, where
CharlRe is going to try and once more
get on a good footing; he has had rath-
er hard luck, and worked against
heavy odds. but his old friends will be
pleased to hear of his future success.
Gomm WEST. -Several of owl citizens
left on Tuesday last for Manitoba.
Among them .may be mentioned H.
Holdesworth, J. R. Holmes and Albert
Halstead. There are inducements held
out in the northwest that are not to be
found in Ontario.
Beseu.-Mr R. Docking, from Mani-
toba, alrived finer villageorrTuesdays
last. His health has considerably im-
proved since he removed there. He
heel returned to attend to business
caused by the death of his father in
Mitchell. He will probably, remain
here for several days.
ILL. -We regret to learn that Mr
David Purvis, of the Huron road, is
quite ill with congestion of the lungs,
with faint hopes of his recovery.'
NOTES. -The Disney farm is now to
be offered for sale by public auction.
We are pleased to learn that Mrs Levis,
sr., who.has been quite ill, is now im-
• Varna
account of the Missionary. givings of
the Methodist church in this section
you made a slight mietake it reference
to the Woman's Foreign Missienarar
givings. The $13 that you credited
Hayfield with, should be credited td
Varna circuit, Brucefield MlXilth
Yours truly. J.
NOTES. -Bev. Dr. Strongman, cif
Victoria St. Methodist church, (lode -
Mon, on entniller circuit next &I-
nch, wi,ljreach the Educational ser -
bath. . e are glad tfo know that John
Jenkins, vale has been ill with inilanuna-
tion for some time, is &Vete be around
again. James Long has purchased the
farm of Alex Davidson, who intends
moving his Wife and family to Gode-
rich in the spying.
Oornwm Mesenue-Counoil met on Sat-
urday, March 12th, all the members pres-
ent. In reference to a petition affecting
S. S. Nos. 10, 3 and 2 the clerk was in.
structed to notify the trustees of the school
sections affected that the matter will be
teems up at the next sitting of the council.
Two thirde of the claim of J. Melee, sheep
killed by dogs, be paid, amount $16. The
following were appointed Pound Keepers: -
3. Pattereon, 3. Coxworth, J. Northcott,
R. McAllister, J. Decker jr, Chas Greb,
Wm Nicholson, David Spencer, R. Turn-
bull, C. Holbein, M. Kearcher. Fence -
viewers -Wm Ruud, Geo Gram, C. Bu-
ren, Alex McLaren, Sam Thompson, H.
Baur, J. Decker, Sam Treffrey, M. Kearoh.
er, J. Melnik Wm Snider, 0, Miller. The
following were appointed Pathmasters-
Adam Case, Geo Case, J. Patterson, Wm
Moir, J. Gilchrist, R. Molllordie, J. Mc -
Man jr, J. Geuld, Alex Ingram, J. Bon -
throe, B, McArthur, J. Petty, Wm North-
cote C. Aldevzorth, Geo O'Brien, D. Bell,
W. Mulholland, F. Deters. a. Howard, W.
Caldwell, C. Redmund, G. Reichert, J.
Penhale, Colin Smith, Ross Dignan, C.
Forest, Ed Troyer, J. Gill, L. Hahn, J.
Decker J. Decker sr, J. Koch, William
Schwalm, H. Willert, J. Roeder, A. Faust,
A. Geiger, H. Wurm, P. lIeohler, H. Gies,
J. Grabiel, Holbeim, W. Ruby, J. Mel -
lick, M. Geiger, J. Erb, H. Bender, C. Mil-
ler, J. Hang, G. Gabel, C. Trumner, J.
Hartman, A. Mbricht, 0. Keuler'H. Kalb -
Mb, A. Murray, S. Jacobi, D
& D. Savants,
D. Willson, R. Taylor, G. Turnbull, J.
Taylor'3. Jarrett, J. Chambers, 0 • Troy-
er, J. Dinsmore, J. Moyer, A. Edighoffer,
A. Thompson, W. Heitz, W. Ching, H.
Imam, J. Kestle, H. Reynolds, P. 13es.ver,
G. Meyer. C. Hartlieb, 0. Willert, J. Wil-
lert jr, 3. Kenning, J. McArthur, A. Wese-
loh, J. McArthur, Wm Colwell, S. Hum.
eston, J. H. Beek, A. Hidman, A. Ehnes,
F. Hess. The Reeve and Treasurer were
empowered to borrow $700 on the credit of
the township to meet current expenses,
and the necessary by law be passed. The
auditors report was accepted and the clerk
was ordered to procure 100 copies for dis-
tribution. The amount of the Treasurer's
bonds will be $12,000 with at least two
genetics, and the reeve is to see that the
same are properly given, and laid before
the council at next sitting. The following
accounts were pad -Louis Extein, gravel,
$8.08; j. Hildebrand, care of Currey, $86;
Anise' de Zeller. clothing for Currey, 113.-
50; Hoist Oarhisle, culvert, $2.50; Hart az
Co, Municipal blank*, minete book etc,
$18.44; McLean Bros, advertising, $1,50;
Gerrow & Proudfoot, drawing agreements
re Hey swamp drains, $12; J. White &
Sone, printing, $69.15; Observer; printing
order, 07; Weeks, for gravel, $1.20; John
MY, weed for hall, $8. A conuminkation
wits rota from D. E. Cameron, of Prot,.
Treas. Dept. Ontario, !dating that the H.
8. 1). Deuntarea )3*a been accepted, and
that the cheek was fiatheemilla. The
eoutesil ocljouenecl to meet on April 16th,
et 10 a. 333, '04 J. LaTT4, Mak. '
TOiekeVOnlith4 _
LeZ/nexi RNOTES.-Mr4NOTES.-Mrgrer
Watts has let the contract to,Mr T. Me,
Eentie,' of Clinton, mota pow.
house on his,preposegi. Mr *Oren4io
is a firet,doee buildep. Mies - Carrle,
Grant bap been KO, but we are JO to 14,0v, hbrot geesetho ;ot or, 04,40, lygt
Ixoot4MBIlexerecevering, Thera
fib P 'Qt °$63111 °7 4/44 1"*5°4"kre dropped dead on the , reads, -certain ,
doing lick good . to the putias Well rw t40 west E,u41,00.11
his barrio MISS Ball ila41 returnerl
from lukt visit, th4base line, which
.440004to Pr pleasant ,
cestaisi Wes Ender. gx, oak ma F.
IA*44;434 and Mrs'O. Crich liave
alsO:rePurnech' Nr.' T. POWcaend 11,0,
tlie.gotortuue: of lernO one of
4111415/ 1414% ' the P"ge4t e47-• rhyri Moore,O1 ,. of ht he eZeoatle9rx•a itt
14$ the 0 ; t ea' have also started' to thisoliet, fieuilillo has,on
evenhig. Mrs Ba-Meacoe, a 1,pnclea- .thalawriek$letter het er tuacgi Pato
copilot bag, mood with ,aeaseirs Blider will be taking: a tripto-Welt,91i,
held Bible Bea itTs eterYWednes'IW hegwill not Send apotilr after he, gets,
.GrantOn, last week. Mr Hugh
NeAVISAim4t11:17,DY ht7TtliE14.--e Pite8932PP'bie bard .lvttoiellollwofvuo od FE1(114 4„' g "fs131.alreipliO rtt4elirtti,
efpioneers, who inade this toWnsbiP Mr A.JWeeks, of OlintOn, spent,,Thur-
what it is, are rapidly passing away to chty availing last with friends .10 this/4,,
that eternal city from which riq travel-. vicinity'. „SacraVentat service's were .
ler has ever returned. It is our pain, held at Turner's appointment 04, zun'-'
duty this week to record the suci- day met, grEi. whoiaae been '
4,heignhdiyeta.. rs.poefeanotheredwelpioneerl known 4aenrd. omi ski 014%71 itsotp., ii se no no wo vaankriagr.
tne person of Mr Sohn Dol, at Goderieh. • '
sr, Which sod event occurred at his late sTattlelirosiazt4,-,s*Idijd.ostorerett
irtshbensei'd2Aeulgilee°imninsat.tDhildestrrIDwnt'oisgohinwP—Wa°sefdbilnoer:nra oYPn: 7,:fga:,341ar,goerilavitaitordaenddt,,libPr'ostdaheictcw,11444
Murdiston farm, Perthshire, Scotland, lawiess, as quite a; number pi, ticiepwwo_rft ,
on February 20th, 1820, and consequent-
ly at the time of his death was aged 72 ineisagpovisitoseeVosisshiVasetkfa;am:IX1161,11iralleisre.,,xiblxxvkatgnoc:s
years and 11 days. He received. his
early education at the old Thornhill
grammar school, in his native land, of the Base 1111e* „
bone was visiting friends around Ntr; 'runmred'that apertain Wast
• NOTES. -Mr R. Morrow,of this place,
starts •on Tuesday, of this week, for
Manitoba. An oyster supper was par-
taken of, at the residence of Mr R.
Morrow, by many of the yonng ladies
and gentlemen of thip neighborhood,
on last Friday evening ; a very pleas-
ant time was spent. Mrs A. W. Young,
who Was visiting friends around Hills -
green, returned home last Saturday.
Mrs (Rev) E. A. Fear and daughter are
visiting friends, at Seaforth, this Week.
The tea -meeting, which was held in the
Nile church, on Tuesday, March 8th,
was a decided! succese ; speeches were
delivered by Rev. A. Potter, of' Dun-
gannon, and Rev. J. Henderson, of
Hensel' ; the Nile choir supplied the
music. The Song Serviee, which was
to be held in the Nile church last Sun-
day evening, was postponed till some
future occasion. Several members of
L. 0. L. No. 1052, attended the meeting
of West Wawanosh Scarlet Chapter,
which was opened on Monday March
14th ; the election of officers was the
principal business carried on.
Where he acquired a thorough know- • Maven. s ,
ledge of all the English branches as ,
well as the classics and the Holy Scrip- NOTES. -Ret Jae:Walker preache
tures. In 1846 he emigrated with his
an interesting Educational sermon last
Sunday in the Methodist church. The'
parenth and the other members of the
Epworth League intends heading it '
purely and settled on a farm near La -
chute, in the Province of Quebec. In literal'y and musical entertaillale4t on
Friday evening of this week; they ex -
year the rebellion headed
pect the aid of Chiselhust choirs silVer '
by McKenzie and Papineeu broke out,
both in Upper and Lower Canada, and collection to be takenupandar.
served its a volunteer in his uncle's ite, ,
during these two memorable years he
Sunda,y SchooL mesic
erary entertainment in the town hall .
was not so largely patronized as it Wall `
company in suppressing that insur-
expected to be; the are making.
rection, and although he always main-trusteesa noble effort to pay off the rernainin
tained that these men erred in appeal-
ing to the sword,. yet he believed they
their regular meetington Monday even -
The R. T. of T. Council bel
were right in resisting the tyranny of
ing next, and they expectlt to be one•
the oligarchy and the family compact,
of the best they haveltd'this season. and in aaitating for resyonsible gov-
St. Helens.
NOTES. -Miss Ruth Ramage, of Sar-
nia, is at present visiting her parents.
The season for wood -bees is close at
hand, Mr Asquith having taken the
lead. Mr H. Thompson, teacher, spent
Sabbath last, with his grandfather Mr
Curran. Miss Flora gmith has return-
ed to her home in Stanley township,
her sister is taking her placeses house-
keeper for her brother. Messrs Geo.
and John Durnin, accompanied by
• their brother Robert, returned to Da-
kota, where they have been for the past
four years. The Misses Gordon have
returned home, after spending a week
with their brother Dr. Gordon of Luck -
now. Another of our bachelors has
one over to the ranks of the benedicts,
in the person of Mr Robt. Woods, who
was married on Tuesday the 8th inst.,
to Miss Reid of Stanley. township. The
Misses Anderson, Woods, Gordon, Mc-
Donald, Lockhart, and Mrs Miller at-
tended the annual meeting of the Pres-
byterian Society, held in Brussels, on
Tuesday of last week, and report hav-
ing a very successful sneeting. A lec-
ture, in aid of theMechanicie Institute,
was delivered by RevS.G. Anderson,on
Thursday evening of last week ; his
subject being "His trip to the coast";
thasubject being such, a wide one, he
found it necessary to divide it into two
lectures, the one given being from
Toronto to Calgary.
DEATH. -We are exceedingly son•y
to learn of the death of Mr Elijah
Marten, which took plate on Wednes-
day afternoon last. -Deceased has been
ailing for some time. He was former- without any warning, yet he was pre-
ly the proprietor of the well-known pared te meet his God and fell asleep
hostlery bearing his name, and enjoy- in the arras of Jesus.
ed an acquaintance not experiene by
many. He was a, jovial, good-hearted A few More years of evil past
host,. and some time ago relinquished We reach the happy shore,
the managenient of hi house to his Where death divided friends at last
ernment ty canstitutiona means. Mr E
pWORTH LEAGUE. - The Erell.h',
Doig was raarriedin 1840 to Miss Janet League intend having their en rhinos,
McLaren and from this marz•iage ment in the Methodist church, this
twelve children were born, five only of (Friday) evening. There will he a geed;
whom survive their parents, viz, john, rpgram rendered, and we trustthis ‘,
smith, Andrew Doig, of 'Howick, and
William and Bella Doig of Tuckee- F1,1,ends of the Sabbath school will show
t e interest they take in this Work,
Mrs Clark, of Algoma. In the spring also their appreciation of the efforts o1
of 1853 he sold his farm near Lachute the League, by a large attendance. and moved with his wife and the four silver collection will be taken up to
eldest members of the family and, set- defray expenses of Sabbath school
, .
tlegl on the farm here, which at that
time was a solid bush, but hy industry, Zurich.
and perseverance he soon transformed '
it to one of the finest in the town-
NOTES. -Miss Ida Evans, who was
ship the younger members of the
visiting friends in Hensel', the last few'
. weeks, has returned to Zurich ; we be. were born, and here resided un
lieve she intends to take charge of
til-aboutstwo-years ago,...whershe dis
Apple- --& -Zeller2ssanillinerY -delaatt_s_.„„s,
posed of it to his youngest son, an -dive:-
moved to the Algoma District, here he mut. Mr Nicholas Deichert,, who hae',
been working in Mr Wed Hess'avaggon •
resided until his death, which was very
and carriage shop, for the past three
sudden and was a severe blow to his
year% left for Clinton this week, with,''
family and his many friends here. He
the intention of following the Sa1110
had always been an unusually. healthy
trade ; we wish Nick every success.
man, as during his whole life he had
never been sick a day. On the morn- Mr S. Stahl, editor of the Hensel' Ob-
ing of his death he ate his breakfast as server, paid Zurich a flying visit one
usual and then 'proceeded to the out- day last week. Mr Joel Rent, who had
buildings to feed his stock, and while been to Michigan for the purpose of
in the act of getting oats for his horses, purchasing land there, has i.eturned,
the Grand Master of the Universe while over there he succeeded in pur-
sounded the gavel of death, and his chasing eighty acres of flrst-class land;
he intends to move over to his new
spirit left its earthly tabernacle and
home in a few weeks. Mr Peter-Beav-
winged its flight to Him who gave it.
er, of this place, and John Volland left
His death was apparently instant
and painless, as his features were
for Dakota, last Friday', where they in -
serene and peaceful after death as if he tend to engage in threshing. Mr Louie
were asleep. Immediately on the re- Lippert left for Dakota on Tuesday;
ceipt of the sad intelligence his son left we wish him success. Mr Sam Switzer
to fetch his body home for burial. who for the past fourteen years
Funeral services were held at his late been employed in Messrs J, C. & H.
Kalbfleieh's planing and saw rnills,,left
residence in Algoma, and the whole
for Michigan, where he intends to f ol-
community turned out and escorted
low his old trade; although his numer-
the remains to Dean Lake station,
ous friends are sorry to see him leave,
where they were placed on board the
they wish him every success in Uncle
train and his son and grandson accom
panied them to Gonie, and from thence Sam's domain. Mr Samuel Bossenber,
to the residence of his son in Howick. ry was at Hensel" this week.a
Here the Rev Mr Stephenson preached
an appropriate discourse, and the mor-
tal remains of John Doig were remov-
ed from earthly_ eyes forever and in-
terred in the •Molesworth cemetery,
beside those of his wife, who had shar-
ed his joys and sorrows for nearly for-
ty eight years. Mr Doig was a very
powerful, active man, and in the early
days of the settlement, when deeds a
strength and energy were required 40
clearing the forest and in erecting
buildings, he was always amongst the
foremost. His neighbors were not
slow to discern his many admirable
qualities of head and heart, as they
conferred many positions of honor and -
trust upon him. He was for many
years a member of both the township
and county council and was a magis-
trate until his death, and always dis-
charged his duty promptly and fear-
lessly. In politics he was an unflinch-
ing Liberal and was always a zealous
worker in the Reform cause, although
many of his staunchest personal friends
were Conservatives. He excelled in
History and English Literature, and
as a debater he had few equals. In
religion he was a life long Presbyterian
but was very tolerant to other denom-
inations, but above all he was a true
Christian and possessed a sound moral
principle which always guided him in
all his dealings with his fellow man.
He was a kind husband and father, his
integrity Was beyond reproach and his
word was his bond, he was in short
one of nature's noblemen, loved and
respected by all who had the pleasure
of his acquaintance. Although he had
reached the allotted span of three score
and ten years and two more, yet to all
external appearances he was likely to
live for many years more, yet how
often while in life we are in death.
The immediate cause of death is inns --
posed to have been apeplexy, and
though he was launched into eternity
son. Being a, Refonnet, is house Was s S al Mee par no mo e,
t MS ) NeTtog.—Air George Nott hasilnished bean& a till$ year.
Br ucelleld. ,"
CHURCH. -An unusually large con-
gregation gathered at, the Methodist
church, last Sunday evening, to hear
Rev Mr Irvine, of Kippen, his subject '
being the educational- scheme of the
church. His sermon was full of power
and to the point, explaining the scheme
of education. All seemed to be inte--
rested and benefitted, which showed
itself in the collection and subscriptions
received for that fund. Should Mr
Irvine preach here again he would no
doubt have an overflowing house, as
all seemed to be highly pleased with
him, and said it was good.
NOTES.—Mr Charles Reid, of Stanley,,,
shipped a car load of fine horses from
here on Tuesday, for Manitoba. Mr
D. McDonald' has gone to Chicago to
visit his sister; he purposes staying for
the summer. Mr Moses Dixon has erk,
gaged with Mr John Gibson for the..
su mer months. Miss M. Kennard is
visi 'lig in Clinton and vicinity. Mr
Rob Smith went with the crowd to
Manitoba, or Tuesday; no doubt he
will be missed, as he was one of the
"boys;" we wish him success.
NOTES.—Mr B. Tomlinson was in this
vicinity part of last week ; it was said
he was on a hunting expedition. MiE49
Mary A. Watkins is still quite unwell,
but she is improving. The members
of the I. 0. G.T. lodge, here, intend to
visit the lodge, in Clinton,this (Friday)
evening. We understand that Mr 10,,
J. Nesbit has purchased the farm of Mr
II. Baker, on the 16th cone Gederich
township we have not learned what
Mr Baker intends doing.
NoTES.—A rate treat in the Foie*
ter's hall, Belgreare, next Wednesday
in the shape of a concert, lecture
social ; all for the small sum of twexi
cents. The storm bits canoed bad lea
for &While. The Good Templar °Yeti*
supper evaspestponed on fleet:emit Pfthe
storm, and po wo the lecture,
11 th • d cat • f itteteherai 1 Obeitisititial CarresPendent cente in advente Will pay for
of the oartv from the Conn ry. the'Ctiritc0 Nit* Eta. fot the
funeral to -day will be a loge one, dritithig Stade tet tpe, fbahchalah