Clinton New Era, 1892-03-11, Page 8N. 'Jho Western aoreeman *10,0 the eq` '142+00?' ASIA, at loam 4i$44 receafr at Muletourg, f4treet c herae 'owned Jo, liostoxi'. elled -recently at the atahles et tb,0 com- pany at Sheaf° of 41 years. good storycornea from *One to the effect that a laGrSe inOlgOY Ment+Pa hieittiej, Alined the chino, and. fox. Aet004,knat if he had heated anyhOdy it horse trade lie wont& be glad to i.qure thing a 1#paylog,thn,differenee incaoh At daylight the.nextreerning nekhbOtY4thWhOut he had recently ,..*04034,0*Se0 called On the uowlycon,- verted Jecicoy,„. and on malting hia, op, 00 said tli4 he had, 4'09we early to ayeid.'the rash,” o,OPtinit O �OUEJEO. Pr, Couture,. the Clooeromentveterk • nary surgeon, .has an artLclein the nOVepaber, number of the 'French Journal that is full of soundsense and ' •*oggItttsiiee.. 'Speaking Of the general Too of horSesto be fonna.p. p.theimxass rn thie ‘conntryo• he, and with much 'ijuBtleS, atgierta that the breeders seem - to intire'aimed at'Obancing an-anim_al the ., very , retcense of wet a P1180t111 rtneee hOree,91A0fit They are, *wanting,"•411,40.hei'4u,' compactness, 0* l'e• we eh° d sPYi„ they are loosely built. Lang -backs and length in the,• loin are What has been aimed at, in- stead of Well coupled, well ribbed, up forlin‘;•(- They Are too Lout in the Jet and , too , slight in the carcass too *IrigNittOT:etrca gl'4311:1171,1,C1.1t1:Tieaafiri ardfaat'sr*Oki"t th0 eml of f, or WhitliffieY rOchtlii4tohle. PheY Won't' iownstai t b *PM t thti-,'• re fit fo 01-41" k• " •°14°13: t!).'INt bat. thetar *airy life4 and '0EA 440. MAMMA Eximizes roil TAOS AND VX, - (AMMO FROM 110SPITATA ,Xligt74414T4B. netieweamx Dium- goor aft lavoue )4,4x00 (N. Y.) roapia44. firoax 1$999/044,99' INTEB9ST4 ,A0/90/1 Vs V4'949/2fili MAV0/11. Shatonet, Tiferob, 4fit,-4•Vor some time., past tliSte have been reports here and else, , whero. Saratoga multi of ,t, slatheye,-40deedip,reinarlails0 SO 10:•99 00-48r0 'Of 4 !wait severe ofeW IPOOPeter ateCiet or Oreeliing paralysis, eimigY by the UP. of PoPnk" .."°104 known oz Pill0 for ; Palo PeoplerPrepared and put up by ,Pr: XedioinelcolpanY,,Wrris-.. .."eit 9, Olt', The story to the effect_ that ),Ir Chas. t4,, c1.991#, Galway, who .fqr. the lass six or. *.,141ityattre,iias beenagreat sufferer ,from 'ereepinWparalyiiiif and:, its. attendant ills, and who had become utterly pOW*41e00 of- all self!help,_104, by thense of it few briltefi Of ; the Eito,t X+1110 for 'Pale People, been Bei tally restored to. 1441$4,40. to able to • "ttealP•abent thia •rstreetlaritheat the .aid at ,•aratobas.-. The of this, wonderful, ,Mireculons awn, was so . great that the •"Evaiiing Journal .reporter thought it worth his while to go to Galway to cell on Mr •.Ql;l4qtrito, JePqn. from .his lips, :and tom .thaO0iiieritibien and testimony hia.ningh- bOrs, if his alleged oure.was A .faot. .only animfounded,Xtimor. eo,04)41rove. to andepent a. day a mglat! there • .*IfJ grviant,-gettjOilinesforyieodv ter. • neighborS'•,a dbla tills* SO *nor takingeera. • 15 'betas *al.:, fully reatOrOdM*Iieelthi .1 "Shought X 'Would try them wife sent .1. Or itWo, boxes of the 'tills awl tooK theca e0o.ordiaktt011ie diroOtiOna givon an .00 vrailint.,04 oh box. • IfOrthfilirstfew tlft,ya tilt) Old latthtworepretty.aSere; Ake X wmi. ea very Weak.lant 00,0inuggl-to $00,9*' in0040400 tOtalting4.)hePilliand treati meatiend betore X hidtieed ap. the Owe. have; Of pill*, X boon to 1001 bettell.04 oft. feats*** th001:41dit .1448k TM' 49$1,'so W./ Weriaei$ .A00 bit batter taken lfltO .,inygo4 began to reliali lal04 moi oWuestat° 49 t'41Q1* auu . ; ,00414 atreightea,op the feellaghOsen tO , . . opine' heoh- Jew toy' 1044; hi4goin to ; ; bill' for MSG rendered, by ,-10. able to get ONO °nerd ., 0,4 OtratY0 eetne• 9. X eta, Q. 0.0 Of 1Vin •IttWit: to 1),!.**0'.8004- .,0,0r, and tioif.',etter the ,Xre POW, onover for defeo. Jog her. 00.; ;'-cot eightiPX-WOf ther-pillei4ta, ooet;; of,' 40ii7104.1w Henry Garbutt, .was bet** -Qaiy•ll.4Me44:001.4 can t..4ththe help; of,* the :ilfeeter-in-Ohentbere again Cane WO; ‘ebo*thnhoetieetiCYee4; Aflienikir.XyersAci, through his..coon- on saw Weed, and 94 tleacantdentlelk; sel, effered, to 40600 $800 'es., paynieot down town, My etenieeli trOttlde'itagene if the bill was not sont. tax- 1 have gained ton pounds ; fool IOWA 110)7. i-OPON..4146,0410 to 'tax; ,thel Itree; men, wheetlie,0#114( OPeati.'t • meet to, :W04.04704 litOrder tnn1,10.0411e'pat., teheo.toPeek Orglk;'‘9f vow; :p0.4*, POO and call it Mabla toPOIPW erg** Mi.dieenta. ago*, ,ties,time ; to consider" whether or not Dr. Pink rot for , ele Peep* • POMO, Tittunrthe3fi,lieVedinY iffeAfter all MI000, tore had given inc up as inourabho Qom citizens of • Galway, oettlg slot wonderful Oran% Mr• quant • by t , e Rink p$10. for Pele. People. are • wing them. Fredrialr'Seattea, a offerer from .rheuma- tism, said lis 51119 A110110grea,2 benefit from their use, and fdr:StilhiltS; *belied. Otiffered from chronic dyeentry for years, raid he had taken two boxes of the pille and was Itly ready oared. la-r,kfliugivatc,Nia ItspublicarpOonservathie part,' wLlI be formed in the Parte Chamber 9Lpecotesir to Ott as the, month. Oa the' Attlean Orden to light ; 04C:the trial of a horse -thief ;at Dexter, . 04,4).44e prisoner -shot 04 kB- led tin;Maypr and the 04701101. 4 .14:to'bon.1304.0e lotirderer tc, 'tree. '40)AtixabOt•at. pe:reotta ilautercala arh0;plecedthenaseiges in -opposition to :the 'TiOli.OY. of the President 'flarrillas nothing the next ay. row rk really way to a prat little village. ef about ouieful farmer's beast,„should, as Mr.. Couture says, as nearlkr possibly con- form to the following e: of an aver- age height, neither high nor low, but '40T the two, rather inclined t� the latter; ,the forehead broad, the eyes very large ' and placed at the side of the head. The neck (enclosure) very thick where it joins the body, and along the Sides, but fine :above and below; the breast aSlift and. Allutscular as possible; the mho der long and muscular; the fore - 'head and thighs :big, no limit to the bulk of these rparts. "THE BLOOD IS THE iffFE Rana the old saving, and everything that ever makes part of any organ of the body ranskreeoll ita Place therein through the bloods... Therefore, if the bkicid zs. parilied iiikkept.in good cendition, by the use of needle Sarsaparilla, .it necessarily follows that the benefit of tha medioine is impart- ed to every organ of the body. Can any- thing be sunpler than the methodby wWob thiseacellent medicine &iiveli400d. health to ailrwho try it fairly and patiently. HUIdOR. * long toime since Oi've seen yea, Moike. It's all av tin years. An' do yez remember th' widow O'Connor. beitut.ful aoriearalge we had th, noight„yez called me &Iier? Meripke—Shure 01 do' that sante, an' divel a bit bov yez changed thei tobite. Employer—You are having it decided veith the girl who has chargeot • youra hioniarkel t • Tee Clerk (with cold chine running 'rap arid down his spine, and with visions of instant discharge)—Y-e e -e, sir; but, please, • Employer—Well, keep it up. She will give more attention to your calls, if you do. Misard's Liniment is the Best .d Texas laweer undertook to cross- examine a 'colored witness, Jim Webster." "What's your name?". "Jim Webster." "What's your occuOition?" "I drives a dray." "Have you got it brother who looks , like you and drives a dray?" "He am dead." "What was he before he died?" Alive."— Texas' Siftings. 400 people, aeliglitfully located near the centre of the town of Galway, in Saratoga county, and about 17 miles from Saratoga Springs. Upon inquiry, the residence of Charles A. Quant wee easily found, for everybody seemed to, know him, gunk well of him and to be overflowing with surprise and satisfaction at his wonderful owe and restoration to the aotivities of enterprising eiticenship, for Mr (Omit wae'bora in Gal- way and had spent most of his life there. Mr Quant wes found at Ms pretty home,on & pleasant street nearly opposite the aca- demy. In responee to it knock at the door trntropened by a man who; in reply to an inquiry if Mr Quant lived there and was at home, said: "I am Mr Quant. Will you come in ?" •After a littleageneral and pre- liminary conversation; and"after he had been apprised of the objeot for whit* the' Journal reporter had called upon him, he, at request, told the story of himself and of his.sokness and terriblesufferings,and of , the . ineffectual treatment he had had, and Of hie final, °pre by the .use of Dr. Williams' Pink, Pilltsfor Pale,People,_ and cheerfully gave moot to:nava* publielitioa. • WSW; ..my name is Charles A. Quant. I am 87 years old. I wasborn in the village of Galway,.and, exeeptipg while travelling on businees and a little while in Amsterdam, have 'Spent iny whole life here. My wife is a natte.e et Qitario. lp to about eight years ago had ,aterer been sick •and was then in perfect health. I was fully six fief :tall, weighed 180 Pounds And wasver solemner* tt..piano and organ timpani „strong. For 12 years I was it .travellin and had to do it great deal of heavy lifting; got my meals very irregularly and slept in enough 'spare bode! in country houses to freeze any erdiii&ry man to death, or atleast give hia2;thek rhea:lotion:a • About eight year** ago 1 Won to feel distress in my stomaoh and consulted several doctors about it. They all geld it wari dyspepsiar doctors indifferent places, and took all the patent medicines I could hear of that claim. ed tiabb tifirdfor dyspepsia. .:33tit erni7 tinued to grow gradually worse for four years. Then I began to havepain in my back and legs and became consaions that my logs were getting weak and my step un- steady, and then I staggered when I walk- ed. -Having received np benefit from the use of patent medicines, and feeling that I WWI constantly growing worse, 1 then,upon advice, began the use of electric belts, pads and all the many different kinds of eleotrio appliances I could hear of, and spent hull- drateof dollars for them, but they did me no good.- (Here Mr Quant showed the Journal rep,orter an elm:aria edit of under. wear.for which he paid 8124) In the fall of 1888 the doctors advised a change of climate, so I went to Atlanta,Ga., and acted au an agent for the Betsy Organ Company. While there I took a thorough electric treatment, but it only seemed to aggravate my disease, and the only relief I could get from the sharp and distressing pains was to take morphine. The pain woes° intense at times that it seemed as though I could not stand it, and I almost longed for death as the only certain relief. In September of 1888 my lege gave out entirely and my left eye was drawn to one side, so that I had double sight and was dizzy. My trouble so effected my whole nervous system that I. had to give up business. Then I returned to Lew York and went to the Roosevelt hospital, where for four menthol was treat- ed by speoialists and they pronounced my case l000motor ataxia andinourable. After I had beenlaider treatment by Prof Starr and Dr Ware for four months, they told roe they had done all they could for me. Then 1 went to New York hospital on Fifteenth street, where, upon examination, they said I was inourable and would' not take me in. At the Presbyterian hoepital they examined inc and told me the same thing. In March, 1890, I was taken to St. Peter's Hospital in Albilaty, where Pod H. H. Hun fraakly told my wife that pay ease was hopeless ; that he 'could do nothing for me and that she hadbetter take •mc. book hotne and save my money. But I whited to make it trial of Prof. Hun's famous skill and I' remained under his treatment for 9. weeks, but secured n� benefit. All this time I had been growing worse. I had be. come entirely paralyzed from my waist down and had partly lost control of my hands. The pain was terrible ; my lege felt as though they were freezing and my stom- ach would not retain food, and I tell away to 120 pounds. In theAlbanyboapitalthey put 17 big burns on my back one day with red hot irons and after a few days they put 14. more burns on and treated pie with eleotricity, but I got worse rather than bet. ter; lost control of my bowels and water, and upon advice of the doctor, who said there woe no hope 1 or me, I Was brought horns, where it was thought that death would soon come to relieve me of my suf. ferings. Last September, while in this helpless and suffering condition, a friend of mine in Hamilton, Ont., called my atten- tion to the staternent �f onb john Marshall, whores case had be& similar to my own, and who had been cured by the me of Dr. Williams' Pink P1118 for Pale People. In this nage Mr Marshall,vviao Isla promi- nent member a the Royal Tenaplars of Temperance, had after .icair years of con- stant treatment by the:Moet efninertt Can- dler!' phyttidanti been, pronouneed incurable, alIa WAS paid the $1000 total dieability We are toki to love our enemies ; but we arenot told to like there, I don't like my 9199940S. Ithfluiketheh, vervinuoli. But" (thititfrith it likleftdialeare) "I love them by trying to gett1iem setfigely punished, • that they may be led to repeat of their behavior towards me." Omar Ibrahimhad been thinking heavily. Plucking up courage he approached his !master, Mehemet. "Right eye of the setting sun. ' Allah be With you," said he to the prophet. "I beg an increase of salary of ten dollars and five • airborne." "Theo believest in the adage, 'Time is money?'" asked Mehemet. ."Verily," answered Omar. "Then thou mayest work two hours long- ir'eaCh der Dr E. T. Miller, of Cross Plains, Wis., hasexpressed the opinion that, for obsti- nate case of syphilis and scrofula, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is unquestionably the most effective remedy known to pharmacy. Wonderful cures have resulted frem its use. HORRIBLE TRAGEDY IN TEXAS A terrible tragedy occurred Monday night at the home of William Smith, two miles north of Sherman city. The st ory Oceisoldby Mr Smith's father is as follows: On thanight in ,einestion one of ray son's little girls came over to in house and steiyed,011 night, She went . /Vine in the rnording about 8 cohilock,but soon return- ed; rtuniing rip to me and crying: "Papa and mamma and my brothers have all been killed.' I went there jest as soon as Leonid, and a terrible sight met My gaze. Bill and his wife were both lying in pools of blood. Bill managed to mumble out it few worde, but his wifecould not say any- thing. The little boy who was less hurt, but terribly mutilated, managed to say "Sam did it lain night with a piece a iron.' Everyone in the house et out and gashed, and there is blood all over the house. there was no orie.Vthe could tell anything of the assaulV . Sam Massey, a negro living near by,'-litas arrested and brought into the city, and followed by an exalted crowd. Massey protests his innooenoe, yet blood. was 'found on his clothing. bir Quant has also tried Faith our% with experts of that in Albapy soca Grenville, S. C., but with nO'benelleiarrnaltra ' t A number of the moreprominentoitizene •atEtalwaa, aft Atee.,0, garhertt the 'Presbyterian clutroh ; trot. James " E. gemy,,ponoilia} ef, tie academy ; John and Harm Crouch, and Frank and Ea. Willard, merchants, and many others to whom Mr Calmat and his so rairactIlaus cure by the toe of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, are well knewn, were pleased -to have the opportunity of bearing testimony to the high character of Mr (anent, and of verifying the story of his re- covery from the terrible affliction item which he had for so long a time been it suf- ferer. Truly. the duty of the physician is not to save life, but to heel disease. The remarkable result from the use of Dr Williams' Pink Pins in the case of Mr Quant, induced the reporter to make furth- er enquirieb I conoerning them, and hessae- certained that they are not it patent medi- cine in the sense in whioh that term is generally Used, but a highly soientifio pre- paration, the result of yearn of study and oarefull experimmat. They have no rival as a blood buider and nerverestorer and have met with unparalled success in the treatment of such diseases as paralysis, rheumatism, sciatica, St. Vitae' dance, pale pitation of the heart, that tired feeling whioh effects so many, and all diseases de- pending upon a watery. condition of the blood or shattered nerves. ' - Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are oleos speci- fic for troubles peculiar to females, sada as suppressiona,arregularitie, and all forms of Weakness. They build up the blood and re- store the glow of health to pale or sallow cheeks. In the case of men they affect it radical ooze in all cases arising from men- tal worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. On furtherinquiry the writer found that these :pills are iiienedadtared byThe DA, Williams', Medicine 044 Oreoliville,Oiat4 and Morristown, N. Y., and are sold in boxes, (never in bulk by the bundled) at 50 cents -a box, or six, boxes for $2,50, and may be had of ell dreggiests. or .diroot.by mail from Dr. Willitimple Medially) C�., from eitlienaddreeseert-The-pricent-whicirthese- pills are sold makes a course of treatment comparatively inexpensive as compared with other remedies, or medical treatment • d. C. Ittortinns'ilt Co. Otars,—I have used your 'KINARD% LINIMENT in My family for sortie years ried beliette it the best Medicine in the market as it does all it it rectiairatinded tea° Cattnitan Forks, N. B., D. lininexten, John Mader, Mahone Bay, inform§ ue that he writ Mired el .4 Very severe SAWA 2110tifflittiSill by taming litINARD'S LINUENTv EVERY •FARMER'S SON moven OAVIll iiiicatioil, • A litflgiTAL riftrligeatalogee of the FOREST CITY . • Buisip,ess College. ZOISTI)01•T '01STir. Over 100 studente In attendance. J. W. Westervelt, Principal. DO YOU WANT A First-class Step or Long Ladder? A Handy Wheelbarrow? A Splendid Churn, or anything of like nature? Then call on:W. SMITHSON, at elioP, 1o.7 EXedericif St., or Eh Mislay. Will be at:DineleY's corner every Saturday afternoon. olaini taletted by the Order in Snell naBefl. 60010 tilbnalk Atte/ lift MO/Ilia begite coarse of treatinent vntli Wilhattis rink TWO REPUBLICANS SHOT FOR OFFERWG TO VOTE IN TENNESSEE. At Fayette Corner, Hardeman coun- ty, Tenn., a,•double murder occured on the lst, 'inst., John Rogers and John Rogers, Jr., falling victims to the pistol of Sam Hunter. A Democratic primary was in pro- gress and young Rogers who is a Re- publican, offered to vote. His ballot was refused by the officer of election, who tore it up and threw the pieces upon the ground. Upon this Hunter, standing near, drew his pistol, an Se WILSON, shot both of the Rogers, killing the young man instantly and inflicting a GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE wound upon the elder that will prove HURON STREET, CLINTON fatal. Hunter had not been arrested Repairing of all kinds promptly attend to roe at last accounts. • enable rates. A. trial solicited. Minard's Linament lensed for horses& cattle. he r hall, vex% #11 1li$2,B0TI0R Or QUA 1,04Aligi ANP TAltiBtoofirrOOXQP Glaeaware & Crockery, Toilet Sets & Teat • Will.coayinee intihafflag purchaseill, that this s tb buY gco4,s.; yez ru E!I 1,1417, 011 014 rt. 744.4,10.04tu.2,4414,1_00_..4iitirt9rwoeti,Psstori041: roal • licaultry, A Pen 99 .9 199.• , 'TWO or Au/km ,Tirui.k,4no.geo. woo, ok 4006in 1 CURE FITSI: When soy I awe I do not mean merely to atop them for a Woe and then ham them return again. I mean a Mdleal sure. I hare made Um disease of FITS, EPILEP- SY or FALLING SICKNESS a lifalong study. I warrant mfaXuerdersecinlo toeuro ftebrenwolSnowt ""*.reeelynnigemanscoure.°thegnhad "at Onoe for a treatise and Free Bottle of my Infailible remoky. elm EXPRESS and POST•OFFICEL L?„.r.Ri.s1TR,Olrilik.blii? ADELAIDE Sr. J, C. MN, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND_ EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT ill _STOCK., ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST.,OLINT 0 N, Residence over store. OPPOSITE TOWN HALL doubt the best ,tn, Trinket. • , • The undersigned is :now at liberty to do anythitig injhe way of Romig and Sxmi PAnkirmo GnAituNo,, PAPER RANGING, X4- 6010140i6f itc.. At reasonable rates, and • on short notice. Satisfaction guarautePd Shop on Rattenbury St. C. WILSON:, rainter. telesseMnearilesigewneanOnananewelaallannmessa BLINDED. BY VITROL Cathrine Mehrle, of Akron, 0.; a widow of 65 years of age, and mother of four children, became acquainted 4 years ago with Wm. Belke, then a lad of 15. He left his home to live with her as her husband. A few weeks ago Belke deserted Mrs Mehrle and return- ed to his home. Belke has receivedanonynaous letters recently threatening his life, and in- timating that he had better return to Mrs Mehrle. When returning from work yesterday at 4 o'clock he was ac- costed by Mrs Mehrle who threw the contents of a bottle into his -face. Blinded by the liquid which was a strong solution of vitrol, Belke stag- gered' to his home annell unconscious •through a window, which he mistook for the door. He will lose his eyesight and his face is dadly disfigured. The woman has disappeared. OH , WHAT A COUGH; Will you heed the warning. The sinal perhaps of the sure approech of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your- selves if you can afford for the sake of say. ing 50o., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure win euro yeer cough. It never ails. 0 -Dec -4.91 A f Wr establishment in Chicago has just completed for a feminine resident an 'ulster itt which are 125 mink skins and 850 tail. UnemPloyed workmen at -Hanover, Gertnany participated in a riot Thurs- day. Many were injared. thay.critnes are being committed in Vienna, One to the widespread distress now prevail* there. After the Grip Hood's Sareapatilla will restore your health and strength, and ex. pel every trace of poison frtori the blood. Joe boneghtte won all the skating PaCeS for the amateur championship of the Milted States, on Thureday. • One man Was killed and fife iieti01.18- 1/ injured by a gasoline bxplosion in a Chicagb (Ito house, * eilaireatuegaltdassaaLerati... — Butchering - Business 4'9 ty 0 G, ato ]p9 SELLS RENTS -THE • 1:701s-IABLP °MARIANO Go F. OA :E ORGANS, 5 and 6 Octave PIANO -CASED ORGANS, Best =Os of PIANOS 'Second hand ORGANS to rent 1PIANOS for rent PIANOS carefully moved . PIANOS packed for shipping Organs repaired and retuned REPAIRS Piano Tuning attended to Sheet Musie&Books ordered Shop on Main Street Residence on James Street Box 11, Clinton Send for catalogue • a. Ir. OWEE. CLINTON To the Public. Subscriber having bought out the busineee eo successfully conducted by Mr Couch, °licit a continuance o/ the liberal patronage bestowe on his predecessor. No pains or expense will be spared to procure the very best meats, and orders will be promptly and carefully filled. The busi- ness will still be conducted at the same ste.nd as heretofore. Higheet price paid for Hides, Sheep.. JAMES A. FORD THE PRESS (NEW YORE) . FOR 1892. Has a Larger Daily' Circulation than any other Re- publican Newspaper in America, DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY The aggressiveRepublieen Journal ortheMetropolis A Newspaper for the Masses, Founded December lst, 1887. Circulation over 100,000 Copies Daily. TUB 9011118 is the organ of no faction; pulls no wires; has no animosities to avenge. The most remarkable newspaper success in New York. Tim Pans is a National Newspaper. Cheap news, vulgar genaations and trash find no place in the coluttins of Tile Pease, Tim Pawls has the brightest Editorial page in New York. It sparkles with points. , Tits Passe SUNDAY Batumi Is a spiendid.twenty page paper, covering every current topic of interest. THS Pates WarnEmma containe all the good thingeof the Daily or are prevented by distance from early receiving It. TheWeekly is a splendidsUbstitute As An Advertising Medium Tat Puss has no superior in New York. THE PRESS Withbs the reach of all. The Best and Cheapest Neiviipaper in America; Daily and Sunday ono Year, $5 00 - • - 0 menthe, 2 60 • - - - 1 " 46 0TrotTeetriCntha- - - - °00 SOnday, one Year - 2 60 Weekly Prise, one Year - • - 1 00 Sandfor Tan Pagas Citatitat. Sittonlet free. Agents Wanted everyerbere. Liber- ia Conniffersiene, .Addiese, ' *TM MU'S se tare tow-, la.Y atsfftakalenealeaA.1411.10111194.4111811111108111111a. EED 'EMULSION COMPOUND ORONO H ITI S 188 Lesdngton Ave., Nen York City, Sept. 19, ISM I have used the Flax -Seed Emulsion in several tams of Chronic Bronchitis, and the early stages a Phthisis, and have been well' pleased with the results. JAMES K. CROOK; M.D. (consumbtiOn) with beneficial results, where patient CONSUMPT.ION 1 I have used your Efnulsion in a case of Phthis is Brooklyn,.N.Y., Feb. Um, 1889. could not use Cbd Liver Oil!n a.ny fon% MJ HDRO E. • D. US PROSTRATION Brobidyn, N. Y., Dee. 20tb, 1 I can strongly recommend Flax Seed Einulsion as helpful to the relief and possibly the cure Of all Lung. Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and it good serf tral 14 PhYsicalJO6HbNiliFtY.. TALMAGE, M. D. GENERAL DEBILITY Ihothlya, K. Y., ()al lleb,1888. I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior tO the God Liver Oil Emtdsions ib generally in use. D. A. GORTON, M. D. WASTING DISEASES 187 West 84th St., New YorKAng. 0, 1 I have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion Compound In a severe ease of Mal -nutrition and the result was more than hoped for -it was marvelous, and con- tinuous. I recommend it cheerfully to the profession and humanity at large. M. fl. GILBERT, M.D. RHEUMATISM Saki by Druggitits,Price $8.00. FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO 1.fibertySt.,'NewYork. For sale by J. H. MIRE, Clinton. ROBERT DOWNS, 0 LINTON Manufacturer and Proprietor 'for the best Sun DIM Dag in use. Agent for the sale and appli- cation of the ta7tenna PATIONT AUTOMAT 0 Bondilt Ottenaa. STEAM FITTINGS furnish411 and appi ed on shsrt notice. Sollars. Itnenee. and all Weds 01 IlItsOlstsser3, repaired ea pedittensly and 1101 a flailefaetorY manner A'arm iraplemente mannfactured and repaired Steam and water pumps furnished and put 'in pogitipn. Dey Etitnt litted up Oft application Charge§ moderate. 11411dammisailliMli. THIPPIclD iq, McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC MID ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished,— Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Pal tation of the Heart, Liver Compla Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchi Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, ney and Urinary Diseases, Bt. Vitus Dauee,„ Female Irregularities and General Debility. LABORATORY,: GOBERIOR,‘ ONT. • J. M. MaLTACID„ • Pio"). and. Mantaa.atsirers. . Sold by J. H. Combs, Clinton NERVE BEANS *num Brass are a now dis- covery ma'am the Worst eases of Nervous Debility, Lod Vigor and Mies Manhood: restores the *Yelpers of body or. mind ceased by oter-work,or the cam/cot ex- cesses of youth. Thts Remedy ab- solutely °urea the moat Obstinate eases when *We/lbw- 'raze:rare= Imre failed erento relieve. Sold try drag- giSta .1 81 pee package, or shy for $5, or gent ,by_insig on, rooelpt of price by addreaaing JAMES 10e.DICl/Uk.." 00., Toronto, Ont. Write for nampldet. Sold kr- Clinton by 3. H. Goethe. • • If YOU WISH To Advertise Anything Anywhere "Any time WRITE GEO. P. Rowtm. & Co ico. to Spruce Strebt, NW YOltit, a - •-74:./4 •