Clinton New Era, 1892-03-11, Page 7A Li
HAabemitivect by the prompt uss'ot
:1,5yer'a Pals« Wavelets bylandor
,00a. aro liable to .0onetipation or other
41erangemeuts ot the stomaehaarl bowels
whieh,If.neglected, lead to7serionslaral
often:eta 904(5(5filleacm ThaineetillinS,
14101414ef eerIttotiti011eaneNllsigtim Kuse.
or A$0% vathav4e rah', The.
dent-oailiog-nuletolnulo. as Boon so to
esa without his chronometer as without
4 supply of thes011110k.' Though prompt
and euergetie in operatiou„.Ayer'e PU
istittY0 s_40 „eireote tbeY Ore Plir91$'
T.4,60000 g.4q. 8ugr•TA)4041 Oa 40E46 •
Pte4.41100 for eld and )7011n2S0'.et nenr, or
PC Vox cii10 years'l was afflicted With
01441144We. 'VOWit 1n Want° so'
had that the Odors count do .no )nere,
for Mef Then 1 began to take' Ayer'a
Vila& undselien tbo belVelesSeeosered .
thalr natural and regular *thins so -that
• Excellent .
heatur,"—mresgs* til6W110,40.4
Ressachneetts.:.: '•••. '
retard AYer'fl. Pi11i tisolnieetits
'ntellt reliable metal remedies of our
stitnea:. Thee hate been lie:Sugehismir
family for affeetiens. purga-
th'e, ,tive, and have given tinvaryhig satis
„ non, We have Mond them aisessesus
for .colda,aletlit
, • "Per severalrare haVe'rel Minot*
W. rub,'
• tiJ5.0n4Yer's than upon Ovule*
flee In the medicine ,ch6st, to regulate
• my -bowel; and those' of the Shlp'e OreW.
Thee Pills ate not teem in. their acs
tiOtfr brit do their Wrstk thoroughly. I
• Inivespeed 'thorn with good (Meet for
le Cure rheumatism, Iodise:7 trou..
OS, end litepapsia:" -Capt. Mueller,
SteamshiP Near 'York City.
' "I liaiss found AYer's Cathartic plus
to a bettor family Seediolue for cora-.
*ton Use than any other pills within my
knowledge. ' Thor, *MAO WY', MY'
ieireettee, but sate, Mid take
tsanantlee which must Make them
- vented by the pu,blio."-aeles Hanel,
Perfunier, Philadelphia, Pa.
,Ps J. 0. Ayer & Mass.
, Sold by ill Dealers In Medicines.
• I
' Among those who lest their lives in
the recent storm on the coast of Portu-
gal were M. -Married men, whOse fami-
nes are now destitute.
The famine in the Connty of Arva,
Hungary, is becoming more intense.
In two months 75 deathp from starva-
tion have been reported.
The:, London TimesNeonsmentson
Emperor.' WillianVe recent ,eiseeeh rere
cntne4,hY„a GOMA/I, Rewapar,' and
no* the latter is tterhe prcisecu
No • •
ARE NOT a Pre .'!P,VVV.'' Bnoon Muumuu,
eine. They are a
) gatiya Medi-
AMSTomo said Amon-
Oratroron„es they
INKall diseases corning
etually rieede teen -
oh the Blood, curnig
from Ponn and Wei
Mr Bnoors,•-or from
1 its,V..11:1,104i) Humans ir
the Huron, arid else:
vigorato sand 'Bum
the Lino= anc
FOR STOW% Vim broker.
dawn by overworks
L r 19.t4tarri...44,012'seas.e:
• L difw4k-wbepi-maee,„„s.
EOPL ot,h„.. And wOmen,
effitxtrer.fixaTem of
restoring LOST 'VIGOR
and egrrooting all
rieseasmir and
sternnesuitts. •
Who iinds,hie mental fem.
natieu dun or failing, or
flaSeese, fewest take these
Caere his' lest energies, both
LW V Bit Ths31 cure all sup
Ill ,should, take them.
M.Mi.lar,l 'Wm a
,1 -Me sSaiercUtiegleetcd. itb
yOUNG FAENThe r1i the Pe
sults of yoritct
hful bas.luthin„ au4sta:Qtheri
e , ,grblioeTed tarttsth,evrt
-For Oale by all druggists, or will be sent upon
receipt of price (50e. per box), by addressing
Drooletitte. Out
was sick, we gave her Castoria
When she was a Mild, she cried for Castoria.
'When the became Miss, ehe clung to Castoria.
*4. she had Childron, mitesiCve them Castoria
. • '
6.11A LINISEttyllltallie
•fieneraand NERVOIIS HERIE1TY;
/* Weakness of ROM AND MINA
Streets of Errors or Excesses In Old
'or toting. Robust* SOW RAN-
. ROOD fully Restored. How to en -
IMO and strengthen WEAK EN -
.er BMW: 'Abiolittely unfailing
ROME TittATRENT—Benetiti in
a Jay. hen testify from fifty States
•'1Usd ForeigatIountrits. Write theta.
Rook* :explanation and proofti
;nailed (sealed) PAU: Address
ERIE MgbiOAL 60.;
• surf4o; N.Y4
O Witb kiii.VIM PaQte
. jraireling man, who Was also the
40841 of eq"0,Perette littns promised Ine
newly wedded wife, Ws Pile Michigan
tradeettltin, that'11(5.,1,,,ould giva,,, her $1
eve/7,004e he kisseu tier, and lethat
way_,:sh(5 e could .t5a,plenty ot'!ranney,
Tlnafis ?mouton:Allis' , way for 90"fer91.
Y.'tttrl3; #1114 414 he toggle .pleutrof InOney
he faitlifultyltept his promise. VinsilYe
reverses come, al the once prosperous
'traveling, ' man ound that he 1101.0
*vitttutiV 4 Pamper, He Vent home to
his wife 404 t014 her 4,11. ' iiihelbow.ever,
did nit. :see/no:worried, and Owes. POW'
*7)40 •sutprOect When she asked hire to
• taelte a„,rino'Wsth her that afternoou,but
he aCeepted the inVitatien. Pieming a
AelNciek °41• a "gelkkuoink street she
•,said:ss "That'e 'Mille '; ',.)S0913 she own°
to 4 bilnde0t0e fiat and .said: "That's
,b344o..?:, ;w00;ehe shiswed,hini.aevemil
places with the-itune rornark,:nntil he
began, to be sue:pleb/1M and Inquired;
"ttOw40the deuce :did you acquire . so
much wealth?" "Do you. remember
t, e,eentreset IOU made when we Were
c tsPfiparriefIr she, 'Wed,. . '."'lree," he re-
plied-"rolo." "Well," 1, irivested it, and.
it hrte ,inede. us, riels.s, The traveling
Man Itenrhisthead and said nothin*
This was kept up for 30 minutes until
his wife became alarmed, and she
asked; wlf., at in.„0.0 WOrldis the mat-
ter, abck'illet art5yonthioking about?"
lailaid: ' I Was thinking of how rich
.we would be if 1 had done all my kiss-
ing at hoine.". '
•fistor of the Presbyterian churoh of
•Sparta, N. 3., voluntarily writes stroegly
hi favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla, .'Ile says:
"Nothiug I.know of will Cleanse the hood,
stimulate the liver or olean the stornaoh
siike thioleele49- 5;r1 leiosse of scores and
scores who have bee,; helped or cured by
The highest preise has been won by
Hood% Pills for their easy, yet efiloient,
action. -
All other things being equal, a harp -
tone voice in a man and a contralto
voice in a woman willswear better and
last longer than any of We others.
allthehables horn in one year were
laid in a line, head to foot, they would
stretoh from New Xork to riOlOgX9O1P
If they could 'walk past's, caner aethe
rate of twenty per minute, it would
take them six years to pass.
The Pans are the only people in equ-
torial Africa who have a currency, and
they are strong monometallists, The
money is of iron, wrought intopieces
resembling rusty hairpins with._ flat
heads. They are put up in bundlers of
ten, and a hundred bundles is the mar-
ket price of a wife.
In Geneva county, Ala., a jury by its
verdict settled the value of kisses. A
young fellow narned Wm. Horton was
indicted for assault and battery on Miss
Sallie Jones. The testimony ° of, the
:young woman was that Horton had
kissed her against' her will. Horton
testified that the kiss was with Miss
Sallie's free will And consent. and that
he had kissed her 150 tithes before. The
jury returned a verdict of guilty, and
assessed, a fine of $150.
And how to save it, are subjects Which
interest all prudent house -wives. This in-
formation „is given m "Ayer's ,Home Boon -
banes;" containing One' -Hrtndred Recipes
iid fronrinfran'll
market. I• t is a book especially valuable to
young honsekeepeis, and will afford many
new and useful hints even to those more
experienced. "Ayer's Home Economies"
mailed to any address, on receipt of 2.oent
stamp, by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell,
The magnificent display of the aur-
ora borealis was visible from Iowa to
the Atlantie Cadet, Olter all the region
north of Si. Louis. It seas the.grand-
est sight of this kind that has been
witnessed in soeent years.
• . But if anybiady 'Wishes thleat the
magnificent acounlulations of science
through the ages since the world has
keen peopledsby man, let him investi-
gate the bause of the aurora borealis.
Most authorities agree that it has
sonsething to do with electricity. One
high up astronomical professor assures
us thatthe S'atinosphere seemed to be
Charged with a tremendous amount of
eleotticity; and a great commotion ap
Pieltred to be going onin the northwest.'"'
One May add tothia highly eract in-
formation the further 'announcement
that the aurora borealis seemed to ap-
pear to be in some 'Way connected with
the spots on the.atin. -At the time of
greatest apparent activity in the sun's
photosphere these displays of northern
lights. are Opt to occur in our. sky. A
further fact is that the telegraph and
telephone lines are interfered with by
he aurora -borealis. The transmitting
pperatue will not work reliably. "The
hing.Seeined to come in waxes," said a
elegraph. manager.
A Gerinan scientific Min Who' , like
Ids stUditous race, :Iyar3 accuhtomed to
hut himself up and tivolVethings from
he depth of his C6nseloesneiss, Mayan -
es the theory that the aurora borealis
caused by great *plumes of electrici-
y passing from a dense into a rarer at-
osphere. He passed a current of
lectricity froin a dense into a rarefied
traosphere and fciund that electric
henomena correspotiding to those of
he aurora followed. Still we don't
now. It does not look well to be con -
eked over the amount of human
"Well, littte boy, what's your name?"
• "Shadrack Nebuchadnezzer Jones.'
"Who gave you that name?"
"I don't know. But ger bet cher life
if I find out, when I gets my growth
they'll be sorry for it.
Ex -Mayor Robert Bowie, 13rockville,
Ont., says: -"I used Nasal Balm for a bad
ease of catarrh, and it cured me after hav-
ing ineffectually tried many other reme-
dies. It nAsis fails to give immediate relief
for cold in the bead." This is the caper-
ienee of thousands in ti.11 parts of the
minion. There is no case rif cold in the
head or catarrh that will not yield to Natal
Balm. Try it. Beseate Of etiliktitiites.
Chfigiftellit 'Orti :fitt
The New To* Xxicivo agitep.,-,
lathe Praetine,of smoking'inereaine
We taarthatis,*,at, let*: in thispart-of
, the:country& count themm*4' boys:
on 'the street puffing a pipeor a•eigari.'
'aud!you:::wilip(t fouVrisefila 404 how
:Many there Ore Vilati,bove ,contmotod •
this expensive and OnPleaSatit habit,'
..4vAlorchunt: , who -is:.:conneOted wjtli
seVerallarge :90001.0100i: and: vseett
business 0,01nnitteet daily, says thittlx
is a gonataokspftor.Offecon propezi-
.sityty of Is tOlgm,porovittOmen,.•Ile
say_ wreolgriltitot!tpoet �f men seem
to -he :so .regar:AlOss. of the rights and
eeinterte 9r....0ther4P4"4n*ceta. There
10.15,4041: of :truth
oiu cOuntingloomn, notice of Warning'
,t.O. *ereof eigeo 404 etgarebtee 40.4'W0
•have been: elogect tOteu_otre of tbnfre:
•.qUent .visitors te': 'Our editojiaI,rooms
not In malten voleAtte1044,014.
40- 090.glte, the odor of tehtlieee: and We
• 44) not .mean that it shall be thrust up-
• en .11s in V00019 where we sit All day;
In the matter of politeness,Ouristinsiter$
•could take a Wet/A.:re* thp,Itinflne,
Dr. „Plough, the-wel.14cnolv4"..041.t.16P,
Missionary Mon:Mg. the ,Tehigus, says
that if a .YEntrig4Vndiv sMoktes.elaq.
see histr.roming along the street' he
*mild takehis cigarout of, his mouth
and hold itbehind hirauntilthe!''sahib"
had passed. The „tobareosloVing Turks
have a elmilar sense .of Whitt 40 4110:113,_
others, We do not expect'ours 10001f.
errs to do that ---at present fistit. they
ought to have the Cottrteeyto.. refrain
from lighting their . fires in private
offices, street cars and public room*. •
Of tho Lubon Medioal COMPany is new at
Toronto, asada, and may ' he cm:melted
either in person or by, letter on all .chronic
diseases peeuliar to man.' Affen, yonitg,Old,
or middlaageds who find theineeltes Pen,
ous, Weak and exhausted, !She are broheu
tidwn frem•excess or "oVerworksreaulting in
manyof the ',showing symptons ; 'Mental
SleprestiOn, prematureold ageslOse of Vital-
ity, Iota of memory, bad dreams, direness
et sight,palpitistion of the heart; emissions,
lack ofeeeegy, pain in the -kidneys,. head-
ache, piniplee, on -the face -or body, itching
orpeouliar SeneatiOn -sheet • the:scrotum
wasting of ;the 'organs, dizzinese, epochs be:
fore the eyes, twitchingotthe rambles; eye-
lids, and elpewhere, heed nese, deposits in
the1urine, loss of,will powe', tenderness of
the scale andspine,•weaka2 d hobby mus-
cles, desire to sleep, failure to he rested by
sleep, constipation, dullness °Shearing, lose
of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of
temper, sunken eyes surrounded with lead -
encircle, oily looking Ake etc., are all spa,
ptoms of siervoue debility that lead tolineen.
ity and death milees eared. The spring or
Vital force having lost its tenSiou every
functionwaises in oonseqedice. Those who
through obtuse oorninitterlin ignorance may
be Pernlanently cured. Sendyour address on all diseases peculiar to man.
Rooks sent fres sealed. Heart disease, the
um:46ns Of which are fait apellie purple
Essaumbnese, palpitation, skip beats, hot
fluiihes, rush of blood to the head, dell pain
hithe heart with beats strong,' !rapid and '
irregular, the second heart quicker than the
hiet, pain about the breast bone, etn. can .
positively be oared. No cure, no pay. 'Send
for book., Address M. V. Lubon, 24 Mao-
donell Ave., Toronto, Canada. Jan. 1, 92.
The age of the—earth has been var-
iously estiniated by 'scientific men,
whose figures after all must be allowed
to be of the vaguest character. Sir
Vini.Thomson, investigating Use theory
of the earth's having. cooled from aluid to a solid mass, laced i
tirslietwaiblre-g-arldt less than two
undyed or more than four 'hundred
millions of years, the probability bes
ing that a hundred millionyears
is the limit of geological history,
and that prior to that time the
rArth's surface was unfit for the main-
tenance of animal or vegetable life.
Buckland said that it was millions of
years since the world seas created, and
the only question was, how many mil-
lions. Hugh Miller said: "The six
thousand years of buman history from
but a portion of the geological day
which is passing over us; they do not
extend into the yesterday of our globe,
far less touch the Myriads of ages
spread out beyond." Dr. Croll considers
that the antiquity -of the oldest sedi-
mentary rocks isnotless than sixty
million years; while Dr. Houghton,
reasoning from much the same data,
fixes the minimum duration of what
may be called strata -making time at
two hundred million years.
An old physician, retired from practice, i
having had placed n his hands by an East
India missionary the formula of .0 simple
vegetable remedy for the speedy and per-
manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, Asihma and all throat and Lung
Affections, aleo a positive and radical our
for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com-
plaints after having tested its wonderful
curative powers in thousands of oases, has
felt it Me duty to make it known to his suf-
fering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human suffering, 1
will send free of charge, to all who desire
it, this recipe, in German French or English,
with full direotions for preparing and using.
Sent by mail by addreesing with stamp,
naming this paper. W. A NOTES 820 Pow-
ers'Blook, hoehester, N.Y. June 19-91-y
A gentleman sent his servant to in-
quire about a friend who had' been ill.
"In case he should be dead find out
the date of the funeral," were the girl's
parting instructiqns.
Half an, hour later she came back.
"The gentleman is very much better,
sir," she said, "and they have not yet
decided about the funeral."
The "Myrtle Navy" brand of smoking
tobacco has stood the tot for over twenty
vears, and during that time it has lost no
friends and gained scores of thousand.
This lengthened experience shows that it ie
no mere passing faahion which has Waned '
the approval of the publics but ite superi-
ority in the essential qualities which make
a first class tobacco.
iei the title of the latest ifinstrated pamph-
let issued by the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Iteilway regarding those growipg
states, whose svonderful erepa the past tea.
son have attracted the atisetion Of the
iWhole cerintry. Rib filil Of Adis of special
interest for all not rationed with their pres-
ent location. Send ti) A. I. Taylor, Cana.
dian Nitre)** Agent. NC. 4 Palmer Mere
, Mock, I route, Ont., for a copy free of ex.,
irr FOR
2:)0 ;$ice*thino
010 ot th0 CMOs*
.***Itinon away of rleph
T1rOt rouble*
Catarrh; colds
Oxygenized Emulsion of Pure
In January E4. L. Huntley, a Chicago
travelling man, was relieved of diaraondse,nd
other jewelery valued at 212,000 by stage
robbers. He offered a reward of 92,000 for
the recovery of the stolen property, and
hisbrother received a letter froze the thieves
offering to return the property for the re-
ward, provided they were not prosecuted.
The agreement was made, and on Monday
the jewelry was „delivered to its owner by a
wean who disappeared as soon as he reoeived
the 22,000.
Is a cancentrated extract of Sarsaparilla,
Yellow Dock, Pipsissewa, Juniper Berries,
Mandrake, Dandelion, and other valuable
vegetablaremedies, every ingredient being
strictly pure, and the best of its kind it is
possible to buy.
10 18 prepared by thoroughly competent pear -
Imelda -sin the moat careful manner, by
a peculiar CoMbination; Proportion and
ProCesS, giving to it curative power
To Itkelf
It will lure, when in the power of medicine,
Cancerous and all other Humors, Malaria,
Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headaehe,
Catarrh, Rheumatism, and all difficulties
with the Liver and Kidneys.
It overcomes That Tired Feeling, Creates an
Appetite, and gives mental, nerve, bodily,
and digestive strength. The value of
is certified to by thousands of voluntary wit-
nesses all over the country whom it has
cured of diseases more or less severe. It
is sold by all druggists. $1; six for P.
Prepared only by C. L ROOD & CO.,
Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
N. B. If you decide to take Rood's Swap&
rllla do not be induced to buy tiny other.
C:ilEtCocYrillEitTe 4iSr 461-1.4.A*SWA....TAJE
Owing to lack of room; I will, if possible make a clean sweep byiNewyears, if prices
will do it. I cannot give prioep o&- everything, but quote a few and guarantee ever,
thing in proportion.
Pull Tea Set, No. 1 White 91.80. Pull Toilet Set No. 1 White 21.00
PnU Pull Tea Set, No. 2 'White 21.25. Fula Toilet Bet No. 2 White 61.20 •
SetiGlainf; LargeCovered"PreeerveStandal5e. Large extra fineCakefitdefiOo
I. have a fall stook of all 'other goods in the Grocery and Harness lines. The be4. sse
co eta of Robes ever sliiittn in th flage. If you ever expeot to want anything,*
thlaline, don't Mina thee/lance. All produce taken, frOm a pound of wrap iron to
load of wheat. Thanks/or past patronage and call again.
I $
a. Goodd
New Valencia Raisins offstalk, New Sultan Raisins—extrosValue,
o Basket Raisins, New Currants, New Grenoble Wit/mita.
New S. S. Almonds, New -Filberts, : New Candied Peels—Citroi,
Lemon and Orange, New Extracts—Rsseneee of a il kinds.
Ali' Ispeoutlillendliirii;e India awl Ce371011 Tffitii put tip in` oifiii
Splendid values in ehoice Green, Black or Japan_p. Ti; „ono- -------,-64
pound packages, Beet value in package Teas in the markei—Try It.
We have just received a large invoice of fine Bohemia Cut Glass Bottles
filled with finest PERFUME. Call and see the fine display.
• Prices within the reach of all.
100 Doses Glaso
One °liar bmow House, Brumfield
The new model of the Rooktord Watch, when
placed in a screw bezel case..will All a Ion felt
Want as it i
19rfilt among stiz Is not
wheels work between, not being separated by
pillars as in the ordinary
But by the bottom plate being turned out of a
solid piece of metal, with die edger lett of the
top plate to rest on; it also being pendant or lever
set wrth sunk balance to prevent breaking, mak-
ing in all s good rong watch
For a Farmer
Thank You!
271I8 IS VIZ Mrmisex mom
MONrof those who have sufferedfroto
LNG ZAISEASES,afier they hose tried
Of Puit Odd Liver OD and
-Of Cline and Soda:te-
ItItzt. /2* .ta wolVDEnt'Ot
1-0ZE:ot knObitOltit 11 is tana 4vnd
ructrriect ty Phystotavitth Atotcl cdt
tinhatteits or aessiliattoien sold • by
otUlortioolsot di 506. anst $400,
trentts * J4 iliatX, Yofferifte'..
WM. $9_,Q111117 &CO .
Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, RATS,
Highest Cash price paid for all kinds (if Grain, Dreeeed Hogs, Hides, Woo• l and Cords
wood. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Agents for a N. W. Telegraph Co., with tele-
graph connection to all parte of the world.
We beg to thank our numercsis customers for their long and liberal patronage for tbe
past 30 years, and hope by strict attention to business, and rook bottom prices, to still
• continue in line with our old and many new customers.
We have this week received a large stock of New Mods for
the spring trade. A fine line of TWEEDS for Suits and
Pants. These are special value and now is the time to order
your clothing and have it made ready for spring. Our prices
SHIRTING— -are low compared to others.
A large varieiy and cheaper than ever.
FLANNELETTES—Severe kinds and prices—Very best
12 cents. Early to talk about pitlisiTs but we have them.
• BeautieE for 10 cents
SUGAR, DOWN—Head and bottom both. knocked out.
Oan't last long -100 lbs Granulated for $5- cash. Secure a
bargain when you can. 'trap short this year. a
All Goods at Rock Bottom Price's.
Alums' POltnim) R. AD
ess „