HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-03-04, Page 8in on tut fv4 ViiIPAT, MAI= 4, 1892 POAL NOTIODS SiNetgelialisane le oar epeotaity, eale, wooffer !MO Rae sets very. etseap & Ameovit )300PEAti WANTRP--• Good and condor- ' tebio acco,terecdetien. Apply at Millar ERA. 400, aorda, et wood wanted in eitchaose• to Behest Bone1Blanteta Boot, Elbow, ate.. at WW1-T.9E134 • Ult. 4. 01, EtERR. Piano Timer ler the old re liatile firm a] A. 5 Neraltimer, will vitt oilmen &beet Res, 9th. rotten desirous a having their pianos thoroughly tuned and regyiated, kindly leave their name e with Waucloper & 00, litatioeers. 130EINE13iii QUANGE1,-,-It will be seen by OW advertielni columns that of the very best in estern On ,arlo) by taking Mr Bonnie McDonald, as junior partner. The iirm name will remain as heretofore. .Mr MePenald has been,connected with this establish, meat for some years, and is a young Man of good promise. They have also taken in Air amee Jackson and Mr J. fireig as partners into the' Seaforth business. All these persons are well known Frain their previous connection with the business, and in their respec- tive' departments are first -cleat hands. This famous house, hitherto enjoying the confidence of the public and its patronage to a very large extent, will be in a better position than ever to meet the wants of its growing consti- tuency. • NOTES.—Mt S. Chtunbers, of \Gren- fell, N. W. T., came here with the re- mains of his mother for interment. Mr W. Robinson, Huron road, has let the contract for the erection of a fine bank barn to Mr Mains, of Buffett. Cooper & Co are this week supplying the Bayfield school with desks of an improved form, that will add much to the appearance of the school. Mr W. C. Searle is at Woodstock this week, he being a plantiff in a frontage tax suit with the city. There were five Mondays in 'February this year; it is two hundred and twenty four years since that happened before. Mr Chas Young, of Seaforth, (nephew of Mr James Young) has taken a situation with the Clinton Organ Co. Nearly all those who have been in delicate health for some time—and their num- ber is legion—are now on a fair way to recovery. It is reported here that the Goderich Organ Tactory has passed into the hands of three wealthy men of that place; Mr. D. R. Menzies will still be manager. Mr S. Beesley, of St. Paul, is visiting his brother here. Mrs Clark, of Maple street, goes to Seaforth to reside; she has two sons living there. Council will met on Monday night next. Building operations promise to be somewhat lively' this year. Mr E. Hull and family took their departure for Michigan this week. The Spring Assizes for the County of 'Huron will be opened at Goderich, before Chief Justice Armour, on Monday, March llth. It is reported that Mr Jos. Mor- row, of Varna, (brother-in•law of A. McMurchie) will take up his residence in town. Mr W. Downs purposes go- ing to Manitoba in a couple of weeks. Mrs Roger Lee and daughter, of Indian Head, N. W. T., are here on a visit to the former's brother, Mr R. Reynolds; Mr Lee will be remembered by our citizens as a former business man of the town, and has made business a suc- cess in the west. Mr Thos. B. Fowler, jeweller, Galt, made a short visit to his relatives here last week. Mr Josh. Hamner, of Toronto, forinerly of Clin- ton, has suffered a severe loss by the death of his second eldest daughter, Ida, from diptheria. The many frinds of Mr John Callender, of London, (son- in-law of Mrs Reid) will regret to learn that he has been for several weeks confined the house by illness; we trust that his recovery will be speedy. The family of Mr Scarfe, for years a resi- deneof Colborne, left here on Monday, for Saginaw, where Mr Scarfe purposes making his future home. Miss Clara Calh matron of the Orphan's'Mome, London, spent a few days among her old friends here last week. The wife of Mr A. E. Morrow, (of the Collegiate) wen.t_lioine, Monday_owbag to the illness of her mother. Mt Gee. Stan - bury, of the London road, is the own- er of the very, first Doherty, Organ turned out in this town, and although it has been in continuous use for a long time, he regards it as unequalled either for finish or durability. Mrs A. McDonald. of Ripley, was visiting at Mrs R. T. Smith's. Mr Lu Stevens has gone into partnership in the tail- oring business at Brampton; we hope to hear of his doing well. MI E. Rea - vie, of the 4th con., Huron township, was visiting friends in town this week. A sitting of the Ontario Drainage Commisteon will be held in the town hall here, on the 15th and 16th of March next. _,Bir Eph Butt shipped a car of stock and settlers' effects to Manitoba on Tuesday. Mr J.W. Miter had the misfortune to lose a bright boy, on Sunday, by diphtheria. Mr G Connell, of town, had the misfortune to lose a book containing a couple of notes for a considerable amount. Mr John Cuninghame has been confined to the house for several days by a se- vere cold. Mr M. C. Cameron passed through Clinton, on Tuesday, on his way south ; the doctors having ordered him to go. Division Court was held here on Monday, before Judge Doyle; only a couple of cases were disposed of. Miss Grace Boles has gone to resume her situation at Cookstown; Miss J. Robb left for the same purpose last week, for Durham. We are pleased to know that the wife of Mr John Lee, whose life has been on the balance for several days, seems now to be in a fair way of recovery. Mr A. E. Booth is still conducting services for the Breth- ren. The choir of Rattenbury street Methodist church enjoyed a pleasant evening at the home of Mr Jas. Snell, Mullett, on Tuesday evening. Miss M. McKenzie has returned from Bowman- ville, where she has been visiting. Mr Robt Howson, of Revelstroke, B. C., a former resident of Mullett, is back on a visit to his mother in Clinton; he re- ports matters as quiet on the cost, but in the mining sections they are on the eve of a boom. Mrs J. T. Clarke, whp has been visiting at Mr T. Jackson's, jr., returned to Toronto this week. R. Flemming, of Goderich township, left on Wednesday for Vancouver, B. C., taken through ticket from A. O. Pattison, Clinton. Mr Frank Gorrell outskirts of the town, near the London and Mr Frank Stevenson have bought road, on Wednesday morning, where- a fine 4 -yr -old stallion from Mr W. by Mr W. II. Cooper lost his life. Wise, Goderich township. which they. Takinga shot gun down from the impose taking to the Northwest. .enterprising firm o Jacksonliros.laave added stretilli to thgrm talreadT one 11-50/11 0111.0. MoNtmENTs.—Mr Seale, of the Clin- ton Marble Works, took among his ether orders last week, two for =nu- rnents that will be among the finest in Exeter cedietery. One was for the late Mr Jory, to cost ; and the other for the late Mr Ijorrell, too° st $200. FIRE COMPANY. — We undePstand ,that there are a few vacancies in the Fire Company owing to the resigna- tion of ,several of the members, and that application for the position will be received by the Town 011erk up to Friday night, when we hope that the company will be completed. There should be no difficulty in keeping the company up to the high standard hith- erto maintained. BRICKS.—For three years the brick - milking machinery of Jtir Thos East, the well-known manufacturer of brick and tile, has been idle, so far as the manufacture of brick is concerned, though in the meantime he has turned out a very large quantity of excellent drain tile. This year, 'however, Mr Eat intends to manufacture brick again, and will doubtless turn out quite a lot. TOTAL ABSTINENCE.—The lodge of I. 0. G. T. is growing nicely, now members joining at every meeting. It has been decided to hold the meet- ings of the lodge, for the next month, in the Orange hall, over Jackson Bros store, and in the meantime efforts are to be made to secure permanent hall ac- commodation. Friday night is the , night of meeting for the present, and the support of all in sympathy with ' total abstinence principles is earnestly asked. LIMNING ToWN.—Mr J. A. Giffin'B. of Clinton Collegiate Institute, has been engaged as Science master for St Catharines Collegiate Institute, and will enter on the duties thereof the 1st sf April. St Catharines Collegiate Institute has the name of being one , of the best in Ontario, and will even gain by Mr Giffin's addition to the • staff. He is a capital fellow; an ex- ,cellent worker in religious circles also, and one of the kind of men whose re- moval is a loss to any town. DEATH OF MRS CHAMBERS. — Brief mention was made last week of the death of Mrs Chamber % at Grenfell, N. W. T. She was one of the oldest resid- ent of this town, having resided here continuously for about 30 years. Last fall she decided to visit two of her sons in the Northwest and it was while there that she contracted grip which ---Tealiltetrifilfer-delith--a-t-the age of35" years. She leaves a daughter in Tor- onto —Mrs Josh Hamner—and three sons, only one, Joseph, now living in Ontario. MANUFACTURE OF PIANOS.—The en- terprising proprietor of the Doherty Organ Factory is about to branch out into the manufacture of pianos. The success that he has made of the organ business. which will be continued with 'unabated vigor, is an assnrance that the new venture will be equally suc- cessful, and the reputation of the Do- herty Organ is a guarantee that the Pianos will be of superb style and workmanship. We wisb Mr Doherty unlimited 'success in this new branch of business, and certainly expect to see no other piano sold in this neighbor- hood than those of the Doherty Make. ONCERT COMPANY: — The Emma W lis Comedy Co. played for a week i he Town Hall, to crowded houses each night. They then left for Goder- ich; if they do not have full houses each night where ever they play, it is not the faillt of the plays, etc., for everything is first class. The last night they play is just as good as the first, and they never need be afraid of com- ing back to a place the second time, for they are sure of a well filled house; each play is first class, the concert is free from vulgarity. The farces are excellent, and -Miss Emma Wells is a renowned pianist and singer, and has few equals. SEEKING DAMAGES.—The night of the election, when the boys were scour- ing back yards and alleyways for mat- erial with which to replenish the bon- fire, they were notes particular as they might have been in reference to the articles appropriated, and took pretty nearly anything that they could lay their hands upon. Some persons allege that they lost articles of value, and ex- press their determination to bill the council for the same. Unquestionably the council is, to a certain extent, the 'custodian of the property of citizens, but the circumstances of these cases are unusual, and we question the pru- dence of trying to recover damages. Metter la the matter drop. • LAMENTABLE AFFAIR. —A most la- mentable affair occurred just on the rw DRESS GOODSwTfl - TriaillgO0 1110 HAVE NOVELTIES IN VEILINGS JUST TO HAND 9 • YOU • PRINTS AND A.TEENS NEW SHADES & ,NOBBY PATTERN AN EYE FOR the BEAUTIFUL? Then give that eye a treat by letting it rest on the stock of New Spring Goods that we have opened out for your' inspection. We will be glad to show you the goods, and are confident your verdict will be, that for variety of colors, patterns and values, we are ahead of any previ- ous season. Estate J.Hodgens THE DRY GOMIS PALACE, CLINTON. minion lustra' Monthly. (Contents for March Numlier. The Raid from Beansejour, Fiction—fa From Canada to St. Helena. Travel—Ill. To my Canary Bird: Poetry. Deacon Snider and the Circus. Fiction—Ill J'amaioa Vietits. Travel—Illustrated,' When Bill came down. Fiction—Ill. Historic Canadian Waterways. The St. Lawrence, Historyi-1lL Scrape and Snaps. Comment. TheNew c/pebee Ministry, Current events Curling in Canada. Sport—M. • For the Children—Ilow•Tack won hie Seer, shoes. Fiction—nl. The poininion Illustrated Monthly is a new Canadian Magazine that' yous will find to be good and attraotive. Call and see it. 15e. a copy, $1.50 a y ROBINS BROS., Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. IffinterGoods Clearing sale of ail heavy winter goods. We are de- termined if possible to clear out all winter goods be- fore getting in the new spring goods, and in order to make a speedy clearar.oe we will give the best value ever offered in town for reliable goods. Come and see our stock and get prices. Flannels, Blankets, Mantle Cloths, Clothing, Tweeds, Underweai,100 Men's Overcoats at less than you can buy them wholesale. Hats, Caps, Furs. A few Fur Coats left. A lot of Boots Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes, less than cost. Come and bring the Cash as this will be a strictly cash sale. liouselie made the remark that he was going to shoot a rat, nnd returned s-hortly after, saying he had not suc- ceeded in so doing; he went Out again and not returning his wife went to look for him, and on entering the barn was horrified to see his body in a sit- ting posture, with the head almost all he writings over the signature Mac in the Toronto Saturday Night, are attracting the attention of literary men because of their excellence; they are from the pen of Mr J. T. Clark, a for- mer publisher of the Picking news. and brother-in-law of Mr T. Jackson. jr. Mr.N.A.Eby, of London, formerly ba - gone. The gun was lying near by; it gage master here, is visiting friends would seem as if he had placed the in town. Mr Fred Davis, who has been . muzzle in his mouth and pulled the spending the winter here returns to trikger with his foot, the circumstances Manitoba on Tuesday. Mrs UzelI, and indicating that such had been done. her son, of Kinloss, are here visiting t Portions of the head were. scattered in Mrs Joy, the former's sister-in-law. all directions. Deceased bas been a Mr Geo. Cook, who has been confined ' residen of town for a number of years 1 to the house for some timb, is able to and fortmerly resided in.Tuckersmith; I be around again. Several arctieles have unavoidably been 'left out but will appear ilext week. Additional local news will be found on another page. he was a very quiet person, and not the one that would be expected to end his own sxistence,.but latterly has been some what depressed He Was the lath( r the late W. IT. Cooper jr. Partnership Notice. Whom it May Concern Messrs J. S. Jackson and J. C. Greig have been admitted as partners in our Seaforth business, and Mr R. J. McDonald as a partner in our Clinton business, both the establishments being run under the firm name of Jackson Brothers. All these gentlemen have beenlcqnnected with our establishment for a great many years, and we bespeak for a continuance of patronage from our numerous customers throughout the county. All the push and enemy of our firm will go forth to meet in a satisfactory manner the requirements of the trade. Feb. 1st., 1892. JACKSON BROTHERS, Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters. CLINTON AND SEAFORTH. Plumsteel - & - Gibbings, Jan. 22 92 01.111•19370.1\T Albert titre: - BEESLEY IMO 1.•••••••••••011,10.• Our only word to you this week i§ BARGAIN • • •••1•1 g I MB We are determined to reduce the stock, and Low Prices are doing it fast. CLIFTON. 33-11139811.13Tar & 00'e,