HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-03-04, Page 6Mareli 4 1892 7.••. . . Wili „ to(YUGH; wu-gx a tow osos of Ayer's Cherry cotoro win relieve you? Try it. POP it in the house, You. are liable to, have' a cough at any „Ulises aad no other rennalY ia iso effective . as this world" renowned prepare - tion, No household, with young children, ehould bo withoat it. Scores qf lives are •saved eVery year by its timely use. Amanda B. Jenner, North,arepton, Mass„ writes ; "Centrum gratitude im- pole me to acknowledge the great bene- fits I have derived for my children from the use of Ayer's most excellent Cherry Pectoral. I had lost two dear children from croup and consumption, and ha4 the greatest fear of losing my only re- maining daughter and son, as they were delicate. Happily, I find that by giving them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the first symptoras of throat. or lung trouble; they are relieved from danger, and are be- coming robust, healthy children." "In the winter of 1885 I took a bad cold which,, in spite of every known remedy, grew worse, so that the family physician considered me incurable sup. posing me to be in consumption. 'As a last resort I tried Ayer's Cherry recto- ral, mid, in a, short time, the cure was 'complete. Since then I have never been without this medicine. I am fifty years of age, weigh over 180 pounds, and at. tribute my good health to the use of 4:911/ Salem, N. J. too winteflI contracted A Severe cold, Which byrepeated exposure, be. Caine Oita" obstinate. I was much .tronbled with hoarsenesa and .bronchial irritatien. After trying various medi. eines, without relief, I at last purchased a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. On taking this medicine, zny cough ceased almost immediately, and I have been well ever since."—Rev. Thos. It. Russell, Secretary Holston Conference and P. B of the Greenville District, M. E. C. Jonesboro, Tenn. Ayer's Cherry Pectorai, TitirmARED iy Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass Void by sal Druggists. Price In; aix bottles,ps The tendency to raise money for ishurch purposes by almost any and every method has gone so far, that in Detroit last week, a "skirt dance" .was the chief feature of an entertainment, bite young lady who did the dancing being dressed in proverbial stage cos- tume; and they called this raising ascasey for religious purposes. ifinard's Liniment is the Best The „late James McLaren was one of the syndicate who offered to build and equip the Canadian Pacific Railway for $3,000,- 400 less cash and three million less acres of land, without any of the many privileges and exemptions given to their succesaful rivals. They also undertook to return to the Government at any time, on demand, the completed road with all lands and other property at cost price. The Government refused their offer, ahd the syndicate whose naccessorswere the presentcomeany obtain- ed 625,00,00, twenty-five Millions acres of land, 085,000,000 worth of completed railway and valuable privileges and mono- polies. - - ALLMAN Laocoon in the coils of the fatal ser- ,pents was not ,more helpless than is the man who pines under the ef- fects of dis- ease, excesses, over work, -worry, etc. Rouse yourself. Take heart of hope again and BE A MAN ! We have cured thousands, who allow us to refer to them. WE call CURE YOU by use of our exclusive methods and appliances. Simple, unfailing treatment at home for Lost or Failing Manhood, General or Nervous Debility, Weaknesses of Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble MI NHOOD fully Restored. Improvemant seen the first day. How to enlarge and strengthen, WEAK, 'faiDEVELOPED ORGANS AND PARTS DF BODY. Men testify from 50 States- and Foreign Countries. Write them. Book, explanation and -proofs mailed (sealed) free. Address ERIE MEDICAL CO., 4 BUFFALO, N.Y. THE ODIstOND FRIENDSHIPS 1::)h To be rig)) in.friernis is to be poor in nothing. It is to pestess that iuilnito res- ervoir of wlsat may be, for want of a better term, denominated interest in life, in that it predeterroinates suecess in whatever line of a Atievernent one may choose to vvQrli. A range of warm and strong friend- ships • oreates the magnetic) atmosphere that vitalizes every °lenient within its in. Anew, so that it ie that seeial enjoyment' and companionships are in any sense in- teruptione to specific work, however im- portant, but that they yield instead of very elements out of whioh it is best created. The gepuizie friendships of life are largely discovered,not acquired. We finclithem rath- er than make there. They are predestined relationships, and are recognised intuitively. We meet—at least these who are true to their instincts meet—a succession of per- sons through our lives, all of whom have some peculiar errand to ue," writes Mar- garet Fuller, "There is an outer circle whose existence we perceive, but with vshom' weetand in no real relation. They tell us the, news, they act on ue in the of- fices of society, they show us kindness aud aversion; but their influence does not pene- trate; we are aothing to them, or they to us, except as a part of the world's furni- ture. Another circle within this are dear and near to us. We know them and of what kind they are. They are not to us mere fo.ots, but intelligible thoughts of the divine mind. We like to see how they are unfolded; we like to meet them and part with them; we like their action µlion us, and the pease that suovieds and enables us o apiireeiate its quality. Often we leave them on our pathy and return no more, hut we hear them in our memory as tales which have bean told, and whoee meaning has been left. But y et a nearer group there are, beings born under the same star, and bound with us in a common destiny. They ere not mere acquaintances, mere Mende, but when we meet are sharers of our very existence. There is noseparation; the somethonght isgiven at thesame mom- ent to both ; indeed, it is born of the meeting, and Would not otherwise have been called into existence at all. These are not only known themselvee more, but are more having met, and regions of their be- ings which would else have lain sealed in cold obstruction burst into leaf and bloom, and song. The time of these meetings are fated," she goes on to say, "nor will either one be able ever to meet any other person in the IMMO way." It is one of the paths to succees and happiness in itself, to be swiftly responsive to impressions of this character, to recognize the angel when he draws mar. Dickens touched. the deeper truth in this relation when he wrote that the people who have to do with us, and we withthem, are drawing near ; that our paths, from what- ever distant quarters of theglobe they start, are converging ; and that all that is set for -them, to do torus, and for ns to do for them, will all be done. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorie. when she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. SOOTHSVG, CLEANSING, HEALING. Instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure Impossible. Many so-called diseases are simply symptoms of Catarrh, such as headache, losing sonso of smell, foul breath, hawking and spitting, general feeling Of debility, ete. If you aro troubled with any of those or kindred sYmptome, von have Catarrh, and should lose no time procuring a bottle of NASAL Elam. Be warned in time, neglected cold in head results in (Jatarrh, followed by consumption and death. Sold by all druggists, or sent, pot paid, on receipt of price cents and $1.) by addreeeing LF0110 &.00. SrockvIlle.Onti Or 14 CUON ILLUSIONS GlIZAT MEN, Goethe states that he one day paw the exact coanterpart of himself. coming to ward him I POPO BIM an arm apparently' coming through the wall, and taiade inquiries atter its owner. Byron often received visits from a speot. er, but he knew it to be a oreetien of the imagination. Pr, Johnson beard his mother call his name in a clear voice, though he wati at the time in another eity. • Baron Emmanuel Swedenborg believed that he bad the privilege of interviewing persons in the spirit world. Sir Joshila Reynolds, leaving his house thought the lamp § were trees, and the men and women bathes agitated by the bryze. Reveille°, While ebanthag tb "Miserere", and "Do Profundia," believed that the sounds he emitted were of the nature and had the full effect ef a trumpet. * OH, WHAT A COUGH Will you heed tbe warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your-, selves if you can afford for tbe sake of sav • ing 50c., to ran the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's •Cure will cure- your • cough. It never ails. 6 -Dec -4-91 WHAT MONEY WON'T DO. Money is a powerful factor nowadays— It will buy position in the world—but it can't buy the breeding necessary to the upholding of that position. It will buy .the good things of life—but it can't buy the appetite to enjoy them. It will buy siiperb clothes—but it can't negotiate for the proper knack in wearing thenE ' It will buy a wife—but it can't buy a woman's love. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- manent cure 'bf Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cur for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com- plaints after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. Actuated by this motive and it desire to relieve human suffering, I will fend free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe. in German French or English, with full direction's for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NOYES 820 Pow- ers' Block, hochester, N.Y. June 19-91-y • ' Oliver Cromwell, lying sleepless on his couch saw the curtain e open and a gigantic woman appear, who told him that he would heeome the greatest man in England. Ben Joneon spent the watches of the eight an interested spectator of a crow) of Tartars, Turks and Roman Catholics, who rose up and fought round his armchair till sunrise. eb 6 Bostolt, the physiologist, saw figures and faces, and there was one human face con- stantly before him for twenty-four hours, the features and headgear as distinct as those of a living person. My wife and self had dandruff and lots of it, accompanied by almost continual itching of the scalp. Aati Dandruff entirety relieved us from both annoyances and we think it is the best pre- parationknown to clean out Dandruff, tone the hair and act as a dressing without giving an un- natural appearance. L. W. KNOWLTON, Conductor CPR between siontreiilet Newport.V.. WORKING IN SLEEP. Cobanie tells us that b'ranklin on several occasions mentioaed to him thatAsessnad been assisted by dreams in the conduct of affairs in which he was engaged. Condillac states that while writing his "Course of Studies" he was frequently obliged to leave a chapter incomplete and retire to bed, and on waking he found it, on more than one occasion, finished in his head. The most remarkable testimony of this kind is per- haps that of Sir Thomas Browne, who de- clared that, if it were possible, he weuld prefer to carry on his studies in his dreams, so much more efficient were his faculties of mind when his body was 'anleep. In it a well authenticated fact • that in the disastrous retreat of Sir John Moore many of the soldiers fell asleep and yet continued to mareh along with their com- rades. Dr. Haycock, the eminent Oxford divine, would often raise from his bed at night, give out his text, and, while sound asleep, deliver an excellent serrnon upon it. He was frequently watched, but no amount of tugging or pulling ever succeeded in rous- ing him. • OF FEMININE INTEREST. -- A petition signed by 3,000 women of Greece, asking that public schools of art an industry be established for women, has been presented to the government. Mies Martha Marton, the playwright, is nnder 80 yea's of age. She is a woman of medium height, with an interesting face end a head covered with dark brown hair. The only chiid of the fate Crown Prince Rudolph of Austria, the Archduchess Eliz- abeth, now 9 years old, is particularly fond of horses, in which her father also took great delight. Brown eyes, aCcording to De Candolle, the famous scientist, are much more com- mon among women than among men. The same gentleman declares that in respect to health, persons of the brown type are pre,- bably superior to those of the blonde type. "What would become of France without her women?" inquires Kate Field. "Who do the hard work, keep the books, save the money and bring out stockings filled with coin when a national loan is issued? When- ever I hear men abusing French women I feel like hiring somebody to knock them down. English Spavin Linament removes all hard, soft or callous Lumps and Blemish- es from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, RingBone,Sweeny, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $5,0 by use of one bottle Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by J H Comb's. THIS IS MEANT FOR YOU. It hes been truly said that half the world does not know how the other half lives. Comparatively few of us have perfect health, owing to the impure condition of our blood. But we rub along from day to day, with scarcely a thought, unless forced to our attention, of the thousands ell about us who are suffering from ecrofula, salt rheum and other serious, blood disorders, and whose agonies can only be imagined. The marked success of Hood's Sarsaparilla for these troubles, as show n in our adver-- tieing columns frequently, certainly seems to justify urging the use of :this excellent medicine by all who know that their blood is disordered. Every claim in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla is fully backed up by what the,medicine has dune ansticatilLda:, ing, and when its proprietors urge its mer- its and its use upon all who suer from im pure blood, in great or small degrees, they certainly mean to include yon. PREPARING FOR DEATH. Visirors to Woodlawn cemetery are struck by the fact that scores of living people have caused tohe erected, in that great city of the dead, monuments to themselves which will probably outlast the builders hundreds of years. Family mouuments have, of course, been common for years, and these also abound in beautiful Woodlawn, but the stones erected to the memory of people now in the flesli is it fashion which prevails largely in this cemetery. In beautiful Linden plot a granite shaft bears the name of "Pauline Hall," Thus the former Casino favorite prepares for posterity when she shall have joined the silent majority. Austin Cerbin, the rail- way magnate, is still verf robust, and he has also erected a solictmonument to him- self. Others who lnive taken Time by the forelock are Willieria C. Whitney and Jos. H. Choate. In nearly all 30 monuments are waiting to mark the last resting place of men and women who still enjoy life in this bristling world.—New York Advertiser J. A. Roe, V. S., of Atwood, drove over 600 miles last week on professional duty. Minard's Liniment '.umberman's friend Woodstock has a heroine who, one day his week, was driving it horse when it ran t way. Shs hung op to the lines, however, ind narrowly missed striking several to e- raph poles and a railroad train, and finel- y came out nnioathed, after the horse had tired itself out. ( The only variation in quality which will ever be found in "Myrtle Navy" tobacco is in the degreesof moisturewhich it contains. Tobacco is a very ready absorbent of mois- ture, and in unusual states of the weather it may become it little too moist or a little too dry to suit the taste of some. This is a minor matter, however, as the essential quality of the tobacco is not changed. Its combustion is a little slower or a little fast- er according to the degree of moisture, that is all. The darker the ping the greater the moisture, and many prefer the dark. in each caddy, however. the preference for either can be met. USE IT FOR MiffioUlotir of Breathing 'X'ightness of the* Chegot Wasting away of inesh Throat Troubles , Consumption Bronchitis, 177ealt Lungs .4sthme., Coughs Catarrh, Colds; UM S Oxygenized Emulsion of Pure LIVER OIL TASTELESS, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGITS. LABRATORY. TORONTO, ONT THE HE AD SURGEON Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young,old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv- ous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following syrnptons : Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vital- ity, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight,palpitation of the heart, 6missions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head- ache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks be- fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby mus- cles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with lead - encircle, oily looking iskin,,etc., are all sym• ptoms of nervous debility that lead tolinsan- ity and death unless eured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanently cured. Send your address for hook on all diseases peculiar to man. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptons of which are faint spells. purple rs, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart quicker than the imets-painsa•boatethesbrearate-bonereteer <am - positively be cared. No cute, no pay. Send for book. Address M. V. Lubon, 24 Mac- donell Ave., Toronto, Canada. Jan. 1, 92: Don't go to Chicago to look up a job. There are 30,000 men there now looking for one and cannot get it. The Chicago Mail says: -"Hundreds,perhaps thousands, of men and women arrive in Chicago every week, looking for something to. do, and fail to find it. They : are frequently unable to return to their homes or are the victims of a delusive hope. and they remain here to join the vast army of the unemployed." And it concludes with these warning words: "It is of the utmost impoVance to those who are thinking of corning to Chicago and expecting to procure situations here to know the actual conditions that exist in this city. The risk is too great towarrant their coming unless they make definite ar- rangements before leaving home." STOUT-HEARTED WO MEN. The life of the west is one tb induce heroism on the pait of both men and wo- men. The latter 'itre often left alca.e for days in the little sod cabins or in the dug- outs that dot the hillsides along the water courses. They learn to be self reliant and strong natured. There are in every settle- ment eventp recorded any orie of which would in Massachusetts, New York or Ohio give the actor it State wide reputation, but which in the far West are not thoeght ot seriously. With the difficulties of outlaws, Indians, and the terriffio forces of nature to combat, it is remarkable that more tragedies do not occur. But the women of the plains realized whets they came from the old homes in the East that they were coming Co face hardship and danger, and the elements of bravery in theii nature come out strongly, and whenever the test came there was the hearty and hardy spirit to meet it. Muoh as the mac have done to develop the country, the women have done more, and the wives and daughter's deserve all possible credit. Here and ttiere a deed stands out in relief, but for the moat part the etories of the heroines are confined to , their immediate neighborhoods and never I reach the outside wolf". ' Intense Suffertng for 8 Imams— Re- stored to Perfect Health. Few people have suffered more severely from dyspepsia than Mr. E. A. McMahon, a well known grocer of Staunton, V a. He says: "Before 1878 I was in excellent health, weigh- ing over 200 pounds. In that year an ailment developed Into acute dyspepsia, and soon I was reduced to 162 pounds, suffering burning sensations in the stomach, palpitation of the heart, nausea, and indigestion. I could not sleep, lost all heart in my work, had fits of melancholia, and for days at a time I would have welcomed death. I became morose, sullen and irritable, and for eight years life was a burden. I tried many physicians andaany remedies. One day a workman employed by me suggested that Hood's I take s Sarsapa-Offering rilla, as It had cured his wife of dyspep- sia. I did so, and before taking the whole of a bottle I began to feel like a new man. The terrible pains to which I had been subjected, ceased, the palpitation of the heart subsided, my stomach became easier, nausea disap- peared, and my entire system began to tone up. With returning strength came activity of 8 mind and body. Before ears the fifth bottle was taken I had regained my former weight and natural condition. I am today well and I ascribe it to taking Hood's Sarsaparilla." N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sorsa. parffia do not be Induced to buy any other. Intense Hood's Sarsaparilla. Sold by all druggists. eft; six for fb• Prepared only ; by 0,1.ft • HOOD 00.,Apo ecaries,Loweff, Mass. 100 Dosen tle Dollar 1 *Ai - , HAVING DECIDED TO QUIT KEEPINpr C1=1,0C)IKEIt-ST dSz Gi-LASSWAILE Owing to lack of room; I will, if possible make a elean sweep bypewyeark, if prices willbit. I cannot give prices of everything, but quote a few and guarantee every thing in proportion. , Full Tea Set, No. 1 White $1.80. Full Toilet Set No. 1 White 61.60 Enll Tea Set, No. 2 White $1.25. Full Toilet Set No. 2 White $1.20 Full SetsGlaes, 25c. LargeCovered PreserveStands 35e. Large extra fineCake Stands 20o I have a full stock of all other goods in the Grocery and Harness lines. The best, as eortment of Robes ever shown in th village. If you ever expect to want anything in this line, don't mise the chance. All prod.° taken, from a pound of scrap iron to a load of wheat. Thanks for past patronage and call again. GEO. NEVVTONI - - LON DESBORO Christmas - Goods JUST RECEIVED New Valencia Raisins off stalk, New Sultan Raisins—extra value, New Black Basket Raisins, New Currants, New Greaoble Walnuts New S. S. Almonds, New Filberts, New Candied Peels—Citron, Lemon and Orange, New _Extracts—Essences of all kinds. TEAS Splendid values in choice Green, Black or Japans. Try our Special Blend of pure India and Ceylon Teas put up in one potimipackag es— -Beat -vain e -.in .package- Teas- itr-the -nrarket.--.Try it. — A CALL SOLICITED. N. ROBSON. - CHINA HALL, CHRISTMAS GOODS AT— LTA.MBIS E1. 00M133338' We have just received a large invoice of fine Bohemia Out Glass Bottles filled with finest PERFUME. Call and see the fine display. Prices within the reach of all. Glasgow House, Brumfield --ESTABLISHED 1851 BOOrlur & 00 Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GoODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY and PROVISIONS. Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of Grain, Dressed Hogs, Hides, Wool and Cord- wood. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Agents for G. N. W. Telegraph Co., with tele- graph connection to all parts of the world. We beg to thank our numerous customers for their long and liberal patronage for the past 30 years, and hope by strict attention to business, and rock bottom prices, to still continue in line with oar old and many new customers, WM, SCOTT & CO., momoonli SP' - BRUCEFIELD • We have this week receiVed a large stock of New Goods for the spring trade. A fine line of TWEEDS for Suits and Pants. These are special -va!ue and now is the time to order your clothing and have it made ready for spring. Our prices. are low compared to others. SHIRTING— A large varieiy and cheaper than ever. FLANNELETTES— Several kinds and prices—Very best 12 cents. Early to talk about PRINTS but we have them. Beautie. for 10 cents SUGAR DOWN -- Head and bottom both knocked out. (Jan% last long -100 lbs Granulated for $5 cash. Secure a bargain when you can. Crop short this year. All Goods at Rock Bottom Prices. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, ( L NDESBORo R. ADAMS.. •