HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-02-19, Page 7t.
eir ire, 1)e 4ecealtarY for theftWoring it to
llowin won Osnotty (joitn,
be or tbe • Stanley. $44,
a le repounn en fled totha earneet
goo of the ratepayereof,thh,
4M11 JAN evident ton ihorteeecl
ex ef the ;nom intelligent Qf the.
People eacl. yeko the t 017
the -.onse 94
CIVer1341014 43 altogether too high In.
mi,4•90n.ntry, . That it is.out 4411pro,
portmniterthe 1)i1)n1o4.1:04'404 w000b
and that ",014Pini nthteoesearliy. largallneabor
et nit% are engaged in varloue
• ataturce andi'departOlente., of VoYorn-
nP,rleue7 sobemeS have froth
,thne to tithe beenpropennded,. •Nnth
, „View to ' decreasing the numner ond.
e'siieni+ng• the eget ; and although thoge
;Acheme4 have as:yet borne no fruit in
the , way of making, a reduction,It is
rIet4Oing •know that the)are
sborriing," fairly well in tilietray
•AWalrening public Aentithent.to the ex
'itraYagtpee of the present Ocntigrafted
; s yeteenithea indicatingthat tne rline ,
.•11ppreaphing When it. will be cetaPelled
• te'11.1Vehlitee to a more Modern one ; In
Atiettebpolue of the Pidilkdektrtinentern
ItWritild net( b%FrpV 4101944 xnata
'ler" to denionstra the. Inthile,
of the '' Province of Ontario..
P/11 be ilpt, enid,AfttY transacted
- a Legtelative "',4001.1201Y,' of forty
nienabers as it IS at present. being (tone
by one Of more than douhle_that num-
orthat the Poznho,i3Ott.:Parltanlerit
`..,COulfibe'•'redgeed'elt.fi=tetrd• `,9•F•lr.i(188.4.
.without in•any way impairing
he.Pnbfic SerVYief; • but for the present
as Per leetrtletiOn. cOnflne 111
So :to thp, cfrAmtrtooitpoug. ana
.‘,040:.boliit. **it 4ott4v
00.p#640. intvost.60 00404 tho:
p te4i•
ntion'tia, at'Peeeerit cette itU
d replace it by one of a very mu
inndler niembership. One that wont
not only transact the county busine
equally well, if not very much bette
but •would effect •tt, very considerab
ea:aing IneneYt
Let me take for example -the Coun
Vennell of 'Huron, and I will ,,endeav.
to give you some idea of what it cos
per year. ' I am told,- composed
tiftY.-one members, who are paid $8 p
day during the sessions, or $1.53per da
for the whole cofineiL Three sessio318
Wereheld • during last year. I do n
knew definitely hew many darrin al
but ani sure ten would be within th
mark..:Ten days at $153 per da
reliant* $1,5-.W. They. are also pai
iXt3agel frten lack of sufficient data
Unable :to calculate how ranch i
he aggregate it amounts to, but I a
told by a member of, the council that i
*Umlaute. to $at per session, or $900
for the year, which added to the figure
ahead)* given, gives -the large sum
$44430 an the total cost of the Count
voipicir or Huron for the year 1891, to
say nothing of the loss occasioned b.
taking,S9 litany men away from thei
'regular occupations ; occupations in
the prosecution of which it would b
safe to say the majority of them are
'very Mtieli more likely to make thei
mark than in Legislative Halls. '
_ Basins the fads ahead).* stated it wil
be evident to anyone giving the subjec
a moment's consideration that th
Connty Council, ns at present c,onsti
OA is a large, unwieldy and expen
lye instittition,' which from its very
ize'mustof necessity transact busineS
o ly, hut not necessarily wisely and
Owing to the very small consti
ueiriee, that return ,members, they
ire m danger of being too much influ-
ifeed'hy Weld considerations and e-
ndives, which has a tendency to cause
hernia View Matters' from too narrow
standpoint. In they are in da,n-
er Of losing sight of the interest of the
minty as a whole in the effort to se-
idfe some speeial4Advantage for their
yin Parte-War township or village,and
re :thus able with impunity to obstruct
r defeat measures Of undoubted' gen-
rat berieftkdf they are not destined to
peCially; benefit 'their , own:particular
orner. •
Among the plans that have of late
ears been proposed:for reconstructing
he :Council with the view oflessening
he number of memhers,-decreasing the
oat, and securing amore efficient and
expeditious discharge of the county
nsiness, the one that in my. mind
ems the most practicable, is that
miting the nurnher of councillors to
ine. The county. to be divided into
fee equal divisions -as at present
aided for parliamentary purposes -
division to elect three councillors,
ach councillor to serve three years,
d one of each three to be elect -
Were this or a similar plan adopted,
e Would .have a council verY much
133alter than •at.present, the members
which,frOm thefact that they would
elected by clanatituencies,
• th
• ed
; Werildbe iverP Nig! eiY", b km cluIr
. inflnenced y Meat view's: Their
tied iteuldibenaorelitillopendent, :And'
. they Yfettld geetthiSt. •only .by,WorkIng,.
'• in
_k-21100 lippe - vedeeeteclr;
would aleohear an increased amount
of retToneibllitY, from the fact that
- the mini:theta wonld be few, they would
feel that the public eye was more di-
•. rectlyn 'on there,. nd that any derelic-
tion ofduty woujtThae•tri;Ir4 borne:by-
the proDer ehetildiettlialfenthe:daY.Of.
election came around... The -provision
for electing a number of them....each
yeariVinild lite° atndency tot 3400P.
thein'in tonch• With' thepeOple, an
show this the state of public opinion
on anything impertatit that might be
before them.
With the •smaller council, 'business
Weirld be transacted intich,More expo..
TeOln the feet that there
would be isuffieient real work to do, it
would not be necessary to do as is now
often done -Snake bombastic motions
and . speeches for the sole purpose of
• gaining a • littl.eheap popularity by
• making it appear to their eonstituents
they are taking an actual part in
thg.proseentionof the publie business;
•whi1e''he real effeet 18 40 lengthen the
-: -§eselonand ineteaSe the eXpenlie.
),)-1. In my opinion,. a large proportion, if
�t Majority of thetieople are already
'awake to the desirability of a :change,
•biit'froin the lack of concentrated ef-
fort. On their part, things go on in the
• , ordure likely •to do se for an
• Intieflintelletiod. unites:steps are taken.
•„„, to bring their -united influence to bear
- • ..diteotty the lin*ells that be it is
• too Inueh to ex_geet the enmity Coun-
cil to petition Parliament to pass leg-
ielation that in effect would relegate
foutuilfths of their nutnber to private
thur‘ lessening their iiiiptirtarice
and infinenee, and -What is perhaps of
more ireportance to Many of them -
/take ,it imPossible kir then:1 „to charge
their htilidayil thiS tcounty at $8 pet
day And Mileage, .
.TO eifeet the desired Change, it Will
kenp the eltbJeCt befere the pltbile
pOintlrig out the IllaitY adYfilltea en thai
aeorne, ilneb 04 amount of money
Vit•Qtdd los. 604,04' 41)4141Y '8VeTei
,And ina4W ether, lfilentla •�f 036 41106g00
,whiob. Lin: A ,01.0.4cpaipAt.'
greot 464 Augli.t',booffoot64,.b),. -ape:4444
mm0441400 feivoreble to the ,ohahge
• in Mi.. -31141 rtieenring •the:••retnrn,
the egiA11,04 Of Olen pledged to nee their
• ,.. . • ,.
•• • k 4.t,ther .;tho. sehemea.
•$.henli:1,thie bo done, there ie. no appar.,
ent.retwon•whythedonrefl • ena::41.0,414;
ziogiwo, 4;0141.a rgiveV,isigirt One' be•
The ' togooptrnotion- •the
•••Oonnty OonneMon• thalinee indteatect
.In•tinwparera althongb. It would •be of.
groot pg. advantage,..• would be but
ethall• •thAtter,440 taking of OA -.91,1t.:
POO, 00 SQ, repeakof What coda* and
hould be done in the way of losselOcc
tlIftii,-expelme ,governtnent in this
. ••Tgg., Bp 411 s'ET.Actg.oN- .
of ibcp 74ublul coiniani l'anOW at
•,•Terontea.,0anOwe en;.4.,moy. he °method.
'eitherintereon'Orbyl.etter on all chronlo,
'diSeeeria peeelier to man. Nen, yeung,old,
Or middle-aged, who find tileineelyetil•-nerv;,
004 -weekend exhausted, who are broken;
down from exiietis orlfwptk, reeulting
MAO a the f011okegeylripteee : litentaL
dePreP°104, Piereatere Old age, loos; of vital.;
-ityi:loaeofnie,mery,. bed dreams, dimness.
of..eight,palpitation of the heart, emissions, •
lecke, energy, .pain in the kidneya,
acho, piroplee on the face or body, itching'
,AtiPee.1108r••88f4i°P.-•,-8•00at t#9 .8e.retnnIt
fore She eyes, twitching of the rausolee, eyq.,
tide, and elsewhem, bashfulness', deposits in
thenrine. leis of will ewer, . tenderness. o;
„the,esalpAnttl Oriel wfitt:1044 flikbbY .•nirin"
ole.e46affe' o is iisti.i•fa Ore. M bareeterIPby
•sieep;•00ticifiptition,,didiness efliearbig; loaf.
.tifaoice, desire; foriieditutle, eiratability of
temper, sunken eyes surrounded with lead- i
encircle, oily looking skin, etc., are all sym-
ptoms of nervous debility that lead tolinsan-
3ty and death unless eared. The spring or
vital force having lost ,its tenidon 'every 8
,function wenee consequence. Those who
through abuse committed in ignorance may e
be permanently cured. Send your address
for Woe, all diseases peculiar to Man, P
Books sent foe sealed. Heart disease, -the
ilyniptons of which are faint spell% purple
aturibness, roalpitation, skip beats, hot
flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain
in the heitrt with heath strong, rapid and
irregular, the second heart, quicker than the i
first, pain about the breast bone, eto., can
positively be cared. No emu, no pay. Send -
for book. Address M. V. Lnbon, 24 Mac-
donell Ave., Toronto, Canada. Jan. 1, 92. 8
If we ItheW the came end Ocoee •
' Crowded Amon' our uoi$41)000 way;
Uwe Ave* the little lookme
:Sorelygrevfoue day by AN')
'Mania wo owl so often obikte biro
Vor,the look of surto and goo
Aeuiloigt4i1 hie heart a elittdett,
Leering. 94 our boort stotof
It we ow that oloulle above 1.10,
,_04-4 4' gen.* bleeeingo V;Aere
would We terit sway all tronib1iip
our baba 44 ir,te:41t '40e0eat
Ntoot4 we stirita from, little ehedows
on the dewy grass.
W10,19 'tie only birds of litlen
Jut reerey flying past?
If _
We,knew the silent stdry
Quivering time* the heart of pain('
Would our Wane/Mead dare 40014 *881'
Back to /AMMO of vim and Annie?'
Life has many tangled oressieg,
Joy bee many e break of Woet 4
And the olieeke tear -Wasted are whited;
This the blessed Angelo know.
Let us reach within Our bosoms
• Per the key to other Urea;
And with love to ertinti nature,
Merit& good that still survives;
• So that when elm disrobed spirits
tcrrealros of light agairrr.
We may 1, deer Father, judge us
As we judge our fellow mem
•To the enestioni Whiph your favorite
poena? there Inv be e; great variety of
aneweres ; but when aeked, Whiolt ie your
favorite blood -purifier ? there can be, onlY
con,ly one reply-Ayer'e laarsiiparill, because
it is the purest,safeskand mostecenomioal.
Bernhardt astonished the • ople
of Macon, Chit:, by spending $47. ei fora
cablegram to relatives in Cairo, Egypt,
nforming them Of the state of her
precious health. ;164......6.,••
Mrs-JohLogan is interested iii"A
chool about to be established in
Washington for the training of young
olored girls for domestics, and to heln
to solve • the greatest of all househola
diMinerd biliniment is used by physicians.
new industry' for women is the
manufacture of tissue paper flower,
osir, pinks, sunflowers, and other
varieties. Twenty girls are employed
n a Buffalo tissue paper establishment
wned by two women.; ..14k
A Pennsylvania woman says she
aw the interior of heaven vvhile in a
trance. She even saw the Almighty
One himself. She has taken the pul-
pit, and exhorts people to more godly
lives and is emphatic in her conctem-
nation of slovenliness.
Queen Natalie,. of Servia is a very
handsome woman, with fine black eyes
and a suberb complexion, but a tend-
ency to embonpoint makes her appear
older than she really is. She is often
to be seen in the streets of Biarritz
driving in a very natty T -cart. Her
sevants wear smart liveries of light
grayish blue and silver, with cockades
of red, blue and silver.
Queen Victoria has completely
emerged from her former solitude,
and very frequently visits the neigh-
bors of her different estates. At Farn-
borough the Queen recently. called on
the Empress Eugenie, and the two
noble dames found great pleasure in
talking about the brilliant scenes of
the, past, and the commencement of
that true and unremitting friendship
for_whichsVictaria win -always -reeeive-
praise as the staunch supporter of this
unfortunate woman who, in an hour
of need, received the powerful protec-
sion of the Queen -Empress.
• The two pale faces looking into the
great shop window filled with soft,
beautiful furs, belonged to a ,young
mother scantily clad and a little boy of
five or thereabout, both lingering in-
stinctively as they passed the wealth of
warm clothing displayed so tempting-
ly. "Them tbings must be very
warm," said the little fellow, "and
nice and soft., mammy." "Very waim,
dear; very, nice and soft," answered the
young creature, with unconscious repe-
tition as a blast of icy wind came from
the chill East river, making them both
shiver as they walked slowly on. ;14
was only. a _chance scrap of conyer-
sation heard as the crowd surged by.
As if to mark the irregularities of
fate, the places of the httle mother
and her boy were immediately filled
by two young girls gloating with, health
and spirits, and evidently enjoying
the keen wintry air. vFursAre-selling
for really nothing here," renutrked one
of thent to her cornpanion; I am go-
ing to get a new boa and muff, al-
though I reallY do not need them at
all; but they look so pretty arid soft
and warm that I cannot resist them."
Almost the same' words as those used
by -the shabby little child, but with
what a difference! --New YorleTribune.
Will you heed the warning. The signal
/whops of the sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask your-
selves if you can afford for the sake of say.
ing 50o., to run the risk and do nothing for
it. We know from experience that Shiloh's
Care will cure your cough. It never
mile. ' 6.Dec.4-91
Jereetiah Driscoll, Deputy -Reeve
of Sandwich East, while returning
from Windsor, last Thursday evening,
where he had been with a load of hay,
was struck while attempting to cross
the.track by an express train and in-
It is not what itsproprietors say, but what
Hood'sSarsaparilla does, that makes it Belli'
and wins the confidence of the people.Magwf ,
lof the murdered„mis-
1d6nery011he Canada Methodist Church in
ARO, la now ether old home in Tokio.'
tliatU 'her school there are '70
pupils,beside freek the Bible school, but
that editcatiOnat Worlds in amost undecided
state: -The Wobble. lies in the fact that
what is known as "the Empress school" is
preferred by the Japanese parents who
wish to have their daughters advanced in
metrimouy... No.: doreigper is allowp1
teach, ut thesesehoole Mid rOligitin 1edare-
fully excluded. In the Empress eehools
*ere is an attendance of 300. TheY, have
alfie.g,hr Daiightere''Tenolety connebtion
with the Metheilistailisiiimi, • enilithile an
industrial echool, and girls are taught in
the chapel on three days a week to write,
count and sew. A splendid reunion of
older pupils baa been held in the wheel,
andlepes for the future are bright.
There are nOW eight divorce came en-
tered for bearing before the Senate when
Parliament meets on the 25th Just. Thie
is the largest nember ever 'Replied for
duringone Mission. Probably themest sen -
ease Will be that in which James
Aikens, the 8013._ of et -Governer Aikens, of
Winnipeg, applies for a divorce from his
wikiiiinghter of the late Governer of Nova
Sisotia;niel ex -Minister of Thiene:13 in Sir
John Miacdonald's Cebinet, Who is charged
with desertion, infidelity and bigamy,
Mrti Aikens was at one time a society belle
at the Dominion capital, niarried Aikend
/spinet her Wialice to her marrring the man
of her thole*, a prominent yogeg man in
the civil service, at Ottawa. She is now
living in New York State, charged by her
husband with bigamy.
When Baby was tick, We gave her Castoria.
When shelves a ehltd, She cried for Castorfs.
When she became Sties, the Citing to Castinla.
When she had Children, she gave there Castoria
Institutions may crumble and_govern-
ments fall, but it is only that they may
renew a better youth. The petals of the
flower wither that -fruit may form. The
desire of perfeotion, springing always from
moral power, rules- .• °WOW) -sword end
escapes unharniedirdarthelisid et carnage,
giving to battles all thatthey eon ha*, of
luster and to warriora their only: gio •
surviving martyrdoms safe , aria- he
wreck of states. Onthe banks of the
atream of time not a monument hell been
raised to a hero of a natioulmt tellcthe
tale and renews the ;hopes titiMprOvennint.:
Each people that has dieeppeered,' e'Veiy
institution that halipaifiled ;ittvity
step in the ladder by width huinarilly
ascends toward the perfeOtion-of ifs nature.
An old phyeician, retired from praotice, i
havinghad plaoed n his hands by an East
Indielnissionary the foresail% of a simple
'Vegetable remedy for the, speedy and per-
• natineet efts Of Coneutalation, BrOnehitis,
Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung
Affectiona, Also a positive and :radical Our
fftfltereodirDifibility.andlillt Nekvtitiii.Com-
plaiiintafter 'hiving tested- itir Wonderful
curative powere in thousande of oases,
felt it his duty to make it known 40 40 suf.
Aetostpa thismottve
'and adesire tti lieliete • linnianAdffering, I
will send free -of oharge, to all who desire
it,.litisrecipe in Germen French or English,
Witiffelldirectietis fer,prepaiingand uing
Sent by mail byladdreesin "With starlit),
naming this paper. W. A. OYES i120 Pow-
ers' pock, hoclaester, N.Y. June 19-91-y
.tbe$144 .1101%xokalz:bealt
te.restosetlitY telcing yet.° Serf
leper/004 TheteaSeuis that this
,erpAration ventains only purest.
, 404 *Coat. powerful ,41terativoe and
•, totie.8. To ibgAloano,§ mr1.,t 14 proves
yeritable elixir of hIfoJos. Loire DroolcWey Coutrei
Airl4t,wpftes ,;• he; complaint am
1ln I043019a '44-149) 33W WO ,Ift haVI1e11
eante 'near ending, reY' txiate;lee,
•For more Shen four Years :T_ sufferedi:tn*
told .agony. I WAS redueed alnlat4 to
pkeletoe, and .hardly bad "strength to.
• drag Myseit-abent. AlCkirale ef feed
distressed 100, autt datilY the *Pt' dell'
vete senld be digested at all. • Within
•tho tliu PitiOrileil sere* phyelciarie
treated MOWit itait gi 'Oleg relief. Notb.
Mg that r Seemed, 0'00 any 'POr•-
• 14fillelth _geed ltufil X began- the use of
• Ayer% s..areaParilifh•'W104104 bitS • pro-
diteedyetleritat reaulta. seen after
cowmen ng to take the Sarsaparilla I
wattle . • ' •
, , • 4 .
In my condition, my appetite 18° to
return and. with it came the ability to
digest all the food taken, my etrengt14
imptoved each day, and atter a few
Ineetha falthfal' attention, to your
dIrectlenei. 4 floitild.• myself a well
YeAleOf able Xe:AttePtl, to alk.bouseboid
' 140304 .140$44Yen nie a
new )epoie,of 1146, and X •r4tinot eel*
yet too much,'
"We, lb° iindenAgued, *Imes of
ssteeketay Centre; Mich., hereby certIfY
that-. the above statement, made by
Mrs. Lake, Is true in every particular
and entitled to fidl credence." -0. P.
Chamberlain, G. W. Waring, 0. A.
Wells, Druggist.
"My brother, in England, was, for a
long time, unable to itttend to his emu-
paton, by reason of sores on Ids foot,
I sent him Ayer% Abliantic and the tes.
timoniels it contained induced him to
try4yer's Sarsaparilla. After luiing 14
a little while, he was exited, and Is now
a well MAU, working in a sugar mill
at. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia."
A. Attewell, SharhefIgike, Ontario.
Ayer's Sarsapariiia,
On J. C. Ayer & Co., towed, Mass.
Prise el; cIc bottles,p5. Worth 415 a bottle.
De Yee 'believe wilat ie eaktAn'the 0914010a of anewe isaPer? „If' not, the
q111940P 794 fPnye 41 the ,44/40P ter' Tor Deeket, We 00 going in pi.
cigoing.oto. *A batoue 0 ear raii AO Wintet 00040. Just leek a
tS 0 C.? . 43:I 0 XX rr vs.r In la x.)
Whit* W. tQoperly gold, for O23 is 2:19W raClunQa $940,9, alenkff thAt tidere.
, .
144' ate now out clowh 0 022,254
., . .. . ,
GOOD 07-nitCOAT !tor $13- was $15
. , ,
,, . Come now; fnQr 1w9, petikti ie.on iye virM ouf,P4004, '
A. GOOd INflgele sowing DIkbine for Saki Cheap. '.' - .'
alion, 41:6Przson,
SMITH'S BLOCK. CLINTON f°1410.4."*.vi
‘Glasaware itc Crockery, ToilOt Sets & .Tea Sets
Will convince intending purohafere that this is the place to buy goods. , •
Our lines of Green; Black and Japan Ta are the, beet
value. in ;the market. Highest :Price paid for ;Butter, Eggs and
Poultry. A -oail solicited -
TWO BLENDS OF 41LA.cyc TFA.-The Male Walla, and Assam -without
doubt the best in the market. ,
How can we expect a harvest of
thought who not had the seedtime of
There is no other way of obtaining
light and intelligence but by the labor
of attention.
The first happiness of a man is not to
sinlit all; the second is to be sensible
and sorry for his sin,
To be right is great, memorable mo-
ments is perhaps the thing we need
most to wish for ourselves.
The truest test of civilization is not
the census, nor the size of cities; nor
the crops; no, but the kind of man the
country turns out. -Emerson.
I likermen Who are temperateand
moderate in everything. An excessive
zeal for that which is good, though it
may not be offensive to me, at all
events raises my wonder and leavestne
in a difficulty how I should call it.—
, ItisTOWFisingge (..°14°V01°I.s'r41114Viskthritle-
37.50, 310 and $12. Also MEN'S OVERCOATS at 38.50, lta
and 310. YOUTH'S 5 CITS from 3 up tlaat can't be duPlicatitid
in value withiu $3 to 35 of these prices, and no where else cen yea
get the faultless fit which characterize our clothing. Examine aad
judge for yourself. Remember that we keep in stook a well selected
variety of the most fashionable in the Furnishing and Hat
and Cap Department, Our Sealette Goods are. hand.
some and away down in price.
G. GLASGOW Sea• rle's B!ock, next to J., W
Irwin's, Clinton.
Dorenwend Electric Belt and Attacjunent Co'y,
• Will be at the RA1TENB13RY HO U SE, OLIN l'ON, on
Where he can be consulted with
akin all forma of muscular, nervona
and-ohronio diseases, dyspeptici;lcid-
ney and liver trouble,. heart. weak.
nesse, spinal ourvature, rheunia-
tisin, sciatica, gout, neuralgia,
nervoini debility, eperroatorrbea,,
•impotence, - sexual wealinbie, var..
/wade, female coinplaints, asthma,
bronchitis, and, all lung troubles.
He will have with him a hill line
of the Darenwend Electrical
Appliances. - The very best
system for self treatment.. :also
medical chest eroteotors, abdominal,
supporters, obstetric) binders, etc.
No drug treatments, all clues ellfeet •
ed by Electrical and Mechanical ap-
pliances. He will not treat you but
will show how to treat yourself at
home cheaply and successfully,Cnsider how many owe their health
and vigor to Electricity as ;applied
by the Dorenwend Inventions, Is
it worth your while to inquire into the natter? Call and see the lists of ;these, who tes.
tify to their merits; perhaps you may find the names of friends or neighbors sageig, .
them. No charge- for consultation. Books on home treatment presented .free to eyery
caller.. Treatment ot rupture a specialty. If you • are ruptured: and wearing a truss;
eall and see the new attachment, whereby your, truss can be made into an Electric Trial
making ewe more certain and rapid, and giving More cOmfort to the wearer. Remember
at Rattenbury House on Wednesday Feb. 24th. Dorewend E. B& A. Co., Toronto;
Ont., will also be in 43derich, at British Exchange Hotel. Feb. 23rd.
, At Blyth, Grand Central Hotel, Feb. 25th. • ,
Business Education.
' will semi° the catalogue of the
Iiiiiiitess College.
r..ciwatiot•T owir.
'. Oyer loo Students in attendanee.
f - - ,, Ntr.sWeestervelt, Principa
1 '
medy for Catarrh 18 the
est to Use, and Cheapest
C .1\ R
drOgaiete or sent by mail,
4/fize10ne. Warren. Pa
First-clittis Step or Long Ladder?
A Handy Wheelbarrow?
A Splendid Churn, or anything of like
nature? Then eau maw. SMITHSON, at
shop, No.? .FrederIce st„ or E. Dinsley.
Will be atiDinsley's corner every Saturday
afternoon. ,
1 0. E flit!
When I say 1 cure I do not mean merely to at0P Omni
for a time and then hart them return again, I mean
radical cure. I hare made the disease of NTS. EPILEP.
SY or FALI.1/41 SIOENESSa iltaiong study., 1, war.ant
ny Ientedyao ma,the yeast auesliatise, ether' have
/Wed le nee reason tor section meet a- Ore. -aed at
once for a treatise and a Brae Bet of mylnxawce
remedy. Giro EXPRESS and POSSOF81011.
H, G. 14110V, M. C.2_186 ADELAIDE ST.
• wEin„ , TORONTO, VDTs-.•
Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best Mara
BILItlDog in use. Agent for the Bale and milt
cation of theAAFFuntsa Penner Ateftniesie EoitI
01.111SESS. STEAM FITTINGS furnished and appl
od on iihsrt notice.
11801,1err llutplues, mid –all kinds of
Nuebfuery -repaired expeditiously
wad in a satisinetory Mainger ,
Farm implements manufactured! and repaired
Steam and water pumps furnished and put fa
positipu. Dry Haus fitted up on application
Charges moderato.
Repairing -of all kinde promptly attend to rex
Onshle rates. A. Wit. stlidited.
Sop's Food & Sod Stem
OAT MEAL -10 pounds Rolled Oat.
ekr,,b, meal tb the bushel Oats inExcliange.
Flour, Bran and Shorts at Mill
Hogs Wanted dead or alive.
Sed Dealer, Clinton
Butchering - Business
To the Public.
Subscribe* having bought out the bushiesa to
succeeltfuilly conducted by Ur Colloh, °Boit
a continuance ei the /Moral patronage bestow°
on his predecessorno paltrier expeteles0111 be
spared tisprotietethe very beitztieitsi and Orders
ivill bo DrottiPtly Mid carefUlly tiles. The beet,
ness win lUpoeolldueted 44 460 Santo 'stand MI
heretofore I3ge4inice nM ter Wde, 8he0ja7;
, 4Af4:8/1 A. Stith
errx.r. LINE OF
dimmer ....1••••••.1*
The bestEmbalining Flu d used
Splendid Rearse.
Residence over store.
0PP051111: TOWN
To Advertise
AT Any time
WRITE "i a>
No. to Spruce Street,
THt_b 14.11( 0 ST: ItItN0
LAudellit SALE 114 CANADA.
, • ,
IND ip.
Tested Remedies.
For hnpug, Weak and Impbverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Faips-
tation of the Heart, Liver ComPtaint,
Neuralgia, Loss Of Memory, Bronohltht,
Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, KA.
ney and Urinary Diabetics, 84. Vitus' Danoe,
Fenutle Irregularities and Genera, Debility.
Prop. and liontleaturer.
Soki by Z. H. bombe, Clinton
!thee new Model of the Itoektord Watch, when
placed in a screw bezel ease, Will fill a /on felt
Want Oblong Willett, as it is not due pea):
otar. bet very Stretig. The plate which the
wheels Work between, not lasing separated by
pillars as in the ordinary
1111117/I BEANS are a new &s-
olve/thin MVO the wont Oates of
Mild* Debilityr vita arid
BREWS blealtOod; ratores
ivookneek of bedy:or mind Minded
by ittet;werk:er the Mote
deeds of youth, Thie Rennet?' itb-
Mitten Oita the Mint Minlitaki Mice When ill other
Tinuantlete hate falledevento *Mirk Sokt bide*
Mgt At El tier packet:net ett fot tient by mill on
Ofao- Teri:OW Onti -' Wen forpatimbiet.' sold
'Went Of prier) by addritesteg T AziNg =Dia=
• Cliiika 1,3Y: tothlo
tut by the beam plate being turned out of a
solid _plea° 08 nteisli*lth the olget left of the
top phito ritat et); it MOO being Vendetta loViif
ilet with Mink balance to Prevent breaking, mak.
. lee In an 000 nine Watch
.For ‘Farmer