Clinton New Era, 1892-02-19, Page 61.1
IlEfteffeetProdnoed Ayor'e clhert7
, A Totoral, °olds, VOughi4 "Orem?,
Pd gen W4roo,tf go, in Pleat eaSeS,
Xnediately l'eljevect
,t1le 400 et ,thie
Wentlerinl 0rnE3tY.
It Strell,fithens tlw
vocal etgans, allays
"irritation Alla We,
ventll the ° birettas of •
Conan taption i in ,
eYerY Stage of that
0044 _ Q40.0,,
Ant's' cherry .Pic-
' ••teral relleves
ng and and loances
-Wresliing eMit
hatS vsea'Ayer'is Cherry' Pectoral
In lnYfamilyler 'thirty years and have
always fonsul it the loot remedy for
stoup, to 'Which conplaiut na2_, 011ildren
• aye been, sul,sjeet.' -,scapt. Carley,
fooklYn , .
"From an experience of over thirty
yeare in the, sate of 'proprietary meat -
chips, I feel justieecl in recommending
4Yer's Cherry Pectoral. . One of the
beat XeconaMeadationa of the Pectoral is
the enduring quality of it$ popularity, it
being Mere sari*, now than :it 'was
twenty-llve ye rs ago,, when- its great
oncones was considered niavvelous.",-,
S. Drake, M. Ds BOA XttlYilt
"My little sister, four years of ages
was so from bronchitis that we had
almost given^up hope of hers recovery.
Our family physician, a skilful man and
•of large experience, pronounced it use-
less to give her any more meffloine ;
saying that he had done all it was pos-
sible to do, and we, must prepare for the
worst. As a last resort, we determined
to try Ayer's Cherry Pecteral, and I can
truly eay,.rosith the most happy results.
•After taking a. few doses she seemed to
breathe easier, and, within a week, was
Out of danger. We continued giving the
Pectoral until satisfiedshe was entirely
Well. This has giVen me unbohnded faith
111 the, preparation, and I recommend it
• confidently to nay• customers." -C. 0.
Lepper, Druggiat, 14'ort Wayne, Ind.
- For Colds and Coughs, take
Ayers I;herly Federal
RF. J. C. Ayer St Co" Lowell, Mass.
I Price ; six bottle, $5. Worth $6 a bottle,
It is reported at Brantford that Sarni.
Gposey, the Indian w itness against Bertram
in the Hyslop murder case, has skipped out
and supposed to be m a Wing for the American
A Day. I
HypnplidsPhites'Of Lime & Soda
szsausa15-int- PirStrafiffs§: ---Sedtt'S`"
GISTS AT 50c. AND 0.00 '
11M51 OAS
Ail men can't ,be
..n.p(Illos of strength
and fotm, but all
May have robust
health and strong
nerves and clear
minds. Our treat-
ment makes such
men. '1'he methods
are our own exclusively, and where
anything is left to build upon, the
VIGOR OF MEN i"asilY' quick-
ly, permanently
restored, Weakness, Nervousness,
Debility, and all the train of eVila
from early errors or later eXCellsdfl;
the result of over -work, sickness,
worry, etc., forever cured. Full.
stren.gth development, and tone giv-
en in every organ and portion of the,
. Simple, Mitttral methods. Im-
. .,„ 1 )
me 9ate improy,ement seen: Failure
=possible. 2,000 refet4nces., Book,'
f.xpkintAions and•TrOofs. mailed
(sealed> free. „ Address, •
E '
SObtHisali OLllANlliliCs
Instant Relief, Pernwne0
Cure, Failure Impossible,
Many so -celled dieeased are
simply symptaind of Cate.rrii,,
Mich as headache, losing sense
of foul breath, bawldng
and smitting,, general feeling
of 'debility Elle. if len ate
kindred symptorea, yen navel
Catirirli, min should lose no
time proeurieg_A. battle. Of
NASAL Barat. Be warned in
tiMe, impliectod cold In head
remind an Catarrh folltrited
dearmsaptibti iti$1
E81 ,by Artiggists,er eon •
tniiibled with any Of hese or
,r, paid, eh receipt of, gat
60 centered $1) byaddreosing
llt. OJID&CO:Br kali %Oat;
A (MAT TrinnvizIocat OANAPIO
lottancArt oignaiop.
PlWeelitner _OS0 Or Tun MOST Itnaissa
Alanx-?•)se ox‘i moan DEMBillikh BY TUE
, PETII Nnws-A ,STOtir VOATit 4
,s• •
ra , ,9444". 440
ikUlt MAO to light ber0; the partzenlar
el which are palslithed in the Evenili
Newsswhiola"Will be' read with coatiideritbl
1'0'000 bY Caneslian$1 iSeit oteords tb
reinarliable irehreVeinent nt GanAfIlat
medic%) dieeovery, has already, i
it$ Own eMititryt sy5n.' great and enduring
AMC. skt'thia added triliMpli there is, n
doubitile fellow pountrYinen Of the proprie
tem will rejoice, .0.0 it Sheds 11.030.:e:fln CNAe"
dial) ecienoe. The story Old- by th
.Newe f011eWS
The following paragraph, whioli appeared
in tlie News a short time ago, furnished the
haeis Of thie information -a ease that was
sotwonderfillly reinarkable that it denaapd-
ed further eRplailatiQC. of sufficient
irupertalice for the News' readers te report
it to them fully., It was 00 inlpertant then
that it attracted considerable. attention at
the time. The following is the paragraph
in question
"0. D. Northrop, for 28 years one of the
best known' merahs,nts on Woodward aven-
ue, who was supposed to be dying last
opting of lecornotor ataxia, br creeping par -
lysis, has seoured a new lease of life and
returned to work at hia store. The disease
has always been supposedto be incurable,
but lllr Northrop' U condition is greatly Mat.
provetle and it loOks now as if the grave
would be °heated of its prey."
•Singe that time Mr N-ortbrop has stead-
ily improved, not only iri looks. but in con-
dition, till he has regained hie old time
It has been hinted to the writer of the
arcticle, who was acquainted with Mr
Northrop, that this miraculous change had
been wrought by a very simple remedy cal-
led Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo-
ple. When asked about it Mr Northrop
fully verified the statement, and nqt only
so, but he had taken pains to inform any
one who was suffering in a similar manner
when he heard of any such case. Mr
sNorthrop was enthusiastic at the result of
his own case of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
It was a remedy that he had heard of after
he had tried everything he could hope to
give him relief. He had been in the care
of the hest physicians who did all they
could to alleviate this terrible malady, but
without any avail. He had given up hope,
when a friend in Lockport, N. Y., wrote
him of the case of a person there who had
been cured in similar ciacumste,noes by Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. The
person cured at Lockport had obtained his
information respecting Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills tram .arcticle published in the
Hamilton, Ont., Times. The case was cal-
led "The Hamilton Miracle" and told of a
man in that city who, after almost incred-
ible suffering was pronounced by the most
eminent physicians to be incurable and per-
manenty disabled. He had spent hundreds
of dollars in all sorts of treatment and ap-
pliances'only to be told in the end that
there was no hope for him, anti that cure
was impossible. The person alluded to(111r
John Marshall, of 25 Little William St.,
Hamilton, Ont..) was a member of the
Royal Tempters of Temperance„ and after
having been pronounced permanenty dis-
abled and ineurable by the physicians, was
paid the 01,000'clielability latinfinbe provid-
edlry the order for Its Mbrithers in such
cases; for years Mr Marshall had been ut-
terly helpless, and was barely able to drag
himself around hie houee With his (glitches.
His agOnies were alinosiV unbearable and
life was a burden tolime When at last re-
lief came. Some menthe after•helaad been
paid the disability. ottani he- heard of Dr
Williams' Pink PillssanslysagnsdneedAdtry
thehOftwasmiraculous ; almoat
frsen'the outset an Improvement Was none -
ed,,, and. in a few months the maxi whom
medical experts had said was iftenrable,was
goingsabout the city.healthier and stronger
than before. Mr Marshall was so well
known in Mimi/ton-that all the city news-
papers wrote up his wonderfulrecovery in
detail, and it was thne as before-stated,that
Mr Northrop came into posseseion of all the
information that led to his equally marvel
ions recovery. One could scarcely cone 'ye
a case more hopeless than that of •
Northrop. His injury came about in this
way:One day nearly four years ago, he
sturnhied and fell the complete length of a
stet* flight of stairs.whhili were at the rear
of hisetore. His lead and spine were se-
verly injured. He ivas Picked upend taken
to hie home. Creeping paralysis soon de-
-veloped itself, and in spite of the most
strennons efforts of friends and physiciand
the terrible affliction fastened itself upon
him. For nearly two years he was perfeot-
ly helpless. He could do nothing to sup-
port hie. strength in the leant effort. He
had to be wheeled about in an invalid's
chair. He was weak, pale and fast sinking
when his, timely information came that
veritably snatched his life from the jaws of
death. Those,who at that time saw a feeble
old man wheeled into his store on an inva-
lid's Chair would not recognize,him now,so`
great is the change that Dr. Williams' Pink,'
Pille have wrought. When Mr Northrop'
learned et the remedy that had cured Mr
Marshall ip Hamilton, and the person in`,
Lockport, be proonted a supply of Dr Wilj
'WADS' Pink P1118 through Messrs Bassett
li'llommedien, 95 Woodward Avenue, and
from the °Meet found an improvement,"•,
He faithfully isdhered te the use af the
remedy until -now he is conapletelyrestored.e.
Mr Northrop deplores that there can be
essibt as' Pitik beiniethe Chaise
hie restoration to hes* raven other mime-
diee and medical ifeatinent left like in a
,conditien,rapidly, going'from ba4 to, worse,
antiJ atzittit it .Wit0 'declared Wein, "Was he
hOpe /op WM, and be was pinnounaed incur-,
able.' "He Wee' in 'Wilt terfilale condition
when he began to nse Dr Williams' Pink
T'illia, and they have restoredhim to health.
Mt Northrop was asked what was claim-
ed for thie wonderful remedy, and replied
that he understood the propnetore claim tt
to be a blood builder and nerve restorer;
aupplying in a condensed form all the ele-
ments necessary to enrich the blooa, reetore
shattered nervea and drive out disease. It
is claimed by the proprietors that Pink
Pills will cure paralysis, rheumatism, scia-
tica, palpit.tion of the heart, headaohe,and
all diseases peculiar to females, loss of ap-
petite, dizzines, sleeplessness,loss of memo-
ry, and all diseases arising from overwork,
mental Worry, loss of vital force, etc.
"I want to say,"said Mr Northuap, "that
I don't have muoh faith in patent medi-
cines, but I cannot say too much in favor of
Dr Williams' Pink Pills. The proprietors,
however. claim that they are not a patent
medicine in the sense in which that term is
used, by a highly soientifio preparation, the
'result of years of careful sandy find experi-
tient on the part ef the proprietore,and the
pills *ate siumeesfully used is PtiVateprac-
dee fors:ears LaVoie being placedlet genet.
al sale. ntr, Northrop &dolls:Ain't be is ft
living exareple that there Irk nothing td,
kilted these pills as a Mire Nit -nerve
On loon' re the Writer faniul thirt theeirtrille
eine 00., Mt., and: 1Werristovrn,,
N. 1., ausl t pills said in boxes (never -
in bulk by the hundred) atliQ gents box,
and may be had ot all druggists()); direct by
mail front DNv
r, iutomAke z0aJo$40 Q0„
11:0m•either til)4,13 ad(lYelBleff, priella
wjq Oen Vil1e. tire. ligldaftailea A 0041rtie
Of treatinetili With them.eoropsratively In..
expensive as compared .tv„ithotilier rented -
or medioal treatment, The Ottle 0.110.
of the most remarkable On teeekat an as
j.0 One tight herein Detroit and net A 1900,
Miles away, it Oen be easily verified,. Mr
Northrop Wm"' well ltnewg to the people
Detreitiand Says' he is only too glad to
testify of the marvelleus 4004 wrenght in
his ease. lie 154311 he eofieliders 4 his duty
to help all who APO
any word he on say in behalf Of t110
effeny of Dr Williams' Pink Pills,
if any of the News readers furth.
er information, we, feel sure'that Inr Neal),
rep would willingly oblige tlithn, as he has
the writer in relating these feote to blm,
You will do good, less by what you
say or do, or even give, than by what
you are.
When a man is epposed to Christian-
ity it is because Christianity is opposed
to him.
The questions of conduct is in e'vpry
case a question of strength betwben
She tempter and the temp ecl.
To love truth for truth's sake is the
principal part of human perfection in
this world and the seed -plot of all other
Minard's Liniment lumberman's friend
How much time he gains who does
not look to see what his neiehbor says,
or does or thinks; but only at what he
does himself, to matte it just and holy.
Morality without religion is only a
kind of dead reckoning -an endeavor
to find our p•lace on a cloudy sea by
measuring the distance we has/b to run,
but without any observation of the
heavenly bodies.
"On your life -way plant, wherever
you can, instead of the thorn, the fu.
tree; instead of the brier, the myrtle.
Show by your faithful culture that
flowers, the very flowersof heaven, can
bloom along the busieth paths that it
may be yours to tread."
MONTREAL, Aug. 4th 1891.
My. head was literally full of Dandruff and
nothing applied gave visible re ief until using
Anti -Dandruff a few applicationa of which has so
thoroughly removed the dandruff there is net a
grain to he found.
W. O'REGAN, Ry. Mail Clerk.
The "Egg King" 's-alks.
At the annual meeting of the Central
Farmers' Institute in Toronto recently,
Mr Wilson, of Seaforth, who has often
been referred to by the restrictionist,
press as an authority upon the subject ,
of egg shipments to England, related
some of his experiences. He said he
had upon sin experimental shipment to
England realized 4 cents per dozen less
for his eggs than he would have obtain-
ed had he sent them to New York. On
several of his shipments to England,Mr
Wilson said, he had lost heavily through
hot weather, and he had yet to find the
ocean steamship company which would
fit up refrigerators and charge for the
space taken. They all made the
shipper fit ' up the refrigerators
and then charge for the space
for every trip whether anything
was sent or not. "So long as
the McKinley tariff stands against the
Canadian hen." said Mr , Wilson,
"We will havel,s to make • up our
minds to take less money Tor the pro-
- -ducts-of the -hen.-- The English market
is not as uniform in price, nor is it as
steady, and it is too _far away. We
cannot send eggs from here as fresh as
they can from France. From a length-
ened experience with English dealers,
I can confidently say that thzre is no
nation on the face of the earth that is
willing to pay so large a price for a
first class article in a first, class condi-
tion, but the distance is against us. I
suppose that I have shipped more eggs
than any two other Canadian dealers,
and I feel that the egg trade with Eng-
land is not a success." Such is the ex-
perience of a practical egg shipper who
has experienced at his own cost to find
out the value 011 the British, market
for the product. A free United States
market is what,1 the Canadian hen
And after typhoid fever, diphtheria, pneu-
monia, or other prostrating disease, Hood's
Sarsaparilla, is juet what is needed toreatore
the strength and vigor so much desired,and
to expel all poison from the blood. It has
had wonderful success ha niany tudh cases.
Rev. Mal* Benson,, of Tdrotit) is to
extended an Inssitatifirrtn the Pais -
rate' of the Dominion Chitinh..! Re,
has, it is' eakt, Stated Iiis-*IllitiOthani to
Jib to' OttaWa.
English 8pavin Linanatint mandrel 'all
hard, soft or Callous Lumps:and Ttlemzeh-
es -froth ' horsed, Sloe& Spinrin; Curbs,
Splints; ItingBoile; Rweeny,' Stifles; SPr'ains,
;Sores- and ' Swollen • Throat, ;Coughs.. etc.
•ssvelsOly use Of One bottle, -Waitanted
that )llierit vnanderfub.131emish Core Over-
Ini4vni: Sold H Combo.
:Meyer broken.
—I -Cabo. The .'hones" in the
B. & C. corset are made of it
—warranted for a !-Lar, too.
It's a corset you can wear
a few weeks, and then get
your money back if it doesn't
. • But it's pretty sure to!) suit,
—else it wouldn't be sild g�.
Ike kale 13-7 itStkrk ioatt 15001411,
DR. T. A.
izpoo of 00 es
Viratt44q awe.7 �f2r30
roett Troulgoal
Vvouohgligs, itraa lazt
Aothxual Cou0a
Qwtarrh, goldo
xygenized Exoulsipti :of Pure
AN1/10.41/1......4.,q •
Happiness often consists in reading a good
paper, one that leaves a pleasant taste in
the mouth, one that you can rise up from
perusing with the knowledge that you have
gained something of permanent advantage.
There are papers which do not give this
happiness, but which, while exciting for the
moment, result in permanent evil, although
the immediate effect at the time may not
be apparent. The Montreal Witness is a
paper of the former class. It is good ; it
does good. The Weekly edition is sent to
subscribers for one dollar a year, the Daily
for three dollars, and the Northern Mes-
senger, a paper for the younger members of
the family particularly and for Sunday
School, for thirty cents a year.
Makes the I
Weak Strong
The marked benefit which people in ran
down or weakened state of health derive
from Hood's Sarsaparilla, conclusively proves
,the claim that this medicine "makes the weak
ttrong." It does not act like a stimulant,
hnpartIng fictitious strength from which there
must fellow a reaction of greater weaknees
than before, but in the most natural way
,HoodSsllaxsaptailla overcomes
That Tired Fooling
ereates an apetite, purifies the blood, =A,
in short, gives great bodily, nerve, mental
and digestive strength.
"1 derived very much benefit from Hood,"
Sarsaparilla, -which I took for general debility.
It built me right up, and gave me an excel.
lent appetite," ED. JENKINS, Mt. Savage, Md.
Fagged Out
Last spring 1 was completely fagged out.
'Sly strength left me and I felt sick and mis-
erable all the time, so that I could hardly
attend to my business. I took one bottle of
Hood's Sarsaparilla, and it cured me. There
Is nothing like It." B. O. BZOOLE, Editor
F.nterprlse, Belleville; Mich.
Worn Out
"Hood's Sarsaparilla restored 906 50 good
health. Indeed, 1 might,,say truthfully It
• amied my life. To one feeling Ured and worn
nut 1 would earnestly recommend a trial of
Hood'ssarsaparMa." lins.PnEnaltoannito
90 Brookaf3treet, Bast Boston..Mass.
N. B. '.1tsroadecide to take Ilood's.I3ersa•
parilla do not be induced to buy anything caw
Instead. Insistuponhavin&
, 00U S
by C.I soOD'ac CO.,A.puthedatiaktniviOee.
• 104'.tioties °kit) b�Iiar
ref ,e3
Or 111
E+ 9.e .2,2
P:4:r:0:::)(2).(: ;4:1 ;,,Elo sigs
ro4 (t1
o qtrA ." 04"
j8 gq
-1E4 glaz ;IC34 gl
w -0
tA6 SE1 Pia
4011()c -1T -it iar„A,_s_sw.A.JEt 1P-1)
Owing to lack of room; I will, if possible make a clean sweep bytNewyeare, if prices -
will do it. I cannot give prices of everything, but quote a few and guarantee every
thing in proportion.
Full Tea Set, No. 1 White $1.60. Full Toilet Set No. 1 White $1.60
Full Tea Set, No. 2 White $1.25. Full Toilet Set No. 2 White $1.20
Full SetsGlass, 25c. LargeCovered PreserveStands 35c. Large extra flneCake Stands 20a
I have a full stock of all other goods in the Grocery and Harness lines. .The best ire •
sortment of Robes ever shown in th village. If you ever expect to want anything in. '
this line, don't miss. the chance. All prodece taken, from a pound of scrap iron to a
load of wheat. Thanks for past patrons 3e and call again.
Christmas 1. Goods
New Valencia Raisins off stalk, New Sultan Raisins -extra va1y6,-- .
New Black Basket Raisins, New Currants, New Gresoble Walnuts
New S. S. Almonds, New Filberts, New Candied Peels -Citron,
Lemon and Orange, New Extracts -Essences of all kinds.
1 TEAs_ SpleRdislislaessin choice Green,Black-or Japans: ---
Special Blend of pure India and Ceylon Teas put up in on e
pound-p-ackages. Best value in pa3kage Teas in the market -Try it.
• AT
47..A.MALS E. 001023E0MB' •
We have just received a large invoice of fine Bohemia Cut Glass l3ottles
fitled with finest PERFUME. Call and see the fine display. _
Prices within the reach of all.
t 300 )%81
wt. 1'
ie. elation g stopped
. ti. 11. 4 44,1
Rtoies FdIhhafrf.Ia
°riot:1111'61w. • "'
s'Kbatbilletlealketaree.?: ,
Wakes hair soft and Plate
I TAKE this opportunity to thank my many customers for their liber-
alpatronage during the paht.$ear, and to ask a continuance of the
Stade durfng the year on, !ralleh we have entered: 'Last year our
business increased abont ig;*500 over the ptrevisus year.. This is
vett, gratifying, and we are in a position to do, wren better this
year. We shall try t� merit a continuance of your favors, and to
induce others to give us a trial, by straight -forward dealing and
giving the very best value for your money and proddce. We have
a good stock on hand and will keep it well, up to the mark, so as to
• meet the wants of all.
TC) those who have not been in the habit of dealing with us, we would
say you do not know how much yqu have lost by paying extra
prices for your goods, so please give us a trial for this year and
you will be pleased tend profited by your action. Our terms shall
be tbe same as last year.
Wishing all the compliments of the season,
17) A. 1 I•T P1 1\1- 0-! ,
The undersigned is 11 OW. at liberty to do
1"V .3,2 anything in the way of Heusi& and Stcor
ow 1,, vt. ..
: •P` Atitait4i1413),;;&6. At reasonable <fliteiis, and
0014 130 41. . y . on short noild6. .satiatLidtioti guatwit4d
f n
. si 4 Shop en Itattenhurs St. O. WILSON, Painter,.