HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-02-19, Page 5• eselltilie '11411111,‘ 1 fl inothr ‘Ae we have given th 0 "inoplesu#t onap foe the past two weeks, tasd they availed themselves or it, nod aS We bava give4:4111 Otw 6pOetao1e8 awax, that iso ono bne tbern* we give yea anal*Qr ,groftt RAP in ds these gooas the stook' i$ LOO heavy, 1.AURANCE'S GENUME GOODS Ws $13 Pebbh')e$ for 431450 His $0; ()lista), Glass for $1 Ills 00 Glasses Or 40 eents His 50 et, Glasses for 26 (AS " " And, all other GlasSes at Half Pri0e rremier otklivokry mach totliopo,ed. f(i# Ondaion to begin !1Q eanee amongat hie friere4," The la have eet4100404 the 00400 Wee by there at the 4;0134041 coo Noe*ii.ecitilto and filir Whoropson'A promise et 'winning threutt e sests there pans De. ...4041,s,A.4197r,,,,,..wom** 0 60 11. 0 00 poosibly be realized. Fleur" per De14, 6 00 a 6 00 The election ,iletition aeinst Hon Dotter – 0 15 a 010 141. roptitp, it" nipgto, W40 E;sto RROR.R.RR..t.h..11,,,t ter. 0 15 .010 *Weed yeetterdays ise was also that Potatoes „ 0 26 is eQ mainst Igy1 N. V, for Pork „ t, a 00 0 rei Queeeeee, , Hosy•41.**0,*T9 0**t.***14.4' 'JO Q0 30 Wfr Ingrain, OGPSOBVidiT0, wil•S re- Hideo. No, 1 tri'mmed „ 400 v 4 00 eleeted ft.iiast, Elgin, on liliday; by 4() •RideSo rengls 1t..RA a 60 a 0 00 Irtara#Y) Witi011 is larger, than be SheeP . • .. 'see* 4,4.40 BQ a 0 75 allaQu Satnraa,y, 1.4berals were ,re- 41.pples, per bow, 0 60 a 010 elected in Digby arid Kinge, 1%T. S.: by __rood 225 a 2 20, inereaeecimajorIties, weed long.. „, 00 as 3 25 "With aliresfpect to Canada," Bald Sir e INA, B.x13 Miehael Hicits•Beado in the English Com- LONDONR OUNTOV gorooto orrery Tdi' Wen. Tilitetzledre relb,13, 092 (1 # Wheat, old or new,,,....*.** 83 a 0 Be V_ beat; epring...., 0 so 4 fl 88 trete oss,sssess..i,o,.'*•,...• 0 2Attti 'llt an Barley OR-R.V.010.,C4 RR 0 *0 *0 fise ec CO Li`l'Af; of hqxe Agnentq f t e —4160 thes ot hog , “Engioanabbl40,inbomtteerr "r"& Ettinb 1 seal relations of this ceuntry even than the Next to TATacI$en Sr Canadian Paeliament." The preferential # trade faa boomers might make a note of hie ()pinion, West Huron is overrun with Tory spoutes and workers, all engaged in an effort $0 Qust Mr Til. C. Cameron from the oonetitu- ency, Mr gostigan, the Minister of Ins land Revenue, is there now. TuPP6i and Eiaggart followed him Monday, and Thorap- Fion ond Foster will likely be there later on. Mr Abbott will steal the constiteeney rath- er than looie it, -Hamilton Times. A petition was presented hi else Legisla- ture on Monday from the °looters of the Township of Turnbury, praying. that °the membership of County Councils, Provinoi- al Legislatures, and Howie of Commons be reduced by two-thirds, and that the Senate be abolished altogether. Of a truth, these be radical reformers who have their abid- ing place out in Turnbury. It will not be eesy for any man to de- moralize the administration of Ontario hereafter. A good government has pro- bably during twenty years of rule so thoroughly established honest and economi- ical systems and methods that it will notbe easy for any succeeding administration to depart from them. Certainly, the people, having for a long period had the benefit and the spectacle of a good administration, are not likely to tolerate an evil one for very long. -Montreal Witness. It is not often that an oppoeition makes such gains in bye -elections as the Liberal party in Britain has done. Twenty-three seats have been captured from the Tories and Unionists. This has so changed the complexion of Parliament that its present standing might be set down as being : Con- servatives, 305 ; Gladstone Liberals, 212; Nationalists, 86 ; Unionists, 67, thnu re- duoing the Tory -Unionists hold now some ,thirty-seven seats by majority of less than -200, and3the redemption of those alone would wipe out their piesent majority. Canadians whose feelings are undis- ciplined by party prejudice all rejoice in the probability of Hon. Alexander Mackenzie's speedy and, considering his age, complete restoration to health. Physical frailty keeps him from rank- ing as the Old Man Eloquent, but no We have this week received a large stock of New Goods for ' the sPring trade. A fine line of TWEEDS for Suits and Pants, These are special value and now is the time to order pur clothing and have it made ready for spring. Our prices are low compared to others. SHIRTING—A large varieiy and cheaper than ever. FLANNELETTES--severa kinds and priees--Very best 12•cents. Early to talk about PRINTS but we have them. Beautiek for 10 cents. SUGAR DOWN—Head and bottom both knocked out. an't last long -100 lbs Granulated for $5 cash. Secure a bargain when you can. Crop short this year. All Goods at Rock Bottom Prices. ADA10' EMPORIUM, :H. A DA M S. LONDESBORO POSTER Valuable Farm for Sale. --4-.•-•The North half of lot 30, 2nd concession Eas ' Wawahosh. Apply to CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Godoneh House to Let. The elegant brick Cottage Residence, on On- - taxi° Street, west of the manse, lately occerpied by Mr Wm. McGee. All conveniences. Latge garden. Clinton, Jan 19, 1892. H. HALE. 1 na* iiigiesfc-F7S-ale - I carry on hand a stock of flret-class Cedar Shingles; two qualities, which I will sell e.t a veey low rate. Orders large or small filled on the shortest notice. Please give me a call. W. RILEY, Londesboro. 3m House fo7 Sale or to'Rent House on corner of Rattenbury and Erie Ste. containing 7 rooms and good cellar, barn, hard and soft water, good bearing orchard and all oon- veniencee. Terms easy, Apply to JAS. SHEP- PARD, Clinton, or T WS. TITLING, 344 Butter- nut Street, Dar oit. If you want to buy a first-class Brick Store or a nice Dwelling House on easy terms, apply to W. C. SEARLE, Clinton Farm for Sale Subscriber offers for sale the farm at present occupied by himself, being lots 36 and 37, Die.it- land con., Groderich township. 97 acres, adjacent to the Village of Holreeterille. About ell cleared. Good two story frame house, good bearing or- chard of four sores, plenty of water wells and epritig. Ten sores Of fall wheat. Posseesion • may be had list of Mardi. This fart° is known • as one of the best grain farms in Huron. Terms e made known on applioistion. School and churches within five minutes walk, Three mile(' from the Town of Clinton. CHARLES DISNEY;Holtnes. sill% • *Irn • When FOSTER looks through the camera, all images upon the ground glass are Upside down. If nature has favored the subject with warts and freckles on his nose, moles on his chin, and wrinkles in his brow, 'they are all distinctly visible without the -aid ot a microscope. But in finishing the Photograph these blemishes are removed or modified,and the result is a be.autiful picture with the likeness perfectly preserved. - WHEN YOU TRAVEL BUY YOUR TICKETS FROM THE TOWN' AGENCY OF THE GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY W. JACKSON Torvn Agent G. T. R House to Let. That commodious dwelling, occupied by Mr. G. H. Cook, dentist, on Riaao St., being part of the estate of the late Donald Junon. It has sitting room and dining room, with folding doors, kitch- en, pantry and four bedrooms, stone cellar, hard and soft water, stable in connection., Apply at Cook's dentistry or, to ARTHUR CANTELON Builder MONTREAL LIVE. STOCK MARKETS. There were about 250 head of butcher's cattle offered at the East End Abattoir on Monday. Although sirloin were ,higher all round, the butchers took ihold more freely, as there is danger of future supplie ,being held back by blockaded resole. The best cattle sold at about 4ao or fully ic higher than on Satsteday. Good stock sold at about 4e, oxen, rough steers and bulls at from 3 to 4c. There were no sheep or talvee offered. Vat hogs are rather easier, or nearly 5c per lb; tires. sed hogs are lower, about 6e. Durham Bull for Service. — Subscriber will keep for service. on the farm 3rd Ctn. of,Ete-gett,-neem,R1, letori„.the,farectua thoro-bred Durham Bull, Lord Jake. This animal was bred by J. and W. Bye, of Elora;and was lately the property of Washington Bros., of West Wawfsnosh. Terms, $1.50 with privilege of returning if necessary. TYNDALL BROS. For Sale or to Rent. The undereigned wishes to Sell or rent the whole of his property, consisting in all about nine acres., It is a very desirable property with good team° house and barn and bank stables, the property is in three different blocke, viz: 3 acres, the other a little over 4, and the third a 2 aore good bearing orchard. The above is all near together and situated just south of the Hay- field river, Stanley, just out of the limits o Clinton. WM. GRANT. • TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKETS -- Trade was faddy. [salve in all lines and prices wereweli maintained. Considerable buying was dope for export, and 6 or 7 loads went to Montreal. There was a fair but- chers' demand. this morning. As high as s 4.0 was paid for one or two lots of extra choice fat beevee, bid the bulk of the offer- ings of butchers' cattle sold at from Sf to ne, Inferier and roligh core and oxen sold at 21 to 2io; fair, 850 to 950 lb heifers and. eteers, 21 to 3/c. Farm for Sale or to Rent. A firet-clase grazing farm, belt g lot 2, con 11, Goderich township, containing 80 acres, about 40 acres cleared. A never falling creek running through the back of the farm; frame house with stone cellar, frame barn and stables near new, and a good well near the house. Situated of a mile from Holmesville,and 44 milea from Clinton. Also a Waggon Shop and Dwelling in the village of Holmesville, a good business stand. For par- ticulars apply to E. 0. POTTER, Holmesville. Farm for Sale. Farm for sale. -Lot 12, in the 6th concession of the Township of Stanley, County of • Huron, the property of the late Mrs Catherine Mitchell. 100 aotes-W acres cleared and free from stumps,snd in goodetate of cultivation -20 acres of bush well Wooded with hardwood timber. The farm is well watered, and there is a good fruit bearing orchard Frame Dwelling house and barna. Terme of payment can be made to suit the convenience of the purchaser, a fair proportion after ,enirchase money may remain on inert - gage at a low rate Of interest -For further terms and particulars apply to the undersigned. MANNING& SCOTT. Clinton, 18 Jan. 1892 Barristers eto. Clinton. • Thinadv Feb, 18 Wheat ,$() 87 0 88 OMB ,,, ,, . ,, 0 30 - a 0 31 Posse • 057 a 058 Bexley, ,,,,,,,,,, 0 43 a 0 48 Pork 000 a 640 -Curkeye per lb • 0 11, a 0 11 Geese 007 a 008 Butter per lb. 0 21 a 0 23 SALE REGISTER. The farm of 150 acres, being par of 11 and 12 5th con. of Hallett, owned by S. Pike, with good frame home. Will be sold at Hinburn, without reserve, at 2 p. m, on Feb. 27th T. M. Carling, Aut. Household effects, doz., of Mr W. Grant, Din - slog terrace, °Atm, on Feb. 19th. T. M. Car- ling, euot. NEWS NOTES Hon. Isabel Stanley,. daughter of Lord Stanley, broke her arm on Thursday whilst playing hooky on the lake in Gov- vernment house grounds. Another old and respected resident of London, Ont., died on Monday when Mr. Alexander Johnston passed away at the age of 75. John Pratt and his little daughter have been killed in Sherman county, Roulette, by wild dogs, which infest the north-western corner of the state. Mrs Chippewa, perhaps the largest woman in the world, nearly six feet tall and weighing over 700 lbs., died on the Dog Lake Indian reserve, in Mani- toba, on Tuesday. In the Province of Samara, Russia, a Government official who went to carry re- lief to a village found it deserted. But nearly every house contained a corpse, and some of them contained several corpses. In Penza the people may be seen praying for death. John Pratt and his 7 -year-old daughter, living near Leonard,Sherman County,were killed Saturday night by wild slogs, which infest the northwestern corner of the State. The mangled remainfr.of Pratt and his child were found a mile from home. Pratt had killed several of the dogs before he was overcome. Rev. M. Edwardes, -until recently moralinfirmity impairs his claim to assist- ant clergyman at Grace Church, Toronto ' beremembered as the OldMan Honest. ( Episcopal), has left the city for parts un - Long lifeto him. May strength cheer known. He ie a nephew of Baron Kensing- ton. Drink and family troubles took him out of the church. He leaves :debts that amount to about $200. the remainder of his days. , May the twilight time be bright with those fire- side Joys that are more enduring than the pleasures that -attend success in the political arena. -Toronto Telegram, Conservative. The Dominion government is pursuing a policy in the distribution of official reports which is contemptible for the petty mean- ness displayed. Last year the Empire quoted from an advance copy of the trades and navigation returns for nearly a week before .other papers could get hold of the book at any price. This year the same thing is being done. For several days the government organ has been giving extracts _from these _returns for _I891, although no other paper has yet been favored with a copy. The information contained in the blue books is public property, and the fav- oritism should not be shown in their dis- tribution. -Toronto News (Censervative.) Is Mr. Chaplesu under a curse? A writer in the New York Advertiser tells this story: "In his youth Mr Chapleau was engaged to be married to a beautiful For Sale or to Rent. Those premises known as the Cornmercial Ho- tel, in the TOwn of Clinton, together with the etabling and appurtenances. Also those premi- ses in the Village of Exeter, known as the Queens Hotel and the Brick Store adjoining the hotel,and uned as a general store alio post office. These desirable properties will be sold on easy terms - For particulars apply to the proprietor. JOHN. ROISSIER, Lot 6, Maitland Con., Colborne, Ben - miller P.O. *2m 2-5 MORTGAGE SALE / —OF— VALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF CLINTON. Under and by .virtue of the power of sale con- tained in a certain mortgage(which mortgage wil be produced on the day of sale) there will be sold by public auction, by T. M. Carling, Auctioneer at the BATTEN BURY HOUSE Clinton —ON— , • SATURDAY, MARCH 5th 1892 At 2 o'clock p. m., the following property, viz:- Lot number four hundred and eighty one, other veise known &not number ten Inkerman Tetraee and lot number fout hundred and eighty-eight other wise known as lot number seventeen, Inker man Terrace, in the said Town 'et Clinton, con tabling each by adrneasurement one quarter of an acre, more or less. The first named lot is sub- ject tole, prior mortgage upon which there is due $375 and interest from 18th December last. Tho said lot() will be put up separately. The said property is well situated for residence and there is erected on each 10t a frame dwelling house. TERMS. -Made known on clay of sale or upon application W. J. Paisley or to the Vend -or Bolicitort. 'I'. M. CARLING, MANSTING 84 SCOTT. ,Auctioneer Votelot'e Solicitors An Indinapolis despatch says: -There is in this city a sleeper that beats any yet reported. In the Insane asylum is a pati- ent named Bridget Pendegrast, who has not been awake for 18 months. About that long ago she showed symptoms of drowsiness, and in spite of all efforts she soon settled into a deep slumber, from which she has not yet awakened. During the day she sits in a rocking chair near the window, and at night is placed in bed by attendants. Her eyes are closed, !but the lids can be opened by force, when the orbs atarts_out in _le blank manner. Her only - food is milk, of which she is given about three quarts a day through a silver tube in her nose that connects with the throat. She is gradually wasting away, and as no effort can arouse her -it is not likely that she can live much longer. Mr Wood, of North Brant, has given notice of his intention to introduce a measure in the Ontario legislature repeal - Montreal girl named Celina Legris, but at ing the law which enables municipalities to the last moment the engagement .was •broken off and the future statesman, who was then a lawyer looking anxiously for briefs, married another lady. On the night of the wedding Celina arrived in a sleigh, and while the mirth and festivities were at their height, Opened fire on the house and smashed every pane in the front windows with an apron full of stones she had carried for the purpose. She then fell on her knees in the snow and prayed that Mr Chapleau would never have children. Whether or not her prayer wee answered, it is a fact that he has none. Return to the Provincial Lists The charge -that unfairness is shown in the making up of Federal voters' lists is doubtless well founded. It would be a miracle, indeed, [if there were not grounds for.the allegation. The officers who pre- pare those lists are the creation of the Do- minton Government, and it is the moat natural thing in the world that they should, perhaps unconsciously, favor the power that gave them official life. The remedy for the evil complained of need not neces- sarily involve a change of government. If the Liberals were in power, and the prepare ation of the lists TS till in the hands of the appointees of Government, the unfairness would be just as great as it is now, only another party would get the benefit of it. What is wanted is a return to the old sys- tem of Provincial lists for Dominion elec- tions. Nothing could be fairer than the manner in which these were made up in this province, at all events, prior to the passing of the Federal franchise act. The work was then in the hands of municipal officerseand it was impossible, therefore, that the partizans of either faction could control it, since the same party Was not in power in every municipality. The Do- minion Franchise Act should be repealed; first, because it involves a needless expense of half a million every time it is put in op eration, and secondly, because it gives an undue advantage to the party in power. - Toronto News, Conservative. • We are now showing a very attractive lime of Avert- • can printed fiatteens--the patterns are new, the colors Perfect 'and Abe cloth soft and dilrable, „Also plain 84tteen's in Oream, Old Gold, Garnet, INTavy, Blaok • And OnYdinal. These American goods are very desir- able, and we would adVise early buying as yvo cannot - -repeat thou. We, also show a complete range of Eng - find Canadian Prinfs.in aU the best patterns and colors, . 370)1:tESS ClOODS We ask your attention specially to a line .of Henriet. tas imported direct from the manufactu:rers. The col:, orings are superb. The finish soft and beautiful— the cloth fine and serviceable. The width 46 inches and tbe price only 50 cents per yard. To see them is to admire them. grant bonuses to factories and other establishments. The system of granting municipal bonuses has been greatly abused, and it should be abolished altogether. Some subsidy hunters have made:money by inducing towns or cities to bid against each other in the 'musing business. A nlan win get a bonne from one town to induce him to start business therein, and will then go around trying to find a town or village that will give him a bonus as an induce- ment to change his location. There ie no possible defence for such abuses, and as the municipalities do not seem inclined to ad- minister the bonne system properly or care. fully the only remedy is to abolish it alto- gether. Rev. Dr. Prittie, one of the oldest minis- ters of the Methodist Church, died at Toronto Monday night after a long illness. He was President of Toronto Confetence in 1890-91. Mis Amy Harris, of Toronto, who in 1889 went to Central India as a miseionary under the auspices of the Presbyterian church, has just died in London Eng., on her way home. Joseph Porter was killed at River Hebert near He.lifax, last week by being crushed between loge. The day after the fundial his sviridow went to sleep on a sofa, and when others of the family endeavored to waken bet it Was found that she was dead. ace Curtains Nottingham Lace Curtains—White and Ecru, from 50 cents to $3 a pair. Cul tains and Art Muslins, Choice patters. raPer New and complete stock of Papers with Borders to match will be here by the first of March. Clothing Terrible Disloyalty in the British Metropolis. The London Chronicle, a Conserva- tive newspaper with an enormous circulation, thus discussed the needs of Canada at the present time: "The anticipation of progress- held out at confederation have not been realized. What Canada needs now more than anything else is industrial and ccmmercial freedom. Her peren- nial difficulties with the Uniten States and Newfoundland arise from her ab- surd protective system. Mr Laurier struck the true note when he declared, Canadians should'approstch the Amer- icans on economic, not on political lines. Continental free trade, but no political annexation should be the watchword of -every Canadian who wishes to live on friennly terms with the neighboring States, and takes an enlighted interest in the economic future of his country." If the Ohroniqe were published in a Canadian City, it would be donounced from one end of the country to the othe er as a disloyal annexationist sheet! CAUTION. EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE Navy IS MARKED If you want a SUIT OF CLOTHES call and see us if good- and prices' will suit you. We claim to have as fine an assortment pf Tweeds and Worsted Coatings and Trouserings as can be shown by any house in the County. We also carry .a full line of READYMADE SUITS. Our Child's Suitseare particularly attractive, and save mothers a lot of work and worry. We offer you choice new goods in reliable qualities at. the • very closest prices. We pay the highest market price in Cash for Produce. We respectfully solicit the favor of your patronage. WL. OUIMETTE, ILAJN V.:S.1347EL CO 043 H1LLWATTEE 00* TEA. TEA Hillwattee is the name of a Black Tee, a blend of Indian and Ceylon, put up in Eng- land. The English people are noted for having the finest Tea. We guarantee full _weight _ in eversy. -paekagers -Draws-very-- smooth and of rich flavor. You can only procure it from miss we control the sale of it in Clinton, and our trade for this Tea hae increased very fast, far beyond what we anticipated. We have just got a fresh supply. Try a package. Fresh GROCERIES all in Stock G. SWALLOW Arthur Ri Maio )))1 ,,sssl. --- __ --- , The Eminent Oculist, Optician and Gold Medalist of the Detroit College of Optics, will be in town for two weeks. Office at COOPER'S BOOK STORE. Consulta- tion and Examination Free. See bills for Testimonials. r•T-4 FELT BOOTS, SOX and RUBBERS, • OVERSHOES and RUBBERS, LONG RUBBER BOOTS in Gents', Lakies' and Children's First•class Stock and Close Prices. A few special lines of BOOTS arid SHOES at and below cost to clear. 5 per cent disrount for cash. IN BRONZE LETTERS, • TOrlor & Song NONE OTHER GENUINE; CLINTON AND HENSAkIL