Clinton New Era, 1892-02-19, Page 3:MAXWIStes
inellaW-red iekpaet ,ordbard
Mid 04 illeadoW; perhape the OWAT1 wt
Ilte farther, bat LhiUps lieert eXpaild-
ed with sort of p.assion think heW
far ehe iiiightlioat„ had she but oars
andealla in place of wings mid feet,. be,
ginning upon the Bea -ward curs( ef
the little familiar Lynn. Then he
thought of the origin of Lynn, a little
pool a few miles hence of diamond
cleae water, im broader than the length
of hie arne so still that it seemed eolid;
but with so vivid a sparkle above its
white petibles that it eeemed alive.
From this dear and liquid sparkle,
which livettsene never failing through
summer and, winter, in borne, tis hint,
myeterious manner arose the Lyme a
deep trench, flowing stilly through
lush pasture and edged with Meadow -
sweet end loosestrite, sometimes re-
flecting. the sweet inize of forgetene-
note, broadening ni musical remon-
strance over the rough pebbles of a
highway, where it bathed. the passing
feet of cattle and horses, narrowing
again through meadows, turning mills,
prattling through a village, and then
flowing through a chain of willow ed-
ged mill ponds, singing its tranquil
way to Philip 'and the swan, thence
reaching the wharves a,nd the quay
where another stream joined it, and
the two currents a rolled. on. together
bearing vessels upon their united wave
to the great gray, mysterious sea. A
few miles, he could count them on his
fingers, brought the doubled stream to
the sea, and once there one might
girdle the great globe.
His heart died at this thought; the
. .
beat. Alit 011 Ote pea&
KniVea Were ,prettner mid tentipattidi
44 tow* stg 1:41,4%)1‘041eirlAtii bi:141;1=
• your father?'
k"I'm Olatide Medwisy, and my fath-
er'e 8Ir Arthur Medway," replied the
lad. "Are yousthe miller's eon? What
is your limner
Philip colored before replying. Only
that morning in sell(' ol cateebiam he
bad given his name as "Philip iletudal,"
aml beep ClUlllb Avhen pointedly aud
repeatedly told to give ouly the Chris-
'nathe. Until that moments it bad
not struck him as strange. that Ila»dal
was his baptismal and surname iu one.
After seem)]. there was a fight in the
playground in consequence of the fre-
quent repetition of the usher's words,
"But, Bendel is your surname."
It was considered a goo4. fight, and
traditions of it still linger in Cleeye
Grammar School. Blood wait shed on
both sides, and how it 'would have far-
ed with Philip against his older and
stronger adversary, but for the time-
ly appear 01 ice of the head -master upon
the scene and the consequent hasty
fight of both contending parties, it is
impossible to say.
Perhaps Philip was not very sorry
for the in terrupt m, when Ile walked
home with the comfortable conscious-
ness of having given that great brute
Brown" a good thrashing, before he
was himself pounded into a jelly. A
secret conviction that the affair might
now honorably be considered at an
end, together with a strong suspicion
that I& own would think differently,
vast, vast world seemed within 1118 made Inin very glad to reach t e ntill,
grasp as he lay there in the sunny whither Brown would not dare to fon
stillness and longed to be a man. The low him.
willows swayed gently above his eag- "My name's Philip Randal, and r
er face, their trembling shadows shot Meade, the miller, is my father," he
across ne the sun was passing west- replied defiantly to Claude's quesl ien.
ward, but now slowly. Some pigeons "How much?" asked Claude, think -
sailed above him, he folloWed, their ing that, all three names belenged to
flight with longing eyes; swallows nen, "Well, you're a queer little beg -
glided by steeped in sunlight, the mill gar, names and all. How fee are you
hummed on, the child prattled to her- ! in Latin? D 0 l hey fag at. your schook
self, the scent of mignonette came I suppose they are all cads at this."
wafted from the garden; the floating "What's a cad?" asked Plebe.
SW11,11 was a stately ship, bearing Phi- "Oh ! Why, a day -boy that. lives in
lip to the world's end; they seemed to town," 17 •
be sailing on and on forever, bound to "Then we are all cads," let (timed
some far unknown Happy Islands: . Philip, cheerfully, -and 1 ain't out of
crimson fruits sent their spicy frag-s 1)01001 tis yet. I sey, lend es thet knife
ranee over the inystie waves, things . net wn.,
melted vegnely one into the other; ' "rill to Inoti next_ term." said
Sinbad. the Hoe, the Valley of Dia- Claude, handing him he knife.
mends, blended with the SW1U1 Ship "Wh(q.,.'s that?' „sked phinp,
• 1 '' Wa1-4 faSt :LAO? , Invent's-. gale up 10 1114. iritalow-franw
sOn why, though the stream was 0 \en enconscioue alike of his lee ual hlesset - of the beet peplos to t le ,eu
for She convenience of the town wa e, -
carts aud all the cows in the neighbor-
hood, the wide space in .frout of the
mill where the fowls walked at their
011APTOR I. .
• ST.44tal1teantu:tatas
Stillbrooke Mill never looked pleas-
anter then on 11 hot bli11110.01.' afternoon,
When the paved streete ofOleeve re-
' fled a blinding tem -glare, and the brick
house -fronts- ,give out the heat, they
have been slowly accumulating all the
long seamy day. Its position at the
end of the towu gives it a singular
charm; it is like an unexpected gleam
of ronaanee in it prosaic, toil -Worn life,
Turning from the principal street, loud
with rettlieg Wheels, thecries of street
hawkers and yelling boys, you pass to
stillness beneath the shade of it linden -
girdled .garden wall, which partially
surrounds it fine Tudor building ef gray
Ogee, With tiled gabled roofs and dia-
mondpaned casements, This is the
old grammar school, which rises above
the flinoy, fleeting ugliness of the mo-
dern street, a silent and beautiful wit-
ness of a past and prophecy of a future.
Thence the road fells steeply to a piece
of emerald gree still water, beyond
which the tra,n ucent golden greens
of a grove climbing the opposite hill
are even fresher and, more liquid than
the tints of the polished mill stream,
while the glowing of sun -steeped turf
through the tree trunks, and the soft
massing of bright foliage against the
pure blue sky, form a most restful con-
trest to the arid streets whence they
can be seen.
A little back from the road, on the
town side of the bridged expanse into
which the . stream widens at the bur -
tom of the hill, there stood, many years
' ago, a stone built mill and honse; an
undershot wheel turned drowsily to a
- drowsy music in the stillnes'
s the
brown roof tiles were mellowed, the
gray walls whitened, the trees in tbe
garden and those by the roadside
slightly powdered by a drifting mist of
floating meal. ,
There was about Stilibrooke Mill a
genial publicity which (Tomei one's
heart to it. The fact .of the high road
having been carried straight through
its ground and over its broadened
stretun, in some measure accounted
for its openness and absence of walls,
but only in part, for there was no rea- .
'gold taiverteign, The WW 4.)4. whieh the'
Child had never paialled befOre, and
Whieb he was at fir4 afraid to keep Ws
it should have been given Min by oils -
take, and mouuted the laatatiful hay
horse while Claude sprang upon the
brown (eel, and they drove away,
Matthew and 'Philip stood beneath
the plane tree and 'watched them Oat -
ter twee the bridge and vanish up the
hill, each with a tumultuous stir of
feelitnn The miller had taken the
child's hens' in his powerful grasp, and
clutched it so firmly that tie- small
fingers N1r01t: all white anti cramped to-
gether and achipg; but Philip Witb 1111-
CC/118010UB Of any physical $ensation in
the whirl of feeling with which he
gazed upon the splendid steeds and
their gallant riders, and eepecially up-
on Sir Arthur, who Metered hini with
mingled admiration and repulsion. It
was as if all the glory of the world
opened upon his epiritual vision
through this man,
He looked up at his foster -father's
weather-beaten nice, which was drawn
with anxiety mid grey with care, at
his striped collarless shirt and floury
jacket, and for the first time he took
outwaiel measure and reckoned
hiin a common old man, more meanly
dressed than the meanest working
man, and contrasted his stubby chin
with Sir Arthur's carefully shaven,
finely moulded face. Just them Meade
looked at him and the boy's heart
melted. .
"How would you like to ride a little
horse like Master Medway's, Philip?
And go and live at, Marwell Court with
Sir Arthur, and have servants to wait
on you, and fine ladies te cosset ye,
arid books to read, and plenty_ of
money?" the miller asked.
-Very much," he faltered. —
"And leave poor old dad andinother
and the little maid?" continued Meade,
crushing the child's. hand tighter. si
"Nllt rer all the world'," lie replied,
half cryl»g. and they turned, both too
unicli moved to speak, aud Went in.
'Why did Sir Arthur want, him?
Wien interest cored he possibly have
in the millern aeopted (114111? Pliilip
>',( (40101(1!. sr
eleaile said nothing Ilene on the
subject to Philip that nighiperrying
his 4014,51 ions and bidding hint wait.
But when the childivn wore gone to
Ind, he sat long by the light of the
single cendle in the parlor, sinoking
his shut t clay pipe and talking to his
into. . 'Annie led hand • a eelk
ness and of that he tlreiencel in the on it.
future. "Well ! sem me a dint! lout lees)
The willow wrapped him wholly in Claude. revolted 01 Philip's igilorance,
its gentle sliade and sproad C1)(1111'SS and marching to re -ex ve tem. the
ease and the fligeons fluttered down 1
from the dove -cot above to diepute the even, long-ditiwn breath. until al last bed in tutting his initiale met he frame.
grain with them, and the mealy wag- a nercin s sound penetrated the balmy and. the windows being, ern, heard
ons stood for loading and &oat
should have opened unwalle 1 upon
the highroad as it did. All must yield
to the inexorable logic of faces. but,
Stillbrooke Mill yielded gracefully, mid
opposed 110 further barrier between it-
self and the public road than a large
broad leaved plane tree, beneath which
was a bench, where many eighty
subjects had been discussed by the
present miller, Matthew Meade, and
his forerunners. A carved stone let
into the wall aboVe the second story
bore in antique figures the date 1650,
which made it nearly two centuries
old on this summer afternoon. It was
very bot. The sturdy horses attached
to the wagon which was being laden
'-'veith sacks of flour, 1.viuked their eyes,
drboped their heads, and slept peace-
fully; the men attaching the sacks to
the crane above had discarded their
waistcoats awl were thinking of the
amber charms of a glass of ale; Mat-
hew Meade pushed his cap far back
upon his grizzled head aad stood in the
most draughty spot he could find,
-gleevIrfeir•o eat ' rferand. his -
shirt opened on his chest, while direct-
ing the work; one of the sleek mill cats
slept in a tight coil on the low stone
parapet between the yard and the wa-
ter; tne house dog had left his kenuel
and stretched himself with hanging
tongue and exhausted mien on the
coolest accessible stone; the mill -wheel
seemed half asleep as it turned to its
lulling music; the simshine slept on
the garden and house, it steeped the
towers and grass in a trance like still-
ness, and dissolved itself in golden
languors among the broad leaves of
the spreading plane tree; the depths of
pale blue sky seemed clouded with ex-
oess of sleeping light: the delicate
drooping boughs of the mighty. willow
which grew on the further bank of the
'stream in the meadow, scarcely stirred
'their pale feathery leaves in the charm-
ed stillness.
At the foot of the great willow,
where sunshine poured full upon him
oiothed the grass about him with glory,
a eturdy boy of nine lay and basked,
• -his great dark Array eyes grazing into
the infinite blue sky depths above hm,
• holding a ripe erunson apple into
Which his sharp pestle of teeth bit lazi-
ly. Hitt brown fake bore teaces of re -
.cent fighting, and the broWn hand he
stretched out to reach another quer-
render from the heap On 'the grass,
,looked staff it had been used in battle.
' %Wear at hand a little girl of three, in
(ir freek and sunbonnet, was
playing :with flowers and cooing hap-
opily toheraelf, her golden curls shining
the Sunlight, as she turned with
.pretty baby gestures and rolled tin the
,eienny grstss, until -her eye- was ca,ught
tee, the snowy gleam cif SWan sailmg
majestically toward the grassy bank.
The languid grace of the -snow-white
• ':irrvan pleased the children: Slowly
the beautiful creature glided Over the
jewel like water, her proudly
sirching neck and erected sail like' "I say, ycne fellow; said. the a r
Wings repeated with such bright ac- coming up and observing his black-
curac beneath her that the motion of ened eyes, "what have you been up to
b 'des letting the baby fall into the
"Nothing," replied Philip, loftily,
"I had to thrash a fellow this morning,
that's all."
"Had you? I dare say. What other
poor child have you been bullying?"
"He was it little bigger than you."
said Philip with a scornful glance over
"I like that. As if any fellow of my
size wouldn't scorn to touch a kid like
3 ou. Go indoors, my dear, and ask
your mamma for vinegar and brown
With such amiable And polite obser-
vations the lads made a life-long ac-
quaintance. Boys are like dogs, they
walk round each other with contempt-
uous sniffs and growls, and after one
or two trial snaps and a dis lay of
/ • t • Willie 110 Shpt.. on with penile see meantime, wa,
mazes of his dreams and he awoke.. the well-known \ oe ( 41 . . ,
11 was the piteous svail ot the ht tle 'Meade mingling with the less familiar
girl, accompanied by the splash ot ht.e. accents of Sir Arthur :Medway, heard
body in the water, that heti bruiser). his ' m lthout harkening until something
charmed, dreani. Seeieg Philip teed , wa,s said which int erested him.
the swan from his hapd, a thing for- 1 .. "The boy is mine, Sir Arthur," said
bidden to her, she wished to do like- Mr Meade's voice. "He was left by
wise, and seeing her brother's eyes , his own flesh anti blood, and already
shut., she crept gradually nearer to the , started for the workus when I took
edge of the water, looking, like a baby . him and bred him for my own."
Narcisses, into the clear green water, "No doubt you are attached to the
where her flower wreathed gold au- child, Meade, and of ceinee it would
reeled face was clearly mirrored. I be ;shard pull to give him up--"
"Pitty Jessiel pitty diger cooed the . ..1 can't give him up," the miller
tiny daughter of Eve, with complacent . broke ill, with an agitated voice; "he's
smiles a.t her own reflection. But the ' mine, he's all I've got. I've bred him
swan, which in the meantime had turn- up so far, and he's more to me- I tell
ed back and shot the. bridge, caught /00 1 cant give him up, Sir Arthur."
sight of the little figure and steered 1 "If you are indeed attached to the
toward it with a swift, even, gliding
motion. Jessie looked up with a cry I child-"
"1 am, I am," Meade interposed.
of joy; the swan swam back and alter- 1 "Yoa surely would not stand in his
ed the beautiful curves of . its neck, light," continued Sir Arthur, gravely,
glidiug with a broadside motion which , "consider the advantages you refuse
showed the stroke of the black leg. be- for him."
neath the beautiful sweep of the wing; i "I hev considered them, Sir Arthur,"
Jessie stretched forward over the replied the miller. wiping his hot brow,
swan . "but money -isn't everythiligvaieo. The.
after a little majestic denying,. 'dimpled boy looks to me as a father,' I yell:light
up and placed its beak in the dimpled j him so, and somehow -I've done that,
pink pahn, where it found. nothing, , much for him, I've saved and scraped
and then drawing back in offended i for him -aye, and I mean to save and
majesty, it shot itself swiftly at the scrape for him, and I'll bring him up
child, caught Veer frock in. its beak, to be a gentleman, please God-" he
and pulled her into the water. I could say no more in the fulness of his -
This incident was very pretty to heart.
watch, as it was watched from the road i Sir Arthur smiled, and looked silent -
on the other side of the pond by a. boy , ly at the rough man in his flouiy mill -
of twelve sitting on a brown cob in the er's clothes whose chest was heaving
plane tree shade, where was also a bay with strong feeling; while the weeds
horse led by a mounted groom. When broke gaspingly from him. "Better
the splash came, he lustily. echoed the than my own blood, better, better."
child 'e cry, speang from his horse, rlin "These feelings do you credit,
along a wall by the water close to the Meade," he said, after some wonder as
mill race, which he leapt, and landed to how the miller proposed to breed
in the meadow just in time to see Phi- up a gentleman. "But you ',would, I
Hp pull the child out of thewater and am sure, deeply regret that your af-
beat off the angry swan, which refused fecfion for the boy should spoil his
to let f the skirts it had clutched, chances in life."
until new comer plied his riding "It won't, it can't be," returned
whip. Meade, earnestly. "What do you care
"Na,ughty girl l" cried Philip, setting for him, sir? You've got yourn, there
her down at a safe distance from the is Master Claude and the rest of them,
'00 tile, CONTI Nt-En,
To the Ecl;tor of (he Yew Era.
SIll,-1 noticed in last weeles NEW DIA
your rennirks ana edvice to drivers and
quotations from Town By -Law respecting
furious driving, tee. For my own part, be-
ing (me of tbose to whom this advice is
tendered; I beg to say that I have been on
our streets about every day the past year
arid have seen no fusions driving,or driving
tbat need intimidate any person ; there are
a few fault-finding„ begruntled, dog in -the -
manger, kind of people with us, filled with
fanaticism, which 9,re to be found in all
towns, who seem to think that no portion
of our streets should be devoted to driving,
except it be to walk horses almig end not
trouble foot passengers, and that the whole
street (very nearly) should be used for the
purpose,or set apart as a sidewalk,and that
it is quite proper to loiter over the street -
crossings and in the middle' of the streets.
Because the few I allude to don't admire
or take any pleasure or enjoyment in driv-
ing, is that any reason the great majority
Should bow down to respect their absurdi-
ties. If these objectors don't like driving
let there keep to the sidewalk and off of
the Street crossings, and allow reasonable
facilities feleCieee-wiro do nporetheestreeta
In all the larger cities a street is set apart
for fast road driving and speeding, and in
nearly all our towns there is more or less
edge, and wringing the water m
clothes. "Straight to bed you go, miss,
andel, good whipping you deserve."
"'rake her in, you young duffer, and
hate her stripped, and dried. What's
the use of jawing •a kid like that?" re-
monstrated the other boy. Taking one
of the little girl's bands and bidding
the stranger boy teke the other, Phi-
lip trottedher between them over the
grass and through a courtyard to tbe
kitehen (Igor, faster than her little
stumbling feet could carry her.
Having delivered her into the hands
of a maid .servant, made , off
before he had tiler to receive the secold-
inghe shrewdly sus ected te be dne,
and mine would be nobody, it poor
stray bird anaong them all. hat's
money beside a father's heart? And a
mother's, too?"
Again Sir Arthur gazed silently and
thoughtfully upon the miller's earnest
face, and when he saw him draw the
back of his brown hand hastily across
his eyes, his own became dim.
"I will say no more at present," he
observed at last, rising and taking his
hat; "We fire both of us convinced of
the child's identity, though I am not
sure that ere ceeld prove it in a cOurt
of law'. You will think over what I
have geld at your leisure, and weigh -
the pros and cons of it till we meet
fast driving. In Goderia horses are speed-
44 IV .9
atstoria, i3 Dr. Ov.r.:raci riteltee's preseriptiott for 'wants
and Children. la cozataina ncii..1.-ice Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic erthatemec. It I:armless substitute
for Paregorles )rope, S000_hlraff 1.7.57.avas, and Castor 011.
It is Pleasest:Se / el.:arse:et:se le Carty years' use by
MillioxaN of 2.1,7i-ai t TS. C est ode, nett ro 'Worms and allays
fe ever:elm e ees. oei a, es re 'ese I 1. a vomiting Sour Curd,
cares Illiteeentra VInci Castoria relieves
teething- tree.:;ic.-, vont...Alp:at lo tt cad flatulency.
Castori.1, nsehnilatce ctions ressenetea the stomach
and Itowc13, c1e..11y and tarattaral sleep. Cas.
torkt, Li 0.13 C!II.3.0.ZC.*:-' 11.; 1."anacea--tho Mother's Friend.
is , :-2k-'-' " ezstorls, is so I adopted tnesIldren that
lilotZiers r.:;),•:.te.; io:d 3 it 0...161: der iur Lonny s Ocriptioni
•,;•ood 'olio:. ',hal: ▪ n
LI. 0. 0-(1001:), TI. A. Anemia, LI. D.,
1111-o. Oxford t;t., 1;rooklyn, N. Y.
izz Cie bo. rua.o f, ( ?!: ••• nay physiclizr.s chiblran"s depart -
• i• 1 ,,t'k ,-441 '•:•••".'-‘,,' 1. 1 1-- spoeon of their expert
1.1 • e h.•11 ta.thurs outsido rractico %%nth Usstoria,
rsia c141 ('0 4.0 1 0.. 1 i 1•1 1 C• .)..10'.17.11 otily have a:Doug
• of Om varitnisep.iuo nostrunui 47-) 11,C(1.oL1 uzz7plie3 what is 1....nown rer,Ilha
,troying ir oz.r.s, by r •in Wo aro (roe confess that tio
' soothing vyrup ant oi•i•••:. ' 1.1 Ca,•,toria bus won us to look with
agents down ir thoin-Ly fx,or: upon lz,"
tht..4. pronkiturt, arrED IlOCITAL AND DISPSYSATLY*
1./it. .1. 73v.iri:zi.cir, Boston, Me.62,
The Centarzr Co=ye:t7:17,-, El:array Street, New York City.
Vrar4V10;40.4 raireac..ira. affieillr .
kz,Ilt.tal, .41:490 3'rvi:: I'Man'aqdranit
ed around the Market Square in the centre
of the town, and no person in all time past
has been injured thereby, but on the con-
trary nearly all persons have been more or
lees amused and gratified bythese semple
exhibitions of speed. I claim that it is onr
right and privilege to use our streets for the
purposes for which they were intended. I
have said more than I thought of doing,and
only wish to state further, that there is a
paragraph in the portion of this By -Law
quoted by you, that it seems to me our
Council should consider the propriety of re-
pealing at once. It is this :-
"Nor shall any person or perions ride or driVe
over or along any atreet at a furious or immoder-
ate pace, whether such pace be•it troi or a gallop,
or in such a walnut as to endanger or unres,
sonahlk incommode an), person; nor shall any
person or persons drive over any crossing .or
street corner at a pace teeter than a walk."
And 1 wish to observe that this is in all
respects obselete, and never observed, and
almost impraeticable, and againet common
senile, while it places the law in the hands
of an unscrupulous person. by which any
person might be fined. Every loaded or
other team trot over crossings and around
corners, and I shall be glad to -know that
the matter has been brought to the atten-
tion of our Municipal Council.
Yours truly, Cenrrosaas.
and having reached he plane -tree, p again.
his hands in his 'pockets and whistled "Yes Sir Arthur," replied Meade,
with a line affectation of indifference; awed in spite of himself by the impos-
he was more slowly followed by the ing presence of the baronet, whose
stranger, whose services he ac- bead only just escaped the heavy beams
knowled by a brief: "Thank ."
of the old-fashioned parlor, a man in
the prime of life, with a gracious smile
and a winning air. 1 r:7-2
The listener in the meantime, screen-
ed by the myrtle growing about the
window, was pale as death, the knife
falling from his nerveless hand. What
should all this mean. Was the school-
boy taunt but the bare truth, or how?
When Sir Arthur came out of the
porch with Mr Meade, Philip had pul-
led himself together, and was able to
come forward calmly at his father's
"So this is the boy," said Sir Arthur,
laying his strong, slender hand with
gentle firmness upon Philip's head,
pushing back the tumbled hair and
turning the face upward for the seat ch-
ing scrutiny he gave it. A long, long
glance he bent upon Philip's flushing
face, kind though stern, and with a
mingling of sorrow, compunction,
and yearning which vaguely touched
the boy's self -steeled heart and grad-
ually subdued the bold defiance of his
upward gaze.
"You are tall and strong for yOhr
age, Philip." he said, removing his
hand at last; "never misuse' your
etrength; be gentle, loyal, and always
think Otnthers." '
Then, 'Calling his sion, he Veit out
her b ack oar like feet was completely
hidden, and she seemed to move like a
thought in obedience solely to her will.
The boy beckoned and she approached
him wit,h wayward dignity, pausing in
majestic indecision, and then consent-
ing to be coaxed onsVarel again until
she reached the brink and bowed her
head coquettishly to the breed in his
extended handed, having taken which,
she moved dream like away, and
brooding pensively over the water,
like some gentle memory on it quiet
heart, passed iinder the stone piers of
the bridge, the dark arches of which
shadowed and engulphed her.
Philip's eyes followed her thither
and then turned to the blue heaven
into n-hieh the silvery willow leaves
ierced while his thought followed
he gliding swan and his senses were
charmed by the brooding warmth of teeth, conie either into a pitchect bit
the sunshine and the ripe sweetness of or gracious tail -wagging
the apples. Under the bridge that ( In this case, luckily for Philip,tail-
the white swan was floating, past the ' wagging was the result. He was inteo-
miller's garden on the opposite side of dueed to the brown cob and allowed to
the highway, past an old farm house moutit it, the stranger taking Philip's
Children Cry for Pitcher's Cv.itftria*.
IHE-ttroyt Street, Clinton
We have on hand an assortnaent of splendid
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ForThroat and Lungs
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" ed in a few hours easy sleep. There
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Children Cry fer
Pitcher's Onott4ritat.
AIM Lesisgton Ave,
New York Ault*, Sept. 19, I
I have used the Flax -See Eniuwon in several
rases of Chronic Bronchitis, anj the.early stages of
bthiisd hare beett well_eleofied_Wiqttke
IhngifiA,,CN.V., Feb:146,18M
I have used. yout Emulsion in a case of Flithisis
(consumption) with beneficial results, where patiet,
could not use Cod Liver Oil in any form.
J. H. DROGE, M. 11,-
Brooklyn, N. Y., Dee. With, 1888.
Iran strongly reccimmend Flax Seed Emulsion as
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Bronchial end Nervous Affections, and a good ged
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Brooklyn, 11„ er.,4ect. toth, 180,3.
1 rz'artl Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior to
the Cod Liver Oil Emulsions so generally in use.
D. A. GOR'rON, M. D.
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"the doetor. There can be no doubt
geld by Ortigglate, Write Slue°. 1:,)
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"it use. The only relief was after 35 Liberty St...Igew*Xerit. „,
FOR 1892.
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1 11 Iva used your Flair -Seed Emulsion Compound
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more the,n hoped for—it was marvelous, and con-
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"as I had an attack just previous to FLAX -SEED EMULSION CO -P4
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a;g:e. Aue tealea. (3) For tale by 3. H. COMM, Clititore