HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-02-12, Page 8ebrua y 111- ---,, Lo; :t•-• 111 .gfrElt raXP4XI:7B)313TI4RT 1-2(1i9P. 1+00414 1,10TIcES 401K/VE11113SED WANTEfLia-For which the highest price Wilt be paid. 411,i1 SUMP, Olintini (imams MIN ZOO rt our specialty, and wo oder eolineArie sets very oilman...arouses:as asaioua SW cords of wood wanted in exchange io Robes Horse Blanhets, froms, Shoes, to., at alr• wydwounr.z. Lost, s. f/a/son's Bank cheque 'look., marked on the eover 4.0011aglate Institnte 1891.' O rIQ to any no. Finder will oblige by leaving it with DAVIS. 4 ItfrinakfiD. As PO advertisement it will be soon that a re- presentative eleatrician of:the Derenweral Elec. trialaolt tio Torouto,win lie at Itattenbliry House Clinton, *4 Wednesday February Sith. ernoTaiitts 1,1ca 2,Topos0.-1-Wfw -will give it pair OX seectaeles fres to every oneoafling Ae our store for the next two weeliii.o Here's a 940-410e, J. IL 311.13113ALI, 0 00. • MR. A. J. 1±4401/. Plano 'ruiner for the cad re- iiable firm or je llorahitner, will visit Minton about reb. atlat Argos desirous of having their pianos thaaong ly tuned and regulated, will 4ind3Y leave their trap Oa with W. (favor 400. Stationers. 4 ' gOWn 4113010. SKA,e'n5q.—The Ave mile skating race kr $100, at the Palace Rink, last Fri- day evening, was won by Grahatat of Fergus, by one lap, the distance being covered in 20 initiates. TBIKMANcE.—A meeting for the Organization of a lodge of L (). G. T., will be ,held in the Council Chamber this (Friday)evening at 7.30 sharp. All who purpose joining should be present. Blyth and Londesboro lodges will be present, LICENSE CommrssiorrEns.—The Li- cense Commissiones appointed for this year are:—Huron, East—Thos. Gibson, Geo. Fortune, Geo. Murdie. Huron, South—Robert Spicer, Peter Douglas, John Weir. Huron, West—Samuel Sloan, M. Young, Jas. Stephens. WE CANNOT DO IT.—Our dOyi1 wants to know if we, cannot crowd out some of our local news this week, and fill the , space with "plate matter," as alleged w newspapers sometimes do. No, we cannot do it; our readers are so accus- tomed to getting the very best news- paper that nothing else will satisfy them. Some people are satisfied with any kind of a paper—but they are not on,our list. DEATH.—The Expositor says:—An- other of Huron's noble band of pio- neers, in the person of Mr Turnbull, who resided near Elimville, passed from this life on Saturday last, having reach- ed the advanced age.of 82 years. He was a gentleman of more than ordinary intelligence, and was much and deser- • vedly respected in the community where be had lived so long. He was father of Mr James Turnbull, who, for over 20 years was principal of the Clin- ton Isfigla School. WORK FOR THE ASSESSORS. — The following section, No. 11 from the Com- pulsory School Attendance Act, must not be lost sight of by assessors now about to begin their duties: "The as- sessors of every Municipality shall an- nually, when making their assessment, i , enter n a book to be prOvided by the clerk of the municipality, in the Form A, in the schedule of the Act, the name, ____Irge_and_residgoo of eyeLy, child be- tween the age of eight and fourteen years, resident in the municipality,and the name and residence of soda child's parent :or guardian, and return the said book to the clerk of the said muni- cipality, with the assessment roll for the use of the truant officer. CoscEnr.—The Emma Wells Concert and Comedy, Co. who are now playing a week stand at Seaforth, will open for one week in town hall, Clinton, Feb. 16, to 22 admission only 10 and 15 cts. The Huron Expositor has the following to say about this Co. The Emma Wells Comedy Company, who have been playing in Cardno's . Hall this week, under the auspices of the town band, have been greeted by fairly good audiences each evening. The company is a good one and our citizens should come out and enjoy an evening's entertainment. The band are also daaerving of encourage- ment and all who attend will assist them. Mrs Wells, the four voiced vocalist, has a superb voice and sings in four distinct voioes. Her articulation is also most dis- tinct, so that those in the rear of the hall can understand her rendering with the same ease as those on the front benches. Thi, of itself, is a rarity among vocalists. She is well worth going to hear. The other xnenabere of the company are equally good and they give an entirechange ofprogram- me each evening. KINDERGARTEN. —Messrs D. Robb, Inspector of Schools for East AHuron, and W. R. Lough, Principal of the Clinton Model School, visited Simcoe Street School Kindergarten on Friday. The Clinton School Hoard are consid- ering the question of introducing the Kindergarten and the above gentlemen will relate their favorable experience on their return. In the afternoon they 'visited the different rooms in the Sim- eoe Street School. Inspector Robb ad - .dressed the pupils of the Eighth Divis- ion and congratulated the London School Board for their excellent school system. He spokehighlyof the system of grading and the Principal's method oi teaching music. Mr Lough ale° ad- dressed the pupils, referring to their earnest. systematic, natural method of dealing with the teachers' interroga- tories. Both gentleman speak in glow- ing terms of the Kindergarten as an educative medium and ere long Clinton school system will have blended with it the Kindergarten.—London Free Press. Fon Pnrynns:,Ilere are two elfilfiNS clf OW t0I'm br4WthatareCPIX04014104 to the oaneldorettion of driverei 0P4A4 of whoa by being iaw-molcers, should not be 14W-breafigers:— .0 'ale mean Waal) drive with a °utter or sleigh et any kind vdthout baviee Arttacfred te Me I'harness or vol4nla at least two Pan," olurf31.1au any pampa or rersona ride or alive over or Wong any street at a'furiorni or immodoza atonavo, whoa= 911Qb rigee b9 0, Wei, Or 9. gallop, or In euela a :nape r as to eadaeger sr dolma• sors00, nr9ommode any person: e9r snarl any person \ or nerseus drive ever Jany crossing ,er s trot earner 94 a panalastor Ntraa a was." RESOIM ROJHE Wonk,—,A, good au- dience assembled, in the Rattenbury 'street Methodist church, on 1Viouday evening, to hear addresses on the Res- cue Rome Work. being done by the $41vrition Army. Rev My Shilton oc- cupied the chair, and Rev-4(tr,-Ayres was on the platform alsd; The speak- ers were Staff -Copt Bolton and wife, arld Capt Archibald, of Haxiailton Pris- on Gate; the addresses Were interest- ing and attentively listeriod to, and the collection, on behalf of the work, amounted to over $89. SADRA.TII SCHOOL CONVENTION. —The Huron Convention Sabbath School as- sociation closed its Annual Convention at Wingham, on Thursday last. The time of the convention was taken up with the reading and discussion of pa- pers and addresses bearing on Sabbath School work, in different forms. Most of the papers were exceedingly able and instroctive and are to be published in pamphlet form, so that Sabbath School workers may'procure them for reference. ' ffhe attendance at the dif- ferent sesssions was good, and those present, no doubt went home with freshened resolves and better ideas concerning the laudable work in which they are engaged. For want elf space we withold any summaries of the ex- cellent papers presented. It was de- cided that the next annual meeting should be held in Blyth. „ NOTES. —Mies Agnes Cook, of E Centre, is visiting friends here. Robertson, of Lucknow, is visi at the home of her father, Mr McA ter. Division Court will be held on the 29th inst,(not the 27th as st on the Division Court Calender.) • Itureball 84 Co. have put up a coup neat new signs ; they are also put in a new $500 safe. Miss A. Hol left for St, Catharines, on Tues owing to the illness of her sister, Nellie Holmes. Mr L. Stevens and da Boles represented the Epw eague, at the convention in Toro his week. The A. 0. U. W., of w he late,Joseph Brownlee was a in er, has settled promptly and satis orly the insurance claim on the lif eceased. Mrs Julian Wall sings eek in Strathroy, and on the 18th ondon, with the Syng Hony Orc at in a farewell concert for " ordon," London Violinist, who aving for Germany, to complete udies. At the meeting of the rio Short Horn Breeders' Associati Toronto last week, Mr W. 3. B ins, of Clinton (Stanley,) was elec one of the Executive. The Mite dvocate'thus refers to a son-in-law r W..Robb, of town :—"We are rmed that Mr Wes Honey has b gaged as choir leader and organis Knox church at a salary of $95 per num ; he is a good musician and soon bring the choir up to a hi ndard." On Thursday last, while nding a funeral, Rev. W. Craig w set out of his cutter, but fortunat caped unhurt. The examinations trance to the High Schools and t bile School Leaving Examinatio 11-be-held-this--yeac-mead, July as formerly; the 28th, 29 d 30th of June are the dates fixe e Spring Assizes will commence detach on the 14th of March. A fi Regina, last -week, destroyed t indsor Hotel, the property of as. Howson, son of Mr James Ho n, Clinton. Mr W. Foster, Toront n -in-law of Mr James Millar, Cli nto d the misfortune to lose his elde by diptheria, this week. Mr Joh ning has the contract f erection of Mr D. B. Ke y's new livery stable. Mr Joh ornpson,and family, of London we guests of Mr D. B. Kennedy for ple of days last week. A sleighin ty composed of Grand Union boa s, went out to the residence of M ries McGregor, Hullett, last (Thur ) night. Mr. Alex T. Cooper, no ng at Port Huron, intends to retur own in a couple of weeks and pu he summer with his brother her Liberal Committee Rooms az' r Geo. Swallow's Store; they ar n every night. We are very maw ased to know that Mrs Thos. Jack jr., who has been passing throng exceedingly critical illness, and o se recovery doubts were at on entertained, is holding her ow appears to be in a fair way of re ry. Mr John Brickenden, who i ut disposing of his farm in Hullett oses taking up his residence i n. Mr C. J. Stevenson has ;bee inted president of the Chatauqu ety in place Of Mr Maddock, re ed. The Brethren presented Mis e Ha.rtt, a few evenings' since, with autiful easy chair and foot rest, in gnition of her services as teache e Sabbath School. Mr Robt Col gh, of the Hayfield line, Goderich ship, was in town on Tuesday, ar ing for the erection of a fine 'brick e this summer, and let the cofatrac r S. S. (Jooper. We understand Mr Jos. Chambers, of Toronto, of Mrs. Chamber%) Puts givpn up osition in Toronto, and intends to ✓ an established business in Lon - as partner; he is a capital me- ic and will be an acquisition to firm. Mr Smith Kilty is confined e house by serious illneSs. Mr W. t expects to leave town and take $ residence with his daughter, Mrs e, near St. Paul, Minn. It is said in Detroit alone there are 60 Olin - ns. Miss Alice Moore, daughter ✓ Alfred Moore, is, we regect to seriously ill, with little hope of ering. Mr W. Smithson, who has confined to the house for a month, ur able to leave his room. We un- nd that the Edison Incandescent Co. have disposed of their intend- siness there to Mr D. Graham. Villiain Walker, of Kansas has to Mrs H. R. Walker, lots 15'1 and ownsend Street. 1Virs Galloway iting Mrs Snider, at Wingham. A. Bishop, M. P. P. was in town day, on his way to attend the Legislature. In Dorlgall Mani - Mrs W. IL Andrews, sister-in-law s Andrews, Mary St. died very lily the other day of la grippe. . B. Forster, of Colborne, has ver 600 cords of dry wood in town nter. We are pleased to see that avv has recovered from his recent ,and is attending to his practice al. The ofilcial board of Batten - Street church extended a unani- nvitatien to the, Bev. Mr.Shilton urn here for third year.— ssex Mrs ting llis- here ated J. B. le of ting Ines day, Miss Miss orth nto, hich em- fac- e of this , in hes- Miss I8 her On - OD, ig- ted hell of in - eel). t of an - will gh at - as ely for he 118 th d.• at re he Mr w- 0, or n - re a r - r. s- e., 11 7 11a tI le st ta in as A fo en sta te up es en Pu -44 of an Th Go in Oh SO ha son Pin the ned Th the con par der, Cha daliviy to t in t The ove ope pie son, an who time and cove abo purp tow appo Soci sign Addi a be reco of th clou town rang hous to M that (son snp ente don, chan any to th Gran up hi Bowi that ' Dnalss.—One of the saddest deaths tonia that has occurred for sorne time, the of M attendant circumstances considered,. hear, was that of the youngest daughter of recov Mr A. H. Manning, on Sunday after- been noon. She had been ill only for a few is no days, with 'congestion of the lungs, dersta but nothing could be done beyond Light what was to save her life, and she ed bit quietly slept away. Mr Manning's Mrs illness, with other members of the sold household also sick, intensified the af157, i - fl" , or vvhich the , deepest possible is vis sympathy is manifested. Mr II Moore, Mr A one of the oldest residents of town, died yester very unexpeetedly, on Mondayevening, Local the result of inflammation of the bow- toba Mr - he was sick. He has been engaged in sudde els. Vera, few. persons even knew that of IVir the tannery business for a number of Mr W years. It did not prove as remunera- sold o titre as hoped for, the fire, and other 1 this wi eirournstanees being against him. He Dr Sh was a Conservative m politics. He illness kavos wife and large family. He , usu was a member of Rattenbury Street bury Methodist church, where a memorial • Mous i tiervico 11411 be he'd on Sunday evening. 4 to ret Li1ON Alt R COTTONS It seenas a little unseasonable to talk of spring goods before winter is over, but we have just opened out our first shipii,ent of New Prints, and we think we have this viason the finest as- sortment of Patterns. and he best qualities we have ever placed on our counters. WE IIAVE A, FEW" Hand Left yet, and in order to eJea them 0 them at aty reduced prices. 'Ou Ot60 ACCORDEONS Is very fine and very cheap. If You eanno4 cash for One we would take wood in exchau 0,' We can supply you with anything you wsh the musical line. Harmony Clubs, Church Choirs and tunei Schools supplied on liberal terms,. We have a big range of another good line of Navy Blue Prints, large and small Pat— terns, and as the best ones soon are picked up, we would like to have you see the assortment before it is broken. Our Shirtings, Cottons and Cottonades are here, and our Staple Stock will be complete in a few days. We also give the best value possible, andathis season's goods are equal if not superior values than we have hitherto shown. ROBINS BROS, Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. VIMMINIPMMIMIMMEINIONIMMIL, WinterGoods 5 per cent off for Cash. Clearing sale of ail heavy winter goods. We are do- termined if possible to clear out all winter pods be- fore getting in the new spring goods, and in order to make a speedy clearance we will give the best value ever offered in toWn for reliable goods. Come and see our stock and get prices. ••••••••••••••••••11.1, EstateeLirodgens THE DRY Goors PALACE, CLINTON. 1 Shirt1n6s Cotonades Flannels, Blankets, Mantle Cloths, Clothing. Tweeds, Underweal,100 Men's Overcoats at less than you can buy them wholesale. Hats, Caps, Furs. A few Fur Coats left. A lot of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes, less than cost. Come and bring the Cash as this will be a strictly cash sale. Plumsteel & Gibbings, Jan, 229e CLINTON- - After& Sista ALANCE 13EESIEY&C SHEET bi.......1111111111.1•••••• Purely a Business Matter. We had a busy day on our Bargain Day, but we have had many busy days since. Winding up this year's business, taking stock and getting - out our balance sheet. All this has Ueen done and we have the proud satisfaction of saying that we are satisfied with our year's business; satisfied with ourselves, and satisfied that the year just started will close just as satisfactory. We lave been closed down in our workrooms for a few days, house cleaning and repairing, but all this is over and we are now in the rush again, manufacturing for the spring one of the finest of readymade stocks. We are busy in our Ordered Clothing Depart- ment this time of the year, because shrewd peo- ple buy now because they buy cheaper than any other time. Our whole attention is now turned to the spring trade. and our buyer spends this month among the markets of Toronto and Montreal, buying for Clinton and Seaforth stores. His familiar- ity with the markets and experience as a buyer, makes us satisfied that we will get the nobbiest goods that can be found. ..m....•••••rwm. • smomm.onlagrom. Do you want to save money? If you do, yon can accomplish .it by securing some of those BArgains we are giving in winter goods to clear. The SUCCA3SE1 that has attended our efforts to clear out our Mantle Cloths, Dress Goods, Ladies,Children's&Men.sUnderwear During the past ten days has led us to believe that we will succeed in our undertaking. Alt our Grey Flannels, Flannelettes Heavy, 'Woollen Hosiery,.... Gloves and Grey Ootton$ 111•0101.1*dom.m......Nomm.dmea•mi.*•• JACKSON BROTHERS THE FAMOUS • Clothiers, Furnishers and Hatters. CLINTON m SEAFOliTil. Are subject to this immense drop in price. Now it is for you to say whethtr you will sieze the opportunity. We guarantee to do our parb. COME . • . 'CLINTON. 0 ismnroxzerr at c10061