HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-02-12, Page 2to nary 12,0 i8a2
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•Lot suta4ay ,Mrs. Matthew Wilson,
2n1 von, Morris, died very suddenly
and unexpectedly, leaving a little babe
a few weeks old.
linat'Saturday, Willie, the .12 year-
old son of P., Hlake, 14th con, Grey,
fell from sleigh on which he was rid -
444 bioko his left arm near the
The other day W. J. Sharp drew 2,-
07 feet of timber, in the log; a distance
of four Miles to ReeveNfilne's saw mill,
Ethel, with Henry Wanner's team. It
vvas a big load,
' For sorofule in every form Hood's Bar-
eaparillale n raclieel, reliable remedy. It
has an unequellect record of cures.
Albeit Tiffin, teacher in S. S. No. 8,
Hay, has not been able to, attend to his
school duties on account of a severe at-
tack of e•rippe. He has secured the as-
sistance of A. J. Styles, during his ab-
Again we are called upon to record
the death of another highly respected
reeident in the person of Elizabeth
Chesney, of Ruscoe Farm; Tuckee-
smith. She was ealled away to her
better home on the morning of the
27th of January, after an illness of
three weeks.
Minard b liniment is used by physicians.
On the 21st of October, 1891, while
W. D. Bonthorn was packing aes
for W. Moore, on the farof Millard
Edwards, Hay, he put a note in a bar-
rel asking the party who received them
to write and tell htria in what condition
they were found. He received word
on the 30th of Jan., 1892, from a whole-
sale firrn in Leith, Scotland,saying
that one of the partners had used them
and had found found thein in splendid;
condition, and asking him to send is
quafltity next year.
While Wm Gram, of the Oth con. of
Hay, was sawing wood for Wm. Con
sit, of Hills Green, his horses, which
were left standing on the road, ran
away. As soon as Thos Consit saw
what was up he followed them, butnot
until they had run about80 rods, could
he succeed in overtaking there. What
is most wonderful about the accident
was how they managed to run nway
with two cords of cordwood, and not
upset it.
The county meeting of South Huron
L.O.L. -was held in Exeter, on Tuesday,
in the Oddfellow's Hall. There were
present 35 county officers of the order.
The order in the county was reported
to be progressing. The following
officers were elected: -A. M.gTodd.,
county master; Wm. Miners, deputy
master; Wm. Henly, chap.•'Mr Steph-
enson; financial secretary; Peter Ca,n-
telon, rec. sec.; John Beacom, treas.
It was decided to celebrate the 12th of
July next, in Goderich, where monster
preparations are being made.
On Thursday afternooh, as John and
Thomas, sons cif Peter Watson, lot 3,
con. 16, Grey, were engaged chopping
in their father's bush, the elm tree
they were felling struck a birch near
by and knocked off a big limb. Both
men ran to avoid the falling branches
but John was caught as he was cross-
ing a pile of brush by the limb which
was about eight or nine inches through,
and had his left leg broken between the
knee and ankle. After lying in an al-
most unconscious state, until Saturday,
healied. _
Mr James Nichol, farmer', of McKil:
lop, was in Seaforth on Wednesday last,
and called at the store of Mr A. Card -
no tO make some 'purchases. Aften he
had concluded his business he laid his
pocket -book, containing a note for $300
and two ten dollar bills,on the counter,
as he thought, and engaged in conver-
sation with a friend. He afterwards
walked out of the store, and neglected
to pick up his pocket -hook. He called
at Mr Papst's book -store and it was
there he missed his pocket -book. He
immediately returned to Mr Cardno's
store hut in the meantime the pocket-
book had been carried off.
Minard's Liniment ninabermares friend
A Good Story Well Told.
They tell a story of Mr Dickson, of
Goderich, son of jailor Dickson, that is
worth putting in print. The young
man was residing ni 'Toronto on one
occasion, and with a number of others,
was invited to spend an evening at the
house of a prominent clergyman. Not
arriving as soon as the others did, some
of them asked the reason for his being
late, when, with a solemn face he re-
plied: -
"1 went down to the station to see
my father, who was on his way to
Kingston penitentiary.".
Blank amazement quickly settled on
the faces of his questioners, and one of
them said, "Why, I'm sorry, I wasn't
aware that he was that kind of a man:"
"Oh, yes,"replieil Dieksoie, without be-
traying any feeling, "as a matter of
fact he's been in Goderich jail' for a
considerable length of time."
His companions looked as.if they did
not appreciate his company any too
well, and before many minutes the
matter had reached the ears of the
host, who with considerable feeling,
approached Dickson and asked if the
story was true.
"Whv, certainly:" he guilelessly re-
plied "he's been the jailor at Goderich
for a good many years."
The joke quickly dawned upon the
clerical mind, and with a look of min-
gled stemless and amusement he said:
-"See here, young man, when you
tell a story—tell it all."
` Mr Thos. Goldie, mayor of Guelph, died
Wednesday, of pneumonia. His age was
42 years.
An old woman, Kitty O'Neill,who was
some weeks ago picked up by the police
of Windsor in a half famished condi-
tion and taken to the home of the
friendless, died 00 Monday. Before
dying she told the matron he had
money in Detroit, and one of the in-
mates of the home went, over the river
end foimil between $400 and $500.
Mr M. D. Calder, Grand Recorder for
the jurisdiction of Ontario. Ancient Order
of United Workmen, has issued his annual
report for 1891, from which these facts are
gleaned: Cash . received during 1891,
3361,300.12; paid for death lose, $302,000 ;
applications for membership received, 3,-
333 ; insurance Written Uip, $6666,000 ;
membership in good stending December
3let, 1301, 25,266 ; riumbet of tosesernerits
for thirteen yen, 13e coin of $2,000 Duerr.
aim per merhber for the yean$13,
We ire not responsible fOr ftleything
that appears Under, this heading,
TO elo Editor of the Clinton New Era.
These 2m.-Ae several a 41Y friende
mid acquaintances are , anxious to bear
about the Northwest Territerica and the
way we grow wheat, and as I have not the
Nose to visit them all, I ask you to insert
the fo1iewing;-4 looated in the spring of
1803 in the Moose Jaw distriot, whioh is
conmosed of all that part of the northwest
territories, being and inoluded between
range 28, West of the 2nd principal meridian
line and range 6, west of the 3r1 meridian
line from the International boundary on
the southsto the Saskatohewart on the
north. It is 180 miles long by 78 miles
wide, and comprises an area of 14,040
square miles. Almost the whole of this
large extent of country is adrciirably adap-
ted for mixed farming. Since its first
settlement the district has made a steady
advance in improvernent and development,
although a partial failure in 1886 retarded
its progress, since then the crops have
bsen good. Good prices have been paid
for all kinds of farm produce, and the suc-
cess of the distriot is now assured. After
more than nine years experience in farm-
ing in the Moose Jaw distriot, I am fully
satisfied that in spite of some olimatie
drawbacks this country ranks seoond to
none for wheat growing, an average of 30 to
35 bushels per aere ie reported for the past
season of 1891. One of the drawbacks I
have reference to is summer frosts (al.
thoup we are less liable to have them than
inanitobee) Farmers who wish to grow
the hipheat grades of wheat must do every-
thing in their power to hasten the ripening
pf their grain. This I think can be done
in several ways. The first and most im-
portant of whieh is to prepare, during the
previous summer and autumn, the land
intended to be sown with wheat in the
spring, either by summer fallovsing br break-
ing and backsetting, which seldom fails to
give a large yield. With many of the first
settlers; the breaking and backeetting of
the virgin prairie will soon be a thing of
the past, so most of them will have all the
available wheat land under cultivation. A
systematic course of summer fallowing
will then have to be resorted to as a means
of resting and cleansing the land. Another
and simple means of preparing land for
wheat which has given satisfaotory results,
both as to yield and early maturing, is by
sowing without replowmg on the stubble,
;Wier by drilling M the seed after the stir-
rup) lute been prepared by the use of the
diso harrow, or drilling in on the stubble
and simply harrowing. Thi e method should
only be resorted to when the land is free
f' -ow weeds, which is usually found in fields
that were fallowed the previous summer.
Next spring, in partieular, there will be a
large area Bown in this way. This district
offers several advantages to intending set-
tlers, such as good land near the thriving
Iowa of Moose Jaw, on the main line of the
Canadian Pacific Railway, good schools and
churches in active operation in nearly every
part of the district. Thanking you for
apace, I remain, yours, JOHN G. BEESLEY.
To the editor of the Clinton bew Era
Sia,—Kindly allow me space to make a
few remarks in your paper regarding a
great deal of humbug and nonsensical talk
that a few of the citizens of our town are
indulging in. They say they have, formed
a society for the purpose of electing the
man in the West Riding who will be the
highest bidder for the society's vote, and
they beldly easext that.itie. 001e -they. arC-
after, and must have. The society is to be
called "The nothings." Mr Editor, I can
assure you they are well named, for I am
afraid they are hollow from the chin up,
and if the presoription you gave in your
paper a few weeks ago would do the mem-
bers of the society any good, they might
partake of a little, for I am euro no society
of men ever needed it more than they do.
I once heard a very able man say there
were too many grown up children, and not
enough grown up men in the oountry. It
would be well for the principal advocates
of this society to ask themselves the ques-
tion whether or not, in their own estima-
tion, they considered whioh class they be-
longed to, as I think a little consideration
on their part will not hurt them. Now,
Mr Editor, if it will not be out of place for
me to make a suggestion to some of those
who claim to be members of the society.
I would suggest that they spend a few
hours every day in the reading room, and
gain all the knowledge that they can, and
become eseful members of society. And
after following the suggestions given for
one week, if they still believe that their
own pernicious doctrine is of more value
to there than my suggestion, let them
preach it in their own homes, and instill
it into the minds of their own families,
and that they will some day live to see the
evil effects of their teaching, time alone
will tell. Your truly, SUBSCRIBER.
h!Subseriber" evidently regards this new
organization as a genuine affair, while
most people hereabouts look upon it some-
what in the light of a burlesque. -End
It has been truly said that half the world
clods not know how the other half lives.
Comparatively few of us have perfect
health, owing to the impure condition of
our blood. But we rub along from day to
day, with scarcely a thought, unless forced
to our attention, of the thousands all about
us who are suffering from scrofula, salt
rheum and other serious blood disorders.
and whose agonies can only be imagined.
The marked success of Hood's Sarsaparilla
for these troubles, as shown in our advertis-
ing columns frequently, certainly seems to
justify urging tbe use of this excellent
medicine by all who know that their blood
is disordered. Every claim in behalf of
Hood's Sarsaparilla isjully backed up by
what the medicine has done and is still
doing, and when its proprietors urge its
merits and ite use upon all who seffer from
impure blood, in great or small degrees,
they certainly mean to include you.
Many of the Australian stations are of
magnificent proportions. "Old Jimmy
Tyson," as he , is familiarly known, who is
reputed to be the wealthist man in Austra-
lia and worth at learn £2,000,000, pastures
70,000 head of cattle npor. a single one of his
properties and ovens stations both in New
South Wales and Queensland, each of which
is larger than Bavaria. Mr Alison, of New
South Wales, in his two adjoining stations
of Mergular and Canonbar, holds an area
greater than Belgium, and in the same
colony Mr William Halliday's "Brookong"
station (one of the finest in Australia)com-
prises 200,000 acres and carries 250,000
sheep. Figures like the above might be
quoted indefinitely. but it is enough to say
that et present the pastoral lands of Ana.
tralia include an area somewhat in excess
of that of all the New England Statee, New
York, Pennsylvania,Ohio,the two Virginias,
ffentucky and Tennessee combined.
rij r9t11\10. Van,
coo.vcsso ax atinie WING.
pallT I
Two !overs, by a rippling stroam,
$tandgazing at the clotting Sun;
Their's s the old -tire lover's dream,
This is the fair prize that he has won.
prize she is whom all would prize ;
A. creature fair, and sweet, and kind,
With eyes like sun -lit azure skies
Reflecting back her gentle mind.
Soft hair of golden crowns her head,
And clings in soft curls round her brow;
The blush that from the roses fled
I13 clinging to her soft cheek now.
He who has won title blossoni meet,
In build is eoldierly and tall,
This handsome dark face seems to greet
The lingering sun beams ere they fall.
These twain are shortly to be one -
One ins cosy happy home—
One as the passing year& roll on, •
As the drifting tide beam on the foam.
PART 11.
A splendid house both rich and neat;
A happy select group therein;
An arch way o'er a bridal seat,
Draped with June flowers and gossamer
A. happy, smiling, fair, young beide,
With roses in her shining hair;
A tall, dark groom stands by Iscr side -
A handsome, well -matched loving pair.
A happy couple lately wed
Are settled in their cosy cot ;
The young wife gentle, meet and fair,
The husbend you hsve not forgot.
Against the mantel now she les.ne,
Impatiently she taps the door:
She murmurs. -"I really wonder what it
He never was so late before?"
'Ti of her loved one that she thinke,
She's waiting supper for him now,
And as she speaks the side gate clinks
And drives the shadow from her brow.
Towards the door she swiftly flies
And greets him with a welcoming kiss;
Explain yountardiness she cries,
I feared that something was amiss.
Within his easy chair ensconced
HM fair rose seated by his side,
The cares of business are renounced ;
He gazes round his home with pride.
He gazes on his sweet young wife,
Her golden hair, her eyes so blue,
And vows to shield her from all care and
Shall be his aim his whole life through.
But, Ah I again we're forced to say
How of t old adages are true,
And God dieposes in his way
That which man purposes to do,
Sorrows and cares are laid in store
For those who are so happy now ;
The relentless foe is at the door
To drive the sunshine from their brow.
There came a day -a dreadful day -
When no one ran to greet him back ;
For him the sun had not a ray,
And all the earth to him was blacks
Ffis-eweet young wifes-his_all. his jy
Who had blessed hie heart for now one
A dreadful fever would destroy
And burh away her every tear,
There came again another day ;
A group were gathered round her bed,
Her head upon his shoulder lay,
The spark of life had well nigh fled.
She knew her loved one at the last;
We have been happy love, she said,
So happy in the joyous past -
A part of Paradise we've tread.
She kissed his aching, burning brow,
With grief his manly breast was riven ;
She whispered, husband dear we're part-
ing now,
But we'll meet again,dear love,in heaven.
These, her last words, he ne'er forgot,
Burned in upon his aching brain,
Entwined with a for -get -me -not,
That once she gave him in the rain.
It was her choice -her favorite flower -
She always wore them for his sake,
They grew resplendid in her bower,
And one last wreath for her they'll make.
PART vn.
They bore her from her happy home
Where ahe had reigned so sweet and wise,
And on thie earth no more she'll roam ;
She reigns forever in the skies.
Hi -Meath it weepingwillow tree
They laid her solemnly to rest ;
He cried, -"My love I weep for thee ;
But 'twits God's will he thought it best."
We've laid you in this shady nook.
Your sweet blue flowers grow o'er your
I come and read your favorite book,
And try to bear it and be brave.
But, Ah ! this heart so rudely crushed,
Can find no joy save in this spot;
Not till it is forever "'hushed,
And joins its sweet for -get -me -not.
People who use arsenical preparations
for their complexion, do so at the risk of
their lives. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is guaran-
teed free from any injurious ' drug, and is,
therefore, the safest as well as the most
powerful blood medicine in the world. It
makes the skin clear.
It is now reported from Quebec4that so
soon as the bye -elections are over Sir Hec-
tor Langevin will be elevated to the chair
of the Lieutenant Governer in Quebec. Sir
Hector did not consent to become a scape-
goat for nothing.
Of health and strength renewed and of ease
and comfort follows the use of Syrup of
Figs, as it acts in harmony with nature to
effectually cleanse the system when costive
or bilious. For sale in 75c bottles by all
leading druggists.
Children Cry tor
Pitcher's Castoria
Both the method'aud results wheu
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
tem effectually, dispels colds, head -
itches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Flp is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only frota the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
nianyexcellent qualities cipamend it
to all and have made if the raost
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sa1e9.n 75o
bottles by all leading druggistso
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on band will procure it
promptly for -any one w ,ho wishea
to try it. Manufactured only by tim
Miss Bridget McCafferty died at -
Bridgeport, Pa., Friday aged 110 years
Business failures in Canada this week
nuntheredj 34, against 44 last week and
58 a year ago.
Hon. Alexander Macrenzie's illness
took a serious turn Friday, and his
condition is very critical.
A ten -year-old girl ati Lancaster, Pa.,
died yesterday from trichinosis, con-
trated by eating raw pork.
8., P,Ellrrevr, datiADV,
. ate Aoyai 5lipieeca of Dees.
t' eurgeone ot
044osse, an op atiens of modern lenstr
oarcsuity pertorniett, Antestitstleigudireanhere
for the poluldis extreetlen ef teeth. °moo
Roofer's (0 stund, Coats" Inook, °Upton.
Hi visit Myth prefeesiou ally every hioncley, et
.11./ emote Ammo/ter, Llueutiates of the College
of payelclaus, and eergeons et Lesver ()amide.
awl Produces Islewattute toad Ooronereoe the
County ef Heron. Office and residences -The
buileing formerly occpuice by Mr Thwaitee,
fEuren 4:1treet. Oonton, Jim 1870.
Auctioneer stillin the field, able wed will.
Ing to coaduot any sales entrusted to him, and
takes this opportunity of thanking his patroes
for past favor. Also Obeetel Mortgages closed
and rents collected. Charges rawlerete. D.
Deounaiox, Liooneed Auctioneer for the hounte
of Huron. Residence Albert Street, Clinton.
Subscriber desires to thank the public general-
ty, for the patronage bestowed upon him; and
at the same time to say that he is now in a bet
ter position than even to Ripply tlae wants of ail.
As he gives personal attention to all the details
of the business customers can rely on their
orders being promptly and satisfactorily filled.
His motto is "good meat at resew:sable prices."
Choice Sausage, Poultry, Ate.,
In season.'
Cash paidlor Hides, Skim, ext. „
JOHN scRufrox,
AJbert St., Clinton.
0. H. COOK,
Licentiate of plaental Surgery, Boner Graduate
of the Toronto &boo! of Dentistry.
Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the paip•
leas extraction of teeth.
Office in Smith.% Bloch over Emerton'sBarber
Shop, Clinton,
Zfr Night boll answered ly
Holds the exclusive right for the county far the
Hord process of administering chemically
ipure Nitrogen Monoxide, whieh is the sisfest
,apd best system yet ditectivered for the pain -
:Me extraction of teeth. Charges moderate
.eatisfaction guaranteed. Oftice, 'ELLIOTT'S
'BLOOK, over Jar:amens Tailor Shop, MIMI
,8treet. (Mitten.
This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success.
fill CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a par-
allel in the history of medicine. .All druggists
are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee,
it test that no other cure can successfully stand.
If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis,
use it, for it will cure you. If your child has
the Camp, or Whooping Cough, use itpromptly,
and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious
disease CONSUMPTION, a'on't fail to use it, it
will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your
Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price so cts.,t
co cts. and Snoo. If your Lungs are sore oil
Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 ctS,
grateoEdonal awl alter eardo
Barristers, Solicitors,
Comnueeronere for Ontario and Manitoba
fik general Banking Busines.s-
ti ansaeted
— —
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
Advances made to farmers on their own
notes, at low rates of intereat.
A. general Banking Business transaotco
Interest allowed on depoaits.
Sale Notes bought
J. P. TISDALL, Manager
The Molsons Bank.
to/41)4138e ,stOo,14oret11ee of ovaryiz4,
qi hlin3an or ottimals.,ottrod to
'1?), Woolforsl'a ooitkry Lotion. 1104
tieVer failS. SQ14 bY 0I.11,,000/10,44/gglit*
IIBUlT ANA 0,411.4.14B11T4L l'REANs
nu' 14,81111, 91, anneal Va saga A In'll4M
The aboye ornamental tree; and shrubbery *ft bs
sold at very low prices, and these wanting **y.thiug In this connectien wilt Rent, inwey
pershestiI bore,
Orders by ¥ai wiiT'prom2iy attendP4
Lo. tilddresa,
JOHN STEWART, Bonmillirsi
.C/4'1411014' •
Planing 1E11
ari and furnished hie new Phinfngoilill with
machinery et the latest improved potter:41s now
prepared to attend to all orders Is hie man Inblio
most prompt and satisfactory manner and et ma.,
sonable rates. He would also return thanks tofaik
who patronised the ohl mill before they were burn-
ed out, aud new being in a better position to OX0—
g ute orders expeditiously and feet' confident he tiem
ive eatialactIonto all.
IPAOPORY—Near the Gland Trunk
Railway, Clinton. Tuomm
000P111'8 OLD 1313NND,
Next to Commercial Hotel, Clinton.
A new industry in the Marble' and Granlat
business has beensterted In this -town, ander the
style and tirm of Seale, Hoover & Beale. This
firtn comes highly recommended,as the partners
are not otra,ngerti in, this vicinity, Besse & Hoo-
ver, Marble dealers of St Mary's, have been do-
ing work ha this part for the past two yeare,•end
by turniug out notbieg but first-class work and
strict attention to brasineas, they have -gained
the confidence of the public. By takinw an ad-
ditional member into the MTO Win be, added
strength to the concern which will put them; in
a position to do all the work in their line with
cheapneso and destch.
SEALR, HOOVM dc SEALE„Clinton. Ira*
To take charge' of Local Agency.
Good opening for right man, on,selary
or commission, Whole or part time. We aro
the only growers of both Canadian a,nd America*
stock. Nurseries in Ridgeville, Ont.; and IRO -
cheater, N. Y. visitonswelcome grounee(8ua-
,days excepted.) se quick and write for full ia-
'formation. We want you now.
(This House is a reliable, Inc. Co., Paid Cap
• al $100,000,00.) -am- Jan. 26.
Lobb's Starch Ename1
This is an article worthy of every leers at-
If you want to save time and labor, buy it
If you want your ironed clothes to look n
and clean and to last much longer, buy it
If you want the starch to stay in the do
on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a b
If you want everything to look like new, 8
as shirt bosoms. collars, cuffs, lace curt s
etc., buy a box.
tarEvery Storekeeper keeps it now, andeethere
the merchant does not keep it we want' a
lively agent to repersent 03,
Manufactured by
• Holmo e
Incorporated by Actof Parliament, 1866.
CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000.
REST FUND, - $1,000,000
111 -Bought. Private Funds. C RIDOUT, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Gerterrd Manager.
Office over.' Jackson's Store, clinton.
Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts
issued, Sterling and American ez-
eimnge Imughtand sold at lowest
current rates.
Interest at 4 per cent allowed on deposits.
leA.11,M ICU'S .
Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with
one or more endorsers. No mortgage. required as
. H. C. BREWER, Manager,
January 1887. Clinton
undersigned at the Library R001108, JAS.
SCOTT, Clinton.
111 undersigned, at residence or drug store.
lit- Small sums on good mortgage security,
moderate rate of in tercet. H HALE, Clinton.
Provincial Land Surveyor, Draughtsman,
ole. Office, up stairs. in Perrin Block, Clinton,
DWNCE on °uteri° street. Clinton, op-
posite English Church. Entrance by side
TAR. it. N. ELLIOT, M. D., L. R. C. P.,
JU'Edinburgh, L, R. C. S.. Edinburgh, linen -
Mate of the Midwifery, Edinburgh. eine° et
VR. W. GUNN, M. D., L. R. C. P., EDIN-
JL, nuncio, L. R. 0.8., Edinburgh, Licentiate of
the Midwifery, Edin. Office,' on corner of On-
tario and William Ste. Cllinton.
Acooneheur, etc., office in the Palace Block.
Rattenbury St. fornaerly occupied by Dr. Reeve,
Clinton Ont.
-LP Medical Department of Vietoria univer-
sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and
Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for he
County of Hurou, Bayfield, Ont.
A. O. tr. W.
The Clinton Lodge, No. 149, meet in Biddle -
combo Hall on tbe let and ard Fridays in each
month. Visitors cordially invited. It. STONE -
HAM, M. W. J. BEAN, Recorder
We can make a tew got loans from private
funds at ow rates and toodate expeneeer.
Terme made tos nit borrowers.
MANNING & SCOTT, - - ceinton
Piano, Organ and Technicon,or Mortal developer.
for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. S. Hartt's,
Rattenhury Street, Clinton.
• Ilonors.ryGraduate of the On tarioVeterinary
College. Treats all diseases of domesticated ani-
mals on the most nrodern and solentiee
pios Oface - immediately xvest of the Royal
Hotel. Residence - Albert St., Clinton. Leans
night or day attended to promptly.
J. L. Turnbull, M. B., Toronto University, M D.,
C.M., vietoria University, et. 0, & S., Deitiirio;
Fellow of the Obstetrical society -of Ediblitirgh;
late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh Hospitals .
011ice--Dr. riowseme cad office natteribury st.
Clinton. Night • es emswered at the same plac.4
Load Investment Co'y
This Oorapany is Loaning Ill&ney or Pam
Security at Lowest Rates of Interest.
S, 4 and 5 per Cent. 'Merest Allowed ,On
Deposits, according toewnount and time W.
OFFICE -Corner of MarketScinare and Nor th 1t,
. 6th 1888
The subscriber would intimate to
the public generally that he has
added to his business that of
And is prepared to supply alhfun.
eral necessaries at short notice
and in a satisfactory manner.
Coffins, C''askets,
ShroudS, Sze.,
He has also pnrchased it first-class
Hearse, and can therefore meet all
requirements in this line. Ni.ght
calls anewered at residence, Isaac
Street, Clinton.
Undertaker and dealer in
Furniture, Clinton.
FREt •
By mall to any lady sending as her post °Mc I
address, 'volts, Richardson & Cts idea/real.
and Paint. Shop ,
h stocked with a Select Assortmerairof
Amman avl Canadian Wall Pap
WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from five cent
rolls to the finest gilt. Hexing bought my rare*
and Paints for Spot Cash, and mpractical 7
perienee justify me in saying that all thir wanting
y -33
decorate ehouses inside or painna t the •
side wM find 15 1.0 their advantage to give, me it
ead3hop, south of Oliver Johnston's blacksmith
itheP, and direetty opposite Mr. J. Chhilwy
Prelatical Paper Hanger and Painter. '
Melkillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Contpany
Thee, E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. O. W
J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. O.; Jade
Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P0.
Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; manta, Rog
en: abriel Elliott, Clinton; GeWatt,Ha
JoseplijEvans, Beechwood; J. Shannon, wa
Thqo aerhert;clinton.
TholiltOollems, Harlook; Robt. McMillan, Sas-
forth; 8 Carnochan, Seaforth; John 0 Sullied*
and Geo. Murdie, auditere
Parties desirous to effect Insurances or trit'ar
sect other business will be promptly ttenthill
to on application to any of the bove office
addressed to their respecitvo offices.
your address, andCUR 11..0 M
we will mad I*
rn never faile;.seulit
trial bottle DR. TAFT BROS.,
itoclIESTER. N. Y. Canadian FREE
Dept. 186 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Canada.
Oct 9-ein
A Christian wornan's thrilling narrative of Bifisaioa
work done "in His Name" amoung the poor ants
torrty es a great city revealing the underworld sc
New York "as scan by it woman." It deseriba
Gospel and Temperance work and gives a lemma
detective's 301 earg experinces. By Mrs Helen Camp-
bell, and Inspector Thos. Byrnes (Chief of the 1.1,4.
Detectives), With 260 engravings from flash.liglak
photographs. Bright, pure and good, full of tears
and smiles, it is a powerful aily of Temperance, it
mighty witness to the timer of the Gospol,-it
book for every home. Ministers say, "God spettl
it'' Eminent women endorse it. Agents Wanted,
Moo and Women throughout Canada, itaa-1200 a
meal) made. garDistance is no hindrance, for we
Pay Freights and an customs duties and give Extra
Terms. Write for circulars to arta
A. D. WORTHINCTON & CO., Hartford, Clown
Islis a pn,f Sys rem, Sy for tho above disease: by ita,
no t)owands of cosos of the worst kind and of lotig
flat:ding hare bssn rorel. Eutood au strung h. niy Nth
In Its effisau: that 1 will asnd TWO BOTTLES turEE,
with a VALI', ILE, TIIEATTVI on fhla dissuan to any
flutterer who arral Inc their EXPLtESS and P.O. atidtook
T. A. Sicit.um, M. a 186 Abttmoe
Ste, West, TOFIONTO, 'ONT.