HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-02-05, Page 6rebru. t8t)2
When Baby was sok, we me her Ce.storfa. *
wils4 Olp wap a cbild,she cried for °Astoria.
When she became Miss,she clung te Caster's.
Whim AO had Ohildren, she gave them Castello..
Enjoy It.
of pure 'Cod Liver 011 with Hypo-
smeoppites of Lime and Reda Is
almost. as .palatable Ms milk.
it l Indio, and ;the little lads and
lassies, Who take* oold easily, may be
fortified against p oeugh that might
prove serious, by taking Soott's
Emulsionafter their meals during
the watm" eepson.
Beware of substitutiops and insteatiorui.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Benevilie.
Why it the tendereet feet my* tread the
roughest road?
WhY is it the weakeet break muet carry tbe
heaviest load.
While the feet that are sureet and firmest
• have the smootheet paths to go,
And the back that is etraightest and strong•
eat has never a burden to know.
Why is it •the brightest eyes are the ones
soon dim with tears?
Why is it the lightest heart must aohe and
ache for years,
While the eyes that are the hardeet and
coldest shed never a bitter tear,
And the heart that is smallest and mean-
est has never an ach.3 to fear ?
Why is it that those who are saddest have
always tl.e gayest laugh?
Why is it those who need not have always
the "biggest half,"
While those who have never a sorrow have
seldom a smile to give,
And those who want just a little must strive
and struggle to live?
Why is it the noblest thoughts are the ones
that are never expressed?
Why is it the grandest deeds are the ones
that are never confessed,
'While the thoughts that are like all °there
are the ones we alwavs tell,
And the deeds worth little praise are the
ones that are pnlilished well?
Why is it the sweetest sigh has for its sis-
ter a sigh?
Why is it the Wongest love is the love we
always pass by,
While the smile that is cold and indifferent
is the smile for which we pray,
And the love we kneel to and worship is only
common clay?
Why is it the friends we trust are the ones
that alwayshetray ? '
Why is it the lips we wish to kiss pre the
lips so far away,
While close by our side, if we knew it, is a
a friend who loyal would be,
And the lips we might have kissed the
lips we never see?
Why is it the things we can have
things we always refuse?
Why is it none of us live the lives, if we
could, we'd choose?
The things that we all can have are the
things we always hate,
And life seems never complete, no matter
how long we wait.
instant Relief, Permanent
4ure,•Failare Impossible.
Many so-callodrdiseases are
'simply symptomf Catarrh,
=oh as headaohe,losing sense
el smell; foul breath, hawking
and spitting, general feeling
of debility, etc. If you are
troubled with any of these or
kindred symptoms, you have
Catarrh, and should lose no
time procuring_ a bottle of,
NksAn*Bents. TBO warned in
time, neglected cold in head)
results JAI Catarrh, followed
by consureption and death.
Sold byall druggistd, or sent,
post paid, oirreceipt of price.
(50 cents and fil) by addressing
FilLFORD& CO. Brockville.Ont.
1 ltLexington Ave.,
New York Oty,,Sept. 19, 1/388.
I have used :the- Fkoc-Seed Emulsion in several
rases of Chromic Brouchitisontd the early stages of
Phthisis, suid Ewe beensvell pleased with the results.
, GPWS 101W$ ore hi, fere() everywhere.
Hatred is fire which burs, but
consumes net.
When people do not love they are not
fit to live.
Wherever thereis ignorance 'dere is
A on that sleepeth in harvest
causes shame.
Meeting and overcoming diffienities
makes tharacter.
hour lost will get behind you and
chase you forever.
If our eyes werebetter the stars could
give us more light.
Heaven is to be the home of those
who are heavenly -hearted. -
Persecuting a goodonan is the devil's
way of striking at god.
If work is growth, the world is full of
people who are very small.
What man is will, always depend up-
on what he believes God to be.
God never sends peopleto fish in deep
water who have broken nets.
The test of true manhood is what it
is willing to suffer for others.
It is hard to scare the man who gets
his courage from the Lord.
The devil may drag a Christian some-
times, but he can never drive him.—
Ram's Harn.
Brooklyn, N.Y., Feb. lithr1889-
I have used your Emulsion in a case of Plithisis
(consumption) with beneficial results, where patieto.
could not useCohl Liver oil in any form.
J. H. DROGE, M. D.
are the
Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 20th, 1886.
I can stronglyrecommend Flax Seed Emulsion as
helpful to the relief and possibly the cure of all Lung.
Bronchial and Nervous Affections, and a good gca
mai tonic in physical debility..
Brooklyn, N. Y.. Oct. 10th, 1888.
I regard Flax Seed Emulsion as greatly superior to
the Cod Liver ou Emulsions so generally in use,
187 West 84th St.,
New York,.Aug. 6, 1SEIS.
I have used your Flax -Seed Emulsion C.ompouncl
in a severeuase of Mal -nutrition and the result was
snore than hoped for—it was marvelous, and con-
tinuous. recommend it cheerfully to the profession
end humanity at large. M. H. GILBERT, M.D.
Sold by brUgglits, Price $1.00.
35 Liberty St.y, New York:
For gale by j. H. COMBE, Clinton.
Of health and strength renewed and of
ease and comfert follows the use of Syrup
of Figs, as it acts in harmony with nature
to effectually cleanse the system when
costive or bilious. For eale in 75e bottles
by all leading druggists.
A century ago there were only four-
teen newspapers in London.
Two centuries and seven different
men claim theinvention of gunpowder.
British horses were famous when
Caesar invaded the country. Ile car-
ried some of them to Rome with him.
The curious information is given that
the crown of England, which is valued
at $500,000,has been in pawn four times
once for $10,000.
The oldest rose bush in the world is
at Hildersheim, in Hanover. It was
planted more than one thousand years
ago by Charlemange, in commemora-
tion of a visit made to him by the am-
bassador Caliph Haroun al-Raschid.
The bush is 26 feet high and covers 32
feet of the wall. The stem is only two
inches in diameter.
An eminent Lord Chief Justice, who
was trying a right of way case, had be-
fore him a witness—an old farmer—
who was proceeding to tell the jury
that, he had "knowed the path for 60
yeer, and my feyther tank' I as he
heered my grandfeyther zay—"
-"Stop l" said the judge, "we can't
have any hearsay evidence here."
"Not ?" exclaimed Farmer. Giles.
"Then how dost know who thy feyther
was 'cept by hearsay ?"
After the laughter had subsided the
Judge said: "In courts of law we can
only be guided by what you have seen
with your eyes, and nothing more nor
"Oh, that be blowed for a tale !" re-
plied the farmer. "I ha' got a bile on
the back of my neck and I never seed
'un, but I be prepared to swer he's
there, clang 'un 1"
This second triumph on the part of
the witness set in a torrent hearsay ev-
idence about the footpath which ob-
tained weight with the jury, albeit the
Judge told them it was not testimony
of any value, and the farmer's party
won. — •
Laocoon in
the coils of
the fatal ser-
pents was not
more helpless
than is the
man who pines
under the ef-
fects of dis-
ease, excesses,
worry, etc. Rouse yourself. Take
heart of hope again and BE A MAN 1
How nicely Hood's Sarsaparilla hits the
needs of the people who feel "all tired out"
or "run down," from any cause. It seems
to oil up the v.hole mechanism of the body
so that all moves smoothly and work be-
oomes a poetive delight. Be sure to get
Hood's Pills act especially upon the liver,
rousing it from torpidity toits natural du-
ties, euro constipation and assist digestion.
Will you heed the warning. The signal
perhaps of the sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask your-
selves if you can afford for the sake of say
iug 50o., to run the riak and do nothing for
it. We know from experience that Shiloh's
Cure will cure your cough. It never
ails. 6 -Dec -4-91
DR, T. A.
Datio'447c'cif Z4:00.'00.144';
Tightnoso of the Otkegst
1;70.sting a*ayi of 3n49140,
'X'Isroa.t Troubles
Bronchitis, Weal% Taungizt
Asthma, Coughs
Catarrh olds
Oxygenized Emulsion of Pure
Worried Mother (in a railroad train)
—I hope my baby's crying don't dis-
turb you. I can't stop it.
Old Bachelor (genially)—I'm alright,
madam. Don't worry about me. I'm
afraid, though, the noise is a sort of a
wet blanket on those young people
"Dear me ! Why ?"
"They're on their wedding tour."
One may enter heaven as a• king
drowned : another enters so by fire.
Whenever you have a trial, it means
that God is giving you another oppor-
tunity of proving that you love him.
It is not by change of circumstance,
but by fitting our spirits to circum-
stances in which God has placed us,that
we can be reconciled to life and duty.
Do not be troubled because you have
no great virtues. God made a million
spears of grass where He made one tree.
The earth is fringed and carpeted not
with forests, but with grasses. Only
have enough of little virtues and com-
mon fidelities and you need not mourn
because you ar e neither a hero nor a
Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at
Toronto, Oanada, and may be consulted
either in person or by letter on all chronic
diseases peculiar to man. Men, young,old,
or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv-
ous, weak and exhausted, who are broken
down trona excess or overwork, resulting in
Crit,COUT-KETC1( 4:31-1jA_SSWA.1110
Owing to lack of room; I will, if possible make a glean sweep bffewyears, if prices
rnany of the following symptons : Mentalwill do it. I cannot give pricee o
depression, premature old age, loss of vital. thing in proportion.
ity loss of memory , bad dreams, dimness
• • Full Tea Set, No. 1 Whits 61.8Q.
Full Toilet Set No. 1 White'.1.60
F 11 Toilet Set No. 2 White 1.20
h' but note a few and guarantee every
A woman had twin sons so closely
alike in looks and voice, that often,
when she_was net, paying particular
attention, she was liable herSOf
take one for the other.
One day, after the twins had been
playing several hours out of doors to-
gether, one of them,whose name might
have been Jacob, came into the house
and said:
"Mother, hungry ; I want a, piece
of pie," which he immediately took
around the corner of the house and ate;
then, returning, he said in an aggriev-
ed tone:
"Mother, I want a piece of pie 1"
All went well until poor Esau came
in, a few minutes afterward, only to
discover how both he and his inother
had been cheated.
Look upon thy burning taper, and
there see the emblem of thy life ; the
flame is thy soul, the wax, (if never so
well tempered) can but last his length;
arid who can lengthen it? If ill-tem-
pered it shall waste the faster, yet last
his length ; an open window shall has-
ten either ; an extinguisher shall put
out both.
A midge's life is as long as a man's,
for it has time to learn its business,and
do all the harm it can, and fight, and
make love, and marry, and reproduce
its kind, and grow disenchanted and
bored and sick and content to die—all
in a summer afternoon. An average
man can live to 70 years without doing
much more.
We do not hesitate to say that of all
the means whereby the best impulses
in us are quenched and the worst are
strengthened, we do not believe any
one influence is for rapid and sure re-
sults equal to simple self -gratification.
To say, of all thins. that, I want to
We have cured thousands, who have or to do, "I wi I have this or
allow us to refer to them. WTI CAN will do this," and to have the means to
carry out the selfish wish, is the inost
dangerous of all possibilities.
o t sight,palpitation of the heart, emissions,
lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head-
ache, pimples on the face or body, itching
or peculiar sensation about the scrotum,
wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks be-
fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye-
lids, and elsewhere?bashfulness, deposits in
the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of
the scalp and spine, weak and flabby mus-
cles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by
sleep, constipation, dullness of bearing, loss
of voice, desire for solitude, excitabilitkt of
temper, sunken eyes surrounded with lead -
encircle, oily looking skin, etc., are all sym.
ptoms of nervous debility that lead tolinsan-
ity and death unless eured. The spring or
vital force having lost its tension every
function wanes in consequence. Those who
through abuse committed in ignorance may
be permanently cured. Send your address
for book on all diseases peculiar to man.
Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the
symptons of which are faint spells, purple
lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot
-fitiales rush ofhlimd t� fife heddidult.pain
in the heart with beats strong, rapid and
irregular, the second heart quicker than the
first, pain about the breast bone, etc., oan
positively ba cured. No cure, no pay. Send
The greatest, glutton of antiquity
was Albinus the Roman, who at one
breakfast ate 500 figs, 100 peaches, 10
melons, 100 small birds and 400 oysters.
CURE 'Y OU by use of our exclusive
methods and appliances. Simple,
unfailing treatment at home for
Lost or tailing Manhood, General or
Nervous Debility, Weaknesses of
Body and Min d,,Effects of Errors or
Excesses in 9Id or Young. Robust,
Noble M HOOD fully Restored.
Improvennt seen the first day.
Row to enlarge and strengthen,
PARTS 11 BODY. Men testify from
50 States and Foreign Countries.
Write them. Book, explanation
and proofs mailed (sealed) free.
Add rnss
C',..*TkLO, N.Y.
The people of Paris consumed with-
in the past year 21,291 horses, 219 don-
keys and forty mules, the meat weigh-
ing, according to the returns, 4,615
The editor of an Italian comic paper
of Bologna was recently sentencen to a
fine of $40 and three days imprison-
ment, for publishing a cartoon of the
Sultan of Turkey.
In 1$91, 858 persons died in Russia
between the ages of 100 and 105, 130 be-
tweeen 115 and. 120, while three were
reported to the authorities as having
died after living to be 150 years or more
of age.
A. tear is composed of water, minute
proportions of salt, soda, phosphate of
lime, phosphate of soda and mucus,and
when seen under the miscroscope, after
evaporation, looks like a very small
fishbone, owing to the salines forming
themselves into lengthened crosslines.
A Cincinnati engineer crawled into
the flue of an engine the other day to
clean it., an act he was in the habit of
doing. The cold water at, the bottom
chilled him so that he could not extri-
cate himself. Twelve hours later he
managed by great effort to get out -
more dead than alive.
for book. A.ddress M. V. Lubon, 24 Mac-
donell Ave., Toronto, Canada. Jan. 1, 92.
Emanuel Champagne, of Batoche,
Full Tea Set, No. 2 White . •
Full SetsGlass, 25c. LargeCovered PreeerveStands 35s. Large extra fineC e Stand a 20e
I have a full stock of all other goods in the Grocery and Harness lines. The beat as
sortment of Robes ever whown in th village. If you ever expect to want anything in
this line, don't miss the chance. All prodnoe taken, from a pound of scrap iron to a
load of wheat. Thanks for pait patronage and call again.
1.1 Goods
New Valencia Raisins off stalk, New Sultan Raisins—extra value,
New Black Basket Raisins, New Currants, New Grenoble '5'' ,
New S. S. Almonds, New Filberts, New Candied Peols—Citron,
Lemon and Orange, New Extracts—Essences of all kinds.
TEAS -Splendid yalues in choice Green, Black or Japans., Try our
_ _
Special Blend of pure India and Ceylon Teas pup in one
pound packagee. Best value.in _package Teas in the market—Try it.
has entered
it suit against the Govern- N
ment, Claiming $18,000 for live stock,
store goods, etc., including $5,500 worth
of furs alleged to have been looted by
the troops under Gen. Middleton, after
the taking of Batoche in the rebellion
of 1885. It is claimed that Champagne
was in arms as a rebel, that the occu-
pation of his house was a necessity,
and that the rebel forces, not the Fede-
ral troops, caused the loss of goods
complained of.
An old physician, retired from practice,
having had placed in his hands by an East
India missionary the formula of a simple
vegetable remedy for the speedy and per-
manent cnre of Consumption, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung
Affections, also a positive and radical -cor
for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Com-
plainteafter having tested its wonderful
curative powers in thousands of oases, has
felt it his duty to make it known to his suf-
fering fellows. Actuated by this motive
and a desire to relieve human suffering, I
will send free of charge, to all who desire
it, this recipe. in German French or English,
with full directions for preparing and nsing.
Sent by mail by addressing with stamp,
nominfbi8 paper. W. A NO4F.11 820 Pow-
ers' hocirestet, N Y. J tine -y
WHEN a few doses of Ayer's' Cherry
Pectoral will relieve yon? Try it.
Keep it in the house. Yon are liable to,
have a cough at any
time, and no other
remedy is so effective
as this world-
renowned prepara-
tion. No household,
with young children,
should be without it.
Scores of lives are
saved every year by
its timely nee.
Amanda B. Jenner, Northampton,
Maas., writes "Common gratitude im-
pels me to acknowledge the great bene-
fits I have derived for my children from
the use of Ayer's most excellent Cherry
Pectoral. I had lost two dear ohIldren
from ctonp and consumption,, and had
the greatest fear of losing my only re-
maining daughter and son, as they were
delicate. Happily, I find that by giving
them Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, on the first
symptoeu.s of throat or lung trouble, they
are relieved from danger, and are be-
coming robust, healthy children."
"In the winter of 1885 I took a bad
cold which, in spite of every known
remedy, grew worse, so that the family
physician considered me incurable sum
posing me to be in consumption. 'As a
last resort I tried Ayer's Cherry recto.
ral, and, in a short time, the cure was
complete. Since then I have never been
without this medicine. I am fifty years
of age, weigh over 180 pounds, ancl at
tribute my good health to the use el
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral."—G.W.Youker,
Salem, N. 3. •
" Last winter I contracted a severe
cold, which by repeated exposure, be-
came quite obstinate. I was much
troubled with hoaraenese and bronchial
irritation. After trying various medi-
eines, without relief, I at last purchased
a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. On
taking this medicine, my cough ceased
almost immediately, and I have been
well ever since."—Rev. Thos. B. Russell,
Secretary Holston Conference and P. E
of the Greenville District, M. E. C.
Jonesboro, Tenn.
It has been truly said that half the world
does not know how the other half lives.
Comparatively few of us have perfect
health, owing to the impure condition of
our blood. But we rub along from day to
day, with scarcely a thonght, unless forced
to our attention, of the thousands all about
us who oi.e suffering from scrofula, salt
rheum and other serious blood disorders.
and whose sgonies can only be imagined:
The marked sum 133 of Hood's Sarsaparilla
for these troubles, as shown in our advertis-
ing columns frequently, certainly seems to
justify urging the use of this excellent
medicine by all who know that their blood
is disordered. Every claim in behalf of
Hood's Sarsaparilla is fully backed up by
what the medicine has done and is still
doing, and when its proprietora urge its
merits and its use upon all who Buffet from
impure blood, in great or small degrees,
they certainly mean to include you.
Children Cry for
Pitther's Castoria.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Loirsell, Mass
Sold by all Druggists. Prier fill ex bottles*
We have just received a large invoice of fine Bohemia Cut Glass Bottles
filled with finest PERFUME. Call and see the fine display.
Prices within the -reach of all.
.. L. CAVEN.
Sac Anti -Dana= la a perfeetremover of Ma-
dre-1ra sadism lititarrellous-iii ny ()ammo
• few appliotttom hat Only thoreughly removed
mantra dandrulr act -mutation but stepped
falling el the hair, made it soft aikil pliable area
promoted a viella growth.
Restores Fading halt 1. 11*
• original color.
Stops tailing ef hair -
Keeps the Scalp clean.
Makes hair soft and Pliable
Proenites Growth.
I TAKE this opportunity to thank my many eustomers for their liber-
al patronage during the past year, and to ask a continuance of the
same dnring ths year on which we have entered. Last year our
business increased about $2,500 over tbe previous year. This ie
veiy gratifying, and we are in a position to do even better this
year. We shall,try to merit a continuance of your favors, and to
induce others to give U FS a trial, viy, straight -forward dealing and
giving the very best value for your money and produce. We have
a good stock on hand and will keep it well up to the mark, so as to
meet the wants of all.
T.,) those who have not been in the habit of dealing with us, we would
say you do not know how much you have lost by paying extra
prices for your goods, so please give us a trial for this year and
you will be pleased and profited by your action. Our terms shah
be the same as last year.
Wishing all the compliments of the eeinton.
.1 1\T ir 1 IT 0- I
The undersigned is now at liberty to do
anything in the way of HOUSE and SIGN
SOMINING, &c. At reasonable rates, and
on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed
Shop on Rattent)nry St. C. WILSON, Painter.