HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-02-05, Page 5Waaaltearerairtr 774War.
"'Mr r'0',IF;114,17-1,71111#11,17,1Mig9
Anybody calling at our store -for
the next two',weeks, shall re-
ceive a pair of
FOR NOTHING, and we guarantee
to fit you properly, as we have
King's Optometer, the only one
in town. We give you this snap
on -account of the fire.
J.B.Rumball & Co
Nei to T.Jackson sr
dor R. Maack°
The Eminent Oculist, Optician and Gold Medalist of the
Detroit College of Optics, will be in town for two weeks.
Office at COOPER'S BOOK STORE. Consulta-
tion and Examination Free. See bills for
Hillwattee is the name of a Black Tea, a
blend of Indian and Ceylon., put up in Eng-
land. The English people are noted for
having the finest Tea. We guarantee full
weight in every package. Draws very
smooth and of rich flavor. Yon can only
procure it from us as we control the sale of
it in Clinton, and our trade for this Tea
has increased very fast, far beyond what
we anticipated. We have just got a fresh
supply. Try a package.
Fresh GROCERIES all in Stock
House to Let.
The elegant brick Cottage Residence, on On-
tario Street, west of the manse, lately occupied
by Mr Wm. McGee. All conveniences. Large
garden. Clinton, Jan 19, 1892. 11. HALE. 1 in*
A convenient!), situated house and lot in geed
order. Will be sold on easy terms as the own-
er lives in Seaforth and is anxious to sell.
J. A. CLARK, Seaforth,
Stray Heifer.
Comelinto the premises of the undersigned,
on or about the 20th of Sept. 1891, a red heifer
coming two years old, the owner is hereby noti•
Red to prove prorerty, pay expenses, and take it
away. JAS McCONNELL, lot 31, 13 con Hullett,
House for Sale or to Rent
House on corner of Rattenbury and Erie Sts..
containing 7 rooms and good cellar, barn, hard
and soft water, good bearing orchard and all oon-
yertiences. Terms easy. Apply to AS. SHEP-
P^ARD, Clinton, or T IOS. TIPLING, 344 Butter -
ant Street, Detr
Farm for Sale or to Rent.
A first-class grazing farm, beicg lot 22, con 11,
:Ooderich township, containing 80 sores, about
40 acres cleared. A never failing creek running
through the back of the farm; frame house with
.atone cellar, frame barn and stables near new,
and a good well near the house. Situated a of a
mile from Holmesville,and 4b miles from -Clinton.
Also a Waggon Shop and Dwelling in the village
of Holmesville, a good business stand. For par-
ticulars apply to E. C. POTTER, Holmosville.
Farm foi• Sale.
Farm for sale.—Lot 12, in the 6th coneession of
the Township of Stanley, County of Huron, the
Property of the late Mrs Catherine :Michell. 100
atores-80 acres cleared and free from stumpsoind
in good state of cultivation—W acres of bush well
wooded with hardwood timber. The farm is
well watered, and there is a good fruit bearing
orchard Frame Dwelling house and barns.
Terms of paytnent can be made to salt the
-convenience of the purchaser, a fair proportion
after purchase money may remain on mort-
gage at a low rate of interest—For further
terms and particulars apply to the undersigned.
Clinton, 18 Jan. 1892 Barristers etc. Clinton.
Farm for Sale
Subscriber offers for sale the farm at present
occupied by himeelf, being lots 06 and 37Mait•
N,land con., ooderich township, 97 acres, adjacent
to the Village of Holraesviile. About all cleared.
Good two story frame house, good bearing or-
chard of four acres, plenty of water wells and
spring. Ten acres of fall wheat. Possession
may be bad 18t of March. This farm is known
as one of the best grain farms in Huron. Terms
made known on application. School and churches
within five minutes walk. Three miles from the
• Town of Clinton. CHARLES DISNEY, Holme s
ville, 41m
To take charge of Local Agency.
Good opening for right man, on salary
or commission, Whole or part time. We are
the only growers of both Canadian and American
f3took. Nurseries in Ridgeville, Ont.; and Ro-
chester, N. Y. Visitors welcome at grounds (Sun-
days excepted.) Be quick and write for full ia-
formation. We want you now.
(This House is a reliable, Inc. Co., Paid Cap
al $100,000,00.) —3m-- Jan. 26.
Subscribe for the Clinton New Era
liext to Commercial Hotel, Clinton.
A new industry in the Marble and Granite
business has been started in this town, under the
style and firm of Seale, Hoover & Seale This
firm comes highly recommended,as the partners
are not strangers in this vicinity. Seale & Hoo-
ver, Marble dealers of St Mary's, have been do-
ing work in this part for the past two years,•and
by turning out nothing but first-class work and
strict attention to business, they have gained
the confidence of the public. By taking an ad-
ditional member into the firm will be added
strength to the concern which will put them in
a position to do all the work in their lino with
cheapnees and detip'atch.
SEALE, HOOVER & SEALE, Clinton. lin*
Executors' Notice to Creditors.
Pursuant to Chapter 110, Section 36, of the Re-
vised Statutes of Ontario, uotice is hereby given
that all creditors and other persons having
claims or demands against the estate of the above
named Donald Junor, are hereby required to
send or deliver to the undersigned GEO. BALED,
Clinton P.O., on or before the ifith day of Feb.,
1892, theitschristian and surnames,addresses and
decriptions,sthe full particulars of their claims,
statements of their account, and the nature of
the securities held by them (if any); .after which
date the Executors under the will shall distribute
the assets of the estate of the said Donald J11120r.
amoung the parties entitled thereto, having re-
gard only to those claims of which they shall then
have notice, and said executors will not be liable
for the said assets, or any part thereob to any
person of whoseolatin notice shall not have been
received by them at the time of suchdistribution.
Dated at Clinton this lst day of Jan., 1892
MANNING & SCOTT, Solicitors for Executors.
GEORGE BAIRD, -eco ors.
Under and by virtue of the power of sale con-
tained in a certain mortgage which will be pro-
duced at time of sale,there will be offered for saki
by public auction by Charles Hamilton, Auction-
eer, al the
—0 N
SATURDAY, FEB. 1311i, 1892,
At 130 o'clock in the afternoon, the following
property, viz:— Village lots numbers nineteen,
twenty and twenty-one, in Block J, McCaughey's
Snrvey, of part of the village of Blyth, in the
County of Huron. The property is well situated
In a good part of the villase, desirable for private
residence. The buildings on the premises COO.
sist of a good frame dwelling 16x24 and 143(20, Ono
and one-half story high, containing 7 rooms, to-
gether with a wood shed attached, and a frame
stable 167(22. There is a good web with pump,
There are planted on the property a number of
choice fruit trees.
Ten per cent of the purchase inoney down at
the time of sale to the Vendcr or his Solicitors,
and the balance within thirty days thereafter
without interest, when the purchaser will be en-
titled to a conveyance and possession, or if de.
sired part of the purchase money may remain
on mortgage at a low rate of intereset, There will
be a reserve bid. In other respects the condi-
tions of sale will bo the standing conditions of
sale of the High Court of Justice. For further
particulars apply to the Vendor, the Auctioneer
or to the Vendoi's` Solicitors.
Auctioneer Vendor's Solicitors
0tareqtp4 overy TilarsOur wa4rP004,
thitraday, Feb. 4,1894,
Whot, old or tiew••,....,” 0 00 4 0 99
Wheat spring `.,,. 0 80 a 0 88
Oats ..4........,"". qqqqq sa 28 a 0 20
Barley ,,,...,.. ... .... .., 0,40 a 050
Peas ....,•.•S 0 50 a Q 57
Flour per hal 5 00 A 0 00
Btitter 0 14 a 0 10
Eggs 0 14 a 0 16
Potatoes 0 26 ie 0 80
Pork • • . 5 00 a A 76.
Hey 10 00 all 00
Hides, No. 1 trimmed 4 00 a 4 00
Hides, rough 3 50 a, 3 50
Sheep Skims 0 50 a 0 75
Apples, per bag s 0 50 a 0 60
Wood short,... 2 00 a 2 25
Wood long 3 00 a 3 25
Thursday Feb. 4.
Wheat $0 85 a 0 87
Onto 0 34 a 0 13(li
Petta 057 A 059
Barley 0 43 a 0 48
Pork 550 a 580
rarkeys per lb 0 08 e 0 10
Geese 006 a 007
Putter per lb. 0 20 a 0 21
There wets no Improvement to the cattle
rnarketduring the week, the receipts being
large and of inferior quality, but a slight
remotion took pl&ce Monday and businese
was generally better. Sheep and Iambi'
continue in good demand at higher prices,
and hogs sold higher, notwithstending the
heavier receipts. At tbs. point were 611
cattle, 284 sheep end 387 hogs. There wee
some improvensent' in the business ot these
yards. The cattle offered were ot � better
quality, and, there being only a moderate
supply, prices ruled a trelle higher, n to 4c
being about the range for good butchers'.
Medium cattle brought 3i to 3,10 and culls
n to 3o per lb. Sheep and lambs were in
good demand at firm prices, the former
selling freely at about no per lb, and the
latter at 4k to 41c. There were only but
150 hogs sold, $4.90 per cwt being the out-
side price.
Cattle—Trade was brisk in the early part
of the day, while the best cattle were of-
fering, and prices were a shade firmer,
ruling, however. pretty mnoh as on ,the
last market day. Rough and inferior
animals were not wanted and sold at low
figures. The butchers' demand was not
active, receipts of dressed beef having been
heavy throughout last week and this, no
doubt, depressed trade to some extent.
Inferior and rough °owe and oxensold at 24.
to 2Sc ; fair, 1,000 to 1,050 -lb butchers'
beasts, at n to no • choice to extra do, 3S
to no, with one ortwo sales of small picked
late in the neighborhood of 4o per lb.
Hogs—The weather was 'against a good
business in this line to -day, and the gen-
eral quality of the offerings did not en-
courage brisk buying. One lot of 170 to
180 -lb animals sold at $4.25 per cwt. The
right kind of stock would have brought a
considerably higher figure, but it was not
offered. With colder weather, the pro-
spects are good for the latter part of the
Miss Jessie MoE wan, daughter of Mr
Duncan Mr Ewan,near Tiverton , happened
with a peculiar but serious accident. While
eating some preserves a splinter of glass,
which had in some way got into the fruit,
stuck in her throat, and was removed with
difficulty by the two doctors who were call-
ed in.
A FrenchCane.dian named Nelson Sauls-
syille, of Manchester N. II., sustained an in-
jury to hiefdfisElT&ttime ago, tbdk cbld
in it and gangrene followed. The family
were unwilling to bear the expense of a
physician and the sufferer had no atten-
dance. Monday Saulsville's leg dropped
off at the knee, having been eaten through
the bone by gangrene, and he will claubt-
leas die of, blood poisoning.
Is a concentrated extract of Sarsaparilla,
Yellow Dock, Pipsissewa, Juniper Berries,
Mandrake, Dandelion, and other valuable
vegetable remedies, every ingredient being
strictly pure, and the best of Its kind it is
possible to buy.
It is prepared by thoroughly competent phar-
macists, in the most careful manner, by
a peculiar' Combination, Proportion and
Process, giving to it curative power
To Itself
It will cure, when in the power of medicine,
Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Blood Poisoning,
Cancerous and all other Humors, Malaria,
Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache,
Catarrh, Rheumatism, and all difficulties
with the Liver and Kidneys.
It overcomes That Tired Feeling, Creates an
Appetite, and gives mental, nerve, bodily,
and digestive strength. The value of
Is certified to by thousands of voluntary wit-
nesses all over the country whom it has
cured of diseases more or less severe. It
Is sold by all druggists. $1; sit for $5.
Prepared only by C. 1, HOOD 8s CO.,
Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa-
rilla do not be induced to buy any other.
100 Doses
One Dollar
Stray Bull.
Came into subscriber's premises, near Clinton,
several months since, a yearling bull. The owner
is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges
and take it away. B. CHURCHILL. sii
Shingles for Sale
I carry on hand a stock of first-class Cedar
Shingles; two qualities, which I will sell at a very
low rate. Orders large or small filled on the
shortest notice. Please give me a ea.
W. RILEY, Londesboro. 3m
If you want to buy a iitst-class
Brick Store or a nice Dwelling
House on easy terms, apply to
"(3011ttly SOISISittit $04901.Volfis
The iSSS11u8I 14e0ting :Of thegProu
County S. $‘ Associatiott WKS lieldin
the Presbyterian choral, WINI12494,
' ou Wednesday and Thursday, there
beinga good attendanee o d,elegates.
On Wethe84ey evening addresses were
given—in addition to the addreseee of
tvelcoines-by Rev J. S. Henderson, of
Hensel), and W. J, Patterson, of Clin-
ton Collegiate Institute, the latter on
"Parents' Horne Study," which Was
really an excellent address, full of orig-
inal thought and force. Tlie Officers
for the current year itre:—Pres.. W.H.
Kerr, Brussels; Vice Pres., 8. Graces,'
Wingliam; Jos Scott, Clinton; RevJ.
Henderson, Hensall; Rev J. H. Simp-
son, ITrucefield; Rev J. A. Osborne,
Gorrie. Exectytive Committee, Mr
Davidson, Goderich; Rev W. Craig,
Clinton; Bev S. Sellery, Winghatn; W.
M. Gray, Seaforth; and J. S. McKin-
non, Blyth. Corresponding Secretar-
ies, A. H. Manning and -11. Poster,
Clinton; Minute Sec.'I, Taylor, Clin-
ton; Treasurer, .7. C. Stevenson, Clin-
ton. We hope to give a full report of
the proceedings next week.
Phases of Life.
The NEW ERA was aware, before the
1 day of election, that Mr Gunn, the Lib-
eral candidate, in Kinston,
have a "hard row to hots:4 notbecause
of any lack of popularity or because his
platform was unacceptable, but be-
cause his opponent, Mr Metcalf, was a
particularly popular man personally.
He is an old school teacher, a jovial,
oft -handed, rollicking, free and easy
sport, who takes life easy and has the
happy faculty of keeping on good terms
with nearly everybody, which conse-
quently makes him a. hard man to beat.
Away back at the election where Mr
Gunn defeated Sir John, Metcalf was
so conlidpnVof the Premier being elect-
ed that he bet about everything he had,
even to his daughter's piano, on the
election, and when he was leftilsigh
and dry, the Premier took sym-
pathy on him, and gave him something
to do at Winnipeg. ' They say that
after witnessing a cock fight on one
occasion, lie picked up one of the
roosters, which viciously turned and
peeked his eye so that the sight was
destroyed, necessitating the use of a
glass one.
Political Points.
Mr A. R. Dickey, Conservative, was
re-eleoted in Cumberland, N. S., on Satur-
Hon. Oliver Mowat will lecture on "Chris-
tianity and Someof its fruits " at St James
Square Presbyttnian Church. Toronto on
Friday evening,
Hon Alex. Mackenzie, M. P., slipped and
fell on the icy walk near his house Thur ay.
He sustained a severe strain, but wi be
all right in a day or two.
The Soulanges (Que.) election took place
Wednesday. Mr Bain (Con.) was elected
by about 100 majority over Mr Mousseau
(Lib.) This is a loss.
Rev. Charles H. Spurgeon died last Sun-
day night.
Henry Suitter, aged seventeen, dropped
dead in Woodstock Saturday.
The Presbyterian Church and manse at
Prescott were destroyed by fire on Sunday.
Mr Edmund Gregory, dtuggist, an old
and much esteemed citizen of Lindsay, died
on Wednesday.
Mr Allan Muir, one of the oldest and
best Aowa-residents of Oxford county,
died -in Woodstock -on- Saturday. ._
Mr Samuel Wiltse has just died in Brock.
ville, egad 93. His wife survives him, aged
82. They were married 63 years ago.
When Jack Bertram, the Heslop murder
auspect, was examined at Hamilton goal a
piece of a knife blade was found secreted in
his boot.
Sir Morell Mackenzie, the distinguished
London physician, whose serious illness;
with bronchitis was announced a few days
ago, died on Wednesday,
Ann Augol, Peruvian woman, convinced
of her husband'a infidelity, poisoned him,
their six children, and then drowned her-
self in a barrel of molasses.
An official estimate of the number of
those without food in Russia or means of
support who require aid is given as 14,000,-
000 persons, and this is probably below the
trne number.
The despatch sent abroad on the 21st ult.
announcing the death of Mrs Ira Morgan,
of(Metcalfe, proves to be incorrect, Mrs
Morgan is in as good health as could be ex-
pected after her bereavement by the sudden
death of her husband.
Dr. 3amee 'Young Allen, one of the oldsi
est medical practitioners in Canada, died
at his residence, in Toronto, Msnday. He
signed the first requisition to the late
Premier asking him to contest the then
town of Kingston. .
About a week ago, while standing at his
doorstep knocking snow off the heels of his,
boots,Philip Hemmiller, of Listowel, had a
bad fall and fractured his thigh in two
places near the hip. Friday he died from
the effects of the accident.
James Mawhinney, of Crediton, was
instantly killed while coon hunting onMon;
day. A coon had climbed into a tree, and
Mawhinney, with a companion, cut the tree
down, and in falling, it etruck the young
hunter, with the lamentable result stated.
Deceased was 21 years old.
While Pearce Collins, of Listowel, was
going upstairs hurriedly in his hotel on
Wednesday, he lost his balance near the
head of the stairs and fell baokward to the
foot of the stairs, striking his head very
severely. He was removed to a room it an
unconscious atate and the doctors say that
he has received a very severe concussion of
the brain and his recovery is doubtful.
C.6.17 TION.
Received and placed in stock this week 2.5 pieces
SHIRTING, heavy weights, first class, 10 pieces
Blue and Brown DENIMS. 40 pieces TWEEDS
and TROWSERINGS ranging in iprice.from 350
to $1.50 a yard
Any Tweed bought `of us at $0 cents or over per
yard will be cut free of cbarge.
choice ,now while the stock is at its best. We
guarantee every garment turned out to be first-
class in style, cut, fit and 'workmanship. We
use only the best of trimming in our ordered
clothing, and you will find our prices right
We have finished stack -taking, and' find some
goods that must be sold. We will have no
"chestnuts" in our stock. All goods bought for
this season's trade must leave our hands this
season. Just now you can have
Knitted Woollens, Cloakings, Overcoats, Furst
and Felt Boots at prices that will pilease you
We expect our spring stock to be complete about
the 15th February.
orAll persons holding certificates for photographs will kind:-
ly hand them to Mr Foster by the 15th inst,7
When FOSTER looks through
the camera, all images upon the ground.
glass are upside down.
H nature has favored the subject with
warts and freckles on his nose, moles
, on his chin, and wrinklein his brow,
they are all distinctly visible without
the. aid_orse, -
But in finishing the Photograph these
blemishes are removed or modified,and
the result is a beautiful picture with the -
likeness perfectly preserved.
Glasgow House, Brumfield
WM. SOOrrrr oft 00
Wholesale and retail dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS,
Highest Cash price paid for all kinds of Grain, Dressed Hogs, Hides, Wool and Cosds
wood. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Agents for G. N. W. Telegraph Co., with tele-
graph connection to all parts of the world.
We beg to thank our numerous customers for their long and liberal patronage for the
past 30 yeara, and hope by strict attention to business, and rock bottom prices, to still
continue in line with our old and many new customers.
Xmas is near here—Our stock ofFruits is here
New Layer Raisins, New Valincia Raisins, New Sultan Raisins, New
Currants, New Figs, New Dates. We are opening out to -day a very fine
stook of German Chinaware for holiday presents. Cups, Saucers and Plates,
Mugs, Salads, Celery Trays, ceo. Take a look at our table before you buy elee-
where. We can give you good value for your money. Something good and
Gr]E(:). *7*1W AL4Lj€W. ClL,I1N914001V
Gents', Lakies' and Children's
First•class Stock and Close Prices. A few special lines of BOOTS and
SHOES at and below Cost to clear. 5 per cent discount for cash.
W. Taylor arp Sons