HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-02-05, Page 1, 41f,„ • •O. •••744,,, o••••-• 1t, ••••„.„ ROBERT ,1101MKS, Kclitor and Proprieter, .01,A1NTON, ONT„ 'FEBRUARY 5; 1092. $1 a year adVance, f$1.60 when not so pald • AreYouln.It? In 'What I a neat fitting Coat a trim pair of Trowsers tasty well made aoth- ing mir U WA+ There is no excuse for any other appearance than a neat tasty cora, Jortable one, for we supply good fitting well made Clothing at prices that commend it to all good buyers. per cent off for Cash. Th ItitliNTON John Our Weekly Budget OF INTERESUNG NEWS . From afl. parts of the County—by wide-awahe and lively Correspondents • 0.010•01.01•00000..1•••• Hill's Green. Nonce - Mr A,sa Styles has been teaching Mr Tiffin's school On,tlie Parr line,during the latter's illness. A, num- ber of our citizens are going over to Drysdale next Sunday evening to the Sacramental services in the Wthodist Church there. There willbeno service in the Methodist • church here next Sunday. Walkerburn Nerreis.-Messrs Morrison &Robinson are very busy repairing their dam; they expect to have it completed in a few days. Miss Isabella Webster ar- rived honae last week; she was visiting relatives in the United States. Miss Matilda Robertson arrived home last week; she spent the past summer in the neighborhood of Utak. St. Helens. DEATH. -A sad death took place on Wednesday, of last week, at, the house of Mr Thos. Todd, when his grand- daughter, Miss Pearle ,McDonalch eld- est child of Mr David McDonald, of Luoknow, was smitten by the hand of -death. The child had been quite well up to the Sunday before, 'when she tookinfiamation of the lungs, and diptheretie croup setting in caused her death, after a great deal of suffer- ing She was just two years and a few Tookersmith. NOTES. -These chilly evenings are likely to have a very serieus effect on a certain youth of eighteen, whose habit of going over the river fiats keeps him late every Thursday evening, for the river is frozen, and "we are all go- ing now." 8.8. No. 4 has purchased a new football. Mr James Noble has been helping Mr Tom Fowler. One eVening not long since a klan-klan crowd assembled in a farmer's sleigh; they did not know where they were going, nor who they were, nor what they wanted, like the "babes in the woods." The head of Mr Amos Town- send came near being separated from his body the other night, by a clothes line, while he was in the act of passing under it, in a farmer's sleigh. Miss Qarrie Johns spent last Wednesday night under the parental roof. On Friday night last a very select crowd assembled at Mr Thomas Lane's, and tripped the light fantastic toe to the Strains of the violin, till the cocks be- gan to crow. Mr. George Sproat, jr., has rented his farm consisting of lots 18 and 192nd con, H. R. S., to Mr Hugh Grieve, for aiterm of four years, at an annual rental of $575; Mr Sproat contemplates taking a trip to the North- west in the spring ; we wish him well wherever he goes. We are sorry to state that the infant son of Mr Abner Cosens, died on Wednesday morning. Kippen. NOTES -MT George Greene ed and Mr Hood continue very low, here is very little hope of Mr Greenii ed's re- covery. Mrs Grant, also, continues very poorly from the effects of the grippe. Owing to quarterly meei,ing at Chiselhurst, there will be no preach- ing in Kippen Methodist Chuee-ti next Sunday; Epworth League at the usual hour in the evening. Sleighing is about ruined by reason of the thaw of Feb 1st and 2nd. The past month's snow has been appreciated and used fully. CHURCH -The S.S. Teacher& meeting re-elected Mr S. J. Perkins is superin- tendent. On his nomination, George McTaggart was elected Secretary, and George Wren, ir., war elected Treasurer. The Sunday School report was encouraging; during the year 40 of the scholars have taken the Total Abstinence pledge. The S. S. begins the year with a deficiency of only a few cents, after ordering all their sup- plies for the year. At the trustee meeting, Mr George Wren was re- electea Sec. Treas. The board hired Mr Thomas Nichols as care taker for 1892, and also gave. Mr Irvine permis- sion to raise the $60 by subscription (instead of a teameeting) to Pay off Mensall's claim on our parsonage. Goderich Township NOTES. -Mr James Connolly was in Toronto last week, he being one of the delegates appointed by the West Rid- ing Agricultural Society to wait upon the Minister of Agriculture, and see what could be done towards securing additional grants to agricultural so- cieties. Mr. W. Wise, and wife, who have been ill for some time, are better, DEATH. -Saturday last Mr Henry Baker, ofthe Maitland Con., received a _ In:Wait§ .‘,Old, end being quite a, lovable tel2ram.annotincinw the death of an • d -it is a sad Moir te -the ftrente; e Peterborar, enry- Bakerr-•-by who haVe the heartfelt, sym athy of their many friends. The remains were interred in Dungannon cemetery, on Friday last. ' NOTES. -Mrs Donald Murray still •continues very laoorly,but we hope soon to hear of a decided change for the bet- ter. The latest fashionable ailment in theselrarts is the "mumps" la grippe beinga thing of the past. Miss Sarah Cuirtming left for Teeswater,this week, where she intends staying for awhile, before returningto her home in Bran- don,i Manitoba ; t is pleasant to see old friends back again, even for so short a time. The attraction out west seems :so very strong for a certain gentleman of our town, we would warn him to be careful,this being leap -year he may get "roped" in if he does not use.all need- ed precautions soon ; but we think "Jack" means business this time. Miss Maggie Murray of .Lucknow paid a ;lying _visit to our village last week. Miss'Nellie Curran, of Detroit, is home on a visit. Messrs Robert and John Wellwood left last week with a car load of horses for Manitoba. Messrs James Elliott of Cuirass, and Ronald Allen, of Michigan, naid a short visit to Mr ffohn Gordon's last week. Miss Bertle Merray who has been indisposed for some time pastis at present recrui- ting in Lucknow. Mr Donald McKen- ziebael a bee on Friday last, drawing brick for the new house he purposes putting -up this coming summer. We .are glad to see that MT Jno McGuire is able to be around again, having been laid up this while back with congestion of the lungs. Porter's Hill. Noins. -Miss Mary Colwell and Miss Nettie Crabb of Goderich, were visit- ing friends bere, last week. The many friends of Mr T. M. Elliott are pleased -to see him in their midst, after an ab- .03ence of some years in -Dakota, and as Tom is a general favorite with the fair .irex, and this being leap year, it is not likely he -will return alone. Stirling 'McPhail spent a few days in Seaforth last week. Rev Mr Hughes, of Wing - ham, will deliver a lecture in the Tem- perance hall, at an early date, further particulars -next week. We are pleased -to learn that Mr and Mrs McLean are recovering, after a very:severe attack .of griPPe. name. Deceased was -a brother 4:+f, Mr Baker's wife's father, and -the family had lostall track of him for many years, having supposed that he was some- where in the States. . .1 East WaWal10811. CONCERT.—The concert held in the 11. S. S. No. 3 proved a SUCCOSS, the progrrim being exceptionally good. Among these assisting were tlie follow- ing well known vocalists :-Messrs D. McGill, G. F. Oakes, Floody and W.Porterfield. .The,school house was crowded to the door, not even com- fortable standing room could be obtain- ed. Neverthelese through the ability and tact of the chairman, D. McCal. lum, the order Was all that could be de- sired. Proceeds amounted to MOO. WEDDINO.,-One of those pleasant events 'of the season occurred,last Wed- nesday evenine at 0 p. m., at the reel - deuce Of James Potter, Esq, when hie daughter Isabella was united in 'mar. riage to Christopher Johnson. Over 60 guests were assembled to wish joy and happiness'to the young couple. Beigrave DEATH. -We are, sorry this weekto have to record the death of Isabel, relict of the late Thos. Walsh, which took place at her daughter's residence, in Denfield, on rebruary lst. The de- ceased was an old resident of East Wawanosh, having moved there with her husband and family about 24 years ago, where she lived until the death of her husband, which took place in Au- gust, 1887, when she removed to Bel - grave. The bereaved friends have the sympathy of the whole community. Her funeral sermon was preached in the Methodist Church here, on Wed- nesday, at 2.30 p.m. Hullett. REPORT OF 8: S. No. 2, FOR JANU-- ARY. - 4th class George East 551, Leonard Weir 345, Allie Watt 288. Sr. 3rd -Millie Churchill 465, Laura Connel 459, John Snell 395. Jr. 3rd - Lizzie Churchill 294, May Churchill 249, Maggie Walters 197. Sr. 2nd -Ella Tin- dal 515,Lena Pope 475, Willie Noble 381. Jr. 2nd -George Snell 133, Archie Weil. 179, Wreaths Snell 129. Part 2nd - John Churchill 616, Jennie Churchill 433, Richard Brown 420. DEATH. -Mr Robt Bingham, of South Dakota, brother of Mr Wm Bingham,' of Mullett, died on Jan. 20th, from grippe. Deceased was 77 years of age, and moved here in 47 and settled in Mullett, and remained there for 20 years, then he moved to Missouri, and remained there for 16 years; from there he went to South Dakota, where he died. He Was married twice and leaves a wife and Hi children. He has buried Chiselhurst. NOTES. - Mr- ,)ohn Mitchell has brought home a beautiful wife, in the person of a Hibbert township young lady; we wish them much joy. Mr George Mitchell continues very low. The Presbyterian church has organ- ized a good choir, which is much enjoy- ed by the congregation. Kippen cir- cuit religious quarterly meeting will be held here at 10.30 next Sunday morning. The quarterly board meets at Kippen on Monday at 2 p. m. CHURCH -The Epworth Leagu,e, Sunday School Teachers, and church trustees of the Methodist church, had their annual meeting on Wednesday night. The following officers were chosen for the League: -Peter Kay, President; Essie Meraggart, let Vice President; Emma McTaggart 2nd Vice President; Mary Merrill, Secretary, S. J. Perkins. Treasurer. The League has done good work during the year under the presidency of Mr J. Parish, and looks for an equally good year under Mr McKay; they voted over $7 of their surplus to aid the finances of the S.S. The Epworth League meet- ings every Sunday evening have a full church and perfect order. Goderich. ILL. -As Father West is suffering from an attack of the grippe, there will be no service ha the Catholic church next Sunday. RUNAWAY ACCIDENT.- Last, Satur- day, Mrs Mitchell, niother of the editor. of the Goderich Star, went to London, on her way to visit a son-ifi-law, at Windsor, who was lying at the point. of death. She went up town at Lon- don, to visit some old friends, and while on her way to the station again net with a bad accident;, a runaway team, dashing along the street, struck her, causing injuries that necessitated her removal to the hospital, where she is still. The nature of her injuries -tire somewhat serious; and considering her advanced age, may yet teimin ate fat- ally, but we are pleased to see that she is recovering. Her son-in-law, John Edwards, of Windsor,' whom she was trying to reach before he die 1, bas since passed away. ,45krrgs.-Miss Tbaker..iyho "has been ill with pleurisy for some time-, at the residence of her uncle, Mr James Ca.rt- wright, is improving, though yet very ill. We are glad to know that Mr G. F. Bi ickenden, of London, is improv- ing. It is currently reported that Mr John Brickenden has fallen heir to considerable wealth, by the death of a relative in England; we sincerely hope the report may be true. SALE. -There was a large attendance of some of the best farmers of Huron, at Mr John Cumings' thorobred stock sale, on Wednesday, but the bidding was not very spirited. The animals were all of the best thorobred strains, and Mr Hamilton used his persuasive powers to the best advantage, but it was hard to get prices up to anything like the real value of the animals offer- ed. The following animals were dis- posed of :-Lady Lansdowne, six years old, and calf, were sold to Gordon Young, Colborne, for $80. Rosette, five years old, and calf, to Geo. Watt, Harlock, $65. Ontario Chief, 18 months old, to Chas. Rogerson, Harlock, $55. Flora, yearling, to Jas. Logan, Blyth, $36. Victoria, 19 months old, to Thos. Cole, Mullett, $48. Jeanette, 14 months old, to John Shortreed, $54. Nina2nd, nearly four years old, to J. Barr, Hul- lett, $77. Rosebud, three years old, -to George Collinson Hullett, $63. Mr James Snell sold Lady Jane 2nd, nearly three years old, to A. Elcoat, Tucker - smith, $85. Rosy, yearling, W. Snell, $50. The Cotswolds sold in pairs at $24, $22, and $21.50. A grade cow sold at, $11. The farm, advertised to be sold at the same time, was not put up. Courrcm.-The Council met at Londesboro, on Monday, the 1st of Feb- ruar'17, 1892; members all present; min- utes of last meeting react and passed. The sum of four hundred dollars was granted by the Council for repairing roads and bridges in the township this year, and will be expended under the direction of the several councillors. A few accounts amounting to $52 were passed and ordered to be paid. The -fi- nancial statement and abstract of the treasurer's accounts as made by the Township Auditors were laid before the council, carefully examined and passed. The staternent shows that the assets of the township on Dec. 31st, 1891, were $3530, and the liabilities on the same date $2500, 1Nwing a balance to the credit of the toWnship of $1030. Tenders accepted for elm plank werc, as follows, Andrew Reed's, 2000 feet; M. Sprung's, for 4000 feet, and Thomas Shohbrook's, for 2000 feet, also the offer of W. Whitley, of Lonclesboro, was ac- cepted for a car -load of cedarfor town- ship purposes, at $11.50 per M. Council will ineet aoin when called by the Reeve. JAMES CAMPBELL„ Clerk. Varna WEDDING. -Last Wednesday, at the residence of Mr Charles Logan, his third daughter, Miss Maggie, was mar- ried to Mr George Douglas, son of Mr Peter Douglas, Blake, by the Rev F. G. Newton. The happy couple went on a trip to Detroit. TEMPERANCE MEETING. - The Rev J. W. Bell, B.D., of Hamilton, Domin- ion Lecturer for the Royal Templars of Temperance, will deliver a lecture in the Temperance Hall, Varna, on Tues- day, the 9th inst. As Mr Bell is one of the ablest lecturers in the Dominion, we expect a full house. Silver collec- tion at the close of the meeting, to de- fray expenses. CHINA WEDDING. -On Friday even- ing last, one of those pleasing events, which only come after being married twenty years, (a china wedding) was celebrated at the residence of Mr John Johnston, Varna. About 70 guests were present, and a very enjoyable evening was spent. The presents were very numerous and useful. The young folk enjoyed themselves in tripping the light fantastic, till the wee sma' hours of the morn, and others, of a musical or jiterary turn of mind, amused them- selves with songs and recitations in abundance. Ashfielt1 NOT. -Wilson's ingl, 12th con, is do. inggOod work nOW; Under the super- vision of Mr ,,Bower, We regret sto announce the death in London, on Jou_.• 31st, of Mr John Campbell: aged. AI years; deceased was a brother of 00 John CaMpbell, of the lfith concess55n4 Mies Flora McDonagh died very sud- denly, at Mount Forest, On January 24th, aged 21 years, and her remanni were interred in Zion cemetry 12th con- cession.. Londesbore. Cnu nen. - Quarterly ni eeting ser- vices in connection with the Methodist Churches of this circuit, will be held on Sundaynext, at Kinhurn. There will be service in the chui•cli here, in the evening. Auburn. 1. Mr Alexander McKenzie, who has Jong been ar resident of our village,left I last Tuesday for Blyth. He has enter- ed into partnership tbe harness busi- NOTES.-Our wheelright, R. Stirling, is changing his calling, having rented the McLean farm for five years. Dan Geddes has rented Mr Cunarning's tailor shop -one tailor goeth and an- other cometh. Mr Tufts is improving nicely, we hope he will soon be well as ever. Mr and Mrs Davis, of London, are visiting at Mrs Tufts. Quarterly services next Sabbath in Belgrave; morning and afternoon service by Conductor Snyder, evening service by Miss Jones. Mr Geddes is coming to Belgrave to live. We may lose our station master. There will be a con- cert given in the Foresters' Hall, on the 13th inst. The Misses Jones, daugh- ters of the late Prof. Jones, Kincar- dine, are assisting in the special ser - Vices now being held. r e wi h Mr Oarter, of that v age. -THE NEW En& is the hest 51 a year The Rev Mr R s-, of err fon. occupied yuperiu Et -ti 0.1. .0c iLs cox:Idea-4 news the ..741.1.St yt et :tua abbath. • 1, Blyth ratinasnro. BUSINESS STAN» in Myth to let for tmna 91 years. Being. the corner store hi Watio,iite N194, -best eland in town,- excolierit'oellar and suitable for general store or grbeerOvitb flour and feed, Bet reasonable. Apply to ILRO WAMSON, Blyth, Cutru011.-The meeting In the Meth- oclist chnrch here, are drawirgf WI' a dead this week. The results ,in addi- tions to the church is between forty and fifty. A reception service was 4eld last Sunday morning, and several have given in their names since. The meetings have been well attended froni the start and have been interesting; WADDING BELLS.—A pleasant (Arent toot place on Wednesday evening at o'Clock, at the residence of Mr James Potter, when his youngest daughter, Bella, was united in marriage to Mr C. Johnston, of Wawanosh. The Rev Mr Higley performed the ceremony in the peesence of a large nuniber of guests, We join with their many Mende in wishing them every happi- ness. DEATH. - Mr Michael Dougherty, who has been, ill for many months, although not confined to bed all the time, auccrimbed to the disease from which he was suffering on Sun- day morning at 7 o'clock. He leaves a widow and one child. The remains were conveyed by the 7 o'clock train, south on Tuesday morning, to be in- terred in the R. C. cemetery, Hamil- ton, where other memberof the fam- ily are buried. The bereaved ones have thesinceresympathy of thiscomnaunity. NOTES. -The social, under the au- spices of Trinity Church Woman's Guild, at Mr D. 1VIcGilPs, on Wednes- day evening, 2/th, was a very pleasant affair, and financially a success; the amount realized being $18. Miss Daw- son, of Seaforth, was the guest of Miss Brownlee last week. Mrs M. Young is at present visiting her brother in Mark - dale. Mrs Metcalf is attending her brother in St Marys, who is very ill. Holy communion will be administered in Trinity church next Sunday morn- ing. The special services being held in the Methodist church will close this week; these meetings have been very interesting and the result satisfactory, much good having been done. A run- away horse belonging to Bell's livery caused considerable commotion on Sat- urdAy morninge_hrst as Chief Davis 'alighte,d from the cuterib front 'fif the Commercial, the liorse-14tl6di, made a bee line for the stable, turned rather sharp in at the door, the result of which was a smashed cutter. Mr Perkins spent a few days with his par- ents in Gerrie this week. The concert .at Miss Ross's school, on Friday even- ing, was a great success, as some of our voung friends from here can testify, having had the worth of their money, and a free ride into the bragain. Mr D. Metcalf, of Toronto. spent Sunday with friends in town. R. S. Hayes. of Seaforth, was in town on Sunday. Mr McKenzie, of Carter & McKenzie, mov- ed his family into town this week from Auburn. Miss Carson, ot Belgrave, is the guest of Miss Kelly at present. A. M. Polly, of Goderich, attended the fair on Tuesday. Mr Hammond, of Owen Sound, is the guest of his broth- er this week. The store in Watson's block, lately occupied by McKinnon & Powell, is being repaired, and will shortly be occupied again. Mr W. Moon, of Toronto, spent Sunday in town. The L. 0. L. held a special meeting in their hall on Monday even- ing; it is said the Twelfth may he cele- brated in Blyth next year. Mr Moffatt, J. S. McKinnon, Mrs N. H. Young, Mrs Chamberlain and others, attended the Sunday school convention in Wing - ham, on Wednesday,. Anniversary services will be held in St Andrew's church next Sunday; The Rev. Dr. Fraser will preach morning and even- ing. Blyth monthly fair Was held on Tuesday, the weather was most un- favorable, notwithstanding a great number of buyers were on the market. WInghani. HOUSE FnISHITENBH.-Last Sunday, as Rev Mr Hughes WAS Starting for Glenanall,,Wkere be waato preach, his horse got. frightened and ran fivar, .throwitg him out, but he was not Iturt. • eborse ran to (ileum -tan, live mites 1Voraberer au4.3faavaught. SPECIAL Sunvrons.—Miss the well-known female evangelist, has been holding revival raeetings in Blue - vale for the past two weeks, Several sleigh leads of young and elderly peo- ple have driven over to the meetings from here,' and all speak of her as a sincere and Christian Woman. ELECTION OP OPPICERS.-The elec- tion of 6_filenrs of Anchor Hope Tem- perance Lode were as follows: -Rev. Mr Hughes, C.T.; Mr Dodds, P.C.T.; Miss Rush,V.C.T.; Mr Bond, Chaplain; McClyinont, R.S.; Mr Cochrane, F. S,; Miss Dawson, Treas.; - Panton, M.; -r Minter, A.M.; M. Hart, Sentinel. ADDRESS. -Mr Elder, the emigrant agent of Manitoba, gave a very inte- resting and instructive lecture, on Thursday, to the scholars of the fourth and fifth classes, showing them very plainly the Way that that section of the country is laid out. ' He also pre- sented each scholar with. a map of Manitoba. NOTE. -The Messrs Allen and their sister, Mrs &Mitchell, mid son, attend- ed the, funeral of their uncle, at Lis- towel, last Saturday, returning home on Monday. Quarterly services will be held in the Methodist Church here, next Sunday morning. A number of Odd - fellows from here attended the funeral of Mr Chadwick. of Teeswater, on Thursday of last week. Mr W. Green is in Toronto this week, on business. ACCIDENT. -What might have been serious fire happened while Messrs W. and R. Green were putting in some electric lamps in the Brunswick Hotel. The latter struck the chandelier, break- ing it, and the oil took fire. A table was thrown on the,fire, to smother it, and as help was near, it was soon put out. Richard is not often to be seen about the hotel, and we wish it under- stood that he had not taken anything stronger than water. A RUNAWAY. -As Master Robt. Mc- Tavish and his grandmother, Mrs Mc- Tavish, were driving out on Saturday last, the horse became frightened, and. ran away. The boy hung to the lines like a little man, until the horse turned a coiner, upsetting the cutter and throwing them both out. The old lady's arm was dislocated at the shoul- der. Mr Hill very kindly took he' to her daughter's, Mrs W. Green's. Medi- cal aid was summoned, and the arm put in place again, and, 1-onsidering the severe shock and fright, she is get- ting along nicely. The horse ran around a block And into a yard. The cutter_ was elightly iejured, but no other damage.W*-491*, " Constance. Bumnino NOTES. -Mr Wm Clark has the material on the ground for a new barn, as also has Mr J. Britton; Mr John McMillan is also going to build a new barn 80x100 ft, which will be one of the largest in the township. Mr M. Maines has the job of the framework for each, which is sufficient to guar- antee that it will be well done. SOGIAL jr• t entertained a gelest,company of Young people on Monday evening last, wlien a very enjoyable evening was spent, all repaired to their homes at an early hour, wishing Mr and Mrs Cook a pleasant journey down the stream of time. .NoTEs.-Mr James Clark and Wife, of Kilarney, Man., are at present visit- ing friends in this vicinity; Mr Clark is one of the fortunate ones who has made their homes in the prairie pro- vince. Mrs Wm McIntosh is this week visiting friends in Staffa. The grippe, which has been so bad for the last two months, is now almost com- pletely stamped out. lIolmesville. AT Homn. -There is to be an "at home" entertainment at the Methodist Parsonage, on the evening of the llth inst. The object of the gathering ap- pears to be to make up the deficiency in the superannuation apportionment for the present year. The attendance will doubtless be large. NoTus.-Mr John Yeo, of Gowrie, is visiting friends here. Grippe is not so prevalent in this district as formerly, and people generally are regaining their wonted health. It is reported that Mr Simeon Murch will shortly be einri/oT,P0 Cvnton, he,havng seeur- . el a situation there. Hensall NoTEs. - Fair weatherz excellent roads, enterprising public and business booming. Rev Mr Orme preached in the Methodist church on Sunday morning, and in the Presbyterian church in the evening, in the ,Inter- ests of the Bible Society; a public meet- ing was held on Monday in the Metho- dist church, in connection with the same society, which was addressed by Rev Mr Orme and the resident minis- ters. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper and love feast was partaken of in the Methodist church on Sunday morning last. Messrs W. Stoneman and Ezra Roedding attended the Dis- trict Lodge R. T. of T.in Goderich, last week, as delegates of Hensall lodge. Rev J. S. Henderson and Mr Win. Stoneman attended the meeting of the Huron County Sabbath School Con- vention in Wingharn, on Wednesday and Thursday. The Mechgnics' In- stitute have added a large number of boOks to their library, and have now a librarywhich would do credit to a town of much larger size. The special meet- ings in connection with the Methodist church were brought to a close on Tues- day, a good work having been done. We understand the partnership here- tofore existing between John McAr- thur & W. Ball, has dissolved, Mr Mc- Arthur will carry on the business, whilst Mr Ball intends moving west. Mr Harry Reynolds, who for years past has been hostler for W. R. Hod- gins, was taken to the London hospital on Tuesday last, suffering from a com • plication of diseases. Stanley IMPROVING. -We are glad to be able to state that Mrs Walter Moffatt and Mrs McCully are both improving. VISITORS. - Mr Alex. Cameron, of Northern Dakota, Mrs A. Cameron, of Walkerton, Miss Kate Cameron and Miss Annie McFarlane, of Greenock, Bruce Co., left for home on Wednes- day, after spending a few days with friends and acquaintances in Stanley. Miss Ina Campbell, of Kincardine, is at present the guest of her uncle, Mr Peter Campbell, of this place. &atom REPonT.=-The following are the pupils of S.S. No. 5, Stanley. who ranked highest in their respective classes, for the month of January: - Fifth -Fred J. McGa,vin. Fourth - Anna Kennedy, Wm. Nicholson, Mor- ton Elliott. 'Third -Elston Dowson, Ida Nicholson, Ella Stephenson. 2nd -Arthur McLinchy, Flossy Dawson, Wm. Stogdill. Part II -Maggie Rob- inson, Edwin MeGavin. First -Nor- man Nichelson, Wan. Armstrong, Ger- tie Dawson. • Brueeneld. NOTES. -Miss Bella Jamieson, millin- er for Loft & Co, St Marys, is spending a few well earned holidays under the paternal roof. Messrs Robert Beattie, Seaforth, John Hart, Egmondville,and John Kaiser, Varna, spent Sunday with us. Mrs Rattenbury and family returned home Monday evening, from Goderich, where they have been visit- ing friends,while there Master Johnnie took first prize for boy's eostunie, at carnival. UNION SERVICES.- Service each evening next week, and Friday morn- ing, in -Union Church. The evening services will begin at seven. On Mon- day evening Rev. Mr Acheson, of Kip - pen; on Tuesday evening, Rev. J. S. Henderson, of Hensa.11; on Wednesday evening ; Rev J. A. McDonald, of Var- na; Thursday evs'g, Rev. G.F.Newton, of Bayfield;on Friday morning, Rev C. Fletcher, M. A., Thames Road; on the following _Monday morning, Rev 3. A, Anderson, B. A. of Goderich. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed on Sabbath,Feb. 14th. From an occasional Correspondent. NoTEs.-There will be no services in the Methodist church next Sabbath, it being the Quarterly meeting of the circuit held at Varna. The leap .year party of last week was a failure. The grippe is almost gone, and our sick are around again, some looking as if he had been gripped pretty hard. Busi- ness in our little burg has been rushing this last few weeks in all our business quarters. Mr Alex Mustard is getting in a good supply of logs to his mill. Mr S. J. Pollick has been enlarging his blacksnaith shop and put up another forge; he is a hustler: Westfield. - ScnooL REPORT. -5th class -Bertha Coventry, 980. 4th class -Jane Mitch- ell, 1902; Ethel Carter, 1416; George Buchanan, 1253; Mary McClinton, 1106; Alice Hoover, 943. Sen. 3rd -Etta Mc- Dowell, 982; David Patterson, 824; Charles Redmond, 739; James Red- mond, 728; Frank Campbell, 561. Jr. 3rd -J. H. Buchanan, 759; Jennie Arm- strong, 742; Harvey McDowell, 646; Wellington Henry, 425; Annie Mc- Dowell, 390; Herbert Henry, 347. 2nd class-Bertie Carr, 1197; May Redmond, 780; Phoebe Jackson, 664; Rosa Coven- try, 639; Franklin Oarr, 568; Josie Mc.; Dowell, 510; Christianna McClinton, 501; Annie Buchanan, 420; Rosanna Whitmer, 381; Ettie Whitmer, 380; Ed- die Armstrong, 277; Gordon Johnston, 212. MeKillop. NOTES. -Mrs Hamilton, of Milver- ton, who has been visiting her daught- er, Mrs John Sebbeen, of the 13th con., returned home on Saturday. Mr Stir- ling McPhail, of Goderich township, spent a few days with friends here. MT'S Moses Hannah, of Winthrop,. was very seriously hurt the other clay in Seaforth, by a runaway team; it is hardly known yet whether her in- juries may not prove fatal. An oyster supper was held in Winthrop, on Fri- day eveninglast, by the R. T. of T., at the close of a very successful literary contest; a large number of members was added to the council during the contest, and Winthrop can now beast of having one of the strongest and most talented temperance organizations in the county:. Miss J. Govenjock, teach- er of Fordyce school, spent Saturday and Sunday last at her -home, in Win- throp. Stapleton. FRACUS.-On Friday evening a num- ber of sports resolved to hitch a bron- cho pony, which belonged to a person who was visiting in the village. After the pony was hitched and the cutter filled to its utmost capacity,and all the hand sleighs in the village attached to the rear, the broncho made a , start. The slow trot was not fast enough for the occupants so as the noise increased the gentle trot was followed by a gal- lop, and as the cutter gave a slide to one side, the occupants found them- selves in the snow. On returning to the village a couple of volunteers were secured to follow and catch the run- away pony. They succeeded in finding it in a field, near Seaforth, and after many fruitless attempts, were compell- ed to return without the pony. A sec- ond attempt proved more successful, as the pony was secured next morning, without having clone any damage to the cutter or harness, but itgwill teach the boys a lesson on broncho driving. Sou) orrr.-We understand that, Mr Geo. H. Cook, dentist, has disposed of his practise to Mr R.. Agnew,of Toronto, / who will take possession the ist of March. Mr Cook purposes removing to Toronto; he has been a good citizen ancl will be missed here.p PR0GRESSING.--0 ur excellent cotern, the Atwood Bee, has entered upon its third volume. In the words of ont old friend Shakespere, we might Say that "The bhey little Atwood B043, .0 Improves, path shining hour - •Aed re on Ifs volume three ! %Lb 'lit 4: and power." N•ti