HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1892-01-29, Page 2I
In& Not Around Ike Comity NEWEi-j-4°14E8'
1014s ella Itelth, who taegba
be been ONIneed teoh tili091
SOWS; Mion.
W. NeVill bite pUrOhased the Mar
ble htniteese formerly Carried on hy Mr
Grant, a Seafortb, • /
The death of Mrs William Willis occur-
red ti,t her home a couple of milsooth of
Wroxeter, on Sunday last, at tha,early age
0135 yearl!
The annual meeting of the Ontario Mu-
tual Live Stook Ineuraece Conape,ny will
be held in Seaforth, on Tueeday, February
2nd, at 2 p.m
Mr John Manson and wife, of Bruce*
field, left on Monday last for Brandon,
• Man, where Mr Manson is engaged in
Mr John Weleh,of Exeter, has ranted Mr
.anj Martin's farm of 200 acres on the6th
con., of Usboroe, for a term of years and
will move onto the same in March.
Mnard b liniment iv used by, physicians.
Mr Joseph MoChnohey has purohaEed
the Royal betel, Seaforth, from Mr Weir
and has taken posseseion, Mr MoOlinehey
tr- managed the businege for Mr Carroll for
John Bolger, of Morris, has purchased
the 100 sore farm of James Hodgme, lot 4,
can. 10.' Theprice paid was $2,700 and is
considered a bargem at that figure. Mr
Hodgins intends removing to Miehigan
next spring.
While Andrew Johnston was moving last
Friday from his old homestead north of
Zurich, to his new home near Henson, one
of the teams which he had engaged, became
frightened and ran away. The hones up-
set the load in a ditoh, oausing some of the
furniture to be somewhat broken.
Mr Andrew Kidd, for many years con-
nected with the band of the 33rd Battalion,
was presented with a handsome oane upon
the occasion of his leaving Seaford], to
take up his residence in Toronto.
It is our duty this week to chronicle the
death of another pioneer in the person of
Mrs Richard Cluff, of Seaforth, who de-
parted this life on the 19th lila, after an
illness of over four weeks.
Messrs Duff & Stewart, of Blueyale
purchased at a judicial sale in Brussels,
on Saturday,the 16th, a bash farm, for
the sum of $3,540. The farm is situated
about lave miles from Ethel and contains
100 acres, 80 of which are bush.
That beautiful glossy sheen, so mach ad-
mired in hair,con be secured by the use of
Ayer's Hair Vigor. There is nothing better
than this preparation for strengthening the
ecalp and keeping it free from dandruff and
itehing eruptions.
Died at his residence, con. 11, township
of Howick, on January 15th, John Akins,
at the ripw age of 71. He was born in the
County of Cavin, Ireland, on June 10th,
18200and came to Canada in the year 1845
and settled in the township of Darlington,
where he remained till the year 1859, and
with others then moved to the township of
Howick, where he lived until his death.
The annual rneeting of the members of
the South Huron Agricultural Society was
held in Dixon's hall, Brumfield, on Wed-
nesday. The following officers were elect-
ed for the current year, viz,: Hugh Mc-
Cartney, President • Robt. McMordie, first -
vice ,• Robert McAlister, second vice. Mr
M.YL McLean was re -appointed Secretary
and Treasurer, and it was agreed to meet
at Hensall about the 16th of March, to ar-
range for the spring show.
In the reoent Municipal eleotione in .the
township oHay, a tie occurred in the votee
recorded for J. Voelker and R. McMordie,
candidates for councillors. The returning
officert gave the casting vote in favor of Mr
Voelker. Mr McMordie and his friends not
being satisfied with the result, instituted a
recount of the ballote, which took place at
Goderich on Saturday before His Honor,
Judge Toms. The ballots were counted in
the presence of the candidates, the return-
ing officers, and °there, and resulted in a
majority of one vote for Mr Voelker, inde-
pendent of the casting vote. Eaoh candi-
date had a spoiled ballot and Mr V. gained
one. The recount cost about $50, which
was deposited by Mr McMordie and his
The sixteenth annual meeting of the Mc-
Killop Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance
Company was held in Kidd's Hall, Seaforth,
on Friday. The financial statement,which
was read and adopted, showed that, al-
though' the losses for the past year had been
somewhat heavy, they had all been prompt.
ly met, and the Company is in a most safe
and satisfactory finanoial standing, and
that it has been carefully and economically
managed. A resolution was submitted re-
commending the Directors to return to the
old system of paying only two-thirds of the
value of contents destroyed by fire. This
resolution received considerable discussion, °
and a vote showed that the members pre-
sent were largely in favor of leaving things
as they are now, and an amendment to that
effect was carried by a large majority. At
the close of the members' meeting the new
Board of Directors met, and appointed Mr
D. Ross, of Stanley, President; Mr M Mur -
die, of McKillop, Vice -President, and Mr
John Hannah, Inspector.
Parliatueut is AO asionthle at Ottawa
February 26.
Nearly IRA the ,popnletion et Winnipeg
is afflicted with grippe.
W. F. Johnston, a Crimean pensioner,
eoruraitted sraoide at reterktgo, on Friday.
Three Irandred mules aba eixtsleri horses
were killed in a Are at Kansas City, on
Wm, Popo, for 60 years a resident of
London, Oot., died on, Friday, aged 78
The widow of the late Dr Stone, mother
of Charles Stone, of Toronto, died' on Fri-
day, in London, aged 74 years.
Loudon Conaervatives have again decid-
ed to nominate Hon. John Carling to op.
pose Mr 0:las. S. Hyman for the COM,.
Edward Cook, an aged and respeoted
resident of Tyendinaga, and father of Mr
Purdy Cook, police constable of Belleville,
is dead.
Mrs Ira Morgan, whose husband was
killed on the electric railway at Ottawa a
few weeks ago, died on Thursday at Met-
calfe, Out.
Mr Benjamin Shull( one of the oldest
residents of Berlin, Ont., died suddenly
Friday morning. He was a farmer, about
76 years of age.
.An employe of Hay's factory, Wood.
stook, named George Downing, had his left
hand badly lacerated on a veneer machine
on Friday. All the cords were out, and it
is possible he may lose the hand.
Rev. Geo. T. Purvis, D. D., of Pitts-
burg, Pa., has refused a call to the pas
torate of the late Dr. Ward Crosby's
church at New York, at a salary of
$10,000. His salary at Pittsburg is
Masked robbers entered the house of
Edward Brophy and wife at Modena, Pa.,
and compelled the old couple, who were
prejudiced against banks, to give up all
their savings. Brophy and his wife must
go now to the almshouse.
An insane man, giving the name of Al-
bert Long, and claiming to come from Port
Hope, was found on the street in Windsor
on Thursday evening by office Hess, who
eumeeded in plaoing him in the lookup.
The most exoiting election contest in
the history of the Toronto Board of Trade
took place on Thursday. The fight waxed
warm for the second vice-presidency, which
was secured by Mr S. F. McKinnon, a
former resident of Blyth.
In a case heard on Tuesday before the
Montreal Court of Appeal Chief Justice
Lacoste held that telegraph companies are
liable for the consequences of errors in
transmitting messages, notwithstanding
the agreement printed upon the form in
tended to absolve the company from such
Cornelius Terry, a patent medicine ven-
dor, who has two wives in Sarnia, two in
Port Huron, and one in Brockway, Mich.,
jaas been arrested in Port Huron, Michigan.
The charge was 'preferred by Esther Moir,
formerly of the Salvation Army, who is
the fifth victim of Cornelius.
Montreal Star :—It is very unkiud a the
ErApire to recall at this time the fact that
Premier Abbott was unseated for corrup-
tion in 1874. Still, it might have done
worse. It could have added that he lost
his seat again for the same peccadillo in
1881. He has a seat now though that can-
not be taken away from him by envious
Owing to the great scarcity of teachers'
in Manitoba at the present time, the De-
partment of Education has decided to
olose the present session of the Normal
School for first and second class teachers
on February 26, instead of March 5 as
provided in the regulations of the depart-
Mr Alexander Bruce, one of the beat
known and most highly respected residents
of Guelph, and his family, have met with
severe affliction within a few dart. Shim
last spaing John B. and Alexander, twin
brothers, have been suffering from lung
trouble. \John died on Wednesday and
Alexande?- at 9.30 Friday morning. Both
were remarkably intelligent young men,
and their early death at 24 years is regret-
Owing to the fact that Russian specula-
tors are amassing' wheat in the eastern
provinces to the detriment of thousands of
famished people' in that part of the Em-
pire, the Czar has sent the mayor of Mos-
cow to purchase 15,000,000 roubles worth of
wheat,- all of which will be distributed
among the starving. The Czar has em-
powered the mayor to offer a fair price for
the wheat and if th'e speculators refuse to
sell at this price he is iesoructed to confis-
ate the amount of wheat required.
On Tuesday morning, soon after opera-
tions had begun for the day in the D. S.
Morgan reaper works of Brockport, N.Y., a
loud explosion was • heard in the grinding
shop. A rush was made for that part of the
aorks. Herbert Weed, who ran an emery
wheel, was found sitting in his usual place
at the wheel, headless, The wheel was
missing. It had buret while running at
highspeed, and one of the flying piecet had
torn Weed's head from his body. Weed
was 35 years old and leaves a wife.
The Indiana Surgical Institute at,
Indianapolis was burned last Thursday
night. The institute had about 5,000 in.
mates, most of whorn were helplesscripples.
The inmates were removed with great
rapidly by the firemen, but at least 30 were
injured; some terribly, but some of the
worst hurt are Mrs Gales, of Madison, Ind.;
Mrs Thames, Indinapolis, fatally burned;
Fanny Braden. Memphis, Tenn. The
patients were carried to various hospitals
and hotels as fast as rescued and nobody
knows who is missing. One girl was seen
to come to a window and the next mom-
ent later fell into the flames. After the fire
had been burning half an hour seventy
women were found standing on a rear roof
just ready to jump, They had escaped
attention in the confusion though screaming
at the top of their voices. They were res-
cued in safety.
A striking example of woman's courage
and fortitude comes from near Bear Lake,
in the vicinity of the depot of Mr J. R.
Booth, the Ottawa lumberman. A married
stepdaughter of a well known hunter
named Peter Duck started to visit some
traps and arranged to be away one night in
the bush. She did not return, and her half-
brother started to hunt her up, and after
considerable search found her lying in the
snow with a babe of seven or eight days
old pressed closely to her breast and as well
wrapped up as possible. The little one was
all right, snug and warm, but the &other
was completely exhausted and almost fam-
ished. Being taken sick the night she left,
she was unable for nine days to leave the
shelter she managed to construct for her-
self. With her gun she killed a squirrel
from whereshe eat, which was the only sus-
enance she had during the whole nine days,
yond what she had taken with her for the
The East Huron Gazette says:—A shock
of surprise was felt in this community on
Monday evening last, when the news was
spread that Isaac J. Coles had left two
nights previously for parts unknown. On
Friday evening his stock were noticed
about the barn being taken care of as usual,
,but the deserted appearance of the place on
Saturday caused some of the neighbors
to approach the premises, when house and
barn were found totally deserted, nofaing
being left but a lame cow and a few head
of poultry. Mr Coles has for the past four
years been a tenant on Mr James McLaugh-
lin's farm, jnst east of the People's Cheese
Factory, on the 6th con., and during all
that time he has been held in the highest
estimation by all who knew him, having
the reputation of being a hard-working,
honest farmer, honorable in his dealings
and upright in character. He had quite
a number of open accounts and was con-
sidered a good customer by business men.
So fe.r as is known his financial affairs this
year were in as good a condition as usual
and no cause can be assigned for his taking
this uriwise and unmanly step.
The Manitoba Legislature will be cal-
ld next month.
Mrs Dorigan, an elderly woman, was
found frozen to death near her home
in Petrolia, on Thursday.
The North West Legislature on Thurs.
day voted down 4s proposal to publish its
proceedings in French.
Wheat seems to be getting further
away from that "dollar a bushel.'
What would it have been but for the
failure of the crops in almost every
Etiropean country?
Childrpn'Cry for ,te
'Pitcher'e Caatorla.
U14T4gi TO nroAgils.
A meeting of the Soutl; Huron Fe.rmers'
Institute was held in CoxWorth's Hall,
Herman, 011 Ole ,Oatil bast', R. B. MeLeao,
prepident of the.inetitute, presiding. The
interest in the inetttution clearly manifest.
ed itself by the overcrowded hall and the
able diooussio s after each speaker. The
meeting wasened by an address from W.
J. Palmer. B. S. A., Guelph, on "The
prevenient of our dairy stook," showing
the average yield and the average cost per
head, also advising the dairymen to use the
Babcook milk tester, to show the quality of
their mulk,and thereby being able to weed
out the unprofitable cow. D. D. Wilson, of
Seaforth,amoke on "The egg from the heu..
to the table," advocpting the buying of eggs
by weight. Ile also advised the farmers to
market the eggs fresh. John 1. Hobson
delivered an able address on "Growing of
green crops versus euramer fallowing;" also
explaining the system of growing rape and
advising its lie° for feeding lambs. Mr A.
MoL.Allen, on "Fruit marketing," brought
clearly before the audience the thorough -
nese of fruit packing, advocating nothing
but the best fruit to be packed, and apples
for export should be picked before they be-
come mellow. W. J. Palmer then spoke
on "Butter making on/the farm," recom-
mending separating the cream by centrifu-
gal force in dairies of ten cows or upwards.
B. Delbridge, a successful Berkshire pig
breeder, gave an interesting account of his
system of pig breeding and feeding, after
which Mr Hobson olosed the most success-
ful meeting in South Huron, by a few re.
marks on a practical system of soiling.
The Farmers' Institute held a meeting at
Kipper,. on the 21st inst., at whioh John I.
Hobson, W. J. Pahner and A. MoD. Allan
gave interesting addresses to large audi-
ences, on the subjects of management of
manure, winter dairying and fruit culture.
Mr D. Buchanan, a graduate of the Ontario
Agricultural College, read an able paper on
the advantages of inaividual experiments
in agriculture. The discussions were taken
part in by a number of the leading looal
men. In the evening an overflowing meet.
ing was held, when addresses by the speak -
ere of the day, also by Rev A. Acheson and
Mr D. Weiemiller, of Kippon, were deliver-
ed, interspersed by a selected and musical
The Marquis of Lorne haa been ap-
pointed Governor of Windsor Castle,
in place of Prince Victor of Hohenlohe,
Mr H. J. Finkle, solicitor, Woodstock,re-
ceived word Friday of the death at Portage
la Prairie of his nephew, George Edding-
ton. Deceased was formerly in the Imper-
ial Bank, and was widely esteemed. He
had been ill but a week, la grippe being the
cause of his death.
On a late train Friday night the body of
Mr Henry Carter, formerly of Toronto,
arrived at Toronto for interment. The
deceased had recimtly erected a house at
Chippewa, and had used a coke fire for the
sinrpose of drying the plaster. On Sun-
day night he went to sleep in a room in
which the fire was burning, and in the
morning it was discoverea that he had
been suffocated by the fumes arising from
the burniing coke.
Alex. Anderson, for the past three years
bookeeper for theMcDonald Mfg. Co. Strat-
ford, is missing. Lately the firm began' to
suspect that there was something crooked
in Anderson's account. Finding that he was
discovered'. Anderson feigned sickness on
Saturday last and left the city; So far his
whereabouts are unknown. An expert is
now at the books, and it is expected the de-
ficiency will amount to about $1,000. And-
erson is a married man with two or three
A sad shooting accident occurred near
Hamilton on Friday, which resulted in the
death of Albert Long, the 18 year old son
of D. A. Long, hotel keeper. The deceas-
ed in company with two companions nam-
ed W Gowland and Jas Nevillis, went
shooting in a bush in Glanford township.
When returning home about 12 o'clock, in
getting over a fence, Long and Gowland
were fooling, Gowland's gun was pointed
towards Long, when the latter tried to
shove it aside. The trigger caught in the
fence, and the contents of the gun were
discharged into Long's right breast. De-
ceased lived only two minutes after the
accident and did not regain consciousness.
The editor of the Canada Health Journal
in his latest appearance endeavors to stir up
the dormant powers of the many hundreds
of medical and other health officers, the
proprietorship of which the Province ,of
Ontario boasts. He tells them that tlrey
should, so to speak, mingle in the health
concerns of the general population, after a
fashion similar to the University Extension
Scheme, and he broadly advises that "dur-
ing the next quarter of a year the health
officers of Canada could do an incalculable
amount of everlasting good by instituting
in their various municipalities or localities
a system for moral health propoganda."
An Orillia despatch says; A decidedly
novel mishap occurred on the railroad.
A light engine, running from Gravenhurst
to Allendale, stopped at Orillia for orders,
and here it was found that the front pair
of trucks was missing from under the
tender. The mishap was mentioned to the
driver of the midnight train, who was
cautioned to look out for the four missing
wheels. They were located down an em-
bankment two milesnorth of Severn Bridge.
Hew the wheelsbecame detached or whirled
from under the tender without the hind
trucks cracking them is hard to understand.
The Engineer felt no jar, and was a most
surprised man on seeing how matters
During the performance of "A Night at
the Circus" at the Bedford avenue theatre,
Brooklyn, a crank managed to pass the
stage door„ and making his way to the
dressing room of the leading lady, Miss
Nellie McHenry, he fell on his knees and
made violent love to her. He told her in
fevered speech that he had adored her for
six years past, from the,„time of her en-
gagement with the troubadours. Thrnst-
ing a note in her hand he wanted to marry
her on the spot. The affrighted actress
rushed out on the stage pursued by the crank,
who gave to the public a demonstration
of ardent love in a realistic manner. Miss
McHenry screamed and frightened some
of the audience while others, thinking it a
part of the play, applauded loudly. The
property man at this juncture hustled the
crank off the stage and into the street after
a desperate struggle in the wings. He re-
turned and was again thrown out.
P7hen Baby was sick, we gave'her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castor's.
rIn my enclorseereete of Antl-Osndrett t sialt eay
toMetaing1 never owe Wore, watch is that this
PaTlal tttli:614 tasU.:0.141)74oven where tho phgue
h_*# 1400Die Oro* and has rnerrred Raelf late a els-
Mill. Years of experience ses halr*droaller. during
'tiV•listnilIatItTo'n°,,Ngewtimene.= 1h eivielfrgfietepatiay,
even 0111:ipet together) given thessttsfxotion that
Antl-DIn reit him ft pdattivoly removes Dandrud.
It stops falling of the hair. It cools the head. It
makee an eiegant bsl desising•Ith ut I vi
trace of its use. I use it daily In my hair armies
Mao, at Balmoral' Betel, and have yea ta Pod the
first customer whn was not pleased with it. J T
FONTAINE, preprieter barbershop, BahnOral Hotel,
Montreal P q
A Pareel containing two boxes of buttons
and ex1/41ialf-lard of silk velvet was on bun-
daynight placed on a post in front of the
residence of Mr H. K. tamale, tailor, Wat-
erford, Ont. Enclosed was the following
note: "I stole those from a drawer at the
lire; hope you will forgive me." Thus a
guilty conscience has, after a year and a
half, been relieved of its burden.
Itoh, Mange ana Scrathes of every kind,
on human or animals, cured in 30 minuted
by Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. This
never fails. Sold by J. H. Combo, druggist
James Broce, of Proton, came to Dundalk
to order a coffin for his sister, who had
died the previous evening. On his return
he found that his wife had during his ab-
sence given birth to twine and that she, too,
had passed to the spirit land. He is left
with a fan. ily of seven small children, two
of them the newly -born twins.
Children Cry Tor
Pitcher's Castorta.
It is well worth considering the fact that
when the British statesman looks out over
the commercial world, he is not able to
distin,guish—except for the bit of bunting
that floats from the flag-pole—triende from
foes. Does McKinley bar him out pf New
York? So does Mr Foster out of Halifax.
A great many loud speeches are made as-
suring him that if England should ever
come to an hour of need, she can depend
upon the real and affectionate support of
her colonial empire; but nowhere is one
atom of this fiiial attachment put into
practice.—Montreal Star.,
This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success.
ful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a par-
allel in the history of medicine. All druggists
are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee,
a test that no other cure can successfully stand.
If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis,
rise it, for it will cure you. If your child has
the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly,
and relief is sure. If you 'dread that insidious
disease CONSUMPTION, a'on't fail to use it, it
will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your
Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price lo cts.,
50 cts. and $i.00. If your Lungs are sore or
Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 as;
VrafrOgiistiat an(( other &MS
Barristers, Solicitors,
Commissioners for Ontario and Manitoba
is -a -Bought. Private Funds. 0 RIDOITT,
Office over J Jackson's Store, Minton.
rift 0.13D.DDD. D. D. a., ttaNTItiT, op.,..tpu
1-s ate Bey el College of Peutal fierieOnl of
Ontario, Ali operations of modern asutistrx
oareany performed. Antestbetios adiminietersd
. for the painless extraotion of tom. Unice
Hoofer's old stand, coats' /Book, Clinton.
1 Wilt visit Blyth professionally every btenchrytat
D1ason's Vote,.
GEON A eeoueher, Lieentiate Of the College
of Physicians, and Burgeone of Lower Canaria,
and Provincla Lieen ti ate end Coroner for the
County of Efuron. Odle° and reetdence.—The
building formerly ocopuicd by Mr Thwaltes
Huron Street. Oontob, Jan 11. 1870.
k-0 Aubtioneor still in tho field, able and will-
ing to conduct any sales entrusted to him, and
takes this opportunity of thanking his patrons
for past favors. Also Chattel Mortgagee °lolled
and rents collected. Charges moderate. D.
DIcEINSON, Lieensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron. Residence Albert Street, Clinton.
Subscriber desires to thanh the public general-
ly, for the patronage bestowed upon him ; and
at the same time to say that he is DOW in a bet
ter position than ever to supply the wants of all.
As he gives personal attention to all the detaihr
of the business oustomera can rely on their
orders being promptly mod satisfactorily fgied.
Ms motto is "good meat at reasonable prices."
Choice Sausage, Poultry,
in season.
Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &e.
Albert St., (Hinton.
Licentiate of ;Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate
of the Toronto Sehool of Dentistry.
Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the pain •
lesa extraction of teeth.
Office in Smith's Blook over Emerton's Barber
Shop, Clinton.
tar Night bell rnewered
Holds the exclusive right for the county for the
Hurd process of administering chemically
pure Nitrogen Monoxide, whieh le the eldest
and best system yet discovered for the pain-
less extraetion of teeth. Charges rnoderate
satisfaction guaranteed. Office, ELLIOTT'S
BLOCK, over Jacksons Tailor Shop, Huron
Street, (Hinton.
A general Banking Business
ti ansacted
Drafts issued. Interest allowed on
Advances made to farmers on their own
notes, at low. rates of interest.
A general Banking Business transactea
Interest allowed on deposits.
Sale Notes bought
J. P. TIStDALL, Manager
The Molsons Bank.
Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1851.
CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000.
REST FUND, - $1,000,000
.01.undereigned at the Library Rooms, JAS.
J. H. It. MOLSON Pres.
F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Gemeral Manager,
it" undersigned, at residence or drug store.
MRS A. WORTHINGTON. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts
I issued, Sterling and American ex-
! ciznge bought and sold at lowest
current rates.
interest at 4 per cent allowed on 'deposits.
FAX?. M to3 .
Money advanced to farmers on their own notes with
one or more endorsers. No mortgage required as
H. C. BREWER, Manager,
January 1887. Clinton
-LT-1- Small sums on good mortgage security,
moderate rate of in tereat. H HALE. Clinton.
Provincial Land Surveyor, Draughtsman,
etc. Office, up stairs. in Perrin Block, Clinton,
DENCE 011 Ontario street, Clinton, op-
posite English Church. Entrance by side
DH. R. ELLIOT, M. D., L. R. C, P.,
"'Edinburgh, L. R. C. S.. Edinburgh, Liam-
tiate of the Midwifery, Edinburgh. Dffice at
1AR. W. GUNN, M. D., L. R. C. P., EDLN-
llnuaau, L. R. 0.8., Edinburgh, Licentiate of
the Midwifery, Edin. Office, on corner of On-
taTio and William Ste. Clinton.
""Accoucheur, etc., office in tbe Palace Block.
Ratteobury St. formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve,
Clinton Ont.
Medical Department of Victoria Univer-
sity, Toronto, formerly of the Hospitals and
Dispensaries, New York, Coroner for be
County of Huron, Hayfield, Ont.
A. 0. U. W.
The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meet in Biddle-
combe Hall on the let and 3rd Fridays in each
month. Visitors cordially invited. R. STONE -
HAM, 14. W. J. BEAN, Recorder
We can make a few good lcane from private
funds at ow ratee and modate expeneeer.
Terms made to suit borrowers.
Piano, Organ and Technicon,or Muni developer.
for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. iS. Hartt's,
Rattenbury Street, Clinton.
eJ • HonoraryGraduate of the OntarioVeterinary
College. Treats all diseases of domesticated ani-
mals on the moat modern and sdientifie princi-
ples. Office — immediately west of the Royal
Hbtel. Residence.— Albert St., Clinton. Calls
night orday attended to promptly.°
J. L. Turnbull, M. B., Toronte University, M D.,
C.M., Victoria Univeraity, 14.0.1" & S., Ontario;
Fellow of the Obstetrical Society of Ediributrgh;
late of London, Eng , and Edinburgh Hospitals.
OMOV—Dr. Doweeli's old (Once Rattenbttry St.,
Clinton. Night • s answered at the Sarno place
Loaa & Investment Co'y
This Cona?any is Loaning Money or Farm
Security at Lowest Rate of Interest.
3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Deposits, according to amount and time left.
OFFICE—Corner of Market`Smiare and North Et
511 1885
The subscriber would intimate to
the public generally that he has
added to his business that of
And is prepared to supply all fun-
eral necessaries at abort notice
and in a satisfactory manner.
Coffins, Caskets,
ShroudS, &c,
He has also purchased a first-class
Hearse, and can therefore meet all
requirements in this line. Night
mile answered at residence, Isaao
Street, Clinton.
Undertaker and dealer in
Furniture, Clinton.
By mall to any lady sending Usher post 003
siddrest Richardson & Co,, Mani**
- • r• • •
liEN114111401; lifatSEIIT
seesimese,es . ,
; AN» ASTI:tA00411: PINE. '
•tua v01414,00 wulon W AleitAre „orogen: .
The aboy ° Ornamental treat! RAS mlicubbory wib he
seta at very low prices, anti those wantul
tatter in this cenneetion will saVe ineuel ,PY
19rdei'll by Mail toile bo protriptlii "ayerciect
Lo, A4lreos, ; • •
, .
LADIES who desire, Invitations
Cards will find a ohoioe aSBOrtfnen
of the latest styles at our ofilee.,..Wo
ean supply them, with envelopeo, tO
match, on very abort notice, and'
reasonable prices.
R. Holmes, New Era, 0110.411
to plain facts about the B. & C.
corset. You can't break the
bones—for one thing. If you
do, within a year, you'll have
your money back. It fits like
a glove. And hear how it's,
sold: if you're not satisfied,
after. a few weeks' wear, you
can return it and get your
robb's Starch Enamel
This is an article worthy of every lady's at-
If you wallet() save time and labor, buy a.
If you want your ironed clothes to look n
and clean and to last much longer, buy a b .
If you want the starch to stay in the clothes
on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a belt.
If you want everything to look like new, mat
as shirt bosoms. collars, cuffs, lace curtains
ete., buy a box.
AN'Every Storekeeper keeps it :now, and where
the merchant does not keep it we want a _
lively agent to repersent us.
Manufactured by
and Paint Shop
Is stocked with a Select Assortment of
American and Canadtan Wall Paps
WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from live ceatt
rens to the finest gilt. Having bought my Papers
and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex-
perience justify me in saying that all wanting te
decorate their houses inside or paint them out-
side will find it to their advantage to give me a
frifShop, south of Oliver Johnston's bliteksmith
shop, and directly opposite Mr. J. Chidlew
Practical Paper Hanger and Painter.
AleKillep Mutual Fire
Insurance Company
Thos. E, Hays, President, Seaforth P. O.; IV
J. Shannon, Sfeey-Treas., Seaforth I'. 0.; Jno
Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. O.
Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Donald, Ross Cot-
ton: Gabriel lalliott, Clinton; Geo. Watt,Hari ;
Joseph Evans, Beechwood; J. Shannon, Walt
Thos. Gerhart, Clinton.
Thos. Neilans, Harlook; Robt. McMillan, flies -
forth; 9 Carnochan, Seaforth; John 0 Sullivan
and Geo. Murdie, auditorr.
Parties desirous to effect Insurances or trap -
sect other businees will be promptly ttendOti
to on application to any of the bove offioett
addressed to their reepecitve offices.
your address, andC UR L IJ we will mail frde
cn never fails; send
trial bottle DR. TAFT BROS.,
Dept. 186 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Canada,
Oct 9-6m
A Christian woman's thrilling narrative of !Meehan
work done "in His Name" emoting the poor au&
lowly of a great city revealing the underworld of
New York "as seen by a woman." It describes
Gospel and Temperance work and gives it famous
detective's 303 ears experinces. By Mrs Helen Camp-
bell, and Inspector Thos. Byrnes (Chief of the rr..r.
Detectives), With 250 engravings from flaah-liglat
phOtograpbs. Bright. pure and good, full of tears
and smiles,11 is a powerful ally of Temperance, a
mighty witness to the power of the Gospel,—a
book for every home. Ministers say, "God speed
it': Eminent women endorse it. Agents Wanted,
Men and Women throughout Canada. Agler200
month made. 40 -Distance is no hindrance, for we
Pay Freights and all oustems dutiee and give Extra
Terms. Write for circulars to are
A . D. WORTHINGTON & CO., Hartford, Con*
,„ava st positivo rermelys for tto abom alseaeOl by its
use thouccmds of mos of the werst kind Ana of long
inthni rdsinegretliti
t elennadb'T4W°160'1306TTg LE18 rag WR8411:11,
with a VALTIA3LE TREATISE On this diseases to any
offerer who vafil send me t helr racsnitss AMMO.
' I