HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-09-26, Page 5Thvirstisy, sept. 2t;th 1 pi j 11 „igawastagaggas,I i II It ••••••••••,. 2 40$11.01 #11111411111110110111011 iv o o ;)‘ke \ Z.) k(0 Fall Showing of Men's and Boys' clothing We are showing the latest styles and cloths in Mens and Boys' Suits. Having bought early at right prices we 7 are able to give clothing at exceptionally low pric.es consid- - 'L ering the great advance in materials, $15 to $28. A trial -. solicited. Fall and Winter Overcoats ik large and selected range of Overeats for Mali and Boys at prices that every jman an I troy can get Atterl to his heart's content and receive full value for his money _ - Pall andWinter Models in belted. and pinch back styles, in Tweeds, Plain Cloths, Checks, etc To those' who are thinking of purchasing an overcoat we suggest to. buy • now whit- our stock is complete. .. tinderwea.r for all the Fa.mily .• Stantiel,l's and Penman's "Underwear in all wool, union and fleeced lined for men and boys Trarnballs celebrated ”Ceetee" 'Underwear for Ladies and Children in wool and:union garments atcprices that cannot be repeated ,.• Sweater Coats • Swea'er Coats are mare in demand than ever. In fact a real ner.easity, giving comfort and satisfaction to the wear We are hawing a big range for men and boys 14 Grays, Browns. Navys, Cardinals and mixed shades at all the popular prices • . In our Men's Department We ea; supply you with Raincoats, Hats, Caps, Fancy and Work Shirts, Over- ; -: ails and Smocks, Shoes. Ties, Collars, Gloves, etc. , , t. • Produce Wanted • . • Canada Food Board License No 8- 1.3535. T Li "43 wU(UiAM A, t)VANCR. • •i.1ea. • • - ,.m...,,or..re••••. , .1•••RTP.4.1.4:14.1PM1,...1:;.• ,4S4 . . :4.7 ••••s• ;4.44,4. • rs,*; e•yr„..*:•• , • !.h, -re • a*Seeeeeieeeeitateeassialareelaasaeeeesteeeeseees t 1 tit 11.) q isflro Kite Balloons Are Used PACKED BO '' With Splendid Results Seed Coro Situ It.ii ..,......7....3,10 By the Allied Armies Select Ow.: —..... atid )•,1 t • ea..) aeaseresereetereseseeeeseeseseasesee sasee aeleet Fare From Field fot. tteig tt 1311 rapid development of the Strength. Leafiness anti Earns British aeroplane as a fight- *less, t the Work a tlie t Co to ri o Tie:gig; err I ite4r,igl,ce menr ot beg unit, and the gloW ng wyeti 4S Porter .144470.:' • , A. SOVICHOIVILINOF ita Iformerly a inlillonalre, ei the Ozaea alinititer Of • trial 1• • -jt": War at Rol outheenes cif • lit - pilots on the various tneatre$ a war the war eine of the •biggeet men ot bare tended somewhat to obscure the fine war record of the kite-biilloort, Carvel Kite-bae HE Oat point to netterve [4the pecking of hatter, in the old ittrela, 18 UOW WOrkillg an order to have it keep well porter hi r little municipal °Mee t tise vik Adminietration at • loom have been. used extensively. on , for winter use ts to have all the fronts, and at Sea, tnrouglie good butter. Tho beet butter, for Petrograd, whore he sweetie the floor, writes Lieet. . . out Me war. Quite reeently there packing Is usually made in the rune trranda Tor the clerks and heals the official report othe mouthe of June end September. et is the water for the neeretery'e tea. , eplendid and invaluable 'work aorta Preferably outdo fx•om comparatively And Mule. le om ra n atil me, 'in ; appeared f by the first kit -balloon in the Dar- sweet cream which has been pasteurs arilliant and beffeatul, the power be- _ dalli4lea expdition. in 1915. bed. Rowever, on the farm pasteur- hind the- throne, the cougdante• of went, the Gee- ization is not commonly followed, prattle; mei grtval dui:els et new sela Early in the war, the butter should be made lug pater. les in a Pt•trt- gala leaving - - ity in tbe air and upon the ground, . wizen the weather Is comparatively , Piettire theatre. nob both are tre- cool and the, cream should be °bum- iUg to earn enoug1. bread to keep mans still possessed a great superior- 'hone° me. ed before it becomes very sour—in theta from starving; - - valuable observation work was done -• portant assistance given to the arta- fact, the sweeter tne cream. the more Aft -r the Boisheeila had depozott lery. As time went on, and heavier- liltelY it is to produce good. keeping Kereesay and had investigated lite by the British balloons and very = _ titan -air machines were many times quality in the butter, $0 long as there papere and documents found in the • multiplied! the neceesity of the bale is sufacient acid in the cream to glee archives of the Foreign Ofliee at loon for observation purposes was good churning results. Petrograd, they arreele•I Soulthom-a somewhat diminished, bet they are the usual way, eacept that the batter - The. cream loulbe sea 'churned in liftoff. The new Government aeetistel tbe former Minister of War of ire e- - - extensively used and . can perform may be washed. once with brine, suit. In fact, it accused Soukholuti- some work whicli the airPlane--ale 'toff of bringing about the. war bv The balloon. pilots have a danger- Water, instead of using water at both decelving the Czar and nullifying ways on the move—cannot. which b made by dissolving salt in _ ous and difficult. task to perform, A washings. Salt at the usual rate-- ihe Czar's order eoncerning the &- Stationary baloon natttrally 1111a1C813 an but not over one ounce of salt per mobilization of the RUSS1411 11.1111Y. _ titatOt , target than an airplane in pound of butter, because salt doe$ Soulthornlinoff was tried in opca --; - flight and its powers of defence, are, not preserve butter as is commonly court. Disclosures made by want :teal Q1 e terse, very limited indeed, ' CU -supposed, excepa minor degree were of a most sensational character. - matte conditions very much affect for unpasteurized cream butter. It ballooning. In the eget, work has to t in 1 Phone 89 s a inestake, however, to add $0 f0,77 be done in the early morning before much salt that the fine flavor of the . butter is covered op. the heat becomes too intense. More have been immediately ava!llable, this ual, pack it firmly into cracks, tabs Having worked the butter as us- _ than once, when no satisfactory maps loonists, whe, from their :basket, have or boxes, packages are used, these should be If unparatened wooden need bas been made good by the bal- - surrounding country. • _ soaked several days in salt water to _ made accurate Militate* maps of • the ' • Important as has been the work of Prevent "woody" flavor in the butter. A better plan is to coat the inside theae balloons over land, they would have more than usttfled their use by of the tub or box with hot wax, thou . • the good work they. ba,ve accomplis- line with heavy parchment paper; be- e ' ee Many British battleshipe .fore packing the butter. Glazed n ea•ocks which are dean, need no altillitEe-AND THE TRENCHES have gone out of existence, while FALL FAIRS -191$ • have risen 100 per cent., forty-two have 1 risen over 75 per cent. Over 250 papers are fitted with balloon wirtches, fee When thI e package s full, prefer - officers. and many British destroyers . lining. - cart' their oivn balloone en over that, if occasion arises, they can carry ably all from,. one caurning, smooth Blyth ..... .. . . Sept. 23 and 241 three thelloous. The splendid work of the the top of the butter, cover with (The following verses were'penned by Brampton a . .... Sept. 20 and 21 navy in the matter of convoys for parchment paper or a clean cotton d Pairgess Brown, alorrner Bay- • Brussels ............... Sept. 17 and 18 .... Sept. 17 and' 18 price. If the war centinues another year every paper in all the countries will have cargo -carrying vessels is well known, cloth, then tie heavy brown paper but few people have heard of balloons over the top and place in a cool cellar or in cold storage, Sometimes • • hundred have raised their selling gone out of existence or have raised its :wing taken in tow so that a keener lookout could be kept fax the Ger- a salt paste is put en top of the cloth Observers from the or paper arid this is kept moist by ter from time to - Pte• • field boy who' is fighting "with- Ghee ey .... 4rwounded.arrived op. the same mail as the Erfn .................... Oct 9 and 10 rates -Publicity, Montreal. Sammie's, Woed. that he waseseriously Dungannon ............... Oct, 3 and 4 following verses.] . Fergus ..... ..... . Se t 26 and 27 - - - Gederlch ........... Sept. 25 to 27 --- .---., bsiaglilloteetihebapsekriestcohpaev : f bae hostile s tailbel es utile_ sprinkling on time, This excludes the air and helps man submari . • • - fore it could ha" to keep the butter. I watch on my o• utpost alone; 1,,Harriston • . • . ........ Sept. 26 and 27 passed by phone from balloon basket in solid form which is to be kept for We recommen packingthe butter Tis a cold, dreary night In the trencheS, i Hanover ... • . „ . .... Sept 26 and 27 THE CHANCE been seen fiorn a ship. The news And my. thoughts' wander back o'er the Hepworth ........... Sept. 17 and 18 • el t ship's bridge, the . range is 80011 . some time rather than aolding the • ocean • Kincardine . • , ..... Sept. 19 and 20 • OF A 1,.:IFETIME ' ' marine is fittingly saluted. In patrot found by the gunners, and the sb- butter in 'prints, even though these To a spot which il*..f heart knows as Listowel ....... , .. ... Sept. 19 and 20 I work the observation' balloon has - may be submerged in brine.—Prof. li-Ota=e-' — .Mildmay • .Sept: 16 and 17 ' a H. Dean. O. A. College. Guelph. •r -- marine long e t • - • - •• proved a great asset to the navy. What finer "bag" could be hooed • I hear the sharp crack of a rifle . Mount Forrest • • . • Sept. 18 and 19 • for than that of the first kite balloon _ Md the whizz of the shells going by, 'Owen Sept. 10 to 12 , used in the Dardanelles in April and Make Tbb Your Creed A farmer's independent ". t 4 '1"e NONON... 0,.., 0 pig . . . . '.t figgin . 3t 31161211 Wang KKK 4 -Ir a -3 1. ifinil acp_ west*: gala ..... ; II:1LT for wax -whining wok,. with roomy coinmodations but with n . -s todcy. Nil space, nor unnecessary weight, Model 90 ; ..., stands out strikingly as a car which completel -e meesures up to meet condition y - ' . 4 4- Its energetic motor gives ample poWer 'fur4' tninik: • , any. emergency. Its fuel consumption is sue aux ',. pnroissivn, gly tow. . . e In fact, it is just the right car for you right • Want UK e Hoek of it is a reel Canadian insatutiou :IX • fortunately prepared to care for all service- and Hann •parts requirements now and later 11:11312: • . UN . WA ICH HBO •Ong NU Int Willya-Overiancl,-Limite4 .. Mg% 2:21 . • willys_Knight and Overland Motor Care and '' * XXII Light Commercial Wagonsinn Head Office and Works, WToronto, Ontario, Branches, Montreal, Que., Winnipeg, Man., Regina, Sat i 11=ra • 11111111{1Mign ENO 11/012g=1111131111141KONSIMICISMICEM SIMIZENSIIINNigillrieffillISMilitgifi '"'e NIVINIIIIIIININO .. ....... • • • W. A. SOUKHOIVTLINOFF. The press of the Ceatral Pewee; and pro-Germen newspapare in nom eel countries devoted • celeines to the' wash of dirty them. esatklioielieo.* was fourel guilty faet oeatenced to e long term of impeisomaent. • Trotsky, then .iteielster of Forcig Affairs, used the tralosnees meee 11, • •••• • 1 r With an aeroplane's heavier hilmming Port Elgin ............ Sept. 18 and 19 life combined. with .all the May, 1916, where in a fortnight, with the observations supplied by the ob- &Hole in working, not weeping;- in the trials as bomee to From the enemy's lines on the hillside Seaforth . .......... Sept. 19 and 20 e of town. towed by the Maraca, a converted ure of a job. Believe that man gets what lee • L servers in the basket of the balloon boosting not knocking; and in the 'pleas- Allies. He laid bare alle gee ....ere he goes after, that one deed to -day wfo;•"eonvq‘ttest toed fahaIeVe're. treatise; enteeed Lao y• t"e A•,1 •.' Sharp flares lightthe plain far and near; es r .a a ... ............. Oct. laud 2 • • • trainee the following were accounted worth two to -morrow and that no man is Gine Trot zky .; • .: Paisley ....... Sept. 24 and 251 As it scurries away in the sky. • comforts and conveniences Farther back than the flashes appear, • . Teeswater ------..... Oct. 1. and 2 tOinmg Wingham together "April 28—Two field batteries si- down and out until he has lost faith in closures could be weer regee d *.e he Then the Lewis gun barks in the darkness Tiverton ...... ....October 1 : • ! Forty acres of land ad- - for by H.m.s. Queen Elizabeth? And I watch steadY on from my outpost, Toronto ..... .. Aug. 24 to Sept. 9 with a dwelling with all . lenced; several guns destroyed. "April 30—Chanak shelled; burn- himself, rawitdous designs of Gerleally. but My tired eye ne'er seeking to roam, Wiarton . • ..... • .... Sept 24 and 25 mode rn convenienc es ann. -may 2—Battery of eight -Inch Required For Siberian Unit ed for two hours. these were never mauve:eel foa• gee , reason% perhaps known. oafs, to Trot - While sWeet vons come drifting before . • • ..... Oct. 8 and 9 large barn. • guns shelled; theee direct hits. Word has been received from Ottawa . zky and his aseociates At an Y rate it seem; very queer nee-- • • hat the following men are required for that Soulthomlinoff, alto it as seat to Dear pictures of lotted ones at home. Newspapers Hit Again • This is lust -what many • . 12—House reported to be o c T 8—Four batteries silenced. headquarters destrojed." . • h kite balloon transport drivers, Category A 2, tour ehe Siberian Unit. One hundred horse prison. for a long tom, le free v.gain. He. was sentenced If as tilan a • • Ali printing paper used to print news- men are lookina for and b king of dawn, • The records of Britis FM Points of ()valuta $tovriority; • Appearance, Performance, Comfort, Service and Price Four Model ooTostring Cot " Model po Sedan •• Model 85-4 Touring Car ingharn Overland Sales L. Kennedy •. e • 1 .4 • •••• II sand eight butchers, Category as a result of •a genk:ral amnesty. It is claimed that he was lib( ratnd rr ers would prove very interesting f -arriers, font. saddlers, four wheelers, fif. ago• As I gaze far awaid y to the eastward I can see the shy splendor at the mill, so the two recent increases • • "A" or "B." • However, no one here hoard of any such aaanesty before. It is reelable - • • aperais bought at the War prices f. o. b. • will hot bold long. • to the general public.• teen baker • For the cold night has faded and gone. , ----- And my heart with . lightens, • .:. Peace wilt come to the war -tired nations; And my glad way will lie o'er the foam,• ' To my own native d, brave Columbia, And the spot which my heart loves as Hornet . railway freight rates hit the newspaper - publishers new blows. Besides paper an cl Lilt,., there are some one hundred and Ritchie & Cos Your Own ToWn GOTT11110. influence libua e, .... The Explanation* auto trucks w • disembarked at a L t it be remembered that every cent hoinlinoff. The Gernnus coul 1 1,1, -;_ll ' One day some American military ance. and Real Estate ' : certain port in France. As they stood on the Ivey a group of Britisb. Tom- spent in patronizing a home enterprise mies contempla,ted them, writes E. IL 1 • adds Wthe prosperity of our town and . . • afford to exert themselves iu aeletif of a man who 1.1.:d 1-1,,,...1.. sures" at a tame • be e tasy eoeid be • : Sothern, in Scribner's. "A -T -L -A -S,' with the growth of our towo's prosperity used i.e. the dotrimcnt of the Allies. ding the cryptic fifteen items of expense in publishing a - newspaper. Of these, thirty have risen , Insur : Wingham, have risen 150 per ceut , eighteen others over 200 per cent., twenty-five ^-•.• •-^ ..... • . yder-a:on Subterranean e'•eee eaeee ese 31 • ••• ••• •••••••••••••• Cham ens tO • spelled one, g " - of the huge vehicle: "ATLAS. That's Don't run down your own town. e Bolshevik Governmenit, e.4 011 , letters in large capitals on the side c its bloomin' name, I suppose," said loyal to its institutions as you are to your a very ittuahle one? Why shotild he. "II. S." said another warrior, tlx- n personal intereses. Don't condemn its Trotzky seed Soethoinliaoff to pile- , ve c••••,, ing his eye on a second inscriptio . hey's come!" Then picking up enterprise and it the same time ,i Wthhold on as a traitor, ellen liberate him 'elSpoi:ce of chalk which lay hard by, your support and patronage, which would After a few mouths and take him he added the lett•er T tothe first aid in 'making the enterprises a creditable back into the Government serviee? e who belieee the legend. and behold the proclamation success. And this sentiment will also ap- whole trial of Soukhamlinoff, with There are Russian reseloAT LAST! its so-called disclosures and eensa- We who were told the story should PlY to the treatrnent of your home paper have laughed. But we could not. as well as other business. tions, was' a melodrama staged for political purposeu, a irame-up engi- We well knew how, for more thanpeered by German propaganda. two years of heroic stress, the man The Mali Order Catalogue who wielded the bit of chalk, With Under the caption 'grading with Tor - had watched and waited for the peo- A humble man who, one Jut/ legions of his grim, gay brothers, onto" the Peterborough Ont., Review pee of our land to wake and rise and again points the Moral that the best evay to meet the mail order coMPetition is to afternoon in 1914, left at two hours' notice his Patlaiall shop or work - stand beside him in the break-up of fight advertising with advertising. We shop, or his ripe wheat fields or his good reason for delay. But we felt reprint the editorial herewith trustingripening vines for a military depot the world. No doebt. there had been conscious that these men we had he had neve): liked and Oad managed come among had waited long, not that it may make an impression' on some to tolerate only because soldiering quite understanding, but still strong merchants and all things soldierly are lovable would see eleerly awlin their faith that le the end we take our pla —"At last!" In one troke of the l"Several dray loads of the trade cata- to the Frenchman and take on halo s ce , og ue,s of a well known department store in his imagination; was packed to piece of await was. written a preen, in Toronto have just been delivered in the Belgian frontier, made the • swift, triumphant-. American and Peterborbugh. The post officeis clutteret ecquaintance of denger under all its ; hengered—hungered s Britein, America and France had. ed up with these volumes, eVIry one o taUldnistlfogdhtaraltie' for days; knew the eiosped hands ond sworn to suffer .• • which weighs over a potted, and the letter trenches when, they were ' in their * Now hi this croweed seaport the carriers are weighted down with them on crudest novelty and worse then the badger's hole; get wounded and lay and endive until the end. stres.,te swarmed with thousands of their rounds. The rural mail deliyerers, for hours, sonletimes days, where he • • , ef, rind by night, coming and going. awl More than dotibled for a few days in the had fallen, or crawled miles to a, hurried surgeon and to the torturing' troops marching—mar ehing by dey fore are finding their duties somewhat aeeeepeessee3seas, a of Anteritan officers hurried in. every work of distribution, as a large percentage goods trucks pompously labelled stk.''see:''''':-.•••40e. l'ir . 1 on the thronend pevemen!fi hundreas the increase in value of real estate, And why should Souk eo•raineff be 'yen an official poet eel with the if it ri ••• , ••• • • • • ttt•ttttitt ''":"•:"i•"•••••••••••'•••"'".e"•••• ••••••,- ' direction. For a year now their ; of.these catalogues go to the country. sanitary trains; got 'well and Went • ., ... , . . ,i back to the depot, and then back to no longer attract ettention. Ameelse. dead loss to the city as it will divert the front and to fighting or beteg i proftere e has been an old story. They "Every such catalogue so received is a ale* ei irk ee , The Range is your . real friend on 'wash day:- - t'.41 C h a ti g e the around, set thebp,i12: er O-1 the fax Side • , and use. the three neatest holes—you •• ,:.an boil on' bf. , ' them. Dinner or • , dine; no extra fuel, no rushoreonfusion: • :„` FOR SALE BY R. R. MOONEY lor Clary's ' • •• •••ee,..'6 LOndOn Toronto Montreal Winnipeg St -John, H.E. Hamilton Calgary Edmonton . _ _ • .. . • . . P: • 4,1 • • Vancouver • Saskatoon 80 • • is in the IYar. The scene is new to shelled; and so oft during four us, however, WO it IS with beating Moteey to•Toronto, money that woted be years, with the ever-disaepointed hearts that we look on, and in our better irtvested at home. And the pity of certainty that "next winter must be throets the words swell tip grateful it itt that anything listed in the catalogue the last," or that the imminent coin. and hopeful. "At last." can be secured in Peterborough on terms ing in of this or that nation must Under six feet of 111101,1, THE Nakimn Cavi!it at Glacial. B.C., whose, mysterious subter• ranean chambers, washed out of the marble heart of a Canadian Rocky Montt aft by a glaciel rivar, axe teat itcd summer from an alpine On.,0110 g .,1X thOlISLnd ftlet hirh, our. roatele4 by beautiful , enow-clad poakii, thOugh the meadow itself is gay with flowers. In winter, how. ever. the too . falls deep, and it early spring .tr. Doutschntati, oto Originally ellecoveret1 these eaves, ter who Is (impaled by the Ceadi. Government to shne. them to pagslaa - tueriste, has to hirrnrt ft•r the en. trahre, wale% may lie ten feet under a Aloe, driit. around ate the traelos of wild are. els whirl' pasts this • .. way hi winter over the ; OP heights waere only the tomes. . .. hunter Is likely to follow them- eeee'eeeeeeeeiewee.aeoeh,-,....eeeeeeeese.,.....0i,,,,,.,.„,,,, *moo grizzleeeettr, mountain lion, wolf. s t ' A. • caribou, goat and mountain ehea*P. l'..ir, Doutsohrion digging for. tho nten entranto to OttiVe$3. Wain are but rarely seen, bue the 1 been diecovered in the watere of. the . whiell weree through the caves. It .withaling Inarittet8 entne And. PlaY tiver. Mader the bleze of a male ' aoes not find tiny pelt in the Weenie. In nut:inter, of eourst. the fiereer ant. around the 'eablit deer, eitegialy- 'het nesting ribbon, however, there le vat Valley 'Witter, but there art glee, bread from the lulleheart gaud- *seetery eteeeela it to ettere---1-1.e oti:•-•, 0. rl•vi- no rai tb.0 146011. tV 4 1; '11 tiplitliPB V.•11111? OVOtlItad the eagle ittes marble ilor.Aed v.:alit; eiontreeihrorertv etla Pt isrb1W0.1.*".4141.11 1". 11"4“.;'' le tare'eee watelt for las owtt twos. oroogoly with the eater torn ti,,or.;It.rli ty.•••••• •• "8 to b, to. netted • .‘11 .1 ..1.,,w, nwolotavo:4 are entirely ay. Up to the present no- one lies 'life t tali sulaue atanit tivev, eneeleted, and *0 UV ne ilia tuat* OeVeted What lalteOletee Of the torveut1 •.1. C. a 11. bring the end. "(Merge for the' gluts," he said, Dissatisfied, the department store. It is the advertiS- . For he was in conunand. ing that draws the custom to the larger Po,tienee—"She's not satisfied with iiis voice was to but 'handled so centre, and the tide cart be turned by the her new photographs at an." That all coni t pnderstand. home merchants making the settle free Patvice— 'i (I°n't kacAv whY "t. They make her look younger than alio really is." "C'' erne for the g.uns," he sped, Printers ink. , • "t know that, but she expected to That a fair mii..... win. onto awn*, n,...—se of 1 ewe '9311 look evetneyounger than she I ant no profiteer," . - A Ili eseenble charge. just al advantageous aS those offered by -lint lot nw Make It e Gordon Whitfield who underwent an - , . .. . sle, Al1,1pe :twit, Pa • tal -1 operation in • t for eat trouble is not NOTICt TO CRSOITORS nolis,11 4.::th::11::::!•!,T, ...:,•1! ....,; Li. getting along 0 we 11116m to 'At; last. Int pleased to state. And take notice that tate tho said lag sixteenth day 451 °Wear, A. D.1918. ti. tie eeace. tea re Of iltrtnatly the 13.1 rt11 1 al „noon wilieb ata.trrh.oasn. citilMerz.i::ne,1 4 Oofti j' Orey visited IdeteRtertitbelettedahteeteettettaeoltirmototitiegarat wentiot pparrotegtet:. 'which they then shall have %toffee, and that titled hating tegard enly. to Me eleints Of Itlf that the Allies; have not givea le ee cal -P.; t" mr3/(41 'it unfortun' A. large crowd Meet -idea the fair it they willnet he linblefot the estate or any Orey SAVA 8110 hi." le. .1-tently in print us tee: A aumber.of our soldier boys from this NOt100 is hereby given that it'll persOrts„itayr P',0 -s rat the stihjeei at N.... %glary claims against tho estate of 1 tatilt 111-3 1.1.1rt4; e 00. the nerve; ei • locality are home again for aWhile. Gutterldge-letn tan eter ot Cele treeter,"heeettutsa, 140 aka- 611 ite alum the - **lease null 'Wore' how ev r, i Mee Jobe Kreuter Nebo WAS SO very thirteenth day of July. A- D. 1018, aro re- itroror. rtt• 3 Ilr•J•.-0 31-0- truth of the Mutated to deliver or scud to the undersigned, i•01,1 • •W..rdoia ..t, • 'WO Poeuniosia• is better again wo ato a statensont of titbit claims on ot before the .1, ter AD. un at's reputation as 14 •part thereof to any 'person or persons of whose russels last Week,claim Or eittiMa they shall not then have btu! „ :•41.'i- hwy.'. ,1 0(C 1'41,4 :. els like evt-ty front int- Mr, and Mrs. M. Abram, Viola Sehnoek li°Dated this tenth day of tioptember A. tine at the tittle of diatibtttiOno 1.13 etni- tlOwan. Towers St (Wotan. •t 11Y "I 41" 11°'11".• i1141 and MeTiteett motored to Wingbara lash DM. • weak. Mr McNeil was the chauffeur. • Solketers for the 1000M:ors, JallallalsOakhati Mid Thoinse Graeb "Give it to me, please, GranddaddY." "Why BobbY, If you wait a bit for it You'll have it to en- ilLOY loner!" "Poo-Pool(Ile§ no atiitVlith WRIGLEYS 'Oust the litivLIAI anywayr Helps teeth. breath. appetite. digestion. Sealed tight—itpt risIbt tiadt in Cam% Atter everY meat tit