Clinton New Era, 1892-01-15, Page 2a "Irn ,Tanuitr 6 1%4 *,fr:"1"111,11110 "te ion nos Ansi 'iho Doty We regret to, bear that Samuel rear, of Morris, is deneerously ill from e. eemplioa- Wu of troubles. Grey toweeble is free from debt, having 0001Plated the PayMent of their railway deberiteree. ReV atm !militated as pastor of Enox ohuroh, df Breesels, en Tuesday of lad week. •Mr Whoa tweet, late druggist with Dr. Lutz, Exeter, has dommenced lewdness for himself in MOsenait, Alan, " There• is talk of pretesting the munici, psi eleotions in Exeter, on the ground a money being used. Toronto, Hamilton, London, Sarnia and Exeter have this year elected Liberals to the head of the Council Boards. There will surely be a reform. The Humreason farm, on the 9th con. of Howicle, just east of Gorrie, was purohased by Reeve Cook, last week, the prioe paid being $4,750. Miss Lizzie Irvin, daughter of Robert Irvin, of the 5th line, Morris, has gone to take a missionary couree. She has a sis- ter now in China. The Wingham Exchange hotel has chang- ed hands, Mrs Conover having sold out to *r John Schwartz, of Bayfield, who takes possession on 111arch 1st next. , Geo Brown, of Molesworth, while return- ing home, his horses took fright at some sheep, and he was thrown off the wagon and broke his arm. The wife and family of Mr Wm Walker, 2nd concession Stephen, have been stricken with scarlet fever for some time, but are now speedily improving in health. Air John Kaiser, who has carried on the blacksmith shop at Brumfield for the last two years, has sold out to his brother, and will go to Varna to run a branch shop there. The officers of the Huron Medioal Asso- (dation for theyear are:—President, Dr. H. R. Elliott, of Brumfield; Vim Preeident, Dr. P. Macdonald, M. P., of Wingham; Secretary, Dr. W. Gunn, of Clinton. Walter Richardson, whose ham lies just East of Brussels, has disposed of the same to William Armstrong, of MoKillotr for the sum of 05,700. It is an execillent farm containing 95 acres, with good buildings. Miss A. Hastie, daughter of Mr Hastie, of McKillop township, met with a bad ac- cident a few days ago. While stirring the fire a spark flew out, striking and burning her eyelid. It is feared she may lose the sight of that eye. The death of Mrs Alex. Thompson oc- curred at her home a few miles north of Wroxeter, recently. She was among the earliest settlers of that section, having set- tled there with her husband when the country was a wilderness. She had been ill but a few days. At the December meeting of the Board of Directors of the Howbeit Insurance Com- pany, 62 appliteatioas for insurance were accepted, amounting to $80,280, being 30 applications more and 1136,075 above the amount insured in the same month last year. English Spavin Linament removes all hard, soft or callous Lumps and Blemish- es from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, RingBone,Sweeny, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted, the most wonderful Blemish :Cure -ever known. Sold by J H Combe. Mrs J. Russel has sold her farm, being lot 28, on the 10 concession of MoKillop, to hair neighbor, -Mr George Henderson, for $2,400. The farm contains 50 acres, and is very convenient to Mr Henderson's present farm, and he has got a good and cheap place. Mrs Russelt intends removing to Minnesota in the spring. Mr J. Harrison has been re-engaged to teach the school in Stephen, one and a quarter miles west of Exeter, for another year at a reduced salary on the part of the trustees. Mr Harrison's efficiency was so appreciated by the section that a couple of individuals made up the deorease in salary, which induced his remaining with them. We are called upon to record the death of Mr Stephen Keating, of the 16th con- cession of Tuckersmith. Although ninety years of age, Mr Keating was in the best of health, with every prospect of living many years longer. About a week previous to his death he fell and sustained such in- juries as to cause his death on Monday, •Dec. 28th. Deceased was a native of Tip- perary county, Ireland, and emigrated to Canada in 1847. OH, WHAT A COUGH i Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approaoh of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask your- selves if you can afford for the sake of say beg 50c1., to run the risk and do nothing fcr it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never ails. 6 -Deo -4-91 INDUSTRIES OF THE BLIND. The girls' Work is very fine, They make card baskets of Seine twine; It's wonderful how they succeed To make such ornaments with beadle: With the machine to knit and sew, And with their hands mend stockings too, In such a manner as to be A good example to those who see. And the blind boys can baskets make, Which wear so well,and are hard to break; And some of them can tune and play The piano, and can make good pay. And some teach music all by note, 'Which they in the Institution wrote; And others play the violin. Which some grave people think a in. Another blind man a new thing brings, To tune the harp of a thomand strings. It's electricity,which will give satisfaction By its laws of repuleion and attraction, Which will excite the patient's admire_ By equalizing the circulation [tion, Of the blood and eleotro vital fluid, Altho' he theught it would never do it. A. M. McDowste. Rev. J. W. Dawson, the great Eng- lish Methodist preacher and writer, at- tended the Methodist CEcuinenical Conference in Washington last fall, and after it was -over he took a run through Canada. Writing to the Christian at Worlron his visite he says: "It seems to me pretty clear that it would be to the benefit of both people to esth,blish perfect reciprocity be- tween Canada and the States." On the question of annexation he says: "It is to be hoped that annexation will not come, both for the sake of England and Canada. But nothing is so likely ato_ roduce it as a tariff war with the the ngdish colonial Office." Mr Daw- son 1.Ini d States and the indifference of son is right. Mil era's Linime t lumberman's friend ' iM CL141170N NEw ZRA. During the Direel),Hal Pointer race xswe woTgs. Nvuo is ifT4ii? • 4atteiore has_ jinit died At Perth Road, 04, aged 104 years, Jesse Willard was iiosa $40 and, Coats in Galt, for practising dentistry with* out ri license. J. 4, Henry„ Inmberman leen_ New liaMpShire, bee been lined 'WO '01, importing Canadian men. 'Mr Isaac Glenny had Iris .arnr off by a threshing machine belt, Thos. Wilson's fm, near °mein° Wednesday, seetee • TO The Editor of the Olinton New Xiity, 1)114 Are, --I tbougitt some of the read - German etecl is made from ore or a Slut ers woeld like te know heW steel, ;ape, quality of pig. iron. The operation when Ore is used colleiete in removing oxygen, and , then b'a r t p get er wom- with the regutitions of the Was and 100, I the iron is cembined with carbon, derivcd torn from the fuel to such a degree as to convert at Mr the metal into a mass of crude steel; this 0, OU mass is •drawn out into bars, a number of man drawn out into small bars. This process these bars are weldel together, and again lcilled repeated makes what is known as single, nday, double, and triple refined steel, according to the number of welciings and hammer- rs thoef ingOitraented or blister steel is made by burg, Martin Armstrong, a young whotie home is In Peterboro, was in the bush near Nassau, on Mo while skidding loge. Mr David Robb, conductor on Grand Trunk, fell between the ca his train on Wednesday, at Tilson and was instantly killed. Toronto's Mayor -elect is a Reformer. There are twelve Conservative alder- men, eleven Liberals and two. Equal Rights men in the council. Mr Wilbur R. Vining,. Treasurer of the London Mutual Fire Insurance Company, died very suddenly on Wed- nesday, at his residence in the Forest City. Daniel Desmond, a 16 year old boy, died at Rondout, as the result, it is Said, of excessive cigarette smoking. For two years he was a slave to the habit. The Division Court judge at Ingersoll has given a decision which makes it obligatory- on persons subscribing to church building funds to pay up. James Neal, 18 years old, fell off a scaffold at the new Parliament build- ings in the Queen's park, Toronto, on Thursday, a distance of 105 feet. It is needless to say that he was killed. Prank Lucas, Robert Cook and Dick Smith have been committed for trial for stealing chickens from Walford parties. They took 100 chickens of which 85 were recovered. Anna M. Dunigan, aged 70, fell dead on the street in New York Thursday night, and before the body could be re- moved, three rings and a bracelet were torn from her fingers and wrist. The jewels were worth $1,500. Albion Herald:—If there is one thing that a newspaper man despises more than another it is to publish a long obituary notice free of cost and then have the widow or representative of the decelsed step in and stop the paper. That is Christianity with a hypocritical flavor. • The Russian Monthly European Messenger contains such alarming ac- counts of the famine in Russia that it is astonishing how the paper succeeded in passing the censorship. The Mes- senger compares the present famine in Russia with that in Ireland in 1846, and contrasts the measures adopted by the two governments to alleviate the dis- tress of the people. It says: "Nobody in Russia ever imagined that her eco- nomic condition was so wretched. Now that the true state of -affairs is revealed, only a madman would plunge the country into war or foreign com- plication for years to come." The Board of Regents of Victoria Univer- sity met at Toronto Wednesday. The sub. ject that excited so much interest was that the position of Dr Workman, the Victoria airofeeteir, whose alleged heretical views cieueed his removal by the board last May fronfthe theological to the arts depart- ment. Dr. Workman wanted to resign un - les e allowed to continue his work afoot -old. A very Warm discussion followed, the board being almost equally divided. A division was taken, and by a vote of 10 to 8 the board's action of May last, confining Dr. Workman's attention to the arts depart- ment, was reaffirmed. Dr. Workman took this as equivalent to a demand for his re- signation, and the representives submitted it. The resignation was accepted on the same division. Mnard I- liniment is used by physicians Mrs Mary Winkleman had lived with her four children and husband on Third St., Jersey City. Her husband is in jail. Tuesday night Mrs Winkleman left the ohildren, three little girls and a boy six months old, alone, and went into a saloon to drink with other women. The children were supperless and there was nofire in the room. Late at night the little girls went after their mother, but she would not re- turn. The baby cried until toward morr- ing, and then became silent. The little girls went to sleep in a oorner. At day- break they woke up. The snow had drifted in over the baby, and they could not waken him. Their mother had not returned. One of the little girls went to Policeman Monahan, who found the little boy frozen stiff. The little girls were put into the charge of Poor -n -aster Hewitt. Smith vs. Canadian Order of Forest- ers was an action brought by Harriet Smith, of Milverton, against the society for the amount of her son David's en- dowment policy, andwas tried at Lon- don Assizes. The young mad was a member of Court Milverton, and died of consumption. The defence set up that misrepresentation and conceal- ment. of 'an attack of pleurisy was made in his application papers, and also the claim for the $1,M10 benefit was not made within twelve months. The jury found in favor of the plaintiff that the deceased had answered all the questions put to him in the medical examination truthfully to the best of his knowledge, and had concealed nothing intention- atlly in regard to his case. Verdict for plaintiff for full amount. $1,000. Mrs Adam Wuchter, of Whitehall, whose strange experience as an invol- untary faster created such widespread interest during the summer and fall of 1890, is still alive, apparently having bsisted 640 days without swallowing a morsel of solid food, and a consider- able portion of that time without even tasting liquid nourishment. She is now blind, bedridden, paralytic and wasted to a shadow, eagerly awaiting the long deferred day which is to end her terrible sufferings. She began her fast in April, 1890. She was unable to swallow anything at all except occa- sionally a few drops of water until Nov, 2 following. Then after abstaining from both food and chink for 28 days, by actual' record kept, she called for food and succeeded in swallowing a few drops of orange juice and subse- quently some beef tea. After she slow- ly mended, but still WAS ima,ble to eat solid food. • En June, 1891, however, her condition again grew worse. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she IChildreu, th,s gave them Casten& peeking bars of wrought iron in charcoal duet, in long boxes made of sandstone or fire briok, covered as nearly air tight as possible, and subjected to a high degree of heat, (not, however, sufficient to melt the bars of iron) whioh is regulated as to tem- perature and duration, according to the contemplated use to be made of the steel. Cast steel was invented in England in 1740, by Benj. Huntsman, and is made by breaking blister steel into small fragmenta and melting them, then passing this fluid steel into a cast iron mould. Melting the blister steel removes all its solid infusible impurities, and therefore derives the name of oast steel. Bessemer steel is made from the ore, or by re -melting the pig iron. If from the ore it is run from the furnace direct to the converter, which is made to any size, hold- ing from one to ten or tweuty tons of the molten metal, as it comes from the blast furnace; large converters are only used in the largest steel rail mills, or in the pro- duction of armour plate. The converter is made of heavy plate Iron, and provided with very thiok liuing of the best fire resisting material. At the bottom of the converter is a chamber called a tuyere box, from which a number of tuyeres made of baked fire day pass up- wards through the lining of the converter. Atmospherical air is forced through these tuyeres and through the molten metal at a pressure of from 8 to 25 pounds to the square inch, until the intense flames cease to issue from the mouth of the converter, the oxygen in the air acting on the silicon and carbon contained in the iron converts it into steel. The first Bessemer steel made in the United States was made at Wyandotte, Mich., in the first da3 s of 1864, under the supervision of Wm. M. Durfee, known then as the Wm. Keeley prccess (Keeley not knowing of Besserner'e experiments or pro- cess) but, however, Bessemer got his patent out first, and the firm of Winslow, ;iris - weld & Keeley was formed for the purpose of purchasing the Bessemer American pa- tent, and was conducted in the spring of 1864, and an experimental plant at Troy, New York, was started February 16, 1865. Yours respectfully, T. J. CHURCHILL, V.S. Burneideetitch., Jan. 2, 1892. THE HE A D SURGEON Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, '2,anada, and may be constilted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young,old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nerv- ous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following 'syroptons : Mental depressiori, premature old age, loss of vital- ity, loss of memor3, bad dreams, dimness of sight,palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, head- ache, pimplea on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the -Scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks be- fore the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye- lids, and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby mus- cles, deeire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitability cf temper, sunken eyes surrounded with lead - encircle, oily looking skin, etc., are all aym. ptoms of nervous debility that lead tognsan• ity and death unless eared. The spring or vital force having Iota its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse cummitted in ignorance may he permanently cared. Sand your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. BOoks sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptons of which are faiii t spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rash of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart quicker than the Orst, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No cure, no. pay. Send for book. Address M. V. Lubon, 24 Mac- donell Ave., Toronto, Canada. Jan. 1, 92. ITEMS OF. INTEREST. The population of Iceland falls by 1,000 a year at present. Thirty-three words a minute is con- sidered rapid writing. The population of Ainerica increases by 7,000 persons a day. The actual cost of raising a boy to 21 years is estimated at $4.150. Sixteen tonseof steel pens nre export- ed from 13irminghane weekly. Every year 1,000 children are born in the workhouses in London. The rirofits of the Suez canal are said to exceed $7,500,000 annually. Citizens of Connecticut get more patents thanihose of any other State. There were produced in the United States last year 141,229,513 tons of coal. There are four times as many Irish- men hi the United States as English- men. The horses of the German cavalry regiments are to be entirely shod with paper shoes. Colorado has over 20,000 square miles of coal, and the product of 1890 was 3,000,000 tons. A Liverpool watchmaker has invent- ed a lever watch that only requires winding once in eight, days. One of the biggest of the insurance companies in this country pays to it woman manager $10,000. Europe consumes upward of $30,000,- 000 worth Of gold and silver annually for plate, jewellry and ornaments. There is a very obliging judge in Ida Grove, Iowa. A juror in his court was granted a leave of absence to enable him to get inarried. The 8,000 people engaged in watch- making in the United States turzi out about 2,400,000 watches, which are dis- pos of by about 18,000 retailers, Wages are so low in India that inen, may be hired for $2 a month to the household work. A dollar 's a great sum to thein and one meal a day the rule. Pit her's Cafit0 la. Children Clic Ter — inr•-•"..F.Tirs at OpluMbia, Tem, last tall, a Anniber of colored boys, who were sitting on a I fence watching the race, began to be on the result. A saffronlitted dude was made stake hold0r, When the race waS decided In Direct's faVrir the backer of Hal Pointer was heud to I yell: (11.11 dar, you yeller niggar,don't you gib over that bet to dat feller. Wait till I gets dqwn yare money was bet on a pacing 'race, and that ar black clebul from Califoney, he dld not stick to dat at. gait. seed him go past ebery time; I tell you he jus' flew. Ise not better)! on a flyin' horse, fiyin' hos s dis hot day 19 A Fact WORTS knowing is that blood disi easeawhich all other remedies fair to cure, yield to Ayer'a Sarsaparilla: Fresh confirma: tion of this state - 'Went comes to • hand daily. Even such deep-seated and stubborn com- plaints as Rheu- matism, Rheuma- tic Gout, and the like, are thorough- ly eradicated by the use of this won. derful alterative. 'Mrs. R. Irving Dodge, 110 West onya 125th street, New York, certifies "About two years ago, after suffering for nearly two years from rheumago gout, being able to walk only with plat discomfort, and having tried various remedies, including mineral waters, without relief, I saw by an advertise- ment in a Chicago paper that a man had been relieved of this distressing com- plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I then decided to makera-trial of this medicine, and took It regularly for eight months. I am pleased tot say that it effected., a com- plete cure, and. that I have since had no return of the disease." Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. H. writes: "One year ago I was taken hi with rheumatism, being confined to my, house six months. I came out of tho sickness very much debilitated, 4.;th no appetite, and my system disordered in every way. I commenced to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon re- covering my usual health. I cannot say too much in -Iroise of this well-known medicine." "I have taken a great deal of medi- tine, but nothing has done me so much good as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I felt its beneficial effects before I had quite finished one bottle, and I can freely testify that it is the best blood - medicine I know of." —L. W. Ward, Sr., Woodland, Texas. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. , Vrat3stottal anti alter (Endo MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, Solicitors, _CONVEYANCERS, &C. Commissioners for' Ontario and Manitoba orrice NEXT DOOR TO NEW ERA, CLINTON. Ttig ONEY TO LOAN. MORTGAGES .0'1 Bought. Private Funds. C RIDOUT, Office over J Jackson's Store, ulinton. ARRIAGE LICENSES.— APPLY TO THE ite. undersigned at the Libradr Rooms, JAS. SCOTT, Clinton. WARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED BY THE .0-1- undersigned, at residence or drug store. AIRS A. WORTHINGTON, ONEY TO LEND IN LARGE OR .0-5- Small sums on good mortgage security, moderate rate of intermit. 13 HALE. Clinton. BEL S. WEEKES, CIVIL ENG/NEER, .C3.- Provincial Land Surveyor, Draughtsman, ete. Office, up stairs. in Perrin Block, Clinton, Ont. nR APPLETON — OFFICE — AT REST- DERCE on OR IATIO Street. Clinton, op- posite English Church. Entrance by side gate, TAR. H. It. ELLIOT, M. D., L. R. C, P., 1-1Edinburgh, L, R. C. S.. Edinburgh, Li3en- Mete of the Midwifery, Edinburgh, Dffice at Brucefleld. rot. W. GUNN, M. D., L. R. C. P., EDIN- J-lnoeon,L. R. C. S., Edinburgh, Licentiate of the Midwifery, Edin. mace, on corner of On- to:do and William Sts, Clinton. DR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, Accoucheur, etc., office in the Palace Bloch. Rattenbury St. formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Clinton Ont. Dft EITANBURY, GRADUATE OF THE Medical Department of Victoria univei- say, Twine, formerly of the Hospitaland Ditipenearies. New York, Coroner for he OcuFfity of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. The Clinton Lodge, No. 149, meet in Biddle- combeHall on the lst and 3rd Fridays in each month. Vieitore cordially invited. It. STONE - HAM, M. W. J. BEAN, Recorder - MONEY! MONEY! MONEY 1 We can make a few good loam from private funds at ow rates and modate expenseer. Terms made to suit borrowers. AIANNIN G & SCOTT, • - Clinton MRS. WHITT, M. C. M. S TEACHER tOP Piano, Organ and Technloon,or Muse] developer, for use of pupils. Rooms at Mr. S. Hartt's, Rattenbury Street, Clinton. T E. BLACHALL VETINERARY SURGEON, • lionoraryGraduate of the OntarioVeterinary (Miley. Treats all diseases of domesticated ani- mals on the most modern and scientific+ princi- ples. Office — immediately west of the Royal Hotel. Residence — Albert St., Clinton. Calls night or day attended to promptly. DR. TURNBULL. J. L. rnbull, AI. B., Toronto University, 11 b4 C.M., Vlotorla University, M. (11' & 8., Ontario; Fe1lo,t of the Obstetrical Society of Edinburgh; late dt London, Eng„ mad Edinburgh Hospitals. on on. Night its answered at OF IMF Pitt0e. OBI *—Dr. Dowleisee old 001036 Itattonbary St., ' ir %,1,ittoNaf,,,IbiliP1 id,..01rIST, OITA/ 100,iii atrilleet pl‘aili2r4Oopati:ilvii :40; me 4A2.AltroirEinZetTi?tfltal - eeeefully nerfotined ansosthetios adniiiiistarep 9 Keefera old _ ;anima; oa, a, ;elm , so et94 14W411010V14.11iBltuBolt9y 111,. protessioxially °Vert Nonday, ai 1 TR WORTHINGTON,e-PHYSICIAN SUll• -"-fpfkila ia 0 cO a ell e r. lacentlatteLot the College vs 0 ens, aua eurgeoae,o ewer gen a ticl-nrtr :pipe tieeeiglate arid goreuertor the building forrnr:ryi occaleadntliftlnei'alg, Huron Street. Chariton. Jan 11. 1870, DDICKINSON, TSB 01.1) &-BEJDIABLI3 Auctioneer stalls the field, able and will - Ing to gooduot any sales entrusted to hire, and takes this opportunity of thanking his patrons for past favors. Mao Chattel ladrteagee closed and rents collected. Merges moderate. D. DICRINOON, Licensed Auctioneer for the county of laurou. Residence Albert Street, Clinton. The Control BUTCHER SHOP Subserlberdesires to thank the pnblic general:. ly, for the patronage bestowed upon hitt; Baku at the same time to say that he is now in a bat ter position than ever to supply the wants of As he -gives personal attention to MI the det of the business customers can rely on the& orders being promptlyeted satisfactorily Linea. His motto is "good meat at reasonable prices." Choice Sausage, Poultry, &a, In season. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &e. JOHN SCRUTON, Albert St., Clinton. ••••• O. H. COOK Licentiate &Mental Surgery, Honor Graduate of the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the pain. lees extraction of teeth. Office in Smith's Block over Emerton'e Barber Shop, Clinton. iar Night bell anewered ly J. T. WILKIE, SURGEON, DENTNT Holds theexelneive right for the county for the Hurd preemies of adnumstering chew ieally pure Nitrogen Monoxide, which le the safest and beat system yet discovered for the pain- less extraction of teeth. Charges moderate eatistaction guaranteed. Olhee, ELLIOTT'S BLOCS, over Jaeksolui Tailor Shop, Huron Street reinter]. GEO, D. MeTAGGART, BANKER, ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general Banking Business ts ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FAARAN & TISDA_LL BANKERS, , CLINTON. ONT Advances made to farmers on their own notes, at low rates of interest. A general Banking Business transactea Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bosight. J. P. TISDALL, Manager The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1856r CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON Pres. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Geaeral Manager. Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts issued, Sterling and American ex- ciznge boughtand sold at lowest current rates. Interest at 4 per cent allowed on deposits. A,ELM In . MoneyTtdvanced to farmers on their own note', with one or more endorsers. No mortgage required as security. II. C. BREWER, Manager, January 1887. Clinton HON AND BRUCE •!.t Investment Co'y This Conad.zny is Loaning Money or Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Interest. MORTGAGES - : - PUROHASEI — SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 8, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposits, according to amount and time left. OFFICE—Corner of Alarket'Square and North St dORACE HORTON, MANAOR ISth 1885 tellMillellnisomemmaaa IENDER THING The subscriber would intimate to the public generally that he has added to his business that of UNDERTAKING, And is prepared to supply all fun. elnecessaries at short notice • and in a satisfactory manner. Collins, Caskets, ShroudS, /to , CARRIED IN STOCK. He has also purchased a firet-class Hearse, and can therefore meet all reqUirements in this line. Night calls answered at residence, Isaac Street, Clinton. JOS CIIIDLEY Undertaker and dealer in Furniture Clinton. A COOK BOOK FREE \\rill to any larding tit her Odd 001 dress,' 40011i, ft Ingdien 'Cod thainiali REI,V10144,ER, UE AN 0104.3,1sMiAl. NO,swior SPS,VOE, 'SO AND 4.0410.01:114 pox, earreli 0' letitea, WO. iteael 4AMINO 1411.40B 10904 9$ 'AU The owe oreemente)4F004 sold at t‘h 001)4%046r Plirchiteing here, •' Orders bv 4fai wil46e prop:00. .a.Ct 444..04, JOHN STEWART' 4..1.10niOl!ot! WEDDING STATIcqN:E4X. LADIES who &die' InvitatiOn Cards will end a 4130ice ft8_8PrP of the latest style e at Oar Ottar,7111-. can supply them, witb envelopea..tai' Match, GM very short notion, and reasonable peicee. R. Holnies, New Era, 0111)0/1 --- .4; .ever broken --Kabo. The "bones" in the B. & C. corset a-fe made of it —warranted for a rt....).r, too. It's a corset you can wear a few weeks, and then get your money -back if it doesn't suit. But it's pretty sure co suit —else it wouldn't be sold so. For sale by ESTATE JOHN RODGENS. Lobb's Starch Enamel' This is an article worthy of every lady's at. tention. If you want to save tiine and labor, buy at If you want your ironed clothes to look neat. and clean and to laid much longer, buy a belt. If von want the starch to stay in the cloth*, on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a i a)61 If you want everything to look like new, ati as shirt bosoms, collars, cuffs, lace curt etc., buy a box. PRICE 15 CENTS. gthaye mEevreerhyaSnttoredkoeeespenrokteekpseeitpinotwiw, eanwd ansehteres. lively agent to repereent us. Manufactured by W.. J. L0_11.1 es ..1.; WALL "PAPER and Paint Shop Is stocked with a Select Assortment of American and Canadian Wall Papas WITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from five cent rolls to the finest gilt. Having bought my Papessl and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practicai. perience justify me in saying that all wanting decorate their houses inside or paint them o side will find it to their advantage to give -me a call, *Shop, south of Oliver Johnston'a biacksmaiii shop, and directly opposite Mr. J. Chicileg residence. JOSEPH COPP Practical Paper Ilauger and Painter. McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY OMR' INSURED -- OFFICERS. Thos. E. Hays, President, seasforth P. 04 V J. Shannon, Secy-Treas., Seaforth P. 0.. .eiaS • Hannah, Manager, Seaforth P. O. nitinomoRs. . Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Donald, Ross CAW ton: Gabriel Elliott, Clinton; Geo. Watt,Haricellit;- Joseph Evans, Beechwood; J. Shannon, Walfish; Thos. Garbert, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans, Harlock; Robt. AleMillatf, Sea.' forth; Carnochan, Seafoith; John 0 Sulliesisi-' and Geo. Murdie, auditorr. Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly ttended to on application to any of the bove officers, addressed to their respecitve officea. DR. TAEFTn'S never bus; sEcria y CULL, we will mail tree Apadlldry.,Aand FREE trial bottle DR. TAFT BROS., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Canadian Dept. 186 Adelaide St. W., Toroonotot,9_60anitiads. `‘. ---- , BOOK AGENTS WA. f DARKNESS & DAYLIGIR or LIGHTS AND SHADOWS OF NEWYORK LIP A Christian wenlati'm thrilling narrative et Missies, work done "in HIB Nan e" amoung the poor was lowly of a greet city revealing the underworld 0 New York "as seen by a woman." It desetitee ' Gospel and Temperance work and gives A hear detective's 30)ears experInces. By Mtn mien Oa bell, and Inspector ?nos. nyrnes (chief of tbe N. , e Detectives), With 250 engravings front flitah-ligke ' photographs. Bright. pure and good, full of tone and smiles, it Is a powerful ally of Teniperatioe, it mighty witness to the power Of the GOSpelo—ia book for every home. Ministers gay, "Hod epeear It" Eminent women endorie It. Agent* 7iVentell. ' Men and Women throughout canti6e. eeautie it month made, farDistance is no hindraSee, tor ire - Pay Freights and all customs ditties and glveVitieli Terms. Write for circulate to _,, tom A . D. WORTHINGTON & 00., llalifold, 010111,1 • PIONS PTIO Jim() positive trim* for no allois, disema: l, twe tbeciserels of esses of the wont klud atia oIi1g mending have been cared. Indeed ki swat la' tit" xamar in In effiest that 1 1,11) sesta Two DOTTLIOSItallA with vats:lanai ,TREAerata ea this anise * eig *loiter who tee Oeneklita itmir LttnIcso St.poutg, C.* 198 AbitAdik 'S,1-4 Wilaktr,,lfrosivta_ Ist