HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-12-30, Page 8.,a HILOW$ CONSUMPTION t URE This GREAT COTreEI CuiiE, this: aaccesefLI CONSUMPTION CURE, >f without a parallel iii thellistooy oC zncdreiue. All druggihtp are author .izccl tosell it orh u positive gearaute©r it test that ,mother cure can success- fully amide Ifou have a t;li •Cou,. Sere. Throat, or.Prbnchitis, use it, for �.. t will cure yen. If Your child hes the Crouli, or Whooping Gtou„h, use pronhptly, anti radio sure. If you ‘.dread thatipsidieuS disease CON'. . LTMPTIAN, do,,'.t foil tot Me it, it +will cure you or cost. nothing. Ask your Druggist for S1HLO.H'S CURE, t'rico 1Q els., 50 els. and 81.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use SIiloh's Porous Plaster. 25 cts. To Advertisers. All changes of Advertisements, to inasuc;:e insertion in the current issue, must bereceivecl at the office not later ,han, Monday /loon. Copy for changes received later than Monday noon will hereafter be of the Aclver- user's own risk. WHITELY & TODD, Publishers. Tile Huron News-Recora .50 a Year—$1.25 in Advance Wedacsdav, Dec. 30th, 1 891 ..LOCAL N In and Around the "Hub.' 'gown lath. LxiAr. N01'ICEa.—All notices in rhees columns of meetings or entertainments, previous to bolding of the same, at which an admission tonin ;:hargod, or from which a pecuniary benefit is to ha derived, will be charged at the rate of ten cents per line. THE ?insT LARGELY CIRCULATED PAPER IN TIAs SECTION, FOR TIIE HOLIDAY TRADE. We are offering special bargains in Crockery and Glassware. See our prices before buying. Groceries as good and as cheap as any in town. MOMURRAY & WILTSE. TUITION IN MUSIC. Miss Galloway, who holds an honor certificate from the Alma College Conservatory of music, is prepared to take a Limited number of pupils. MR. IVILLIAM CANTELON and wife, of Goderich, spent a portion of the Christmas holidays in Clinton. `VE were pleased the other day to receive a call frJm Mr. Peter Mc- Ewen, the Balt boss of Saltford, who is running the first salt well ever put down in Canada. MR. HARLAND of a book and job printing firm, Detroit, nephew of Messrs. Harland Bros., Clinton, is in town during the holi- days visiting his brother Will and other relatives and friends. MRS. JULIAN WALL, pi Washing- ton, D. C., nee Miss Het&rn of Clin• ton, will give a concert in Clinton Jany. 14, assisted by other com- petent artists- Mrs. Nall is well known to our citizens as a most ex- cellent vocal a n SALT was tho ordinary money of the Abysinians. We in IIuron would it we 13 the current coin of the realm tho whole world to -day and we ould not require any in- flation of paper currency to hap the . eedful as thick as leaves in vallambrosa. Ominous abyssiuie when used in connection with salt, for the salt business has proved a veritable abyss, a bottomless pit into which large amounts of good money have b'en put which can never be reached. Mn. ROBERT BEACOM, JR., residing with his father of tho same name at Henderson, N,C., died on the 17th December from the effects of that fell disease, consumption. Deceased was the second son, of Mr. Robert .Beacom, his elder brother having been accidentally killed while bridge building 'on the Pacific. coast a couple of year's aggg. He was a nephew of Mr. John Beacom, Clin- ton, and the sympathy of very many old time friends will go out to the family of deceased who were well known here. His age was 31 years. GRIPPE CURE.—This treatment for influenza is due to a Bavarian priest, says the London Standard. "Go to bed at once ; wash your neck, cheat and the whole upper body with very cold water, and tie a dry linen towel about your neck. Cover yourself warmly, but not too heavily. Con- tinue to wash yourself in this manner every hour for 10 hours, • Then completely wash over the entire body with cold water as rapidly as possible, 'After this complete lavation,' proceeds the old priest, 'there broke out eueh a violent perspiration that the patient was drenched with it all over as he -' ”" I`ay'in �tieff;-rine wif'ti`tliie'�perepira= • tion the last remains of the disease were likewise swept away ; the patient had regained his former pleasant vigor," ipl gas OR MAYQR.. FOR 1892 To the Ratepayer.. of;the Town of elinton ; -• . LADIES AND G1 NTLEIYIEN,--- Your votes and influence are respectfully solicited by W. DOHERTY in the coming Mayoralty contest: I will .only say that the .people of Clinton know my past history and usefulness. The future is before us with all its responsibilities and possibilities, Respectfully, Uotiertij. MR. ROBT. AU'PTERSON is serious- ly ill, MR. J. P. DOHERTY is home from Toronto for vacation. Mess EVA SMITH, of Goderich, is the guest of Mrs. W. T. Whitely, town. MESSRS. W. AND C. BOWERS, of Detroit, sone of Mr. Geo. Bowers, Clinton, are in town for the holi- days. WEDDINGS are the order of the day. The Fair still follow the good example of those who have gone before. MR. AND MISS CORNY6, Of Wing - ham, spent Christmas in town. They were the guests of Ald. Andrews and otherfriends in town. Mus. JouII SCRUTON has been ailing for some time and we regret to learn she is not progressing toward recovery in a way at all a itisfactory to her friends. HULLETT DISTRICT ORANGE LODGE will hold its annual meeting i,n the Orange hall, Summerhill, on the second Tuesday in January, at 2 p. m. — , TaE News-REcoiro Barrier Boy desires to be remletnbered by town patrons. He wilt make his annual call Thursday evening and New Year's day. MR. H. R.• STANBURY and bride have settled down to the realities of life and commenced housekeeping next this office. We wish the yours ouple every happiness and pro$ erity. i BUTCHER FORD was hanging up a reseed fowl on one of the hooks in out of his shop the other day, ;vhen the support he was standing bn gave way and he came with full force on the hook, which penetrated one of his hands from the wrist to iithe middle of the palm, impaling lahim for the time being and making n ugly wound. IT is reported at Woodstock that the Grand Trunk had settled most of the suits brought against the Company for damages arising out of the St. George disaster. Rumor says Mrs. Swan was paid $4,500; fits. Joseph Peers settled for $1,- 000; Mrs. A. W. Francis and Mrs. D, Peacock will get $2,500 each. Mrs. Jonathan Martin's claim was fixed at $2,000, and if eho was not settled, there is a cheque made out for that amount in her favor. This disposes of the Wrodstoclr. _claims with the exception of Masers. Knight and Kern. It is under- stood the Grand Trnnk pays the costs in the oases. Two OF MR. CAMERON'S support- ers wore conversing about the un- seating of that gentleman. One expressed the opinion that there was solne bad work done by their overzealous friends during the re- cent election and that they could not' blame the Tories for tripping them up for their own misconduct. The other was quite indignant at such an adrniseion, at first, declaring that Mr. Cameron was a persecuted man. Finally he came around to the views of the first speaker, and acknowledged the corn. A Tory in an adjoining room who heard the conversation waited until the two Grits had. agreed that they were served right and that the unseating of Mr. Cameron was a righteous act, when he called out, "Come, come, none of that ; Mr, Cameron is a persecuted man." And these words came -"with a` U T ETiud" ;3i-111 oars of the two astonished Cameronians as though twenty square feet of the ceiling planter had fallen,"ker flop" on the floor. SENT$ 1 'EAR L Have: yeu secured diem 2 We have jut opened out .a raft of nine, nobby goods suitable for,XMAS GLFTS, for everybody, coirrprising In part , 125. Pozen . Haz;d.kercliefs in Whitayand CeJored. Silk,, Japanese Silk Ewb'd, Initials, Duplex, Fancy and Scollop. Borders—at 2o., $0. and 5c, - 10 Doti. Fancy. Bordered Towels. 0 Doz, Wool Squares Black, -White, and Colors. V 50 Dozen Black and Colored Kid Gloves j t Sale Prices* 50 'Fancy Tidies—very cheap. \,,c " Received today another lot of BLANKETS -41.60, $1.75 and 62.7.5 a pair. UND:aRwEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, CORSETS, RIBBONS, LACES eto., in endless variety. OUR MILLINERY STOCK is still full and complete - 15 per cent discount for cash. 0—= B��S�EY az CO_ (W. A. RUTHERFORD, Liquidator.) 0 During the Eight Months That we have- had a branch store in Clinton, we have made so many friends and se- cured such a liberal share of patronage, that we wish to express our thankfulness to those who have so kindly dealt with us. We hope by careful attention to the wants of all to merit a continuance of your favors. 0 Robins -:-Bros. Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. MR. FRED CORBETT, of Detroit, is in town. MIss NELLiE Walker was home from Detroit for her Christmas holidays. THE MISSES LIZZIE AND CARRIE ANDERSON. of Rice Lake, North- umberland county, are visiting Mr. and- Mrs W. J. Biggins, Elmhurst Place, Clinton. it t MAYOR DOHERTY, as will be seen by card in another column, is in the 'eld again. Mr. Forrester was also ominated, but without his know - edge or consent, and at time of writing it is not known whether he will go into the contest. The pre- vailing opinion is that he will not. FAIR PLAY Ia BONNIE PLAY.— There has been quite a ruction in Goderich for a week or so past over a goring business. Suits for libel, defamation of character etc are all tho talk. In this as in many other cases it makes a good dual of differ- ence as to whose male bovine has been gored; A Mr. Gore seems to be the head and front of the offend- ing parties and if his statements aro trustworthy a serious responsibility rests upon the County Attorney in that he is bound in the public inter- ests, as well as in the interest of the individual against whom grave charges are made, to probe the mat - 'ter to the bottom. The Crown is bound to protect the humblest indi- vidual from wanton aspetsions. And the originator of the scandal •to which we refer persists in assert- ing the truth of his statements, we are told, and will repeat them as often as opportunity presents itself. We have no sympathy for the indi- vidual or the party who without grave cause concccts stories deroga- tory to the character of any individ- ual be he personal rival or politi- cal opponent. "He who steals my purse steals trash, who filches from me my good name takes that which enriches him not and makes me poor indeed." Thus saith the im• mortal William, If Mr. Gore has wantonly attacked the character of any citizen it is ,the bounden duty of some ono to see that he is do - horned or in some manner punish- ,edW,"Or•rhls, ttOlo,yen,ee(1..4>z4if)t a. time at least prevented from contin- uing his nefarious business. When the.origin of a scandal is well known that is the place to scotch it in order to prevent its further dissemination. MR. Wer. WILKIE of Windsor is in town spending the holidays with his parents. MR. M. C . CAMERON was in Clin- oti Monday morning en route far - her east. IT is rumored that Mr. R Fitzsim- ns while in Chicago on his way rom Manitoba to Clinton to spend the Christmas holidays was robbed by a sneak thief in that city of somewhat over $200. Mr. Fitz- simons laid his pocket book contain- ing over $400 on a desk in a railway office in Chicago while he paid some small account when the thief grabbed the pocket book and made offwifh over $200 before the owner could prevent him, and though the thief was immediately pursued he got away with the boodle. AN elderly gentleman in town, a widower who does not believe it is right ' for man to remain alone, was approached a few days ago by some young friends who formed them- selves into en impromptu matri- monial agency for • the purpose of forwarding his marrying intentions. They arranged to procure an inter- view for him with au eligible lady, but he was so impatient that he fore - led them - -and in his Iiass- ardor frustrated their good inten- tions by force of arms, as it were, without waiting for the good offices of his friends, and the whole busi- ness is now declared off. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH—CHRISTMAS DAY Senvrcas.—The usual Christ - Inas Services were attended by a large Congregation. Tho church was tastefully decorated with ever- greens, holly and flowers. The following is the musical order which was well rendered.—Processional Hymn, "0 Come, all ye faithful"; Venite and Gloria, Macfarren; Te Daum, Dykes; Benedictus, Beeth- oven; Anthem, "Behold I bring you glad tidings", Sir John Goss; Hymn, "Hark 1 tho herald angels sing"; Kyrie, Mendelsohn; Offertoire, -Praise yo the Father"; Guonod. The sermon was from St. Luke II, 16, "But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart." There' was, a large number of com- municant, and the special offertory amounting toV$60.50 was given to the Meier. , —It has been determind that Mr Chamberlain will lead the Unionists in the House of Commons. If ,yonf are ` still thinking anything about purchasing FURS • Come and talk the matter over with us. We have a JTIa!ficdnt flSSOitlTjOnt still, and we have got to move them. i The Price will only be a second consideration. Jackson °-.Bros. Hatters and Furriers. floI OR a in Before purchasing your PRESENTS.. --o — ARE IN I with Nice, New, Beautiful and Useful Goods suitable for ClitisimuSt Now har Fraels SUCH AS Setts Carvers in Cases Setts Scissors in Cases Table Cutlery Pocket Cutlery Silver Tea Spoons Silver Desert Spoons Silver Table Spoons Beautiful Tea Trays Acme Skates Hanging and Hall Lamps White Granite Steel Wa Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers —the King of Sweepers, and nothing more suitable for a nice Present, Call and see our Stock. We have'rnad a BIG REDUCTION on the price of STOVES.. USE ROCK OIL. ; 0 (arlainid Bros',; Iron and ,Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Clinton, Oat, ti