HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-12-30, Page 7w.�,-�,,.�yqr- • ..+�-- --' ;+:R•..yPr.' . . ' - ... � ;�,r � • � � , Y` .� . , . . .. �� '� _ . w Y " �+a�nr++w+��r+�r^^...m��...!.aF,�....:._ .,.. � ..,...,...- ...�....v:�..�rns.t-�.�_.�.n-�nn..."�'n+�-r:�*r�-wt*w...�:.:rt�m.nw�.:crv...�fmr" .:__...._� � ,, , . o�..���. _ . .. . � .. � , � q. .�. . . M � p� .;� ,��., Y . � Y. 1ik1� 1 ,��@� s� � A a . � ., � ��ii��� �1���'+Q� ` wpf�h���o��tk�a�th4��qi �pruu�g..3t�ti�teas�;�� ' � i • Ju.at v�nE�i� t� k�iat at +� aaw i�i�� t�i�euty tee� �ut p�: p9r p,�,r.dic����,x. ,�f ��. : ,.�lA,� * 7C�n-.��:,s� �.�u�w�c. . , Ha kupw� i� al�, �ci�� a�G:enau$ 1� t�l,�cea�� �G wA}�ld �e a,µ�'o �-�-..�---�-- . T�e�•c� i� �loth�u ` new #or,�t� ta �►��+ �9 f�ull su�c�eialy �,od wi.tk�. .a, t�d�i�eaxtToq� �, _ Y � �[a �nc�srs ix a1�, . �rtt�b� �u�%ull tlxe �Y�li��'s wQ�tl!� �rD , :ktitl� '��G+R�t1.t*��t:V� 1���.."�C� #r!��.'`I�, •,:,PIa4�uxapust �kJ�tc�+, rel�&i.att� tt'utli� , , _ � - Tu9¢s��laP, as�ci9u�+ltsm-�-�qreoupp� � lx h�lEax��l.�tCsr. . A: � LKetaE�,rpattcua���ra tk�on t�c�r�,,; u.pca ,oqt}��• �6t�1, xhor� wou�,�j �i�,xobee� n4�cxy ;��cat. � � , , � � - . ��'kuo�rx..�t. atl: � Q� uuueua[ dangei�, �a��, �s Gix� tsees avei•� uli ��F,. �V� I'�;�$ Cf,7r �1��"�'�T, `�u fc��.l iu aue di�e�k�o�� .t}�q cEid sis w'Qula 'i-ix` c�oes i ,. '�P �' +�-�-,,.;� �} �. su;@� 1� 1,� a rvtSdan?����s-* � La,xe � chan,g.ta• xuu ba�km.:laas� xG �ax l�ezm 3.�s: k�o�s i� t��r« ,� �I�F�9�� i�k�'��`�T �QI�E 440D 7RFSOL�U- A o e a d� ��• �4t' �he ttea tivlitCl� �uns �pg vn� ����tk�, w¢t . � ,� 13 u� -?� i u s�4e e�clue�ti�� liues-. � , :�Q## .�kN� U.�'BSC� ��7TI��}�.6Qd��I � IiakuoA•Q,i�all t�ie fi1�!G �f�,1.iK Qr 9�,a�rQ�,pF •eve�1 �ar� �iox,. r-� �.. � k�a��9, ►G w�sau�� be.on�G��ip La� 'U�g�� �oa.�a . g T�1.�tpS. x4o Q�iTy wi�daru tbRL TIanA&� lncks� aud alca.q aovP�n� Gro���vi�p, an bq trunka uf ; . , . � �1'hs gei�ny me�.�ub'0 PC I34U5@11U11� kdGlC9 . � �i , �. ' ^"�"'"'' '., 'X'uo »•uy e�nd �•hvrofvt�a ot jun�NIng-�aci�'s— tla� firYt xvep Qrccs ri�hG nvcr tl�e 1xx�Q o� ro- ?�it$� �(p8� � �OU� 11�#"� AgOj �T9tY': Ha ku0a's it•.A�l, � �rCat. ': '��t'i :�iR t�l�e. �dt�t?� �auuac ^�1,n6: Zke enxire �ang o� chcap�a�r� �'�eSved iYa. � �'" . �� Ti�a comfort ti�st nRtei�oen te;► inSure.g— a,nd ci�cjatecl thnG i4 �e�a too dan prons 3�Q ' �o• ��,he: d�x .upon s�+htch I�� ear Zie k��.ows i� all, mea�l� wich. Zn�teed,. �G was n� w��co�n�., •. �;�Qt. e�vea� qf-�@p�. 1�1}t s�vgp� rl�e nche and ill tUat,)ain wile endure�— gortaU�o eituntivn, an�i �act a�2ouk it y► • 4ei• Ee kno,ve� �� a11, tnin as ecG af }anuiuienL danger • tivhxclt°.,� 'e�caforth � w�ll off �vith aomv �.t� vaFult just so,'� he snys W�t6 a�rin Pl • '�it4ue ;i1E1�iG' � t4hiD,�t, �a slQti� ly .•7'ul�o eqyal p4rts uE quinin� aud gin.'; �+�+uAo4 i aako sexv pl;�i►i in words. Tho �" �. +�t,tllgXy #pgQyiA <IEe.�-'-.itt@-�.-3t$--llb9 �o neea uC a doctor x�ueu 11e i& in= ' great size, Eieigl�E ancl �qniieroua Sveig{�t o# � He kpo�va 1t uil. • 4he tcoos gavv tu tho �s�u .� terrifiu r�ppoax- -�-ii�asun��en;�a�ivork of .—of---9�.: of `. � unces. `P4u tnen npr�ied iG "4ho lager gii�G." �--k�'f �viCe qbout �t+. V�tC@ �lven ��e whola �pund H•orld t» hi� ir�opersphere-- John �vas :�ngFy nuci disn,lca,aed. Twelvo -0�,�� �,8 Ha L.uoH•s it all. � dav'a wurk lind t11C@Bf�y b£qRl , C�OAO oa it� � p,�t;na I4n �vl�� BoOR ho�d' y �} g anii now, bo ccowt; all', it wua in the way � N t �� n'rou� ratlwa • ay•stema W wowu s ear— �.,:,aw.�s�,i3ke ,t► piqe,, � P 8;-1 hle lie knows iG sll. of furtLer oporatiwxs, Ha did uot lilte to S�?�,(ilfl v On. tv . B�IY•�'-h I just And none qf hj; }�ou:opolc� membai�z can x. �. �� '""'--�--- �_�o�yu ou tkie tedious tii•esoino mnu oraer men to go iu nn�i cut G��o' big troe. '�h6�9�, ,,T�ie fqTwe,r VICe rq,k'eT[-, k�'(ip� ]j12L1II0 t0 G}tlplgiu; 't3hoba to 15'au�..,.,� It would have lvokad like eending aliem to 9 �,�Q a111 1`1}' 1we UAA�ul�tewQEed eta�e� $e know� it aU. y ir rleath. 13ut thap qrenitig ho made an ,- a�{� A�h9 IS«'e� tueqging sp 10atru� •�'�rs. �1. L..Rnyne iu petroit Froa Press.b '���er of fifty dollara to nny one who would 4 break the glut w�th,out accidenG�to �ifa. �SL' �li Wjli�Q�k*GAr�7euGeC„9 tOrtul'e y �7 rl7��v Thegl��t�vns.the topic f�r dieonsa►ai for 7�',�,'���-�'Our� �pd tllo llkq aUd luthar ,(� BO11FUL �F BVQlly,7. the nexG two dnya, tliough no one eaw u �[�r¢YtOUS �0 tjol�o 9 j0�i Of � Kuy to Urouk 1t. T.he nezt day, uy work ,�� � 4�1�VIll�+. ;The phraae ie �oo ,ie etf prising to sco wlic�t a boxful uf hud been tunning ligl�t at, the tt�iIl, my , lga fi ty dol lars will Uuy, My (.o�ain Lrother guve me a hohduy, nnd Luke and I �i0��7r3� ACt1011, 1h0 i,erri�s tnay be � wall�el to French's eteA�n•mill, ti�o uux6 be- �''!�Rg�e�08@d: au� F�hey get thera ju8t ��k ase of redwuod�to Lold our�ordor�nSIt luw onre, and diatant obout six nsilea. �.��`"'���Q-� � is four feeY, wide, aud tt►arr are five shelvea �t Fren�L's a ledge in front of thoir lwad- F�xst xqar�T.reaolved that I tivonld —.111 fl1IL Tlltl bODI{B IOOI: PlCI3 LLAII �CAyLI- lll�-BLAsO WA$ being blastad out, and hera, �t��i'i�ti'}iQ�189�1pit� BS 8q9C3 aD�� ful in it; we could not huve epent tho fifty �- • A. � <lollars for ftllj�GI11LY �v6ich wuuld Lave � � • Si��;�S�@ed to give my wife a Gertain tnado eo five an i�j�pearauca. \V1�aL ia niore, „ iklm+�iC��, of n:on.ep �e�ory �veel[ atld theym�vill give us mtnresting and iustructivu ��Bi�:'pto.vie�a for the table. That rexdtnR for our leisure titxe duriug two or ^ -�' A , • thrce 5eata Lo c��me, y�!-'--`�.r ��C�ii, 'AtqpUht Svi18 Cel'6a1f1 1h0 firBE �►-' �,� � ��'.; �Vould you lika to know how we cama Uy ' r�" �,,, i} �6�7F� b�tt tn�y �vlfe eays t6at aiteP tlie fifty d1o11arsY It ia quite a stury. A'u �• d- • 8'��,.at �u�s frequen �ly �eCi�dly uD- nra w family of lu�nbQru�eu. 1'Va li��a iii 6he , �����, � � �.�a�n. ^S�ia hadn t t�ad rilUQh BX• rei�od country, in I�c�rthwost•eru Califog- 3,;.`. � I} ` ttia� two m• three h�ndred milas upRhe ' 1 y, ,�fV,� � i � ,;,�„Te�,'.�ebGe b:ut ahe :did nobly. She coast from San Fraucisuo, m �' 'i�a� otte d1; Lbataho wiahed I�vould }�'o wl�i�l� v1�t - i' � i y quauLiCi�s of relwooci ]umber nrd slii��Ned �o -- 'r.� ,� ��� J ��0 �16Y lbe riAtlta Uf e0D7e beeZt ull .�ur�s of the �a•orld. Diai�y luuibc�ruicn •,;`;�i �}�' � ` ,?'�4�esa�q �roeoa', u name bhat Would fcoii�i,l�e I':ust aii,� ri'011l :1fi�Lig4n u�ia 1Vis- �l��� % �' _ � consin have como h�re duriu tho last ten or }J �; � �a :�► sy Uon3�m for 1he c��oicest of � �! �' I.��n � � t tifteeu years, 7�nd •e��eral of them �lo a I;�i•ga d�v' ��/, � i�BT�!Eu'�Il�� -S9 -that t�hell aeu.ere �uaiuess, innuiifautaring aud sliippii,g tl�� �;'�d�%,�, �� �,���-�ex what brnnd O'� �}Il ill'tlCle rodwoud, �, timber not anlike pine, browino ���� �;'�� i ' `� '�= ���t9s[lEea� s�le �vouldn't be ai, a �'��'Y lurge �u;i aluur u�� tl�eso co:�st oouu- L� �� 1^p�' ,�Ir�4 . � �'�s� und diapiny hor ionorauco. ��•iea. • ,� � �iy fatlier, my oldcr Lrothers �,u�l I uame 1�'��! �.J � told hor to nl�vnys ask for H. I{. he�v t�•om \1'iscwisiu sevcu �•enrs ;��n. The '�,.�'�;rn.� b. ,�'y' /�'�;'�''�� � , � � � �, �. i.. ,�( . � � / � m�no h b c, f our'famil �/ n L�ticl � �:�t.'.:.J�-f�9�,:�� �.188ll i11I1 t � 1 � •Cf.p OOdB. �hflt 19ll t f,hd Y �lern�eu in ��� +, �+ .' '� o ` tlie Bu�lgcr Stn, e atn�l m oreui�lFul!ier be• '� i�������.�'rN��� `a��:o I�:�ve hor nt oll, but thnt E� Y°a forc theeai �vus ,n lumbermnii iii Alaine, Too n.�.t�:EROU3 TO 11F:DULr: ��'i,t[. � �;Ci@�s�3O �F�11� do. �(�oII't propPBo tu aixty yeui•s ago, Luq�berin� iy, so Co ' ��vortRainn �vorth f�n• tho tirst timo, I s�av �l,yu.timite car- �,. ...�'e '1, i0 0 0; �14 por epealc, �ur l�eceditur� occupul,iuu. 1ti'e tridges. 'Chuso in uso were cyliudrical in ' l�E 1�,�'$9 �n. f r noth ug.) IlfLVO eLste:��n-Tuill on Iodoc Cceelc, au�l a yhnpc�, two iuches in di�t�net,er und ei�•li; � ehiPpinb•st:�gd ueflr wLerc this smull btrenm ����l�es lon , and were nuL u in thicic, L�tic "�.'%e pinu �vorked delighlfully, eniprics intu th� Pauifiu. a � � T»tiato•boar�l cases, witli A�letontitiug chnrba �r :���'��1 ebe �40U1a Iric�Uii'0 fOr eort]o llany of tlie ra'_�voods are very ]�rge �f powder inaida each, aud a fiise, two feet �, w�� O11V6B nnd tho elerk tv011�d asl( trees—lu.gcr tl�au 'un tim4er which its �� •� � Y lung, uc»uiocting with it through one end of handled iu 1�'iyouusin or the cswst. A red- � { �_�sr�s�a�orciliousiy �vl�at brnna slie tha case. wood less tli.w FULlC Pl!HL Y,I11C�S Ai; CII�� 9Y.UAIp It eaemed to me thnt we mi�ht ttse ono � u ��Rs�t'3�`elled.� �8�10 tiv0uld Telzlztli� t�e is calle�l a scnaell treo oii our 1;tiiiS. �l'e et ' &8 QU len9e." ottt trues eaor �veek �ahiclt mro etx eight of thcae cartridqes to briiig do���n tl�e big �� �`�' y p Y � B ruawood in our glut, anQ so nppliod to '"z�'q, ]�,. Cooper's, lf 3•Ou iluVe uud suiuettines teu feei in dinmetci•. Some tlie foremuu to lat us 8�,�•c two uf the car- ,.� �� .,,,, • uf them ure nenrly tu�o h�tudrud fect in tridges. He acceded to my reqnest when �� � heisl�t, �vith a hundre�l feet of clenr atuft'. h8 fouud out ���hat ws wunto3 to do with i r ,. t��i210 'Ct460a out of ten they did❑ t Uur l.�rgest circulzr suws nre sci�anty•twu ��101��, �7 "'�c8 &Dj.E.Ilills 80 go0d, but the �i;�l��� ucross, consequently Lhe lhr�,cs re�l• But to carr out our echemo, wo needed ` _...y� ^� �il �iVOtild ETettt 1]oc wltll tlle ���""� 100� �'n�'o to bc l:ml�•c3 �an�l some- y a large auger. The au�ors used at Frencli's �{ t cuneideratioa bOCdUeO ell6 times quartared betore we take them n�ou h.�i.e bhp common, short-liondeil, two-inch tho naw•carriagea. Che riviug is commouly imp lements �Bc�`EO be up 1R 6ho bUeilles5 ilone H�ith �ti•edges, aitlioagl� esYilosives are , eucli as wo hiid aC' our own ��� wt .�a,:�ts�-Well herself, �riCl nOt Lt'y t0 liow and tl�an used. �niil. \Vo w�re tolri, however, tLut a eettlor A da s tiresumo labor of nu experienceil ��ho ]i�,clvtwo milos furtlwr do�t•n the coast � c�a.¢�t:oli.nny old et�op wurn picl�les S� wns 1�� m�, lud a ueduct, and l��,d such an r clio�?per is rec1uire�i to fell tlie. re�lwoo�l �� �.� e�+::�I�s�•3�ear s yeaat enl:es on her, auger a�we neede�. eighb feet iu cliumeter at the stump. A �Ve wont to his pl�oe, and there fotuid '.�Wti� •&Ig9-� OD8 auy 6�1A 1Verit IOl.O gre�u l�wn3 �vuulil ho unalrle to get one twu ii�en LACt� AG VJ01•�: borin out lo ��vith ,�n2�E m7lTltet t3IIt� lIl hel mOst iu�• ���yn in a ilr�y, aua woulcl be likelq to mako s � whut ia known as � pump u.uger. Lul:e 1 � � « �, L;�Ik of it. Ure:�.t caro must be used iu �,ii1 T �L•e�.v ucur nn�l sat doH�u ou n, log. '..�il9 VOICO B&ld : T W0111� ll�ie felling ti�e trecs, bcouus� t6e enoriuoua , � �� �'��0t• weigl�t of t}ie trces ure�Lk the tri�ulca to �Otl� the mou were wLat they cull ` Fi ces" `.�<. � �� �:ea:s if the sLri�Co ncroas loga, stonca or out, hero iu. Ci�liforuin—uld-tiuier pioueors ��i;BG=�OC�� ti]Rd9m `� I' 3' tra.n l�lissouri atinil tLe South�t•est—qtteer iuequalitics oF tlie t;rouuil, co ile, not much note�l for thrift, :uud, �u a � _ `�i1��; Z,8UF1�088t� E�18t I{{�0! �V&3 After I,hcy are �.lorvn, the truuks a.re sawn � 1 ir rulo, ciolcutly projuili�od agn,inst Ne�v li,ng• ;� .Si���Y3E[e, up into loga t�velve, si�bccu �En3 t�renty- �1n1�rs.uid Norllicuers ganerally. ,.� .�,- fonr fe�t lon�, n,n�l then, if lar�e, rived" for I ��;� 1�10. , tiVe e911 several o By �nd by Luke looked up and snid, milling. Afcerivard tlio lugs are cithcr ��Good-day, gentlemen." � ,,�f,�ee��' rolled intn td�c creel: an�l floatecl down tu Tlicy botl�' sto ed bo^in and looked ��, ` ��'�+i.�9�'���� Eill9tiV8T0d Marie I❑ (�e• Lhe mill, or drs�wi� tt�era }jy teai:�s, hard at us for some momonta.g o �� r,�9?.#�'t1 71.� `°y0u ma9 siVe n�e fI, K. �1`y oliler brolher Jalu�, who is foremnn ��youuker," obeerved the oldcr of the `'��M�,�Q ��� . of the claopp�rs and snw,yeca, ;cnerallv tH�o men, n, tall, leun, pmoke-dried man � '�. , r',�,� lays out the coursc for fellin� the trcea, << � about fiity }'ears oid, I reclton you're .t`�.d��Fi:+: i,h1H le e f,PUe 9tOTy ariC� ��ld m�Lrks it «�ith st:ikes set i�� the bround a tenacr-foot, aiid r�tost likely u Yaiik, by 4 nftertl�e ttnilerLrush h�ea Ueen clenrcd of£. � ;��`�y' of•ail•�eople to be belioved. the wny �y� ch�,w out yer words." . It is my buaineas to Iceep the Uooks of tho ��Ies,' 4!�id "Luke, "and now can foa do ; m�.s u:98� 8s I.Can find out� Adutt1 ;irm ut ti�e sl�ipping-s6e�4�.e, w;�ere tLe veasels i�s tho favor to lettd us tl�at uugur to-mor- � `,;��'3kE�O43'0 • i'9E I1lDD t0 EUYII OVBT a llGR loa�i t•ith ltiniLec anu aldu to l,ee t6o , 1 � � � " n row :,, �'i�i. i'x�}lAy9 a suapicion, 6hough, �itne of the workmr�u nnd pay tliem off. ��Leud it to yer C' excluimed the Pika >�i"r�; �e turned over s good .many �Ve l�ave now about forty worl:meEi ut the �<I shud lnogh to soe myself lend :iu,ytLing '�� mill, at the sta=oand iu the T��oo�ls; nud thia to a Y:�nk ! 4Vhen s}t'd I sce it agin, I'd !, �;�@+��0 If9 o0t h18 1PIIIt8f 9 BU�l�ly Of year I hare u cuus�iu frnh� \1 isconsin, Luke s+� � � like ter k�aow . �'a'�1ua lt�l wade up. �l.dam must �Gtrstou, about my uwu age, wl�o is out <<<Vell, tlien, will you sell it ?" said �w `�i��eversed his cuf% 021 lVe[iues- itere to learn Lhe bu�incss. Lnke. One d�j� last snriu��. a cl�opper named Van � 4'�'sz�j'{�an•ci that was, Of CouTso, a EuTll• The man pnid no attention to the ques- fi Vranken made a ba.lk with l�is "uniler cut" tion. The two weiit• on Uoru�g for five or ,:�.� leuvos. A� a man onee _said ��•l�ile felling, anii lodged ono re<irvood �. ten minntos, �Va snt by :�nd watclied � �C�L��:f9C0110U81j�, WhOn 118 C�18COV• 0.,��illst 871uC1�CC—Ili�ll_¢� iL up h:tr�l a��l fnst. them. Tho nuGer was an olrl tonl, rusty E�17�3�"t `dll9 CI' 1L to. rever9A p1 lt �1�ns hintal tLnG "v•w" La:il ta..cu too � �� `� Y t�nd dull. At length the Pike tnrned roimd � ,'�� M14i1th0uE AttcACtlpb OttoDtioll� much beer t1�Kt da3�. Ho nnd two oLl�ers, nnd sai�9, "\�'al, yuu Laug round yec's if , na,mod Holling aud Stosser, had secretly ou's Louud to it this e� � �i�ad the cabine,� or an at a dona- • • 3' G� s 4• •»S�i•." B recen•ed �vl�at was sa�d Lo U� a�kea of lager "'�Ve waut it vcry wuch," said Luke. r, '�.',r�391'iq, having forgoiten t0 Cl0 the night liefore, and it ttnquestionably was <�Humph ! yer do, do yer?" ,'�s��e haste of my toilet prapara• Pretty strong lager. If tUc men get incosi- ��yos, n�e do," roplied Luko. "And k �3�: ��One ryood turu deservea an• ���nts, they ure obligod to .o•so vcry t�uiet- �ve're ryot tn havo it." c� ��,�» b ly, fur my brother Jol�n is n sti•onq te�uper- <��nytiolv ?" � auce nian, anii disclinrgcs every employee <'rinyhow." a a ����i9, fp tUC1T OYOP a notiv lenf whoui lie fiuds int i�;�ted. r << � �` Look yer, younlcers, you'd bettcr cl'nr R "" kil8'b�'431 BW�lt�6. 1 get 60 6ired Of "Van" �eaa not drnnlc, but :� -little e�- �ut from yer !" ,G�'[4+:�'�.c� 011e. IC le e0 Bt&iAed� t3lld. hilarated, ;ve thouqlit. At nny rute, h� �Ve snt da�vn on anothor log nii�l fell to ,, t� was caceles:� with his tree tind m�.d�c nn orl�l- �vhitlliu redwood. �l�e men wei�t ou bor- w ��s� and diecolored. It ie torn '` 3 � � ]ooking scarf. Instead of "driving the ing for ten or fiftcen miuutes lon�er, tlie � �:��nany plaeea 8nd it 18 Wititteil st;tike'' �rLich Jolut l��cd set f�.n• him, his trce o1Q tunn c:tisting irow an�l Llien a e nrstion- r�" ��FDS�� O� Illl$f8Ii89 ATIC� fo11UT08. swiu�g hnlf arnun� ancl hi�no nl� iu the top ing loolc towar�l us. "Yuu auit gnne yit ?" �" f�4!24'e aP0 the 366 �lttlo `•X" °f 9u�tlier rc;lw•ood, standiug }i£ty o: sisLy ]�e excla�med, 1fCer a while. F foet to tho ri�*ht. "�io, �t•o �vant uu to l�ud or sell us thnt t .-��t3r�V111Ci� II1dtCut6 tlle aaps c�ul•- jhe tree wl�ich Va�i Vru.nkeii hnd trieel y �+ auger," su,ul Luke, �vl�ittling awiLy dog- ' , r�'Ji,�re �uet yeor upon whieh I�VT9� to foil �vns nbout se�-er� fecb iu �ii;�me�}er, se��jy, -�s6Cly CTOss nOa irritablr, �nd perh:ps � hunrlre�l an�l nineby fset tall, ��you do!" " r,'�c�z� s��o a half dozeu neae the tOp� ''�i�l U�a tree `��hiuh it ]ou�ed oii ��;ns ahnost �'I 'lr,rv wr,'ce got to get it," replied � ,'��e:,})Rae n,srkod "Xx.'� Th1t �`a lnrge. Luke, iu imitcitiou of the Pike di,�lect. 1lfter Jolm I�u,1 looke�i at Lhe trees, he j'hcu the,y b�ral an�l wo �cl�iltled in •.'4�.Mi3•���ilA tve were.tuovin; Iriio the c�r�:cre.l tLe serond rerlicouil Lo be cut ao silonco. At last t:ie ola Piko con13 at;�nd �,a �4:� ,�Ottae and gotf.iu� settled. rn,�c b��t��,»iRht f.tll tng-•thcr. He mnrtceil it nc� longer. � .1��-���19Y0 8 t�le elltP'y ,T1nueCy 2, sli�}9r��rf, nw� in �l�,in� sn prnUtihty maile ti "VVaI, I'll be dog-�ornoil C' he burst ont. � �'w���a.� bogan smoking &oAtll� Allc� S� t iL1SC14ILP� nc t nllowing �uite ennu«h ���;f t-er �Lint Lwo of the persissentist, fr�r th� groat �vai�+ht ;ind liressnre oF tpie orneriest younitera I evcr lied couio roinicl �y�"r,�l`� little dote� 19ke fly speCl:s hi•st tree en tho otl�cr. 7'h.;t �,ftr,rnon>i, »�� i I•lu«• I duijno whc6her tcr iL m '�� tphiCh marlcod {�11e number ��•h��� tho seconrl tree v;�1s cnt, it fell off�hti!f ., � Y �, ,� sliot c,mi or let ver hev the nn er. I)o - ��'��ties I�28�'0 °`k1C}�BCZ" &bOUt n�rnss tlie nu�lsc s`�trF, nn�l lodged in turn tiF�r�ie�l ef I�lo, now. I:f I don't�let y�cr h v `� (�UTIllb the past 3oar, up°:i anotlier l;tirge red«�oo�1, it, I'spiciwi qer'l] Lnng roiiud an�l lift it �� •p001'� dirty, misernble, Udt]- fhe �lirection iii �cl�ich n;l thrce Lrees �,rter d.�rlc,'(es�'n 1 lcerry it ter bed witli f.iow hc�uded �t*ould, whon the�+ fell, ' lauid ��e.�� �y '�y' :ltagetk�or too •fnithful ro- their Lrnn!ze acroas n gu]ly iitt�i brcalc �i'a di�i not reply to this tirade, but �'w* '� tA IElt9flllled 8vd Cries- them to pieces. To a�•oid this, threa ninre � i • � tceut on H�hittliug wit.i tuunocnble f�ces. Y+kfUE lt'i6ll�L ]��o�lb�8. Erery tcees, sLnndina fyrther to t6e ri�Lt, �cere "I don't b'lee��e ye're uo I�aLnks, nnhox•'' � �� 9i&ll.ClH OUEo'bold nnd elear flnd �lioppe�i' next duy, nnd purpoacly ]od��d Lc Uiu�st nut n aiii aftcr tti trliile sLaLriti� f, r .�'� , i .i�n,u�s6 the lnrye trce on «hich tlic Hrst l�nrd at ❑a. s � � .,.�a":t �a�'aso ���`s'in le one of thom. t 5 ��Look ror," t1,e ol�l man e.�h�in,�:d at F' $ t�vo �vcrc l�unq n i in snch n �va • iis to hrace � '�,;,t�¢3 p.l]tj� t17T11 �h0 BOTry-looking it townrd tlio left, iu order thnt, whon cut, ]h,�, "'I'e•ll yer wot Pll �lo. I.en�l n h�Lu� the mi *ht �ll F.►Il o�i level �t ouu�i, n,s µ•u,s � � i�`31i�I6 Out oF elghf� Ftrid begin Y 6 p,' yer anJ l�alP�bore ont tham.sis moro ]o;s, � � Sir§t inGen�led. 5cren m^n �ti��rke�l r�n en- ni�ii er ma Lalc the 1n�r r. .�iot ti�at I 'K'�&�.�.' `tf C'�8817� f1E8}], netiv page Ori tire du cuttin� bho l,tist tl ree tre�s. 3 y ,�F.���,�18r eAf, y � e�•er 'xpect to set e3-eg on t nniu. N�, 5•cr � The plan might htice sac;�r� ile�l, but wlien �,�.er'll fetch it Uack. Cutc�t :� Yunk ter � tha lnst of tl;c thr�a irces tell u��Linst the do thoL!'' ��l0 178vC8 'ooKnes from Ottaw� jn�m, it c.Luglit iiisecticcly, sli�l�t�c,;ni,y m� \ti'e pullerl off our jacl;ets nn�l fell to 1`F�?:�"���•�atlll6SOtt� M. P. £ar Soath tltirty feet, Inu.ce, se�-ernl limUs, an�l finnlly w•ork boriug. The old Pil:o ai�t n,n�l hol�l huu� by n sin�lu liuib. It sr.omod certain the lo�s on tl�s "horse" for uq. ��'e l�nred ���e�; �t�� treen a��iointed juuior e tihRE G}IC �PARt �kll' K'OI1��I CRi19f. It LO (�l'01. pUL tLo eix in the course of nn hc�ur, •��`�`0�' t�18�i�.0Elpty� Oi ��l�fnmtoi�� Tliore «-ore hoti�� sax trees in th<j ,j:un. diill i�a tLe auger �rua. I�othinr� n�as snid, ���t1Ci�e '�ih&2tiviC�i'� pramvted to �'��'a had hcon ent ofiat tltc gr;ninid nud bnt �r•e ai:�r Lhut the mnt� lil:ed our st le of � hn�� fallcu na� -iineC ti:o sisth Llicir sha > 3 +' �fi.'�13tl1' jUa�ea�fl�.• , ��,Y tivork. 1Chen �vo dre�v the n,u�;cr out of taps crow�led �l��us �ly t�,��lli�.r. ,�'ot nnc tho ln�st log, lie felt it to eeo ho•.v hot it ��� Alaxarider I�0�8� tv}10 }ltte of tho six �cys lo�s inn c�ix fecL in �li m- �. . � n t ,_ ... __. ._ .m . .,... e. . �t .,r_s_ w 35'���_.._,...,... _.e ,.e _ ..,. _.. �3'�!8t�"11t''��tr►l�is�:fcrr�60' �iC78'"""t�l�i�• n er'nfiii t'197iR-ti�i�f`rS�iF�fi-'il` t��l'iicli�'Gey%�it << �' > > f�" + :�ow, we can tnlco it, can wo?" said ,:,�a�6� &�eC� $1� itun��,', �+�:�s u,lrhu�t tou�fu��Ctiiick. Gu1�e. �`;� R:�.L•, lua•g�s a� tbi� luat �v �s, tlio grewt �'Uf courso, dicin't I tel] �er Ser could!" �?'f"'-' ��i-. r� . , `, \ �. . ..:., , «,.., �. . ., RYQiR�A)4S1'� `�`It9. • ` ".��1, �1i�b," � eai�; ,:���'%� �'il� bria�s xG � ��TIlO;�'pW. CY�11113�. : , - , 3 �ou.�� �hkY�k �'tn gxesn �eza��i�ti, ka.ouk �ut �t� �raKla�1; tl�u �e�ci t�at�. ;, ��n eb.�u[d�acti. Dhc auger ut►� wal�,�c�, wwa �,. n��u��� aT�����d atr ,th� .su�ces� a� 4u�� meG�icad o� s�ep�l�ps tiyitt� Qur n�i�hlior. �'r�ferA�alr�; :t� �tork �v�G1�u�RC f�h� su� Cs� � t'tops �# the �var�u�eu .�►4 au�r uiill, �v4 �±ft our aq„a{ex aud ti��� trv4 �arkrld�es , Q�, �h� Q.thar $xde of tho� c,xee�. froau. tl?a uaxlx, u� a, , �1�d OE 6[iS1��Af'a��� W�� GQIYlO }]A�IIB.. �- A4 �itppec'tfie �u1k oi G1�G aue�t.j, iaaiesi t qitp la,��le tJia� Sfian Yrt� ke� ` e�lin � Z P �. ,� �, and Stos�px ��.tendeci xn �],a�ka n�i atSew�Zt the i�exL forenodn .to bzeak Gh� gl'ut by cui- �ii�qQ dnwn the bi� tre�, tal�u�g A3�o xisk Lltat. sua(1 itil &Lti�131�Q kYOb114� 1f4�'ALS'o. ' "�t ue'ver tyill �in Go al�qw 4hope �nen tu get ChRt fifty dullzra," Qaid Lukn, after we had �one GQ aurl•oot�a. "1'hen we muat get up befure light to- morro�v-mocning," said I, "For they �onr inenc4 �•ork fit'st thing aftelr L)ia e,ix o'claok wl�i�,tle blqiva," 1Ye n•ent to bod. But I waked o,t one o'clock; au3 haci bnt bnrelx f�,llei� n�lesp � again, phciF I heard Luke atriking u mnt�l� to lool� at the cloc'�. I waked again ut threo, sud then, althuugh it �vAe iwt pet liglil, we stacted out, �Ve took en nxe, and croased o�•er Lu thu dam an3 gat uur quger cnd curtridqes. ll6y }�ad acaruely beguu eo dawu �vHen �re,reaeh- ed the glut. Thore it stoal; luo�ping gigonticaliy iu tha atarlig}�t. A herd of deer, lyi�ig nae�r it, bounde�i.awuy through thc brush. We eet our augur utto tLc tru�ik of tl�o big redwqod upon w6iu1� the otWnr fiva treca (iung, und bore� a hole str+�ibht into its � henr!, 1`laen wa thrasb in o��e uf our car• tridsns. It fitted looselp, ucld I pushed it , iu K'itL a stick to t�Le qud' of the Lole. I That leit the outqr end of tdte f:pec ncarly n fout iuside of the trnnk, by4t b� I.hrusting in'a n�atc}r in the aplit eo8.of w eli��er, Luke was uUle to reach it. : It .+aa ubuut batf•past fi�•o o'cluck wli'e�i wa lightad the mutuh and tLen ran back. Tl�e fase Uurncd s!owly. �{'e rai� about n huudrel aiitl tifty yurds, aud tlien tur�led aud ��1'yited. 9 n,on�ent after thero ca���o n hollow, dull ecplusi�.n, uutl wit6 it a 1uud, sluu•p, splitting r.o�se. F�Ily hnlf the redwood ti u.ik x•ns blown off ut, the butt, r.nd tlew thirty or forCy feet. Thenreat trou shook, llzen it gteca a lqud ccncl: n�id brol.e o8' nt Lhe alutttora:d placo, tin�l a s4coud later t6e �rhs:c j�Lm of liuge troas cuiue duwu with a frigh;fnl crnsh. 1 do not much exuggerate �vhen I suy it ahoolc t��u „•holo county! Limb3 Hew and tlirec of tl�e greut troea broke across c:�ch otlier �vith terriHe crnehes. 1'he grent loos UoUn�led aUont. Ono butt He�v aroand si�lewise, plowin� up the ground for ni�xny foet. 11'e luuked on with grent sa,Liaf;ictiou. TL� noisu �cas heunl at camp. Twel��o or fitteun of tl�c men eoon enme rmmin� ont to auo �chnC hr.d C0.119C�1 it, V+tiu t'r�.nken, Helling ttu�l 5tossor �vith ttie qthei•y. �1'e �veao �tuuling on 61�e trunk of tli� Li� re�l�roo�l. "How are you, fifty dollura P' Luke sl�unte�l. 1'hey stopped 'and stnred at tho wreck, "Douuur iuia Uln•r,ea !" eried Sto3ser. ""llem two young spiel hoppers 6as b�±et� out au�l blow dowi� �ler �loot mit goon-pc�m�lcr, oiw 3ome snch tiug like dnt—eo carly ! Only ahmeil !„ • It did smell pretty sti•ongly arouncl tliero of powder and dynamite. \Ve tool: tl�e na 6�er I�nck to onr fleigh- bor, tlie Pike, th:tit oveniug. He wae tiitting itt l�is shunty with his Lack to tlics door, and tiie hulpmeet, e�ithiu, �sas giriu� l�iw u pioco of her min�l us we ciime up. She \5'0.y uppxrontly vegy nugr�• and ver}' Littier, but tl�o mnn was boa,riu� it wcll. "l;ood evening !" Lt�ke citilled 011E� "��'e'v� broubht buck y'�aur tsnger." The old uian far,ed about and looked�rst �t us, tl�on at the ou�er. "Wal, of yer haiut!" s:tiid ]ic. "�1nd �ve aru raueli oUligeil to you," I 0.��lIL'l�, "�Val, but I'lon�e�l yer wiis no Yanlce," lio remarked, ns if iu apology. "Jost�yer hol�l on n minute." � He rom�7�riged around iiiai3e thc sZianty. "utiet up!" �ve heard him growl to l�is �•ife, and in n foN minutos out lio cu�ne, witli a two-gn]lon stone jug, stopped with a coeii- cob and a tin pint tli �par. "Tuk a nip 'o �rl�is�aey!" snid he, swing. ine tLe ,jug ttuder his arm, as if to pour out sou�e of its contents. "Thank 3•oa," ctied Lul:e, "b�it tl�e :ioctor's forbidden onr t�kiug aup thig yenr; afrsici of dipsomauiu." "�hol dipsomznf? �Vltat mouL thet Ue?" "�\ sort of 3irz;ne:�s and all-goueness tii the heni�It ruus in son�e families, you kuow." ` And �vhiskey uggercates it:�" "<iggra��abes it very muel�. L'rinna it right on." `•Thet's bnd." •` Iiud indocd ! Good night. DSacl� obliged," i ,Tohu paid tdte fifty dollar� t,o us, nnd wo bought tl�ese books wiWi it. � C�ISI+�L�'S C��PRICL. Thn sa!on wns lightei Uy a single lamp which shod a soft radin ce throughaut thc romn. It ����,s aimply irnished, but �vus a�lorneQ «•itki a �c•ofusi i of flow • } � c�s and pluute. Tl�rec per�oua wcre in the antou— :�Ime. do Balny, Uisele her dewol�ter, and ' the l.tit'er'a betrothed, RoUcrt �l� Uillis, tvl�o ' H•ns aoon to be l�er liueban�l. l:isele, wLo was iu her eighteenth year, �vn,s v�•ry bee�utiful. She H•as a nattunl blonde. Rer sq�ila had tl�o drnible ad- va»La,qe of sl�owina pretty teeth and two charming little diinplos in her rosy ci�eeka. Her eyes �ti�er@ vory handeome, bnt their glaiice was some�vl�nt imperir,its. She k•cas dressed in a cobe of u, soSt, a•liite, clingiug mr�torial that set ofi to advu,nta�e Lor girl- ish bcanty. Uiyele w�s a�n only dtiugl�ter, She hnd Loen rearc� hy an mdul�;eut inollier, her fnther having died dut•ing her infu,ucr.�- Altl�ough ASma, 1)e L'nlny's nicouie Ht�s U:�rely auflicieut to suj>port hcrsclf nnci l�ei• d:�uahler� sl�e mann�e�l to gr�titify� Gisele's ever,y whim, an�l licr rrl�ims ts-ero manY, for she �ras n cl�ila of c»prices. Dlany admirers pni�i euit t� Gisele, �ut slio smilea on uutte ttntil Robert de Gillis tl�row himeelf und Lis forliine at her feet. In R,ohert Gisela found hec si�preme triuinpt�, for Ly liis nnsclfish IIPVOilOTl he gave Ler the+ greatost satisfnetion a �vom�,u c:�n h,�ve--to Le ]oveil for hec Lcynly, which R��,g C�isele's only dor�•er. P.uuert hail e�•ery qnalification to Ue desired in a ]over. He µ�as tweuty•fi��e �-eflrs ol�l, linuil- eouie, mnnly ai�d very «•ealt7�y. \Vhi10 \Ime, do L'ulny �vns worl:ing at hm• embioi�lery �n�.l Pnl�mt nmj C,i�ele �rm�e l�olding t� te��det• co�n•e�on,tion� tha door of i[re a�lon k•ns opened nnd (�eorgrs l.nngle S�•n3 anuounce�i. "(aood et-e�ung, my denr mn�lnme," Kaid the new comer, ds lie outered, bowing to t,l�o mistresn of the l�onse. "r1h, goq'd. cveninq, my dexr Lan�le," qaid�?me. de Balny, welcomino thc� guest. "This is, indeod, nn a�rooable surhris�." "1Vheu the otl�eta had =,pwelcos�od =him,, �'a�Si3iig �b"iiul�ei•�; T,�ii`g �'e eiitc�: "I knew that I �3•onl.l finr� Soi� liere, and tlint is wl�y I cnlled »0 1nCe, tivisliing to have you proaent. to eacond a proposition � �. �'� . ,� . - . � �„ . . • '� ' .. : � {:,. � i� � � _ Q . : � M P ...... -..._. .... .—.._.- . .� � . .. . . . . . � .�� . , �, '' ""�R'�� • ' �YIi�' ��'� �.�i.���Vf� �'�'U'��� .,,,._.,. ... : ..,,. .:.�„ , ��iR� ���R►fi# tfi 1119��kR . tl�CMy IR�c�IO�� SG+���'i� �.�t,i2 .��A�' ��, ��}� -t,alk ua, '41f�w��. i�,. �xClain?ed Cii1A��Os � � . . .. • � . . ,,,,�,.,�r.+-.+�. , . ' ' !`�Y �c14,41�er's ,cotta�� a�t �t� ,Claud. : �lY �A� ��9Ul�7� A� PI.�N��FC'�, ��' ' ha4 ,au�Q b�e�; pux �u orde�,° �o#* �L� St���ii4cc,x" l���d,#� �U�'I��k. . u tepl�ad I�auglo, �'�y� �►re gofng to. .dri,�� , .�..,.., . t}ie�� ,�o•ipo�raw;mor�t�Ag, eixx�i sha�,eaire� � . . ,,, �vQr�; �K��h fa�ine� and; ever,y x� ,a� �k.4�x " �Q� w�ll �c�nmramy t��. �Y4 �li,�ll . . - ., �cay� $a,ria 'in ood acaeo� eQ se t!�.av�ic� t.ni�ar, 4v.6ose lnterget �@ iAs��Rx��� ��8 he�t oi ,t1�a �ay. :I3�"e..ak#aQx ��ll a�+''�it frU[q and dpp���'s Q� tha:ic pxosgar� . ' � us ..an� �ur arr ival.. �'YQ �i� �penii. tl�e �t,},, ahou��i �oraoual� c44sidet :t� ° � )Yart� pat.G ��' th�, dny �ewi�ngiµ�; iu nu� follti�r;p� I{SWhy " a�x4' ' ou, a� , h 1�ntniock�:axE,d,�o�r�ip}ng �yu�ie� Gh� elme,. rs , n ^ �' 4Va will.�ana al #tesca u�►d kt�en,, if n souG �ayxp�, ,,�� ��. Q� �e� tOm , iille� Gisels appxovea o� khe� p1'a�,, wv nyill ;�'ot• benn �nd �ol,�ard, sp�l ,�8 per:' �LLensl t�he f@Ge at St. Go�}c�, at whi�ha ' t0�1 fQl' EAIJ(11��Q �vben �t�.o avexa � . amogg other at,tru4�Giox�s, wjlt l�e tl�a gt'eat �' �' lipn Eaq�e�a ta�Q illu�trioua t3iclel, K�itfi kaig ,����CO $E i}�IB gCq801] 8�1(?UJCj �jd �'r'4 A�1t� `ineuagerie. �'}�at is the pruposition Z heva �'� pe�• tou 1•`uol�l�t beGRuaa ,y:Pu �te: _. co ofl'or." I��aa nud. U.nrefieala�4 b��s�s� at'` "Bravo!" crie�l Grisole, "Yqur plar� ie Americnn flour, Of sv}alul� loi� obai�ning, chwrming: Ia it. not, Robert?" r�ua:utibies ���,e beiu�'ahipped=1R t�.��' sUQ �siaoa, @ur�nxug tq �er lovar. Rob.or� agreeci Ribh Gisele that tlaeir �bua���y� tiyl�il�t nQt a beg qf brnu ot• , frieuci's p�an waa faultless, and ic H'AB p0ilaxd tupda in conneotiall lvith Y� � adapted with enthusiuem. over leaees America." � Accordipglv the follun�in� dwy found ��The AmeticNn olia ia titia.: �fia�e. du �3t�lny, her dau�;hter and Rauert P Y at St. Cloud, ua t}xe guesta of !�i. I,angle Ship ee little tirheat b��; ae. mu¢Fti a►�d I�ia motiier. • The day wn� spent ui Raur a9 p�oseihle. Ziee�� th.e wotle" those deliuhtfnl ww��e wBiGh peogla esuapiug f0e oar people, tho Ot�ol fOP 4n1a� from the oity in ttte e�dy Snmmer fiud fnr fe9t�e[e." paeaiqg tha timo ia the couutry. (�isele, l�o�vevar, was all anticipation iu "Lot the Irish' farmar poitde� regard to the approaohing fete,and eapecinl- Ovet thi8." � ly in regurd' to Chu lion tum�r; Bidcl, of whose dxptaite she hoard a greut deal, iuo-. "jf you V►1ah to teaE this etqta- meilistniy after dinnor, thercfore Giaele, ment sel� nn,• rt�tslleP o�c merahaa�+� Robert end Iangle went to iLe febo, tlre (roCu whom yoy buy flour if he hus cottx e�ura prefnrr}ng to remain at the ony Amerieau brau oc pollard." s 7'hey firel, ottended Bidel'a porformanco "Goir.g ►hroueh�the atreeta of onr witb his lious, which (:iselo �vatChel with towne on any tnneket day y0u �vi1l- the livolieat interost. As t..bo performnnce ee� u eurious nnd inatruetiva ob'e.�t grew to a closo Ciiaela beoa�no so eiithuei• J aeLic in regard to Bidel'e bruvory thmt leesou. Im m�ny n rnrmer'a eer yoa Lnnglo sa�d, jukingly thut sl�e ought to wlll_Boe blde by slc�e A ba� Of @oUc marry n lion-tumer: modb In Portlnud oT S.t. Lcuis an.c� "auch ia n�y intention," replied Gieale, ' "for I ain e�ro thKt Ruuart will not ileiiy & bi�� ot' bt'ai1 oe j�0��91'a m8t�0 lff the firet i•aqueat 1 Fuwe e�•er mndo to I�iu,. eoma Iriah tnill. b'urely there I�' �Vill yon, li,oberLY" she udaed, turning �o eomething �vton`g iu thie. WhaC l�im. follo�ce `!- �Vhilet you prc puyin� '�1Vhat!" exclui�ned RoUert. "Do you witll� the abovo enormous prices for feod- �ue Lo enter tlte liu�ia' cwgeY" '�YNs. I)oca tLat sur�,rise youY" �ng atulis your groat competitor in "_1little, I confess.�' llet�ia0� j)oilc, the American feeder� "Yo�� ougLt to liuvo as much conrago eLs hns p��Ieutiful suPNly at �3 103 a vnlg.w• tnmer of nni�nals," sa.id (,isele,�rho an�i .£4 peT t0u. - seumed to be put ou6 Ly her laver'e La�ck- " warduess in benr�liug tho lions to please lier "�i0�v i0ttb under tlie Clt'Cum- ��'����i�• elauces do you hope to hold ��our "13ut to do wl��st you nak me to do �vvnlJ q�yll lp your' 0.: u luerke6'& � E�Otv by no meaua be a F�ruot of com•<<ge," xn• lOn� Cnu y0u Co��linue lo fatlen, �as sK•ered PoLert. '!t• would be a ridicu]ous nct uu u�y pur.t, for I���ould bo oxposino �t presenf, beuf and pork nt R lose'f ` , niyself for no ����rt,oaP." riunlly, ho�v lovg «�ill ��ou continua `You spe<<k liglitl�� of the pros ect of p to piny iulo ll�e }i,inde of your bcinn devoured," a�tii�l Luugle, lyuohin>. f01'OIo1l CUTt7�6i,ItOC9 Z � UO )OU W18}1 Lfttlole �cishe•1 to luu�l� �Fi�elu uut o�.her � eaipi•ice, Gi�ele, on the uthcr linnd, ,li�i to rectify this sta6e of things `{ i}l� not �eully wnnt l�er lovcr to enter the 1'&NOCIY i8 O�L'IOU5 and. ea�y. T}O lion's cago, Uut she wnuted him to eocm 3�ou �vieli lo deCi'oaso Llio Cost nllCl itl- ri+ady to do eyen ti�at for l�er. ��7'Len you refusu �t" sl�e +�skea Rubert erenee tl�e �uauZity of oft'al for your- witL an air of disduin, eelves and �ucrease tl�e cost and do- Langle, withont giviu� Rubett a,n op• crense lho qaantity of yout` 1lvals ? portunity to reX�ly, s:�id : Seo tl�at every Lag Of Aour y0u �t3N "Oertaiuly he i•efuaes, for tl�e conditions uaars the}�ravd Allfl �l1litll OP All �1'ish ara not tlie snine fnr Liui as for Bi�lel, who �����r ,� • ho�a been long teccustoroed to Uciuo nmon� wild aeniinn's aud hwa rr�nde a ca,reFul atu�ly "Now nnd then the Cl'y �Co�s tt� of theiruhnrucC�r." from eome �unrtor for protection. "You seem to takesreat iuterest in n mat- ter whicli �ioes not concern you," se�id Iu this mAt!er y�ou a�'e al[•potverft�l Gisole, who was vcxod Uy Langlo's op- to pioteCt y0ureelves. It ia within position. the power of every one of }�ou to "Bu�," ceplied Langlo, grorul,y, "whnt rapidly effect tho cliange, nud if 3•oc� ' you as.c Robert to �Io ia verr unngerous. �vlll eteadily follow lho pol'iCy itt- Besides, you furbet t}ictt lii� �riotlier ndores • hin� uuil thut sha �ti•ill never tm�givo you if dlC�ted hei'e, you �vill so0n naatR you m:Lke him exposo himself in �hie Peril- hflve a cheflp nnd plentiful eupply ous inauner." of (oeding stu8. ]3nt Giselo insisted. � . � "Very �vell," 521L{ Rubert, coldly. "I ' ----�"---- - --'— will enter tho en�e, if P�idel will allow mo 1110ZtAL, 1'AY UP. to do so, ns soon as tho aNecCxtors linvu de- parted. T do not �viah bo give a, pnblic ex- hibition of tny courase," he nd:ic�l, ���itli a W1�OLE8.1L� 1fI:RCII.�STB FtiSAI\G tinge of saraaesm in hia tOno. COU:�TItY �I�FiCII�NT5 FOR ":1h ! I kuow you wuuld consonC,"��,es• p�TTLE�iL6'P. clnimecY (:isele,with .apparent deli�;l�t. "' "I will �urrun�o tho mntter,at once," -- suid Robert. Toronto «'urld : \Vholesnlo mar- Ho went to Bedel, witL whom he hcld a clieuta at tl�o tnoment nro moro t}�nn ahort collversation, tl�eti returned, saSing : usually 3)TOSbltlo llj�Ori COUll6fg "Tl�o lioiia will be f�d in n few niinutos. iuetel�t�nta for i�lio i0cn )t so�tlement. I will eui;er tLe oagc then wiWi Bidel." P� 1 By thi3 time the apectators hnddeparted. OF aCC0ullt6. If,6 �UT�030 ls CO �oE Rok�ert, Langlo and Giaele ni proached �hn at t}]e fEtPinet ovot t}le hoRt� of the cage. YreseuGly the lian•t:�mer joined refuilor. It ie oitlior n case of m�l�• tLe:n. He told h'�oUert tha,t h3 wns rendy �n� n ap00tl ol• spoiling n horn, l3uE to feed tl�o liovs a.iicl iii��ited Iiim into tlie c1g9, tlie «�holo-saler reasons that lho ra- • No, Robert, donot �o," snid C3isele. "I tailer �vho eannot now li�]uidato IZ�s do not wish yon to enter tl�a cuge, T asked otltetalldillg liabllltiey noveT CaD x � ynu to 3o so only because I wantad you yn� t}18t hie t7U81ll0P3 dealh �vil to aeeni ready to oxE;ose your solf to an3• dunger foi• my sake." le�ve tha lrade of tho Country thAF "Pxrdw� mc, (;isole, for not nece:linQ to mueh healthier. � tLis new caprico of yours as to tl�e ficst," The country merchant in order to rcpliud Rob�^rt. "I h�n•e rosolved to enter the cage and I ahall do eo." res�oud to tha pressure from t,lio ItoborC 6,urue3 nH��y fro�n Gisele, an�l .� �vholesalo holl9e will •oi' IIeCesait,y� momout uflerward l�e and Gho lion•Gnmer begin L09(�U0220 f.}18 farmors agninst e�itered tlie enhe. '1'he ]iuns, eight in nur�i- tiphOnl lheCe nCe outstalldino nC� ber, moved hither and LhitLer, ubedieut to tho commuud of their master, but tl�eir cottllts ot2 his bool:s of 6, 12, 18� 24 large }�olden eSes ehowod ti,oir �,sto:,ish- montha or evon lo�gor ne th0 easQ enent nt tUe'presence of ;his intruder who may be. accompc�riied him, Gisele und Lnngle lookcd on in ailence Aud The country merc]�aut is tlio loas� m n on �. .i , C sele who w a9 ver Im rA ' nle «•�.s e tivo oF the fermer o' 8� , y r , p a cr ditors. only prevented from �iving voice to l�er ge nevor suos for lhe settlemenc Of auguish by tho fe�r of a�gravuting lier gp aCCOurit 1]o matter llOw lOtl� it lo��er's petiL Hnr eyes, whicl� were big witli fright, were fixel on Itobert. Ho, on n�aybe standiQg ou his booke. The the other hnnd, was quite C2L�[ll� at least in �VBAIf,JIy iinplemont 1114❑ OTl th6 appearnnce. Lil.o Uidel, he wns armed �Ehpr l�and le tho most eXaCtiva. with n bar of iron ai�d a raw•hide. He wns jjo gete a uote ort �lalivery ot' boocl's thus doubly prepdiecl yo repel the lious if �lld whon It mtttuPes donilndy a- tltey cwme too nenr liim. '� p} I{.obert �a•nsin tho cage about five trt�enutea. mellF� And n8 a Tule got9 it� tY1i114 Then he left eb� an�l rojoiiied Gisele, K�l�o Lhe nlet'ChBllt� �vl�o hns boan �lnssiD� ractiant with joy, her hands extendeil, ex- sugaCe, tea9� Cl06bin,�,� Uoot3 nuCY cllimed: "Oh, RuUerL! liow I aclmiro yon! how I" ehoes and goneral eundrice over hfa — counter fcr yeure �eilhout roce:vin; RoUort t��oh one of C.iscle's htinda in nt] ecjuivalollt Iri roturt] ot' at t129 6is, a�id, interrup6ing her, s�id, in z calm r< e� moet only n little trncl�, ie not in- vo�ce: fre L10ll�I coro olled to enrr hia 'llo uot praise my exploit so much, for � Y � Y tl�e nct which ��ou �ppinud wn.s Performed aCCoul�ts etlll PArl�loT. f�r my oi��u �lce rnther tha,n yours. If I jVholesale merchnnts seottl riOtF Lm brave, ae now }ou e��i�lently thinlc me, I :oufess thnt I am not without fear Lhat I t0 I]ove arritiod ut tlle C011C.�nsion a6a,11 �iot ahva3�s bo nLle to nccede to poar thzt �ho timo i'e oppOTtuuo t0 insol•t :iesires, $nd as �t woul�l puiu �no lo cross eo $ fotv rods of eteel iT, tho backbot2a ^l�;�rming a wom:�n, I renoiuuo tho honor of , of coun6ry morchnr_te. Tl�e fartn- �uing your husUnnd. ' As soon as tliey returned to tl�e cottage ere l�nve big crops of everythina, :ho, ptirty stttirtcd for Paris. «'hen thay nnd tal�en on lho tvhole prices 4re �ench�d liiseie's home Robert bn,de hec moderately �ood . Thorefore� If ` ;ood by �vith n. profrnmd bow. On enter- �}�oy Cnnnot liquid�lte t11eIP ihc�eU�- n�n�ci houso Ciiaele fo�nd tho superb boa- pdues9 t0 the COunte t17e1'�hnllt Yuiet tivhich slie was ucciistomoti Lo recoive y :ach dny irom RoUert; it was the lost. now EboY ]level C3ll. Li�� tiloy 'is'elc lius never married.—Trnusluted £rotn ❑eec� i9 n litt�e 6E11'Tiug uj� nnd bp ;lie French. uel»� 6he eonntry morohanta as ett PreneHCA Hie O�sn Fpnernl 8ormon, II78lfUri10llE fql' 9f•117'111� 6�lOril ��10yi The celebruted Rev. ��illiam llodd, hope to soeure tite desidorotion. :.L.D.� wlio was liaHged at Ty�barn for ___ � orgery in 1777, actunlly preached his o�vn � uuernl oermon in prison prior to liis execu- —The �vifo of A'It. `Viliinnt MiII- ,ion, Uofoc�o �t lnrgo and fashion�,Ule nudi• oC, s fnt�met Yosidiog �bout fiVe miie3 � � ;uce, many of wl�om wera his personal � esst oF Dauvillo, wl�ile etondin� � rie��ds, ovor a bonfire, toot� n fit, falling iu ' auseriy. the flamee. 9he tvna horribly buru- "Sh,e�s,�n AWfRl�TfElLll9woman-Uhntlyira, $a=iu -the.,faue� •A-nc� Tbod� :=.,�;t=.�is�,_ ..- �>..._. �e _ 3un'%er. � douUtful whetlior ahe �vill reoovee "8ha id ittdeed. S�a never lets anythiag ;et away from hor, I reu,lly bclieva aue fronu the e(%ats of tlio burus, wonld oven koop u eecrct" . � �'" � �. . � ,. .. .. '.. . . �.... , .,�, - . . � � , . - r . , o '. �� . . ��. � � . .. � � � � ^ d �-0 . � , ' � . . � . . 1 .. . � � � .. . , � . ' ' . . .. .. , , �'. . . . .� . � r . . ,. ' .. . � . ,. . � � � � � " ' , � A �,n � '�v . .i ♦ �. � ' M1 � ' . . . � : 1 , i � �. - .r '. ... ' S ♦ . .. . .. . e . .. .I. . ' , � . ' .�: , . . . .. . . + .. .. . ' '' ' . � ',y}',�,� • . s .... ,' . .. . ..JLa_ , . ��.. �...:a. . " ... , . . _.. . . . `.. . .,� .. . y �� '1111! I"�is� ti.�� . ■ _ ��_.:i „ r� � �r " n ;,� --• . ��