HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-12-30, Page 5coori TeStigaWg *lad Andonow -.tom *noted *bent sdd*1b tAight the Mini:Uri wont down roveral , togreoll. It wo2Q degree* lidlow zero at daylight, the Jowest thi• s winter, ltboa been ensely . •ali 4104 it4 J more tnederate born to.night. INte.3001.1891., Nile. ,totartniOinont'anilXretUttree 11,4 00 was (pita.* sOceesal the tresaurer of tho Nita School b. $2a uqtotO, put o*4 Th. programme wno: itoot flus Ind tko to:dingo *ont w�fl .641404', . Some of the young- people from *04* to Goderiob tp t attend , ireddink stir, !Tobi. ennaino . 'Oa* Tttesdalt laett, ,. Ur. Sisirp from 133194 hi Visiting • • 4* itrlietheringfon's. Wu, Adith• Stewart i " - • Tun mg 40icatlisit the Nile. • Copt -butes togie bas returned • *oast (rent thelates, lie bad been woe over 14;4 months.. • .,(iir••Sitnpson who has the contract Ir"Gt buliding Ott 'Church sheds at the *ishes to thank the parties who IteArd-hiln With the shingling. ao says they are tlie,best lot of °pee- • -'101,11t thi that he ever met. • • 114e. and Mrs. Fel:peon are Visit- ' •`joitg 414 (Asa Gloving jr. • ' and Mrs. Foar spent Xmas Stretford with the lady's parent& •`"' fingh Oirryin presented her 110Sband with a young daughter for *XMAS box, and Mrs Sneyd of Goderieh • X.riafiS with friends at the Gedige Jackman is spending Infil*Iiilays at the Nile. •,Arr.: out' mu,. Trelevean spent • et the lady's parents.4. - lo.Geo.Shepperd and Mr. Sherrit •ri•*.tite•Grand Bend -were at Mr. #4.:tvrovea Ben., over Sunday. WaERE THE PUBLIC FUNDS WENT • Astounding revelations are heing 0014: RS to the operations of the 41:ehierites during their control of „Quebec Government. The luOve, Treasurer cff the Province on •• kilig possession at once instituted asCiavestigation and announces a t Azaling state of affairs. The late •4140irornent's kat financial state- zstrit , estimated the deficit for the gist $600,000. There as been • fittaeliiT an item in the books 'called • *iiipecial expenditures,” which swells Vito bald deficit or excess of expen- itsire, over receipts to $2,223,000. department is now engag.d in stieelat where this extra $1,600,000 . • "Ifsiargolie In doing this the fact ..-4snta ,atumbled on that for the past • fr Wit years Philip Vallieres, who in •#04r.se4 Editor Pacaud'e and Minis-. •teijstercier's notes in the late Chat, •.10aViiscandal, has had a private con. *suet. with the Government, by the twins of which he furnished all the trOffic buildings in the Province •arttiseiverything in the way of furni- Sitio*, but no price was stipulated, Itotit made. His accounts were • tegutar1y audited without question • sat paid, some of the. prices and orautities of goods being outrage - MS. ' It is said that he drew hun, duds- of thousands of dollars for • gds worth only half what he :4e&for thew, and It is inferred diallinisters stood in with the sur- - Vallieres, who is rich, also liablaitt the paper for the ministers *".110lien they were short, and put bills • ,iffetiough the banks for the Govern- •Skeet- when it was in a hiirry for • faserrey, on the latter transaction .P,Stat'gieg a substantial bonus, which • wire always paid without question. • •Dom Qsr pos. An unknown young. Mon arrested ., lest week, cut his throat in the cells. fOr horse stooling Freefotk Wilson Ilea been nOlohlat- ed, by. the Reformers of Bost•Ogin, as their candidate for the IfOuse or Commons. ,,Chishohn, the Winnipv; •mer' chant, who outraged little Ririe, has bad tite'Sentence confirmed and will get the cat WI right. a chirention-of the Liber- ate of Halton Mr. johp.Waldie was chosen to carry fheir etatideva in the election made necessary by 0'10 unseating of Mr. Henderson. —Chriatinas Day was observed in Winnipeg after the usual time- honored manner, the chief attraction being a big curling benapiel between the Granitea and Thistles. --William Austin, an old real - dent of the township of Fitzroy, while going through a bush to a neighbor's house on Monday, was struck on the head by a limb which fell from a tree and killed him. —Martin Reinhard of Berlin was last week committed by the coroner's jury on the verdict of wilful murder, for the slaying of his step -son, Michael Hausa, et New Germany last Saturday evening. A firOke out in Henning's flour mill,•Goderich, TueNday of last week. The mill was totally destroy- ed, the loss being $6,000. •There was an insurance of, 1, 200 in the !Etna Company. The cause of the fire is unknown. —The North Perth election case %%111 be carried to the Supreine Court notice to that effect having been given by Meredith & Co., and a deposit of $300 placed in court. The Conservatives are dissatisfied with the dismissal of the Grand Trunk charges by Justices Rose and IllacMahon, and this is the point hat the highest tribunal of Canada will be asked to adjudicate upon. So the seat of Jaws Grieve, M. s not yet out of danger. • WE , epared For The Holiday Season auythinf,, aucl„ ev.,rything line of bu,sines0,, Fiie Linezxs . 1.891« Beautiful Goods and New Designs. Fringed • aHmsTrus, and Remmed DaUlask Table covers, bleaebe4 • • • 1.892. "land• half bleaelled„. THE NORTH-WEST STORM: T1t THERMOMETER REACHES 32 DE •dans BELOW ZERO IN PLACES. the temperature here up in eke sixties the following will be in- •:-ititutesting reading for those who are admirer's of Blake's one time para. ed—tale American Northwest. Minneapolis, December 26.—The ateris its this section was not ser- `iteue. 0,nly 2.5 inches of snow fell • Item The storm was accompanied tee heavy winds, the velocity at Thlaeapp1is, twenty-two miles an • Items being the, heaviest. The thers ammeter registered four below here, ▪ arsulually getting lower until it ettered thirty-two below along the line ofthe Northern Pacific, 11-ortlifield, Minn., Dec. 26.—A Vreirre snow storm continued all •Asy yesterday and today. The periture also took a sudden •end is now very near kern. WR8 nearly suspended as the ,.is perfectly blinding and all •• the trains are very late. aeon City) TEL, Decembera 26— • Eoft weather came to an end 3firzterday• by the fall of five inches. iwip*. The atom came from the ifttdswestOild titles noon the thers , iter had fallen over fifty de- ' grows. The night was the coldest • xi the leatiori. • 'Voted Itiver, N, Dee. 26— tAtt storm prevails, although WO& anteor has fallen. There —United States imports • last year decreased in value $3,000,000, while the exports increased upwards of $95,000,000. —The Duke of Devonshire is dead. By his death his eldest son, thePlarquis of Hartington, succeeds to the peerage. —The latest despatchee from China place the number of native Christians recently massacred ab 1,- 000. i.ep —Oscar Wade! of Albert Lea Minn., recently received a check for $5,000 and word that he had sue- ceeded to a barony in Norway. Wadey went on a carouse and last night was found dead in a barn. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) . CLINTON. Fall' Wheat 0 a7 to 0 92 Spring Wheat- 0 87 to 0 92 13arley . C 40 to 0 50 Oats.. 3 81 to 0 32 Peas . 0 60 to 0 61 Apples,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes . 0 25 to 0 30 Butter .. 0 16 to 0 17 Eggs 0 16 to 0 17 Hay 11 00 toll 00 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef .. 0 00 to 0 00 Wool 0 18 to 0 18 Dressed Hogs 5 00 to 5 25 TAX NOTICE. ,..••••••••=0,0•111, Towels Sideboard Scarfs, Napliins, Tray Voyles,. Covers, &a. NEW Togas, Handkeralefs. SOme Yery new -things., We have the WOO stock of HANDIER01-11U NONTY.T.T.X45 • 'webave ever shown. Handkerchiefs for. ()twist- raas Gifts, from the cheapest Cotton; to, the finest Silk. Pixlm w9ztx:t. CZT111:. Qww, o•c)xt bA,SEX. ESTATE. JOHN HODPENS, WHEN YOU WANT A IOADT-I.AllE SUNT OR AN ORERED SUIT Or anything in MEN'S FURNISHINGS, come and see whet we can do for you. We carry+ a very fine range. Just now we are offering ----A LINE OF ODD TANTS 1---- At a great deal less than their value and it is worth your while to come and see. T. JACKSON, 8R., HURON -ST., CLINTON. OLINTON $100.00 GIVEN AWAY 1 This is Our New Cash System by which we make A DONATION OF $100 8 TO OUFi CUSTOMERS. AS GOODS. 0 We will give you a FIVE CENT MONEY ORDER witilk each dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store' and when twenty of these Money Orders are presented by any one person we will cash them, paying $1.00 for them ; or, when you buy 50 cents, or wore, worth of goods at one time, we will accept one as so much cash towards paying for - same. We want everybody to avail theingelves of this offer. Our store is headquarters for everything in our line and our prices are the very lowest. Come and see us and bring all your friends. Ask fir a. FIVE CENT MONEY ORDER with every dollars worth_ of goods you buy. fWMoney Orders given only with Cash Purchases. NEW VALENCIA, SULTANA, LONDON LAYERS AND BLK. BASKET RAISINS. NEW SEASON'S CURRANTS, CANDIED PEELS—LEMON, ORANGE AND CITRON; ESSENCES, EXTRACTS, SPICES, ORANGES, FIGS, DATES. pr- CANDIES CHEAP. 0 IN" riM.A.S I have excellent yalue in highest grades of BLACK TEAS, FORMOS OOLONGS, MONING CONGOUS, PACKLING, half chest and caddies. TRBINT0FPURE INDIA AND CEYLON TEAS, put up in one pound packages at 50 cents per Ib. Best value in PACKAGE TEAS in the market. 0 PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS Dealers' ih pry -Goods., Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furs, Boots, Shoes and Groceries, ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON ONTARIO CALL ON WALTON & MORRISON FOR A New Fall OVERCOAT Extra lab) in Crockery, China and Glassware. - CHINA TEA AND TOILET SETS, CHEAP. We offer Special Inducements during the Holiday Trade to Dash Purchalers, N. Itobsoi, Ratepayers are hereby notified that, by order of the Council all taxes mud be paid before the 31st inst. No.extension of time will be given af- ter this date, and persons not paying their taxes by that time run their own risk accordingly. The undersigned will be In the corner office, Market Building, every afternoon and evening, from to 9 o'cIock. JOS. WHEATLEY, Collector. 10 ACRES FOR SALE. The proprietor offers for sale ten acres of good land on the 18th Con., Hallett, 11 miles from Londosboro and 8 miles from Myth. Good frame barn, good stable, excellent well of water, nice orchard and other conveniences. Good gravel road all around it. Apply. on the premises. New Firm .in the Old Stand. The undersigned having purchased the old established meat business of Mr. Arthur Couch, begs to inform the public that he will continuo it as it has heretofore been carried on. 1...-Meate of all kinds In season. Orders taken and delivered as usual. Highest cash price paid for sheepskins, hides and tallow. 682 -tf JAMES A FORD. TUE CELEBRATED ibertESt. Fine Christmas GroRries. OR rm.'. SUIT. • Fit Guaranteed or no sale. Remember the atand, Smith's Block, opp. Cooper's Book Store, Clinton Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work., manship and material. 40 -All the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting' promptly attended to..Prices to suit the times. FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657-4 • Fruits,Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, do. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean,. new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail GPOCOPS, Clinton. THE HUB GROCERY We have a very fine stock of CROCKERY & GLASSWARE of direct importation from England. DINNER SETS worth $12, at $10.50. TEA SETS worth $6, at $4.50 and $5.00. We have a line of TOILET SETS coming this week—ten-piece printed set for $3, worth THE WALES HOTEL, ALI3ERT.ST. NORTH, CLINTON. The undersigned has assumed the proprietorship of the above Hotel. The premises aro being re- fitted and first-class accommodation can always he has for man and beast. The bar is suflpiled with only the best Ale, Lionor, Cigars, &c., and special attention will also be given to the dining room department. There is excellent stable accommodation. The patronage of the general public is respectfully solicited. 684•8m JOHN T. LEE, - PROPRIETOR THE C. P. R. TELEGRAPH TEA TEA.! TEA ! 'We have the CELEBRATED TIGER BRAND, a beautiful blend of BLACK TEA. Ten lbs. to give away in Samples. Come and get one and try it. It will cost nothing. 0 Geo. Swallo Clinton Ideal Waster *and Wringer. TUE BEST ffN THE IIIAIREET,, Machines Allowed on Trial am also agent for all Debenture By -Law, 1140.1.1•MI••••••• Notice is hereby given that a By-law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Clinton on the Ninth day of December, 1881, A.D., providing for the Issue of Debentures to the amount of $1,600 for the purpose of taking up and retiring Debentures to the amount of 56,600, which fell duo on lst Deconiber, Instant, and that such Ily-Law was registered In the Registry. Office of the County of Huron on tho 14th day of December, A.D. 1891. And that this le the first By -Law passed under the Act to eon. solidate the debt of the Town of Clinton, passed in the 64th year of Her Majesty's reign and cluiptered 64. WILLAIM COATS, Clerk of the Town of Clinton All Agricultural Implements Warercom opposite Pair's _rot.„S.,,,,,,q5Q141 gee nze. tee. 10 de ig beldw zeto. •' D., Didember B. WEIR, CLINTON ESTRAY CATTLE.. Came into the enclosure of the subscriber, Lot 24, Con. 12, Hallett, about the latter part of November, three red yearling steers and arts red and whlie yearling heifer. The owner is re- Amsted- to ,PrOvAagOPPZ.V14_,it..Y 0099)4913, 4PSI take the animals away. • ANDREW TAYLOR,. Londesboro P. 0. AGENCY AT CLINTON Are doing a splendid business. WHY ? BECAUSE the line is noted for quick despatch and promprdellvery. Office at Cooper's Book Store DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Throe one•aere loft in the Town of Clinton aro offered for sale. They aro situated on Raglan street. ebt tar from the Doherty Orgati Factory and Collegiate Institute, adjoining the former efiblonte Oak J. U.,000lbaand orbood of first-class residences, For terms, ate., Apply to 00118 • ARTHUR ZNOX, Clinton. • . EXPECTED. The Times Tea Warehouse is the acknowledged Leading House for Choice Xmas & Holiday Goods, A full assortment extra selected Valencia Raisins, London Layers, Royal Clusters, Black Baskets; choicest and finest Filiatras, Patras and Voitrzza Currants; New Figs and Fresh Dates. Finest Shelled ALMONDS, WALNUTS and FILBERTS, New CANDIED LEMON, ORANGE 00a CITRON PEELS, all of which will be sold at very low prices. We have the largest and best selected stock of rep FANCY OHINA, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE hi town. Dinner Setts, Tea Setts,Toilet Setts, at greatly reduced prices. Sole Agent for the noted Ram Lars Pure Indian Tea, and St. Lean Water, •, , ,A,11402v2t .....fitikiadtv-,2111fitam