HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-12-23, Page 7BI1LI BA nog><Ltor1,ttAbyAct etkarliament, tate OAI'I TAL, ;2,000,9110 Ant, , $i,Q000094 1ea4 #4 iso, J EQ NTBE.¢.Zt irCIU8 WORKMAN, President. 3. H. B. M;OLSON, Vice -President, Fs WQ4d±f .i tETAN'.t'140A1Aif, General Manager. N9t0s4sc9uast'ed, Pollectionamade, Draft issu d, $tcrlipg and American .ex, e an,$e bought and sold at low- est current rates, ALIDIESaV AT 4 Psa,Ossr, Al.t,pwan iotzrltitlfcsrr t'$RMERS_ 1ltpney;advanced to tattlers on their own note 4Titito1a9it or more endorsers. No mortgage re quirod as seeurity. ebitlr4>♦'y, fse ' E. 0. BREWER, Manager, CLINTON G. D. ivicTaggart BANKER, „ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. 4 Q1 V-BRA.L BA NICI,VO BUSINESS TRANSACTED. .000001.00 .(Votes Discounted. • • Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, Juno 8th, 1891 65Sy >z pentlihtvj. T.C. Bruce, L.D.S. Surgeon Dentist. Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Under Oraduate University of Toronto. 1$ce—Hoofer's old stand, Coats' Block, Clinton. N.B.—Will visit Blyth, professionally, every Monday at Mason's Hotel. 075—y G. H. COOK, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gra.Iuato of the Toronto School of Doutistry. Nitrous Oxide Orta administered for the painless •; %traction teeth. Office-t8mith's Block, upstairs, opposite the. Post Office, Clinton. Bim' Night Bell answered. 402y ectlriit. DR. GUNN W. Gunn, Dt. D. L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. C. S. Edinburgh Licenciato of the Midwifery, Edin. Office, On corner of Ontario andWilliam Ste., Clinton. 478-y. DR. TURN ULL• .T. L. Turnbull, M. B, Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; C. M., Victoria Univ. M. 0.., P. k S. Ont, ; Fallow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Leto of London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals. Oi6.eal—Dr. Dowsley's stand, Rattenbury St. Night calls answered at Grand Union Hotel. Electric night bell at front entrance. J. W. SHAW, M. D• C. M. J. W. Shaw, M. D. C, M., Physician, Surgeon, A.ccoucher, etc. Otaee in the Palace block, Rattenbury St., formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Clinton Ont. MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, ¢c., ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, CLINTON. Money to Loan. A. H. MANNING. JAB, SCOTT. DAVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,and Conveyancing. Office—West Street, next rigor to Post Office, Goderich, Ont. 67. MO 0. HAYS, Solicitor, kc. Office, corner of lite Square and West Street, over Butler's Book Store, Goderich, Ont. 67. AV Money to lend at lowest rates of Interest. E. CAMPION, Barristor,Attorney, Solicitor in Ohancory, Conveyancers Ac. OOlcr over Jordan's Drug Store, the rooms formorly occu pied by Judge Doyle. ice' Any amount of money to loan at lowest atm, of interest. 1•Iy. A'nrtxoie¢ttltg. H. W. BALL, A UOTiONEER for Huron County. Sales at• X_ tended to in any part of the County. Ad- dress orders to Goocaroit P 0. V-17. CHAS. HAMILTON. A UCTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agent �1 Blyth. Sales attended in town and country, an reasonable terms. A list of farms and village for silo. Money to loan on real estate, at 'ow rates of interest. Insurance effected on all lasses_ of property. Notes and debts collected. floods appraised, and sold on commission. Bank. runt stocks bought and sold. Blyth. Dec. 16, 1880. Photographers 0 CLINTON. Life Size Portraits a Soecialty, WW1; to gena "1t,1'ONEY to lend- in large :or small sums o ,L.y.L good mortgages or personal security a the lowest current rates. H. HALE, Huron st Cfihton. Clinton, Feb. 25, 1881 ly MONEY. 1ATI UNDS toly lee \'n Town rine farm p0. RIDOUT, 01i%Co, tlp•stairs,Qopposite Townpall, Albert a 869.3m MO NEY.: A1810011tponilt0ARrivttemenevtoloan, Low, 'I tritteefinterest D. 4, DAUM clflia «Seltettor dee, .Perrin'4 Week. FOR. SALE. SHE SUriBCRIBE1i•pffers for Aale'roureligible tit, .Ralfdiulf Lotsfrontlnsg pn Albert i3trect; ilns a Irouttng oto I'aucnkury. Street; either a s btoo or in sepxxatd tots, to suit; purcli@ser4t For tttrtber particulars. apply Lathe undaralgptd,--$, 7ifIISL. ,V, .Clinton• QBE. A0U ..• R '• R a • The Clinton badge, No. 144, meets in Biddle - comb's Hall, opposite the market, the bit and Ord Fridays in each month, Visitors cordially in- vited. It. Sroyels4jf, M. W.; J. Beal, Recorder. • 599y • /'Y f,INTON Lodge, No. 81, A. F. & A. moots every Friday, on or after the mood. Visiting brethren cordially invited. RIGH H EY WOOD,' v. u. OW EN BALLARD, Sao Clinton Jan. 14, 1890. 1. Oratngle• L. 0. L."No. 710, C3 ,IN'TOIST, Meets SECOND Monday of every month. Wall, S.w flat, Victoria block. Visiting brethren always made welcome. W. G. SMITH, W. M Pr CANTELON, Soc. WM A ROSS, D. M,rg aril gaight0 rr. Jubilee Prcceptory No. 161} (Black Knights of Ireland) Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second wednevfday of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. Visiting Sir Knights will always receive a hearty welcome. A. 01. Togo, Worshipful Preceptor anouca Hammy, Deputy Preceptor Pe'er's CANTSLos, Registrar Royal Black PreGe tory 3971 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Ball, Blyth, the Wedne day after frill mown of every month,. Royal Black Proceptory 3161 Black KnighId of Ireland, Meets In the Orange hall, Goderich, the Third Monday of every month. Visiting Knights always made welcome. W H MUP,.NEY, Preceptor, Goderich P 0 JAMES RUSH, Registrar, Goderich P 0 S. HURON ORANGE DIRECTORY. 1891 Names of the District Masters, Primary LodhoAlasteys, their post office ad. dresses and date of meeting. • BrDDULPII DISTRICT. John Neil, W.D.M., Centralia P. 0. 219—S. Dar/ton. Greenway, Friday on or before full moon. 602—Thomas Coursey, Lncan, Saturday on or before full moon. 493—Richard Ilodgiins, Centralia, Wed- nesday on or before full moon. 826—William Ilaggart, Grand Bend, Wednesday on or before full moon. 890—W. E. McRoberts, Maplegrove, Wednesday on or before full moon. 924—Henry Lynbrook, Exeter, 1st Fri- day in each month. 1071—John Halls, Elimville, Saturday on or before full moon. 1097—James Cathers, Sylvan, Monday on or before full moon. 1210—James Gibson, West McGillivray, Thursday on or before full moon. 1343—Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday, on or before full moon. 610—Joseph Huxtable, Centralia, Fri- day on or alter full moon. GODERICH DISTRICT. Geo. B. Hanley, W.D.M., Clinton P. 0. 145—Willis Bell, Goderich, 1st Monday in each month. 153—Andrew Millian, Auburn, Friday • on or before full moon. 182—W. Ii. Muruey, Goderich, last Tuesday in each month. 180—Adam Cantelon, llolmesyille, Mon- day on or before full moon. 202—James Wells, Saltford, 3rd Wed- nesday in each month. 300—George A. Cooper, Clinton, 1st Monday in each month. HULLETT DISTRICT, A. M. Todd, W. 1r.M11., Clinton P.O. 710-.W:G. Smith, Clinton, 2nd Mon- day in each mont r, 813 --James Homey, Winthrop, last Wednesday before lull moon. 928—Thomas Mcilyeen, Summerhill, 1st Monday In each month. 825—John Brintnell, Ch!selhurst, 1st Monday In each month. STANLEY DISTRICT. Joseph Foster, W.D.M„ Varna P. 0. 24—John Polloelt, Bayfield, 1st Monday In each month, 808—James Keyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday in each month. 833—Robert Nicholson, Blake, 1st Wed- nesday in each month. 733—John Berry, Hensel], 1st Thursday in each month. 1030—William Rathwell, Varna, 1st Thursday in each month. 5 'Nori.--Any omissions or other errors will be promptly corrected on writing direct to the County Master, Bro. A. II. Todd, Clinton 2.0, TskILI• HEADS, NOT 4le..ds, Letter Heads, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., eto.,pr'intei in a workman. like manner and at Ion rates, at THE NEWS -RECORD FOR SALE. Theproperty at present occupied by the undersigned as a residence on the Buren Road, in the Town of Goderich, consisting Of one half of an tiers of land, good frame house —story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses, =Shore are t oa eoeomo::goeC-frui.t.,irieos,,.. ]tie„ 'property is beautifully situated and Merry buitab1e for any person wishing to live retired. For further particulars apply to E. CAMPLON, 542.4f Barrister, Godorioh. TO THS VARA/MRS Study" y sen owls Intereat *std go wiicr9 YPO 0475 #et H tnosar X met utactlrre pone hut too fgirorcromr. J:eware til9rtops that Neil cheap, as Wu Mee got to tine tor ,Cali pod pot prices, Orders by mail prompig attended to,. 41, lei X UAl;tiNESS F,DIPQRWM, UL'V TOO OI1l'4 i, 1i BLACIiAI , Veterinary Surgeon. honorary, glneluate of Ontario Veterinary"Ooltegc, treats diseases, of ,all domestic animals on the otostt modern and tciettelae principles. 3d 'Calls attended to. night or day.011ice ImMedi ttely' west of the old Royal hotel, Ontario street. lteiddence— Albert street, Clinton, 540-8m ABEL S. ;WEEKES, Civil Engineer,' - P. L. Surveyor, • Draughtsman, etc. Office—Upstairs in Perrin's Block, Clinton, Ont ALLAN' L I E ItO7iA.L MAIL STEAi4ISHIP'S. _REDUCED IN RATES. Steamers sale regularly from Portland to Liverpool Direct DURING TdE WINTER MONTHS. Cabin, $10 and upward.. Second Cabin, $25. steer.,ge'at kw rates. No Cattle carried, SIJNE•TATE} NEW YORK AND GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight. Cabin, $40 and upwards. Second Cabin, $30. Steerage at low rates. Apply to II. & A. ALLAN, Montreal ; or to A. O. PATTISON or WM. JACKSON, Clinton. SERVICE of ALLAN LINE STEAMSHIPS. NOTICE. The undersigned beltg necessarily absent from town for sotue time, Pus left his hooks and savants nitI, MANSING & Score, to whom pay- ments may be made. JOHN WISE31AN. FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVINC, Go to A. E. EVANS, FASnloNAL'l,E BARBER, 2 doors cast of News-Recosn of. lice. Special attention given to LADIES AND CD1LDREN's haircutting, POMPADOUR HAIRCUTTING A SPECIALTY O PP''S WALL PAPER and Paint Shop IS STOCKED WITH A SELECTASSORTMENT —Cr--- , Meriean and Canadian Wall Papers ITH BORDERS TO MATCH, from five cent ls,to the finest gilt, having bought my Papers lPelnts for Spot Cash, and my practical ex - mance justifpore in saying that all wanting to decorate their houses inside or paint them out. side will find it to their advantage to give me a call, 4W' Shore, south of Oliver Johnston's blacksmith shop, and directly opposite Mr. J. Ciiidley's residence JOSEPH OOPP Practical Paper Hanger and Painter The IEegillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Farm and Isolated Town Proper- ty only Insured. Tie urol Na ry-RReoQra ;6o*v»er-4l.0 lik:Advnnc;ll Intel, le$44Y, lleC, **x41 .1$91•, ,. O,UR1 ENT TQI3,10 LZAll PS IMP. INTO TvArrfATION, Tilotie who rely Q11 divine strength for deliverance In tliq hour of .temp, tation will •.net be disappointed if they are oiireful not to allow diens• solves to be brawn'' Ultu the alipre• meats .of sin, There are teulpta- tions hidden,and open, Boole are of a kind wWA spring suddenly and unexpectedly upon the soul ; others beckon and WO.o their victim to destruction.. He who listens to siren voices is lost. God gives no promise of help or rescue to those who knowingly place themselves in the way of temptation. . THE LOBI TRIBEa. There is in England a hotly en titled "Israel's Identification Ass°, elation," which keels to hhow that the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel are the British people. Alt address has been delivered before it by the Rev. Philip Canyon, who argued that the Ten Lost Tribes migrated from the regions near the Euphrates to the Carpathians, from there to the shores of the Jatlitie, and thence in the course of time to England, so that the ancient English were of Hebrew origin. The Ray, Mr. C'arlyou quoted from the book of Esdras the statement that the Ten Lost Tribes "wandered across the sources of the Euphrates to a region called Arsareth," and he said that this statement was corroborated by Herodotus, a contemporary of Esdras. TRAITOROUS TALK. Le National says : "Six years ago Riel paid on the scaffold the penalty of haying loved his compatriots too much, and of being a Roman Catho lie and a French Canadian. We now allot to show that the traitors who abandoned Riel have nll been punished and that his death is fully avenged. Three French -Canadian Ministers who refused to join their compatriots are now ruined. Sir Hee. for Langevin has hero ignominious. ly expelled. Chapleau has become the laughing stock of the English people whom he meanly fluttered, and ho is ejected from the Cabinet. Sir A. P. Caron will he secluded at Speneerwood in a few days. This is retribution !" • • NOTHING NEW, '. After all, the newest authors are the oldest. In this new edition ("Familiar Quotations") we have familiar sayings traced away back t1 Greece and Egypt. h newfenther by the name of Pilpay figures in this edition. He was a Brahmin, and he lived several centuries be- fore Christ. Writing in some early dialect of Sansenit, he deliberately, and.with the most horrible heathen depravity, stole some of the best sayings of I-Ierriek, Shakespeare, Butler, Cibber and others. He was bold enough to appropriate such modern sayings as "What is bred in the bone will come out of the flesh." "Possession is the strongest tenure of the law," and so on. Hesiod, who wrote in the seventh century before Christ, was another of those antique plagiarists. Theo- gnie, )Eschylus, Sophocles, Euri• pides, Plautus, Terence, and many others were great suppliers of modern familiar quotations. Every time you say : "Hence these tears," 'tire flower of youth," "I do not are one straw," "with presence of ind," or any one of several other hinge equally familiar, you are imply quoting Terence, who died ne hundred and fifty-nine years afore Christ. All the way through o is as modern as the Toronto lobe. Here is one of his sayings, nd after it is quoted nothing more fled be said : "In fine, nothing is aid now that has not been sail be - ave." ' id 'iii' RENT.—Advertisers will find "The 9 • News -Record" one of the best mediums hi the County of Huron. Advertise in "The News-Record"—The Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. Rates as low as any. ERRORS OF YOUNG AND OLD Organics Weakness, Failing,Memory, Lack of Energy, Physical Decay, positively cured by Ilazdtors% Vitalizer, Also • Nervous Debility, Dimness of Sight Loss of Ambition, Unfitness to Marry, Stunted Development, Loss of Power Pains in the Back, Night Emissions, Drain In Urine, Seminal Losses, Sleeplessness, Aversion to Society, Unfit for Study, Excessive Indul- gence, eto., eto. Every bottle guaranteed. 20,800 sold yearly. Address, enclosing stamp for treatise, J. E HAZELTON, Graduated Pharmacist, 858 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. l61fi ■ r• !146/ i� O LIviv,tgownvambpb coc m —A telegram front Deborah)°, Manitoba, Bays : Mrs. John Peddie was found frozen to death one morn= ing ,Her husband brought a load of wheat to market the previos day, and she and her sisters and brother went to spend the/day with a neighbor about a mile distant. They left the friend's for home about 5 o'clock, but were found next morning on the trail only 400 yards from where they started. Mr. Peddie found }:is wife's body. The others, who are all young children, had their feet and hands badly frozen, The Peddles were formerly resid- ents of North Easthope. —The old white female wolf, which has for several years past given so much trouble on the Wil- low Creek ranges, N. W. T., and which has defied all efforts to cap- ture her, has at last been caught. A couple of the boys on the range roped her and claimed the $30 re- ward. This was the only pure white wolf known to exist in this part of thent u r co y She was a most pro• fifits treide rid'kWa3id-"i1 WE= spring have probably done more damage to the stook than any other dozen families wolves In the district. q. i a HES AyQTHEFI WAS FUNNY. Me Mu. raipill is %i ftlte belles of A ns•rim Her itt- tetlecti he•r1ly. er, 'bees not tower into the sub - 141,10 heights reached by Sueaa'D, Anthony, but, io .qss the Gold language of truthfulness, she is Very much the same I kind of a young lade that Gus De Smith is a young main. Not Long since he proposed mi„trimouy. He proJozett in good faith, inn, a solemn, hnpressiv-s maturer, upon wind' lilies Birdie iwtu ura:ed a giggle, until,Gus was very ranch disgu ,tett, and arising from his knees, his anger f mud vent iii words. Ho was mad—too mad almost to speak. „ "Miss 11fcHeatipin," he finally ejacuiat- ed, "with me this is no laughing matter., Why should you see anything ridiculous about it?" "You mut 'excuse mei Mr. De Smith— really you must—fou' Item. not laughing. at you; really, now, I ant not. Ma's so funny, you know. Really she is hist too funny for any use. Yes, 1 was laughing -at' ma." "At your ma?" "Yes, you see ma told me only this morn- ing, 'Birdie, you are so green that souse donkey will take you yet,' and there you come—" But he was gone. He was in the past tense. It was he who banged the door so violently. "I wonder," said the suddenly deserted Birdie. "1 wonder new, really, if he is offended at what unit said? But then, ma always was too -awfully funny for any kind of use."—Texas Siftings. The Pretty Slrapleton. [The Spectator warus,men against marry- ing simpletons, pointing out "that there is no bore on earth equal to the woman who can neither talk nor listen, and who has no mental interests in common with iter has - band. "j When fair Belinda sweetly smiles; And airily before you tripe, You're cui,tubed by her artless wllgs, And must admire Ler rosy lips. You kuore that she is very fair; You see that she has splendid eyes; But all. rash lover, have a care, Aud find out if Belinda's wise. For beauty, trust us, is not ail wv¢ A wife in these days should possess; Her conversation's apt to pall, If slie,can talk of naught but dress. She deed not be too deeply road; You do not want a priggish bride; But still take care the pretty head eau boast sonic little brain inside. In courtship all she said was sweet, . For you had died to win a glance; Her little platitudes seemed neat, Breathed 'mid the pauses of the dance. You would Lave felt a heartless fiend To criticise when by her side; - Nor would the lady have demeaned Herself to answer had you tried. But when you've won her fora wife, And anti-uuptial glamour dies, 1Vhat food for matrimonial strife Her cross inconsequent replies. How terrible to find her dense, And never grasping what you mean; You'll think ono gleam of common sense Worth more than finest eyes e'er seen. Days comp when love no longer gives Illusions as in hours of yore; Aud1 sapless is the man who lives To find his wife become a here. Thou keep, if you'd avoid that day, The wise Spectator's golden rule; Don't be by beauty led away, And choose for wife a pretty fool. —London Punch. Some Suburban Sparks. Truth sotnetirnes walks slowly. False- hood takes long strides. Love and seasickness can't be well de- scribed. They must be felt. When, trying to outwit others take care that you don't outwit yourself. Many mein pride themselves on being self- made. In some cases the workmen did not know their business. When a man is near his 90th year, like o'erripe fruit he is liable to fall from the tree of life at any 'moment. When an honest man insures the house in which he lives his insurance is a lottery in which he loo 16 draw a blank. When you bey your friend bury his faults with him. There should he no resur- rection of them as thele will be of the body. De mortuis nil nisi bonunt. When a widow leaves off her mourning site escapes front the gloom of winter to the light of spring and is fully prepared to enjoy the sunlight of another summer.— Yonkers Gazette. ilixby, as a Mind Reader. Bixby—You can always tell the bent of a man's mind by his countenance. Mark those two lawyers standing on the court house steps. Note the cairn, grave ex- pression on their faces. I'll wager you a bottle I can tell you the subject of their conversation. Lilox—Done. I'll take that bet. "Well, they are either discussing an important case or arguing a knotty point at law." Bixby and Lilox strolled up to within earshot of the lawyers and heard ; "I tell you be can't play poker at all ! Why he stood pat on a three card flush last night." Bixby waited to hear no more, but si- lently led the way to the nearest cafe.— Lima Times. At a Quiet Country Hotel, Maid-of-All-Work—Th' gent says as how he'd rather have bacon an' meat -cakes than chicken. The Landlady—What made him change his mind? Maid—He seen th' ole man vitt' out t' th' hencoop with a bucksaw. Shattered Ropes. "And has Miss Amateur given up her theatrical aspirations? Why, 1 thought she was wedded to her artl" • "0, no; it didn't at even go solar r as an en- agement! n- a ement!' The Very Opposite. Snively—"I understand that Gazaly's wife keeps bins in hot water." Snodgrass—"No; it's scold." 1,11 t�t.ra..te .CAIN i� POU.f A • Doya CRAPtNGDAwNINMA'N4AW:iuIINSAB EAQDC$A4tIO Nf" t f$TMZ THAT REMA ETT FLE,II PAODUegl , OF PURE GOD LIVER 01l. WEI Hypophosplaftes otLima& $oda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL, Till$, FEAT IIAS BEEN PERFORMND OVER AND OYER AGAIN. PALATABLE AS MILK, EI4- DOWSED BY PHYSICIANS. SCOTT'S EMULSION IS PUT U1 ONLY IN SALMONy� COLOR WRAPPERS. SOLD BY ALL DRUG- GISTS AT 50c. AND $r.00 SCOTT,. BOWNE, Belleville. Regulates the Stomach, Liver and Bowels, unlocks theSecr-etions,Purifiesthe 'Blood and removes all Im- purities from a 'Pimple to the Worst Scrofulous Sore. CURES •:— DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS: CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE: SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY• RHEUMATISM. SKIN DISEASES HU PH R EYS° VETERitARYSPECIFiCS For noraes, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs., AND POULTRY. 600 Page Book on Treatment Of Animals and Chart Sent Free. ounce 5 Foam rs,Connest£ous,Inflnmmatien A. A. E.ipinal. :Meningitis, Milk Fever. B.B.--t'4trains, Loneness, Rheumatism. C.C.--Distemper, Nasal Discharges. rub E.E.--Coughs, Reaves, Pneumonia. F,F'.--Colic or Gripes Bellyache, GG. --Miscarriage, Iiolnorrhnges. 11. Ia.—Urinary and Kidney Diseases. I.I.--Eruptive Diseases, Mange, J.K.—Diseases of Digestion, Paralye£6w. Single Bottle. (over 50 doses), - .40 Stable Cure Specifics, 5'8.05) Jar Veterinary Cure O£1, - - LOD Bold by Druggists; or soot propatd any. hero and fr vny quantity on receipt of price. u11lII'nnEYs' NED. CO., 11 l In 113 wmlam St., New York. rencsercemis n Y ,t166,d, ,8eiltW.rzy. HOMEOPATHIC II SPECIFIC 1o. fi In use 30 years. The only successful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration from over -work or other causes. $1 per vial, or 6 vials end large vial powder, for $& Sold by Druggists, or sent postputd on receipt of Woe IIIIIMPnUEYS' Ins9D, 00011 ,ti 113 y'asnm sa, NewYcrtt. WELLS & RICHARJ)SON Co. Agents MONTREAL. .14 21:� ,,/ i s o "vutI Aro pleasant to tato. Contain their own Purgative. Ia a safe, sure, and eV-ectt:al destroyer of worms in CltiIdron or helm(,( V"ti I s (j) .icr) a Vf�<1.4�