The Huron News-Record, 1891-12-23, Page 5theiluronNews:Reo0 iii s„ Tear -41.01e +411vence W4dues>lay, De4'`g3rd,1891. J elgr. Na e, "Afre'A..L. Budgeit home for the bristmes tel days,. Isfif: ,T Leiklejohn,- blacksmith, ;hilt Meleewotth is hol.idAyiag .At lila ;4314 home ia: Morris. + The Q. Q, '.C. concert on Thurs. 4.ey night wee a,•eueceep both Mien• otaially eoctally, A ,shooting Metoh, of which Mr ''rauk Y'anNort»taa ie manager, will dye herd herd qi Christmas: Day. Mica Christie Halliday, who has sheen` attending •tbe Normal school aott Ottawa, is home for the Christ, +ariaa 110114ys. '''`NJesera. J. Bell and•5aa. Lawrence, rke;AutVe been working in Brad- trrii, Pa., for two yeary-past are +e petted home for Christmas. • bra. Magenta sale of farm stock Asa implements took place -on Fri - and some good figures were ereslized, Mr. 0. Hamilton wielded .'h'e hammer.,., , The Methodist congregation will .geoid their aunuel tea—meeting on ' be evening of Wednesday Deo. 30. 4s a numberr of prominent speakers -*etre to be'present an enjoyable even - sing may be looked for. • Tuckersntitli. SURPRISE.—On Monday night the 'oung people of this neighborhood a:surprised the residents of Mr. Geo. 7cieb's house by a farewell supper, at' being the eve of Miss Brotherston's •.;tepar'ture from our midst, she having sttatight the past two years in S.S. No. -A and given good satisfaction. A eaarort address was given and all went &ooze after spending a sociable time ttegether. Mr. John White has got settled in Me new house that he erected this - eumtmer. Mr. S. S. Cooper had the —cers ract and the appearance of this Souse speaks well for Mr. Cooper's work. S. S. appears to forget him :asteifsometimes, and has been known Ito pass by the scene of his handiwork, ;, sessibly attracted by a yet more bkzndsome work farther on. Miss Dodd, of Clinton, has been e guest of the Misses Johns the Zest couple of days. Miss Kaiser was the guest of Miss Mary Townsend over Sunday. Miss Hartt is visiting at Mr. Geo. ott's. Mr. Thomas Morton and wife, and Messrs. Joseph and Edgar Morton, „w,tieein - Manitoba, are visiting old olends in this vicinity. Ur. John Fitzpatrick and wite, of Maikota, are visiting the lady's ozet `cher, Mrs. Cudmore. They arrived ere last Friday and Mr. Fitzpatrick been quite sick since. .iffn,And About The County. —Mr. Gerritt Noble, of the 3rd • veva., Hullett, died on Tuesday even- viaeg' of last week. Deceased was Bern in county of k'ermanagb, Ire• fiend, and emigrated to Huron thirty sears ago settling in Hullett. —County Court Clerk, George Inglis, of the county of Grey, says that at the sitting at the recent �aounty Court, for the first time in Alia experience, extending over e w.enty,oue years, there were no uses entered for the trial. —In their presentment the Ox— ford county grand jury intimated mmong other things that they did suet think the system of the grand jury should be abolished, but thought the number of members sight lessened. - Mr. Abram Tyson, ex -warden of Waterloo, and well known as a resi• dent ofBerlin,died yesterday (Thurs• -day) morning. Mr. Tyson, had woe out to his stable, where he wns.s suddenly seized and died in a okay few minutes. —The Belgrave cheese factory • made seventy thousand pounds of --cheese this season, realizing six thousand five hundred and forty .<asllars, exceeding last year's make thy about two thousand dollars, and i -there is no reason why it should .t double next.,year. —A bylaw was voted on at Exe. fir, Friday, to remove the market Zvstn corner of Main and •Station egtafacts to the Town Hall grounds, which is nearer the center of the tsiness part of the village. The wrote resulted in favor of the by'. awby 59 majority. —Mr. Foster, of Taro, Bruce ounty, made another shipment of aslankets to Vancouver this week. iiii , This is the fourth consignment sent • ' is fall to British Columbia; and e demand for the blankets of this *woolen mill is becoming so lively Mat Mr. Foster contemplates doubl-' au,g his staff next year. —The death is announced of Geo. . IlIaniy, uncle of the editor of the fLogersoll Sun, at the residence of ilia •son' -in-law, near Alliston, Simcoe rn *nty. Deceased was over 100, m'eava;old, and was a type of the halo . said hearty Englishman, though for ctev'eral years he had been afflicted (wath rheumatism, - According to the Orangeville, %Wellington county, ppeers the mor• a iirtliiittigfi are not improving, One Sunday evening not long ago, not lees than titaatptivo drunken meg:. were be aeen on iia etreete .at one iminepilo •above dist does. not inulud4 .those who were etnwed. away taking a quiet sleep..-. The Lieense„Inspa..tor was at ch uroli. PO.L1TIOAL PARASIIAPD.S:' Lieut. Governor Angers) of Quo. Jet, in reference to the impertinent taunt of handier Mercier that his honor had 4113, iirised him in order • :tp please Premier Abbott and that he amaklibe called to Ottawa to take a seat in the Dominion Cabinet, says —••Ab, Mercier does not take this very well. Then, I declare that I'll not go away from here, and if the people- returs, the Mr., Mercier, he'll not be received by we; I shall dismiss hire again." Mr. German, the unseated Grit candidate corruptly elected for Welland has been disqualified. The personal charges againet Dr. Spobn the unseated Glrit M. P. of East Simcoe have beeil withdrawn by the petitioners. The seven Conservative members for Nova licotia have, been confirm- ed in their seats. Justices' Rose and Macmahon have decided in the North Perth protest against Grit Grieve, that Grit boodler Preston when lie distributed G.T.R. passes among the faithful, did so without knowing they were other than free passes, though the Grand Trunk books show they were to have been paid for. The charge of corrupt agency of Preston in this matter is, therefore, d ism issed. The Grit Ministry of the Province of Quebec, of which Mr. Mercier, the right hand wan of Laurier, is the Premier, has been dismissed by. Lieut. Governor Angers for boodling. His ?:loner, after reciting his reasons, concludes by saying "Wherefore, sir, I withdraw my confidence from you and relieve you and your colleagues from. your funew tions as advisers of the Crown and members of the -Executive Council of the Province of Quebec." Of course Mercier and the Giits are wrothy for rouge tte'er felt . the halter draw with good opinion of law. It is thought that M. De• boucherville a, former Conservative Premier, will be called on to form a Cabinet. Monday, J. 0. Mosseau, Grit M. P. for Soulanges, Quebec, was en, seated for bribery, and John Burn- ham, Conservative M. P. for East Peterboro, was confirmed in his seat. Thus do the Grit "purists" fall and the "rascally" Tories stand. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) OLINTON. Fall' Wheat... 0 87 to 0 92 Spring Wheat .. 0 87 to 0 92 Barley C 40 to 0 50 Oats ) 31 to 0 32 Peas . 0 60 to 0 61 Apples,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes . 0 25 to 0 30 Butter Eggs Hay Cordwood Beef Wool Dressed Hogs ..016to017 O 16 to 017 11 00 toll 00 300 to 400 .. 0 00 to 0 00 O 18 to 0 18 5 00 to 5 25 TAX NOTICE. Ratepayers are hereby notified that, by order of theo n u til all taxes must be paid before ti o 31et Inst. No extension of time will be given af- ter this date, and persons not paying their taxes by that time run their own risk accordingly, The undersigned will be In the corner office, Market Building, every afternoon and evening, trent 7 to 9 o'clock. JOS. WHEATLEY, Collector. 10 ACRES FOR SALE. The paoprietor offers for sale ten acres of good land on the 13th Con., Hullett, 11 miles from Londesboro and 3 miles from Blyth. Good frame barn, good stable, excellent well of water, nice orchard and other conveniences. Good gravel road nil around it. Apply on the premises. THE WALES HOTEL ALBERT -ST. NORTH, CLINTON. The undersigned has assumed the proprietorship of the above Hotel. The premises aro being re- fitted and flrst•elass accommodation can always he has for man and beast. The bar is supplied with only the best Ale, Liquor, Cigars, dc., and special attention will also be given to the dining room department. There Is excellent stable accommodation. The patronage of the general public Is respectfully solicited. 684 3m JOHN T. LEE, - PROPRIETOR Mature By -Law. Notice is hereby given that a By -Law was passed by the Municipal Council of time Town of Clinton on the Ninth day of December, 1501, A.D., providing for the issue of Debentures to the amount of 93,500 for the purpose of taking up and retiring Debentures to the amount of $0,500 which fell due on 1st December, Instant, and that each Dy -Law was registered in the Registry Office of the County of Huron on the lith day of December, A.D. 1591. And that this is the first By -Law passed under tho Act to con- solidate the debt of the Town of Clinton passed in the 64th year of Her Majesty's reign and chaptered Ct. WILLAIM COATS, Clerk of the Town of Clinton Scientific American Agency for d1 ... CAVEATS, MARKS, DESIDN PATENTS COPYRICI-iTS, etc. Por information and free Handbook write to MUNN R CO. 161'IrmaDwav, Maw Ynnlr. OldestEvery ebureau 'br'a securing us la brought before the public by a notice Oiyep free of charge in the isle liths lintricati L�Frrittlatiitt! fff dSy Eol'eiifltfc paper In the warm. Sp'pn ndi nluot.atsd. No Intelligent men 5hmlle Le without it. week?O 1 a von:, 91,1,0 six months. Ad+h•casM& vv. 1..rt LL: IL'Lt9, sea Broadway, New 1Ork. ' WE ARE, Witt' anything and everything in. • r ins'- %ate Beautiful Goods arid, New Designs. Frifiged and Hemmed Damask Table Covers, bleached and half bleached. Towels, Tray Covers, Sideboard Scarfs, Napkins, D'oyles, &c. J..1�ikL...y. Season' wr line of business. 1891.. GIRISTIf3� . x.$92. NE >XI YEARS, handkerchiefs, , Some very new things. We have the largest stock .of HANDKERCHIEF NOVELTI i we have ever shown. - Handkerchiefs for Christ- mas Gifts, from the elteap t _Cotton to the, finest Silk. !'� "-'--- E'X'SrEtt X2 CEINTT. OFF von CAS3ET. ESTATE JOHN HODGENS, - - CLINTON. YiHgN YOU WM A READY-11A.DE SUIT OR AN ORERED SUIT Or anything in MEN'S FURNISHINGS, come and see what we can do for you. We carry a very fine range. Just now we are offering ---A LINE OF ODD PANTS !---- At a great deal less than their value and it is worth your while to come and see. 0 T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -8T., CLINTON. 0 NEW VALENCIA, SULTANA, LONDON LAYERS AND SLK. BASKET RAISINS. NEW SEASON'S CURRANTS, CANDIED PEELS—LEMON, ORANGE AND CITRON ; ESSENCES, EXTRACTS, SPICES, ORANGES, FIGS, DATES. . CANDIES CHEAP. —0 iN' 'CEAs I have excellent yalue in highest grades of BLACK TEAS, FORMOSA OOLONGS, MONING CONGOUS, PACKLING, half chest and caddies. a TRBLENDY OUR OF PURE INDIA AND CEYLON TEAS, put -up in one pound packages at 50 cents per lb. IW=. Best value in PACKAGE TEAS in the market. 0 Extra Value in Crockery, China Dad Glassware. CHINA TEA AND TOILET SETS, CHEAP. We offer Special Inducements during the Holiday Trade to Cash Purchasers, obso 0 1 ertSt, Fina Christmas Groceries, Fruits, Peels, Canned Goods, Teas, cQo. Our store is well-filled with fresh, clean, new Goods, and we can supply the wants of every household at very close figures. Do not buy until you inspect our stock. - CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. New Firm in the Old Stand, The nndersigned having purchased the old established moat business of Mr. Arthur Conch, begs to inform the public that ho will continue it as it has heretofore been earried on. 1.. -Meats of all kinds in season. Orders taken and delivered as usual. Highest cash price paid for sheepskins, hides_ and tallow. 037 -tf JAMES A. FORD. TEACHER WANTED. wanted, a Second -Class Teacher. Salary not to exceed $400. For further particulars apyly to SAMUF.LIRViNE, Secretary School Section No. 5, Morris, Belgrave P. 0. 675-tf. THE CELS HItATED fflEa1 Waster � *aria Wringer. THE IIEST IN THE MARKET] Machines Allowed on Trial am also agent for all All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill, Cccll-and..see ..me. -..._ .. -_- J. OrnWEIR, CLINTON THE C, P. R. TELEGRAPH AGE CY AT CLINTON Are doing a splendid business. `WHY 7 BECAUSE the line is noted for quick despatch and prompt delivery. Office at Cooper's Book Store DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three ono -acre lots in the Town oftlinton are offered for sale. They are situated on Raglan et}•,cet,,3Q.j ,notmtthe.Dohorty. Organ.•Stactory 'and Collies ate Institute, adjoining the former residence of Mr. J. II. Combe and in the neigh. borlood of first-class residences. For terms, etc., apply to. Mitt ARTHUR RNOX, Clinton. $100.00 GIVEN AWAY I This is Our New Cash System by which we make A DONATION OF 100 TO OUR CUSTOMERS. 0 0 We will give you a FIVE CENT MONEY ORDER with each dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store and when twenty of these Money Orders are presented by any one person we will cash them, paying $1.00 for them; or, when yon buy 50 cents, or more, worth of goods at one time, we will accept one as so much cash towards paying for same. We want everybody to avail themselves of this offer. Our store is headquarters for everything in our line and our prices are the very lowest. Come and see us and bring all your friends. Ask far a FIVE CENT MONEY ORDER with every dollars worth of goods you buy. Money Orders given only with Cash Purchases. 0 PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS Dealers in Dry -Goods; Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furs, Boots, Shoes and Groceries, ALBERT STREET, - CLINTON, ONTARIO CALL ON WALTON & MORRISON FOR A New Fall OVERCOAT • OR FALL SUIT. Fit Guaranteed or no sale. Remember the stand, Smith's Block, opp. Cooper's Book Store, Clinton Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work mansh.ip and material. it 'All the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. 1 FACTORY—corner,I.Turon and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657-7 THE HUB GROCERY 0— — . We have a very fine stock of CROCKERY & GLASSWARE of direct importation from England. DINNER SETS worth $12, at $10.50. TEA SETS worth $6, at $4.50 and $5.00: We have a lino of TOILET SEES coming this week—ten-piece printed set for $3, worth $5. TEA! TEA! TEA! We have the CELEBRATED TIGER BRAND, a beautiful blend of BLACK TEA. Ten lbs. to give away in Samples. Come and get one and try it. It will cost nothing. c as 0 EXPECTED. The Times Tea Warehouse is the acknowledged Leading House for Choice Xmas & Holiday Goods A full assortment extra selected Valencia Raisins, London Layers, Royal Clusters, Black Baskets; choicest and finest Filiatrasr Patras and Vostizzo Currants; New Figs and Fresh Dates. Finest Shelled ALMONDS,, WALNUTS and FILBERTS, New CANDIED LEMON, ORANGE and CITRON PEELS, all of which will be sold at very low prices, We have the largest and best selected stock of FANCY CHINA, CROCKERY & GLASSWARE >...in.town._1tinner-Setts-=Pea-SettaCroiertSe s;at-greatlytedtided p rices. - J. W. IRWIN,- - - CLINTON, Sole Agent for the noted Ram Lal's Pure Indian Tea, and St. Leon Water.