HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-12-23, Page 3FOR,TIM YEAR 189i. REQEIPTS AND ASSET. 4030. 'an4 'lo bafance: on, hand from last account 4a,: Non Resident tax 'from Country Treasurer. Star. Bent part of pound,..,., .... '''F'' » Tavern Jiaense, 031.26 leas Bairk'gem misaAon,..... »otindsry line, grant from Co,. Treasurer July ' Non Resident tax, from County Treasurer 4 Reeve; Corporate note . 1.iig. Reeve, Corporate note fOCt. Ree,ie,. Corporate note • • 44 George Cox, J.P., a fine :pec. T'a.es, from collector at various times '" Taxes uncollected ... . 'EXPENDITURE •AND LIABILITIES, SALARIES &C. .aVnn. By Clerk, expenses of Municipal Elections $ "+' Do registering, 13irthriMarriages and Deatbe:.,, .,,,_ ' • April Win. Wakefield, assessing Township.., '" Holmes and Ford, auditing Tp. acts "'rune Road commissioners, lolling contracts &o Aug. Clerk, school census and notices of C R . 'Mac. Clem, Reeve and assessor, selecting Jurors 44 Clerk, school returns to Inspector Reeve., Dep Reeve and Couucillore services Clerk, salary for one year. Treasurers salary Samuel Johnston, collecting taxes Treas., borrowing money and report MISCELLANEOUS. .f t .4, Ott •1t 1600 29 '24 11 1 00 31 01 191 27 - 12 72 500 '00 100 00 100 00 1 00 9963 75 1058 75 $13583 90 62 40 7 20 65 00 12 00 105 00 5 50 10 00 2 00 100 00 100 00 70 00 70 00 9 00 Jan. By J Trewartha, posting Trees reports $ 2 00 •'a Henry Young, outlet for water 2 00 •4i Jas Laithwait, dog tax refunded 1 00 Win Goulde, roadway to gravel pit 4 00 L Moore, S tax rel''d, 3 miles from school.., 4 00 Clerk, Municipal books, for use of Council 5 00 Tress postage, stationery and report to printer 5 00 Wm Yeo, use of scraper 50 Assessor, postage and stationery 2 00 Star Ofdice, Goderich, printing 14 4'ii Win Stanley, five scrapers 45 00 John Lindsay, outlet for water 2 00 Robt Beacom, outlet for water 3 00 News -Record, printing, in 90 and 91 16 00 Goderich Star, Tp printing 25 60 J Trewartha, roadway to gravel pit 1 50 Hanna Sowers, dog tax refunded 2 00 T McKee and 4 others, error in assessment. 5 00 `s' Registry Office search 75 4' Rowsell and Hutchison, Election blanks 7 41 " B Foster, lumber, for Holmesville Bridge. 7 60 —" S Johnston, over paid to Tress in 1890 2 00 H Carter, damage to crop drawing gravel 1 00 Knox & Mude rent of Hall, one year 50 00 James Patton, postage 11 00 S Johnston, postage and stationery 2 00 ROADS AND BRIDGES—NO. 1 .une By J Sourby, shovelling gravel, 4 con S labor $ 6 00 •{' Jae Blair, drain, 4 eon 2 00 '4f J Johnston, grading hill and S R 4 con 32 00 •4f J Blair, shovelling gravel 4 con • 10 00 44 Thos Johnston, gravelling 1 con 16 00 .duly D Lindsay, shoveling gravel C R. 8 00 4' Sarni Burk, gravelling 4 con 21 45 44 Wm Peacock, gravelling on S R 23 82 J Johnston, gravelling S R 4 con 22 56 4' David Prouse, gravelling 1 con 16 96 _Aug. Thos Johnson, gravelling 1 con 33 32 44 R Johnston. culvert S R 1 con 7 00 4' J Cousins, gravelling S R 1 con 12 90 Mac. Robt Marshal, culvert 4 con 5 00 Mr Beaver, rep bridge 1 con 50 D Orr, culvert and rep bridge 4 con 4 00+ F Hillock, gravelling S R 3 and 2 con 23 40 Johnston Mcllwain, rep bridge 1 con 1 00 T Johnston, rep bridge and culvert and turnpike S R 2 con 17 25 R Johnston, turnpiking S R 1 con 20 00 4' S Bark,rep culvert 1 con . 2 00 NO. 2. ..tt Ji War. 44 April 14 'bra Aug.y 44 Oat. "at .r • "NOV. Dec. 44 • May J. Trewartha, repairing ditch, Huron Road. $ 41 C. Spence, gravelling, H. R. -" Robert Co; rep culvert, 6 con ▪ S. Walters, rep bridge, H 'R B. Wilson, turnpiking S R 6, grav'g and ditches H. R.. W. Carpenter, ditch, H R C. Spence, gravelling S R, H R B. Packwood, cleaning ditches H R J. Trewartha, culvert 6 con. Wm. Edwards, shovelling gravel as P. M. Wm. Miller, shovelling gravel J. Johnston, cutting hills, grav'g S R 6 con Robert Cox, shovelling gravel as P M George Sturdy, minding gate. Walter Carpenter, cleaning ditch H R B. Wilson, gravelling and rep culvert 6 con Robert Henderson, culvert 6 con J. Marquis, shovelling gravel as P M 404y J. Trewartha, rep bridge S R 9 and culvert 7 con H Sweet, gravelling H R and 9 con Aug 3 Packwood, cleaning ditch H R Oct Samuel Ferris, turnpiking 9 con "' M. O'Hara, rep culvert S R 6 con Dec J McMillin, rep bridge 6 con 4' .44 a wi 4t 4f '4' 4' Wune 1f 44 .st wtt .41 .44 cif ..4f at .Sit 41 it 14 32 14 05 1 00 4 00 " 11 24 33 " 1280 " 32 76 10 00 7 80 19 00 1 00 26 80 9 00 75 7 70 75 65 Nov 1 35 Dee 8 00 ft 12 50 28 00 6 08 8 75 50 9 00 Dec It If u ft ft fr 11 May It " June it Oct It 41 tf it u Dec ff April May June tf ff CI " ft tt ft tt Aug tf tt f, CI Oct Cr it Cl CC tt CI ft " F Hillock, culvert and gravelling S R 6 $ •F Hillock, new bridge 6 con William Couaine, rep culvert 6 On S Walters, rep bridge and cleaning pit H R L Scott, rep culvert H R. A McLeod, rep culvert H R A. Edward rep culvert 6 con H Sweat atone culvert and gravelling NI con NO. 3 AND B. L. Thomas Biggart, rep culvert 6 con• < $ Peter Cantelon, outlet for drain.:., Thos Biggart, rep culvert 6 con - Thos Butler, shovelling gravel 7 con Geo Hastings, shovelling gravel. J Curry, shovelling gravel 8 con William Elliott, shovelling gravel 1 con William Hearn, rep hill S R 6 con Henry Carter, shovelling gravel. Thos Bettlee, work 7 con Wm Curry, shovelling gravel Thos Biggart, shovelling gravel... John Clark, shovelling gravel I con Henry Young, shovelling gravel S McDougall. shovelling gravel C It D Lindsay, work on centre road J Torrence, shovelling gravel 6 con. J Weir, gravelling H 14, B L money W Johnston, gravelling S R 7 con J Curry, gravelling S R 8 con T Cronyn, turnpiking S It 7 con Win Jennings, turnpiking S R 8 con J Burk, gravelling and work 1 con (2 jobs). J Burk, gravelling S R 3 con John Dunlop, work ] and 3 con Robert Johnston, work 1 con R Mcllwain, gravelling 1 con John Weir, gravelling H R, B L money II Weston, gravelling and rep bridge (2 jobs) H Weston gravelling and rep culvert S It 4 con Robert Hillock, work S It 6 con Stewart McDougall. shovelling gravel Wm Johnston, work S R 6 and 5 con Ben Granger, work on Base Line J Johnston, gravelling Base Line J Manning, gravelling for Base Line. Joseph Watkins, work on Base Line H. B. Evens, work on H R, 13 L M Joseph Curry, work S R 7 con Win Hearn, gravelling S R 7 con H Rutledge, work S R 4 con... Thos Mair, rep bridge Base Line O Potter, rep bridge centre road R Emerson, use of scraper C Spence, tile for drain H R. Wm Sterling, rep bridge 4 con. Henry Carter, rep bridge Bale Line Jas Alexander, opening gravel pit. R Elliott, outlet and rep culvert 7 con J Sterling, lumber and outlet J Spradbury' work on Base Line Thos Biggart, work 6 con Wm Townsend, work H Weston, rep bridge 6 con Peter Cantelon, outlet 8 con NOS. 4 AND 6. Chas Johnston, putting in pipe on side road Wesley Hearn, grading on 9 con. Wesley Hearn, grading S R 9 con lot 39 Wm Johnston, grading and cutting hill SR 10 con Thos Cooir, rep culvert on aide line Jenningsand Johnston,. gravelling S R 9 con.. Win Jennings, shovelling gravel S R 9 oqn. James Connell, shovellers statute labor 11 eon James Connell, shovelling gravel job work S R 9 con Win Hearn, gravelling S R 9 con Thea Jenkins, shovellers on H R R Acheson, shovellers on statute labor Wm Cole rep culvert 11 con Wm Crooks, rep culvert 11 con • T Marks, lumber for culverts. T Trick, lumber, cedar, elm and iron piping for culverts James Connell, shovelling gravel for. jobs A Anderson, rep culverts and gravelling side road Geo Caok, rep culverts and hauling lumber R Marshall, grading and gravelling Bay line R Marshall, ehovellere on statute labor Bay John Marshall, repairing road to pit. Wm Hearn, grading and gravelling S R 9 con J Connoly, shovelling for job work J Cook, grading at Wise's corner 11 con R Marshall, gravelling on Bay line William Elliott, shovelling gravel for jobs. Dan Glidden, rep culvert 14 con IV Wheatly, gravelling and shovelling Bay line John Bailey, shovelling on Bay lino. R Emerson, rep culvert S R 9con J Holland, rep culverts 16 con W Elliott, cleaning ditches Bay line. A Ostram, opening ditch 9 con James Connell, rep bridge S R 13 con G A Cooper, opening ditch for outlet S R W Jennings, spreading gravel oir side road... R Hanley, rep culvert on side road J Cluff and others, repairing bridge on Bay Line J Weir, gravelling, 1890, and timber for culvert G Sheppard, one days work, 1890, and repairing Bay Line Guy Hicks, repairing culvert, 11th con $ 25 00 36 00 2 09' 2 50 1 50 4 00 4 50 10 00 2 00 2 00 50 5 00 4 00 10 50 2 00 9. 00 6 00 75 1 00 1 00 4 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 6 00 15 00 37 30 7 50 9 60 7'50 46 00 15 00 8 12 3 75 41 00 27 00 47 01 1150 3 12 1 00 9 00 5,50 53 25 10 64 2 50 7 50 8 12 42 70 50 4 00 75 1 00 16 62 50 2 00 1 50 3 00. 5 00 75 1 00 2 00 3 00 1 00 2 6 .14 27 7 64 15 4 00 80 00 00 00 80 00 00 9 37 23 60 14 00 3 00 2 00 7. 00 8 40 42 75 7 50 11 80 9 00 26 30 5 00 2 00 30 00 5 00 2 35 27 86 10 00 3 35 47 00 10 00 3 00 6 00 5 00 1 50 4 00 2 50 1 50 2 00 12 50 5 50 1 75 1 50 Dated this. 15th,. day of December, 1891. Dec D beeves, repairing sudden breaches , $ .3 90 " J Izzard, repairing five culve'rte, S R, 14th con.... 9 0.0 "` Henry Sweet, culvert, C R . S 004. Cantelon, repairing culvert with stone, 9th con 75 it Geo Sheppard, repairing culvert, Bay Line.....,.,, 2 00. NO. 5. John Trewartha, culvert, 9th con $ 6 00 G Tebbut, cleaning ditch on Colborne hill. 2 85 J Trewartha, 'Alyea on Cut Line 5 0G J Trewartha, cleaning ditch on Evr.ns' side line2 50- C Willlatne, culvert, Md con, and gravelling and ditch, two jobs Wm Lobb, two culverts, Md con, two jobs Wm Lobb, gravelling on side line W� Vanvalkenburg. turnpiking Cut Line. Win Vanvalkenburg, gravelling, Cut Line, 2 jobs F McCartney, culvert on 16th con John Yeo, shovelling gravel as P M J Johnston, gravelling hill on side line Wm ]Jobb, shovelling gravel for contract; C 11.... F Tibbutt, repairing bridge, 14th con Henry Murphy, work on gravel pit Richard Murphy, repairing culvert, 16th con Henry Murphy, gravelling on aide line Samuel Ferris, turnpiking on 9th con '.3harlea Baker, repairing culvert, 16th con. S Halstead, work on river hill J Johnston, two culverts, 16th con, two jobs,, A Osbaldeston, shovelling gravel as I' M F McCartney, turnpiking on Cut Line H Sweet, turnpiking on Cut Line, two jobs J Johnston, grading hill, 14th con H Murphy, turnpiking on side line,.16th con F McCartney, two culverts, lath con, two jobs F McCartney, gravelling on Cut Line Wm Lobb, gravelling on 'Maitland con. Wm Lobb, shovelling gravel Charles Williams, repairing road, Maitland con Alex Badour, shovelling gravel as P M Wm Vanvalkenburg, shovelling gravel , Wm Vauvalkonburg, gravelling on Cut Line Simeon Murch, shovelling gravel Henry Murphy, gravelling S R, 16th con Henry Sweet, planking bridge, M con S A Ferris, gravelling 9th con, two jobs Fred Tibbutt, work on 14th con S A Ferris, cleaning ditch, II R H Sweet, plank on bridge, Maitland con S A Ferris, shovelling gravel as P M F McCartney, gravelling on Maitland hill F McCartney, putting stringers on bridge F McCartney, putting posts under bridge F McCartney, repairing approach to bridge .1 Trewartha, stone culvert, 9th con J Trewartha, cutting ditch on Huron Road Henry Sweet, wori. on River Hill. P Potter, repairing culvert, Huron Road Thos Potter, gravel on culvert, H Il F McCartney, gravel and posts on River Hill Isaac Rapson, repairing bridge on Base Line C Williams, culvert and gravelling M con R Draper, covering culvert, S R, Base Lino John Yea, repairing two culverts on Cut Line.... Henry Murphy. repairing culvert, 16th con John Cololough, covering bridge, S R, 16th con... �4'm Ii.11ipe, lumber on 16th con bridge........... James Johnston, lumber ;and work GRAVEL. June ff f, it tt July it CC tt ft ft ft ft CC 44 August ff October tf tf tt ff ft It CC CC CC ft ft ft tt CC tt Jan. May tt C' Dec. tf it Cl tf It ff " tt C' CI tt ft tt 'C CO Jan. u ft Ap. IC CC it tf Joseph Whitely $ 4 Joseph Whitely. 1 John Lapier (for 90) Mrs Ross 39 J Alexander 4 T Tichbourn 11 J McDonald 18 3 Manning 4 John Weir 25 Wm Curry 7 R Pearson 6 H Hibbs 15 R Draper 3 A. Drysdale . 19 Wm Murch 36 Wm H Lobb 9• Ed Wise 5 J Elliott 4 W H Johnston 34 J G Holmes • 11 Henry Trumbly. Mrs Bray Mrs McRae Wm Collins Mrs Bray P Trumbly Mrs McRae • Mrs Bray .20 32 96 30 20 86 90 50 98 50 48 72 00 86 06 60 52 38 26 64 7 00 11 25 11 60 10 00 45 65 11 00 5 t00. 8 82 13 00 5 00 3 00: 1 50 10 00 13 20 1 00 1 00 13 50 10 50 8 00 21 75 11 20 15 60 13 30 12 50 30 60 4 75 _ 2 00 8 50 3 00 14 28 3 75 2 00 6 00 14 50 2 00 2 00 75 4 00 4 80 38 00 2 70 4 5L 7 00 6 00 3 50 4 50 56 7 00 5 00 8 00 3 00 • 5 00 1 50 5 35 2 00 2 75 S Rathwell $10 00 Wm McCabe 4 20 R Johnston 2 70 J Porter 7 68 J Elliott 7 32 C Ross......... 6 18 Wm Crooks 12 36 F McCartney 10 38_ P Crouyn 21 34 T Potter 14 52 S Walters 13 08 J Connolly 7 32 Wm Wise 17 82' Wm Baker j2 54 A Courtice 16 68 H Young 9 30 S Burk 4 20 A Drysdale• 14 83 J H Elliott 22 50 INDIGENCE, $15 00 June Mrs Bray $ 8 00 6 00 " Wm Collins " 18 75 15 00 Aug. Mrs McRae 15 00 56 25 Oct. Wm Collins 18 75 12 00 Dec. Mrs McRae 15 00 5 00 " Medicine at Good's1 35 15 00 " Win Dunn 65 00 17 00 SCHOOL TAXES INCLUDING $1000 ON TOWNSHIP. S. S. No. 1, $373.37 ; No. 2, $210.91 ; No. 3, $406.E0; No. 4, $427.70; No. 5, $422.10 ; No. 6, $327.62 ; No. 8, $405.84 ; No. 9, $332.90 ; No. 10, $363.81; No. 11, $395.74 ; R. C. 8. S., $12.60. Total $3679 19 Corporation notes with interest 718 30 Coubty rate for general purposes 3190 69 Do Municipal school grant 304 00 Estimated balance 1846 20 (Legislative school grant not included) $13,583 90 JOHN COX, Reeve. ADAM CANTELON 4 - ---.--__. .AN ELECTION COURT IN. CIDENT, - "I hope not, air," shouted the witness at the topof hie lungs. g "How dare your speak to me in that way4 cried the lawyer. "Because I can't speak no louder, sir," said the hostler. � >=="'''jf'ff' errint"'hatrI ` iTra. `IC • Z. -' �Irg .��. "Yes, sir." „ I should infer so from your conduct. What have yon been drinking I" "Coffee," hoarsely vociferated the knight of the stable. Samot'h7u ff� gB"' sir,et you've been drinking. Don't !oak at me like that, sir! furiously. "Look at jury, sir I Did you have j Y+�� something in your coffee, sir?" Yee sir."'p "sugar "What was it 4" ..:-_itS`n aiti!f .,..:.n g a,, c :sa . . -- This man is no fool, my lord— he is worse!" stormed the counsel. "Now, ++ Now, sic, turning to the wit- nese "look at me. What' besides did you take in your coffee this mgrning4" aha hostler oollectod hsrcgg,: drew a deep breath, and, in a voice that could have been heard half a mile away, bellowed out r . ' "A s une l A s une and nothing p ' else I" 4'Now, Nott' sir,I hope we shall have+, +p zsso difficulty in getting you to speak +>3t,�;' said the barrist in a very '' .v d . -- " __ - $"and; dolll-t iiitni • Subscribe for Tan Nivws R> aot:n