HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-12-16, Page 8rtitesswer,
'trllis :GREAT
incceiaful CU
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[zed'to sell it
a test that lie
fully stand.
Sore Throat,
it -will Sure,
uta. Croup, or
it proigptly,
dread that insidious
will cure you
your Druggist
Price 10 eta.,
your Lungs
use Shiloh's
, ,1bt4
a positive;guarautee,
you have
CU>3E, this e
thehistory •t1f t
fire. author- t.
can puccess- 9
a Cough, R
use it, for J.
your child has D
Cough, use 'T
is sure. If you
disease CON.
to use it, it a
nothing Ask g
and $1.00. If D
or Back lame,
25 els. d
To Advertisers.
All' changes of Advertisements, to d
insure insertion in the current issue, I
must be received at the office not later 6
than Monday noon. Copy for r
cfe'anges received later than Monday 1{
ancon will hereafter be at the Adver-
tiser's own risk. t
WHITELY & TODD, Publishers. E
rile Huron News -Record r
.50 a Year -S1.25 in Advance C
1Gth, 1891
In and
L)CAI. No•rtcss.—All
columns of
previous to
an admission
_a pecuniary
be charged
line. 'l'HFi
i.- °1n 1 the "Bub.' i
notices in chess 1
meetings or entertainments, 1
holding of the same,at which
fee is 3harged,orfront which
benefit is to be derived, will
at the rate of ten cents per
Ott, WHAT A COUGH I—Will you heed
the warning. The signal perhaps of
the sure approach of that more terri-
ble disease Consumption. Ask your-
self if you can afford for the sake of
saving 50c., to run the risk and do
nothing for it. \\-e know from ex-
perience that Shiloh's Cure will cure
your cough. It never fails.
We are offering special bargains in
Crockery and Glassware. See our
prices before buying. Groceries as
good •and as cheap as any in town.
Miss Galloway, who holds an honor
certificate from the Alma College ,
Conservatory of ulueic, is prepared
to take a limited number of pupils.
Cr_ri have a specialty in Labatt's.
fine Ale and Porter in i; and i barrels:
Also other reliabley brands in bottles.
'Fine imported Scotch Whiskies.
Brandies, Rum, Gin, and the very
finest of Sherry and Port Wines and
Canadian Whiskies. We have
Guineas' Stout and Bass'- Ale, re-
commended by the medical faculty.
G. II. Mumna' Extra Dry Champagnes
in stock. Your plum pudding sauce
' or mince meat will not be complete
without our fine brandy. -J. W.
RITER, Albert street, Clinton.
R. B. P. No. 161 meets this
(Wednesday) evening.
Mn. J. L. STURDY, of Harriston,
passed through Clinton ou his way
to Goderich last Wednesday.
THE County Orange meeting in
Clinton last Wednesday was very
largely attended:
TowN CLERK. COATS is again on
'dock and able to take part in his
customary business.
Mn GEO. WHITE, of Blyth, who
has been working near the Soo the
past summer, gave us a call the other
day. Ho, will return to the Soo in
law has been passed granting Foster
& Co., shoe manufacturers of Ber-
lin, $2,000 to start a factory in New
" 'TIM • TRIG O 1 . ,
Ciinto0 Qu>1 lead a lrioudly
hoot, at 'lure- .birds, Thursday,; in
Tho :shooting was exasl7-
apathy good, as lha following loom
ill show,. The 'bird, were remirk-
uly lively and seemed by their
hor centric deadly
to be aware :that
.enemies Were after
hem. ,
Overberry , ....0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
Htocttley 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-- 9
Wallace ,,.11111,00000- 6
McMurray. .., ..:...1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 I. 1- 7
r, Btackull ............1 1 0.1 1 1 1'i 1 0- s
Whitehead. •• •• •0 0 0 11.0 0 0 1 0—
.Cole z 10Q1110101.0
Miner 1 0 1 0. 1 1 0 1 0 1- 0
Overberry 1 0 1 0 0 0 - 2
llinchley 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -10
Wallace 11i=000 5 -a
McMurray 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 9
r. I3lacltall, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-12
whitehead' 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 - 6
]7. Cole 1 1 1 1 1 0 - 6
Miller 0 1 0 1 1 1 - 4
Johneton 1 0 1 1 1 1 - 5
pleased one day last week by a call
from Miss Sturdy of Harriston and
a lady friend. Miss Sturdy had
been attending a ball at Soaforth.
BOY DROWNED -A young lad
amed Watson, aged about 13, was
rowned in the •Maitland liver at
Vingham, Friday afternoon, while
kitting. His body was recovered
text morning. His parents are
nuwn in Clinton.
MILITARY BALL. -Tho officers of
he 33rd Batt. purpose holding a
rand military ball in Clinton about
he middle of January, which will
to doubt be the leading. social event
If the season. Invitations will be
asued this week,
A BIG JONTnecT.-The Milton,
Jut., Champion says Monday
ast the head teacher of the public
chool had a contract on hand when
le thrashed no lees than thirty-two
If the boys that misbehaved them•
selves at the entertainment on Fri -
lay evening last. The second
eacher took a hand in and repeated
lie dose to sonic of the boys that
node some remarks about him and
young lady that he was escorting
home after the entertainment.
erry Xmas
Have yen secured them ? We have jlst opened. OVA raft of nice, dobby
goodssuitable for XMAS GIFTS for everybody, comprising is part
125 Dozen Handkerchiefs
in White and Colored Silk, Japanese Silk EMb'd, Initials, Duplex, Fancy
' and Scollop Borders -at 2o.,„30. and 5o.
10 Boz. Fancy Bordered Towels. 0 Doi, Wool Squares
in Black, White, and Colors.
50 Dozen Black and Colored Kid Gloves at. Sale Prices
50 Fancy Tidies—very cheap.
Received to -day another lot of BLANKETS --$1,60, $1.75 and $2.75 a,pair.
in endless variety. OUR MILLINERY STOCK is still full and complete -
15 per cent discount for cash.
_: s em az co_
(W. A. RUTHERFORD, „Liquidator.)
viii hite tIan Handkerchiefs, 500.. 75e..
$1, $1.25, $1.50, -
Fine Neckwear, r, 25c., 50c., 75c
Silk Mufflers, $1, $1.25, $1.50,,,
$2 •
Silk Braces, $1, $1:25, $1.50..
Fine Gloves, $1, $1.25, $1.50,
$2. -
Fine Umbrellas, $1, $1.50, $2
$3, $4,50..
* * .I. * 4. t t * t * t * t * t * t a lisFurs.
and Couch shipped from Clinton,
Monday afternoon, two car loads,
43 head, of exceptionally fine cattle
for Toronto and Montreal as a con
tribution to the Christmas beef that
will gladden the hearts and tickle
the palates of the denizens of those
oitice. And it must be admitted, if
appearances count for anything,
that the animals will do justice to
the judgment of the shippers and
reflect credit on their breeders and
ST. PAUL'S CisURCII.-The young
men of the church gave a Social on
last Thursday evening•in the school
room. Refreshments were provided
by the ladies and the following pro-
gram acceptably filled: ---Solo, "I am
King," Mr. W. A. Rutherford; read-
ing, Miss Mounteastle ; solo, "Tho
Stream of Life," Mr. Spalding; solo,
"A Girl of Three," Miss Jackson;
reading, Rev. W. Craig; duet,
"Hope Beyond," Miss Laithwaite,
Mr. T. S. Kitty; reading, Miss C.
Mouutcestle; God save the Queen.
Mr. John Croll, of town, was talk-
ing to a man in the country the
other day who congratulated Mr.
Croll on having a son in the- minis-
try. Mr. C. denied the soft im-
peachment. "But," said the man,
"I saw it so stated in THE NEWS -
RECORD. "Well," said Mr. Croll,
"I don't like to dispute such excel --
lent authority, but there is a mis-
take somewhere." Further talk de-
veloped the fact that among the
officers of St. Andrew's Society as
given in THE NEWS -RECORD appear-
ed the name of "John Croll, Chap-
lain," hence the mistake.
meeting of L. 0. L. 710'ou..M.onday
evening was largely attended. The
following officers were elected for
the current year, and installed by
County Master Todd: -W. M., Bro.
Wm. Walker ; D. M., Bro. Thos.
Kearns; Chap., Bro. Geo. Hanley;
Rec. Secy., Bro. D. S. Cook; Fin.
Secy., Bro. John P. Sheppard;
Treasurer, Bro. John Ford; D. of C.
Bro. D. Steep; Lectur°1•s, Bros. W.
S. Swaffield, P. Centel. • Sr. Com-
mitteeman, D. Centel & , yler,
Bro. Jacob Connell. Aud 'si's,
Bros. T. M. Carling and S. S.
Cooper ; Scrutineers, Bros. Wm.
Lee and •
Peter Cook; Past Master,
Bro. W. G. Smith.
DEBENTURES SOLD. --Tho tender of
the Ontario Mutual Life Assurance
Company for the $25,000 5 per cent,
sewer debentures was accepted by
Berlin council, The bid was $26,-
557, being about 6 1-5 per cent.
GARBUTT, a former resident of
Wingham, whose case for alleged
forgery in Texas has occupied the
-court and lawyers in Toronto for
sumo time past, will according to
the latest decision of the legal tri-
bunal, be extradited so that he can
be tried in Texas.
THURSDAY evening about fifteen
of the lads and lasses of Clinton
drove out to Mr. Gabriel Elliott's,
ontlio 'Mina! Tine, ` and'epen' "a
socitil time with his family. The
visiting party express themselves as
highly pleased with the hospitable
treatment they received.
75 Kinds of Purses'
12 Kinds of Card Cases
15 Kinds Shopping Bags
10 Kinds Pocket Knives
20 Kinds of Brooches
Phot • graph Frames,, Photograph Easels,
Dinner Gongs, Autograph Albums, Ink
Stands, Crumb Trays and Brushes, Perfume
and other things too numerous to mention—all marked
in plain figures and all going at half the regular prices.
We want these cleared out to .make room for Japanese
Goods expected soon.
0 0
S. S. Seal Caps
S. S. Seal Muffs
Persian Lamb Caps
Persian Lamb Muffs
Persian Lamb Collars
Astrachan Caps
Beaver Caps
Beaver Muffs -
Beaver Capes
Beaver Collars,
Beaver Gloves,
Sable Muffs
We carry the Finest Goods in Furs that
money can buy, and people who appreciate'
Good Goods should see our Selection.
Jackson °-.
Hatter's and Furriers.
Book Store and News Depot, Clinton.
Mold on a Tifiriute
Before purchasing your PRESENTS.
MRs. WALL has completed an ex-
cellent programme for a high-class
concert on January 19. The lady
was under the tuition of Professors
Bischoff and Leavitt, and is- well
qualified to successfully carry out a
high-class concert.
Dn. BRUCE has supplied hie den-
tal surgery with an operating chair
of the latest improved device. The
patient can be placed by the opera-
tion of mechanical appliances in any
desired posture with the greatest
ease. One could fancy that it would
be a pleasure to have a dental opera-
tion performed while being so com-
fortably placed.
DOING Goon Wonx.-It is always
pleasing to generous minds to hear
good of their friends and more es•
pecially to hear of their usefulness.
It will therefore interest- many of
.our readers to read the following
from the Belmont Times :-"St.
George's church, Belmont, was
crowded to its utmost capacity on
Sunday evening. A number had to
leave owing to the crowded state of
the church. The Incumbent, Rev.
Geo. W. Racey, is evidently a popu-
lar man judging from the attendance
at church."
Toronto a storekeeper was fined $4,
for having sold what was represent-
ed to be a quart of oysters without
having measured them. Referring
to the case, the Empire says x -
When you ask a dealer for a quart
of oysters and he grabs a-dardboard
basket instead of a tin measure,
slams the lid off a crockoryware tub,
ladles out scoopfuls of bivalves and
ice and stuff, slaps down the card-
board cover and says "60 cents,"
meanwhile transfixing you with e
stony glare, he is acting contrary to
law. You can't reach him • because
of the stony glare or the price,
which are the chief offences, but the
Weights and Measures Act provides
that "Any person who uses for the
purpose of buying or selling any
articles or ascertaining the price to
be paid for such articles, any weight
or measure which has not been
dt1lr. imlseuted--and -stampedaccord-
ing to this act, shall, on conviction,
incur a penalty not exceeding $50
and not less than $5 for each of-
-Christian McLeod of Rat Por-
tage, died from the effects of poison,
and a coroner's jury is trying to dis-
cover if it was a case of murder.
-It is rumored in Montreal that
an action for conspiracy io defraud
the province of Quebec out of $100,-
000, is to be taken againet Boodler
-Cole, who was convicted at
Kingston of an attempted rape on
Annie Maud Armstrong, of Tam-
worth, has been sentenced to seven
years in the penitentiary.
-Benjamin Harris, who lives
near Carifton, Ont., was visited
Tuesday night by "Whitecap." who
threatened serious consequences un•
less he properly supported his w ifs
and feeds his horses. Harris is
known as the laziest man in the
-The total shipments of apple
from Montreal this year are in th
neighborhood of 312,867 barrels
which is an increase of 152,273
barrels over last year,tlie figures then
being 160,595 barrels. The apple
trade has been an active and profit
able one.
-Two young men named John
Walsh and CharlesCarroll,eruployed
at the Hamilton Iudustral Works
had a quarrel on Tuesday, and Car-
rot threw Walsh otrthe sand drum
machine used for sand -papering
boards. The machine revolves very
rapidly and in a. short time it had
ground the clothes from young
Walsh and lacerated his body fear-
fully, Walsh suffered terribly. ,It
was -found necessary to cut the re-
mainder of his clothes off, portions
of which were round into his flesh.
A warrant was issued for Cattoll,
but be cannot be found and has like,
ly skipped out.
-John Heaphy, of Orillia, Ont.,
arrived in Detroit hon northern
Michigan, Friday, proceeded to the
Brush streetsdepot to take a train
for home. He met a young man at
the depot, from whom he enquired
the time of the departure of the
train. The young man was very
affable, and gave him the informa-
tion. Heaphy became confidential,
and told the young elan that he had
$108 in United States bills and $90
in gold, which he desired to ex-
change for Canadian money. The
man went to James E. Brodie's
saloon, 251 Jefferson avenue, where
the young fellow said he would ex-
change the money for Heaplly.
During the exchange, Fleapits?no-
ticed his pile gettting smaller. 'He
became alarmed and Patrolman
Daniel O'Keefe was notified. The
young pian was taken to tine Central
station with Heaphy and locked up.
A thorough search of Heaphy's
clothes at the station disclosed but
$35 of his original $198. Thirty-
five dollars in bills of small denom-
inations, such as Heaphy claimed
1 OEN, and $10 in gold was found
up'n the young man.
-Nova Scotia elected sixteen
Conservatives last March and five
Reformers. Three of the Reform-
ers have now been unseated.
-At a mass meeting of the Con%
_eervatives of Kingston, Mr. J. H.
Metcallt,.T, was"-honiiildteti`
as candidate for the vacancy in the
House of Commons caused by the
death of Sir John Macdonald.
with Nice, New, Beautiful and Useful Goods
suitable for
Christmas & Ne Year P��eseuis
Setts Carvers in Cases
Setts Scissors in Cases
Table Cutlery
Pocket Cutlery
Silver Tea Spoons
Silver Desert Spoons
Silver Table Spoons
Beautiful Tea Trays
Acme Skates
Hanging and Hall Lamps
White Granite Steal. War
Gold Medal Carpet Sweepers
—the King of Sweepers,,and nothing more suitable for
a nice Present, Call and see our Stock. We have made,
a BIG REDUCTION on the price of STOVES.
Iron and I-Iai dware, Stoves and Tinware, Clinton, Ont..