HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-12-16, Page 6CONSLJMPTIQN,Y 14 'Efrst stages. can al$ .avteaefisfully clie o e t b the prompt ue9 of Ayelt''fi: >rr Y R 1' Cherry Pectoral. Awed In iue lrster. periods of that disease, the cough; is tvclldor1ltlly ?ie laved by this ]mWdipinee " I have used Averse Cherry Pectoral' with the best effect. in my practice. This wonderful preparation once saved pay life, T laad, a constant coo II,, night filircata, wait' :greatly- Z041100,14 fleshe BO, given up= b_ y nay Ogaden. One ottleand a hal! Of the ectoraboured e, 4•. J. $iilsan, Di. p.,111iddleton, Tennessee. ci ldavpr;ll.' years ago I wee severely ill. Thedoctorii said r was in consumption, and that they could do nothing for pio, but advfaef rr,i4, 40 a last resort, to try i-yeref Cherry Peettoral, After taking rn this ediciu@ two or three months was cured, and my health remains good to the present day.". -James Birehard, Darien, Coin. "Several yews ago, on apansage'home from California, by water, I contracted so severe a cold that for some days 1 was confined to my State Zoom, and a physician: au board considered my life in clanger. Happening to clavea bottle of , ,yer's Cherry Pectoral, 1 ' used it t9etltineo1oahalycondin. Snctben have invariably' recommended this prep. eratieli.'-J. B. Chandler, Juuctlou, Ya. A s lifer eefotaI, Pr. J. C. Ayer do Co., Lowell, Mass. So'd,by all Drr,giate: Price $1; alxbottles,$5. , [he Huron News -Record $1.50 n Year -3l.25 in Advance Wednesday, Dec. 18th. 1891. GREAT GAME. The great gent", naseieall, in the States an I greac.Euhiteh .:mote, Cricket fu the'D.nntnion, are in fall cattier, an it is apropos to eoustder what a celehra, ted ptcoher stye : M1•. L mid Rush, 49 Preston St. Uetrait, ALuh U. S. A. writes : "In pitAtiug b 01 I aprai nerd my arm ; two applio+tions of S: JaooL'e 0.1 cured ute.•' 11 you waatto i? ready Lr the uext day, try it. —A l;.ty City, 11ieh , despatch says that a report has reached that city that a party of hunters found the remains of Peter I)arnares?, of Pictuu, Ontario, frozen to death, about ten tulles from Alger. It is supposed that Denial -est was on his way to a lutubollcamp 'and was caught in a blindiug snow storm. Losing his way he fell and perished in the storm. Nealy all colds are slfght a; first, but their tendency is to so lower the • systetn that the su'furer becomes a ready vie int to any prevalent disease. Tho use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, in the be• ginning of a eold, would gu trd against the danger. —Mr. Robert Blackloy, who own• ed tho north-west quarter of lot 22, concession .4, Erarnost, 50 acres, ended his life under very cad circumstances the other day, by tak- ing a heavy dose of Paris green while on a spree. The deeoaeed was in comfortable circumstances, had a good place and good stock, and the cause of- his .terrible act is ascribed alone to his uufortunate failing. (� :By, rl?I'.T,Q�yBJ,�'LL, .VIDUN�yCI c. t,,SN2'Li'fdati.-a-Your I g artrs 1eW QJ is ``•atilt,tit weight ht gold for b9t14 to—tern—at eta eXternat ,use. 13(arin,R the,iste Zs; Qrfpps epicierniJ:we.fouud ;k ot, madt eiteeilvat 114'iveut0e, nue" for k[Ka#tktIit ber Ht4 ither4ls�oilr t!I t9 equal it. War. kr+11^innairrov',, IN`•itiol<' Reporter, k Pt;lhi, Qat, GOOD ADVICE. DEAR SIRS. -I have been troubled with headache for over 40 years, and had it so bad about once a week that I was sometimes not expected to live. I was advised to uee 13. 13.13., and have used 3 bottles. I oo.v have an attack only once in four or five months. and feel that if 1 continae using it I will be'entirely cured. Thort f I recommend it highly MRs. E. A. STOREY, Shetland, Ont. —Tienry Gardner, station agent fof the Canadian Southern at Bis- marck, is locked up at Sandwich on a charge of seduction preferred by a fourteen•year old girl named Annie Page. She says Gardner gave her a ticket to Detroit, where she found emphyment with a Mrs. Jamieson, to whom she finally told the story of her betrayal. Mrs. Jamieson in- sisted upon her crossing to Windsor and laying a complaint against her betrayer. As the offense was com- mitted' in Elgin county, Gardner will have to he taken to St. Thomas far trial. Did you ever boy a horse and not have some misgiving as to his points till they wore fully tested ? Not so with Ayor°s S%raparillA ; von oily be sure of it at the start, It never elisappoints those who give it a fair and persistent trial. —More sailors last their lives (7fr th e great ekes tlurin tho Marine seaauujust. olveed thau any previotit year Once the lakes were .navigated. Io all 57 met their (death, and most Qf this iiunlbar wrote lost during NQvein bolr; Zi'urty were lest frond echoonera and bargee. Nola parson, ger, however,•was lost. y., A Cp8ANQE FOR TUE IIKTTER, SIRS, -I have taken three bottles of Burd.,ck Blood nutters and finrl it a splendid medicine for constipation sod poor appetite. 1, wilt °epitoue takipg it as it lea great blessing end I feet -a great change in my healthusince taking'It. MRs J. V. QRisiere, 5 Sy.leohatm St. Termite, —A despatch Worn Calgary to day says : When the hailstorm struck the crops in the High river and Sheep creek county last September it 'wan thought that the farmers would lose everything. It now .appears that from threshers' reports the farmers in the hailed district will secure respectable crops. Ten farmers in almost the centro of the hailed district have threshes? 23,590 bushels of wheat, barley and oats in • good. condition. —flew many people, says the Washington Star, have ever oaten jelly made from elephants' tuaksl Yetit is Very good iindeed. .jll ]the English factories, where Many tons of ivory_aro sawn up annually to make handles of knives and forks, groat quantities of ivory dust are obtained. The dust is sold atthe rate of sixpence a pound, and when propeidy boiled and, prepared it makes the finest, purest end most nutritious animal jelly known. Years ago ivory jelly was' a very fashionable remedy and much sought for. Consumption Cured. • Au old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East Indio ruission- ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent wire of ('onsurnptiun, Bronchitis, Catarrh, As, tuna nail all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radium caro for Nervous Debility and nil Nammo Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative puwere In th•msands .1 rano, has fe't it his tinty to snake it known to his suffering fellow a. actuated by this motive aid n desire to relieve human suffering, I Mil send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe. iu Qe^moo, French or English, with tint direction, for proparlug and using. tient by mail by addressing with slam', naming this paper. W. A. Nuns-', 820 Poleers' Bieck, Rochester, hr. l'. 850--,y —At Calgary the Rev. George Jacques was before the police court charged with using insulting language to Mrs. Catherine hulltno. The' alleged offense consisted in the reverend gentleman calling Mrs. Fullmo an "old Irish • eow," and other worse names. FOR PAIN OR COLDS, UitNTLEMEN.-Fifteen months ago 1 had a beefing breast. I tried a number of remedies but got no relief. I then tried fiagyard's Yellow Oil, which give me instant relief. It is the best thing I ever used for all kinds of pain or cold. MP.s. JOHN DORBETT, Bt. Mary's, Oat, "r-4 GiiN�I IAN ItL 11AI", bV7«l'�`i QI+`QbN13,Dv1 AO. War. Cechr tmp. 12. Editor,' • Whirs been aiir.11rtvilo a to: 8xat4tei soma arlvance sheets of this work, now ben published ►shod bx b ra dIoY f.rretaonCo,✓o,.of Dra l ,fold,. Ont. aaitl we Pullout` lot'bear expi'ettsingaur admiration .of the :athelia alliin: ilia, —Chief Justice Elliott, of the Indiana Supreme Court, has decided, the other judgeEi con- curring, that a wife has a per- fect right to sue for damages against any one who Alienates her husband's affections. This is contrary to the old common law and the usual cus- tom in the United States, the man alone being accorded the prerogative of obtaining a money recompense for his wite's love. The case do- cided yesterday was an appeal from the Circuit Court of Dearborn county, wherein the judge knocked out a suit for $25,000 damages On demurrer. Anvtca To. Morn Ens. Are yon dieterbed et night and broken td your rent by n nick child autrering and crying with pain of Cutlinq Teeth ? If o, send nt once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winelow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth lag. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve tho poor little smfferor immediately. Depend 'open it, mother:; th ire is no mistake about it. It onree Dyson tery and Dlarrheea, regulates the stooltuh and b,wels, cures wind Colic, softens the gums, redi u % lnatrmation, and givoo tone andonurgy- to the whole syetmn. "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syenp" for children teething ie pleasant to the taste and h the prescription of one of the vi amen. aicSstrs=ornl m r the United exult;, and is for anis by a'1 drnt;gist's thronghont the wird. Price 25 cont: a bottle. D e enre arid- alit for "stns. 1VistaLo`o'a SeeTOI1:O S rntvP," and takno other kind. (My NEW SARUM NOTES. DEAR'`3iRs.-I have used six bottles ot 13. B B. I took it -for liver complaint. Before I took it I had headache and felt stupid all the time, but new I am heal- thy and entirely well. In addition I have a good appetite, which I did not have preyionely. LIBB:E POUND, New Sarum, Oat. pis yea in the execlition ofeyt=ry. part The ! r ' s e Biu of i I Ie pa trait. fro yup ► r t4 anything we have seen' produced iu artiada, wh to the typography to serial iy vpy thio, .. i'a►king it as a.,whole, the !)jail of the wor4r_ia undoubtedly unique and the conception original.. This ap- peers te,b.e an Album on a National "reale; its title "The Canadian Album; Alen of Canada issuggestive of its plan apd scope: The usefulneas and desirability pf such a work oan be readily seen and highly 'ap`preeiated. On every hand it is felt that the sources of information concerning „TEL MEN OF 'CANADA.. are very limited. The leaders of•thoughtand .action ip our country, are not 80 well known ea ie desil'able or neoassaryc How often one asks concerning art individual ii hs atldderily become conspicuous in church or state, who. he is, and what is he, and what is his personal appearance? This work proposes to answer these questions, and to place the very image of the men before us, so that he may, as it were speak for himself. The benefit conferred upon the country by this publication sill be the more readily seen when the plans of the publishers are consider- ed. Taking the populat`on ot Canada roughly at five millions, and supposing that about one man to every thousand is a representative man, tliere are at least five thousand men eligible to appear in "The Canadian Album". Phis would in- volve the publication of seven volumes with a little over seven hundred men in each. This task the publ:sliers have undertaken, and judging from, their past record, we expect them to succeed. The value of this work is not in sentiment only, important as that is.t It has a business d professional value. It will bee ually in place in the libraries of the learned profess- ions, and on th business man's desk. Mcrcaretil eports ac -e good so far as they go, but they give a man's financial "rating'' only, and private reports are often necessary to find out who and what the man is. Such reports elm be had by consult- ing the. pages of the "Men of Canada." The family Album has now become a household necessity and very properly so, . Foraimilar reasons this "National Album" should also be a honsehold necessity, In it we see the members of the Dominion and Provincial Parliaments, the leading Clergymen of eaob of the denomina- tions, the distinguished men of the Bench and Bar, those of the Medical and learned professions, and also our manufacturers, merchants, agricul- turists and private citizens. This is -net a work of fulsome praise, but of facts and contains nothing wnich any plan needs blush to read concerning himself. On the other hand, the public have a right to know these facts concerning re. presentative men. The information furnished within these pages, have been verified by those who know the facts, and is therefore correct. Not every representative man on terrie tory covered hylthis firstivolume will appear in it, but in future volumes, the publishers intend to cover the entire Dominion, and to supply so far as possible, any deficiency in the territory therein represented. —Theodore Myers, of Wallace - burg, was arrested on the serious charge of seduction, preferred by a young girl, aged 18, named I-Ielen Resume. The prisoner was arraign- ed before the police magistrate and pleaded guilty to the charge, offer- ing to marry the girl. He was in, formed that the offer must be carri- ed out forthwith, as be could not otherwise be released from custody. The chief at once went for Mr. Forhan and a license was procured. The Rev. Mr. Millyard was sent for and the interesting ceremony gone through with, the chief acting as best man. 'After the ceremony the young man was allowed to go in peace. He had completed ar- rangements to marry another girl about three weeks ago and was only prevented by her family leaving town. —Revelations made before the English Labor Commission anent barmaids' houis of work and the term on which they are employed have obliged the commissioners to appoint two women sub commission- ers to take evidence privately. Specific cases were referred to wore girls were obliged to choose between immediate loss of place and submission to improper overtures from their employers. In a host of instances the working hours amounted to over 100 weekly. The whole tendency of the evidence is against the employment of barmaids except under strict legislative con- trol. IT SELDOM FAILS. DEAR StR.-I took two bottles of fiagyard'e Pootoral Balsam, and it cured me of hoareenees and tightness of the chest after. other things had failed. I have also tried B. B. B., it works splen- didly for weakness and headache. SAMUEL, MADDOCK, Beameville, Ont. —A sperm whale forty feet long got over the bar at Ocean City dur- ing the high tide several nights ago and was left high and dry ou the beach by the receding water. In cutting open the monster's stomach next day there was found a number of empty bottles and a five gallon demijohn, corked and sealed, of excellent rye whiskey. It is sup - supposed that the whalo followed in the wake of the United States steamer Despatch, which was wreck- ed nior•e than a month ago, and swallowed the demijohns as it -,.was floated out of the wreck. It is sur- mised the whale came ashore to get a cork screw. 1892. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOP An Illustrated .Weekly. 1.9% ax ►ex's Bazar._ iud8TR . w, HaxPar'elx r RSouuaI p r l he ba e. It Riv0s tho ataut tarotmattetw thxrRurd ra the k'e.1140 5, ant• its tii}mermpis. inu3tr.tiune,'Pana 4011110,0. an d pgttern•ehpet supplementp are India. pa}te;<hle alike to the home brass -ranker and the .dentate. 140 ticpepti .te 'spared to ingko its axtiotioattrattivenepe Of the highest order. ger brightstating,;pausipg ootnetlina and,thoughtful tdgaas: soggy r]), taetsi', saki its iaat page 15 falpetki ae a ha get 01 wls atut ).otter. in its wsekly'lPanes•everything Iu it}alatted *Utah beet interact to women, The Serials Sar 1802 will be written by Weltsr'neseet and Wililam Bite's, ales. cllipnant wilbLvaomeacoutributor. lttr5rton Hnrlund'a Timely Talks, "Day In and Day Ont," aro intended fur matrons, and neleerMarahall, North alI speoluliyaddreee girls. T. W.ifiggbn. eon, in "Wnmon aell gin;" wi;l please a aultid, yacht antUeneq, IIA',.PEIt'S PEI, ODICALS.' Pail YEAR ; HARPant's BAZAR $4 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE ..... ,...'2 C1 Postage Free to alt snbeeribere la the United States, Cun•ida, and Mexico. The Winnow of the Paz or begin ,with the first Nitrating for January of each', year, When pa Hine is mentioned, 5ubsoriptione will b gin eft the lumber outreitto at the time of a:oeipt of ender. Bound Volumes of Harper'e razor for throe Seers bank, in neat sloth binding, will bo spot by. .nail, poetege paid, or by express, fret of expense; (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, snilable forbind- ing, will be eau, by mail, post-poid, on receipt of 81 W eaob. Remittances should be made by Post-ofdm Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. ,•Nowspapors are not to copy tbis advertise- ment without the expresa order of Herpes & Brothers. Address: HARPER & BROTHER', New York The Thirteenth Volume of Harper's Yonng People pagan on November 0, 1891, For the coming year this beet and most comprehensive weekly. in 1ho world for youthful readers enters a varied and fascinating programme. In serial fiction it will contain "Diego Pinzon," a story of the first voyage of Columbus, by John R. Cory -ell; "Canoomates: A Story of the Florida Reefs aunt. Everglades," by Kirk Muui•oo ; (mother story by one of the best known end most popular of American anthers ; and atoriee in three and four parte oy Thomas Nelson Page, E. H. Mune, Angeline Teal, Ella Bedouin Church, and Mary S. McCorb. More than two hundred short stories by favorite writ ere, articles ou travel ont-of-door sports, in -door gesnee, and all subjects dour to the berate of the young, besides hundreds of illnetratlons by loading artists, will combine to make Harper's Yonug Pteple for 1892 an irro- s'stiblo repository of pleasure and ink rmation for boys and girls. "Tho best wetkty pnbiication for young people in existence. It is edited with eorupnlons euro and attention, and instruction and entortalumont are mingled in its pages in jest tbo right proper- tiono to captivate the minds of the young, and nt the same time to develop their thinking power.— Obeerver, N. Y, 1892. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. The Magazine will celehra, a the fonnh Centen- ary of the 'Mammary of America by its na- Dtscovetev, through articles giving a more ibex. - aegis expoeitioa than has hitherto toot made of the Recent Unprecedented Development of our Country, en 1 especially in the (Ireat West. Particular attention will also be given to Dra- matic Episu des rf Amo'icuu Dielorv. The Fiell of the next Eur, plan. War will be described in a Series of Papers on the Danube "From the Black Forest to the Black soar' by Poultney Bigelow and F_ D, alta t, illustrated by Mr. Millet aud Alfred Parsons. Articles also will be given on the German, Aitotriar, and Italian Mulles, illustrated by T. de Thulstrup. Mr. W. D. Howells will contribute a now novel, "A World of Citation," characteristically American. Espociei prom'uanee will bo given to Short Stories, which will be contributed by T. 11. Al lrich, R, 11. Davis, A. Conan Doyle, Margaret Deland, Miss Woolson, and other popular writers. - Among the literary features will bo Personal Rcminiecenees of Nathaniel Hawthorne, by his college clues -,mato and life-long friend, Horatio Bridge, and a Personal Memoir of the Brownings, by Aune Thackeruy Ritchie. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER'S MAGAZINE, PerYeur....b1 00 HARP: R S WEEKLY, " .. 4 09 HAMPER'S BAZAR, " .... 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, " .... 2 00 Postage Free to all subsoribero in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Terms: Posta ' epaid, $2 Por Year Volume V., , nd XII. of Harper's Young People, bonud In cloths, will be sent by mail, post• ago paid, on receipt of R8 50 each. Tho other volumes are out of print. Single Numbers, Five Cents onrh. Specimen Copy sent on receipt of two -Dent stamp. Remittances should bo made by Post-oaleo Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of hoes. _ -- Vg-Nowepapore ere not foeopy thioadvertise- ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address : H t RPER & BROTHIER4, New York EN•p• 4ROp..' • Q 16 .PAGES The Volumes of the Magazine begin alth the Numbers for June and December of each yea.. When no time is specified, enbacriptiots wiU begin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Magazine for three years back, in neat cloth bdudiog will beent by mail, poet -pall, on roocipt of $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents each—my mail, post-paid. Remittances should be made by Post -office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chauco of loss. l Nowslapors are not to copy thie advertise- ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, New York 1892. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. ("NIX WE KLY GIA NE RA4A,f1R sci axn se�.ar�o� of za9x .�N� �l$L,Q.N�7E � .... THE MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER MADE' NO FAKES 1 NO CHEAP 'BOOBS 1 NO JA.Oi.IZNIIPB t SCISSORS OR OATOH-rENNY OITEIW I BUT A OLEAN, WIIIJLESOME -FAMILY °NEWSP$PE ; UFON ITS MERITS. Harper's Weekly for the ooming year will eon• tain more attractive fetktnres, more and finer illustrations, and a greater number of articles of live, intense interest than will be found in any other periodical. Among these latter will be a aeries of articles on the twenty-five greateat cities of -the world, inoluding five hundred ilins- ttationa. The Columbian Exposition, the Army and Navy, groat public events, disasters on land and sea, and the doings of the celebrated people of the day will bo described and illustrated in an attractive and timely manner. The Department of Aniatettr Sport will continue under the direct tion of Casper W. Whitney. Tho best of modern writers will oontribuia abort stories, and the most distinguished artists will make the illustra-• tions. The editorial articles of Mr. George William Curtis will remain as an espeoial attraction. HARPER'S PERIODICALS, PER YEAR : HARPER'S WEEKLY HARPER'S MAGAZIN°' HARPER'S BAZAR HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 04 00 400 4 00 2 00 Postage Free to all subsoribere in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for Jauunry of each year. When 00 time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number eurront at the time of rcoeipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly for throe years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, poatago paid, or by express, free of expellee (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for 37 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for eaob volume, imitable for bind- ing, will bo sunt by mail, post•pald, on receipt of $l 00 each. Remittances should bo made by Post -office Money Ordcr or Draft, to avoid chance of lose. I Newspnpere are net to copy this advertise- ment without the express order of Harper Brothers. Address : HARPER & BROTHERS, New York La 's Stall Enamel. CommencinG with the issue of 7th October TIIE WEEKLY GLOBE will contain sixteen pages instead of twelve pages as heretofore, making it the largest and best family' newspaper in Canada. Every effort will be devoted to making BRIGHT, READABLE, ACCURATE and INTERESTING in all its departments. Special pains will be taken with its Agricultural Pages, and MORE SPACE WILL BE DEVOTED TO SELECT READING FOR TU FAMILY. SUBSCRIBERS WHOSE ORDERS ARE RECEIVED PREVIOUS TO ijIst DECEMBER, 1$91, WILL HAVE THE PAPER S::NT THEM UNTIL CLOSE OF 1892 FOR THE ONE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION. 15 months of a 16 -page for $I -to every one who subscribes now. AGENTS WANTED IN ALL UNREPRESENTED DISTRICTS. For terms, address THIS MEANS THE GLOBE, TORONTO. rt>sIZOISMare., New Valencia, Sultana, London Layers and Dlk. Bnskot Raisins. New Season's Currants, ()studied Peels—Lemon, Orange and Citron. ISssenees, Extracts. Spices, Ore egos, Lamona,Figs, Dates. GATSDILr'S CHEAP_ I have excellent wane in highest gradee of Black Team, Formosa Oolongs, Mooing Congons, Paokliog, half chest and caddies. Try our blend of Pure Indiana(' Ceylon Teae, put up in one pound packages at 50 oenta per ib. Best valise in Package Teas in the market. EXTRA VALUE IN CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. Chiva Toa ace Toilet Sots, Cheap. gfr'We offer Special Inlucamonts during the Holiday Trade to Cash Purchasers. IN TEAS N. ROBSON,' ALBERT STREET Groceries. - Groceries. c A..1\TT H ,i_loN 1380 S -Have a splendid stock of- • Choice New Groceries, Fruits, Peels, Crockflry, Glass and Chinaware At prices eonaisiieut with good goods. We are a a position to guarantee as goo value as any other house in the trade. Try our Famous Teas, the best for th least .honey in the market. We have a stock of General Groceries that cannot b surpassed in quality or lowness of price. Dc not invest till you call on us. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. 4 This Is an article worthy of every lady's attention. if you want to save timo and labor, bny a box. if you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last mull longer, buy a box. If you went the starch to stay in the clothes on the line in Spite of rain or frost, buy a box, If you want everything to look like new, such as shirt bosoms, coilara, cuffs, lace curtains, etc., buy a box. a4arEvery Storekeeper keeps it now, and where the merchant door not keep it we tvaht a lively -- • -- =agent .-- ^ " " ----- Manufactured •"' -`Manufactured by W., J. LOEB 55-11 Holmoevillo J P` TT aR,TT . • NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, o CLINTON. JOSEPH GHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and, Parlor Sets, Lounges, Si deboard o, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The wb ole Stock is from:the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of ever; description. AOS. CIIIIDLE'fi, one door West of Ulckson's Book Store Tlio FOR GOOD ENVELOPES FOR FINEST PRINTING ews-R000rdFOR NiCEBiLLHEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, Clinton, Ont WATCHES! {Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford -new, model. q'All these makes in key and stem windora Also pendant set watches= J. BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. iewnwatommelonwwwworaceeeemerweeworwmerni QTRAY STOCK ADVER TISEMENTS inserted in Tus Name RECORD at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock 1f you want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call on Tows-Roocord. IMPLEMENTS. The subeeriber having severed his cennoction with the Massey Company, desires ter inttnmto that ho bee boon appointed agent for the well known firm of FROST fie. WOOD, implement makors, of Smith's Palle, and will be pleased to fill all orders in his lino as heretofore. Will oleo keep on hand Witnrgenre PLOWS. COLTna & SCOTT DRILLS, DIso HAnnowe, and articles of !Ike nature. WM. STANLEY, 417 --Om Holmosvillo and Clinton A NICE HOME A fl,nd witha T A BARGAIN. -Eight o a soloct orchard of choice apple two ; comfortable house and stables ; adjoining Code - riot, township.2 Apply to B. L. DOY LE, Godo Joh. 548-tf y, BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT, CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all tinges be pleased to receive items of trews from our sub- scribers. Il• a want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to Setld 11S RELIABLE news. SiUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or through their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions may commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MoNDey NOON each week, CIRCULATION. Tun Nlaws-RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOB PRINTING. The .To rej'at'tment of this jour. liirt-IP-6116- cf t Desi egtiipip-ediir Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very }} y.r lona prices. t -41 t.