HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-12-16, Page 1•
4044441050 0.`ep Annum, oi.gton. Advance.,
Opon $asines' s and
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Teke Wino and:Spirit Merchant, has
elleeted it satisfactory settlement
pith bid oreelitona and is again open
for busIness.
, The Ate*i composed of the finest
' goods in the world and must be sold.
eensiets of all lines suitable for
Medicinal and Household purposes,
ated the extremely low prices are for
a high-clatss quality of goode only.
People who want anything in the
liquor line will make a great mistake
if they 'do pot come diveatt to the
Clinton Llquor Store. itar• Men in
the Trade, in their own interest,
• should call and see me.
Liquor Merchant, Albert -St., Clinton
Ex -Reeve Kelly, of Blyth, was in
the circular town the past week.
Mr. Fred. Platt is on a few weeks
visit to his relatives.
• The town council held its statu-
tory meeting last evening.
The Goderich high school will
close on Friday.
Mr. W. J. Harrison has returned
home for the wiuter.
A farmer on the Huron Road
was plowing ou Saturday.
The Goderich public echoole will
close next Tuesday.
M. 'Wm. Marlton has commenced
his winter's business by starting the
construction of two new tugs.
The past week was ono of general
complainiug about the bed state of
the roads.
The young people of Goderich
had a most pleasant assembly at the
Park House last week.
One of our business men will
shortly leave for the other side to
annex somebody's daughter.
The musical McGibbeny family
a sior• will glee an entertainment in the
Grand on Friday.
, Next Tuesday evening the annual
sale of periodicals and papers will
take place in the Mechanics Insti-
At the time of writing there were
rumors in the air, but no active
movement regarding municipal poli.
The rector of St. George's and
Rev, Rogers Howard hold Thursday
evening service in the village of
Sara Lord Bailey, said to be an
excellent elocutionist, will appear
in the Greed Opera House on
Christmas night.
• Captain Babb was along the lake
shore last week looking after and
selling wreckage that had come
ashore in Colborne and Ashfield..
Rev. Dr. Strongman's subject last
Suhday was "The Gospel as receiv-
ed by the Bereans and a cheapened
Mr. Geo, Sheppard's class in con-
nection with the Mechanics Insti-
tute is increasing in numbers, and
those intending to join it must do
so at once. •
The Josie Mills Corhpany closed
a week's engagement on Saturday.
The audiences were fairly good, the
pieces presented excellent, and the
acting most commendable.
Rev. W. A. Young, chairman of
the High School Board, was away
east the past week interviewing some
of the applicants for the position of
Science Master.
A meeting of the members of St.
George's will be hold at the close
of the service in the school room
this evening to make arrangements
for the Christmas church decora-
Mr. M. C. Cameron last week re-
signed his position as laf. P. for
West Huron, hence the non-attend-
ance of the election judges onaMon-
day. Tho election was voided for
the action of an agent, the personal
charges being withdrawn.
Mr. Rees Price received a tole -
gram last week with information ss
to his son William's ilinese, and on
• the following day one stating that
he was dead. The young gentle.
man was 18 years old, active and of
• spend constitntion. His death oc-
curred at Sault Ste Marie where he
• had been residing with his brother
for some time, and was caused by
typhoid fever. The remains %swim
• brought to town, and interred in
Maitland cemetery, the funeral tak-
• ,
ing • place on Saturday from his
father's tesidence, Cambria Road.
-George McDonald, aged about
twelve, of WdU
000ck, was shooting.
When he pulled the trigger the gun
• ekicked' vigorously. The reaction
veas 'such that the butt of the gun
.. •
seee,,etrtaale1tt ne se the face, breaking his
. •
4.S.DX,PANAIANX 4.44- Men. eieeetatf94"444 4V1f0.aeta4YGI
acing rink is to be let to
the higheet bidder on Tuesafeee
Mies Susie fturgeee, of Detroit, is
house here visiting her parent%
Mr. Wm. Johtiston who was on
the sick list is able to be around.
Mr. Thomson is busy repairing
the dam which was brokers Ity the
last freehet.
The bridge its in a very unsafe
et:sedition, the centre foundation
being undermined.
'Mr. Simeon D.Iitidleholt and wife
have returned from their honey -
[noon trip and settled dowu to every-
dity. life.
The enterprising youth of our
town have secured a Bet of boxing
gloves, and "knockouts" are of fres
quent occurrence.
Our esteemed Reeve, Mr. Geo.
Castles, though able to get about, is
far from being as robust ashe was
forty years ago.
Mr. J. E. Swartz is going to leave
our town. He has decided to locate
in Wingham. Bayfield loses one of
its hustlers.
The "boys" are all busy practicing
for the Xmas Trees. Those enter.
tainnsents will be a very flood of
music and song.
On Saturday all the owners of
(fast) 3 year olds assembled on the
square and gave an exhibition of
speed. The best time made was in
the neighborhood of 4.16.
On Wednesday Dr. Stanbury, as,
sisted by Dre. Gunn and Elliott.
amputated both feet of one of the
unfortunate sailors who were cast
on the beach three weeks ago. The
patient is doing as well as can be
As the Schr. C. 31. Johnston,down
bound, light, was running under
easy canvas she collided with an un-
known fore and after off Kemp's
dock. No damage was done with
the exception of the loss of the
Johnston's head light and the kerat-
in of her figurehead. The un-
known craft carried no lights.
Mr. Robt. Haggit returned from
Manitoba last week.
Mr. Wm. Lee has started to drive
the scholars to and from school.
Our school examination takes
place next Tuesday ; all should be
Mr. Thomas McDonald and his
sister Flora of Porter's Hill were
viaitiug hero at Mr. G-„ Newton's
last week.
Rev. Mr. Hamilton preached and
administered the Holy Communion
in the Presbyterian church on Sun-
The following officers were elect-
ed in the Sons of England Lodge at
their meeting on Thursday even-
ing W. Pres., Arthur Wood-
man ;T:Iares., Geo, C. Thompson ;
V. Pres., Geo. E. Williams ; Sec.,
Bond Laurason ; Treas. Geo. Snell ;
Chap., Rev. J. Ferguson. Manag-
ing Comtnittem-Geo. Smith, Thos.
Colo, John E. Taylor, Alfred
Wilkin, David Mountain, Albert
Brunsdon, L G., Edmond Craw-
ford ; 0. G. James Woodman,
The open meeting given by the
Good Tempters last week was a
groat success; the hall was crowded
to the door ; the programme was a
good one anwas well carried out ;
everybody seemed well pleased.
We think the reading given by Mr
A. fi. Pluminer, "How Lord Dun -
dreary proposed," deserves special
mention. as also the violin solos by
Mr. and Miss McDonald, The
chair was occupied by Mr. Goo.
Williams C. T,
SUPPER.-Aftor the lodge.closed
last Thursday evening the S. O. E.
repaired to the Temperance hall
where a Sumptuous supper was pre-
pared by the home.lodgo in honor
of the visit of the DistricrDeputy
Bro, Hurst of Stratford and the
members of Clinton lodge. After
the inner man was satisfied Bro. A.
Woodman took the chair and toasts
and songs were the order of the
evening. At a late, or rather early
hour, the company dispersed all
declaring they had spent a good
Limo. This lodge is prospering ;
they added one more to thoir mem-
bership roll at their last mooting
and nine were advanced to the
White 'Rose Degree.
We regret to learn that Mr. John
Scarlett is laid up by accident.
While splitting wood last Thuzsday
he had the misfortune to severely
cut ono of hie feet. Dr. Bethune
was called and dressed the injurod
member. It will be, we hope, only
a short time before Mr. Scarlett
will be completely recovered. He
has the good will and sympathy of
tite Valls Idiege-eirMeen Varlet:Eder
Municipal 'flatlets Peens to be
very quiet in this burg so far.
Mr. Joseph Carter returned home
from his trip to Calory on Weelnei-
day last.
Our town fathers held a epode'
meeting in Industry hall on Tuetr
day evening.
Mae Deltas of Wiugham has beeu
the guest of SIrs J. Einigh, of the
Counnerc ial, the past week.
Mrs Natiou was visiting friends
in the circular town on Suuday and
-Mr. Will Etnigh left this station
on Saturday with several car loads
of pork for the Buffalo market.
Dr, Ferguaou has moved into the
resideamo which he recently pur
chased from councillor McNally,.
Tae members of L. 0. L. 963
met in their ball on Monday even-
ing for the election of officers for
next year.
Mr. Robert Howard having rent-
ed his house acmes the river to the
Wardens of Trinity church has rnov•
into the house formerly occupied
by Mr II. Poulton.
On Wednesday evening Mrs
Julian Wall, of Washiugtou, D. C.
and company, is billed to give a
grand concert in Industry hall.
As the lady is well and favorably
kuowu bete, having appeared here
ou several occasions wo bespeak
tor her a full house.
On Moudny evening next the first
of a series of lectures is to be given iu
the aiethodist churoh under the
auspices of the Epworth League.
The lecture is to be delivered by
Rev. "Mr Putter of Duugaunon.
Subject "Self Culture." As the
lectures are being got up for a good
cause everyone should go.
On Tuesday evening au auld
time Scotch Social under tho aus-
pleas of the Hopeful Gleaners was
held in St. Ajedrew's Kitk. After
the audience had done justice to
crowdie, bannocke, etc., which were
served iu gudo Scotch style, a good
programme was given consisting of
singing, readings and recitations in
the Scottish dialect with excellent
instrumental music all of which de-
lighted the audience immensely.
On Sunday Rev. Mr Ilighloy the
new incumbent of Trinity church
officiated for the filet time since his
appointment to this parish. The
Rev. gentleman preached a power-
ful and oarnest discourse, of sound
gospel teaching, from St. Paul's
Epistle to the Hebrews chap 9
verses 24 to 28, which was closely
listened to by the congregation.
At the close he addressed them for a
few tnotneuts as to his appointment
and as to the different position ho
was placed iu to when he preached to
them a short time ago, and earnest-
ly beseeched them in a true father-
ly spirit to assist him as far as they
were able to in carrying on the
good work of the church, as it was
an utter impossibility for • him
to do it without there cooperation.
He also appealed to parents to Roe
that their children were regularly
sent to Sunday School and also to
assist them in !earplug their lessons
as he considered home and the S. S.
wore a.° nursery of the church. In
the evening he delivered another
able discourse on the second coming
of Christ, basing his remarks on 14th
chapter, St. John's Gospel, part 3rd
verso -I will come again -which
seethed to make a great impression
on the congregation and will not
soon be forgotten.
Belga -vac.
Tho I. 0. G. T. of this place will
hold an entertainment in the For-
ester's hall an Thursday. A num-
ber of prominent 'speakers will be
present and Mr, F. Metcalf of Blyth
will occupy the chair.
Our (own was tho scone of a
pugilistic encouutor on Saturday
night, between Mack from Blyth
and another good fellow of Bel -1
grave. It is said that Mack was
knocked out the first round.
The Trinity Church Sunday
School will hold their annual
Christmas Tree and entertainment
in the Foreater's hall on Christmas
eve. The young people of the
above chnrch are noted for their
good entertainments so that a
splendid time may be expected.
Mr, John Coultes paid a visit to
Guelph last week.
Mr. E. Livingston unloaded a
new carriage for his saw mill last
Belgrave still takes the lead as a
grain market. Farmers have come
through Blyth with their grain and
say that Belgrave is the best market
in Huron.
-Rev. Mr. Torrance, of gorrie,
and Rev. J. L. Kerr, of Brussels,
have been to London for medical
Ledge of the Knighte of Pythias Council met at Holruoville on
has lately been organ 'zed iu town. Duo. 7th, puretsaut to adjournment,
Weare glad to see Jetts De, jerc. members all preeent. Moved by
Deeata, M. P., has recovered /row Jansen: Connolly, seconded by Small.
the routes of his brokou leg and is Sturdy-, Out John Beacons be ap-
able once more to (Weed to hie pro- pointed clerk iu the absence of Jas.
fessional dutiee. Patton, who ie unable to attend
4 grand entertainment wilt take through sickness, -carried. The
plane here on the'22ud inst in con- minutes t'of lest meeting were read
rection with the Presbyterian and passed. The report of the chair
Sabbath entices!. Tne young people man of the board of health was
are now in training and a good read wed approved by Council.
programme and enjoyable titue are The followiag parties were refund.
expected. ed $1 each dog tax, they having
is been wrongly assessed: Jghn Magee,
The Wingbanl grain market
now the best in this dietrict. Wm. Otter Wilson, Thomas McKee, Pat -
Burkholder, tho representative of rick Cronyn, Coaser Perdue, It. L.
Procter' Mrs. Sowerby. John Heti
Coffee & Co., of Toronto, is het.°
buying for shipment by the C.P.R. to bo notified to move hie fence off
'We see teams here that bave passed highway accordiug to last survey.
all the neighboriug towns eech The follawing aecounts wore paid,
Teesweter, Wroxeter, Ceortie, Blyth viz: Electiou tanks, $7.41 ; Goods,
druggist, Goderich,
etc. The farmers at leugill are be medicine for the
late Mrs Bray, 81.35 ; aeleoting jet. -
ginning to realize the advantage
ona$10 ; school
which Wiughatu possesses in her returns to Co. Supt.
82 ; Registry uffico for search, 75c:
two great competing railroad. Mrs. afeltrae, indigent, $15 ; Wm.
McCabe, one year's board off Wm.
Dunn, indigeut, $,55 ; John Porter,
gravel $7 68 Robe Johnston, gravel
$2.70 ; Samuel Rathwell, 810 ; An-
drew Drysdale, gravel, 819.86
Wtn. McCabe, gravel, $4.20 ; \Vm
March, grave', $36.06 ; Mrs. Ross,
• 6..avel, 86-18 ; James Elliott, $7.32;
P. Cronyu, gravel, $21.34 ; Wm.
Crooks'gravel, $12.36 ; Thus. Put-
ter, $14,46 ; Fletcher McCartney,
810.38 ; James Connolly, $7.32.;
Thee. Tiohbourne, $11,86 ; Samuel
Waltere, $1308 ; Wm. Baker, $]2.-
54 ; James McDonald, $18,90 '• Jus.
Manniug, $4 50 ; John Weir, $25.-
98 ; Wm. Wise, 817.82 ; \Vm.
Curry, $7.50 : Henry Hibbs, $15.-
72 ; Ru'oert Draper, 83 ; Jas. Alex-
ander, $4.20 ; Robt. Pearson, Stall •
ley 'fp., 86.48, The council ad
journed to meet again ou December
lath of bee present year.
JOIIN 13e.tuctet Clerk, pro'tem.
Mr. J. Kerr arrived home from
Manitoba a short time lino.
A fife and drum band has been
organized at Manchester, under the
Sunnnerbill. auspices of L. 0. L. 932.
Goderich Townshith
Friday afternoon about four o'clock,
Stauley tarmacs:1, aged eleven 3 ears,
son of Mr. Mr. James Watson,
formerly of Hullett, and well
kuown in Cliutou, wont out to skate
on the mill pond in Lower Wing•
ham. Beim, naturellj a venture
sonic lad lie had skated within
about six feet of the open water
when the ice gave way and he went
to the bottom. Nu person saw the
accident but during the afternoon
the opening in the ico was noticed
by some bop. Stanley \Vatson
was not missed uutil after night
when the alarm was raised the hole
in the ice discovered, and the sad
truth suspected. Nothing could be
done until morning when a boat
was procured, the river dragged aud
the body found a short distance be-
low the original opening in the ice.
The boy had made a desperate effort
to save his life. The ico had been
broken n all directions by his
terrible but futile efforts. The
poor distracted father and mother
have the sympathy of the entire
Tho standing of the pupil's in the
public :school hero for November is
its follows :-
Sr 4 :-Geo. W. Hill, Sera Nes-
Jr 4 :-Lewis Tebbutt, Ewily
Jordan, WM. E. Miller.
Sr 3 :-M inn ie Thompson, Ethel-
bert McIlveen, Rosie Wright.
Jr 3e -Wm. Mair, Mabel Bing-
ham, Ethel Jordan.
Sr 2ad :-Mabel Sheppard, Jitn-
nibo Eva Johnston.
Jr 2nd, :-Mabel Huch, Margaret
Murphy, Stewart Hill.
II Part: - Oliver Mcllveen,
Blanche McIlveen, Wm. Jordan.
I Part :-Earnest Grainger, Jane
Wright, Norman Ball.
The annual examination of the
public school here will be held ou
Monday the 21st inst commencing
at 10 o'clock a. m, A number of
teachers are expected to assist in the
examining. At the conclusion a
programme of recitations &c. will
be given by tho pupils. A cordial
invitation is hereby ,given to alt
the ratepayere and their families
and all others interested to turn out
en masse on this occasion and by
their presence give encouragement
to teacher and pupils, There will
also be a Christmas tree laden with
Tho grangers held their annual
meeting at Mr. Wm. H. Ball's on
Wednesday evening the 9th inst.
After the business was over they
with a large number of invited
friends sat down to au oyeter sup-
per. There was a magnificent
spread of all imaginable dainties
for which those present ehowed their
appreciation in the usual manner,
and Mrs Ball performed the 'duties
of hostess in such a pleasing manner
as to make all fool at home and
thoroughly enjoy themselves,
At the annual meeting of L. 0,
L. No. 924, Exeter, the following
officers were elected for the current
year :-W. M. Bro. H. Lambroke;
W. D. M. Bro. E. Gill ; Chap., Bro.
John Speakman ; '11.eas., Bro. John
White; Rem Sec. Bro. L. H. Dick-
son ; Fin. Sec., Bro. J. Ferguson ;
D. of C. and L.' Bro. Dew. Com-
mittee, Bros. James Willie, John
Priecator, E. Sanders, E. Snell and
J. Gillespie. The District meeting
will be held in Exeter oa the first
Tuesday in February, Broa, Lam.
brooke and Gill attended a special
meeting of the County Lodge at
Clinton last Wednesday, being dale.
gates from the Exeter lodge.
-.Tenses Silcox, an old resident
of Woodstock, bas been committed
The Orangemen have their *sheds
completed on the corner at Sehool
No. ‚8. The hall will be moved
down in a few days.
It has been arranged to have a
Christmas tree at Zion church on
Christmas eve for the Sabbath
school. A good programme will be
presented, consistiug of • readings,
recitations, dialogues, speeches, sing-
ing by the Zion choir, music by the
mouth organ baud, etc. A small
fee will be charged. Come one,
come all. A good time guaranteed.
Enniskillen L. 0. L. 153 met on
Friday evening, Dec. 10th, with 24
members present. One candidate
was initiated into the mysteries of
the Order. The business of the
lodge being gone through, the W.M.
declared all the offices vacant. Then
the election of officers took place,
resulting as follows :-Bros. Andrew
Millian, W.M.; Henry S. Fisher, D.
AL; Wm. Millie's, Chaplain; R. H.
Mew, R.S.; Thomas Millian, F.S.;
John McLarty, Treasurer; Edward
Millian, D.C.; William Stevenson`,
Lecturer; G. Currey, S. Allin, W.
J. Hamilton, William Fowler, P.
Fisher, Constnitteensete
The trustees Of the Methodifst
church are getting the building re-
paired goneiderably, and no doubt it
will present a pleasing appearance
more in harmony with thes beauties
of christianity when finished.
Mise Proudfoot, of Godetich, is
visiting at the Nile.
Mr. Thomas llilluck from God-
erich township was at tho Nilo last
James Bogie, Jr., is workiug at.
the church sheds,e There aro pleuty
of inspectors watchiug the work.
Mr. and Mrs. Fear, from Brussels,
are v 'siting their sou Re e. E. A.
Fear. Mr. Fear sr., occupied the
pulpit of the Nile Methodist church
Suuday mousing.
Tho young people had their
annual hop at, Mr. W, McKnight'e
last Thursday eight. There seem
to be quite a number yet who believe
there is no hartn iu the d time.
sMessrs. R. McIevaiu and Sensual
Sheppard were in Goderiels on Sat-
urday buyiug nrize books for dis-
tributien at the annual Suuday
school Christmas: tree.
Mr. Joseph McCanu;of Colborne,
was married on NVednesday of last
week to M is Fielder, uf Ashfield.
We wish them all the compliments
of the season.
Mr. James Martin, wins has been
with Mr. Dodd for the summer, Ilea
returned to Goderich for the wiuter
months. Mr. Dodd has turned out
quite a number of pumps and has a
good number on hand ready to
supply all who may need a firet
class article.
The annual moutiog of Nilo L, 0.
L. No. 1052, was held on Monday
Dec 7th when the election and in.
stallation of officers for the onsuine
year wan ss follows :-W. M,, T. J.
Polley ; la M., R. J. Kirk; Chap.,
R. Morrow ; Rec-Sec., A. P. Shep-
pard ; Fin•Sec , J. G. McQuaid ;
Tress , R. Mcllwain ; D. of la, D.
alcilwain; Lect., W. Mei! waiu ;
Com., H. Finnigan, J. A. Elliott,
Chas. .Elliott, John MoNiven jr,,
John Roid. For the purpose of
sustaining interest and furnishing
entertainment for the lodge during
the current year two sides were
chosen which are to provide a pre,'
gramme for each alternate meeting
In And About The County.
W. H. Millman, Woodstock, has
shipped apples- to England this sew.
son, that cost hies to lay down in
Liverpool about $126,000.
-The county council of Lambe
ton passed a resolution deprecating
any movement in favor of annexe,
-The by-law granting a bonus of
$2,000 to F. Foster dr Co., shoe
manufacturers to start a factory in
Now Hamburg was carried by a
vote of 155 to 9.
--Mrs. Janet Anderson Scott,
one of the early pioneers of South
Easthope and relict of the tat Dan -
can Scott, passed away to her rest
on Wednesday evening last in her
89th year, at the residence of her
son, Peter Scott, Tavistock.
. -Ono day last week the body of
Henry Ritz was found in a field be-
reore is to be a ball in the town longing to Me. Seaglo, near Mitchell.
hall on Friday evening. He missed his way on Friday even. -
As Mr. and Mra. Cook and a lady ing, and after walking around fell
from Bayfield were driving to church down in the centre of the field,
on Sunday last tbe bridle bit gave where his body was found the next
way and the colt ran off throwing all day. He had been the worse of
occupants out and bruising and ,liquor and was found on Friday
mangling them very much. Mrs.
evening by two of his neighbors on
Cook had her wrist broken, nose
broken, and shoulder put out of the edge of the sidewalk with a jug
joint. The others received several by his side. They took the jog
injuries also. from him and started him
L. 0. 0. L. 189 met on Monday even- thinking he would get there all
ing District Master George Hanley
right. It ithe ol
in the chair. The foltowing officers s d story, died by
were appointed for the ensuing year: exposure and strong drink.
W. AL, A. Cantelon; D. M., F. Mc- --Justice Meredith of Toronto has
Cartney; Chap., A. Halstead; Rec granted an injunction restraining
Sec., W. J. Lobb; Fin. Sec., Jas Michael Sanford from interfering
Laithwaite; Treasurer, Robt.
in anyway with or selling the farm
Dir. of Car., Jno. Woods ; Sect., W. J.
or its products which Mrs. Agnes%
Currie; Committeemen, II. Sweet,
Jas. Elliott, S. Emmerson, A. Currie, Sanford owns in Howick townabip.
Wm. Crooks. After the business This couple hats a curious matri-
was finished a hearty and enjoyable menial history. They were ntarrie
time was spent and refreshments ed in 1863, and after three years of
partaken of. A full attendance is peaceful married life Mrs. Sanford
requested of all the brethren at next
meeting 2nd Monday in January. developed a taste for attending is
Mr. Editor, regarding the matter sewing circle in connection with a
of Thos. Bretton bringing a turkey church, which was distasteful to
to this place on Thanksgiving day, I Mr. Sanford. Upon the under.
wish to make a few remarks in standing that his wife should re -
answer to "Com." I got the history main at home and quit the sewing
of it for a fact and when sent to press circle Mr. Sanford deeded her ono
did not wish to hurt any persons
feelings, only as a joke as many ane of his farms. This produced a reign
other joke passes through the press. of harmony that lasted until
"Com." states that I said opposite September 1890 when differences
the 13.0. This was not so -I said "at arose again and Mrs. Sanford left
an adjaoent house," which means her husband's house. Then he tried
"near by," and no particular house to get back his farm but was "in-.
was mentioned. If "Com." denies
bringing such into the village at juwted" this morning. . Mr. M.
that time, I will certainly give way, Sanford is a very wealthy man and
but if not it will remain practically_ owns valuable farms in Howick
ts ftJOb -You, Ni:
, es.
a •