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The Huron News-Record, 1891-12-09, Page 6
IU Huron Neuss-Recora .50 a irter—et.ea in Adeline° Wietillenellesire incl, Zvi elft, 1891 BION. N1. CRAPLEAU TALKS. Following ie a •poltiona of Mr. Chaplean's speech last week at Providence, Rhode Is'and : The dis;.ussion of the important topic, the commercial intercourse be- tween Canada and the United States, has given rise to some other questions involving directly the national existence ot our country. First, . THE QUESTION OP NATIONAL INDE- PENDENCE, There are those wbo say, and they are not far from telling the truth, that every native born Canadian is Canadian first and last, and that every day the proportion- of native born Canadians increases as against the native Britons torwiug the Dominion. It is true, and I admit it, that every Canadian wants at maturity a country of hisown to live for, to fight for and if necessary to die for. (Bear, hr'ar and chews.) Nobody is so deaf to the teachings of history as not to realize the natural fact that' colonies, like shoots from the earout tree, gradually but surely tend tot✓arils indepoudent life. The only question is a question of time. The age of majority for.chil- dren has been fixed by the wisp legislation of groat men of diiferout ages for different countries or different purposes, and it greatly de pends upue the citcumstanoes in which a young turn is situated iu re- latiou to his father, either for the line of business be pursues, the amount of ',utmost he has dr the measure of liberty bo enjoys under the protection of his father, before he finds it useful and wise to go into business ou his own account. This is the very position of Cana- dians. Although dependent on the mother country for our piotec- tion among the other cations of the world, we are eujo) ing a measure of political liberty which is EQUIVALENT TO 'INDEPENDENCE. (1 -tern', hoar ) In the respect I fully sore() with \Lr, Laurier : whoslid at Boston the other day that : England has granted 10Caneda and to all Le' colonies every right, princi- ple and privilege which she once re- fused. 1Sowadav's has been realized the truth proclaimed by Charles James Fox in the last century, that the only method of leeeping a British colony is to give power to govern themselves. So to -day the British Government does not attempt to lay taxes on us or force British goods into our ports. We are at this mo silent at liberty, and we have the right to tax British goods and British wares. With pride 1 say it, though Canada is :,till a colony, Canada is free. The only tie that binds Can- ada to the motherland is Canada's Own will. After admitting that there is in Canada at the present moment no desire for independence, the Liberal leader says that he believes "that the time has come whoa the powers of self-government that wo have aro not adequate to our present develop- ment : that we should he endowed with another power, the power of snaking our own commercial treatie." Hero I must JOIN ISSUE WITH :stn. LAURIER, and I cannot do butter than to quote from the powerful contribution of your distinguished follow country- man, Mr. Andrew Carnegie, in one of the last numbers of the Nineteenth. Centum. Speaking aga'.ust the echeulo of Imperial Federation, which has attracted so much atten• lion in late )'ears, Dir. Carnegie says : It surely cannot have failed to attract the attention of the members of rho Imperial Federation League that even Sir .John Macdonald, a native born Briton, was forced to announce that Canada was no longer to be the dependent, but the ally of Britain. "In future," said Sir John, "Eng- land would be the centre, surround- -ed and sustained by an alliance, not only with Canada, but with Australia and all her other possessions, and there would be thus formed an im- mense confederation ot freemen -- the greatest confederacy ot civilized and intelPgent men that ever had an existence on the face of the globe." "Alliances," adds .11r.Carnegie, "are made between independent nations. Sir John must have also embraced the Republic, for this is necessary to make the greatest confederacy of ine telligent and civilized men. Sir John asserted the independence of Canada to the fullest extent, when - he recently commanded Lord Salis• bury to tear up a treaty which had been agreed upon by Sir Julian Pauncefote and Secretary Blaine, with Lord Salisbury's cordial approval, which the British Government had presumed to make without consult- ing Canada." I believe in the mysterious and natural growth of nations towards independence, which alone can give them rho full development ot their strength and resource. That senti- ment does not exclude, in its patriot- ism the FUntr-E•xE`ROISE-,OF•..vfGLEG.,MN©E• &ND, LOYALTY. I ata not prepared so say, with Mr. Laurier, that simple questions of fiscal policy, or commercial treaties Can hring the severepoo of Qanada froth ite cQnneotion with Great l3t'itsip, as it did bring it in your country n 1776. 1. again prefer the authority of Mr. Carnegie, who 'writes that : It VMS- not a question of taxes that produced the independence of the United Slates, tike was the incident only which precipitated what was bound to come a few years sooner.or later, independent of Goy possible home policy. Franklin end Adams had no idea of separating ,from the motillerland when they lea in the refusal to be taxed from Weet- eniueter ; butthey soon found them- selGes compelled by a piblie senti- ment, until then latent, to adveeme to independence. Sir, I am a British born subject' and a Frenchman by parentage. I am proud of and loyal to the great country to which I politically be- loug. I am proud of and true to the blond that runs through fumy veins, that Norman blood which is the boast of the noblest scions of England. The two nations are de- serving your love and respect, as they have mine. You owe to ono your birth, as I owe her my freedom as a citizen ; the other helped you in your struggle fol• independence, whilst she gave mo my birth as u than. Bath have nolle trditions. Iu tho banners of both there is glory enough to cover the world. (Loud cheers.) With such a parentage, with such traditious of courage, of intelligence, of glory, are the Cana- dians to be denied the noble ambi- tion, the sure dtstiny of being a people by themselves. A NERVE•TPYING AD- VENTURE. Perhaps one of the most nerve- tryiug adventures that ever occurred in the upper Ottawa district was that of Partner Dan Kennedy not many weeks ago. Kennedy is a law abiding industrious fellow, who leas toiled hard on his backwoods Canadian farm for many years with- out snaking any alarming progress iu the direction of a bank account. His highest ambition was to get out of debt, tor, like all men whose capitol is the brawu bestowed by nature, Kennedy had drawn largely for his dry goods supplies and farm• inb implements ou a local merchant, who was generous enough to allow him to get over head and oars in debt before ho cried halt. It was in an effort to wipe orf this debt that Kennedy came near paying the debt of nature somewhat premature- ly, ' Ho had bargained with the mer- chant to supply him with some tim- ber which the latter needed to fill in a contract. Keunody's farm lies on the south bank of the Ottawa River. The stream at this poiut is wide and thickly studded with wooded islands, which belong to the Canadian Goverument. Ken• nedy had somehow or other fallen in with the idea so prevalent in the Dominion that government proper- ty wus intended more especially for individual benefit tlran for revenue purposes. He simply knew that the timber on theseislands wouldsuit his purpose, and further than that ho did not trouble himself to in- quire. SO BRIGIIT AND EARLY ONE OCTOBER morning lie equipped himself with a sharp axe and got his eldest son to paddle him in the family log canoe from the farm to the island that promised him to supply the' best and easiest manufactured timber. The boy rowed away promising to r'etur'n,ebefor'e sunset and bring his father home. The air was cool and Kennedy's muscles wore as strong as his axe wus sharp, and soon many of the lofty pines were laid prostrate. In the early afternoon he was startled by healing the report of a gun from the northern bank of the river and far -away shouts. He listened for a repetition of the 'sounds, but as none came, his cariosity died out and he resumed his labors. The island on which he was' engaged was not mora than 600 yards in cir- cu,ufereuce. It was, perhaps, about twenty minutes after hearing the report of the gun that his attentiou was again drawn from his labors by hearing a noise in the water near whore ito stood. Looking sharply in the direction of the sound, he detected a bear of enormous size slowly dragging himself up the hank. Used as Kennedy had been dur- ing many year's of backwoods toil to encounter wild animals, bears in- cluded, the sight of this monster enlarging from tho water set his nerves tingling. NM only was the bear of an unusually large size, but the blood oozing from his neck showed that it wag wounded, and Kennedy had bush sense enough to know that a wounded bear is a dangerous foo and one whose em- braces are to be avoided. When the animal had reached terra firma he took a critical survey of hie sur- roundings, including the trembling form of the faimer. HE FIXED HIS EYES ON KENNEDY. with a look that the hitter thought meant war and not peace, and then, etrectiefritienfalt" irhrhinde it3gs'; advanced. Kennedy's first impulse was to shout for help, but his home was a quarter of a mile away and he had no faith in being heard by any members of his r'eulily, 1 hs ottly, avenue of •escape to' hien was by water, sail 110004 psttewlnn, iter had he other Weans of floating him, self into safety, even adlnittingthat the bear would not Lake a fancy to the same exercise. Ile thought of cli bielg a tree, but he rernelubered that bears ,are good climbers also. Meanwhile,. the boar was coaling nearer and hearer, open modth and glistening fangs. Kennedy took a firm grip of his axe, and gathering all ilia strength, resolved on giving the best battle he could.. His axe vas a keen -edged one, and he felt relieved by the thought that if he could only got one good solid blow at Bruin the victory would bo his aud ho would be spared to his fam ily and to his creditors. Acting on the inspiration this thought gave him, he aimed a swing- ing blow at the bear, but the bear was evidently prepared forjustsucb a movement, and with a dextrous blow from his paw on the handle of the ax as the weapon was decending kuocked the ax out of Kennedy's hands. This sudden tutu of affairs caused Kennedy to grow nimble, and he fled, hotly pursued by the now thoroughly aroused brute. Kennedy made a circuit of the is- land for no better defined purpose than to keep himself at as great a dist,.nco from Bruin as possible. But the bear was also nimble of foot. In the second circuit around the is- land the farmer espied a fallen tree which projected from the bank over the water. He thought if ho could rnauage to scramble out on this tho bawl -might hesitate about following, fur tho true wee fif small dimensions, and ho know bears rarely fancy tia• veliug on trees unless the trees give them a good bold. HIe mounted the tree and crawled out to its very extreme top. His weight bent it over until his feet touched the water. Tho bear paused long enough at the base of the tree to take in all the details of the situation, and then carefully began to feel his way iu the direction of his game. When Bruin began the tight rope act, Lhe treo bunt lower and lower. The farmer, being at the extremity, was the first to fuel the pees-ure, for be- fore the boar had got many feet out he was submerged to his nock in the water, Thia iudeod was a dilemma, for whether he lot go or held on, if tho boar advanced many feet more, he must surely drown. Bruin had boon so carefully watching his own footing that he did not perceive the disappearauce of his intended via tiro, and wheu he did look ho gave a snort ofastonishment,for there,was nothing visible to his eye but an old fur cap, the rest of the farmer being under water. With a grunt of astonishment the bear retraced hie steps to the bank, gliding gracefully backward. As he retreated the tree, with Kennedy attache i, resumed its props posi'- ion, and when tho bear tdok an- other glance there hung the drip• ping farmer. Three times did Bruin essay to reach his prey, and each time did Kennedy take his voluntary bath, disappearing in the water, which by this time had chill- ed all feeling buta desire to live out of him. The bear was in the act of making his fourth trial trip when a boat with a patty of hunters who were in pursuit of the bear rounded the island, and the farmer was rescuer/. The bar got a volley from the hunters'guns and was soon at peace. Kennedy has postponed making the timber until the river is frozen over and bears have gone into winter quarters. The moral attached to these' facts is, Don't steal government property to redeem debts. PRINCIPAL GRANT. MARES A RINGING DELIVERANCE ON THE SUBJECT OF ANNEXATION. Preaching to the St. Andrew's Society Sunday night Principal Grant said ; "But what does seek- ing and praying for the peace of the country involve ou our part ? It involves an opposition " to all schemes that are opposed to the country's welfare, as, for instance, annexation. If we think an an- nexationist's motive is good and his judgement is strong in other met - tors, we may even respect him per serially, but even in that case wo would have to toll him that he was wasting his talents and his time in arguing for what seems to us wrong and shameful. It is hard for an ordinary man to keep his temper when such opinions are being ex, pressed. No, thank God, wo have a political constitution which main tains order with the least possible friction and infringement of per- sonal liberty, which ensures pro- gress without revolution, and pre serves its continuity while at the samo timo quite susceptible to every breath of popular sentiment. We should not listen to proposals that involve national suicide. It was because the North American Status wore British that they united. That was their bond of union. Britain w ll, I am sure never be asked to nreti tiefelriti drains 8'r CORP da, •because our present position is far bettor than the puny and puerile independence Oust would follow separation from England." Maii;VAN HQRNE:U.T ROUE THEteal.gT.PRIVATE•L,I:1=E.Q.FA.NOTED MAN. tVir VC the President oltbe Uitntadt,ne 1't► - cute Railway Goes Whoa He Wants to I eayei the Rallav(yy and Its Great 130.ei- nosellSehl,td Hiro, - "Gad," iu the Toronto Newe, writes as follows about Mr. W. G, Van Horne and his home life : Iie leas a beautiful home in Dorchester street and there he unbends. Surrounded by every evidence. of refinement • and good taste and those costly -things which are treasured for their rarity and aro within the reach only of the opulent, he leada,a nomparatively simple life and whoever leas the entree there meets an easy-paced,in- formal and interesting gentleman from whose conversation something can always be learned. An elegant home, truly. Here cabinets of rare chine, there col- lections of Satsuma ware, which Japanese officials have come to admire and regret that it is so far -.from house, vases of deli- cate and long -forgotten glazes, relies of fluxes the secret of which has boon lost even to those who once employed them. Here a real peachblow bowl worth a small for- tune, there ox-blocd.urus before which col- lectors would linger in admiration. The cabinet which coutaiusa priceless possess:on iu fragile poreelaiu, was once a Buddhist ahrine, before which the barefooted heathen erstwhile fell prostrate. Here a Rembrandt revealed itself in that deft mingling of light and shade, the secret of which has perished and the truth gone, there a Gaiusboro', different but almost as desir- able. Picked up abroad, probably, as were the works of Dutch and French masters, which made the walls beautiful. Pictures ev'ery'where, and vested in ono who evi- deni ly ttitder'stautls their artistic value and their material worth. • „}lure's where I go when I want to forget the railway and leave all that business be- hind ate," ho said one Saturday night not lung ago as he led the way to the tap of the !muse where his "dun" is. Siet. 0', C. VAN HORNE. It was a man's room, the one place where this busy one allowed disorder to prevail, for disorder in places of this kind is agree- able to the masculine tnind. A green -clad table, where plebeian and aristocratic pipes mingled in the most democratic way beside tobacco boxes, waiting to transmit their cahning influences to any. troubled nerve ceuter requiring their solacing touch, called for attention and met with ready response. Here he does his painting, and round about on easel and floor were pictures in all stages of advancement. Books everywhere, maps, drawing and mathematical instru- ments, but perhaps most interesting of all, a cabinet containing a collection of Japanese sword guards, collected at different times in Japan and presented to him. Each one of them has a history and each one shows ex- quisite workmanship in bronze and inlaid silver and gold, over a hundred of them, and nothing of the kind like them in America, maybe. Innocent amusement, this collecting, for a man's leisure hours, but there must be means withal or they. can't be got. The talk lasted far into the night. He has a peculiar lisp which lends a certain charm to his conversation. He compared cities as places of residence and remarked that in the quietude of declining years if he had his choice he would prefer Haarlem, where the tulips grow and the Dutch bulbs, and where quiet, cleanliness and simplicity of life prevail. A drowsy place with noth- ing to jar one in its somnolent attributes. A matter under discussion was the prepara- tion of a work on the resources of British Columbia, and to show his knowledge of the thence he produced all the books and pamphlets on the subject which he could secure on this side and iu Eng- land, some of then going back a hundred years . and more. His bibli- ophisin took this form, the collec- tion of Canadian books, especially those re- lating to British Columbia and the far West. During the talk he expressed the opinion that the -best book -work so far as printing is concerned is done in Scotland. He can speak the Chinook, that jargon or conglomeration of linguistic terms or sounds which serves the purpose of a language in intercourse with the Indians of the western slope, the Siw'ashos and others, and he gave samples of its absurd and laughable deriva- tions. Ho seemed to interest himself in ustronomy. ile had a powerful binocular glass w•liiclt te young gentleman present manipulated so as to obscrye .1upiter and his satellites. If the earth's atmosphere is subject to planet- ary influences, those might be valuable ob- servations upon which to base conjecture as to the condition of the Manitoba sops as contrasted with the climatic differentia- tion in the banana belt of Dakota. Suph was suggested and he laughed a Merry, boyish laugh. Indeed, when he puts off the official demeanor of the manager of a great railway, he is like a boy in his way and in his pleasures. That is best, May the heart with all of us ever be young. Then it will be truer, more confiding, and not warped as in those who hurry them- selves to be old. Door Park Sanitarium. A brief description of this institution, re• cently opened in Toronto, and its objects, will perhaps prove interesting. About four years ago, through the influence of ex - Mayor Howland, an effort was made to es- tablish an inebriate asylum in the city, but a by-law asking the appropriation of $30,- 000 for that purpose' was defeated. Re- alizing the necessity for an institution of this khnd, in January, 1880, the late Ald. Gillespie and Dr. C. Schomberg Elliot ob- tained a charter from the Ontarto Govern- ment and began soliciting purchasers of stock, the capital being $50,000. Their efforts were eminently successful, and recently the residence and grounds of Mr. George Hague, formerly manager of '-e-the-Morehetnts'-Bank •here, were. •pnrchnsod at a cost of about ,V30,000. The building was very much enlarged, and the now sani- torium la now one of the prettiest places in Toronto, being thtee storeys high and over 100 feet in length. It is !Situated in one of the most beautiful parts of Toronto. There are three at)ree of ground in. eonuectipn with the institution, and thin is really a doligbt' fel spot. The gg. rounds have beer). well laid out, end the Walks and' drives, sbaded by gtrieeantseltvleos baend ifoeagksv,ingw. ouBldutscwentfoiel hundred yards away is the new tipper l au- eda College, The Sanatorium is a private retreat for the subjects of inebriety or mar- cp-mania, awl acoomtnodation has been made for about 35 reticule. The interior of the building has every appearance of a home, and one of the main objects of the founders is to surround a patient with a Christian influence and seed him out not enly cured of his appetite for alcohol and other uarcotics, but a thorough Christian man.` Dr. Elliot'a residence is in the build- ing. -Globo: o The iciest Snow -Fall. The snow had begun in the gioaming, Aud busily all the night Aad been heaping fields and highway With a silence deep and white. Every pine andlr and hemlock Wore ermine too dear for au earl, And the poorest twig ou the elm tr'oo Was ringed inch -deep with pearl. From sheds now roof'd with Carrara, From chanticleer's muffled crow, 'The stiff rails were softened to swan's down And still fluttered down the snow. I stood and watched by the window The noiseless work of the sky, And the sudden flurries of snowbirds, Like brown loaves whirling by. I thought of a mound inaweet Auburn Where a little headstone stood: How the flakes 0 -ere folding it gently, ,As did robins the babes in the wood. Up spoke our own little Mabel. Saying "Father, who makes it snow?" And I told of the good All -Father Who cares for us here below. Again I looked at the snowfall Aud thought of the leaden sky That arched o'er our first great sorrow, Iflea that mound was heaped so high. I remembered the gradual patience That fell from that cloud like snow, Flake by flake, healing and hiding The scar of our deep -plunged woe. And again to the child I whispr'd, “The snow that hushcth all, Darling, the merciful Father Alone cue make it fall." Then with eyes that saw not I hissed her; And she, kissing back, could not know Fettled close under deepening snow. ' -.James Russell Lowell. Q,'JtC K SHOOTING. Marvelous 5Vur:. Done by the Pitcher Ma :a,•e.:unisni 11: sorib, d, One of the aur:<t remarkable trifles ever in vented is the Pitcher magazine rifle, re (cuti). testi, i at pert. S:icridau. '}'itis gnu becomes automatic after the firing of the first cartridge, tire gas caused by the ootn• bustion escaping into a gas -chamber and acting on a piston set against a s )lid spritig, the recoil of •;:!rich sets the mechan- ism of the gun in motion. The empty car• fridge is rentoved by this 11 eslm tuisul and the gun is also cocked. Tills is done se rapidly that by pressing against the trigger the nine cartridges required to fill the magazine are discharged in two seconds. bn the first illustl'atiou is shown the work- ing of the rifle, the result being obtained by the application to a barrel and lock mechali- A SECTIONAI. VIEW 00 THE GUN. ism of a cylinder in which is a piston and in front of which is a spiral spring. A small vent extends from the interior of the barrel to the interior of the cylinder, through which a small RRortion of gas passes at each discharge ot a e ftridge. The energy of a part of tike gas is stored in the spring at the instant of discharge, and operates upon the lock immediately as the explosive force leaves the barrel. When the trigger is pulled the explosive force,operatiug upon the piston through the vent, presses it forward against the spring, carrying forward the drive rod. The ex- plosive force, having left the barrel, the piston and drive rod are forced back by the spring to their former position. The drive rod, when at its forward limit, engages with a notch in the segment, and thus it will be seen that when the piston is pressed to the rear by the spring it also forces the segment to the rear, unlocking the abutting arm through the link and carrying the breech block with it. GENERAL APPEARANCE OF THIE GUN, When the utmost rear limit is reached a knock -off disengages the drive rod and per- mits the recoil spring to close and lock the gun. The entire operation of extricating the shell, coeking the hammer, replacing a fresh cartridge, and closing the breech is per- formed automatically, leaving but one operation -of pulling the trigger to repeat at pleasure. It is only •necessary to place the cartridges in the magazine and load the gun for the first charge by hand. The magazine is on tap of the barrel, the ctu'tridlg s being fed into the receiver through an opening on the -right hand side near the upper edge, as shower iu the second cut,-Graphio, Queen Victoria's Family, There seems to be no fear of- the royal family sntl'eriug extinction -at least not for some time. The Prince who was added to the royal ]rouse on Saturday} makes the fortieth grandchild of her Majesty. The names of the gramichil iren, most of whom are alive, are as follows : PTIN0Rt'l ROYAL. nt•NN ('0 r'nixn( sc u. Tim Em;a•n r William Prins, .1ifce,1 1'rutecs-i ci ,i lot to 1'i iucrsa 'd.u•1„ Prince Alb- r, William 1'tiner•ss Vier„ria livery Ale,andria I'r'ince Si1bisnnintt Pi litres; 11; ntries Princess `'ictoria P'ilxccss , i11r18T1AN Priueo \1'eblemar Princess F rcd,rilta Princess Sophia Prince Margaret Pal:,et: 1 r WALES Prince Afton Victor Prince George Princess Louise Victoria Princess Victoria Princess Maud P1100 11 ALICE Princess Victoria Princess Elizabeth Princess Irene nines Ernest Prince Froderielt Princess Alla: Princess Mary Prince Christian Prince .51 b;•rt .l ohn Princes-, Viruria Prtn.•o�s Loirise Altgua;a Pi ince• !tavola nt•50 of co NNAUGHT Princess Margaret Prince Arthur Pritnioss Victoria 'was or A1.eANV 1'rincesu Alive Mary 1'r ince L'•�q:.41 P,tr5CR"4 R"AT•:TOE Priem. Albert Alex ander PAnco Leopold Arthro Princess Victoria Prince -- Iter Majesty has several great -grand children, stud as e'.te is still hale and hearty at 71 we hope she may live to see a genera tion of great -great -grandchildren. -Pall ]ball Gazette. ' liacl Enoufrlr of :It. St. Peter -"Ah,' Mr. Enpoc, your wife was inquiring about you today; conte in." Enpee-"'L hanks, can',t, stop. How do tine rritirrwrun- tO titre truces'' etii a''"-- , Tho Fitness of 'things. "Send me a load of 0051 as soon as you eau,” said the humoriot to tho dealer. "Chestnut, 1 suppose?" asked the latter, d'actilninatiugly. REAflit tI .. RHEUMATISM Neuralgia, Siciat Lumbago, Backaches Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Frost Bites, Spraaf es Bruises, Surns, Etc. told by Druggists and Dealers evcryerla.ata. Fifty Cents a bottle. Direction -sin 11 Languages. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO..laSfasar+c. Canadian Depot: Toronto. ex& Etr4oMe . E1trth Ijtiir 11@gt@ra Fie:Acres Cray Hair to its Crig/reel Color. Beauty and Softness .1tees the Head Mon Cool and free from Dandrtct - Cures irritation and Itch- ing or the Sea ip Gives a beautiful glass and perfume fanaa„a hair, produces a new gl'ov+t:r, end. -4;-4. the filling out is a few day's. V, ill ;nujYsiiii the s sill ur the most delicate head-dress. FULL DIItEiCTIONS WITH EACI1 k ova1.ic 'iS'y it and be c•onvinc, d. I i':ce ;Tf''ts, Cagle per Bettis. Itufuec ail Eubstitures. SOL:: .5G NT 1'00. CANADA- H.. ANADA f-'3,- SPENCER CASE Chemist, "Ne. St) King- Street, it est IT,„ itlt.•n. 011th -trio, Sold by J. I1. C(11\1DE. SALAR-r and t:e7�e- `y9 el ma*siun to Avet.li, 0)tn azn.S \t oicen, '1•earhers and Cierp}men, to intm,atteta neve and goptelar standard boots, Testimony of 19 Centuries to Jesus of i alzatretit. • The roost remnrltnble religions book of the roti, written by 8110 eminent scholars, Non -petted...., Every Christian wants it. Exchr sire territery elven. Aµt,17' to 'CHE HENRY 1'UULISIIING CO.. 1loiwieh. Cen'rc. New Blacksmith Shop EORGE TROWiIILL hits opened out s g a- VIT erns Blacksmith and Repair Shop is, building lately occupied by lir. Willey, oppesi8a Pair's lumber yard, Albert street, Clinton, Gait_ Blacksmith and Iron Work in all iia brnae5zei. Tlorae-Shoeing promptly attended to antl•satta:- taction guaranteed. The public are melts } to call before ordering ,any stars of,,work is the above lines. 407--tf GEORGE TROw1731.1L. Forest City Business CollegiT —AND— SHORTHAND INSTITUTE, London, Ont., Is without doubt the most THOROUGH teen PRACTICAL institution in CANADA. GRADUATES of loth sexes ASSIBTS.D TO gmafi PosMTlcxs. Over fifty of last season's sti,.cstta in positions. CATALOGUE FREE. J. W. WESTERVELT PRINCIPAL House and Letfor Rent or Sale. Comfortable six -room house on Orange sue -rt Hard and soft water and other conreniermt tt The house is in good condition and a nice let is connection. Will be sold or rented reasonaltn- Apply to !JAMES COOK. 670.41 Clinton. Notice to Pig Breeders. I will hold for the improvement of steak, ticm cowing sea500, my noted Industrial prize-rriatsima bog, Mural. Ton, 102•x, C.B.R., which I pttrebwsei5 last winter from Canada's leading breedsi , Messrs. J. 0. Still cC Bto., Brampton, who, in pedigree given state was the winner of 2 aeton,rm at Tort uto Industrial Fair. Terms -$1 prsotra's. cash, with privilege of returning for sere» weskN ham time of bringing first; registered arbrualr. 65. Ratel I Lave for sale the male portion of Queen Bab first litter. Queen Bee won second at Tor(ei 1t, for sow 1 year and under 2 years, in 1fs06•,iee Bcr•ksbire class. AZ -Special Prize of ii in gold will be giver, tar hest litter 0f grade pigs 0010 Royal Tom, litteett3 iu 7M12, and shown at next Iluron Central Fein. 67.2t' GEORGE Rt1ARE,near Cantata NOTICE. There being some misunderstanding Tlifhre- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understand that if any person takes possession of any Mad of wreckage and foils to repot to me I shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is ilio Inst warning I shall give. CAPT. -WM. 13Ah1C. Receiver of w'rechs,-Godcrich. Oodcrich, Sept. ith 1501. Dressed Nags Wante, The subscriber will pay the highest near 'k price ter any number of dress(d bogs deli -ret the Onmmercinl hetet, Clinton. Arranggeasante can be made at any tirtm for future della-wry. Apply to nY SHARPER, Commeroiai Hotel, Clam. M. O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER; - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, Etc., Orrtcs :-Cor. Hamilton andlSt. Andrew is Sts- GODERICH, - - ONT Money to loan at lowest rates` WANTS. %ANTED :-Pnrehasere for 160 tone No. I Ceoal, Stove and Chesnut. Orders left at Swalloves-grocery promptl'e at- tended to. WANTED: -1000 Cords of Wood dofivercel oft Clinton Salt Werke. J. 6icOARVA.