HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-12-02, Page 8To Advertisers, Alb ch tabes o,I ,Ada•ertiiiemente, Fo feeere inaertiau in the current issue, must Le received ea the o$ice no later than Monday noon. Copy for changes received later then Monday 'won will herea,(terf'e at the „delver, Greek's own resin, • WNITXJ & TODD, Publishers. The Huron News -Record 1.5e a Year -41:25 In advgpco. Wednesday Dec.. 2nd. 18911. LOCAL NEWS. In and Around the pont gall. L 30AI. NeriwEs.—A11 notices fn times columns of meetings. -os .entertainments, provilair to holding of the same, at which an adnittssion fee is charge i,orfrom which a pecuniary benefit is to bo derived, will be charged at the rate of ten cents per line. THE MOST LARGELY CIRCULATED sPAPER IN THIS SECTION. WANTED—Cit•! about 16, es nurse. Apply to Mae. BREWER, The Molsons Bank, Clinton. THE young men of St. Paul's cbureii intend holding a social on the even- ing of Dec. 1:0.' Refreshments and a good programme will fill a pleasant evening for anyone. Admission 15 cente for everything. Ms. J. \V. BITER was on n trip as far as Teeswater last week. Tae man who serves Christ for ga+n will alsp betray him for gain. SOME men join church with the same kind of a notion that others rob a bank. A JUDICIOUS silence is always better than truth spoken without harity. Mn. JOHN SHIEPPARD, jr., who had a very severe attack of fever, is again able' to be around. Mn. Annuls{ Coot, was in Strat ford last week negotiating for the purchase of several hundred, barrels of apples. Tun MESSRS. IfoRNEY, of Winth- rop, were at the Clinton I's undry .last Friday on business and gave THE NEWS -RECORD a friendly call. ROYAL BLACK PRECEPTORY No. 161, Clinton, will meet in the Orange hall next Wednesday even- ing. BECAUSE it is silly to believe everything, there aro some so wondrous wisp as to believe noth- ing. I HEAR Brown you have been unconscious for eight hours. Great Heavens ! man, what was the mat- ter ! I was asleep. AN exchange says "the boat moral -support" a man can give a newspaper is to subscribe for itand• keep his subscription paid up. Dot,. J. G. WILSON, of Seaforth, .attended the funeral of the late Joseph Brownlee last Thursday. The Col. is a member of the A. 0. I7. W. MESSRS. HOWE, WILSON, TOr1LIN- soN and the others comprising a party who left here for Muskoka a short time ago, returned last week with ten fine specimens of deer. THE man who is religious when he isu't watched, will be religious anywhere, and the man who is re- ligions only when he is watched, is not religious anywhere. SPECIAL ORANGE COUNTY MEET- ING.—There will be a special meet- ing of South Huron Orange County Lodge in the Clinton Orange Hall, ou Wednesday, December 9th, com- mencing at 10.30 a. m. WE have men in our country who talk lots of clap -trap about opening the big market of 60,000,- 000 for our farmers, but they forget that this means opening tho market in Canada for the 60,000,00 to com- pete against our producers. E AN Ahmerstburg physician is re- sponsible for the statement that a lady patient of his had two ribs broken by hor lover squeezing tier. It is said that some of our Clinton merchants sell corsets which pre- vent the wearer from liability to such accidents. THERE was' a very large assem- blage of friends of Mr. Richard Bell, the retiring proprietor of the Prince of Wales Hotel, at that hostelry Thursday night, when a most liberal supper was provided and partaken of. A very pleasant time was spent. CONSERVATIVE,—A fairly well attended meeting of the Conserva- tives of West Huron was held in Goderich last Saturday. Among other ,natters resolved was the push- ing of the protest against M. C. Cameron, the evidence against him being considered of such a formid- able character that public interests would be seriously and won parry oi"'el'ebtioiie boedine'ii TiyivSri3 and .reproach were every legitimate effort not put forth to unearth what is believed to have been the most acandalousty corrupt election ever held in the Province. TUE GI.0)30 early train ban been discontinued. Afi1, Q. g. PAX ie : visiting former `friends in town. MR. COLQUUOUN, of Paris, is eponding a few days in town with friends. - M N who itch for office are fre- quently badly acratohed when vot- ing time comes around, M. An. Coot'E.Il'ie sadly afflicted He has had on his neck a Series of Job's comforters, but thele is not much comfort in them for Ab. THE NRws•REcoRD gives from tea to fifteen columns more reading matter every. week than the major- ity of papers in the county of Huron and is all printed' in the office, Albert St., Clinton. AIR. W. KtvuGUT of Michigan, ox- member of the State Legislature, and wife are in town visiting their relatives Mr. and Mrs, James Smith. They will Visit friends iu Goderich before returning home. Mr. Knight has become erroneously im- pressed with the idea that a,majority of the people of Ontario are in favor of annexation. He has been reading Grit papers, DIED —Mrs. Todd, mother of A. M. Todd, of the Clinton NEws• RECORD and of the late Robt. Todd, formerly of this office, died yester- day afternoon. Deceasod was strck- en with paralysis about a week ago and heart failure set in, which caused her death. Mr. A. M. Todd was at her bed -side in her illness, and her sister, Mrs. Oliver Mc• Caslin, of Louise, Ont., and Mrs. A. M. Todd, of Clinton, were at the death bod.—Woodstock Sentinel Review. STREET CORNER STATURARY.— Grimsby Independent: \Vliy do you stand on the street corners any- way'There are but two proper places for boys on Sunday nights, and those are 'sat home" and at church. if you don't want to go to church stay at home. If you don't want to stay at home go to church. But if you really will not or cannot do Dither of those, for goodness sake go for a walk or a ride, or go crazy, if you like, but don't stand on • the street corners and squirt tobacco juice. PIG KILLING.—A few days ago a couple of men in town proceeded to kill a fat pig. They arrested the pig and held him down while ono knifed him in the orthodox manner, and he was supposed to be dead. In the meantime a barrel of boiling wator had been -secured and the pig was soused therein for the pur pose of loosening his bristly coat. But the pig didn't believe he was dead and commenced such a lively kicking and splashing of hot water that his would-be slayers could not get near enough to extricate the animal from the torture that was unwittingly inflicted upon him. In a few minutes he was found to be "killed dead" and the finishing up process was completed. A FRAUDULENT PEDLAR —Says the Acton Free Press : The frequ- ency with which people are gulled by strangers peddling ono com- modity and another is surprising. One day last week a woman came to town with an assortment of silver- ware and of course she found pur- chasers who would patronize her in preference to a responsible mer- chant in town. One lady purchaser who invested a considerable amount iu "beet quadruple plated" silver knives, forks and spoons, became uneasy as to tho genuine character of her goods, concluded to teat tho matter, and took them to a local dealer for examination. They prov- ed to be trash of the tvotst close and instead of quadruple plate, were only brass dipped in a silver solu- tion. The lady's husband looked up the swindling pedlar, charged her with fraud and the money was quickly refunded. Other pur- chasers wore not so fortunate. THE LATE JOHN COOK.- Mention was made last week of the death of John Cook, at Silverwater, Manitou- lin. Last spring he visited relatives in Clinton on his return from the Toronto hospital, where he under- went an operation for cancer on his lower hp. Later on the knife was again applied by the Doctors at Gore Bay, and still later he again visited the hospital and bravely stood a fourth operation. But alt was with• out success. The deceased was well known in many sections of Ontario. He with his parents tame to this country from Ireland many years ago and first settled near Kingston, afterwards in Bentick township, Grey county. About 20 years ago he and his family removed to Manitou- lin, where hu made a comfortable home. IIe was a member of the Orange Order 36 years. The funeral was under the auspices Of the Order, the largest ever seen in the town- ship, many brethren driving over forty miles to take part in the obee. quies. He will be ever kindly res membered by all with whom he came in contaot.—The late Mrs. Todd, who died at Woodstock on the 19th inst., was a sister of the late John Cook. On Thanksgiving day she was quite hearty, but the following morning •waw°stricken with. paralysis.. -.,Strom this she seemed to recover ; heart trouble set in and she died the fol. lowing l intraday. On Saturday, 2181, the remains were interred at Wood- stock beside Anna E. and Robert, her daughter and son. LAVE AT FIRST SIGHT- Ia the bliesiu'l experie'nce of many a fair lady wbo visite our MILLINERY* rooms. And no wonder. The charm of our chaste and tasteful Hats and Bonnets is irresistible. SPECIAL pISCOUN'T of 15 per cent on all cash orders in this department. .8 sortment'complete. MANTLE 01,0T1-18! Rich—stylish; selling fast. Fri. is right. Mantles cub free of charge. 0 ANTI -RHEUMATIC UNDERWEAR. For Men, for Women, for Children. High quality—low price—snug fit. When Jack Frost learns that you buy your Underwear from BEESLEY '& CV: he will move on to a less protected victim. Ile objects to our .FLAN. NELS and FLANNELETTES too, because they are So fine and closely woven they repel his chilling touches and they are so soft and comfortable that everybody likes them, and so very cheap that everybody can afford to buy them. He kicks against our BLANKETS too, but to no purpose, for they are heavy and all wool and any one can get inside of a pair fol. $2.75 and be amilingly safe from his attacks. Baesley's Big Liquidation Sale (N.A. RUTHERFORD, Liquidator.) DOING AT HALF PRICE 0 75 Kinds of Purses 12 Kinds of Card Cases - 15 Kinds Shopping Bags 10 Kinds Pocket Knives 20 Kinds of Brooches • Phot graph Frames, Photograph Easels, Dinner Gongs, Autograph Albums, Ink Stands, Cr""mb Trays and Brushes, Perfume Cases, - - and other things too nunierous to mention—all marked in plain figures and all going at half the regular prices. We want these cleared out to make room for Japanese Goods expected soon. 0 0 Robins • n® • Bros.•, Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. THE \VITNESS quoos butter in CAPT. DAWSON, of Seaforth, was prints in Montreal at 35a to 40c in town last week and gave THE per Ib. Fresh eggs from 45c to GOc NEWS•RECORD a call. a dozen. SONS OF SCOTLAND.—By invita- BY the looks of the number of tion of officers of Murray camp our teams at Fair's mill yesterday there reporter attended, Monday evening, must be considerable wheat coming a banquet gotten up bythem at Ken - in, nedy's hotel on the evening of St. Andrew's day. There were about 60 persons sat down to a table well laden with delicious viands not least of which was the orthodox haggis. A piper from Fantail set the guests on the qui viva by the inspiriting strains of the time honored bag- pipes. Chief T. L. Fortune graced the head of the table and chieftain John McMurray faced him at the other end. 'Twere too long to do - scribe the appetizing manner inwhich the Haggis and other goods disap• peered. Chief Fortune read an ad- dress of welcome as acceptable for the purity of its diction as for its friendly sentiments. "The Queen and Royal Family" was enthusis astically and becomingly toasted. Then came " The Day and a' Who Ilonor It," "The Land we Left and The Land we Live in," Municipal and Legislate' e,'' "Tho Learned Professions," "Army and Navy," "Trade and Commerce", .. ' .later ocietios"," 1 rens , "Ladies", "Host", "Auld Lang Syne". As we have not time to give a detailed accouut of tho eloquent, songful and conversational manner in which the various toasts were responded to wo shall have to content ourselves with naming from memory those whom to the fighting and equally sure . we can recollect as helping to make that Chaplain Croll will be equal to the d Vigoests 'n 10 blithers, and help the praying. "good digestion to wait ou appetite." And contrary to commonly accepted HURON SHOOTISTS had a "drive" views it may be said that the purely at live pigeons in Clinton Thursday Scotch have an appetite for the of last week with tno following re• good things of the table that would sults :— make an average Saxon stand aghast. let sweep 2nd 3rd Well, among those who voiced the J. Blackall 7 4 5 views of those present were Paat J. MoMurray 9 4 4 Chief Murray, ex -mayor Forreeter, G. Hinchley. 8 5 4 ex reeve McI1urchy, James Fair (who gave both dialectically and otherwise an excellent rendition from Burns), Drs. Bruce, Shaw, Gunn, Turnbull, Gibson, Wilkie, and Mr. MoTayzean; Dents. H. B. -Combas and. -I,.- To> r,..IlanGo, Rutherford, Mr. Thos. Jackson, sr., Mr. John Ranaford, Mr. Sydney Smith, Mr. D. McPherson, Mr. N. Robson, Mr. W. P. Spalding, Mr, J. Croll and others. DURING the past season 104,309 head of cattle, 31,766 sheep, 79,300 packages of butter and 1,372,033 packages of cheese were shipped from Montreal. FRATERNAL.—Clinton Sens of England meet in. their hall here Thursday evening when seven mem- bers will be initiated. Londerbo,ro fratere will visit here in a body on the oocasion and after business an informal lunch will be partaken of at the Waverly house. Am the Sons of Scotland banquet night we omitted to mention that letters of declination to attend, ow- ing to previous engagements, were read from ivy. C. Cameron, Q. C., M.P., J. T. Garrow, M. P. P., and A. P. McLean the noblest Roman of them all ; all of Goderich. CHAPLAIN CROLL, of Murray Camp, so thrilled Tory Torr Ranee with his appreciation of Lieut Rance's remarks on the "Army and Navy," alias the Canadian Volun- teers, that it is understood Mr. Croll has yolunteered to act as Chaplain on the first occasion Lieut. Rance has to go to the front. We feel sure that Lieut Rance will be equal J. Johnston . 7 S. Gidley............... 5 E. Cadtelon . 5 J. Bang 6 2 R. Wallace 5 H. Cole . 7 _., 1g� A. righ8 4 J. :��...-� A. Stark 3 J. Dodds 3 E. Hinchley 3 J. E. Hovey. 9 O. S. Doane 5 5 &A Ord R great Bus!ness.. 3§_§ §§§-§§§§§,§ § §§:§= ♦o We are doing by long odds the largest Clothing and Furnishing business in this section and this, shows that good shrewd buyers know where to get value- for their mosey. Just now we have .full stocks of ALL THE LATEST 'UOOOS; and :our establishment is daily• throngeld with the best buyers in the Ounlry. HAT A- IOIIT FIIRS.? We carry the finest goods that money can buy and if you want something good come and see,•our selection. We pay more for our Furs than ordinary buyers on account of the privilege of selecting our own Goods. We show a magnificent selection of Ladies' * * 1-_ t * t * t * 1- * t Stam Dailars and JTluhfs in Seal, Persian Lamb, Beaver, Astrachan and Otter. Our Stock of Fur Goats is the Largest in the county. 0 Jaekson -. Bros. Hatters and Furriers. GREAT .-:INDUCEMENTS Bard are.. --0 HAVE YOU SEEN Our New Stock OF hite Granite Steel Ware Crown Tea Kettles, Embossed Stove Boards, Rocker Coal Sifters, Pittsburgh Lamps, Cut- lery and Plated Ware, English Tea Trays,. Embossed Stove Pipe, hand -made Axes, Cross Cut Saws, Steel Wire Cow Chains, English Door Mats, Window Shades, Window Cornice Poles, Gold Medal Carpet - Sweepers, Acme Skates, Stove Furnaces and Tinware, Rock Oil and Flint Chimneys, Paints, Oil & Glass. BEST SCRANTON COAL—STOVE AND NUT 0 cos Iron and Hardware, Stoves and Tinwarfj, Clinton, Ont.