HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-12-02, Page 2• DIaalalaaaaaaaaaagalaaal ....� .,n ..9 . ... . 1 n . Ugptou, B. net.,enly: t4 distressing porpPloktt, el I a itself, but, by causing' tib blend to tleceme depraved and :the, eyatere en- feebled, is tha parent of innumerable maladies. That Ayer's Sarsaparilla fie the }lest cure for Indigestion, even rkvheneons plicated With Liver ('eomplalnt, is proved by the following testimony from kXrs. Joseph 14ake, of Brockway 'Centre, Xicb.; "'Aver complaint .sand ittdigestien made my -lite a burden and c,utne Rear ending my existence. For more than tour years I &offered untold agony, was reduced almost to a skeleton, and ards bad strength to drag myself about, All kinds of toed distressed me and only the most delicate could be drlgtsted at all. Within the time mentioned several physicians treated me without giving re. lief. Nothing that I took seemed to do any permanent good until I commenced the use of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, which has produced wonderful results. Soon after commencing to take the Sarsapa. villa I could see an improvement in my condition. My appetite began to return and with it came the abilty to digest all the food taken, my strength im- proved each day and after a few months of faithful attention to your directions, I found myself a well avonn, able to attend to all household duties. The medicine has given me new lease of lifer, Ayer's Sarsaparilla, seem= tar Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mase, .-price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. Me Huron News -Record $1.50 a Year -51.25 in Advance Wednesday, Dec. 2nd, 1891. THE FAIR OPHELIA. ''I theueht thy bride -lied to have decked, sweet maid, And not have strewed thy grave." The Danish queen was not an extent plary wife, but was dou'Vess sincere in her grief at Ophelia's death. Ica every laud we see the purest end sweeteut et Eve's daughters gathered to early graves, A perfectly reliable cure for female cant - plaints, ie T)r. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription, a medicine boyozol all praise, which has saved menu a young life threatened by the insidious approach of di.eaee, Fe,r Chronic female derange. menta, weak beak, lassitude, riorv.ue- nese and poor appetite, it is without equal : a generous tonic, a safe nervine, purely vegetable, and warranted to give eatisfaetion, or the pri.:e ($1,00) refund- ed. This guarantee i3 always adhered o. Of druggists, —Samuel Weir, agod about 40 years, was accidentally killed at Galt. He was engaged teaming a buzz placer from the Cant Bros. & Ce.'e foundary to the station, and when driving oll the weigh scales the machine toppled over a~:d fell on Weir, crushing his skull. IID was immediately extricated and carried into the office, but died within a few minutes without show- ing any signs of conscioasness. The deceased was married, and leaves a widow and five small children. COLD WEATHER TRIALS. DEARS SIRS,—This fall and winter I suffered trout neuralgia in my face and had the beet medical advice without avail, I at last thought of trying B. 13. 13. and after using one bottle have not felt any symptoms of neuralgia sine. I regard it as a fine family medicine. J. T. DROST, Heaslip, Man. —Mr. Sol White, 117. P. P., en- deaverod to agitate "continental union" in Woodstock, Ont., last week. IIe was badly sat upon,not a Bingle adherent being forthcoming and a resolution being passed dia- metrically opposed to his theory. i:onsumption Cured. An old physician, retired from praotice, haying hal placed in his hands by an East India mission- ary the formula of a sdmplo vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, slim a positive and radical cure for Nervosa Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of canes, hoe felt it his duty to make it known to his guttering follows. Actuated by this motive and a detire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions fur preparing dud using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naminj this paper. W.A. Nuras, e2o Powers' Block, Rochester, N.Y. 659—y —"Rev." Wolter Nelson, the married pastor of Port Burwell Baptist Church, has eloped with Mise Teetzel, a St. Thomas young woman who was teaching in a Mala - hide school. ENJOYING A BLESSING. DRAB SIRS,—Last eummer my young- est siettrs wore taken very badly with croup, indeed we were almost in despair, having little hope of curing them. Fin- n'!y we applied Hagyard'e Yellow Oil, and to our great joy it cured thein per- fectly and they are now enjoying the blessing of perfect health. ANNIE JOHNSTON, DalhOueie, N. B. —The Dominion Illustrated News calla attention to the fact that at the banquet to Mr. Laurier in nod - ton not a Canadian or British flag was displayed, nor was her majesty's health drunk, as is the custom at international banquets. AnvICE To 11IOTHERs. - Are yon dintnrlio1 at night and broken of Sour rest by a Sick ehi:d suffering and crying with pain of Cott ing Tenth,? If au eond at onoo and gut a bottle of Mfrs. Wi nslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth in Its value is inunlonl"ble. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Mimed iately. Depend upon it, in Ahem; th. re le no mistake obout it. It euros Dysontcry and Northam, regnlatos the stomach and b,iwola, aurae Wind Collo, Ref tone the gnms, rednnon inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs, Moslem 'It Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prceoriptiou of one of the !that and beat female physicians and norms In c 11 lied States n 'a t t}le 2.1—p ill&O '. ^TR'�'U b` `$fi�'b' ivrli4r . 15',3011E ll � A n bottrke3�" Be gore and ask for 'Was. WrssLOw's Santini° Braar,"and tak3 no other kind. 656y Ur, . Forbes, the Grit who has reeigned his a.est for QueSn'e N. S., secured $67 votes, and is charged, with 1,Q11 violitious of the election law. Personal charges Are being pressed against hum. I1E REASON WHY, The reason why Burdock Blood Bit tars leada•,all other rtiediciuea in the raee f r popularity is because it is absolutely pure, cannot harm the moat delicate in- valid, and never fails to cure bilioueneee, dyapedeia, bad blood, constipation, etc: —Fourteen care of pickled eggs were ehipped by the Grand Trunk and Erie railways on Saturday from Seaforth for the British markets. IN TRAINING. There are a good many in active train - lag for aquatic sports who will do well to read the opinion of Mr. William Beads, a ohapion oarsman of Australia, who troy.: "I have found St. Jacobs Oil of greatest service in traialog. For stiffness, cramps, mu.ctiler pains and serene*, it le valuable. I always keep a bottle with me. It cures rheeu wtJam." This is stead. rd authority for a thletes. —Father Whelan. offers $50 re- ward for the detection of the cul- prits who painted "No Popery" on St. Patrick's church door al Ottawa - NOW FREE FROM PAIN. DEAR cxRs,—I have Leen t.eubled wish Lanae Back for about 6 mouths, and thought I would try Hegyard's Yellow Oil, which cured we. An, new free from ell pains, and recommend Yel- low Oil very !Jelly. ?BANK PALMER, Winona, 0.1. —George Elliott, a Hamilton boy, is dying of lockjaw through sticking a piece of loth into his nostril. "1 use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral freely in my praetic:e, and recommend it in ceases of Whooping Cough among children, having found it mere os+t•tein to cure that troublesome diecase then any medi• nine I know of."—o says 1)r. Bartlett, of Concord, MUSS, —David Mountenav, aged 70, is under arrest-nt Belleville charged with the murder of a five year old boy named Thomas Courtney of Trenton. - "At last, I can eat a good souare meal without its distressing mo 1" was the grateful exclam.etion of one whose appe- tite had boen restored by the nee of Ayer's 'Sarsaparilla, after yearn of dys- peptic misery. A teaspoonful of this extract before each meal tharpone the appetite. —At Kinkora, near Stratford, Bridget Kelly, aged seven years, was accidently hanged while amtta- ing herself swinging from a towel. A GOOD VERDICT. Sins, —I have great reason to epoak well of your B. 13. Bitters. I have tak- en 5 bottles for myself and fancily and find that for lose of appetite and weak- ness it has no equal. It cures rick head- ache, purifies the blood and will riot fail when used. I heartily recommend it to all wanting a pure medicine. MRs. Huon McNv1.2, Truro, N. S. —The house of John Smith, In- verhuron, Bruce County, was under- mined by a swollen stream. Smith's two daughters wale drown- ed. - THE BEST YET. DEAR SIRS,—My mother was attacked with inflommation of the lunge which left her very weak and never free from cold, till at last she got a very severe oold and cough. She resolved to try [3agyard's Pectoral Balsam, and, on so doing, found it .lidarer more good than any other medfcin a e ever tried. MRs. KENNEDY, 50 Smith Av., Hamilton Ont. —Georgian Bay lumbermen com• plain of the number of pine loge which are sent to be sawn at Michi- gan mills from that region. "When I was a young man," said Jon- athan Gray, "If a fellow took physio he knew it, you bet, It would cramp him all up in a eul- licky way, And, good Lord, what a twisting hie insides would get ! But the pills in use now -days by eenaf- ble folks Are as easy to take and as pleasant as jokes." Of course, the kind referred to by Mr. Gray was De. Pierco'e Pleasant Pellets, the very beat Liver Pill over made -- mild but sure and effective. The only pills sold bydruggieto, absolutely on trial! Satisfaction guaranteed, or your money is returned. TEA A LA SIR ANDREW CLARK. Here is an extract from an inter- esting lecture by Sir Andrew Clark the other day to the students (Alm London Hospital .— "Toa is a bloseed beverage. I do not knew what I should do without it. But there is tea and tea; and one of the teas which I have in my mind is the representative of all that is physiologically wicked. I go about town a good deal holding consultations horn and there, and about five o'clock when I got into a place the lady of tho boueo will say to mo, 'Sir Andrew, you look so tired ; do let me give you a cup of tea.' I say, 'Thank you very much.' But the tea has stood for half an hour, and elm remarks, 'I know you do not like it strong, Sir Andrew,' and then she ppte about a table - 8 °9-n t of to_a „ utA aFla4fl.:cxB::•�►!Id, h1 IIE up ivtih water. Now, I call it positive cruelty to give tea like that >'.e, gu,bpdy, (inti T hopo you geutlelllon will elwuye set your flea against such $ beverage. Tea to be useful should ilei first 4f all, black China tea. The Indian tea, which is being !0ltivated has beColno se powerful is its effeeta Upon the norvoua systa.tn that a cup of it taken early in the morning as many people do, so disorders the nervopa system thet those wile take it actu ally get into a state of tea intoxiaa tion, and it produces a form of nerve disturbance which is moat painful to (witness. If you want to have, either for yourself or for your patients, tea, which will not injure and which will refresh, get black China tea, putting in the right measure—the old fashioned tea- spoonful for each person and ono for the Blessed pot. Then pour on briskly boiling water, and within five minutes you must pour it off again, or it will become wicked in- stead of good. Let thie patient, therefore, have a pint of milk and water or cocoatino, or half a pint of lea, a la Clark, if yon pleaee." WHERE IT WAS. The crowd of loafer!! in the little sountry etore at Spurville had just listened with great interest to Job Lander's account of hie recent suffer- ings from a large boil on hie leg. Various common(,e expreeeive of sympathy were offered by one and another, but theme were suddenly interrupted by Andrew Criler, who began : 'A. bile's a mighty mean thing for a man ter have, '11' no mistake." After a abort panels, he continued; 'I don't s'pose I (flail ever furgit one 't I had more 'n twenty years ago. 'Twat) on my right arm jest above the elbow, 'n' I couldn't do anything ter speak of, fer nigh outer throe weeks. How it did ache ! Why ! I couldn't sleep a wink no more 'n if somebuddy 'd been tam in' right inter that arm with en auger ; 'n' it swelled up so 'e 't I couldn t git my shirt -sleeve down over it. I had ter keep it wrapped up in an old shawl of Lyddy'e all the time.'• 'It got so bad finally 't I jest couldn't stau' it any longer; so I went over ter old Doctor Goblet 'u' got him to look at it. "'Wal,' says he, 'that's a pooty bad arm, but it aint ready ter be opened yit. Ye'll have ter come agin in h few days.' So home I went, mad enough ter still. I jest walked the floor all that night, 'n' I shouldn't wonder if I said some bad words 'long to'ards mornin', fer that bile did ache wuse'n any toothache. 'Wal, next' day I went ter old. Goblet agin, 'n' told him he'd jest got ter open Chet bile right offSo the old feller cut it open, 'n'—wal, mebbe I didn't holler. I thought fer about a minute that I'd give up the ghost. Wal, the bile got well pooty soon after that, but it left a big scar 't I s'poae 111 alluz kerry.' 'Le's see it, Andrew,' cried the crowd anxious to behold even the traces of so fatuous a 'bile.' Nothing loath to display the memento of his past sufferings, Andrew pulled off his coat and drew up his right shirtsleeve. No sign of a scar, or blemish, of any kind was to be seen. A trifle disconcerted, be exclaim- ed: "Thar! it's queer I sh'd furgit 'twas on 't other -arm, but I guess 'twits.' Up came the other sleeve, and the crowd again pressed forward to see the scar. Alas ! this.‘ -arm was as unblemished as the other. Andrew tried to look perfectly dazed at this result, but a moment later, with a twinkle in hie eye, he said 'Wal, I vow ! It is queer how a man's mern'ty sometimes deceive him, aint it ? I remember now jest ez plain 'z day, that bile wuz on brother John's area. —N. Foulds and Fred Trenwith, of Brantford, were engaged in eaw- ing wood in the barn with a circu- lar eaw, which was run by the large tviudmill. Trenwith was standing in the doorway of the barn when a heavy gust drove ;the door shut and threw him On the saw. He fell on his right Bide, and had it not been for the guard boards on the saw he would have been cut in two. After slashing hie side for several inches the motion of the saw threw him off and his left leg cams in contact with the saw and was' cut in two. —By atecision in the Pittsburg, Pa., courts Father M. J. McBride, a Catholic priest, is cut off from an inheritenco of 87,500. One year ago Robert Brennan died in that city, and, a foto hours before his death, signed a will bequeathing his ontireeestate to Father McBride. William and Richard Brennen, of Buffalo, nephews of the dead man and his only relatives, contested the will on the ground of undue influ- ence. It was brought out in the case that Father McBride refused to administer the last rites of the church to Brennan until he signed the will Brennan was about eighty• two—years—old.--A•fter:thewil-t==was-- signed the last rites of the church were administered, PSL -RAPES f r is THE VERY BE> T p1YCfitn1ltl.>}; IN SCISOR$ GAN FIND. • , Pictures of Life Alt It le In I5)agla 4rtt yitite — 4. New " ktlrtp Aa'untt( a' R,tsy"'—lIrs. Boar -wow sal ilio Sites tion-.st.11 f3urtq. "Ring Around a Rosy."—Puek. The Iran who votes on a pzondeo of pay becomes a faith heeler. A bny is expected to lova Ida mother eves though she Buts his hair. The devil is always willing to aid is put• tivrg up a flue or stovepipe. ")tenon lsari in it a higher eel elm tae$." Presumably it is ale table end. Advfee is valuable shiotiy when it indices a wee aeon( enough w follow Ma own feseea. There is ene lucky thing alsent el,vilee ehildren—we never have them in oesr overt y. ' If it arca hasn't mil trousers bo rat sat, wilt it /lo just as well to draw ea nib lfli It is said that twos /lessees the power ell memory. So does auy one who lams ewer ha. terfcrefl with them. Give a ward statesman liberty and fres 1nteh and he can get alowo for a time very well without free speech. "Excuse ,no, Mrs. Hashcroft," said the pseeise boarder, "bat there is no more milk in the Dream-piteher," Cora—'4You've never been over the world much, have you, John?" John—"No," Coral (yawning) --"You ought to travel." The kind of women who would make their husbands obey and stand around are the kind of women who don't have any. She had refused hien. "You remind me of a proficient magician, Mise Mildred." "Why, Mr. Spatte?" "Your slight of hand is so perfect." The road agont is unreasonable in his de- mands. He expects travellers to throw up their hands, but he does not feel called upon to throw down his arms. Mrs. Topflat (shivering)—"November ! Ugh! What a horrible month!" Mr. Top - fiat (employed downtown) — "Horrible month ? Great Scott, Clara, what are you talking about ! It's got five pay-days!" " Sniggins is all wrapped up in himself," was the remark that was made on the ab- sent member of the club. "Is he?" was the rejoinder. "I'11 notice the next time I see him out of doors whether he uses one ear or both," Scaddshy—What ! You don't mean to say that the famous John Seottsnn, the artist, is the John Scottaon that lived in this town twenty years ago? Flymm—He's the same fellow. Scaddshy (who has never amounted to much)—By George! I could always lick him when we were boys 50- gether, anyhow?" Mrs. flow-w01v on the Situation. MAIM 16 PAGES WEEKLY OELOBE F'O E 1892 AND BALANCE OF 1891 ONLY ONE t; DOLLAR THE MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVER NjADE. NO FAKES! NO CHEAP BOOKS ! NO JACK-KNIVES 1 SCISSORS OR CATCH -PENNY OFFERS! BUT A CLEAN, WHOLESOME FAMILY NEWSPAP R UPON ITS MERITS. .zs Commencing with the issue of 7th October THE WEEKLY GLOBE will contain sixteen pages instead of twelve pages as heretofore, making it the largest and best family newspaper in Canada. Every effort will be devoted to malting it BRIGIITp. READABLE, ACCURATE and INTERESTING in all its departments. Special pains will be taken with its .Agricultural Pages, and MORE SPACE WILL BE DEVOTED TO SELECT READING FOR '60 FAMILY. SUBSCRIBERS WHOSE ORDERS ARE RI4CEIVF.D PREVIOUS `J6 SjI5t DECEMBER, 1891, WILL HAVE THE PAPER SANT THEM UNTITi. CLOSE OF 1892 FOR THE ONE YEARS SUBSCRIPTION. THIS MEANS 15 months of a 16 -page for $1 to every one who subscribes now. AGENTS WANTED IN ALL UNREPRESENTED'DISTRICTS. For terms, address THE GLOBE, TORONTO. A HANDSOME ORGAN FREE 0 Given Away With Baking Powder. Best Offer Yet i Seethe llam'some Organ, now on exhibition. 0 N. ROBS N. • CLBNTO1. Groceries. - Groceries. C ETT H 11_101\T B:o s —Have a splendid stock of— Choice New Groceries, Fruits, Peels, Crookt)ry, Glass and Chinaware At prices consistent with good goods. Wo are to a position to guarantee as goo value as any other house in the trade. Try our F0,111on5 Teas, the best for th least money in the market. We have a stock of General Groceries that cannot b surpassed in quality or lowness of price. Dc not invest till you call on us. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. L "Aren't you ashamed of yourself, coming home in that state?" "Shat's all right, my dear; had impor- tant business with some frens. Hoop lel"— London Free Press. A Delayed Luncheon. Tho OId Hadley Landlord--Jirnmv, run npstairs, quick, au' ask your mother for th' Home Book of Ettiketty." Jimmy—Whatcher want to find? The Landlord—That gent has jest asked for some connysummay, art' I want ter find whether it's bird, beast, 'r jest napkin." He Hada choice, Hired Boy (on a farm)—Kin I go fishin' this afternoon? Farmer --No, but be a good boy and work hard 'n' mebbe next week you kin go to a funeraL Hired Boy—Kin I go to your'n? Precocious. "They say Mozart played on the piano al the ago of six." "That's nothing. I've got a little girt only two years old who plays on the piano every day." "What does she play?" "Dolle. "—Harper'$ Bazar A Matter of Money. "I congratulate you, Julia, on your ap- proaching marriage," said Mr. Hyatt, a prominent New York merchant, to his daughter. "Marriage, pa? I don't know anything abort it." "I am telling you about it now," replied Mr, Hyatt. "But who is the bridegroom, pa?" asked Julia, "That's none of your business. You must not have so much curiosity. That is a business secret that cannot be divulged just now. I'll let you know who he is after the wedding is over."—Texas Sifting*. A free-hand drawing.—Life. a -- ma -el saran Drink Ink? A germ of philosophy in a certain little soy took root rather unexpectedly to his mrents the other morning. Sarah, the now took, the first colored person the little chap us ever even, Made her Rrlrent in tho e' ii u d»'. 'iPi c`Til �. r'.;:1 "'"P',`r� i�iii�'ie`ltmc aI• enlly regarding L, r, nivel tl.rn quietly n hisperod : "Mamma, does Sarah drink nk?' NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ELLIOTT'S BLOCKS - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture, Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from -the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. JuS. CIIIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store FOR C000 ENVELOPES TheFOR FINEST PRINTING News-R000rdFOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALI, DEPARTMENTS ,30,151:91 J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont Chute?, WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Colunuhue, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—now, model. l3TAI1 these make, in key nod stein winders Also pond Ant set watches. J. BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. STRAY STOCK ADVER tJ TISEAIENTS inserted in Tos �"s * NRwe IIRCORi, 51 low rates. The law 'takes It compulsory to advertise stray stock it you want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call on Tows-Reocord. ),cwt IMPLEMENTS. The subscriber having severed his connection with the Massey Company, desires to Intimate that he has been appointed agent for the well known arm of FROST & WOOD, implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to all all orders In lila line as heretofore. Will oleo keep on hand tVi,srsaos l't.ows, COLT Rn C SCOTT DRILLS, Dteo Minims, and articles of like nature. WM. STANLEY, 647—bro IIntmesvtne and Clinton A NICE HOME seloof "Ortarl of choice ripplelTtrreiesase ; comfortable house and ambles ; adjoining Oode• rich township,/Apply to D. L. DOYLE, Godo loft, 552134f BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all tines be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news, SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their Paper regularly from the carrier or thr)ugh their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions may commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of adve?'tisenten:s, to ensure insertion, should be handed in ?tot later titan MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD 1106s a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising rnedium lzas few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOP. PRINTING. The Job Department of this jour- nal is one of the est equipped in ern 72 arm?, a _iierior � a t a supr.?nor class of tvorlc is guaranteed at very lom prices.