HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-11-25, Page 6Rheiimatis I�"tL.'• (i; ddilq to tile. presence 4f '!tend soilinthe bleed. is10 osteffOgolal1y gored, by ybo qsa .of Ayer's Sarfapa- !filo. Be euro yon get Ayer') and no other, and take It till the poisonous acid ; a thpr'oughly expelled. 'Tem the system. We • challenge attention to thio testimony : -+ • "About two years tom, utter Offering, for nearly two years irons rheumatic gout,, being able, to walk only, with great discomfort, and having tried various' remedies,. including mineral waters, without relief. I saw by au advertise- !gent in a Chicago paper that a marl had been relieved pf this distteesing cern. plaint, after long suffering, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I then decided to snake a trial; .of this :medicine, and took It regularly for eight months, and am pleased to,state that, it has effected a complete cure. I 'have since had no re- turn of the disease." -Mrs, E. Irving Dodge, 110 West 125th et., New York, "One year ago I was taken ill with Inflammatory rheumatism, being con- fined to my house six months. I came out of the siokucss very'anuch debili- tated, with no appetite, and my system disordered in every way. I commenced using Ayer's Sarpaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and -soon recovering my usual hearth. L cannot say too much in praise of this well-known medicine." --Mrs. L. A. Stark, Nashua, N. E. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED ST Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Prue $1.; _six bottles, $5. Worth $5 s bottle. Ti; Huron News -T ecorci .50 a Year -$1.2G In Advance ca i'EI11eMt(la v. Nov. 25th, 1891 ovEll AC'EN1URY 01U fil•nv tales a'.• known of Iere(ae liv- irt: se lie oyes lee yrers 111 .1.•1 there is ae ,;,rel rea•::n Is by ,l:le eh"ubl not .:cure By p- yieg •.tteuti "n to the hu",l.h 1.•. v-ne; not:se:a L'iu:,,l B t•ere lviacu rs• L•t purify tie bleed and ".1 c't.en the system wash ni,ty Le 1.1.1trc•d :)' the eoecert and happiness c.f life )y n if vine eeutury mark is not at- (_) i i uch .vu, l;.:i lc ito-sit tpod track y thy. Palo Alto reduced t!,.) stallion 1ecur,l to 2.0,•.z: , Alaud �'s tit.:,•, a1:.1 half a wean l better than 11,e al:titiun record previously dwell at •.iOOj- by C. \V. \Villiatus' %VI•Nn, f e;it ..ny cattle, the date sive. read :`.-ere:a y ort,a••a ii.c "m) dii,.rdered, tee' may he rtI•'n ,tilted t , healthy a tion by the unb .,i _leer e (2.c:sac:ea 1' 1!a. ,.sae Pills are p.er seed by that 1.!,ya ,:fat,,end. ere 1, r ealo at all the tit ug -.+t ores. —J. 0. .4esvelle. of V.)•t:ill•d, i:ae for the past t lti i e year's been t)nrclastna liens iu `liuchig.:n, fur .las, 1,. Crept, of 1nrt :eel!, Uula:io. Lust 6 iturtl::•' he passed through Detroit wills 0,000 pounds of hogs tolfecd the residents uf the Dowin- jo:1. TWE LV1'. YEARS' TEST, rte vt St us, - We hays used tJugyar l's 1 -Hoar Oil i-1 our family f .r twcaty 1r:ira and find n)thiet; to equal it for rhes e.tisri , !ulnae eo, Lime h eek, frost bites, etc. Pin m•uuld not hs witheut t. \lin. •11,;TILD 1 (MOT:, \') i".u.ipeg, Alan. John Garver, one of the leading attorneys of llockturd, 111„ has LJan laid up with au injured 13g, received while Ihllng the goat with the secret society know n as the Knights of the 'Globe. The injury is quite serious, as it is supposed that a blood vessel is burst, lilid he may Lever recover the full nso of the member. The injury roust have come from a heavy blow or a Lard fall. "Aro n't you et -sr going to grow old, like the rest of urs'! "-,ked a teen of an aequatutanee he h.adu't teen for a ,tut time. "Well, not so long as I eau purity my blood witlt Ayer'e Ssrseperilln.," wee the apt reply, This Itucw what h was tenting, about. • —Gertrude Ausink, a servant in the 1. use of J. A. Waiters, of '1 id ei on,'dich.,took auoveuingout t; it!tout notifying her employer. 11 turning home at a late hour, Oke 1t i t 1.00k to burglarize the door, but Welters !tent a bullet through the door a itich broke her jaw. iuly ,h0 sues him fur $5,000 Liatn- ai„e.. SANDvb1CU1. buts, -i ..r five years I suffered from lumbago and coulee get no relief until I n: 1 1- agyard"e Yellow Oil, and mutt soy 1 Lind no better remedy for it. .fou : i)t:,:teeemes, Sandwich, 0 at. —A young woman, apparently not morn than twenty-five years of age, •lie,, at?[innoapolis the other In0rnitl, and the indications aro that death resulted from abortion. The w0111111, W11080 name is said to cavo boeu Mary Bstchodef, came there two menthe ago and until re- cently lived in Ninth avenue south. It looks very much as if the fatal operation was perfumed by profes• nional hands " I)eeeasod was rather a good-looking woman. Sho camo front Canada, whore her parents, who aro said to bo quite wealthy, now live. xtr_-=ty ._Cor 1N TEXAS.._ -..R.,_ r, (matey Nauwald, Jr., Tivydale, Frrderickbnse,, P. 0. Tax„ U. S. A., write' : "I was out by 'a scythe ar:d knife in my hands and feet ; I Buffered three weeks. A half b.)ttte of tit. Jaoo.,a Oil cured me.” COiistl llPtio»n Ctarell• Apr QM P13) elainn, retired frees peaetice, having gradplasedlahlaBladepythr ustIndia'residers- ars ase lemala i4 a alwple yesaaplo, ronretiy, ftlr tilts epeedy sot} eerrfwuent cure of Corlealapt1oa I3rinoiii.tn, Ootarr)i, ,esttuna and all throat sea Lent:.Aflroations, also apositive sad radical euro for Nervous liability snit all Nervous Ootepllluia, after having tested itewoneerful curative posers in thousand); of omroa, has felt It his duty to snake It keep i to hie Butering,felleere. Aotuatedby time motive IVO a desire to relieve Datums sugering,1 will loud free of charge, to all who desire it, this reclpe, to (tomato. French or leuollsh, with full dlreutiouu 1a• i'repariuo stud using. rent by to a by addrossiug with aturnp, nanliug this pair W. A. Novae, BAC Potoare'B4ick, Ruehe:der, :l.Y. ave --y —A ,special freight train, western bound, struck a rook slide at Farr'd tunnel, about three miles beyond Harrison, B. C , the engiue upeet• thug Alfred Grant, who was riding iu the cab, and was thrown into the Fraser river and cjrowued. The body was not recovered. Mr. Gr:ultteme to P,r'itisllColumbia front St. George, Ont. His -wife died about a year agd, leaving an infant 8011. PERFECT PURITY. 1'etfect per ity r f the 1.10041 fa essentia' to good heal, 1). "Burdock Blood hist, rs will pacify the blood end remove 1.11 effete /ratter. 11.11.13. ensue all b:ugd 0i -onsets front a cuuttnoa pit, p'.e to tLe w crit sorrfuloue sure. —Heavy snow storied aro rel ort ed from North Dakota, Colorado, Iowa. l\Iiunesota and tV:.tihinetc,u. In the Dakotas welly rauche cattle and teach unthrt-.ht-ct w"ht at )hive been caught out. - .ALL FOR d 134it' 1':1 CoR N. La Fontaine, in on”..1 hi, fablev, tolls Of a barnyard Gla i t •ut setatet el up a gem, while teratehing f ti' corn Not ale -wine its vides, he g,ve it tea stone- eh't v f ,r a barley corn. T' u4 ,lo many p" ie.. >; :hrnw nw.ty the pi it.) lees pr Irl of loo flat. : "hiflirg"cough is t,ctI.etod, thou et,tues ('.nsump'ion, 'h•:n (1eath. S tythe none's. er leek out f 'r a e Ili 1. J)r. t'iora,.'a Uot opt \1•,lirul I)iecovrry wilt 00,0 e'.tari It i.1 t ha head, bsenc'li .1 or throe) i , ,o ;eras scrofula (eons h•unly to. •wt, tt tilt, co„-cmp'i.in of the iu•lgs) If r.,keu i:; time and given fair tit,*, It w,li •01,r, 01' t11'i 10or0y pail f r it will h" vef'i,ded. It is the only guar- ructedif —William Ruddy, 26 years old, of \Vilk.'shntrrn, •1'a., committed uicida Montj,'y by 10111•ing kerosene oil o:l his clothing end dotting it mire, 1[e was overcome by seeing his mother drunk. A POPULAR l'ilYSICIAN. The pupal. -r physiuion is unaesunliug, pleasant a ,J euct,esful in treating diseasee. S. Seals ti's one is B ;rdoek ltlood 131tter,—un.s:tint iut',—only a della: a bettlo•-p:t•".,,ant,egrceable io taste —enc• easeful iu uiue cases cut of ten. Ito truth it puny be said 13. B. 13" is the p )pular pliyeel en to the;•eople,a bled abs tl•It-t-d t..miIy friend in all. dice+see of the stomach, liver, bowels arta blooJ. —The Trial opened at Batignolles, Fr puce, Friday,of \Imme. Thomas, Rua' 0rtienist, and fifty•tbree women who had submitted to criminal operations at her bands. During the readieg of the "note d'accusa- tion" matey wept, and most of them appeared to feel their position acutely. Tho trial will last two weeks. \VORN AND WAN AND WEAK AND 11 'EARY. ilo! yo worsen, worn and weary, with Ivan faces and so indescribably weak. Thnso distressing, drageingotown paiue, aad that constant weakness and wornness and weariness can be cured. For all such sufferers, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- scription is a panacea of inestimable value. As ten invigorating tonic, it iln- parte strength to the whale system. For "overworked," "worn-out ,"debilitated teacliers, dresemaeere, seamstresses, "shop -girl.," hoesekeepera, nursing tool lisre. end feeble women generally, Dr. Picree's Favorite Preeeriptinn is the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled a4 an appetizing enrdial and restorative tunic: A'r a soothing and strengthening nervine,me' "Favorite Proscriptiontion teatn - ynoledaund invaluablo in sl'nying and enbduiog nervoua ex :itability, exhsus• tion, prnst.ratit n, hysteria, spume and other distressing, nervous symptoms, commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de - p )udeucy. —A gun accident of a serious character occurred in the bash back of the Walkerton reservoir. Some boys swore shouting squirrels when one of thein, named /'rank Hurd, who wan behind a stump, suddenly rose up and receivoo a shot intend- ed for the squirrel. It will prob- ably prove fetal. A VOICE FROM SCOTLAND. DEAR SIRS, -I wan highl,' reeomrr-end Hagyard't Pectoral Balsam. It cured my daughter of a cough she had been troubled with einco childhood. She is now twelve teras old. \1r -s. M. FAtrcntno, Sootlend, Oat. —A few days since Mrs. George W. Franke, of Fort Wayne, Ind., stepped on a rusty nail. Saturday lockjtw developed, the brow becom- ing knit, the eyes wide open, fixed, and stariug, tho nostrils distended and tho angles of the mouth drawn back, exposing to view tho clenched teeth. She died next afternoon, after enduring intense agony for forty-eight hours. • ADVICE TO -tori, ti ,. .ire you disturbed at right and broken of your rest by n sick child suffering and m) ir;t with pain of Cutting Teeth 2 If to send a' once and get n butt]•) of "Mrs. \Vinslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth ing. Its valno is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Mimed lately. Depend upon It, mothers; th+re is no mistake about it. It onres Dysentery unci Dierrhren, regulates the einmaeh and bowels, cures wind Colic, softens )--hirep,lro mesa.is.5,vsmatlanfan)k�g.4voAmisno-, and energy totho whole sy,.'tm. "1:t's.Winslow's Soothing ;iyrnp" far children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription oI one of the oldest and bent (o le physicians and nurses in the United States, andis (r pale by all dru'gist's throughout the weal. Price 25 emits n bottle. Do sure and ask for '•Mae. wrNsLow'e Sno'rnrata thracr,"and tak,go atm. kind. 65ay TAW .AND ,k Ad:4 +4Fki,.D;F r 13' -way 9 appeal: tdrore came up before the GoW"utou Ritmo ,Lliviejcn. al Court at Toronto a meet peculiar and iuteresting case. Thee -000e ot,i'he action is Ladd ou tlr;a ltistorlc oroulad of Lundy'a Lane, About two hun- dred yards from the itlenlioal epos is hero t.110 battle was'fouglit iltande a sellout house in which &sloe 113r,y. . L'.ilfour is 'one .orthe teaohort. The boys of this cehtrt% of editors - tion playa g.tne cal!. d ''humping." which ie nut remediable "tor its inodeety. Ouo day last Msy, so it appears, a boy named Ito libel' 1:eddy and another named penny Luudy offered one Tom Plea, a coueidoratiou of marbles, pruviding the said 'l'ouirny Piles would pub- licly remove cerosin garments from his person. Piles [ejected the ul1er with scorn iw.hereupon the boy -1 pro- ceeded to ''lutlup" him and attempt- ed to force hire into wakiup the in ducuut exposure. Anu.ng the other boys who were ellegi,ll to be imrli• eated in thli sCriitliu,go wtis sue Fraser Murder), auu of Egul tot klurduu. Morden, however plead ed hfs itnuce0ce *.tron;ly. Mies Mary Hai four got wind of the alien! and seemed to be cuuviuccd of young Mord( ti's guilt ; so. she it:c• tuned him and called !tint a "dirty thing, DUO, to asori.10 with atlinl• ala," which Iaugungo it is now claimed Wes mantra!), to a by-law of tile township of Steinfolt1, relating 1) public morals. Egerton Morita!), father of the buy whom Milts 1)ilfuur called u "dirty thing," had the school mis- tress summoned for using abusive language, and after taking a groat Ileal of amusing evidence relating to the process of "bumping," kir. Win. Kerr, J. P , fined tho young lady $1 and costs. Mr. Justice Falcon bridge refused to grant a writ of :c rtiorari to quash this conviction and last week Mr. Du Vernet appealed from Justin,., halcunbridgo'e ruling. After a ,,:ort a g•imont, the ap• peal was allowed ; Justice Falcou- blidgo's judgment was nullified, and the rule nisi with a view to• wards quashing the conviction was granted. Fraser Morden has since boon suspended from the school. THE DETESTABLE MALE FLIRT. Ono cannot pass through a flirta- tiou—Dither man or woman—with- out lowering the tone of ono's mind, writes Felicia Holt in the Ladies' lione Journal. I know that I soon to thus put mind before the affections : but in this prosaic nine teenth century, hearts seem out of fashion, Cupid has taken a holi day and loft us to our own devices ; he loves an ago when pounds and pence play a less conspicuous part, for love laughs at calculation. So our mental dovolopmeut becomes our highest consideration, and it must suffer in a game where only the sly trickster holds the trump card. Dignity and 'trifling put each other out of countenance, as does the bishop and tho clown ; and when a Ulan and a woman eater with deliberation into tho unworthy joust of tilting one's attractions against the other with no other aim than the gratification of his or her vanity, then, I say, neither party can conte out unscathed, either mentally or morally. If one is more detestable than the other, it is the Male flirt; for since custom has given him tine power of making the advance, he can do the most Y, harts', particularly, should he 1 practice his cruel arts upon an unso- phisticated girl; she may fall a vic- tim to his cruelty. A man may recover from a bitter encounter of this sort a Badder and a wiser roan ; his trust in women may be terribly shaken, but he does not succumb as does the woman, whose heart, once wiled from her keeping, grows weary of the werld. And, incredible as it may seem, women are quite as much to blame as men for tho sin of flirtation, For if they condemn the sin, they in- variably smile upon the sinner, especially if ho be handsome and attractive. —A rather strange and yet a sen- sational death occurred at Owen Sound last week, the victim being Mrs. Annie Jackson, wife of Josoph Jackson. It appears that her hus- band Left her and married another woman some four years ago, thoy at present residing iu New York city. k'Irs. Jackson took sick about the first of last week. Tho doctor in attendance questioned her closely as to what medicine she ilad been taking. Sho refused to tell him. But at last told him whore he would find the bottles. IIs found and smelled them, and thought them to contain the oil of tansy and the oil of cedar. Ho then found out that she had been taking medicine to procure abortion. On Sunday evening a warrant was issued for tho arrest of Malcolm Blue on the charge of administering poison svitil - ittten.t—to. zproe-ur.e•- ii-m:iscarrisoep-- Blue wee arrested about eighteen miles from there. An inquest was hold, but was adjourned till after the post mortom examina• tion, HOW TQ WATiER PL,ANTS. some Usefso Hlnts au• ills $ubjee♦ from the 1T. 8. Clrtof t7esalener,. '"Z'eQple often waif,, TONY often sbeuld 1 water ley plantar' x' ila{id Chief Gardeuer fil"u .ern", of t11 df artrneut of agriculture, to :A lVeshingtou Star reporter' the other day. "To begin with, never apply water toe, plant until it requires it, that 1s, until itis dry, and then apply. •a sufficient quantity tQ acak it, c'N »rises fu plan t'culture make the mis- take of mere spj nikliug the surface of the soil, perhaps daily, without any time ale. ptymg enoaigtt water to saturate the mass. !'tants eauuot flotlrisll under snob, condi- tions; the surface will appear_ wet, while the attain body of the sufl is hard. and dry. One drawback to properly watering plant* in parlor and window gerdeniug arises from the inconvenience attending the use of 'Iva - ter Iva•ter in sufficient quantities; another evil is the dryness of the air. Butts uf these obstacles to sneceJs can bE greatly modified by the use of is table pro. perly fitted fur the reception of the flowei pots or s' :.1.11 Valsu8 is which" the plants are kept. This table may be of Lute, required size; t( surface cf one or two fent. would be suitable • for utast whiclors; it should. lie made tight and neatly fitted. A -ledge is nettle by fastening to strip three inches )vide anion 1 the edge; then till with two inches of e!e,m, white sand, upon which the plants arc placed. Lining the table with zinc would completely guard against drip. The table should be fitte'1 with rollers to facili- tate the operation of watering and cleaning the plants. With a table of this kind the plaids can be wet eeed freely and occasional- ly sprinkled without any injury to surround- ing objects. The saird should be kept con-' stantly wet, ea that moisture will be eva- 1..rat'-1 from it, and thus overcome in scone degree one of the chief obstacles to the suc- cessful culture of plants in dwelling rooms -a dry atmosphere. "There are a fe ev general rules with re- gard to watering plants which may be noted. Watering should be preferably ap- plied *luring the curly part of the day, es- pecielly so in the winter season. Plants in puts well su!.l,lied ,with roots will require mull more water than those which are newly glutted or have is qc t ttity of soil with a fele toots. (•phut.$ with ntti row or small foliage will not use so much water as those with forge spreading haves. Plants in the shade will not need as much water as will those in the sus. But in cases when water is ap :lie I it should be done- copiously. '•Lr the pot culture of plants, where the cmount of soil i,i limited, the use of liquid immure is of vast :r: rvice when judiciously applied, but much harm may be oecasioted by its indisc-le:Mu:Ito use. Many persons consider it necessary to resort to the use of guano and other solutions on sickly plants and aro stu-prised to Lind that the appli- cation only hastens the dissolution of the patient. It is only healthy and well rooted plants that are to be benefited by manures, and such are supplied with hungry roots but growing slowly for want of nutriment. S'auh plants as have been for years in the sante pot or tub, as we frequently find orange or lemon trues, camelias, oleanders, etc., will be greatly stimulated by the ap- plice,tion of manural liquids during their period of growth. For plants of all kinds that have their pots filled with roots it will be serviceable, and to such as fuchsi )eitirgoniums, cineraries, etc,, while ower, they will blooutlonger and in grey or perfection. But it should be kept iniad that stimulants should not be appli while flower buds aro forming, as it coif induce an increased wood growth at t expense of the flowering principle." Candled Oninces nr reaches. This is an old-fashioned and very delig fol way of prepariu e fruit to be eaten confections during the winter: Select r quinces, wash their and cut out any def ive places. Cut then* in quarters, but not pare or core them. See, howco that you do not leave any defect placce in the cores. Put them in the ke 'with jest water enough to cover them, let them boil until tender. Renievo fr the water and put on dishes to cool. 1Vi cold, peel and cut out the core. \Ve and allow kali a pound of while sugar each pound of fruit, " Strain the water which they were boiled, add the rugal it and sot it on the tire to boil. Slice quinces up thin and put into the syr after it has been boiling for half an h'. Let them cook until quite thick. H ready large, flat dishes or sheets of new Spread the fruit out on them about third of an inch thick, smooth over the face and set in the sun to dry. When i sufficiently dry to be handled at all, into strips or squares, press a knife un thorn to remove thorn evenly from the calci tura them over to dry on the other si Turn them from day to day and keep ered with nettings to keep of insects. 11 thoroughly dry pack away in jars or Ilexes sprinkling snoar between. or p0ars nay be prepared in the same way only the peaches must he peeled and removed from the stones. While cooking stir the fruit constantly to prevent burning. Wily Ile Married Fler. Expression may he called the sirrn-man• mal of character. A charming woman of my acquaintance, returning from Europe last summer was introduced to a prominent young lawyer in the West. On the following slay the new acgnaint- ancesfonnd thcroselves.gnite naturally seat- ed side by side on deck; chatting together with the familiarity and unrestraint of life- long friends. The same thine, took place every day dur- ing the remainder of the voyage, on the last day of which, when everybody was taking leave of everybody, a few whispered words were exchanged between them which forever decided their fate. When the young lawyer was asked by the friend who had presented ltfm to the girl who was to be his future wife, and who was best man at the wedding six months later, what was the attraction to which he had thus swiftly succumbed- for he was by no means an impulsive man -he answered: "I was captivated by her expression. I matte up my ntiutl the instant .I saw her Must we were made for each other." -Vary J. Serrano in Harpers Bazar. Sof tom' d Clubs, If a "corrective ie;tieucc•' los destruct- ive than 1114) lott'.sL stick is required for our Tr:liccaen why not have a modified and soft- ened club -n Mulled club, as it were, If need be, there is no objection to a policeman currying several clubs of assorted severity; say, a tough old hickory for a tough old customer, and so on down to a stiffed club for a mild and mellow offender. The danger would ha that in the excitement of snaking an arrest an officer might get his clubs mixed to the great detriment of some. body's head that was really entitled to softer treatment. -New York Advertiser. Signs. +f"--" Pair cmn l'eld"•,x-g arn.3' •Il itealtet.arvlperasp. berry by rho same signs. Good books are always read, and so are ripe raspberries. If a cat does not object to having it tail pulled y0a can count upon the „oat'sgovd nature. This is a sure pro6f. ENLARGED --TO- 16 PAGES WEEKLY c+LOBE 189. AND BALANCE OF 1891 ONLAY, { ONE DOLLAR : s. THE MOST LIBERAL OFFER EVES MADE. [ytO FAKES ! NO CHEAP BOOKS 1 NO JACK-KNIVES 1 SCISSORS OR CATCH -PENNY OFFERS 1 BUT A CLEAN, WEI JLESOME FAMILY NEWSPAPER UPON ITS MERITS. Commencing with the issue of 7th October -TILE WEEKLY GLOBE will contain sixteen pages instead of twelve pages as heretofore, making it the _largest and best family newspaper in Canada. Every" .effort will he devoted to making it BRIGHT, READABLE, ACCURATE and INTERESTING ill all its departments. Special pains will be taken with its Agricultural Pages, and MORE SPACE WILL BE DEVOTED TO SELECT READING FOR THE FAMILY. SUBSCRIBERS WHOSE ORDERS ARE RECEIVED PREVIOUS TO 3 s DECEMBER, 1891, \VII.L 1IAVE TI1E PAPIER S::NT T1iEM UNTIL CLOSE OF 1892 FOR TILE ONE YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION. TI 1 s IYI LA. S every 101 owho sublscleb nct. to • AGENTS WANTED IN _\LI. UNRREPRESENTED -DISTRICTS. For terms, add: ess , T E GLOB E, TORONTO. A HANDSOME ORGAN FREE 0 Given Away With Baking Powder. Best Otter Yet y Sec the 1--ian('some Organ, 110\V on exhibition. )11 N. RO 3SO . 0 CLINTON. Groeeries. vGroeeries. In Di e )1•1- 13. 0 ts- did stock of- • Is, Crookfiry, Glass and Chinaware We aro 'a a position to guarantee as goo y our 1Fi1r-1ltous Teas, the best for th ock of General Groceries that cannot la 1e. Dc not invest till you rail on us. le & Retail Grocers, Clinton. -'11-CT YT MI q. NEW STORE ! _ . CLINTON. ealer in Furniture, and see the stock of es, Sideboaraa, Chairs, Springs, niture. The wb.ire Stock is from'the very uldings of ever; description. West of Dickson's Lock Store GOF FOR GOOD ENVELOPES FOR FINEST HINTING FOR PIE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING 'THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES ! P-althem, Elgin, 1'linnia, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rr,ekford—new, model. Qg'All these makes in key and stens winders Also pend int set watches. �!. BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. tt TRAY STOCK ADVER k-:=`-4§1 TISEIIEXTS inserted in Tex .�•t+ - Nmws 1810110 at low r:,`es. The law mules it comp•.asory to advertise stray stock if you want any kind of advertising coo ail, not do better than call nn Tows-itonor d. IMPLEMENTS. Tho subscriber having severed his connection with the Massey Company, desires to intimate that ho has been appointed agent for the well known arm of FROST & WOOD, implement makers, of Snlilh's Palls, end will ho pleased to all all orders In his lino as horetnfore. Will also keep on band WIL1r1NSON PLown, C,1r,Tvn .4 SCOTT DRILLS, Disc IT,fnnnwa, nod articles of like nature. /WM. STANLEY 84 0m Hnlmosvilleend Clinton 'SME NOME AT A IIAI1OATN.— Eight neres of land with select orchard of choice apple trees ; eomtortahlo house and stables ; adjoining Code• rich townshlp.g'Apply to 13. L. DOYLE, clods lob, 11520•tf BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We"will at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news. srunsc1 JBERS. Patrons who do rho receive their paper re(/ularly from the carrier or thr.)legh their local post offices wilt confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions mail commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. S. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advcrtisemen.a, to ensure insertion, should be handers' in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. Tao NEWS-PECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our Loot's are open to those who mean business. ,, JOB P113.INT '3�. The Job be•artment "t irsJ Jour. 1 oJt nal is one of the best equipped in iVestern Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very tom prices. i