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The Huron News-Record, 1891-11-25, Page 2
i } f () r 1. Ii 8 G G a m A to I' m li ,Sl A PO Ti Ot gc 88 cl tl( us l:i u '11 th to th mt kr Ill th an i'ig let• pu da ed bol Pet n -i TO e1 the wh eg dy is a}s� BCa Me 'fie burro Af o -fa sweetie NOV JBBR , • t, !. it fey tl# 'gtt.ltae. of cricket et .fihat Allo t kill l: lllt?Or face oi"!ny l; ngll0MIlen )ties explained, cricket, I lity g(ao fat as Io ices the score, Allissie ^ cape alai erg}tou. # yoq were ausBn,gtiehtessn, yeti would }llslst upoil carrying these for tate ,to the club Bonsai Att you re an t11Uor1c Ill, I prefer carrying tho fur it'ys.Olf." Doo t let your a4luuratfou fqr at} Eri Y �• lishlnan's eonveraatfeuel charms carr ell as.loss the Atlettltie to add one more to the Hat of suceessfelilltelatetiolu41n1errieges," Tho young lady, who had smiled hes y farewell and turned away, looked back over eller shoulder at this, and anawerod solemn- ly: to Some 0014 ,use frees the i.dell , ra .� "1.00k sharp, in liege, Ile' .ee 0 and eIll Innes tc %Ur�tlu,"p dy Ylolefr ; "Oeh#g to ride, 'Vizier' Coxa Bttatl--.? No feat, (1 have disposed of my st u age awl -think 'il Ay semethhtg,}K 1[—�'Wb t a beat#tifttl view there is from m room wiudlpnr l.ad iter Dexter." y , y•tY Lady Barelaexter-"O, is therely I -"It is the finest woodlaud bit of seen,- ery 1 cast remember." Leidy Bar-Deltter-"Really. Is it?" I Xes It see*ued like a reproduction of QUO of Wllltle'8 or I;ilket 1'oater's best landscapes." ` 54OB$Qj , y ... .,� K \` ..• a s. ,* "• •« A _s. ,*3 e as , h ' ' • 11•; 7'H• RE.�li1Y ■� Lail I Rest -@lata le Atvanec, . The whistling winds, 1'lit opl .ho letuce Iro1u tii9: SEEN' 4Q �!OT ( r ... .. •t SBS Z4"a t IIlc�cfzt *NOV- 2.rtill+ 1!#911, With, sll tree* Sud Wive a tl em to their winter -,, ,� '« CONTRASSTING PiCTIJRES P ENGLISH+ I)iL1N'1' ICAO 11' 1115 OWN NV NS In, shed ; The ctlltl.gray skies. With laden clouds hung lase Before, e, a tihinieg sun j The raBeless stents MEN ANGaTHEIR MANNERS. "''^-^" Quo Correspondent Who Suggests That ^-^- Who hero is a sculls banker who weds. th wealthye lovel•y tleilpltier , f a ' with nlatiTbtrera"Chlcicen butcher, nee tickets, C:li'tl tlo #+o,attd + t see maul e';belliehtuente. dust as alto wedding supper rn(ls the bride groom le uuavaillal,ly milled away to act as referee at a North beach pito fight, and is detuteed in the ring until long after daybreak. Ilndtil • •throe doughnuts 3 boltingIt The gardens bare and colorless, lite (tills tt doll enol dusky brown, , The robins silent es they sit Alon) the fences of l be dreary gelds, Not real quite to fly away"First The chill ai, comforile: s ; r And abeep and Dottie at the gate, In huddled groups p g P Impatient, bleat and low 1't) reach Chen shelter dow for the night- K Thus do we all know•vember, the i tigtta1unee Iiavo Il,earne(l Berne Tricks of tivtttelt Americans Are Iy 1O1aalt-t slay Iltxsyand=Iltititfug Qtr whoa Praises Their UonVersutlonai 1'°"ars--the Other l;ttty—An 9Cngtla.4 Streak East �vittt Its I>r«,4ry tto,ttlne• • The following jpe:,.picttuea r,f English- men and their manner*, printedurein the lint- Fr*tuend _eiv ititut, are cat .chtl not til from i,. tututly Ilianinlil:" points of view Lt -k/ t by the t\t•11 a/lt otj+.uulentscYToothache, would puzzle am ouiNeter, eepecially a catch hare •ac-« 4,`••^' your and then skill it" -and, with this prolilematio remark, she withdrew, laughing furtively under }ter lilac sunshade, AN Garsx, Vail Gryse's young woman bolds views so entirely at variance with those generally et)• tertaiued, that it Inas be w ltl topr'eaertt title other tide of the is tete. 1'ho ex aerumeo of most people is that Englishmen are an thin g+ but good talkers, and that their treatment °f women is by uo means su courteous or ehiv:ioasisthatofAmerieulls. The solemn Lady Bar-Dexter-"Mercy!" [Tho other thou look nj, mud regard nee curiou8ly through their eyeglasses. Lady/ Violet winks openly at Dtwt ilio"o, who draws dowu the corn corners of leis mouth. I feel at upon; and subside.] Sir Jowl—"ought to have a rattlnig• good run toda M tea lease," And soon for half an hotly, while three or four mea come in, and I eh and listen. CUcttAltaE. 6Veuratlgia',. Lumbago, �3 pa Prost ea.dl.a! --0•P/74v Sore he, toISM a Gia �iCa;y Backache; Throat, lull a schouueauf buttettniljt (R2E) tiler his weary viol he rushed ou :u his home and finds his lovely r.De wife reading tho latest book of+ Edgar Sallee. b Bridegroom astouidhod -Gtenlmust 6 [ ( I leavens ! What is it Bride -1)h, George, it's your dart- ila , you kuuty me, )ettio, ' ' don't, j Sava you a jag on, sweetness ?ally Bridegroom eullet:l -\ rho aro ou, mahout, and what are you do• ng in my bed ? Biide(rapturously)-Your ownI? tale duet) of a wife. Who else hould I be? Oh, George, you must le loaded. (Drops a tear on the ago of her magnificently esu• + �:uidurt•,l wuat•d yo-eall•lt, and uses he lace bedspread as a haudker- biol.) Bridegroom a cigar- LW in his R is (swallowing a cigar - hal ! You are is tette 1 Ilan • }6 hat cigarette, it sticks it) my left ung.You say }ewes my wife.? ,et mo loop at you. (Exalt -titles bar I close range.) Yes there's some o ;sctnblanee,but where's your bangs? !;tide—Oh, they're over on the tautel darling 1'll elicit 'em on at )r break fast. Bridegroom-And00mplex• IKJUN SUMMA II. -- Injun sumcaoah s cocain �' De bees is all frog hummtn', De watnh Mellen thumbiu, Has passed long time age. De ole clock in de kiteken, Is tiokin' quite bewitohin', While Oahe is out, unhitehin' Jest kale hit looks tchin' snow. De lambs is rennin' oval' De sash math o clival' ; v And yondalinits oouita of +irovah, Ili specs he's got a tubo Abaut docile bell wm.i(lul' Dat'd waudrin' roue' de meddale And wants ter gid terEeddal' Wid de sheep up round de bahn, Some days de sun is sbinin' $ams flays de wind is tvhinin+, And den Iso aftah i ndin, Big pippins ins on de wound, PLPg ' De birds hal, all stops singin + a tVlltl gesso is soufavatd w'ingiu , Jest look an' see em stringing , FVhar w'arnnuth weddah s found. De yeller cat is nappiu - De laying round Rud gappin'reply Pn Bime by he will be slupptn, Some tom cat on tie wall, Dar's a casuals yellah glory ' Kase de yeah is ole and ho'ry, An' n utlelaucLolly slot y So't of hangin round us all. -- MEW, to tell why Attiere:au truute:t find an- an - gliniuuru so much more :utrauttve than Auteric,:ne. At en gathering --a tennis party, a lata, foto ad niter, u•i. nue ate° O Englishman + is i„ the ascendant. It is obvious to the at:l,ertit ;:al 06:wryer that the woolen find hint . more clutr:Mug . ttxn Dom that Lite molt, of lar:. . n.t "'wt. -7. Tiley put"other uu their gay smolt. +,lie:, he conies near, ' " they aro: nave t lvuct•:Iw^, urate oo;tuettish, tnerricr, es, with Ilius than they are with their own co1.y'utciuts. It is evident that they teyiIi to plugs-:, elle that to Lill soviet the are nntluubtc:lly enjoy Mg themselves. He, ori his part, may be t nite a common- 1 place sort of fellow'. He has uu great e.cpectatiuls and will nut inherit a title, if ever relative h° he Itas in the world were Y t to the. ile is good-looking in the healthy, well•fed, well-grooutod, beef -amt -berry Brit•which ish style, He is well dressed, as mast 1ST+• v liahtneu tare, his Clothes sotsmoutly carer les broad shoulders and his tine chest; butwho, walking ,Lown Broadway ally afternoon front 4 to 5, will not meet hundreds of Atneriegu men, just as good-looking, u:t as tvuil•dreasut, a trifle brighter, t , ' at:., fully as well-groomed? \'et no one can deny tla;ct, when Briton and American cum. pate for the smile of the American girl, the Litton wines out ahead. It is a mystery that puzzles, and, a1 0youincreased, having felt its baffling charm, holds one f limy ill its grasp and will not let go till it has been satisfactorily explained. And of eom•se the w per ,clave to explain it is onek u proper person 1 f �ho e selfsame American girls. Finding * s her on the eornor of the teltuis•iield, sitting ou a camp•stool, a parasol of transparent lavenderatufl'her head,hettttul- an'sufNn;vport,tllesepulohrali(liatsofthe New York clubsLUXURY AND SOCIETY- recognize thisfact in their ���e$� a��9r�tdiifi! Bruises, �'t'1�►� kite Y. ` b, flunks ith upin r of English was and now millionaires AroICisiug to the Top to Eng. affect a Costeruton •er courtes • in their treat- b y land as lu igrarioe• tient of women, and feign in cuuvo'eatial a There has always been a frivolous sestet vacuity which-fu:tuuutely for them -is in London, tendo usually to 1.c a bad cengenial g q society, imbedded in the etuch more set'ious The ette of ther picture"n orreh are refer is a letter b our utase, but we cute Due Of late year London ceadie- Sold h Druggists and Dealers everytvhere y Fifty Ceuta a bottle. Directions in U Languages. 'THE CHARLES A. YODELER CO..BaI(Imuro, Cid Canadian Depot: Toronto © . p i cat. buttnge 1• B , +pouch is very natural, which, we sus- uudettt Willett ne which gives a radia different view of the conversational poet, tends to tniachief. The nlilliv:,aires,®® powers of English men and women. who in America are so importeet in business "If you fish toa drop gunge 1 the ajor pit.' out and as itca but he, soothe weight, the of the English language ge major here, a in France, risingto the top of the b g b1 pelt of social milk. A millionaire is, of corse, not the British aristocracy would bo destitute objectionable on that account; but a re - of conversation." l ,Jesus punder:ww of new millionaires vel nu•uos Ste to was the remark an American friend society,fosters its vicious tendency to make made me the other dlLy. It is needless to Y say we were discussing the question referred of mere luxury an ideal, and introducesa t;, Ina recall letter' u[ nliltefu the Argonauti'red tomo of expense for the sake of expense, -viz., the ici'•;riority of American is ruinous and ala become deuwral- 6 ALAR Y Dud cam t.a • ....)uu t„ Agents, Men ate. We vesill popui c stniita'ni 400gudnce + estlhl ons Uf FJ l cnttiries k( of Nazareth. Tho mon�ma,knblo rol'gd ae honk cf the rat written by SOa emiaeat .chu)¢rs, Nrn-seet¢tl Eve�ye Christe,u esu is ii. Versaanecn te,•rlta given. Apply to T1/1f. 11Et RY 1t1L1 NL'BL19H111iG: CO., 1C n, vf, b, Cone. ell°gcd I wine, Luxury does not ruin states, ' nglis.,:uen in polish, refinement, as used llleil axial accomplishments, g to bestial, but it very often tutus societies. i,.l ealversatianal,owereuer1 i information' laughlThis ibe auseitf the millionaires is all the h 1 wccs°becauseitha eitlatosynchronize with it seemed s, ver true. PP lett afraid shall have to agree a tendency of our times which, though de- � •� j, enT R !�]] ((�1 �Y}y��jjt U 1� DlCI)Ut�IJill� ��!1 Shot '31 Slto with �, g scribed as social, has become so marked as siting 1 said; I've often thought the sante t thing myself. And if you'd bar the inter- to attract the attention of pilysi�ians, .,, , , Owing, as we believe, to an exaggeration rogutives. I)11 iyon," Werc you. \1 as it?'P•ulr's .Dia it?' `puns it? `Is it?' etc., spoken with °f nervous susceptibility, due to the hefty l of modern life, to the increase of receptive t4 labored emphasis on the first word, in l to every remark or suggestion intelligence -originating intelligence has not but half the men and womenyou make, nine -tenths of them would have to sit toil, it "meet readily `'catch" all that is going on '2 iec'sely. So they would, There's one everywhere -and possibly to some unper- F:GCCE T1tOw'IIILL has o t ned r.et a gen G r cull Blacksmith and Rep) it Shop In tn. I'u[Wiug lutrly occupied by 31r. Gauh:p, rq.pos!e lumber yard, n \Vet street, ('ttlere, Or.t Ilhactt.with and Iran work tot aid ire 1. , 0*s flursu.,Ioein• d promptly attended to and natio faction guarttntel:d. '1,.0 puddle art• tabled t. call before orderrn;; any chits of wet is 11., °dove linea. 407-tf GEORGE TLOttEILL, other ceived change in diet, like the one which, as f + which we may lea\e out,10too; itsn'Fancyi' all dentists testify, hue ruined the teeth of ! Ott•, I think we've collared the swell's voc 4- the next geuetation, there is a positively new l,ttlttry. Deprive them of these words craving for excitement and impatience of and the stereotyped interrogations you tho tediousness of time. Boys and girls suggest,and, so far as they were cue- alike lwtwcou twenty and thirty, seem )iiysicall+ uu❑ rtbtcof enduring the "still- corned silence would reign supremo. I e I b Take an English county house. For exam- ness anll giietttesa,” a, the old qu*t! rs used to deseribe t:aul unit •, le, the breakfast -table. These breakfasts1 for a single mouth P on end. The feel stifled with dullness, and Nre all alike. I've been present at dozens, Y ill as many different hoses, and one des- seett fur dfstraetion v,f any kind with Ute ori ,tion will fit all; the sumo chill stoles• sort of eagerness \rith tvhic!i tan uverw'orke,1 l phero of male gruffness and female fi •itliL business or professional man see!:e for the b Y county air or a sea breeze. The nmillioit- permeates the other (ley, I scratcs hed down some *tires o ler distraction and find themselves rewarded bya special pisco which, notes and impressions from recollection. t 1 h, with I've got 'em in m pocketbook, if soul° of them, more especially if they aro g Y , Foreste1 Forest City Bestow College J .-„AND-- s t D T� t R D t s3' � - �'F, London, Ont, , Is without doubt the moot THOROUGH art P11 ACTICAL iustitttttou it) CA SADA. MOTGIONS. Over aft'' PeNcti c.t last Aseasols the file, in positions. ) c CATALOOrR rase, your )tl that paled the lose, and gave ie lig}' the jaundice. Where, oh - , r A. STRANGE GL MAL:IDY, spread over titudiuonaly frilled aLirta felling it) soft ,sate over alto seed stool to the grass, flet P t to set, in tan suede shoes, tied broad �ltcro is it 2 Bride -In those sixteen bottles u the bureau, love,but !t ain't the roper caper before dinumf. 1 I Bridegroom -And these lovely i'ebtows,ing arched as the dome of seven ? Ptit}n—oh, aha for lunch, gaveAnti that divine cape, that rue palpitation of pe,th that e liver evory time I gazed upon it? Bribe(wildly)-Great heavens ! eorgo you're sitting on them. at up or you'll have them as Elates pancake. p Bridegroo*tl (after several mo ents of deep amt silent thought)- lid so you aro my awn true and t ice little w'il'e ? •. Bride (trustfully) -Yea, my angel' m all (trustfully) -Yea, ushat's left of her after I got y toga Off, So Come and kiss me, 'hu won the scrap? (Curtain)- zf1T,+x)teit)co C)tporaicle, ss The medical fraternityof Cros• well, Mich , id much puzzled over the case of Aire, Jennie Waiseln, the wife of a farmer living a few utiles from there. About throe months ago airs. Watson,+ who hr) etofore hod been healthy, soul,}euly began to cont• !,loin 0 f stiffness in her limbs. -"Y his soon grew to be accompanied E p by dull pain, which hoeame ,'o ex- Cruciatin,; as time passed oil Il' it i t was t:eCeasctr to keel) the wog:, to Y 1 almost continually undrt the lull mice of opiates. Her appetite en tirol disappeared, and shR was Y pp"Buttal never able to leave her bed unlit it fa+^ weeks ego. filo beg u to g( in strength, and list 'I'hursday woes able to get onto her feet. She had no sooner assumed a atnndingposition than the bones in her leve broils •in n half-dozen places. She went into a state collapse, but was finally restored to conscious - nese. She raisin 1 lose grins in with a � ribbon bow, at case ou the lower rung of a Oailp-stool in front of iter, and t4 wide hat, fell of wlrite•aud !Lac iluwms, fruiting her round and saucily attractive face with its f1:41 ,,ittg, straw brim, uue ai,itrraches her with honeyed words of we!••ome, turd, tak- a seaton the vacant camp stool, broaches the subject. She is not in the least surprised, 71111 ae- t:nowledges the superior attraction of the itinerant Briton tt ithout one Llu;h of shanty for her ali bled atriotisu,. g P "OteoirseI'dlike to en that1 found y some ' mans themaestmidlikedthemthebest," ahoarhliits, dubiously bitingher "but if you ,.ant me to be trilth I er p;alwayst say they do, though they'd like it a groat deal better if we were Dot -I aril forced to admit that the Englishman isnmuchthe meet interesting." say they tire stupid. You told inn so not a /swath ago." "Nu -not stupid; perhaps not Nu quick 88 the Americans, but they try harder to en- terrain ns. They want to alit': Se ora. They want to Le kind- anti attentive anti enter• tait,utg. They want us to have a good time 111" we are with them. Do you think American men do that? i.jr rxprrieuce is that they expect us to fnr,:iah the amuse- eti lttlt (c)Isn Theyconte to us to be entertain- Englishman canes to ua expecting to entertain (':j. IL's the bare and the tor• tdl over 'and, you don't mind I'll read them to you." Y Hebrews or provincials by training, is un So he Began: object ofpaseivnatodesire. R'It:ttthey get ke> yr out of it would have tasked Thaekern•v to Breakfast room at Beaulieu Manor. High lefiue; but they crt.vl for it sell alien/[ for }} =T •�!�� � • v f l \ � p• i J. . Fl[ 1�� L V 4. A� PRINCIPAL. wainscot of old oak; wallapapered10 deep jt w•itit ti result on the social organization w]lieh should not be exaggerated, but which, nt:t'Dun,deepmaroondamaskwindow••cur- tains and maroon, leather -seated chairs , so fry as it goes, is �tc;:;trous.—London Old oak fireplace; a log fire in the rate; Spectator. long breakfast M. 0. JOHNSTON, BATRRISTER - SOLICITOR t s , COMMISSIONER, -table, biasing urn and tea- tea - 1;7 Women. things at one end,fourcoreredsiherdiges, at the other containing cutlets, sausages, The Swiss are nota gallant nation so far poached eggs, and curried fowl. In the as recognition of the nineteenth century middle and up the sides plates of hot rolls theory of woman's supremacy over man is in napkins; a arae dish of butter scrolls concerned. The elders of Berne have re• Ft , , C.s Ovules :-Cor. Hamilton and St. An3rew's Ste, rl iDERinla s - - ONT- Money to loan at lowest rates. glad bullets, °silver stand of boiled eggs, a fppin to the used the petition mode by Mme. Dr. Item• e marmalade, dish of oast. ion �i racks rracks dry, fleg lts INAN�- � cold tss of Ott ideboard c l l University for the eniaartment at n ditas beef, amu and huge loaf of bread. lecturer for international and comparative ' game, g TheT' I'EUPLE AT TABLE, law. judicial facultyainst her 'net, 11 unanimous' eplea ugly Lady Bar•Dexter (the lady of the house), Iter sex was ounced an insuperable (obarriorlto her that aged til, once pretty,uowbuxom, with that holding such an oihco in the university. burnt -faced, diminiahiug-eyed look which -Several the for 150 tons No. 1 COs•, o ANTRD: Chesnut. Stove and Chear,ut. Orders lett at Swallow's grocery promptly at. tetVANTP.D:-1000 GCCda of w'oo•t delirm'ed at ('lintou :;:alt Works. J.IIcGA1tVA. of professore would have cou- the average high-born l3ritishinatron (un- sentedtowafvetheirobjection had the ate smiled less a "frisky') gets it) a few years after plicant asked for a chair of medicine. Tin marriage, and is not so mach the result of TIOUSe.ffIldLOt for Rent or Sale. A COCKNEY SCHOOL TEACHER• -- When a cockney emigrates to 6 merlon end gots n job at teaching !1001, then his (roubles begin. )ere was oue of the genus tried it neer Gambier, 0., SO �ho story 109, whether it b0 tells or not. "'Aril: .Iladatins, you spell loon,"he dictated to the spelling ISS. r, s �� I don't know how,” whined lit frightened I Harry, frightened by the strange tauden agony, and thou they fell to the bed the !wiles in both cracked in several j,laeos, fievern I of the tt•0- Tt1RU's ribs were broken in her V10- lent tiiox 'Sola•Of rain. 1 } 1 Her ,h sluiv.o as opt have Deet, 1 Y n liable to sot the injured members, 55 the bones seein to crack ill's chalk even when handled wit11 the utmost care. Tho woman SUffCfri111pSt intense 1relieves )Ain and unless relief acmes shortlyall 8110 must certainly die. -- _--- .►r -_._ ____ A PATIENT WORTH SAVING. again. "(11 course it is only na.tut•al that we should like a man who 0,::tsioually r'r•?idve us of the burdeu of entertaining e4 io.,!! I tied mon w(tcu it comes to the ovation of ' q, drawing room cln*vcrnatio', t.,ols as coil- pared with (some) tv„else..'' •There is nothing to accord to this sweep- ing dictum but nteelc •lu•gLIIONCwtee. Sl'e continued, warmitt with her subject: "When an l:nglt-::urr,tn is introduced to usIleopens the conversation and ]mikes it (1). He doesn't always do this well, but he its of what is sometimes a tcrl;blo tors, a*cat,loften,if he list not t'oh-vested in us as nn individual entity, ho ,?..os not seal Aveaccord re to us thatehalf-hlearted help to which Then, when the len is annual maternityas the effect of an unli• Paint of distinguishing difference seems mited consmnplon of brown stout at obscure to •all'save the college fathers. luncheon and brown sherry at dinner, Heliotrope will be a favorite color for The Hvu, Mrs. Villiers and Miss Villiers autumn; and so will ray. Pink will eon• g motheranddaughter. Mother, gray-haired, tions in favor in all its shades -salmon and arched eyebrows, pale, thin, and icy; rose pink, azalea pink, aubergine, and a Comforttbte sberoom house on Orange street• Efmd add soft venter end order conveniences. The house is in good condition and n nice lot in connection. wilt bo sold or rented rcusouable. Apply Eo JAIIESC00t(, er8.4t Clinton. daughter, thoroughbred and shy, variety of pinks with a violet tinge. There Lady Ns- Cropper, •a "frisky'; pretty, will be fax blue and light gray blue, and bout, cola -eyed, and horsy. bright eg yellow, and marigold and maize, y' Lord floury ]noodle, her brother. There wig a dark bright and brilliant Capt. Fitzrnbbishe, of the Queen's Own crimsons. Nary blue and. crimson will be Bombardiers. used together, and black silks will bo bro. [Silence reins. Enter humble servantp red g your ceded with crimson. Brown and dee • ThI. r aro beingput together in many combin- a, sons, and dove • to anti red fee cent! n,, eloflPhiladelphia. a�l I3nthOthes men taro bg' Y q y l evading their letters while they eat, the appose, torn -open envelte.es littering the table and Another English woman has come to the adjoining plates.] front with the cool determination of \gen-- '.Bow! [which I interpret as (peening it over a London Board of Health. " (iootl-morning"], Site is Miss Margaret Eleanor Scott, and g Women -"'\ing!" [which 1 ditto], the only woman who has passed the ex- [1 seat myself in one of a half-dozen vacant emulation in sanitary science and law, and 11 p places 'lilies silence. After who is thus a qualified legal sanitary ins ec• Lady Bar Mr. _ Notice to Pig Breeders. I will boli fur the improvement of stock, the corning aenson,my noted Industrial prize-winning hrg,ltot'et'Tox,1024,0.B.[1:,whi Ipnrehnset lea 'Alma from Canada's loading breeders, Dtessrs. 3, 0. Snell d Bro., Brampton, who in I:ceigrte given state was the winner of 2 seconds atTo:•.•nto Indnstri¢I Lair. Terme-$1 prompt cash, with iivile 6 T ge or •isturniD •tar eo,en weesa from time of bringing first; registered animate, $5. I have for sale the male portion of Queen Beta Rist litter. Queen Doe won second at Taruutu for e„w 1 Scar and nnrltr 2 tents, in !asci a1 I3erkshiro clusa. Axl, 5 ecial Prize of 8.i in old will be T g given for baa,lit ter of grade pigs from Royal Tom, 'Hired in 1892, and shown at next Ile n t Canted Fnir. ger-st GEURGL HOARE, near Clinton D 0(aspirates 'machos." "leon'tktioev'owl Why, young u0ratltus, salouu is spelled with 'hexa,' and aha}',' a '}sell,' two1 )es' and a 'hen . + ., Harry was worse at sen than over ' 8) OLe of aha boys ±vas sent o 01.10 to write ft plainly for i class to see, The lad could eke his lettere, but he Sid not ow how to join them in regular ening writing style, and left pot uujoined, thus : s -a 1•o•o•n. The teacher looked at it a moment rl then asked, with some Asperity, (thy don't you put it together ht? Why don't you fasteu your tors togethei? Why don't you t 'hay' nearer that '11011 ?' " 1'he Fairfield Jour[ud }a respon- ) ethic for tole following item : Qll0 of our physicians rOCCllt'. f0• }' Y ceivod the following letter from a country physician :-"!)eat` Dock I R pa}'snunt tvltose ph steel I Y sires shoes that the windpipe has ulcerated of and his lee have dropped iota his stumiclt, he •ss nn• able to swollot anal I faro his stutuiclt tube is gone, I have give hymn everythin r without efecktrr o Itis father is wolth onnrn• blo anti }, influonshol. He is au aCtiv member of the church and GO noes I don't want to loose liytun, what shall I duo, answer buy return male, yours in Heel,' ,.•n len, tete 1?'t:;lisltttutu goes on Wilt i• t• tesetltts us (?). ii„ntetiLles ire is not m:oll', imA:seating, but, he always talks 'as well' as his )t:,.ntal ettttil,n:cet will blow, and he nut t+12;ghta hie work. Sometimes do is dclight;nlie amusing, :out we sit hack and heed' and have the liveliest. lidv, comfurta- g,lc ieclins Iiltt •we con lontge land •rest null talk or stay quiet •just us we like. 1t a 'some never feel Hutt tray frith an American; but be dies all the iiute. �'i c have to set our teeth and bring our lir:,ins into 1,1 tv and autuse hi:u (()!) If we do it well he laughs and looks ,leased. t w•on, 1 1 ler br. 1 n;sn't soutetin is applaud the way they do in She theatre when we w:LLa tl. and v,iuL. When an American ensu ants ;. ):irl is clever you 'list feel suite sure ±.t:t;i. she is an ;: ,,w,ltltc Iseparate genius•” "Ant t how is that the ,.nglislnua,n has liartted this h:•iq,y trick that we Irate t"i^ved?' "0, he has to learn it. There conl.lu't have been r.nv cnnrcroalimt to the British I::!e.s nils+ fin did. Engliahwomeu never -Dexter -"Tett, \Vittapee?" tor. At the recent Lnternational Hygienic I -"If you please." Congress she read a paper, her subject Tieing [Lady i.•D. pours out tea and I wait "��elnetis R'o,'lt in 1 tomorit;o tlw C'tuise minutes. ] of ITygiene." a\lisa Scott is already favor'- Lad:. Ber-Dexter•— "Here is your tea, ably known es a lecturer. Mr. \', 1tl*atwe. [1 am separated front her �, n FFlr; CELEBRATED (Dt) wastier„..,_ ,ahave healthe V ladyship by -Noodle anti 1'itzrulbishe, but The City of�'alparaiao. lteitllet offers to pass ten cup.] Come and 1 1 Val araiere the most int artant eommer•- at it, please." [This 1 discover to be the P P custom. Every one gets up and goes for eial port of (;hili, lies just at the load of his OWII tea. I go for guy ten. I go back the gra} of the same name. Its population to my scot an'l wander how I shall get of 1 ill;+l'1l. The city was originally three towns, El Puerto, El .lot„nr something to eat. While I sip my tete and t!rill N‘ �7 aIld Wringer. r s cr , e5E@: F.li..,>f A• A`6IIA: �!d,AlZlf.1C ' s , t$acltliies ,ssl______ on rill *t zle about •it: and St..b John of God, but the founder, JJou l ,41 Lady Bar -Dexter — "The Hanln*o,itj,5 Juan Sa;u cdu, in 153G christened the three come tomorrow, C'upt, hitzrttbbishe.'' collectively, Val -Pit raise, "Vale of Para- (!apt. FitrrnbLishe---"0! Do they?" disc," the name by which it is generally Lady Oar•ilexter--"They can only stay known. two nights, though." The old Lotvu of El Puerto"The Port,"is Capt. 1'`itzrubbislie -• "Really. . Can't level and lira along t!„• 1 .ell, folk, 'ng the �> d they? curves ou the bay. It was until lcecnll • [Enter Lord Bazil Dumpling°, age 25, in a single Long street, the Calle Vietoria scarlet Minting -coat and top -boots.] lined with warehouses and business estate- Men—"Blew•!" tislmients. Women -"Wing!" The residence ion the town am also agent for all ' All Agricultural Implements �'i cTrt3r0CIn opposite Fair's Mill, Call and sec ,ue, ' -- ' B. ��CLINTON 9 rhe boy's snapped ed and be Y eyes1 P iwered, like a flash : "Cause I s afraid it would burn up !" rhe class was dismissed for the )'. -But the geography ph class rov g I Y p another pitfall. Ono of the rs, while writing names of Euro- to cillos, spelled Daweso "V•e•n n c•o. 'What 1" cried the teacher on his Inde. ie that the way you all 'Venice?' " 'Yes sir," said the lad. r Suppose Hi oto to toll you that re was only ono hen in Venice, at would you say 1"get I should say that the price of gs would be pretty high, sir 1" Chen there was an explosion. their —A remarkable marriage is just repotted. For years George Free- mAn lived on and worked his own farm of 160 acres in London town• ship.He died a short time ego, $ leaving his property to his second wife wife, to whom ho had been. married over 20 years. There was a son , William, by the first wife, who went up to Muskoka about to time of his father's second marriage, and lived near Huntsville. After her husband's death Mrs. Freeman be- gan to manifeat an interest in her stepson William, and went up to Huntsville to see hi -u. They re - turned to this city a few days ego as man and wife having been married up there with all ceremony. After wedding the youths of Hunts- talk. Thcyrt•sputtcl. In city thence so as to agree. Home one has got to do the talking;, and if the English- *nanba.hi thracod n-, o*t i nn,l.'rLaktm it eon. venation in England would have become ono of the lost. arts." 1' 1 "('Crtt4inly, 1';og ,:; nrru"r, aio not vert popular over there. We tied them slow and somewhat doll." ,,, • "That's exactly it. They aro not either, but they seem Nn to you. Now generations of conversetioual training, with nn English- woman to talk at, will tiring out the best ticrc is in a oleo. 1•ou try t.:Liking for a whole afternoon, to ono of those large, haadno*ie English girls who are sitting over there under to white sinai:L.let. If yon P. rroed I will Intel: you to be able to draw ideas nat'1 witticisms out of the debutantes of the coining winter. No men in the world as good a conversational training as the l+:n li:,h. And it is because their womeneditlal S are a5 silent as the sphinx and as un- responsive as a etone wall. They are agreat deal handsomer than wo are; they are much more stunning; they have a ttort of is on Dom lm ge makes straight for the silver [ P bgthe uestas or bills that ria in soma places dial'os, lifts" the cover off each, andscrntin• to the height. of !Slit) feet anti commands a izes conteuits through eye -glass. Looks sweeping view of Valparaiso Bay, the plains disappointed, but helps to a poached 'There PP P t of Vine Del alar and the fertile valleyof egg, and carries it to seat next me. Sits t the about Aconcagua River that empties into the down and proceeds to open his letters, which sea about ten miles to the north of Valpa- are in a pile beside his plate. I take the tip raiso. Along the heights of the eity a beau- and go and help myself to asausage.] tifnl boulevard has been laid_ Loral Basil Dum lin v with eyes on let- p g [ y The engagement w•iLs in full eight of the toil -''.13y jove! I say" --[to Larly Violet in!tabitates, either front the heights of the Cropper, i�4OTi�E, �1 being sone misunderstanding ll girth re - toad to wreckage, nae, let e p 00ers on understood kkind that if any pcnnn takes possession of any 1l at of wreckage and falls to report to me f shall at � Tice take proceedings. Remember this is the fiver 1 shall give. CAPT. WIi. BABB. Receiver Roroeto r of wrecks, Godorich. Goderioh, Sept. 7th isol. to whom he hasn't before spoken.] upper town or front the curves of the sea Lady Violet --" fTelln!" along the betted, Lord Basil—"Here's a lark. The Jones- �jj�f�l�tg Dressed Fieldin shave a meet at their shop next g „ The Expedition to the Floridan. Tuesday Lady Violet!"Never!' Lieutenant Dlizvn, with his French ex- [Lord Basil tears open another letter P who was attacked bythe Datives with his thumb.] of the Niger and compelled to return to Capt. Fitzruhhishe--"Roaliy!" sea, has again set out. up the river, having Lady Bar -Dexter (to Miss Villiers)— received a promise of the aid and protec• There's to be a hunt•ball at Boskell next Linn Of rho Royal Niger Company. Thi OgS Wanted. . The enbsoriber will pay the highest ma,ket Trine torsos number of dreaacd hoga delivered at rho Commercini-hotel, Clinton. Arran can bn made at en time for Inline dollvo is Apply to y MY SIUAETER, Commercial Aotet,Otuton. • -Itain•nlaking by explosion of lamite on the hills near Madras roving successful, and it is like- spend ,he Indiatigoverntnent will make• ries of e7lper imente on a large e. villa oharivaried them for five nights in succession, so Mr. and Mrs. William Freeman decided to a brief honeymoon in Lon- don, not returning to their northern home till, the enthusiasm of the Dun people wore off a little, young p p got style that we never Cal tench and a dignity that we leek; they have finer complexions and better carriages, and bigger feet—but that's incidental -but w6 can milkall round them when ft Inmos to And the in talking.g� Englishmen know that better than any one else. The lecture is over, and I think it's 611110 for uie to o. s gMy core -card ploaaa !.. week." expedition will ascend the Benue branch of Miss Villiers—"Is there?" the Niger far toward central Africa, andSTRAY [Enter Sir John Bar bearded will then cross the populous Soudan to the COLTS -Dexter, a man of 45 and a bluff manner, also in hunt- port h, and malto its way to Take Tchad. " inh." Its purpose is chiefly to ascertain the pros• P ] lklen—"Bawl" poets for the developutent of commerical re- Women--"'Ning!" 'talons with tits natives. The party will Sir John (after helping himself in silence return home, tf possible, across the Sahara �. �', ... ... ., ... ... .. Cacao to the premises of the nndoralgned, Hayfield Rondo on November 6th, two colts, ono two year old brown gelding, and ono one year old bay fitly. The owner is requested to prove ereporty, pay expenses and take them assay. WM, WEIR, Bayflold Road• Godeetoh To\ons pl 4v; r 89r. .. ....... - hl •N 9 .1 '- -