HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-11-25, Page 1'ES31JSi.41,,60 pee Annum, It,25 iii Advance, INDRNRNDENP IX CLL TIINQS—X8t7T444 t4f NUT$(NQ VOL. )IL -N... 51. CLINTON. HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEDNESDAY, NOVBM LER 25, 1891. ,sen for .Business and Business Must Be Done. J. W. RITER, The Wine and Spirit Merchant, has effected a satisfactory Battlement Codcricb Warden Beck was in Toronto last week. The town council' held a rather loug session ou Friday evening. Captain Dano -y has returned from a visit to Chicago. Editor McGillicuddy occupied his editotial seat regularly this week. with his creditors and is again open Mr. J. A. Giffin, of Clinton, was for business. in the circular town on Friday. The stook is composed of the finest Mr. Cavan, Inspector of C. P. R. geode in the world and must be sold. ticket agencies, was fu Goderich last it consists of all lines suitable for Medicinal and Household purposes, \\'edneaday and the extremely low prices are for Inspector of public schools Robb, a high-class quality -of goods only. of Clinton, was in town ou Wed - People who want anything in the ueeday• liquor line will make a great mistake The December g bot Bittinof the if they do not Dome direct to the Y o Clinton Liquor Store. tic Men in County Court cotnmeacea on Tues - the Trade, in their own interest, dap the 8th prox.• call and see me. The Sone of Scotl End will cote - J. W. RI'L'ER, btate St. Andrew's D.ty in a becont- Liquor Merchant, Albert -St., Clinton ing tuanuer. Colborne. v Goderich Township. Mies Millar la spending a few days w:ith.her friend Mr. Cole. The wife of Mr: John W. Elliott presented' hint wittit a sou and heir last week, , Thanksgiving day was spent quietly around here,service was held in St Jaynes' church by theRev. Mr. Diehl. Miss Martin from Goderich was spending a short time with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. G. Elliott, on the Bayfield line. She returned home on \Vedtie'day. There is goiiag ter be au entertain• ment and Christmas tree held in the school house of S. S. No. 10 on Tuesday 'December 15th. A small foe will bo charged. It is for the purpose of getting% a bell on the school. Great preparations aro now being mode for a successful time. Inspector of Inland Revenue, A. Anniversary services worn -held in Cavan, of Stratford, • was in town Cole's Church on Suuday, Nov. 14. the past week. Rev. Mr. Shilton, of Cliutou, de - Mr. Edward Young has moved The mouth of the Maitland is livered an eloquent sersnou in the back again to his former residence wide open at last. the fall rains be- aftoruoou to a large congregation. on the fourth con. ing the motive power. The evening service was conducted Tho trustees of school No. 8 haveMaster Hayden and Miss Ethel by Mr. Walker, of Verne. L'Jth engaged Mise Ruby Robertson as\\'ill:ams wore visiting in Clinton being endowed with great iutelloc• teacher for the coming year ataou Saturday, tual ability left with their hearers salary of $250. The life boat crew of tho Royal many practical points which it is al Mr. M. Lockhart has been en• ) hoped will lead to higher spiritual gaged as teacher for Knox echool reinplurs will shortly appear in development. On the following Goderich. evening, though ver o agrle base line, Hulle.t. Salary to be Mr. Ed. VanEvery reached home weather, the °friends mightehave paid $400. from Port Caldwell or Saturday been seen gathering iu from all Mr. R. Kerr has moved to Godor- evening. ich to live, he having given up Mrs.° directions. Tho various churches Vanatone's farm which place we un- Miss Acheson, of Goderich, now were well represented by their deretaud is now rented by Mr. Jas. a pupil of the Ladies' *lege, Whit- different clergymen, namely the Tabb. by, visited with Miss Allogra Cronk Revs. Mr. Henderson, Presbyterian, at Pickering last week. Bayfield ; Mr. Newton, Chnrch The Rev. Mr. Bielby, of Ben- The roads lending to Goderich of England, Bayfield ; Mr. Walker miller, preached on the Lundos were at their worst Elio net wools Methodist, Varna and Mr. Thiba- borough circuit last Sabbath, Nov. p dean Methodist t though full loads could pass at any, the pastor of the 22nd, and the Rev. Mr. Ferguson time. 1 circuit. After the good things had of the latter piece preached on the been partaken of, the chair was then Benmiller circuit. The winter class iu connection taken by Mr. Thibadeau who at We moat not forget to anuouuco with the Mechsuicieleatitute assein bled on Friday udder Mr. Geo. oncsealled the audience to order and the death of Mt. W° m. Fea ran Sr., commenced the programme by call- bled although somewhat late, who died 1 p ing on the Oaks' choir. After the on the 3rd and was buried on the Dr. Alex. Hutchieou, of Mont- chairman's address and a fiue selec- 5th inst., in Colborne cemetery. real, has been appointed Chief tion of rnusic•by the 0. K. ehoir,Mr. Deceased was an old resident of Medical Officer of the G. T. R. by Henderson delivered a fine address this township and had reached the the authorities in that city. on patriotism commenting on the ripe age of 77 years. He leaves a The S. 0. E, benefit society will many hard fought battles that our widow, four sons and four daughters meet in regular session this even- forefathers won aud•tho hard times to mourn his lees. ing in the hall over the Signal . they had in hewing out homes in Enniskillen L. 0. L. No. 153, office. the great wilderuoss. He also continues to prosper and increase inplaced great stress on unity numbers and promises to become Mr. Jas. Yates has purchased the which is considered strength, and the banner lodge of South Huron. pretty brick residence recently built the great importance of unity in The last regular meeting was held by Mr. N. Weston on Cambria such a large Dominion na Canada on the 13th Nov. Twenty mem- street. as it produces strength, power and berg were present. At the close of Ten steam vessels aro now winter' protection,though he himself had not the lodge refreshments were serveding in Goderich harbor- They be yet fallen into the ranks of union. up, and after all had satisfied thelong to the fishing fleet, 7 to Jas. Mr. Walker then gave an address wants of the inner man a degreeClark & Co, and 3 to Reed of Wind - meeting was held and two members ser, • sway either for good or for evil, and were advanced to the purple and said that youth is the time when two to the Royal Blue degree. Mr. J. A. Robertson, marble deal- the good eyed should be sown in Several applications for member• er, has put up in Dungannon came- order to bring forth igen whose in• ship are accepted and others are to be tery a beautiful monument in fluence for good will be felt when presented at the next meeting, while memory of the lute John Cameron they lake the reins of ruling power several gentlemen are talking of of \; est \Vawanoeh• in the future.Mr. Newton being joining the ranks ere long to still Thero is a small under current in next called on took the platform further awell the number on the the municipal river, nevertheless, and proposed to speak from the roll. The brethren held a special Mayor, Reeves and' Councillors words prayers, payers, stayers and meeting on Saturday night 21st smile sweetly and seemingly float sayers. First. He pointed out the Nov. to make arrangements (if the on an even keel. difference between prayers from tho report of the committee appointed On Friday weak the annual liter- heart and those uttered only from at the last meeting is satisfactory) ary entertainment of the Goderich the lips and also the great benefit to move their hall down to the people may derive from praying for corner, at school No. 8, which is Collegiate Institute, will be given their ministers and neighbors in a in the Grand Opera'Iiouse. There about three quarters of a mile sincere manner. Secondly. That will be a strong bill presented, club farthor•Bwest. It will then be more those who pay liberally to the cause swinging, recitations, vocal and in- central.for the brethren to congre- strt mental music and the rendition of Christ will receive recompense gate at. It is also the intention to either here or hereafter and that the of it favorite French work being the enlarge the hall and to erect stab( leading features. treasures laid up here will soon fade ing for horses. while those laid up above will never The gala of last week was one of fade away. Thirdly. That it is a the worst that has visited us for poor priuciple to be gadding about some time. On Tuesday two vessels on tho Sabbath while you should be Mr. Sheppard, of 'gingham, was were observable from this port,one a attending God's services and using visiting in town on Monday. large 3 -masted schooner, the other a thelday for whattho Lord sot it apart Our tax collector alerted on itis smaller ono. The large one, the instead of devoting it to worldiness, annual rounds last week. Kelly, remained anchored about 4 and lastly that instead of going miles north, while the other drifted around finding fault with one's Our section boss,Mr.T.Thompson, in the neigbborbood of Port Albert neighbors and the censuring of them moved into the section house last where she secured good anchorage. in almo>t every possible manner, week. On Thursday the life boat crow better talk kindly to them and live Rev. Mr. Ferguson, of Owen made an attempt to reach the Kelly, peaceably and sociably with them as Sound, occupied the pulpit of the but the storm drove it back. On this is the more christian disposi- Methodist church on Sunday. Friday the tug Orcaclia towed her tion. The choir gave different Owing no doubt to the change- out, and dropped her near the Kelly. musical selections between the able weather quito a number of our On reaching her the Captain to addresses and proved itself very citizens are on the sick list these ported that she wasftaking in water, efficient. Votes of thanks wore days• but that with some provisions and then tendered to the speakers and Mr. Cudniore, of Kippen, is ship- throe additional men he could hold also to the choir and the entertsin- piug a large quantity of haled hay out. During the morning ample ment was closed by singing the from thislastation to Waterloo provisions were put on board, and National anthem. A social was the required number of men. held Tuesday evening when Mr. county. Shortly afterwards the tug hove in Cole, superintendent of the Sun - Mr. Geo. Irwin has returned sight, and getting a line on board day school, took the chair and read home from Sault Ste. Marie where was soon snaking good headway for the report of the S. S. An address he has been working for sometime the river. The vessel higher up was then delivered by Mr. John past. was supposed to bo the -- and Beacom on union. Ile gave good Mr. Geo. McElroy left here last though many repos•ta wore in cir- advice to the the children. Then week to take a situation in Karn's eulation as to her sinking, she was Mr. Thibadeau advised them strong - organ factory, Woodstock. We nevertheless taken off by a tug dur- ly to keep the seeds of evil tooted wish Geordie every success. ing Thursday night. During the out and to! develop into mon and We regret to hear that Mr, time the vessels were on shore num• women of honesty and piety. Michael Dohert is sufferingat bets of people were observing them Several pieces were sung by the y from the piers and the park, and children and also several recitations present from a relapse of his recent some very strong remarks weregiven which ave varietyto the illness. We hope he may soon re- g cover, made on the apparent lack of en- programme. A vote of thanks was orgy in reaching them. However, tendered to rho young ladies for We are pleased to hear his Lord.. all is well, but if Captain Babb or their good baking and for having soiptthetB1shop o fHuron' has ape the tug crew had done everything the pluck to come out such nights -_:—_-.� P y everybtn rillti l' ilftly`-adlIrdb" it ffi `it5"ai`d° iecrn?ink" so many. 'fiaPPy Hanover to the incumbency of likely that Goderich would bo in The proceeds amounting to $25 is Trinity church, Blyth mission. deep mourning at this moment. to aid the Sunday School work. Blyth. Codericii Township. We ,aro glad to know that Mr. Jewitt {d atilt Improving, 110 has ,had a long term of sickness. Mies Thompson, who hurt been visiting at Mr, John Beacons% left last Thursday after shaving a splen- did social bills. Port Albert. The fishermen areltaking out their pound uets for the season. Several of our young men are preparing to leave for the lumber woods this week. Lest week au unoccupied dwell- ing house, owned by W. T. Fellow, was burned to the ground. I un- derstand it was insured for $300. The recent rains have caused the water to 'fee very high in the river here, and considerable damage is done to fences &c. Tho open lodge meriting, L.O. G, T., earn° off ou Thursday last and„ was largely attended. The program was first class. A lively time is expected on nomination day for Ashfield tp. Acclarnatiou will he ruled out for 1892. Wo have had very stormy weather on the Lake shorn during the pest ton days and considerable lumbar has been floating ashore. Two large tow barges have been lying at anchor, one oft' Wrights Point and the other opposite this place, which caused considerable excitement as the people on land expected to see thein driven ashore every hour, but both vessels nobly stood out the storm until a largo tug from Sarnia came to their relief. Thoy were loaded with iron ore and bound for Cleveland. Ha, ha, my hearty ! into the swim again. I must be some near relative to "Tera Burks of Oars," but Tom settled his little difficulties with pistols and coffee for two. In that case I would feol a little more at home, for to strike a ten cent piece edgewise, or knock an eye out of a chickadee at twenty paces was a common affair for me. To be in fashion now -a -days tate style of the M. P's. at the capital is on the board. "$50,000 to my solicitors if you please." Even then I would just run outmy surplus crop of apples and it would never gull me the least. I make it a point to hew to the line let the chips fat: where they will. Londesboro'. Mr. Bell has just completed two porches in front of the hotel. Mrs. Crisp is suffering from an attach of lumbago. Rev.A. Stewart ofClinton conduc- ted the service in the Prebyterian church on Sunday. J. Brunsdon and eon are pre- pared to furnish cutters and sleighs that will give the boat of satisfac- tion. Mr. John T. Lee has purchased the hotel at present occupied by Mr,R. Bell, Albert St., Clinton, and will take possession next week. Rev. Mr. Beilby of Benmiller preached in the Methodist church Sunday morning and evening, Rev. J. Ferguson taking his work at Ben - miller. - Some of our sports were out hunt- ing last week and were successful in bringing home one fox, nine rabbits and some other small game. Not so bad for the first day this season. It is reported that a certain young man living leas than five miles from the village quietly took unto him- self a wife lately. If you dou't be lievo it ask George. Mr. Matt. Maiues has a big eea- on's work ahead next year in the - way of barn building. Among the contracts he has on hand aro a barn 85x65 for John McMillan, Esqr., M. P., Hullott, and one 75x83 for A. W. Sloane, Esqr., Morris. These are pretty big barns but Matt is a big worker. In the meantime, during the winter he will amuse himself by getting out timber for tho structures, Snernuei'lrill. Mr. John Johnston has disposed of his driver. He gave several drage and minerals to boot. The affair created quite a commotion in the vicinity. The Orangemen were fixing up their shed oFi Saturday the 21st inat. bat did not get it quite finish- ed owing to bad weather. The tea meeting, under the aus- pices of L. 0. L No. 928, promisee to be a grand affair. Friends from Clinton, and from neighboring townships, as well as the Summer- hill choir, will take part in the musical part of the entertainment. The speaking will be ably ,ttendett to liy tie Revs. Ayers and Diehl Toddand o. ur county master, Mr. A. M. • WHOLE NO. 6:1 • Nlie, Mrs. Fear, ,from from..Seaforth, is visiting at tbo parsonage. The Rev. Mr. Fear, commenced revival meetings at Sheppardton last week. Mr. John McWhinney has mov- ed to his farm on, the 2ud Con. of Ash field. The annual meeting of the Bible Society was held last Monday night, but owing to the inclemency of the weather there was not a very large congregation. The Rev. Mr. Simp- son gave an able discourse. All that were present were well satisfi- ed with what they heard. Part of last week the weather Evac of a quite wintry appearance. Some parties took advantage of it and had orthodox cutter tides. At time of writing every vestige of "the beautiful" has disappeared and we ars threatened with a deluge of rain. The temperature being that of mild May weather. Mrs. Mathews, Sen.,who had been ailing for Borne time, passed away on Friday night of last week. Mrs. Mathews and her husband were among the first settlers iu this part. By arduous toil they. hewed out from the wilderness a comfortable horne for themselves. The subject of this sketch was known as a kind neighbor, ever willing to give a htelping hand. Sho has livel for some time past with her eldest son, Samuel, ou the old homestead, her husband having died a number of yeara ago. Tho funeral took place on Monday to the Goderich come tery where the late Mr. Mathews was buried. She leaves two sons and two daughters to mourn her loss, Sarnuel and William and Mrs. Geo. May and Mrs Samuel Lewis. llolmesville. Miss Tilly Tebbutt has been spending a few days in the village. Sim Murch, who has lately been in the State of Now York, returned home last week. Miss Minnie Halstead has gone north to visit friends in Wingham and Kincardine. Mr. P. J. Evans had a stormy day for his sale, notwithstanding this most of the stock was sold. Mr. Mulholland, our enterprising blacksmith, has added a now branch to his business. He has gone into the manufacturing of butcher knives. Da Anti About The County. —Mr. F. Stalker} . 4torriy has rent- ed Mr. John Frazer's farm. --P. Broadfoot, of Gladstone. Mani- toba. woo of James Broadfuot, a former resident of Morrie township, is visuiog relatives and friends at hie uld home. —Monday evening of feet week David Shiel died, calmly and peaeetully, at his re.ideape, Brusaele, having attained the ego of 86 years, 7 mouth(' and 5 days. —Oxford Cougty Council has accepted tenders f rr the erection of a House of Refuge for its poor. When will Baron fall in line. —Wm. Stothers, 2ud Deputy reeve of Ashfield, resigned at last meeting of the tp. council and was appointed clerk of the townebip. - -The pork-p•eking, cheese, butter and egg industry of Jaynes L. (;rant & Co., 1pgersoll, do a business of $1,250,- 000 per year. —•Uhae, Rr.zell, of the 9th con., Grey township, had 8 acres fr:,m which he hauled 4,852 bushels of turnips, er an average of over 600 bushels to the acre. —John Murdock, of Manchester, has bnnght the farm of Martin Dyer, of the bo.,ndary liue, 1lullett. It contains 62hacres, with farm hnuse and good out- buildings, and waesold for $4,000. Geo. Christopher, of the base line, has dis- posed of his 50 acro farm to Isaac Rap• sou, for the sum of S3,000. —Last week Mre. John Gale, ono of the oldest residents of Grey county, celebrated her 93rd birthday. Phis estimable old lady is in excellent health, and in the p,r,aesaion of all hur faculties, and sang a number of songs, including the fnvori'e and f.miltar Duo "John Anderson My Jo." - Michael Renuie, a strong man f thirty years of awe, lost an arm Inserter - day at Fort rti fllrant through his foot be- coming caught in a ropy that ins'antly hoisted hire to a pntluy-block in the Canadian Pacific t- iLway elevator with such force and in a manner that took his arm off above the elbow, -J�hn Morrison, a well known farm- er of the toweline of Egretnont and Ar- thur, had s bull which was troubled with an absce,s on its neck, and while lancing this, about two weeks age, some of the matter (Recharged got into a aoratch on his hand. Although the hand and arta became ewolIen and pains ful nothing eerious was anticipated and a doctor was not cecsulted until too late to save hie life. —Thanksgiving day, the new fishery cruiser, constructed for the Dominion Government, by the Poleons Shipbuild- ing company, was launched at the ship- yard, Owen Sound. The general dimensions of the vessel are : length, 125 feet over all ; breadth, 19.8 on the waterline ; depth of hold, 11.3 ; draft of water 9.0 aft. The style of construction is known as the composite ty pe, but it would be more correct to deetgnate her as a steel vessel, with a wooc'ea bottom, SCOTLAND'S FAVORITE PUD- DING. 117r. James Ford, son of Mr. Thos. The dish of Scottish haggis whioh Ford, who has been in British is so highly esteemed in Scotland, Columbia for some time returned and which .was mentioned by her home last week. We - national bard as the great chieftain remember of the pudding race, is made from quite well in stating in these the tongue, heart, kidneys and liver columna whe r -he left, and now we of a sheep, and sometimes when a are glad to see him back again. very large dish is required, the meat from the sheep's head is added also. The various ingredient's when pro - IN AND ABOUT THE COUNTY. perly prepared, are boiled in the — paunch or stomach bag of the sheep, ' —Small -pix hae broken out in Newark, which latter must of course be thor- New Jersey. oughly cleansed previous to using. — 1). Campbell has sold his 50 farm, This is best accomplished in the fol, on the 17th concession of Grey to Due- lowing manner: Wash the paunch can Johnston, a neighbor, for $2,450well, soak it for two or three hours — The board of Kippen Methodist in cold, salted water, then turn it church has increased the salary of the inside out, scald and scrape it, rinse pastor, Rev, H. Irvine, to $700, the again in clean, cold, salted water, circuit to pay the superannuation money. and dry carefully by pressing itgent- -We are pleased to be able to state ly with a soft cloth ; examine the thaiMrs Bowers,wite of the deputy reeve bag very closely, and if there are any of West Wawanoeh, who has been ill for thin places or any holes in it, repair some time, is getting better. these with a fine needle and thread —One night recently Jae, Snell, the before filling. The following is a wellkoown brooder, of Mullett, met with very reliable and well tested method a heavy loss in the death of ono of his of preparing the ingredients which finest imported breeding mares. are to from the haggis : Weigh the meat, mince it finely with half its weight in fat bacon, and mix it with two large teaspoonfuls of finely min- ted onion, a plentiful seasoning of -• Wm. Fox, formerly of Irishtown, salt and pepper, a pinch of cayenne, died recently in Colorado and the body one tablespoonful of mixed herb was brought back to Iriehtown fo: Inter- powder and an ordinary sized break-, ment this week. fast cupful of medium oatmeal. — The Goldie & McCulloch Co., of When thoroughly mixed, moisten Galt, last week shipped to firtns in well with good, brown stock or gravy Roumania two very large safes, one a and turn the preparation into the fire and burglar proof and the other paunch which has been made ready burglar proof. for it. Sew it up securely-- being — Mr. P. Brine, of Ilarpurhey, is careful to leave plenty of room for probably the oldest bailiff in the county the haggis to swell during the pro - and perhaps in Ontario. It wee just 34 cess of cooking—then plunge it into years last nth—day since he deposited lent of boiling water and boil gent- hisbouds in (loderieh. Hale 70 years of ly and evenlyy for three hours. ur- g ing the first hour prick the skin —A young boy by the name of Watson had the forefinger of the left haul taken off by a circular Maw in Broadfoot & Box's furniture factory, Seaforth. —On Saturday evening the 14th inst., here and there with a needle and so about nine o'olook, a daring robbery wits perpetrated in Seaforth. Mrs. Carlin, a prevent the haggis from bursting—a widow woman living on Goderioh street, very annoying accident which some - her grandson koeptng her company, had times happens inexperienced cooks. just retired to bed, when she heard foot- When done enough serve the haggis steps in the house. She thought it was just as it is on a veru hot dish, with Patrick Roaoh, her grandson, who had a simple garnish of:sprigs of parsley, just gone out half an hour before. She and sliced lemon placed round about. spoke to him telling him to "put out the Good brown sauce or gravy in a hot oat before looking the door," bus re- tureen,may accompany this dish if calved no reply. She spoke the eecond desired, but in Scotland it is gener- time, still thinking it was Patriots. ally served quite dry. This time the voice replied, "I went a dollar,". She replied, "Surely I'll give you a dollar," still thinking it was Patk. She hastily dressed herself and went so the door of the bedroom when she was confronted by a man with a pistol in his hand who demanded heroney or her life. The only light was that from a coal stove. She saw that the man had a handkerchief tied over the upper part of hie faoe, so as to dieguiee himself, Sh became very mnoh frightened and handed ont two pocket -booing containing in all 6200. The robber then backed_ out at clie'fidal'aobi 'wills" a revolver"et B t,ointed and then went round the house and went out by the back way. No ales to tho robber. Sometimes haggis is served as a sweet dish, and when this is the case bread crumbs and beaten eggs should be substituted for the oatmeal and gravy, while chopped raisins, wells cleaned currants, lemon juice and grated nutmeg should be used in place of the cayenne pepper, onion and herb powder. Fine white sugar and white sauce may then, if desired, be served as accompaniments. When parboiled, a well -made hag- -will -keep good"for-tweet-dime=' weeks ; one is often sent, therefore, in this state from Scotland as a pre- sent to friends at a distance. • itt