HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1918-09-19, Page 8• !!4tXX tX XXV4Xl,4 XXXXXXXXXXXX
In Ladies' Pall find Winter l eddy-tel-Wcar . All
t' the ;it) lish models illM 'Mantles, Suits, in rich Vel -
X ours !Broadcloths and Serge's.
. �1
eal Value
4425.00 to $50.00
',I;15.00 to $45.00
\I ,�',Ot1TINENTAI.t
Men's "Twentieth Century" and "Society Brand"
and other leading semi -tailored clothing for
. Men and. Young Men.
NMr. and Mrs Wm Kennedy of 2nd
(Continued from page 1.)
con Kinloss, were notified last week that peas lst, Willie Mundell, No. 4; 2nd,
their eldest Son, Pte. Mex W. Kennedy,
who went averseaa with the Bruce BattGordon Mundell. No. 4; 3rd, Duncan
McDougall, No. 10.
Rlcasrs. Milan and James McMillan Tubers,any
twelve kind 1st,
made a business trip to Rockwood in their McVittie, No 8; 2nd, Archie 1Y1cKinuey,
car last week. No. 4; 3rd, Jas Watson No. 4.
Mr George Cottle Is building a new Mangolds-1st, Fraser Mustard, No. 8;
gr een-house. 2nd, Elva Ramsay, No. 10; 3rd, Jas. Wat-
Mr. Wesley Leggatt will hold an son, No. 4.
auction sale of farm stock on October 3rd. Turnips, (Swede) -^1st, Jas. Watson,
Miss Jean Galles is attending Wingham No. 4; 2nd, Jos, Turvey, No. 8; 3rd, King
High School, MacDonald, No. 4.
Miss Oneida Irwin of Wingham, is Turnips, (Greystone) --1st, King Mac
teaching in Zetland school. Donald, No, 4; 2nd, Elva Ramsay, No.10;
3rd Aichie McKinney, No. 4.
Miss Reta Odium has returned to
Toronto after spending the past few Plymouth Rocks, flock, (O, A C. eggs)
weeks at the home of Mr and Mrs 1st, King MacDonald, No. 4; 2nd, • Edgar
d Andrew Fox.
• McMichael, No. 4; 3rd, Archie McKinney
Mt Pte. Calvin Clubb and Mrs Clubb are No. 4
tts visiting the former's p.treuts, Mr. and Pair Plymouth Rocks, (0. A. C. eggs)
11641 Mrs. John Clubb. Pte Clubb returns to -1st, King MacDonald, No 4; 2nd,
London this week. Archie McKinney, No. 4; 3rd, Edgar
Mr. and Mrs Alex. E. Purdon and McMichael, No. 4.
Miss Agnes MacKay motored to London Pair Plymouth Rocks -1st, Jas. Brecic-
M and Mitchell last week. enridge, No. 4
7, Among those who attended the West- White Leghorns-1st, Glenn Garniss,
kVern Fair were: Mr. and Mrs James No. 4; 2nd, Margaret McDougall, No, 10.
Forster, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Godkin,
Messrs. Ken, Paterson, James Martin,
Thomas and John Gaunt, Joseph Tiffin,
Frank Henry, Gordon Godkin. Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs, Thos.
Henderson and Rev, Henry Martin.
A. Pte. W. J. Arscott of Teeswater, sp.nt
the week -end with friends here.
Rev. Mr. Douglas of Laurel, preached
in the .,Presbyterian church on Sunday.
n Se421-nb E---P9.&-Rev.1 r.,i>os of
a Palmerston will preach.
The Guild meeting on Friday night was
IINIk conducted by Rev J. H. Martin, who
xxxxxxxxxxxxvirk ud Hary .nsi rr ri.m
• FALL FAIRS -1918 land beautiful were the floral tributes of
respect and love. , Interment at Union
4 Cemetery.
Blyth.. , • . . ,:.. Sept. 23 and 2 The Misses Bentley received a message
Brampton • .. . ... .. 'Sept. 20 and 21 Monday morning stating that their brother
Briisselsc'.: ..... Sept. 17 and 18 in Hamilton had died from blood poison-
Chesle ' ' ' Sept.17and 18` ing.Mrs Alexander accompanied the
• Y p
Dungannon ................ Oct. 3 and 4' Misses Bentley to Hamilton on Tuesday.
Erin . .Oct, 9 and 10 .
Fergus ' • .' Sept. 26 and 27 - „Belmore
Goderich . " " ' Sept. 25 to 27 A quiet wedding took place at the
Hanover .. ... .. Sept. 26 and 27 manse, Mildmay, when Miss Ruby Zinn
Harriston .. .... Sept. 26 .and 27 and Mr, Otto Johann were united in the
Hepworth Sept, 17 and 18 bonds of matrimony. On the return from
Kincardine .... Sept. 19 and 20 their honeymoon to Kitchener, Guelph
Listowel :....... .'. Sept. 19 and 20 and other points Mr. and Mrs. Johann
Mount Forrest
Owen Sound
Paisley .. , .
Port Elgin
Seaforth .....
Sept. 6 to 14 will reside on their farm near Belmore.
Sept. 16 and 17 Mr. Herb Dustow spent a few days
Sept. 18 and 19 with friends at Southampton
Sept. 10 to 12
Sept. 24 and 25 Mr. Jas. Vogan and his sister, Mrs.
Sept. 18 and 19 John Gowdy motored to - London to at -
Teeswater ..
Sept. -24 and 25 tend the Western Fair.
Sept. 19 and 20 Miss Mae Miller returned to her home
Oct. 1 and 2 in Mildmay on Monday.
October 1 Services were withdrawn in the Metho•
Oct. 1 and 2 dist.church on Sunday on account of the
Toronto ..... ... ... Aug. 24 to Sept. 9 illness of the pastor Rev. F. Stride.
Wiarton Sept. 24 and 25 On Sunday Sept. 22nd, Anniversary
WIN•GHAM Oct. 8 and 9 Services will be held in the Belmore
Notice is hereby give) that all persons hav-
ing any claims against the estate of Frank
Guttoridge, late of the city of Sarnia, Con-
tractor, deceased, who died • on or about the
thirteenth day of July, A. D. 1,918, aro re-
quested to deliver or send to the undersigned,
a statement of their claims on or before the
sixteenth day of Oct.ob,s, A. D.1918.
And take notice that after the said last
mentioned date the Executors will proeeed to
distribute the estate amongst the parties en-
titled having regard only to the claims of
which they then shall have notice, and that
they will not be liable for the estate or any
part thereof to any person or persons of whose
claim or -claims they shall not then have had
notice at tate time of such distribution. .
Dated this tenth day of September A. D.
Cowan, Towers Sc Cowan,
Solicitors for the Exeoutora,
James Lockhart and Thomas Grace
I,sv. R.' J. McCc.rniick was in «gingham
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston received a
cable Sunday evening stating that their son
Henry was wounded on Sept. 4th by a
tnacltine gun bullet penetrating his right
thigh. Pte. Johnston signed up with the
101st at the beginning of the war and
went overseas with the battalion.
Rev, George Telford has been doing
mission work in the 'Vest. He arrived
hone this week and will resume his work
on Sunday as pastor of St, Andrew's Pres-
byterian church.
Rev, Mr. Small of lIcspeler was calling
on old friends for a few days this week.
'Mrs. Geddes of Del]grave attended the
funeral on Saturday of the late Mrs. J. C.
Myth Fair, Sept, 23rd and 21tb. Please
bear this in mind.
Methodist Church at 1I a. m. and '7 30 p.
in, Rev. Mr. Burgess of Bluevale will
have charge of the services: on the follow
ing evening 'a teameeting will be held,
hot supper will be served from 6 to 8
o'clock in the basement of the church
after which a good programme of music
and addresses will be given. Admission
25 and 5.0 cents
Il:tfti : tat t ° Arms.
!:'.'lits$ for .1 rtno Contiiihe in Ireland
at.O. 'sae ;'r•• rt•_'ortcd daily. As a
rel•' tho Sinn Fi'iner's meet with no
r('sdrtanee in coni'nandeering what-
' .err weapons are diucoverable in a
i'a11ed house. But occasionally the
ownet,a fight and the raiders suffer.
An attack wan made recently by six
armed men with blackened faces on
a woman's house at Fairbane. A re-
tired army officer living in the house
captured two of the raiders and
drove the others away. Tho prisoners
were committed for trial to the
In a case near Tulsk, in Roscom-
mon, a party of men with blackened
faces raided a farmer's house in
search of armu. They demanded his
gun, and when he refused, (!ragged
him out and hand1ed !lint roughly.
Ho escaped into the house and find-
ing his gun turn'.d it arainst his as-
s. who
The weapons seized by the Sinn
FellIPrs are in litany instances seized
by the poli('(' in counter -raids. The
other day several shot guns and am-
munition were found in Tipperary.
In <me house during the seizure the
police came upon tt hoard of one
hundred and fifty pounds in silver,
whish they took away,
i .•
Iro Town Under Hammer,
Any elan whose ambition is to own
Mrs. Curtis of Clinton is the guest of a whole town will have an opportttn-
Mr•s. Alex. McKellar. ity to satisfy his desid+e in London
next month. • 13y direction of Lord
Aftt'r rt lingering illness Jessie Dingwal $talbridge, tho owner, the entire
beloved wife of Mr. John C. Ross p.t•:.,ed to town of Shaftesburg will be put on
the Owat Ilc•ytutd '1'h.,. .i y tnoruinq'•, the auction block, including prig
spoke on "Training Conscience." The
leader for September 20th is Mise Cora
Those appointed to attend the Young
People's Union Convention at Belgrave
on Monday as delegates were Misses Lily
Paterson, Edythe Peddle, Maggie Laid-
law and Messrs Johnston Conn and
Angus MacKay.
Many friends here will be interested to
know that Rev. J. R. Graham, former
pastor of the Presbyterian church here,
was in Montreal last week on his way
Next Sunday will be Rally Day in the
Presbythrian Sunday School The child-
ren should make a special effort to be in
church next Sunday morning. The
evening service will be withdrawn on
account of the anniversary services in the
Methodist church.
Rev. H. J. Uren of Kincardine will
Rd. Island Reds- Harvey Timm No.
Minorcas-lst, Alfred Johnston, No 8;
2nd, Walter Sellers, No. 8; 3rd, Archie
McKinney, No, 4.
Ducks-lst, Duncan McDougall, No
10; 2nd, Charlie Messer, No, 4
Geese -1st, Charlie Messer, No, 4; 2nd,
John McDougall, No. 10; 3rd Alfred
Johnston, No. 8.
Cabbage-lst. King McDonald No. 4;
2nd, Elva Ramsay, No, 10; 3rd, .Archie
McKinney, Na 4
Cauliflower -'-1st, Jean Black, N. 4;
2nd, King McDonald, No• 4; 3rd, Elva
Ramsay, No. 10.
Tomatoes -1st, Mabel Johnston, No.
10; 2nd, Roy Thomas, No. 4; 3rd, Grace
Kernahan, N. 10.
Beets-lst Bertha Gannett, No 4; 2nd,
King MacDonald, No. 4; 3rd, `Mac.
Thomas, No. 4.
Parsnips -1st, Jas. Breckenridge, No. 4;
2nd, George Peacock, No. 10; 3rd, Alfred
Johnston, No. 8.
Carrots -1st, john Mowbray, No. 4;
2nd, Mac Thomas; No '4; 3rd, Muriel
Thornton, No. 4. •
Onions-1'st, Cora Gannett, No 4; 2nd,
Edgar McMichael, No.' 4; 3rd, Grace
Kernahan, No 10.
Pumpkin-lst, Geo. Peacock, No„ 10;
2nd, John Mowbray No. 4; 3rd, Glenn
Garniss, No. 4. .
Best Collection-lst, Alfred Johnston,
No. 8; 2nd, King McDonald, No 4; 3rd,
conduct the services in the Methodist
church next Sabbath at 2 p. m. and 7 p.
m. Special music by the choir.
The home of Mr. and Mrs Andrew M.
Kirk of Dungannon was the scene of a
charming wedding at highnoon on Wed-
nesday, September I1th. when their
younger daughter. Miss Estelle Pearl,
was married to Mr. John Dustin Bee-
croft, younger son of Mrs Wm. Beecroft
of Whitechurch. The ceremony was
conducted by Rev. Mr. Steadman, pastor
of the Methodist church at Dungannon,
in the presence of about fifty relatives
and, friends of the bride and groom. Tha
wedding music was played by Mies
Myrtle Beecroft, sister•of the groom.
The bride entered the parlor with her
father and took her place under a beautiful
arch of evergreens and asters. She wore
a white satin. dress with tulle veil and
orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of
roses and fern. Miss Helen Paterson,
(rocked in white silk, acted as flower girl
and carried a basket of sweet peas. The
groom's gift to the bride was a cameo pin
and to the flower girl a small gold cross
and chair. After congratulations the
guests sat down to a sumptuous wedding
dinner, the tables being decorated with
white and pink asters The bride and
groom lett by motor for London. Hamil-
ton and Detroit, the bride travelling in a
smart blue suit with black hat and black
fox furs. On their return theywill live
.in East Wawanosh. The young couple
received many beautiful gifts. bearing the
good wishes of their•friends The bride's
sister, Mrs. Frank Creighton of Detroit,
also her brother,Mr. Oliver Kir of
v r k
Toronto, were present, also guests -from
Lucknow. Blyth, Londesboro, Goderich
and Whitechurch
.'g,r• 1`2th• Deceased waw :t woman oft 1ouss((1, banks, post offices, stores, '
frees, hotels and three saloons, The
.uiiiablc gnaIitie's and beloved by a large town is located in a picturesque part
tittle of h i.•nd'., a ctntsisteut zu 'ntber of of 1)ei'bysliire, perched on the top- of
�t. Audi•ow"s: 0)larch from i childhood. ;,he, a hill in the lnidst of rolling farm
her iau ,7, lila, out' daughterand on.' e0uniI. The nearest railWap atationl
is three »tiles distant, at Setnley.
N.ifolrtea .nn ..the foil tlu':r great loss very Sales of gnat ofittltes ate fre.
Nei•aaly. 14v. Mr Small of Iit.pe'ler, a (taunt itt these days, when taxes are
f,n'trat•r pc.! .r' t.t the d''rt'.tsed. t'e iialtic'ted 'tasting up profits, and many of the
tltr ., rtiet',':.I tII, • I ittet 00 Sattrfdav:t - ;'outtt;Er getheirtlerationlives ofon thethe nobilbttttli'iW
lir(' losing•
;tt ti i", Itt v. C1r, 1. '.•> t't' .\nt.t,rn and Ii ](1.^. Tiiia is tho first sale of an
I t t. t1u. nit•f),'riild of C ,ct]erie ]i. M:tiiy Haire town which has been arratistod.
J '
(Correct up till Wednesday noon)
Wheat 2 12 to 2 50
Flour, per cwt, standard5 75 to 6 00
Bran, per ton 32 00 to 36 00
Shorts, per ton 40 00 to 44 00
Oats ..... .•. 85 to 1 90
Barley . . 1 60 to 1 80
Hay, - 12 00 to 15 00
Butter, per lb. -dairy,. 40 to 50
Eggs, per dozen 38 to 42
Laid 28 to 35
Cattle; med., butchers10 00 to 11 00
Cattle, butchers choice. 11 00 to 13 00
Hogs, liveweight 18 75 to 19 25
Butterfat to 43
What School
Dut'iug the month of August
tunny parents must face the. ,grave
responsibility of choosing the best
school for arson oi daughter The
whole future life of that child de-
p-mds upon the training which you
are choosing. consequently you
should get fell particulars of all
schools, compare them carefully,
and, make your choice. Some have
listened to the 'fairy tales' ot travel-
ling agents and 'signed up' without
investigating and have regretted it
too late'. If interested in a busi-
ness education, send postal carol to
the Spotton Business .College.
Wingham. and receive the 'Message
of our Graduates', which tells at
our records for the past fifteen
year s. C)wing- .to our 11oit, Study
(Department many are graduating
with only one month at college
Positions guaranteed. Gregg or
Pitman Shortbaucl,
Affiliated with Canada Business
College, Toronto.
Lieut. Foster Ferguson, (Somewhere
in France) Principal.
GEO. SPOTTON, President.
Thursday Sopt. 10th, MS
Too late for last week
Many people in this vicinity wilt be
sorry to hear of the death at his home in
Victoria, 11 C. of Dan Meiklejolin, De-
ceased raided for fifteen year's on the
farm on the 5th line of Morris now oc eep-
ie b
d y Mr. S McCurdy. 11e maven !Vest
some fifteen years ago. Dan. was a mats
of sterling character, a good citizen,
upright in all his dealings, was a con•
srstt:nt member of Knox church and al-
ways aetivly engagers giving of his very
best time and thought to the best interest
' ot that which lin dearly loved. A member
of session also 00 the managing board,
Superintendent of the Sabbath Stlrool
- and Nader in Young People's work. Al-
ways a regular attendant of the Weekly
- Prayer meeting,„ and no social function
was sufficiently alluring to absent him
trom any ct the services of the Sanctuary.
d IIe has been in poor health for years
being a great sufferer which he bore
with true Clu•istain Patience. Ills death
is mourned by a large circle of acquaint-
' shoes who extend to the bereaved sisters
Mrs James Miller and Miss Annie who
have been c•ons'antly with him also a
brother sincere sympathy . In his demise
- the world has lost a true Christian Gentle-
msn, tho effect of those influence has
been felt in many lives whom he came in
contact with.
3rd, Jaines Breckenridge, No. 4.
Milking Stool-lst, Duncan McDougall,
No. 10.
Bird House -1st, James Breckenridge,
No. 4.
Creepie-1st, Duncan McDougailt,No. .
1J; 2nd, George Fell, No. 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin McDonald and Mrs.
Durnin of St. Helens spent Sunday with
the latter's daughter, Mrs Geo.Mowbray,
A very profitable and interesting In-
stitute meeuiig was tient at the home of •
Mrs Milton Smith on Thursday last, An
excellent paper on jelly making was given
by -Mrs Milvert Sellars The following is
the report .for the month. Receipts -
Donations: Mr. Elston, .60; Mrs Stamper,
$1 00; Soldier's friend, 81,00; Morris Coun-
cil, $100 00; Turnberry Cduncil, $75 001
Donation et soldier's sweater by Mrs F.
B Scott, $2 25. Shipped to Red Cross,
18 suits of pyjamas; To our own boys over.
seas, 76 pairs :rocks with 38 cakes of soap,
Mrs. Near 01 Humberstone; 1\irs. Cosens,
of Trowbridge and Mrs. Shenk are visitors
with their sister, Mrs. J. Nicholson, who,,
we are sorry to say, is under the doctor's
care. May site s on enj oy better health I
Miss Eva Breckenridge and her friend
I-Ialter-broken Calf -1st, Wm. Mundell,
No, 4; 2nd, Gordon Mundell, No 4; 3rd,
Roy Thomas, No 4.
Halter -broken Colt -1st, Wm, Mundell,
No. 4; 2nd -King MacDonald, No. 4. •
Calf -1st, Alfred Johnston, No. 8; 2nd,
Wm. Mundell, No. 4; 3rd, Nelson Bolt,
No• 2. '
Black -faced Lamb -1st, Alfred John-
ston, No. 8; 2nd, Jas. Breckenridge, No. 4.
White-faced Lamb-lst, Jas. Brecken-
ridge, No 4; 2nd, Wm Mundell, No. 4;
3rd; Gordon Mundell, No. 4.
Driving Colt-lst, Ernest Lancaster,
No. 4,
Margaret Curtis, No. 4.
Plums-lst, Louise Fraser; No. 10; 2nd,
Hazel Mundell, No 4; 3rd, Willie Mun-
dell, No. 4.
Apples-lst, Willie Mundell, No. 4; 2nd,
Florence Eckmier, No. 10; 3rd, Louise
Fraser, No. 10.
Collection of fruit-lst, Alice Sharpin,
No. 2; 2nd, Fred Elliott, No. 4.
Sweet Peas -1st, Olive Garniss, No. 4;
2nd, Margaret Curtis, No. 4; 3rd, Mary
Mowbray, No. 4.
Asters-lst, Marjorie Grasby, No. 8;
2nd, King MacDonald, No. 10; 3rd. Jean
Black, No. 4.
Asters, (lower forms) 1st, Mary Mow-
bray, No. 4.
Nasturtiums-lst. Mary Mowbray, No.
4; 2nd, Ethel Johnston, No. 10.
Geranium Plant-lst, King MacDon-
ald, No. 4; 2nd, Mrs. Geo. McDonald,
No. 4.
Begonia -1st, Bessie Nichol, No. 2;
2nd, Greta Eckmier, No, 10; 3rd, Mrs.
Robert Black, No. 4.
Foliage -1st -Olive Garniss No. 4;
2nd,'Elva Ramsay, No. 10; 3rd, Hazel
Mundell, No. 4.
Fern-lst, Olive Garniss, No. 4; 2nd,
King MacDonald, No. 4; 3rd, Margaret
Garniss, No. 4.
Socks-lst, Elva Ramsay No. 10; 2nd,
Margaret Garniss, No. 4; 3rd, Bertha
Gannett, No. 4.
Apron-lst, Alice Sharpin No. 2: 2nd,
Margaret McDougall, No. 10; 3rd, Alice
Wheeler, No. 2
Embroidered Towel-lst, Louise Fraser
No, 10; 2nd Jessie Messer, No. 10; 3rd,
Margaret Curtis No. 4.
Towel with Crocheted Insertion -1st,
Louise Fraser. No, 10; 2nd, Gertie Rob-
ertson, No. 10; 3rd, Marjorie Grasby, No.
Darning -1st, Margaret Garniss, No, 4:
2nd, Elva Ramsay, No. 10.
Quilt Block-lst, Gertie Robertson
No. 10; 2nd, `Beatrice Thornton, . No. 4;
3rd, Alice Sharpin, No. 2.
Patching-lst, Donna Smith, No. 4;
2nd, Hazel Mundell, No. 4.
Best Dressed Doll-lst Muriel Thorn-
ton, No... 4.
Layer Cake-lst- Jessie Messer, No.
10; 2nd -Louise Fraser, No. 10; 3rd -
Alice Sharpin, No. 2.
Apple Pie -1st -Janet McVittie, No. 8;
2nd -Donna Smith, No. 4; 3rd -Doris
Allen, No. 10.
Tea Biscuits-lst-Alice Sharpin, No.
1►; 2nd -Greta Eckmier, No 10; 3rd -
Louisa Fraser, No, 10.
War Cake-lst -Donna Smith, No 4;
2nd -Velma Brooks, No. 4; 3rd -Louise
Fraser, No: 10.
Cookies-lst- Donna Snaith, No. 4.
Tarts -1st -Muriel Thornton, No. 4;
2nd-I3eatrice Thornton, No. 4; 3rd --
Velma Brooks, No. 4.
Pumpkin Pie-lst, Velma Brooks, No.
4; 2nd, Margaret Garniss, No. 4.
Bread---lst, Winnie Allen, No, 10; 2nd,
Donna Smith, No, 4.
Butter-lst, Margaret McDougall, No.
County of Huron, to wit issued at Ills
Maj sty's Supreme Court of Ontario, by v rine
of a writ of Mori Fades, and to me directed
and delivered against tho Lands and Tone -
mints of Leslie McLeod, Defendant, at the
suit of The S, hn Goodison Thresher Company,
Plain tilt.
seised Share Interestnand. Equoty f11I1»-
donplon of. the defendant Leslie MoLcod, of,
in, to. ants out of Lot Number Twenty Six 1
the Tenth Concession of the Tow whip of
Howick, in the County of Huron, and Province
of Ontario, and also all the Estate, Share. In-
terest, and ninety of Ltedempl.lon of the 1) -
fondant Leslie MoLood of, in, 10and not of
the North Half of Let Number Twenty Five
in the Eiirth Concession of the Township of
Howick, in thn said County of Huron, which
Lands and Tenements I s"all offer for- sale, tit.
my Gillet-, in the Court House, lo the Town
of ()Model'. on Tuesday the Fifteenth ,1 ty of
(Wolter 1918 al, the hour of Twelve of the
clock, noon.
11. G. Rrevxotns,
Sheriff Iiuron.
Slterlfrs Office, (lotteries, July dth. 10 8,
M('l`AVIKIi - In Wroxeter, on Sunday,
Sept. Oth, 1018, Peter McTavish, ai ett
71 years, 8 months and 3 days,
Forth 4 -1st, Elva Ramsay, No. 10;
2nd, King MacDonald, No 4; 3rd,, Alice
Sharpin, No. 2.
Form 3 -1st, Bertha Souch, No. 8; 2nd,
Charlie Messer, No. 4; 3rd, Doris Allen,
No. 10.
Form 2 -1st, Florence Eckmier, No. 10;
2nd, Edith Breckenridge, No. 4; 3rd,
Donna Smith, No. •4
Form 1 -1st, Irene Allen, No, 10; 2nd,
George Peacock, No. 10; 3rd, Herbert
Campbell, No. 10.
Map of Canada (entrance pupils) -'lst,
Elva Ramsay, No. 10. -
Map of Canada -1st, Gertie Robertson,
No. 10; 2nd, King MacDonald, No. 4.
Map of Ontario -1st, Jessie Messer, No.
10; 2nd, James Turvey, No. 8: 3rd,
Margaret McDougall, No. 10.
Map of Huron -1st, Donna Smith, No.
4; 2nd, Florence Eckmier, No. 10; 3rd,
Lillie Garniss, No, 8.
60 Wild Flowers, mounted -1st, Bertha
Gannett, No. 4.
60 Weeds, mounted - 1st, Bertha
Gannett, No. 4; 2nd, Margaret Curtis,
No. 4.
30 Insects, mounted -1st, Jas. Brecken-
ridge, No. 4; 2nd, Margaret Curtis, No. 4.
Native Woods =1st, George Fells, No.
10; 2nd, James Breckenridge, No. 4; 3rd,
Margaret Garniss, No. 4. '
20 Wild Flowers (Lower Forms) -1st,
Cora Gannett, No. 4
20 Weeds (Lower Forms) -1st, Fletcher
Fells, No. 10; 2nd, Muriel Thornton,
No. 4.
15 Insects, mounted, (Lower Forms) -
lst, Edith Breckenridge, No. 4; 2nd,
Beatrice Thornton, No. 4; 3rd, Glenn
Garniss, No 4
10; 2nd, Gladys 'Timm, No. 2.
Preserved Raspberries- 1st, Margaret
Garniss, No. 4; 2nd--13essieNichol, No. 2.
Iiammeriiandle -1st, Walter L. Sellers,
No. 8; 2nd, Duncan McDougall, No. 10;
30 pairs all told in tan calf, Velour
Calf and Patent Leater in button-
ed boots only (no laced in lot)
Splendid shoes of the very highest quality
Regular price $ 7.50
On sale for just half, namely $3.75
per pair
One shoe of each pair with size ticket attached is
now being shown in south 'window.
IM ,J ,lie
I claEvess,ry seat is now taken but we are adding equipment which will enable us' to
I admit 20 more students on the above date. Get your name on the list for this
1 -
( aiddA/
Miss L Thompson of Henfryn spent the - /Yr7 ."
week end al Jos Breckenridge's.
Our Bluevale fair and concert were a
grand success.
' Lyle McKinney of Toronto spent Sun-.
.clay at the old home.
• Mr. and Mrs Marsh of Woodstock are
visitors at Mr. P. Thomas's.
Married at high noon on Wednesday, •
Mr. A. Thornton and Miss L. Cathers at.
the home of the bride, Howick„
Mrs jos Breckenridge received the tot•
lowing in reply to a note sent in socks;
France, Aug. 18 h, 1018,
Dear Mrs. Breckenridge;
Just a tow lines
to thrnk you for the two pairs of socks I
have dust received, with your address en -
Phone 160
LD. A. McLachlan, Pres.
closed. They were a very appreciable •
gift, couldn't -have come at a better time 1
as I was right out of them We have been
having lots of marching 1'ttely and it has I
been about the limit • for hot weather this
last week, so you can imagine what a
God -send they were. I received a couple
of pair from Mrs. Tait quite recently, but
5 had them stowed away in my pack and
it got astray somewhere, so I was conr-
A. Haviland, Prin
pletely out
Thanking you once again for your kind-
ne"s, Yours -Sincerely, Art Barrigan
Mrs. John Patterson received a cable•
grain that her son, George, was admitted
to the hospital on Sept 1st wounded• in the
leg We are sol ry to hear of so many Of
our dear boys being wounded and dying
ot wonpds May pearl' soon reign
through all nations.
Boys, Y o 7,..
-4- ,% Yand Men x
• //'%$ ll.�in � 1 Ne
Crayon Drawing (Forms 1 and 2) -1st,
Beatrice Thornton, No. 4; 2nd, Mary
Mowbray, No. 4; 3rd, Bessie Campbell,
No. 10.
Watercolor Drawing (Forms 3 and 4) -
) -1st, Margaret Garniss, No. 4; 2nd, .Elva
Ramsay, No. 10; 3rd, James Brecken-
ridge, No. 4.
Crayon Drawing (any Form) -1st, Jean
Black, No. 4; 2nd, Elva Ramsay, No. 10;
3rd, Margaret Curtis, No. 4.
Ink Drawing, Design for Book Cover-
lst, King MacDonald, No: 4; 2nd, Bertha
Gannett, No 4; 3rd, Elva Ramsay,
No. 10.
Dr, Field, Prizes:
lst-Bluevale School, S. S. No. 4
2nd-Ramsay's School, No. 10.
3rd-Browntown School, No. 8.
4111 -Nichol's School, No. 2
Five-minute Speech-lst, Charlie Mes-
ser, No. 4.
Pony-lst, Kenneth McVittie, No. 8.
Lamb -2nd, Alfred Johnston, No. 8.
Kitten --3rd, Fraser Mustard, No. 8.
Boys, 20 and under -1st, Charlie Black,
No. 4; 2nd, Alfred Johnston, No 8. •
lst, Eva Breckenridge, No. 4; 2nd,
Edna Johnston, No. 8; 3rd, Stella Elliott,
No. 4.
Special prize for largest nutnber of
prizes won, donated by Mrs. Wm. Adair;
lst, King McDonald, No. 4; 2nd, Elva
Ramsay, No. 10.
Breaks His Atte
Master b'rank McCaughey, Blyth, had
the misfortune to fall off his Horse on the
1. r ,.
.tmt a .,w
left n ,. til.
s tC
to r+n�. ti+r
hard roadway and break....+(�.��ri���.+��r����t��,%
the elbow making; a bars fracture. ; XXXX •�t
This first touch of Fall Weather will remind you of
your clothing needs for the cool weather ahead of us.
Every department is replenished with stock sought
before the recent heavy advance prices.
We can save you money on your Overcoat, Suit, Un-
derwear, Hats, Caps and all other lines of Haberdash-
Borsalino and King Hats
just hand. These are
scarce goods. i\lake your
selection early.
tomer. Now showing New
SHOP EARLY ON SATURDAY, it will benefit both of
cloth, Plushes and Tweeds.
Give complete satisfaction.
Every purchaser is a satisfied eus-
ti I71'oad-
5 1 C.1011t .
lc models 1. in Yol r
ME S ----New laid eggs 45e per dozen, cash. ;mall, dirty
• and had eggttt deducted.
rl.r,w+AY,.W•ONOWM.C],Ytcssayi.r.ita ti ' ::1.3.':, a'lpesav-��t>xush