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The Huron News-Record, 1891-10-21, Page 6
• tele s 'i�r ver r t�. $avo• Tour Eai : T >li tln►AlY>lau9! er'p gal VIgor., This preparation bas u0 equal as a dressing. It keep the scalp clean. cool, and Healthy, and preserve$ the color, tallness, and beauty of the hair. „T was rapidly becoming bald arta �nray; but atter naing two or three ltwttles ot Ayer'e Hair. Vigor my hair grew stick and glossy and the originaal, color was restored: Me1Vi ddxr' Canaan Centre, N. H. " Some time. age I lost all uiy kala irR consequence ox measles. Aitex. due 'waiting, 110 ne'w growth appoared. I thew used Ayer'e hair Vigor and my hair grew nick and Strong. It has apparently come to stay. The Vigor is evidently a great aid to nature." —J. B. Williams, Floresville, Texas. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for it a mostasatisfact four tory drefive ssing foears r the hair. It is all I could det;tre, being harmless causing the hair to retain its natural color, and requiring but asmall quantity to render the hair easy to arrange. "— Mrs. M. A. Bailey, 9 Charles street, Haverhill, Mass. " I have been using Ayer's Hair Vigor fofaseveral years, and believe that it has caused my hair to retain its natural color."—Mrs. H. J. King, Dealer inill Dry Goods, &a., Bishopve, Md. Ayers Noir Vigor, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Masa Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. The Huron News -Record 1.50 a Year --01.25 in Advance. lVednesd:iy Octr. 21t11, 1891. S I ARK STORY. Vont garpor's Puny P.60.vie, There are about city species' of sharks known to scientific observers, anti:,titis much -dreaded creature is found in every sea ploughed by the keel of a ship. Some of them, each as the dog -fish, are not more than two feet long, while others are from thirty to fifty feet. But, they are nearly all ferocious, and the stories that one roads t4. Mariyat'e novele about the many weu who have been devoured by these ravenous creatures are strictly true. The ehark known as the man-etter—a hugs beset from twenty-five to forty feet long—will lie for days near a ship, picking up the garbage that falls overboard. With one snap of his jawe he can cut the body of a man in two. A Canadian fisherman who walk- ed with a halt once said to me, "You wouder, perhaps, why I walk like this Well, it comes of shat k - catching. One day last summer, when we could get no codfish either with nets or hooks, we thought we had better try for ^dog fish, or, rather, small sharks, for a lot of them had been hanging arouud ue for a couple of days. All other fish were scarce, and that is the reason why the sharks kept so close to ue. When anything was overboard, a shark would thrust his head out of the water and seize it. There is a lot of oil to be gut from sharks and dog fish, and about August the liver of the dog fish is nearly all fat. So we put out our lines, stout bank lines they were, baiting them with fat pork, and patiently awaiting the result. We did not expect to catch any big eharks, but only the dog- fish, which we knew were around shoals. The rest of the crew began to haul in dog -fish as fast as they could, because the brutes were hungry, and snapped at everything they could eat. I also caught two or three dog -fish, and unhooked them. The dog -fish is only a couple of feet long, and it isn't hard to pull him in but his fins will cut you ; and his skin, under the name of shagreen, is used by cabinet• makers and other woodworkers in- stead of sand•papor, it is so rough and hard. Again I threw out my hook and line, and this time felt a tremendous tug at it. I pulled pretty hard, but couldn't draw the fish, and one of my mates standing. near me said, 'You have got hold o1 one of the big fellows ; be easy with him now, ho will be worth a hun- dred of these.' I had caught big sharks before, and knew how to manage, though this was an ex- tremely savage one. He drove nearly plumb down into the sea. and I let out line as fast as was necessary ; then he turned and shot up for the surface, and darted in one direction and another for ::ear- ly fifteen minutes, until I tired him out. Then I dragged him alongside, not pulling too hard, leer I should tear out the hook, and when I got him to the waterline there was not touch life loft in him. We 'bows ed' him aboard, and let him flop on the deck. He was thirteen feet long, and had 'a mouth large enough to bite off and swallow the half of a man. I was foolish enough to go up by his head and begin to take off the rope; but I had no sooner done so than he turned on his side and seized my leg in hie jaws. Ono of my mates grabbed an axes and running over, struck the shark five or six times upon the head with all his might. That stunned him, and his jaws opened. But he had broken the bone of my leg at the knee, and bitten out nearly a pound of flesh, besides cutting one of the tendons. That is the reason why I am lame. The best way to make sure about a shark is either to break its skull when you get him aboard, or fire taro or three bullets through its brain." MRS GEO. RENDLE. Mrs. Geo. Rendle, of Galt, Oot., writes : "I eau recommend Dr Fowler'e Extracr, o; Wild S rt berry for it is a sure cure for all summer comtl tint.$. We are never without it in the house." N'owh:'s Wi1I 56rawb.rrv. Price 35o. 1, faq(I the meaning of the passage end- ink with the wards about tbo 0$ilver, colli., t eing cit" And the t+Gsildon bowl broken." J.'hie peaage thb new Bible, with its foot mato`, *owes ft a beautiful-pieae'nff poetry descriptive. of .old age and decaying vigor, and the warning in the intro- ductory passages to cleave to God becomes all the more striking. 'hs• passage reads as follows Ere there come the days of evil, And the yearsdraw nigh In which thou wilt aay'I hatfe no pleasure. Ere is darkened the sun, and the light of the day. And the moon, and. the stars, And the clouds return after the rain ; Wben the keepers of the house tremble, And the mon of power' bend them- selves ; The grinding maids then cease; And the ladies that look out through lattioea are darkened ; The doors are shut toward the street, He rieeth at the voice of the birds, And the daughters• of song are brought low, He is afraid of that which is high, And fears are in the way ; The almond tree blossometh, • The locus crawleth along with diffi- culty, The caperberry breaketh up, The silver cord is snapped asunder, The golden bowl crushed in, The buoket at the well shivered, And the wheel breaketh down at the pit. Man is going to his eternal house, And the mourners gt about in the street. —A Belleville dospstch says John Hailstone, living near Greenbank, shot and wounrlei his wife, and then, imaein ing he had killed her, shot himself dead, Tne woman will recover. Caure, family trouble. — when t. h.. hair shows nigra of filling, •begin at none to use Aver'e Hair Vigor. Tais p'eparaticn strengthens the scalp, promote the growth of new h,ir, restores the nate -al a,'or t • gray .rui faded hair, and ron irrs it soft, pliant, and Wooly. —T ie O,,lvie llttlinq Company in- tend op .hind n p trade for their flour with Ch na 40.1 J.pwn. BEAUTIFUL BANFF, N. W. T. I was induced ro use your Burdock Blood Bitters for constipation and general deniliiy and found it a complete cure which 1 take pleasure in recommend- ing to all who may be thus afl voted."— James M. Carenu, Ilini2, N. W. T. —Tae examination of Arehibal•I Chis- holm, )ad, wire manufacturer, r•f Winni- pag, ou a charge ot seducmg Tittle gide, resulted in his being sent up for trial to the assiz• s ou +hree ()bargee The parents of three other children will take criminal proceadings. Goisholm offered any amount of bail but was refu-ed. Ie the first case the teseuti.•es teetifie i that by secreting themselves in Chisholm's ware- house they had Been him to the act of outraging the child The evidence i, of a most disg isting chare':er. 1; came nut that on one ncaa,ton the prisoner had three li.tle girls ire a room at one time and took criminal l,bert es with them while ell were present. It is reported thet two or three persons have left the city fearing arrest on similar (gouges. ADVICE TO MOTIF ERs. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sink child suffering and oryiug with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" Lir Children Teeth• ing. Its value ie incalculable. It will relieve thepoor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. It .urea Dyeentery and Diarrhoos, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the gams, reduces iufiammatton, and gives tone and energy to the whole system, "Sirs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the text° and is the preecriPtiou of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in tho United States, and la for sate by all druggist's throughout the world. Price 25 cants a bottle. Be sure and oak for "MRs. WINSLOW S SOOTHING Svau,'•" and take no other kind. 650y • — Mr. Petit, of Bridgewater, Maes.. was yesterday fined $300 and costa for bringing French Canadians under contract into that state. AT LAST. The sports ot summer are always prolific of all kiad. of physical injuries, and for the treatment of auuh, here is a most striking example. Mr. Jacob E:zensperger, 14 Tumn--r S`., Cleveland, O., U. S A , eaya : "I sprained ny arm, clubbing chestnuts ; could not lift it ; euffired For years, not St. Jacohe 0:1 cured me." Afttr rnauy years he hit the right thing at last. The best thing filet safes much. — Frank Peddie, of Winnipeg, who was appointed by the Greenway Govern- ment to revise the election lista for South Winnipeg, has eki.pped to the States, leaving things in a r.,ther awkward fix. Be defrauded quite a number. A wou).tn caused his downfall. TRUE 'AITH. beepany reason far hr.) ,objection Olt f±hc park of the defendant. It is also 'apt forth that' but for Om date ' 'dant :the lady might :have married some one else before she lost her ar- tiatie shape. DEFENCE OF SIR HECTOR. ENIANED —TO— RALIFA$ 0LE1t0 MAN WUO DOES NOT LOOK TfIROUGI1 GRIT SPECTACLES. � Rev. Dr. Saunders, oue of the most prominent Baptiet divines in the martime provinces, contributes a lengthy article to the Halifax Herald reviewing the political scan - dale of the day. He urges that the findings now afloat in the public mind will not abide the calm ee- view of an impartial public when the storm shall have passed away. lie takes a bold stand against the utterances of the party and religious press, as well as the pulpits of the. day, and declares that Sir Hector's political fate was not deserved. The "TILE KEEPERS OF THE HOUSE" are the hands, the men of power," the bones, especially backbone. When the "grinding maids" cease, the teeth are lost, while•the next line refers to eyes losing their las ter and to bedimmed vision. The doors shut refer to insufficiency of secretions and suffering from con stipation. \Vheu a man rises at the sound of the birds, his sleep is short, and, as the next flue chews, his hearing is indistinct ; then he hates to climb a hill and to walk upstairs is difficult, ithe chrysalis does not crawl along with ease, and so the soul freed from the body as the butterfly emerges from it. The silver cord snapped is the spinal cord : the golden bowl, the brain, and when the water wheel is broken, the whole machinery is stopped, and dissolution sets in. Finally the _picture is presented of the hired mourners carrying the body to the grave. "I have great faith in Burdock Wood Bitters as a blood purifier. I have taken three bottles for hid blood and find it a perfect euro. It 1s a gran.1 medicine and I recommend it wherever I go."—Ida Stndereon. Toronto, Oat. —Sir John Pope Hennessy, member for North Kilkenny, anti•Parnel'ite, re dead. "N rt all is gold that glitters"' is a true saying : it is equally true th.tt not all is Sarsaparilla that is so labelled. If you would be sure ot the genuine article, ask for Ayer's Sareaparilis, and take no other. Health is too precious to be trifled with. —Where you find a great deal of . rABraila.<safer.n-Toor._insta,.y-4!?.!na9 to ke it for granted there would be as much generosity if he were a rich m an. A NEW BIBLE REVISION. Government should have stood by Sir Hector and kept him in office iu spite of his demand for the ac- ceptance of his resignation until after Parliament prorogued, and then have given him an honorable release from duties too heavy for hie years. Dr. Saunders declares he was cruelly treated, and history will do hint justice. lu the absence of any evidence to criminate Sir Hector, oue of the venerable fathers of confederation, he should not have been dropped with dishonor on hie head, although it was requested and urged by himself. Ilow, he asks, eau an impartial mind sympa- thize with the cry of the press and pulpit about universal corruption The Parliament and the Govern - went have come grandly through the ordeal. Never a Government passed through a more crucial one. It ie enough to make a dispassion• ate, high-soulod Canadian feel a just pride in his citizenship. He need not blush to declare his nationality. The public wind has been sensitive and nervous and not well condition- ed to weigh facts dispassionately and come to equitable conclusions. Dr. Saunders strongly commend& J. Israel Tarte, and says Sir John Thompson is to -day a tower of strength in political morality for Canada. Canada hos passed through a thunderstorm and we should pray to be saved from a• panic in which all the gold is thrown into the sea because a few spurious coins have been found. "This specimen, says a distin- guished English Hebrew scholar, on examining proofs of the above translation of Ecclesiastes, "will give one an idea of what is in store for the readers of the forthcoming work. It is a real now translation, literal in th°e higher sense, yet with- out the painful anxiety of most translators to give one English word for oue Hebrew, to conform to the Hebrew rather than to the English laws of syntactical construe• tion, entirely free from .he train - mole of the authorized version, and possessing all the merits that flow from this new freedom and thegreat er enlightment in the critical school in this age," A new revision of the Bible is un- der way. It will be edited by the ablest scholars in Europe and the United States. Professor Haupt, of Johns Hopkins University, is prominent in the work. Professor I[arperi and Professor Curtis, late of Chicago. who takes Profoesor Harper's place at Yale, are other editors. The Baltimore American furnishes an interesting scrap of the new translation. The American says, speaking of the Book of Ec- clesiastes, which Professor Haupt has translated : 'REMARKABLE REASON FOR BREACH OF PROMISE. A sensational breach of promise case was on the calender at Lake View, Illinois, for the September term of the Supreme Court. It ap- pears that Svlia Clark, a lady of some twenty-two years, became en gaged to Joseph Weddell about eighteen months ago,and at that time was not remarkable for unusual size or appearance, being then little over nine stone in weight and very pretty. Shortly after the engage- ment was announced the young lady began to grow stout and was shortly confined to her room with a disease closely resembling elephant- itsie in the increase of bulk entail- ed, but with the difference that it speedily attacked every portion of the body, and she grew to be of the most monstrous proportions, her %eight inareesing to over four hun- dred pounds -(about thirty stone.) Under these circumstances Mr. Weddell declined to fulfil his en• gagement, averring that the lady had by the radical change in her personel made it impossible for her to be a companionable adjunct to his house or a presentable spouse. He expressed the sincerest regret at the iucidont, but declared that he felt justified in withdrawing from his obligation. It was hoped that the platter would be amicably ar• ranged, and the principals and their friends spared the publicity of the courts, but Miss Clark had declined to accept the situation. and insists upon the marriage being car- ried out. It was finally placed iu the hands of attorneys, and the re- tition of the plaintiff aske $5,000 damages, on the plea that the en• gagoment existed and still exists ; that the increase in the lady's con- struction does not indicate any men- tal or physical deficiency such as would interfere with her suitable duties as a wife ; that the marriage., at the request of the defendant, was delayed several months beyond the time when it should really have token place noel` LTIltt l'is,l'°"iG b�ev solemnized at the time originally agreed upon there could not have Some of the new translations are very striking. The motto of the King's Daughters. "Whatsoever thy hand findeth do, that do with all thy alight," is rendered accord- ing to the exigencies of literal trans• lation : ''l3ut whatsoever thy hand findeth to do within thy power—do it,' Again, the familiar passage. "Cast thy bread upon the waters and it will return after many days," becomes a very strikiug bit of wis- dom. "Send forth thy breadcorn over the water ; though many days may pass thou wilt recover it. But give a share to seven ships, or even to eight, for thou knowest not what evil may come upon the earth." "REMEMBER THY CREATOR In ttie (rays o1' illy yontY re also rendered in a different manner. Most persons have boon at eon to CURRENT TOPICS. W PAGES IsT••� r "F 'l 1• it T'U1=2 1r3Z)2 AND BALANO OF ONLY ONE 18J1 I DOLLAR THE rifl, 3 13E' L C7a7:1 Eralti £t1ADE. NO FAKES 1 NO C,1117. ..' BOC`KS 1 '.O JACK—KNIVES 1 SCIS3orts Y OFFERS 1 BUT A CLEAN, ti:- _ L73Y = FAI,1_LY NEWSPAPER UPON ITS MERIT;=. Commencing with tht: i sat.! ,,f 7th October TUE WEEKLY GLOBE will conta,u Sixtee,l h;t.ati tes.e;trl ot twelve pages as h'.:retotore, mak ng it tilts largest. ;ul.l best :tntily tl •tvspaper in Canada_ Eve y (1 -fort will be h:'.,) • to ln;tkin it 1',i:IGHT, K!..\ .\,A.I-:. .\t CI11t\tl•: ;tit I ,ATI•:!:i'7STiNt: ill ;111 itti rl('1V1I•'ments. S1) c'al pains t\ ill he t;tk(•II with its t tt U t•,i•,ti Pates, and \V11.1- I; L, VoTL1) ) .._- _ 1:-..t; :'Olt THE 1' -..•I l i. V. SU! SCRIItERs \\'iiOS!•: (van-- '.= R' ('1-1V. ', PREVIOUS TO 1 St DFCE11BKR, 1891, \\ I! 1. HAVE T111' 1'AP!'R S :NT TIIEM UNTIL. (-)1, 1 Sc)2 FOR THE17 A ONE YEAR.- til;, SCktl'-t'' )N. r�1'1 ` I �'F,� 15 month, r)I a 16-p;lir: !or `$I to I 1 .) I) I ; j c cry ,,Its: \vhc) now. :\(;h:NTti \VAN•I•f:I; IN ALt. 1 `::.-:1'I:::s1:\'rEl, DISTRICTS. I' UI- Le 1115, all.i `:55 - TI L GLOBE, TORONTO. A HANDSOME ORGAN FREE 0 Given Away With Baking Powder. Best Offer Yet AS THEY SEE 'THEMSELVES. The Aberdeen, S. Dakota, Star : The farmer's harvest is over and the chattel mortgage men is now ou. Ln many towns the collectors are sit- ting on the railings of the eleyator platforms watching for men who owe them like crown sitting ou a rail fence waielting an old and worn• out horse. \Vheu the victim sells a load of wheat and gets his "check" they pounce upon hint like a buzzard upon a carcass. At Colum• bia and otter towns the elevator companies have been obliged to pay cash instead of cheques to prevent driving farmers to other markets. At Eureka the business men were compelled to appoint acommittee to protect the farmers. The list of lands advertised for sale for taxes in this county is probably the biggest one ever printed in an agricultural community and the number of farms advertised for sale for taxes in this state this year is appalling. 0 See the Han('.some Organ, now on exhibition. 0 N. ROBSON. ▪ CLINTON. The News -Record —Never take into your con- fidence, or admit often into you company, any man who does not know, on some important subject, more than you do. Bo his rank, be his virtues what they may, he will he a hindrance to your pursuits and an obstruction to your great. 61089. FOR GOOD ENVELOPES FOR FINEST PRINTING FOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING rHE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT, DEPARTMENTS Groceries. - Groceries CANT a� ON BPo S • --Have a splendid stock of— Choice New Groceries, Fruits, Peels, Crookrlry, Glass and Chinaware At prices consistent with good goods. We are 'a a position to guarantee as goo value as any other house in the trade. Try our Far11OUs Teas, the best for th least money in the market. We have a stock of General Groceries that cannot b surpassed in quality or lowness of price. Dc not invest till you tall on us. CANTELON BROSS, Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. GO • .+t tib :pm coolN So 0 g n :i w "giRtrA sz " w 3lig lligil IN Cb a e m P. ~ a w m T"' TT 1\1—ITTT.1 d . NEW TOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see Ile stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The whale Stock is from:the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of even description. JOS. CIIIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Book Store ERRORS OF YOUNG AND OLD Organic Weakness, Failing Memory, Lack of Energy, Physical Decay, positively cured by Hazelton's Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility, Dimness of Sight Loos of Ambition, Unfitness to Marry, Stunted Development, Loss of Power Paine in the Back, Night Emissions, Drain in Urine, Seminal Loans, Sleeplessness, Aversion to Society, Unfit for Study Excessive Indut- gonCeouct000, ..1't¢Pr1P-,fate. ggttlama edp. 20,000 sold yearly. Aefdrege, enciosi for treatise, J. E. HAZELTON, Graduated Pharmacist. 808 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont, • BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to • receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or thr.tugh their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions via, commence at any time. ADVERTISERS, Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium. has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who ,nean business. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont JOB PRINTING. The Job L'efartment of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in =Weeterik 9©ata.r40,.6GZt4 R 4411421C(E;',., class of work is guaranteed at very lom prices. WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new, model. ,t'All these makes in key and stem winders Also pendant set watches. J. BIDDLECOMIE, CLINTON. • STRAY STOCK ADVER TiSEMENTS inserted in Tne News RECORD at low rates- The law makes it eompuleory to advertise stray stook 1f you want any kind of advertising you will not do bettor than call on 'ews.Reocord. -• IMPLEMENTS. The subscriber having severed hie connection with the Massey Company, desires to intimate that be has been appointed agent for the well known firm of FROST & WOOD, implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to fill all orders in his line aa heretofore. Will also keep on band WILKINSON PLOWS, COLTER ,rt SOOTT DRILLS, DISC HARROWS, and articles of like maitre. WM. STANLEY 047-6m Holmesvilie and Clinton A NICE HOME T A BAROAIN.—Eightacree of land with a 44..,_.sa1°r-orchard ofchoice apple tree ; eomfotinbTd; rich township. Apply to B. L. D YLE,Oode ieh. .i'_.�4...-,..��...- r