HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-10-14, Page 81 To .Advertisers. -AU changed 01 dduertisencrfts,, [o. insure inser't?Rd. in the current tis, Rle, must be received at the office not later their N. ti ttlaY- noon. Copy for changes received later than Monday croon will hereafter be at the Adver- tiser's own rind:. i HITIJLY "L' TODD, Publishers. The Huron News -Record $1.60 w YeaT—$1.26 In Advance Weduesdat,y. Octr. 14th, 1891. LOCM NEWS. Its and .Around the `club.' Zoom &alit. L90AI. Nu'rICEa.—All notices in chess columns of Meetings or entertainments, previous to holding of the aanie,at which an admission fee is ?harged,orfrom which a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will be charged at the rate of ten cents per line. THE 1.10S•r LARGELY CIRCU Lamm PAPER IN IS RECTION. CARD OF THANKS. MR. JOHN F. ELLIS, Managing Director, Manu- facturers Lite Insurance Coy.. Toronto. DRAG Sta,. Through your Mr. O'Donoghue, of Stratford, today I and in receipt of two thousand dollars being in full of my claim under Policy No. 494 on the lite of my late husband. I beg to tender you and the officers of your Company my sincere thanks for the prompt and honorable manner in which you have dealt with me. I might say that you are the first to make settle- ment of the different Companies in which Mr. Corbett hold insurance. I am yours respeetfuily, (Sgd.) ANNIE OORBE'rr. Clinton, October 8th, 1891.. 675•2t. WANTED,—Apples, Plume, Pears. hest market price paid.—Cante- Br'os., Clinton. 670-tf. Hi lon WA to wh Apply NTED—A good general servant om good wages will be paid— to Mrs. Thos. Jackson, jr. Mrt. gave TH call last GEO. SHEPPARD, of Colborne, E NEWS•RECORD a friendly Thursday. THE N the Albert part of the Ex•MAYo of the atone proposed ne W6 RECORD will move to street premises the latter present month. R WHITEHEAD his part on the ground for his w stores. Mo. II. W. C. MEYER, of Wing - ham, was iu Clinton last Thursday and called on THE NEWS -RECORD. MRs. J. SPO first prize for la Show and second ONER was awarded try driver at Blyth at Bayfield. MR. AND MRS. Kincardine, were in Clinton last and S. W. PERRY, of mong old friends this week. MR. SMITH KILT] with the clothing ho Bros., Clit.tou. IV IR D. A. FottitIST steer through it becomi renaiuing in that state fore being discovered. TILE fluron Medical met in the Clinton Comic yesterday and discussed rn nate cases of disease. has taken a sit use of Jackson ER lost a fine ng wired and ometime be - Association it chamber any intri HOW MUCH° LONGER, dea will you delay before pay your paper 1 Now is a goo to settle the query. A LARGE-NUMRER of Clinto attended the Blyth Fair on F and are unanimous that it a great success in every particula WE are pleased to eongratu Mr. Peter Cantelon, jr., on aldition of another Britisher to .household. MISS LUCY CATTLE and Mis Humber of Goderich wore the guests of Mise H. Whitely, Clinton, last Friday. Miss MARY MCKENZIE returned home last week from her visit to friends in Cliuton and Goderich.— Lucknow Sentinel. Tan lacrosse match in Clinton on Friday, between the Goderich and Seaforth Juniors for tho District Championship was won by the lat- ter in three straights. REV. RURAL DEAN CRAIG and Lieuta. Combo and Rance had a rifle practice on Friday. WH did not learn the score, but no doubt some crack shots were made. CANTELON BRos, continue to handle an immense amount of fruit. The total amount of money they spend annually in this one way ie a great benefit to the town and ad• joining country. Mn. W. SMITHSON is having a big sale of his slap ladders for house- hold use and apple pulling. He will be at Martin's hotel, Goderich, to day with a full supply of these and other useful inventions. WEST HURON PROTEST.—A pre- liminary • examination of the peti- tioner in the West Huron election protest was held before the Master in Chancery at Goderich on Wed- nesday last, Mr. Holt appearing for the respondent and Mr. R. C. Hays for the petit.ioner'e solicitors Mere- dith, Clarke, Bowes and Hilton. 'The trial of the protest has been ---_,.,z- fi-gtiorrtr Whin' ItJ riffiit ; Ttkc.: At Goderich. r reader, ing for d time nuns riday was r. ate he is 8 is T v,Iir. turvi loot week McColl he. guelitai lof s, his relative R. Irwin, Le. 1 Tinui11l' SIioOTIRO 11/Laron will Moly take place at Holwesville on Thanksgiving day. THANKSOIv1Na.--Thurad ay, Nov- ember 5th, has Wen proclaimed as the annual Thanksgiving Day for the Dominion of Canada. Among those who came down to_ Clinton "wit der laorosee poys" last Friday were Will Smith, Geo. Nairn, Oliver Whitely. THE Clinton Orangemen will meet in their hall on Wedoeaday evening, October 21st, to consider the matter of having a reunion on November 5th. THE NEWS -RECORD has to thank Reeve Hamilton and farmer Potter for courtesies shown at Blyth Fair, and Reeve Castle, Messrs Erwin, Armstrong and others connected with the Society at Bayfield Fair. MESSRS. J. JOHNSTON and Ilai'ry Stanhury took part in the Perth Rifle Matches at Stratford on Fri- day and succeeded in winning sever- al prizes. Seaforth had their shoot on Monday and the London matches will be held to -day. • MR. JAS. MC FABLANE, the noted sheep breeder of Stanley, was a judge at the Blyth Fair. He ro• ceutly sotd to A. Dunkin six prize Shropshire ewes, two to W. Snell and an imported ram of the same breed to M. McEweu. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES will he held in Ontario St. Methodist church ou Sunday 18th., morning and evening. Rev. A. C. Courtice, B. D., will preach ou both occasions On Monday evening following he will lecture in the same place. Col- lections on Sunday will be in aid of Trust funds. Silver collection will be taken ou evening of the lecture for the same purpose. THE BOY WAS NOT A SAMPSON. —A peculiar and fatal accident befel Charles Gibbons, the little son of John Gibbons, residing just north of Ingersoll. He left the house just after breakfast, and it is supposed was trying to lift the gate leading to a pasture field in which were a couple of calves, when the gate fell, striking him in the neck, across thu jugular vein, killing him instantly, WITII A GRAIN OF SALT.—A re- port enures from an adjoining coun- ty that the young lady members of the Methodist church of a town there have started out to pay off the church debt in a somewhat novel though reprehensible way. They have solemnly pledged themeelvea to pay 10 cents into the church treasury every time thrly are kissed, the young men who do the kibeing to pay the freight. Of course the dimes are pouring into the church treasury so fast that the debt dill soon be paid. THE Wingharn Advance (says :— "The congrogation of St. Paul's church assembled at their place of worship on Sunday last to celebrate their annual thanksgiving. Rev. W. T. Cluff, rector of Brussels, preached morning and evening, and his sermons were impressive and listened to with rapt attention. The rev. gentleman dealt with the many causes for which we should he thankful in this most favored land of ours—abundant crops, peace within our borders. an honorable government and many other things." Rev. Mr. Cluif is a brother of Mr. John Cluff, Goderich township. Mn. DAN MCDONALD, engineer on the Fort William and Winnipeg division of the C. P. R., who had been visiting his parents and hosts of other friends here the past ten days or so, left on Monday to re- sume his duties. It is ten years ince he lett here first and even in hat short time he had grown out of e recollection of many who had own him in his callow youth, a rehearsal of reminiscences of oil times soon brought tnany guidons and hearty hand - es. He is a steady young man a in common with his many e here wish him all manner re success. 8 th kn bu the r'eco shak and friend of flit( LAW mouths pu1'chae Donald, at $50 credit. H it to a pers ly full vale let & Mel along with under a div summons. T i'eplovined a mortgagee in was fought ou Donald, and ca ion court for jud was finally given & McDonald, w the following g They had to pay i sum of $8. Thus amount of their a goods, the plaintiffs $8 worse off than no 'the glorious uncertain ion courJt suit are almo fi Dae of n jury'lri`al.-- cora. COSIES HIGH. — Several ego a man named McKay, d from Bartlet & Mc - Windsor, a carpet valued or which he was given e immediately mortgaged on in Hamilton for near - e. Some time ago Bart- onald seized the' carpet other household effects ision court judgment he carpet was in turn nd seized by the Hamilton. The case t by Bartlef & Me- me up in the divis- gment. Judgment in favor of Bartlet ho by it obtained lorioua result :— nto the court the after losing the count and the find themselves thing. Verily ties of a divis- et :as bad_ ,as sor Ile- QOING FAS .. ,. WE'RE SPEAKING 0,--• Dresoo1s anti JiiatIe C!otfls, Theie are lines we have not been handling; full ranges of plevions to thia season. We've got them right, in large quantitiee, and at"rook bottom prices now. Our BLACK HENR1.ETTAS are the best value inthe county. Hosiery. Gloves. Unerw.ear. In Ladiee", Gent's and Children's ---all sizes, all qualities, all at sale prices. 50 dozen LADIES' COLLARS AND CUFFS to go THIS WEEK at FIVE CENTS, worth 20c. We are having a big run on Cottons, Flannels and Flannelettes 1. AT OUR SPECIAL SALE PRICES. Our iofl Display of ITIiIIineru This season is the talk of the town kind whole country around. and we feel justly rend of our showing in this department. Last week was a big one—we expect twice the rush this week. We are ready for you. Ili' An extra 10 per Dent. off Millinery for cash. BEESLEY & CO (W. RUTHERFORD, Liquidator.) usliamonaisaratramos FREE l FREE 1 D From now to the end of the year, nearly 3 months, Free. 0 Subscribers for any of the Weekly Papers for next year will receive the paper to the end of this year FREE. n TOItONTO `,WEEKLY GLOBE, MAIL or EMPIIRE or • MONTREAL WEEKLY WITNESS, to the end of' 1892, ONLY ONE DOLLAR. 0 Subscribe now for any Weekly Paper and get all you can for your money. Papers sent to any address. 0 Robins -:-Bros., Book Store and News Depot, Clinton. REV. JOSEPH EDGE, of Aoton, oc- cupied the pulpit of the Dublin street Methodist church on Sunday, and preached two excellent sermons. —Guelph Herald., CHAUTAUQUA LITERARY CIRCLE.— A branch of this Society is about be- ing organized in Clintun. It is not a mercenary affair. Its aim is to promote systematic reading and study of secular and sacred litera- ture. Any one may join, school students, meichauts, apprentices; boys and girls, fathers and mothers. Further particulars may be learned of Mr. A. Cooper, Cooper's .0ook store. MISTAKES WILL HAPPEN.—That generally well written and unusual- ly typographically correct paper the Stratford Times says there is on ex- hibition "an ludiau relict in the shape of a corn mill and pestle once used by Joseph Brant the Mohawk Chief." The writer is correct, how- ever, in one way. The Indian wo• men generally did the grinding, but he would hardly say that a re lict of the famous chief was trans- formed into the hollowed out block of hickory which she had nsod as a mortar, and its accompanying pestle. ONIONS FOR DIPIITHERiA.—"Why don't they .use onions ! For good- ness sake why don't they use onions! Where do they live? I will go up there to day and tell then to use onions!" Such were the exclamations of mother, says the editor of The Denver Mirror, whon we reported ono day at din- ner that a child of Mr. G. W. Dud- ley was dead an 1 the whole fatuity, including himself, alarmingly sick with diphtheria. Mother was mov- ed to these earnest and interested expressions by a firm belief that She knows several lives saved by the use of onions in diphtheria, one of them being our sister. In these cases raw onions were placed in a. bandage and beaten into a pulp, the cloths containing onions, juice and all, being then bound about the throat and well up over the ears. Renewals may be made as often as the mass becomes dry. In the cases noticed the ree'llt woe almost magical, deadly pain yielding in a short time to sleepy comfort. The editor adds the wish that this r4M.g4y_ might -have,•. -s w.iate snough trial to frilly test ita usefulness — Scientific American. AT the Bayfield Fair Mr. Joseph Allison was judge on vegetables, Henry Cole on ftuit, Jaa Hearn on cattle, and Oliver Johnetou on im- plements, all of Clinton. Miss ELIZA MCDONAGH, whose death took place in Toronto on Sunday, was a sister to Rev. W. McDonagh, the respected Methodist minister at one time of Clinton, now of Exeter. Tilos. GINN, of Goderich town• ship, Benmiller I'. 0. has had stray- ed away from his premises. two 2 year old fillies, one.sorrell and one black, and a grey driving mare. He offers a reward for them. A FoornALL match between teams from the Goderich High School and the Clinton Collegiate Institute came off in Clinton Saturday after- noon. Tho result was a tie, one and one. - BOYS AND BEECH NUTS.—The 8 year old adopted son of Mr. J. Stubbs climbed a tree on Mill Creek, Galt, to gather beech nuts, and by some means fell to the ground, alighting with considerable force on the hack of his head, caus- ing severe concussion of the brain. Ile will die. MR. JOHN G. SPROAT, of the 2nd concession of Tuckersmith, has sold his driving mare to Mr. George Choeney, of the HuronRoad, for $200. Her data was old Lady Duffer•in, and her sire ,old Clear Grit, Mr. Sproat has purchased another very nice mare from Me- Mnrchio & Co., of Clinton. MR. AND MRS. JOHN SMITH re- turned home last week from a visit to ther son "Lou" who is residing iu the City of the Straits and doing well. Mr, Smith had a pleasant chat with Mr. Havill, of the Michigan Farmer, a former proprietor of THE NEWS RECORD. A GENEROUS OFFER.—Mr. J. A. Parrett, of Lennox, offers to that County twenty acres of land and $1,000 towards founding a county poor house. He will further super- vise it ,free of expense, and at his death donati. a farm valued at $5,000 to it. This generous offer will probably be accepted. .-. -Gharles Stewart Parnell, the noted Irish leader, died suddenly at his home in Brighton, on Tuesday afternoon. power o Printers' Ink ? • We thoroughly believe in the use of advertising when we _daily have people coming to see and asking about Goods we advertise in THE NEws ll,Ecolw. We generally talk about some Special Line we have to offer and with splendid results. for we always succeed i41 selling what we advertise. We -want to call attention this week to our Ne Line of Bogy's Knee Pan1s. AT 85 ' CENTS AND OUR Men's $2 Pants They are away ahead of anything we have ever offered before and it will pay you to come and see them. Our Stock is complete and is larger than we have had befor e. Youwill find no difficulty in making a selection for any- thing in the way of Clothing. We are opening up Two Cases of Furs And the balance of-- OVERCOATINGS. Imo"' In a short time we will make a big display of these, Goods. Jackson' -.Bros. ara Co. 0 0 COLD WEATHER Will make things lively now. We have, MANY.•.SPECIALS! To offer for the FALL TRADE. We are bound to please the public, both as regards PRICE AND QUALITY. THIS WEEK: • Cashmere Gloves 15c. Black Kid Gloves 50c. Wool Lace (wide), 4 yards, 25c. Splendid Grey Flannel 15c. Extra Fine all -wool Hose 29c. Good Table Linen 25c. All -wool Serge Dress Goods 15c. All -wool Tweed 30c. Good Canton Flannel 7c. Two pairs Wool Sox 25c. • Men's Soft Felt Hats 60 cents. All -wool UNDERWEAR 50 cts. 0 Mon's Suits $5.75. Men's Overcoats $5.00, Men's Fine Black Overcoats 87.95. Another Lot of Fine Pants at $2.00. Odd Coats, Odd Pants—at Clearing Prices. 0 Our Millinery is moving fast. A Nice Trimmed Felt Hat for $1.75. A Nice Trimmed Felt Hat for Girls 95c. ---0 SEE OUR MANTLE GOODS ! THEY ARE WONDERFUL 0 ara & Co. �C.B'1t �tT 6l tilCli, $ lin T Ori, hili ` h&w - FY Clinton,