The Huron News-Record, 1891-10-14, Page 6Sick Headache bfao' 0Rt,a,�.T udeon Tow ti alkeld• M4 R.x, m By- °+xnv E. capable of 1•oviclin for he. tg r ,•.-�� �, nstgn, Taco . ��,'a family.P B t tyat[ anarvelous people and a wonderfu, l timothy a les .,A . ,1 y 1 He starts forth at night Oellntly. Britain is becoming mere Salkeld; carn,,T Wild, S �ea kur . NeIleteItn Wlvas BIC Mete, BtYv yod''; to tomer° a wife, which he dose by end r Feentr,-Collection of �grapee, ,(;i AQrIN@� m fi), vVii,T, eei i e u . Mere er col do es o,n and inti. 10 et00mglairtt;f 01ev deVniany.@uffer Boston, J Wild; fell.applee, .eaao elegthe firet:girl he sola euvprlse mate with her colonies; hes popule- -' unawares Sia Naturally screams tion and, manufactures are rapidly and f9w are alptirely free. Its cause Salkeld, W E Elliott; winter apples, - Prom lila t coags �Cwngarc, r 1 to indigestion and a.sluggI$b liver, the beteg Salkeld, Jos Hayter; eolleetian The lateabductionand brings the whole village pope• increasing• her ownpower Rt.:w c:- s'Cres !•tate tq its Original! ewe for whiell is readily found In the , of apples, W Elliott, J 1Vllcl; pears, of an Enf;lieh !scion about her,who byraining' °t sup- Corer, e.t.aci;y weir! woftnesl3• byKurds,and the unex ecyed plying bread stuffs is diminiehing.� age of4yer's P1118.foul; varieties, W Elliott, IV Sterling; girlp e.ealskin scourgeson his shoulders, Laucaehire, Yorkshire,SGaffor'dshu•e, K ceps �: Head Clean oaueed by found disoTdezed condition of theeJohn collection f pewee Wild; SVild; peachee, and somewhat aomtcal denouement std the maiden iu escaping, lie Cheshire an:d several other • Cool sort frac from Dandr ft. six bunches of the exciting story is a proof that pursues, runningtu stpmacb, Ayer's Pills are the most re. grapee,, G Reid, Huston Geo Woods; the gauntlet of counties are covering up the liablliable remedy." -Samuel C. Bradburn, g p 'love not only laughs at locksmith», kick and buffet, until he again se- green fields with buildiuge and the Cures Irritation and Itch* e remedy."-Samuel crab apples, J Ferguson, J Wild; but contemptuously ignores racial 1 cures his Lady love, and ehould she refuse from the mines and factories. "After the ease ip1 dyer's Pills for plums or prunes, J Wild, W Elliott. antipathies mad religious preju- once more escape, and be retaken a The sceptre of gold and of cool- ing of the Scalp I many years, in my pragctice and family, VEGETASL,ss.-Early potatoes, Jos dices, P ' I a excellent in sawing liverthat they an Hayter; tete potatoes, John Fergu- third time by the amorous pursuer, meree is being wielded in the direr- Gives a bcaccti?t.l ekes and perfume to the sustainiegg a�lltileclaims made for them." son,- John Dunn.; field mangolda, Marriage by capture is a yery old the mai3en accepts her fate, and be- tion of Imperial Federation, heir, preduces a new gru+•ch, audwillstop -W. A. WestfaU, U. D., V. P. Austin long red, R E Snowden, W H Woolfs; and very widely spread custom. It conies the you}tg man's wife. ti a rn'Itiug oc.t in,a few days. 1 ill not soil & N. W. Railwa Co. Burnet Texas. field man olds globe, prevailsamong Beth Iii nein and her colonies are t?,.• skis or .,a most delicate head-dress. "Ayer's Pills are the nest medicine Wcoda., R E Snowelen beets for table the Hins and the aboriginalibeing being shut out from the outside I CLL L11.E°TIONS WITH EACH BOTTLE. known to me for regulating the bowels, use, John Salkeld, Geo Woods.; cab. Hain'ueke and Cireaesiane the The Auetr"alias a�tiupte countries by the protection walls liy it cud Le convinced. Price Fifty and for all diseases caused by a die- bage, J R Balfour, Geo Woods; ranks primitive races of Australia, New a brutally forcible mode of wooing, that are leugtheuiug mutt thickening (c '"ter reel , Lefuse Substitutes.. ordered stomach and liver. I suffered flower,A Johnston,Wm Townsend; Zealand and A werica ; but instead When he wants a wife he looks and growing higher. seri AGENT FORC Subst for over three years from headache, in- of abduction beingconsidered an digestion, and constipation. I had no carrots, J R Balfour, W Sterling;about for a likely helpmate, mud, sEE THE ErcECT OF THE n1 x1xLEY appetite and was weak and nervous parsnips, Geo Woods, Jos Spread.- carrots, pread outrage by these half civilized pec• finding one to his liking, knocks H. SPENCER CASE' moat of the time. B using three boxes bury; pumpkins, Wm Townsend, W plea it is looked upon as a pr•elimin- her down with his club and carries DILL cities ('uemist, No. 50 King Street West of Ayers Pills, andatthe same time Elliott; squashes, R E Snowden; aryMarriage rite,and as ageneralin such towns and as Bradford }'amfltE•n, ')steric, dieting myself, I was completely cured. g her home.+ Sol.l b "I was troubled for years withaindi- potato onions, R E Snowden, Georgeeorule the coy damsel is by no means Iu Singapore the bridegroom Sheffield, Birmingham, Nottingham y J• H ! CUMBE. Woods;s. potato onions, averse to the mild violence, and others; from some of thea°sionsessassazneeseememememi gestion, constipation, and headache. A Woods, A Grainger; other onions, J must secure hie bride in a lore, and places machinery and capital are few boxes of Ayer's Pills, used in small R Balfour, J Spreadbury; field ter Abduction became so common fir this custom of bride chasingisquite pWA WCiAL� 1�Y and ace a daily doses, restoredpme to health, nips, John Johnston,R E Snowden;Eu las in the reigns of the Tudor common throughout being moved to the United States. �9��■ mission to Agents, noon mud, STtToui, Dleadvi11e,41Paeffeetive."-W.H. field ' carrots, Jos Wd, Joe Hayter; princesthata statute was passed on eastern Asia. In Singapore a cirern cu- It is becomingtmore and more ap- new and popularstandard uriesaoo a• white celery, J R Balfour, Geo Wild; the subject, and this was followed lar course is marked out, half of parent that British capital and Testimony of 19 Centuries to, red Dalt ry, Geo Woods, G H Hewson; by an act of Elizabeth, which took which is traversed bythe maiden- British enterprise will have to seek Jesus of Nazareth. Ayer's Pills, winter radishes,Geo Woods,Joseph Thu rsuat remarkable religious book of the age,. Wild; citrons, Jseph Spreadury, W away the benefit of clergy from the encumbered only with a waistband se dere and scope in Imperial written by ante eminent scholars, xeve territory a:. rnz>'Alzsts SY Townsend; musk melons, R E Snow- offender, and it was not until so late -era the word is given for the Federation. I will quote a few every christen O. T1E HENRY"to Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, den, W H Woods; v-ratermelons, W as the reign of George IV. that the tvould•l�e possessor to go in pursuit, lines from a lecture by that prince i'UULlrsfhli,G co., Norwich, Conn. Bold by all Druggists and Dealers Inatedieln4 Townsend, A Johnston; large beans, crime ceased to be a capital offense in the 'hope of overtaking her be- of orators, Mr. Howard Vincent, as ®•� Joseph Spreadbury, W Townsend; and punishable with death. fore she has thrice encompassed the found in the Banner of Istel for stand that the Dominion does not small beans, R Penhale, A Johnston; August 26th, 1891, b1 r, Vincent large tomatoes, John Salkeld, A Formerly to constitute the offense circle ; that achieved, she has no has been on a tour round the world propose to deal with the case- that. ha Huron/teens-Reeorahere have choice but to take the victor for her Johnston;.1 Rnnston„small tomatoes, G Woods, ;t must been,.first, afore- lord.' visiting the various colonies for in. the questiuu was whether it should be dealt with by the reform major- ity iu the Queb, c legislature or by er -a t •i,l 1J[Iir. 4 He says ; mesa C 1.50 a Year -51.25 In Advance LADIES' WORK. -Knotted pillow riage or defilement; and if a woman The water chase in canoes, anoth the United Kingdom with its 40, shams, Lily Morgan, Mrs Grainger; were taken forcibly in one county er marriage ceremonial of Sings- 000,000 people crowded on 121,000 commission appointed by the lieu.. N'eduesday. (lett. 14th. 1891 braided pillow shams, Geo Nott, W and married in another, the o6ense, pore, is very similar to the foot race, square miles and extending its in- tenant -governor. These matters the Sterling; embroidered pillow shams, not being completed in either, was and both are usually of short dupe ['wince over ninety-one times that writer does not understand, but one - - -- - Mrs Colin Campbell, Mrs G Nett; P 'not indictable in either county.tion, for the fair quarry is only too extent of territory, and with nine or thing he apparently does understand,. BAYFIELD SHOW crazy work, Miss Brownett, Aggiey' which is the intent of Mr. Mercier. McClinchey; orochtated table mats,willing to be caught. , In 1804 two brothers were acquit- probably even ten times its popula- THE PRIZE LIST. Addle Armstrong, Mrs Colin Camp. ted on a charge of abducting a Mrs. The late Colonel Burnaby tells tion. Think of the British Empire That distinguished statesman, says bell; toilet mats, Mrs Colin Campbell, Lee, whom they had forcibly taken us that when a '1'urcoman belle is to as fifty-two times the size of Ger- Mr. Glen, rather than be tried by rioasic .-Heavy DrTrick, James aught, -Brood Mrs Geo Nott; crochet drape, Miss away in a chaise from London to be settled in life the whole tribe many, with seven -fold the popula- the senate, "lie will raise the flag of Campbell; with;foal, foal,Levi 1'I'riek, James draJohnston, Mrs -Colin Campbell; table Oxford, where one of them con.. turns out, and the young lady, being tion ; as fifty-three times that of independence and annexation. He Campbell; two year olds, J Izzard, J bell l'et in sofa each, Mrss Nott 2nColin d pin plated the offence.allowed the choice of horses, gallops France, with nine times the people ; to a very bold and shrewd political. Sparrow; working horses, R E Snows away from her suitors. She avoids as more than three and a half times leader ; he dare lead a revolution. each; crochet :in twine, Mrs. Cohn AS OLD AS ROM. those she dislikes, and seeks to the size of the United States, with If he hoists the flag of ic,rlepeudence den, 1' Nicholson. Campbell, Addie Armstrong; hooked P General Purpose, -Brood mare mats, Mrs J Addis ronHayter; I° the last centuryinstances of throw herself in the way of the oh- over treble •the po ulatiou of all the it will never be lowered until Cana. with foal, John Stevenson, John Reid; embroidery on silk, satin or velvet abduction, in which the prospective ject of her affections. The moment I{useiae ; as more than three Ela takes her ;,role r place in the foal, T Nicholson, John Reid; two yr Mrs Colin Campbell, George Nott; bride was, however, in almost every she is caught she becomes the wife Europee, with an equivalent popula- American union.” olds, Henry Durand, W MoClinchey; bouquet of flowers, large, G H Hew- case a consenting party, are very of her captor, who, dispensing with tion, and you can in some degree The candid friend, no doubt, one year olds, Ralph Stevenson, W eon, G Woods; bouquet of flowers, numerous, and their etory has help- further ceremony, takes her to hie call before your mind the 11.000,- blurts out facts which prudent men H Woods; working Horses, George small, Mrs J Sparrow, 0 H Hewson; ed to spice the pages of romance tent. 000 of square miles and the 350,000, keep to themselves. But Mr. Glen Bates; special for yearling sired by crochet work in wool, Mrs G Irwin, and awake the lyre of the poet,its the British Empire. Chief,Ralph Stephenson, Mrs Geo Nott; crochet work in cot- Y i The bride race is also an establish- 000 An has been just sufficiently in touch Henry Oster; sucking colt sired by ton, Mrs Cohn Campbell, Mrs George Sir Walter Scott. in his iutroducs ed custom among the Kalmucks, annual revenue, general and local, with Wiutan and his Canadian allies Campbelton Chief, T Nicholson, John Stevenson. Campbell, Mrs Geo Nott; fancy whisk duction was quite common in the 'horsewomen that. we are told,it public services, while a trade without having learned the necessity Nott; embroidery in silk, Mrs Colin tion to "Rob Roy," states that abs and the girls are such excellent of £275,000,000 provides ffr the to know what their real designs are Roadster Horses, -Brood mare, J Campbell; knitting in worsted, Mrs Ilighlandeabotit a century ago, arid would be impossible to catch amounting to £1,200,000,000 start - which exists at present keep. Sparrow, RLawrason; foal, W Clark,le Dr. Stanbury; two year. olds, Joseph Johnston, Mrs Colin Campbell; knit- narrates an occurrence which hap- against her will, ing a year is carried in 37,000. those designs secret. Mr. Glen cot holder, Mrs Geo Nott, Mrs Colin one Hater, A Duncan; one year olds, R ting in worsted, fancy, Mrs Colin Paned at that period, when some of The Kurds, among whom Miae British ships, of an aggregated bur- times McGinnis ; span, '1' F Coleman, J E Campbell, Mrs Geo Nott; quilt in the McGregor clan carried off a fes Grenfield has cast her lot, have a den of 10,000,000 tuns. The Every lover of home rule should Swans; single roadster, A Forbes, J patch work, not known, Mrs G Nott; male from -home under very violent very curious and somewhat danger- colonialnempire has borrowed Burton. fancy quilt, Mrs G Nott Miss Par- circumstances.g ,000,000 and India 1206,000, - sons; give Mr. Mercier hearty and sub4 one marriage custom, which one 000, almost entirely from .London ; dollars support. One hundred Carriage Horses, -Brood mare,D log cabin quilt, Mrs Colin I'he poet's addendum to his nares- would think would be more honor- dollars sent him will aid the cause of A Purvis, John Salkeld; foal, D A Campbell, Mrs George Nott; knott- ed while the loans of corporations and Purvis, John Salkeld;lady, ed or crocheted quilt, Mrs C Camp- live is very instructive. Having ed in the breach than in the °beery• home rule in Ireland wore than bell, Miss Johnston;gent's linen very strongly censured the offense, aur. The husband, surrounded byharbor ise,boaexpend, together with private lies W :eIliott, Mrs Spooner.a bodyguard of twenty enterprise, this sum of about $1,000 sent to England at this - harbor CONTEST.-The speeding shirt, Miss Nott, Miss Johnston; he was, lie states, remonstrated with or thirty r time. Iain in constant contmuuica- ` P g ladies' underclothing, machine make, by a lady friend of his own for young men, carries his wife on his the empire of00 Overto a total nce to tion with earnest and intelligent . contest created great interest. In Addie Armstrong; etching in Cotton doing, she naively informing him back in a scarlet cloth, and is des- the empire of £1,000,000,000 g the open trot there were three en, or silk, Mrs Colin Campbell, Nora rasterling, Our annual purchases of observers and students of public tries -•-R troche's "Baron Cole," A gents'fancyflannel shirt, that her mother had never seen her parately assaulted the whole way by colonial products are X97,000,000, opinion in Canada in all part of the Forbes' "Dan Wilson," and A FergusonFrsguso �Tt Miss Johnstonlaifather till the bridal day, when he a number of girls, compard with £84,000,000 fifteen Dominion, and my reports justify • Gray Bird."The race was won ' ; P carried her off with ten head of Sticks and stones are hurled at years ago, Of wheat, wheatmeal my saying that Canada is ripening hand sewing,Mrs Newcombe,Miss easily by "Baron Cole," with "Dan a good The Farm- Johnston ; wax fruit, Lily Morgan, cattle -her tocher. ' The canny the bridegroom, who, in the home- and flour, and other grain, Englrnd very rapidly for the impending Wilson"l Trot causedoda second. contest, Mrs Cohn Campbell ; feather flowers, Scot, characteristic forethought, did coming with his bride, can hardly obtained 14 000 000 hundredweight radical change. The independence beingr'won by Nixon spiritedrand Jho Mrs Nott, Addle Armstrong; darned not forget the tocher-in his eyes, be considered a very happy man, in 1890 from British possessions, of Canada or her union with the bparks. socks or stockings, Mrs J Burdge, perhaps, not the least of the lady's for the irate Amazons often inflict compared United States will surelyhasten Wm Sterling; Berlin wool work, flat,p ed with 3 000 000 in 1870. WATTLE. -Grade, -'flitch cow, John Miss Johnston, John Salkeld; erlin charms. ou him marks which he carries to Of wool, we bought 557,000,000 Tome rule in Ireland, the adoption of Newoombe John Woods; two 8P year wool work, raised, Addie Armstrong. The beauty of women has always the grave. It may be that among pounds from the empire, out of a the federal system by Eneland, and old heifer, W J Stinson, Jas Reid; Mrs Colin Campbell ; drawn work, been a great motive power for good the lady pursuers aro some of the total import of 700,000,000 pounds', the creation of the republic of Great one year old heifer, ,John Reid, Win Mrs Colin Campbell, Addie Arm- or evil. The rape of the Saltines bridegroom's former "flames," who an increase of 253,000,000 pounds Britain and Ireland. A Canadian Elliott; James fat cow, heifer or steer, Win strong; fancy pin cushion, Mrs Colin was attended with most beneficial turn she mock attack into down- in fifteen years. Of raw cotton, of large means and much experience• Woods, James lCam Campbell; bull John Campbell. Mrs Geo Nott ; pencil effects, for when that nation and the right earnest to aveLgo slighted 274 000000pounds were purchased Y y P t calf, drawing, Mrs Colin Campbell, G II levo p told me eatr+rda rally the masses in thorough -bred, Elcoat Bros, John Fiewsore; crayon drawing, Mess Burk Lomans were shout engaging in war in 1889 from British possessions. Canada would around any Reid; heifer calf, thorough bred, Wm Mrs Colin Campbell ; water color because of the rapine, the women, A farce similar to this was custo- Upon the other side, Mr. Vincent trusted leader who would Hoist Elliott; pair three year old steers, J painting, Mrs Colin Campbell, G H allied to both people, interposed mary in Ireland some couple of states the empire bought of the the flag of independence or an - Campbell, W ,J Stinson; pair two llewson ; house flowers in pots, Mrs with those most potent weapons, hundred years ago, and the modern mother country £90,000,000 worth nexatiou. In Canada is the place year old steers, W J Stinson, W H J Sparrow, G 1I Hewson. tears and entreaties, and not only "throwing of' the slipper" for goodof British and Irish goods in 1889, and now is the hour to strike Woodspair one year old steers, Jas IMPLEMENTS. -Single buggy, P Hay- stayed the slaughter that would luck is nothing more than a sum rival compared with 76,000,000 in 1885, the most effectual blow for home Reid, Jno Reid; Holstein calf, Chas wardcovered buggy, 1 eid,and 2attrl 2; Durhamocalf, J Cs ; ggy, George Irwin, have ensued, but cemented a iest- of some of the very old very widely Facts like these are worth study- rule in Ireland by sustaining Hon. Cook 1 P Hayward ; best chilled plow with ing peace between the two na. diffused, and very foolish marriage ing; they give us a peep into the Honore Mercier in hie contest with skimmer, Jacobtskimmer, Miller; iron beam customs, the Belshazzar gang in , SHEEP.—Leicester,-Karn, 2 shears plow witout 1st and 2nd 11O°s• future, and present wore clearly the power at and over, Isaac Salkeld, Geo Pen, Jacob Miller ; sat of Gorse shoes, The elopement of Helen from her - possibility and reasonableness of O hale; shearling ram, Geo Penhale, George Irwin. husan bd was the cause of the pre- IMPERIAL FEDERATION, Imperial Federation. They are Timea.whole statement is interest- Elcoat Bros; ram lamb, Geo Penhale especially interesting to Anglo- ing, It shows patriotic Canadians 1 and 2; pair ewes, having raised b1AN°FncTr REs,-t1 hrte home made longed Trojan war, but we are al- p y lambs in 1891, two shears and over, ftannnl, SN,,, Sterling, John Reid ; cot- most inclined to' condone her faiths Rev. Dr. Wild, of the Bond St. Israel students. who: are the real designs of the an- (�eo Penhale.; pair shearling ewes, (} Dred home made ,tassel, George fu led Nott, lossness because it inspired Homer's church, Toronto, has just returned I return from my trip to the Old nexationists and commercial union- Penhale I Salkeld; A. !phaeton ; home wade fu led cloth, great epic. from a tripto England. pair ewe lambs, G. Nett, A. Johnston ; home made a,.t• P g nd. The first Land more than ever satisfied with lets who are now striving to "smash Geo Penhale., - I Salkeld; pair fat mete', A. J,hnaton ; wo.,len blankets, Abduction was by no means ere Sunday after his return, Octr. 5, he our beloved Canada, and more than confederation into its original frags sheep, any breed, Guo Penhale, A A. Johnston, Wm. Sterling ; skein ofpreached from the text :- ever persuiteed that it will be to our mems." Duncan. woolen yarn, Wm. Sorling, John R..i•l ; C0mitt011 in the early ages, The rr, Shropshiredowns.-Aged ram, two skein of stocking yarn, A. Johnston, laughter of the king of Argos was Moreover, I will appoint a place hist interest to remain an integral shears•and over, John Dunkin; shear- 0 Nott ; woolen stockings, Johne,••,,, abducted by a Phoenician ; the for my people Israel, and will plant Part of Great Britain, The benefit John Reid; wo••tten socks SI;an Willie, Greeks carried off Europa from them, that they may dwell in a will be reciprocal, and more, it is MAN OR WOMAN, GHOST OR ling rain, A Duncan, John Salkeld; George N tt ; hams made rotten stuck• the Coda ointed destinyfor HUMAN. rain lamb, John Dunkin, ,John Salg Pyre, and Meda from Colehis. place of their own and move no pP We cannot say what will cure ghosts, eld; pair ewes, having raised lambs in tuns, A. Johnston, Mrs. Grainger, home more." Israel. eld; two shears andinoveedJ Dunkin made cotton socks, A. Johnston, THE KING OF L}:[\STISR S ABDUO• hut many mon and many women who George Nott; weollea glove.,a. John- TION. Among other things the preacher Thanks be to God for our abutld• look like ghosts rather than human be - 1 and 2; pair shearling ewes, A Dun— stop, G. N,tt; woollen mita, Mrs. C.rrin said ; ant harvest. May the smile of ings, through sickness, would regain. can 1 and 2;r pair ewe lambs, John Ker, A. ,)ohneton :set of buggy hatless, Next to the abduction of the fair a health and happiness, if they would try Duncan 1 and 2. T. Cameron ; cooper's work, James Helen, perhaps the most remarkable, In the days of the Prophet heaven abide upon us, God save the vin toe of the world-renowned remedy,. Southdowns,-Pair shearling ewes, Armstrong ; cabinet work, John Gemia- in its political consequences, was Jeremiah some persons failed to our beloved Queen and tualze the .Ur. Yierce's (;olden Medical Discovery. Isaac Salkeld 1 and `L; poi, ewe hart the King of Leinster's taking away discern the distinction between the empire one of peace and prosyerity. Torpid liver, or' bilioueneae," impure lambs, Isaac Salkeld; aged ram, I POnLTRY.—Ducks, R. le Snowden, the wife of a neighboring petty soy• Amen. l',od, sl.in eruptions, scrrfulous sores houses of Israel and Judah. 1n and s mis of the Consumption (which SallzAld, 'T .J Marks; rain lamb, 'T ,7 \V. Elliott; geese, W. ];:Nott. R. K °reign, O'Rourke of Breffni. these two great families they saw isacrofult of lungs), all yield to this Marks. Snnwd„ ; Dorkilrge, John Leukin; no nationality,but on the contra' AN INDISCREET FRIEND. womb -Ho! medicine. It is both tonic nos,-Berizahire,-Aged boar, W black Spanish, ,lames Johnsto;, ; Ply The King of Connaught avenged y' and strength -metering, and alterative or mooch rocks, let and'2 id John Johnston; the insult, and drove from the they saw God's premise a failure and s-ulennsing • McAllister, Robt Turner brood sow, brown hghurns, J�eph•Hadaon, George and His covenant made void; for Some readers of the Spectator W McAllister, Jas Johnston; K throne hie brother of Leinster, who --a,y fboar, Nett ; eirkey., R. Yenhalo, t�'m, we read in Jeremiah xxxiii. 24 : may remember the nems of F. \V six months or under, W McAllister, Elliott, appeared to Henry II. of England l and 2; sow, six months or under, for aid to recover his lost sovereign "Consider thou not what this pec Glen, who was at one time an un. -An ox•hotellzeeper of Donn y W McAllisterdI and 2. ' 'E'D61'`' pie have spoken, saying, the two certain quantity in Canadian poli- brook, named Champion, hanged Ladles Work--MienNoble, Sesfurth • ty. The Norman conquest of Ire -g d Suffolk. -Sow, having littered in • Miss Kate McNaughton; Varna ; Mist land followed, with long centuries families which the Lord hath chosen tics• Glen was a native of himself ou tiVednei?dny night at 1891, James W H Woods; Dunn. Blake. of war and devastation. He hath even cast them off. Thus New -York state, who resided tem- Whitechurch, sow, six es Johnston,Johs or under, James Vag•' II a- Wein Blake ; they have despised my people that porarily at Oshawa, and was less -The Ottawa Fair directors are Johnston, Joseph Aikri+"n, et, Robinson,Rn, Not more than ninety years ago they should be no more a nation successful in business than lie de- $2,000 ahead on their exhibition, Grain -J. Williams, Zurich : J Scott, there existed iu the south of Ireland before them." Then he goes on to served to be. He returned to his while the Wasters Fair shows DAIRY PRODUCE,, -Tub salt butter, Brum-field. abduction clubs, whose member, show that the covenant of God is native country and now gives his about 4,000 on the right side, .50 lbs or over, Geo Nott, Mrs Burdge; were bound g r Manniec.orae-1'hamasJohnston, J,ur- by oath to assist ih ear- sure, and the nationality of Israel is approval to Wiman and his annexa - 'J.3 lbs salt butter, Mrs J Burdge; five ioh r J. R. Seoorrl, Varns, rying off such women having money as sure and lasting as the ordinances lion schemes. Yf r. Glen has just lbs table butter, Joseph Henderson, Fruit -Wm. Foley, Rayfield ; Robert as were fixed upon, the members of heaven and earth. And just as written a letter to the New York -The reciprocity negotiations be - Mrs .1' Burdge; cheese, home-made, Mellveen, Bayfield ; H. Cole, Clinton, tween Canada and the United States, Mee J Burdge, A Johnston; home• Cattle -S. H. Smith and Jae. Hearn, drawing lots to determine to whom sure as the sun, moon and stare are Sun, which deserves notice if only set to begin October 12, have been made wine, G FI Huston, ,Jos Wild; Clinton ; 'Nm, Graham, Stanley, the women abducted should fall, in the Heavens, and as sure as we for "the reason that it fully exposes postponed owing to Secretary honey In comb, R MoIlveen; honey Sheep and Swine_(;sorge Anderson Any sort of daredevil recklessness live, the place spoken of in my text the schemes of the men who are Blaine a illness. in jar, A Johnston; home-made and George Staobury,Btaolev• appealed to the imagination of the is some countryand the people of leaders of the Reform partyand bread, (leo Nott, ,1,V Sterling; baker's Implements and John- peasantry, and when such reckless- P P -Farmers in the Bay of Quints broad, �7 King, eton, Clinton ; John Deiohert, Zurich,Israel are living there with the their allies in the United States, district are shipping their barley to. 1•lorses-Jchn Govier and R. MoMil• nese is united with the violation of throne and seed of David in their Mr. Glen's sympathies just now are the English market, where there is GRAN AND SRcns.-White winter lag, shallett ; James Connelly, Goderich the law, never very populAr in Ire- midst. All this, I believe, is to be drawn out in favor of the Hon 4Ir, an ample dbmand at better prices wheat, Johnston, J Wild; red win• township. land, the principals in these abdue- ter wheat, John Salkeld, It PPonhale;found in Great Britain, her pec- Mercier, who, he says, has been than are paid in the United States spring wheat, John Salkeld, Isaac --- tion raids never failed to secure pie and her Queen end throne. charged with "misappropriating market. Salkeld; large peas, John id, A TRUE NAITH. public sympathy and lam. privatesay- (Applause.) This idea lent an ad- moneys granted to a certain ,rails _ Johnston; mummy peas, R Penhalp "I have great faith in Burdock Blood ditional interest to my late visit, way," and who "very properly de-. at Montreal lasts week found libelling Isaac Salkeld;small Bitters as a blood purifier. I have taken An Eskimoyouth isqualified to This view of things solves much • mends trial b1 the parliament of_. -.V4 -flee -George peas, W 'I'ow>a� three bottles for bad blood and nd it a g send, A Johnston; four -rowed barley, eerfeot cure. It is a grand medicine. and. marry when he has, _succeeded, t.n. Aline-is-svthei...' g wlae.N a-matical.an-.them _i.., s :_,lnicyoff Wales.- g e -,o-,..A,C�tlstrongr.:-:ak:,lollhston-=-:Boleti! •I =�gratsils,hnd it '"wtreravet' I go." -Ida killing `a'�'olar -hear unaided, for rise, progress, place and power of ��beC' �`J�a�dH7i'�9 �8`'•e-r'81't °l life the leniency the prosecution he fvhite oats, A Jel)nston, T ifeclson, eeete►;son, Toronto, Oct. the courageous feat proves himself that em ire, The are indeed a Dominion senate to deal with the was allowed to go on suspended ' p Y case," Mr. Glen fails to under- sentence.