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The Huron News-Record, 1891-10-14, Page 5
JAW= t, I,N irgE 'C4$IL n incfeaaing cioulat as to the gull of the prisoner 040)1.44 aggravate ltba injustice of the position in whinh ite hag keen placed. • iii$ gailt or innocence Is really tb 1M iallest gaeation at stake in th •Qa$a that Chief Justice Gait wisel vent to the Divisional CPurt for argu went and decision. if Garbutt is finally extradited, any two or three American perjurers are at liberty to drag the best of Canadians away to Texas for trial. Fill Fiat is needed to secure the Qextradition of an accused person is a prima facie case, and two or three perjurers could readily swear up a prima facie case against the best man in Toronto., As it is now, a person is ruined if the suspicions of some American deteotive light on him. His only de- fence may be a valid alibi. He can- not get a hearing before the judges of his own country. If he be a poor man he cannot bear the expense of transporting the witnesses to Texas, and besides, the evidence of his fel- low townsmen would not count for as much in that distant state as it would here where they are known. Judge Morgan construed the law too literally in holding that he was bound to send a Canadian to Texas upon evidence that would justify his committal for trial here. How many of the prima facie cases do not stand the scrutiny of a grand jury ? The best prima facie case is not strong enough to justify a court in ruining a man who may be an object of sus- picion to United States detectives. s e e Y Primarily the purpose of the ex. tradition law was to ensure the speedy return of fugitives to their own country for trial. While Can- ada and the United States have everything to gain by unrestricted reciprocity in alien criminals, it is the business of Canadian Courts and of the Canadian Minister of Justice to protect Canadian citizens against the unjust process of United States law. It should be easy to take an American back to his own country for trial, but a Canadian should not he taken out of his own country un- less the evidence of his guilt is con. elusive. •e■ In ,And About The County. —The Baptist Church, S-aforth, which has been used as a cooper shop of late years cud mote recently occupied with lumbee and egg oases for D. D. Wilson, WM* destroyed i•y fire at 12.30 Oct 7th. Lone unknown, insurance $1Q00. Sup- posed cause inceudial lain. —Mr. and Mrs. V. Diehl, of Varna, were visiting friends in Wingham last week. In driving to town on Monday morning their horse stumbled and the � r result wee that it recei+ed a very severe V sprain of the shoulder. The horse will trot be lit to be taken home for a weak or ten days. Joseph Callaway, Vie father of Aid. Joshua Callaway, Winnipeg, died on Monday night as his here in Kill sro•+y, fa hie 88th year. He was bo•u in Nor- thumberland Eug., and Danis to Ontario in 1843, nettling with hie ohitdren and grandohillren in Stanley Township, Flur,m County, removing to Mynituba in 1879. —At the Assizes held at Brantford last week, the suit of Weaver v. It %ley was called. Plaintiff asks $5000 dam- ages on account of defendant having at a of the bodge of Patrons of industry in 'Beverley stated that Weaver had c:,m- mittstl perjury by telling a lie in a c:ae o:snneuted with the trading alt ma nose with one Jesse Ash. Both belonged to the Patr:rns of Industry. ' —A peculiar yet seriousaeeident baf .II W. T. Mooney, eldest sou of Reeve Mooney, of Morris, laet week. They were working in a fellow and the fa.her was u-iog an axe chopping. By some means Win. caught the stroke on hie arm just above the elbow, inflicting an ugly gash. M •+dical attendance was at once secured and the patient is doing as well as could be expected It will be arms time before the arm will be restored to its former usefulness owing to the mus - oleo being damaged. —Mr. James Brishin, who resides with her husband in Listowel, is in a preoarioua,00ndition through swallowing a plum stone several days ago. While sating a plam the stone by some means got int') the wiu.lpipe and from thence to the longs, from where her medical a',- teodanta have found it impossible to die lodge it. Its preemie° have caused the unfortunate lady, who is upwards cf seventy years of age, a great amount of suffering and incesant fits of coughing. There is little hope that she will survive her deplorable situation. —Harry Garbutt formerly of Wing - ham, who is chat gad with forging paper in the Staten, and whose extradition is asked for, came up for trial again on Monday haat week before Chief Justice Balt, who refrained f^oto giving a deMi:e- ion, but after a careful uousideradon de- cided to pend the c.ee onto the Divis- ional Court; which, will not sit until about the 15th of nextrnohth. It is said that this is the first instance when a fore- ign power attempted to take a British subject nut of the land for trial. —Woolway against Miller—Ac action at the London fall assizes by Mary Ann Wool way against Margaret J. Miller and her husband, J. C. Miller, hetelkeep.rs of Wonds'nck, whom she charges with undue influence in securing the assign- ment of a $4 000 policy in the Confeder- ation Life, made in favor of the late Wil- liam tVoulway, plaintiffs husband, and by him assigned to the defendants in his last illness at their hotel, whore he was empl tye'l. fettled by consent, the plain- tiff to be paid $2.300 out of the fonds in court, the balance to go to defendants. Each side to pay its own costs. The Confederation Life Co.'s costs to be paid by the Millers. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) A CLINTON. 'Fall Wheat 0 85 to 0 90 Spring Wheat 0 85 to 0 90 Barley .. C 35 to 0 50 Oats.. ) 25 to 0 28 Peas . 0 55 to 0 CT Apples,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes . 0 25 to 0 30 Butter .. 0 13 to 0 14 Eggs 0 11 to 0 13 ,/Hay f,., ,.r 8 00 to 9 00 VVllArotfU'i.: iW ilitioiri1 3. 00444 00 Beef ..... 000 to 000 Wool ........... 0 18 to 0 18 Pork 5 0© to 6 25 TEACHER. AC, HER. WAINITEDe Wanted, a Second -gloss Teacher. StsiatT net to eveeed $400. For further particulate apyly to SAMUEfdIRYiNg, Secretary School Section No. 6, Norrie, Belgrave P U. 676-tf. NOTICE~. There being some misunderstanding with re- gard to wreckage, let it be distinctly understood that it any person takes possession of any kind of wreckage end faits to report to me 1 shall at once take proceedings. Remember this is the last warning f shall give. CAPT. WM. BABB. Receiver of Wrecks, Goderich. Goderich, Sept. 7th 1581. HORSES LOST Strayed from Lot 12, Maitland Concession, Goderich township, about the 6th of October, Two Fillies, two years old, one light Sorrell with white face, the other a black; also an aged grey driving mare, A suitable reward will he paid for their return or for Information that will lead to their recovery. THOS. GINN, Benmiller, P. 0. THE C. P. R. TELEGRAPH AGENCY .AT CLINTON Are doing a splendid business. WFIY? BECAUSE the line is noted for quick despatch and prompt delivery. Office at Cooper's Book Store Forest City Business College —AND— SHORTHAND INSTITUTE, London, Ont,, Is without d lubt the most THOROUGH and Pit 4C'PICAL institution in CANAn 1. n RAID ATR. of b th sexes AMS! YTEI) Te good Poerrioxe. Over fifty of I season's s;udents in positions. CATALOGUg elmer.. J. W. WESTE RVEL'1T I'IIINCIPAI. rr. O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, Etc., Orden:—Cor. liaNilton and St. Anlrew's Ste. GODERICH, - - ®NT• Money to loan at lowest rates. SALESMAN WANTED To take orders for our Warranted NURSERY STOCK to he delivered in the spring. Agents starting NOW can make big Salary, or Commis- sion. Stock and variety superior to anything heretofore shipped. Outfit and instructions furnished FREE. Write at once for fbrme to E. 0. GRAHAM, Nuroeryman, Toronto, Ont, TO LET. A large room, up -stairs, suitable for almost any purpose, situate di- rectly opposite the market in Searle's block. Rent moderate W C SEARLE. MORTGAGE SALE nF- Valuable Freehold Property —IN TIIE— Town of Clinton, County of Huron Under and by virtue of a powerof sale contain- ed iu an Indenture of Mortgage, made by Edward Dlnsiey, et ux, which will be pronounced at the time of sale, there will be offered for Bale by Public Auction, on Saturday, the 7th day of Novem ber, AM., 1891, At the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, at THE RATTENBURY HOUSE, in the TOWN OF CLINTON, County of Huron, by David Dickinson, auctioneer, the following lands and premises, namely : All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, containing by admeasure- ment thirteen thousand one hundred and eighty- three square feet, be the same tnoreor lees, being composed of parts of town lots numbers two hundred and tweu(x;plght and two hundred and twenty-nine on the north aide of Rattenbury Street, and part of town tot dumber three hun- dred and seventy-five on the west side of Albert Street in the said Town of Clinton, and which said parcel or tract of land may be more particu- larly- known and described as follewe, that is to say :—Commencing where a post has been plant- ed at the intersection of the West side of Albert Street with the North side of Rattenhury Street - thence North sixty degrees West along the said North side of Rattenbury Street a distance of one hundred and eighty-two feet, eight and one- half inches, to where a post has been planted ; thence North thirty degrees East along the line line between lots numbers two hundred and twenty-nine and two hundred and thirty, a die- tAnce of sixty-nine feet, six Inches. to where a post has been planted in the present line of fence between the lands at present owned by Edward D i n slo v and Thomas Cooper, respectively ; thence Easterly along the said line of fence between the said last mentioned properties, a distance of one hundred and one feet six inches, more or less, to an angle in the same, which said last mentioned point in the Intersection of the said line of fence and a line drawn at right angles or square with the West side of Alhert Street and starting from the West aide of Albert Street at a distance of one hundred and sixteen feet five inches from the intersection of the said West side of Albert Street with the Nortl side of Rattenhury Street aforesaid ; thence East along the said line drawn square or at right angles with Albert Street a distance of twenty-seven feet, one and one-half inches, more or less, to the said West side of Albert Street ; thence South along the West side of Albert Street one hundrec' and sixteen feet, five inches, to the place of beginning. Upon the said premises are said to he erected some small frame buildings. The said lands will be sold subject to a reserve bid. The Vendor Dill not be required to furnish any abstract of title or to produce any abstracts of title, title r'eeds, or copies thereof or any other evidence of Title except those In his posseseinn and the purchaser must examine the title at hie own expense. TERMS OF SALE—Ten per cont of purchase money is to be paid at time of sale and the hal ance within thirty days thereafter to the Vendors Solicitors. Further conditions and particulars will be made known on day of sale, or upon application to Messrs. Manning & Scott, Sohloitore, Clinton, STEPHENSON & POWELL, Room 11, Manning Arcade, King et. West, Toaosro, 872-4t—eowtd Vendors Solicitors. MANTLE CLOTHS1 - MANTLE CLOTHS. -C----a---0--•-- �E HAVE A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF - SEA'll'E; RS—VWOR S`i`iE D--ASTRAOW ANS—SEALETTES—DIAGONALS—PLAIN & FANGY ULSTERINGS--, all the New Shades. • In SEALETTES we have some very Special Values, and our stock is larger than ever before. If you are thinking of buying a Sealette Mantle this season, you should see our assortment betore you buy. Our Mantle Maker, MISS MICKLE, can give you satisfaction both in fit and workmanship. We guarantee all ordErs entrusted to her being satisfactorily done. nr• We Lead the Mantle Trade. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH ESTATE JOHN HODGENS STOCK -REDUCING SALE Hardware, • 0 • • Stoves and Tinware. —O u ,r SOME LINES AT AB IIBER COST. 0 No. 9 Boilers $1,75y - No. 9 Teakettles 750., Dish Pans 25c., Dippers 10c., Large Pails 35c., Dust Pans 10c., Wash Basins 15c., 0 0 regular price $2,50 " 1.25 50 20 50 20 25 „ 1St „ 4f GIVE US A CALL „ if „ Try our Rock Oil and Flint Chimneys. 0 HARLAND BROS., Iron and Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Clinton, Ont. WHEN YOU WANT A .READY -HADD SUIT OR AN ORERED SUIT Or anything in MEN'S FURNISHINGS, come and see what we can do for you. We carry a very fine range. Just now we are offering ----A LINE OF ODD PANTS !---- At a great deal less than their value and it is worth your while to come and see. T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three one -acre lots in the Town of Clinton arc offered for sale. They are situated on Raglan street, not tar from the Doherty Organ Factory and Collegiate institute, adjoining the former residence of Mr. J. H. Combe and in the neigh• borhood of first-class residences. For terms, etc., apply to OOltf ARTHUR KNOX, Clinton. WANTS. WANTRD:—Purchasers for 150 tons No. 1 Coal, Stove and Chesnut. Orders left at Swallow's grocery promptly at- tended to. WANTRD:-1000 Cords of Wood delivered at Clinton Salt Works. J. McO.ARVA. NOTICE A meeting of the Connell of the Corporation of the County of Huron will be held at the Oonrt House, in the Town of Goderich, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1801, -at 3 o'clock P. M., for the transaction of general county business, By i-sorder of the Warden. -.z,-�,»r'<.-�..T...,�..., y,.::'1P71FP7'It;•i3,11-Eq3,.--,.�.,,:.; ,. Acting Co. Clerk. County Clerk's Office, Goderich, Oct. 5, 1891. 774-2t Lon's Starch Enamel. This is an article worthy of every lady's attention. If you waut to save time and labor, buy a box. If you want your ironed clothes to look neat and clean and to last much longer, buy a box. If you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the line h, spite of rain or frost, buy a box, If you want everything to look like new, such as shirt bosoms, collars, cuffs, lace curtains, etc., buy a box. d9iFEvery Storekeeper keeps it now, and where the merchant does not keep it wo want a lively agent to represent us. Manufactured by W. J. LOBB, 55—If ^ Holmosvillo New Firm in the Old Stand. The undersigned having pnrchaeed the old established meat business of Mr. Arthur Coneh, begs to inform the public that he will continue it as it has heretofore been carried on. ideate of alt kinds inswop. Orders taken 'soft -lathered gs-asaah . Highest sash price paid for sheopekins, hides and tallow. 667 -tf JAMES A. FORD. millinery Dpeing 0 We intend to have our Millinery Opening on1 Saturday Evg., 2BthIllst Come and see our display of NEW FA LL GOODS.. This department is its charge of MISS DAVIS, who will make you welcome, Dress and. Mantle Making • In eharge of M IlS. LESSLIE, of Loudon:, Eng., and lately of Toronto. A. customer once served by her will coupe again. TAILORING. We have engaged MR. WM. WATSON es Cutter and Manager of thio branch of our business. All work guaranteed- first-class. He has had large experience ill diff..rei.t cities in the States and Canada. Try him. lif-07 Full stock in all lines, Respectfully yours, PLUMSTEEL & GIBBINGS Clinton, September 21st, 1891. CALL ON WALTON & MORRISO T' FOR A New Fall OVERCOAT OR FALL SUIT. Fit Guaranteed or no sale. Remember the stand, Smith's Block, opp. Cooper's Book Store, Clinton Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PHAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS—all of the best work- manship and material. pteaAl1 the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. OW- FACTORY—corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y THE HUB GROCERY 0 We have a very fine stock of CROCKERY & GLASSWARE of direct importation from England. DINNER SETS worth $12, at $10.50. TEA. SETS worth $6, at $4.50 and $5.00. We have a line of TOILET SETS coming this week—ten-piece printed set for $3, worth $5. TEA ! 'TEA ! TEA ! We have the CELEBRATED TIGER BRAND, a beautiful blend of BLACK TEA. Ten lbs, to give away in Samples. Conte and get one and try it. It will coat nothing. 0 Geo. Swallow, Clinton TEA 1 TEA! TEA Sold in London, Eng., for 410,12e., 6d., or $52 per pound. am Lal's Pure Indian Tea BLENDED WITH TEA Experts have pronounced fully equal to goods sold at $52 per pound—sold at 50o., 60o. and 75o. per pound. Special values in Black, Green and Japans, from 10 cents ups Extra Cut in 5 and 10 Pound Boxes. Extra value in Sugars, Crockery and Glassware. Gr.oeur,n.Clintoi .: _.'. AGENT FOR RAM LAL INDIAN TEA.