HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-10-14, Page 4a000000
Goods oods Received to -day Acknowledged. by Experts to be Far Superior
� r to
e Tawe Before . Shown.
In Grey Flaannelti at 19 cents, worth 25 cents ; a snap in all -wool Ulster Goods, good patterns and double fold, at $1, worth $1.50 ; big drive in Ladies' Undervests ; the New
Things for Fall in Ladies' Kid Gloves ; handsome things in Ladies' Suitings, popular weave and texture ; all sizes in Children's and Misses' LTndervests ;
lovely things in Black and Colored Mantle and Cloak Goods, Sealettes, Astrachan, Grey and Black; great plum in MEN'S
UNDERWEAR, all sizes, prices, colors, and makes.
As this is the season when everyone is after heavy, warm goods. We are happy to say the Public are very generous in giving us a good share of their patronage, and we
purpose if good goods and right prices will induce them we will yet add more to the list.
fewAdrertroellxellto pay
Farmers are hard at fall work and
For the cold weather—J. C. Gilroy. harvesting the apple crop.
Free—Robins Bros. Miss A. Miller
Going Fast—Beesley & Co.of Lucknow, is
Horses Lost—Thos. Ginn. visiting relatives and friends un the
Card of Thanks—Annie Corbett. 13ayfield Line.
Notice—Capt Win. Babb. Thanksgiving services will be
Teacher Wanted—Samuel Irvine. held in St. James' (,lliddleton's)
Mantle Mortgage Sale. etateJ. flodgens. church on Friday evening. The
edifice will be decorated.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sheppard, of
The Huron Nevus-Recora the Nile, were visiting in the town-
ship last week. Mrs-. Johnston, the
1.50 n\'er $1.25 in Advance gentleman's sister, has boon ill fur
some time, but was siutewhat better
last week.
Council met at Iloltuesville,Ootr,
5th, 1891, pursuant to adjourn-
ment. Members all present. Mine
tee of list meeting read and passed.
The Collector was present with his
sureties, these being eutisfactury to
the Councii, he passed his bond and
was given the roll for collection.
Complaints were made that parties
are in the habit of taking sand and
gravel oil' the road allowance in
different parts of the Township and
leaving holes dangerous to cattle
and teams. The following motion
was was put and carried :—Moved
by John Beacom, seconded by
James Connolly, that all parties tak-
ing sand or gravel oil' the road
allowance and leaving the place
dangerous to public travel will bd
held responsible for all damages
resulting therefrom, according to the
provisions of a bylaw passed on
the let day of April, 1878—carried,
The following accounts were paid,
vie : Robert Emmerson, for use of
scraper, $1; NEWS RECORD, printing
in 1890, $16; Guderich Star, print-
ing, $25.60: Wm. Collins, indigent,
$18.7,5; Charles Spence, tiles for
drain, $16.62. The Council ad
journed to meet again on the first
Monday in . November.—JAMES
PATTON, Clerk.
Goderich Township.
Wednesday. Oetr. 14th. 1 891
The New York Pre„ says : "En
1857 a h tyre] of salt cost $2 30, lett
year it cost $1.65, this year it costs
$1,38 " The Press is good com-
mercial authority. From this it
would spent that American salt con-
-not be ley: iulatelr, sold in Canaca
at the satire rate as Canadian salt.
But the old slaughter tactics may be
idtroduced to crush out Canadian
enterprise r.n(1 monopolize the
Canadian market with high prices.
Ti e Americans by the McKinley
bill prohibition of Canadian barley
simply grabbed at inure than they
could reach. We sent them 10,000,-
000 bushels of barley last year at
lower prices than they are paying
to -day for only 4,800,000 of Cana-
dian barley. While our exports of
barley to the U. S. has thus decreas-
ed 52 per cent our exports to Britain
have Increased over 300 per cent at
prices higher than we got from the
Americans last year or this year.
It is a great satisfautiott to those
not only who have stood by the
grand old Conservative party
through good and evil report, but to
the whole country as well, to know
'that the Government ie about to in-
stitute criminal proceedings against
all filmes prejudicially inyolved in
the Public Works Department
Governor-General in Council Satur-
day for the authority to enter pro-
ceedings against the MCGREEVYS,
O. E. MURPHY. P. LARKIN and the
CONNOLLY'S together with the
Government inspectors, all of whom
will he arrested. This is the proper
way to go about it, not to white
wash them as was done under the
MACKENZIE regime. The public, );r brave.
whether Grit or Tory, cannot help Miss Barbara Tucker returned
but admire the stand taken by the from Detroit last t►eek.
leader of the Conservative partythe Miss Maggie r ion son of Wing -
HON. M. ABBOTT, who stated when ham is viailiug friendsin town,
the charges were first wade, "that no Messrs A. fd and R. Wray
left on
matter winany had been guilty of Thursday foror the Michigan
1umbar woods'
wrong doing, whether vfinisters or Mr. Geo, Walsh leaves this week
Clerks, they would be asked to for Newmarket, Ont., where he has
vacate." Subsequent developments secured a good situation,
,,would seem to boar Out the hon. Tire Velgrave Show which was
gentleuran's;promise. Iios. MESSRS held on Oct. 6 and 7 would, we be -
1 AGGART, FOSTER and DEWDNEY, have, have eclipsed any former
acting as a Committee of the Privy show held here had it not been for
Council, Friday reviewed the evi- the unceasing rain of Wednesday,
deuce given before the Public ac- nofuithstanding which however
counts Committee hearing upon there was a good exhibit of both
irregularities in the civil service, horses and cattle. The first day be•
with a view to arranging for a ing fine there was a good display in
thorough investigation of all oases, the hall the fruit and vegetables be -
The Government is sparing no pains exceptionally flue. The music corn -
to bring all those who cannot walk petition on the evening of the the
the plank to a thorough realization first day was well attended, the hall
of what a Liberal -Conservative being crowded to the doors. Prizes
Administration expects of its Clerks were awarded ea follows :—For best
and subordinates. A.nd those who three selections on the organ, let,
are -found -to beekhebonest' itieestalrr g MtEdifft=, 2'hi ` etWi? '3Tii4iiy:'
down and out with the same ex- Beet three selections on the violin
pediency that ARNOLD', PERLEY and G. David and D. Anderson, ties,
others have done. On with the Beet three songs, D. Robertson, J.
prosecution MR. ABBOTT, the people
are with you!
The Reeve and Treasurer were in
Guderich a few days ago making the
final payment on the railroad deben-
tures so that the municipality is now
freed from that indebtedness.
The Council met at Varna Oct.
10th, at the call of the peeve.
Members all present. Minutes of
previous meeting read and signed.
The Collector's bond was laid be-
fore the Council and accepted.
John Tough's account of $3.00 for
selecting Jurors was ordered to be
paid. Moved by Wm. Clark
seconded by John Kitchen that this
Council require all taxes to be paid
on or before the tenth day of Decem-
ber next and that all accounts be
presented to the council on or before
the twenty-third day of November
next. The Council then adjourned
to meet agaiu on Monday Novem-
ber 23rd next at one o'clock p. m.
d a a ..4
Uolmesville• E.a. It as only claimed the Catholio
To the Editor of The News-?ecorti: people are misguided; it is only alleged
t, at the hierarchy are false teachers.
DEng Sue—Some one had a letter in
the Clinton Era week uefore last iu
Thin is unjust to b, i, -.e a. ser and \ J lfi 'k e
his reepaute to Rev, W. MoD eon hyo a Proteetantient. l3,tir the -e assert and `,
re•rlly n rcalled foe and uncennp'iue«rrtHry prove; by Gud'a'Nerd, !hut Catholic poo -
way, The wrier, epwil iuq f .r his f •ltow pie are ii isgni led and the hierarchy '',Vetst
tvlethodists I suppose, for if not he is teachers of fame doctrine, The Era and
impertinent, tin vs: "We are fond of th'e "so°rid Pref
tee ;eu!" had better return to
burls-que.'' The alleged hu,lorque web the ford of the eP,eged mueher church if
alleged to have been acted in c',11111'0 -ion they are not belies n± that Pintism
with a church auniveeeet•, nl Holm'icier
e.,• is the only religion that unerrintly
vide. I helteve, thoo,;h I h d nothing teaches the salvation , £ m,ukied by the t
to du with it, that Nir. McDenugh re- grace of God Through the redemption
oeived an official invitation from the that is in Christ Jesus." I may just
uongregatiou of the Jlethedts' church to add, though I have drawn thie out longer
address there herr. Tiley all well knew than the merits a, the tirade I am rc-
Mr. McDonagh before tiny invited him, ferei g tod.yeevrs, in term -insets to sound
Yet after he lied beeu hire srune r,f them I r•rtg tom's state -meet ; "If ttre(eathoties
write to the papa-,, ci• approve of what tee g.tttine p,wee, who is it but Pro -
has been writtnu, coude,ur,i,g hint for th to who ate giving it to them?"
giving then, what they are 'food of— that there is a measure of truth in the
the burlevgne." Tne writer says fur• position he trikes- But they are bastard
titer, "We are always food, in a general Protestants of the stripe of the Era and
way, of hearing the C.etholio religion its "rou:ni Preterit, nt " Lor k at this
denooneed," and then he abuses Mr, Me- Protestant province of °uteri°. It is
Douaoh f sr using 'aim what he is f ua ruled by the Po y sh hierarchy sust.i st- OUR STOCK OF LADIES'
of, 'those included in we must be a and supported ted of such "sound Protest- �,J g�,7 Fri
funny lot of Christiana. They are will- anti" as 1 ant referring tri, Protestants `
ing to help the °Aube of Christ by invit- who are all sound, itypouritieai small ;
lug Mr. McDonagh to same: them with and ee ha t y to it-.i,tu. I with we
the hurte quo end in d
rnuun.,ing Catho• bud wore AICDhegh's who would adopt
loose Aceer line to the writer referred the woofs of the r l l Protestant hero
to he did both ; and raised for them the Johu Keel :—"I ern iu the place where
largest sum of money ever received here 1 ant ieenan ed of Cenecieece to speak
at an anniversary. And than they turn the truth, and therefoore I speak the
round and abuse him because he gave truth, impugn it who list." I wilt now
them what they are fond of :--burlesque, desist by quoting a greater than Knox ur
abuse of the Catholic religion and money. Mank when describing the typical
Surety this is the very height of iugrati- Protestant Ciu•i>tiau ae, 'holding last
tulle—to invite a lean to partake of your the faithful w esti as he bath been taught,
hospitality and to please yon and to diet he may be able by sound doctrine
make money for you and when he has both to exhort and convince the gain -
successfully complied to say that he has sayer'' ' CONSCIENCE,
been worse than a failure, Mr. MuDan-
agh's enemies are simply showing the
old-time spiteful cloven hoof with which
they and the Era have ever been ready
to kick one of the ablest and most re-
spected Methodist ministers in Canada.
But envy is sure to fix itself on merit, it
is offended with eyerythiug that is
Might and good Envious men seek to
detract from others that which they
know themselves deficient in. It is the
same in all walks of life as well as in the
strictly religious. The petty faults of
able, honest, fearless men are magnified
while their overshadowing usefulness is
totally ignored. It is ae odioue spin -it
Mutt is better pleased to detect faults
than to co,nmeud onmmaading virtues.
Rut Mr. M'Donagh'e enemies are not
always right in ever, the paltry ohergcs
they living against bin,
Ho did not treat to a burlesque those
who earnestly desire salvation through
sanctification of the Spirit and belief in
the truth. He treated them to a fair
exposition of Christian religious tenets
which "are built upon the foundetieu of
the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ
Himself being the chief corner stone."
He did not tall them that the Pope of
Rome was the chief corner stone. He
did not commend the idolatrous usegee
of the Church of Rome, consequently he
wounded the feelings of the man whom
the Era says is "es sound a Protestant
ae lives in Huron," and whose protestant -
ism in shocked because Mr. McD'osgh
nenounued as erroneous things which
Catholics "had been taught from their
infancy." Poor deluded Mol>onagh, he
ought to have approved error because is
was taught acme people In their infancy,
Uncharitable McDonagh, because he act-
ed in accordance with the faith delivered
to the saints and the command of God's
inspired Word :—"I charge thee there-
fore before God, and the Lord Jesus
Christ, who shall judge the quick and
the dead at Hie appearing and ills king-
dom, preach the mord ; be instant in
season and out of season ; reprove, rebuke,
with all long-suffering and doctrine,"
The Jesuit doctrine that it does not
make any difference what a man believed
ff he is only sincere, is worthy the Era's
"sound Protestant." Wars ever snore
soul -damning doctrine preached ? The In
quisitiun, St, ii-ertholemew's massacre
and the thousands of murders committed
by the direct authority or oonuivanee of
Rome wore all juetifieble according to
this "sound Protestant" who gives as ex-
cuse for those horrible doings : the per-
petratore were taught in their infancy it
was right so to do.
This "scund'Protestant" after berating
Mr. MoDetiegh for hie sound Bible Pro-
testantism; and for not "giving heed to
seducing spirits and doctrines of devils)"
such as "sound Protestant" advances, ad-
visee the Rev, gentleman •"1•o take up
the question of party politics." The
cloven hoof again. A5 if politics had
anything to do with Mr. McDanagh'e
sermon. He distinotlydisnlaimed being
a party man, scored both parties for
truoulsaoy to Rome.
The Era is fair enough, but apparently
reluctant, to c -n -root its "sound Protest-
ant" friend, and gives his whole griev-
ance against Mr. McDonagh away. The
main ooutention of that writer is that Mr.
McDonagh "showed "an antipathy to
Catholics' The Era says "Mr. M.:-
rsuch, for he expressed his sytepathy for
people who, he claimed were misguided.
He did assail the hierarchy for alleged
Hsi of prize igooranoe and false toaohing,"
Miller. For complete
est mark the gingerly good Lord,
takers see another column. good devil teaching of the Methodist
Mr. Newton has purchased a new
buggy from J. Brunsdon & Son.
Mr. Geo. Bradford wears a smil-
ing face now. Its a girl.
Mr. Joseph Stevens likes to go to
Seaforth. Guess there's some special
attraction in Seaforth for Joe.
Rev. Mr. Jansen preached in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday,
Rev. J. Ferguson occupied his own
About half rt dozen good men
could hare captured Loudesborough
last Friday, everybody was at the
Blyth Fair.
Rev. James Ferguson has return-
ed from his trip to the Old Country.
His congregation was glad to wel-
come him hack.
Quite a number of the Good
Templars will attend the District
meeting to be held iu Kinburn on
the 14th inst.
The Methodist church was nicely
decorated with flowers in honor of
the return of the pastor, Rev. J.
Miss Callander, who has been on
the sick list is, we are glad to learn,
getting better. We hope to see
her around again soon.
We bad some rain about a week
ago but we could do with far more.
Quite a number of the wells in the
village have gone dry and it will
take a deal of rain to help them,
The I. O. G. T. meeting next
Tuesday evening will be a very in-
teresting one, Bro. D. McFadyen
will tell them what he saw during The active - co operation of the
his trip to the Old Country. laity of both sexes in the work of the
The Sons of England initiated church has received a powerful im-
three at their last meeting. A num- petus during the past few years in
bee of Brothers from Clinton Lodge the diocese of Huron. The atten-
were present, After the lodge was tion given by the synod to Sunday
closed refreshments were served and school matters, of which a large and
a pleasant time spent. energetic committee has special
charge ; the organization of a Lay
Sunuuerlrill- porkers' association, and last, but
not least, the zealous efforts of the
Mr. and Mrs. James Manning Womens' Missionary auxiliary, have
were in Colborne on Tuesday the all borne good fruit. A diocesan
6th inst. church workers and Sunday school
Blyth Fair attracted some from convention, to -be held at St. Thomas
here and they were not ell fair ones on the 28th and 29th inst, under tho
hut perhaps fair ones attracted presidency of the bishop of the dio-
them, cese, is an outcome of these move-
ments. The annual meeting of the
Mr, Thorntou Wallace continues Lay Workers' association takes place
about the same. We would be at the same time. The two Anglican
much pleased to report hie substant- congregations in St. Thomas are
ial improvement in health, making preparations to give the visa
itors a hospitable reception, and the
Auction Sale Register. railways are offering liberal rates.
TUEsnev, October 20th—Farm An -excellent programme is in course
stock, implements, etc., on lot 31, of preparation. Among other speak -
con. 6, Goderich Township, at one ere or contributor's of papers will be
Mr. C. R. W. Biggar, of Toronto, who
o'clock p. m, ; 12 months credit, or will especially present the Sunday
cash discount., James:Colwell, pro- school questions, while the Rev, Rob-
prietor; T. M. Carling, auctioneer. ert Ker, of St. Catharines, will criti•
S5"I'dtt'rSkY;''"Ot1Ttt;°---24; •'- Z -S9.1 'Oise•our existing:Suadayr-sohools.wjthr.
Horses, buggies, waggons, harness, his wonted ability. el Mr. Charles Jen -
and numerous other articles at the king, ofPetrolea, one of the ablest
Commercial hotel, Clinton—Hy, an address aynhelp, and in Canada, Rural
Sheefer•, proprietor; T. M. Catling, Dean Mackenzie, of Brantford, will
auctioneer, read a paper on its practical aspects.
During the last few days.
We are selling them at
Half the Regular Price !
And giving our customers GENUINE BARGAINS,
We have still a number left that
For we have not room to store them away. Now is your
time to get a BASKET at
LOSS Tilall 1ioiesa1e Price I
000PEII'S -:- Faoij : Store,
A delegation from the council of the
St. Andrew's Brotherhood will attend,
and deal particularly with the duty
of young men to the church. It is
hoped, too, that a lady representa.
tive ot'the mission cause and another
lady engaged in Sunday school teach-.
ing will favor the convention with
papers, The Rev, N. W. Martin of
Christ church, Chatham, whose Sun-
day school is the largest in the dio-
cese, and Mr. ,Jasper Golden, one of
the oldest and most faithful of Sun-
day school teachers and lay readers
will discuss Sunday school work anti
Bible class teaching respectively.
An interesting and, it is hoped, high-
ly profitable feature in the arrange•
ments will be a special service to be
held in Trinity church, St. Thomas,
on the evening cf the 28th inst.,
when the Bishop of Huron will de-
liver an address on church work.
The programme, when issused, will
no doubt contain the names of other
workers who will take part in the
proceedings. The bishop has issued
a pastoral circular to the clergy, re.
questing their oosoperation
FORD. —In Clinton, on Octr ber 6th, the
wife of MrwJs mes A. Ford, of a daugh-
SPINDLrue —FINCH.—At the residence of
the bride's parents, on Oct•ebe, 8th, by
Rev. Mr. S'ewart, Mr, llenj%min
Sdnineller, of London, to Mies Eliza
fi inbh, of Clinton.