HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-10-14, Page 21021f6=12112112,111.11=IMMUIP 4.110131210=10. t • w�. Pr - s --1~'retty Jane Vallioro wa� whet AN EA$L'S. L 4 TQ 1 ER XI Rheumatism ` she was called, wiled she was a'Ui"l ILOcIsr ONT•, POLiQE EI19Q date to the. presefloe of 134;0 at her home :lri'Eaatern Ontario, and COU IZ I', .acidtnthebtoodx.ienloeteffeetuaUy hon' the pegple "Vied' William _ cured by the use of Ayerra Ramps" Willson, of Toronto, whn he sue- One morning about ten days ago. Pirie, Be sure you get Ayer's tied no ceeded in winning her affections there sat4n the police court (look a other, and take it. till the ,poisonous and making her his wife. They woman, who although poorly clad acid le thoroughly expelled from the lived happily together for some and disfigured by dissipation, talk - system. Wechallenge attentlontothis time and were blessed with four ed intelligently and in a polished testimony : --. "About two years ago, after suffering children. But Jane is a pretty manner. A shawl covered her for nearly two years from t'heutuati vivacious French Canadian. John shoulders, her hair Was disarranged ottt,'be;ingabletowtillCpntywlthgrea. Bohan, of Barrie, Cama along and and she was hatless. She gave thedise remedies, and having tralt various,persuaded her to abandon her home name o£ Margaret Truman. The remedies, including mineral �'rPaters, g without relief, I saw by on advertise• and family. But Jane soon found charge against her was diunk and been in relieved Chicagop is distat a ressing Mauh>id all that. glitters is not gold and disorderly. It was evident, how - plan , ater nsu ringeby taking king when William held out a welcome ever, that she was not a common plaint, after long'suffering, by Ayer's Sarsaparila. I then decided to hand and offered to take her back drunk, After the court a philan- Ittaregularly forte eight mmonths,aantook to his heart and home she was eager thropio lady, who heard of the pleased to state that it has effected a to return. But again she eloped woman's misfortune, interviewed complete cure. I havesince had no re- and again was forgiven. Willson the magistrate, and on expressing a turn of the dest125t at., R. Irving moved to Detroit. When. he re- desire to make an effort to reclaim Dodge, 110 West 125th at., Naw York. turned from work the other day he her, Mr. Cahill liberated her. Yee was literally stunned to hear from terday she told this story : I ani the a neighbor that his wife had left daughter of an earl. My father was with Bohan and that they had been Gladstone's right hand man. My married in Windsor. Winson Caine grandfather wee the Earl of Poneon- over and found that Bohan and his by. I belong to one of the first wife, who gave her maiden name of families in Pert habit e, Scitland. Jane Valliere�had been made man Whoa my Either died he left me and wife by Rev. G. B Davie, and 10,000 pounds. Ile did nut forget that he had been betrayed a third the black sheep, although I brought A er's Sarsaparilia time by the woman he loved and disgrace on the family. My name is Y had forgiven so often. He said Gertrude Mary Pousunby." they had been married eighteen years and had four loveable child ran, whom he had sent to Toronto Bohan hae a wife and eight child• - ren, supposed to be living at Barrie. "One year ago I was taken ill with Inflammatory rheumatism, beingcon- fined to my house six months. came out of the sickness very much debili- tated, with no appetite, and my system disordered in every way. I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla and began to improve at once, gaining in strength and soon recovering my usual health. I cannot say too much in praise of this well-known medicine." —Mrs. L. A. stark, Nashua, N. H. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price VI. el; bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. The Huron News -Record 1.50 a Year -51.25 In Advance. Wednesday ()ctr. 14th, 1891. MRS UEO, P.ENDLE. ,Mrs. GO . 1tc,,,1l.., of t; .I t, O.d., writes: •'1ran'11o'e11mend D: FoNI. r's Extrac•, of WTI t; •...( berry f r it is a sure cure (arca su.linLe, Con,F laint.e. We are never without it in th' h•,u-.e.'• i''owler'a \\'ii I S. r as b-'rry "Ili i••e :ibc —Settlers continue to re.ic!, Mang ituba Prow Dakota. BEAUTIFUL. BANFF. N. W T. I was in'luoe.l 'n 11,9 y it- 116-.1.) k . Blood Bitters for c use ipation and general dei, lilt' and f mod I'a c,noplet,• cure which 1 r.ilt:+ p!eaeii. c ., r a ,mn,. nd- ing to all who ins.) be din + •.111 cted."-- Jame- i•l. Ca.s.,n, B,,.il' N W. —In Jefferson park, Chicago, last week, Mrs. Julia R. Seavoy, a re- epectcble English widow, who own• ed property worth $20,000, shot herself dead. She had suffered from ill -health. She has a well-to-do son living iii Loudon, Out. ‘Veen you n tel a good, safe laxative. oak your (1,u.Niet for a nix of Ayers' Pills, and you will find that they give perfect satiataotion. 1' it indigestion, torpid liver, and Ad( headache titers is nothing sup• rio•. Leading physician. Ieeon ineurl—'- -The State Supreme Court of Minnesota hes decided that dealings in grain fut urea are unlawful and that contracts are void unless actual delivery i9 made. The decision is of great imporlauco, as two of the largest Boards of 'Trade in the country are now located at Minne- apolis and Duluth. HENRY G,.e1AMES. Henry G. James, of \1 innipeu, Man,, writes : "For several years I was trnub - ed with pimplei and i,ritatinnc of the skin. Af.er other remedies failed .i us, d four bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters and since then I have been quite free from my complaint, Ii B.B. will always occupy apt ace in -my house." —A Detroit despatch says Dr. W. F. Metcalf and Mrs. Tiffany, of that city, have entered actions for libel against the Torouto hail and Wind- sor Record for publishing a state- ment that the doctor had deserted his wife, formerly Ella Knox, of Belleville, Ont., and taken up his residence with the widow of I)r. Tiffany. The parties claim $10,000 from the Mail and $25,000 from Record; "Save who can !" was the frantic cry of Napoleon to hie army at Watrrlan, Save health and strength while you can, by the use of Aver'e Sarsaparilla, is advice that applies to all, both young a :d old. Don't wait until disease fastens on you; begin at once. —A despatch from the city of Mexico says that on the 15th inst. an outbreak occurred in the city of Guatemala, cud private advices state that 500 lives wore sacrificed. VICTORY AT VIVIAN. "In our family faithful work has been done by Fowler's Extrtct of Wild Straw- berry as a sure and quick cure fur diar- rhoea, dysentery and all summer or•m- plaints. I can recommend it to all as a family friend, alwnv, true and faithful " —Mrs. \V. Bishop, Vivian, Out. —Rev..T. J. Matterling, of Lucas, has been found guilty by the Wit- tenburg synod at Tiffin, 0., of gross immorality and deposed from the ministry, lie was accused of in- timacy with several women. PERSONAL EXPERIENCE E lward Henlan, Champion Oarsman ; says: "For muscular pains in the tenths, I have found Sr•. Jacobs Oil a remedy, Its resul'e are the most boneficil, and I have pleasure in re,':m'lending it from personal experience " —Last Tuesday a vary sudden death from apoplexy occurred in St. John's Masonic lodge, in Toronto, Ont. It was lodge night, and the blue room of the temple wits well filled with a large crowd of mem- bers and visitors. Among the lat- ter was Bro. P. H. Neild, of Sussex lodge No. 5, Brockville, who is living on Aathurst street, Toronto, and who was present to witness the initiation of an old friend of his. While the minutes of the lodge were being road Neild was taken ill, and was assisted to' the ante- room, where ho died. AUNTY'S ADVICE. ":My brotherhad eesere sunlnrer com- plaint about a year ago and no remedies seemed to relieve him. At last my suet a•ivised us to try Ftwler's Extra:t of Wild Strawberry and before he had taken one bottle he was entirely cored."— Adelaide Crittenden, Baldwin, Out —At the assizes at Brockville the last case was that of Connell v. the towu of Prescott. This was en action for $6,000 damages for injur- lies sustained through his team run- ning away, the cause of which, the plaintiff claimed, was the negligence of the corporatiou officials in setting off a blast. The plaintiff was knock• ed down, trampled on by the horses, and run (,ver by the wagon,. the bone of his left leg being so badly shattered that it is now three inches shorter than the other, thus perma- nently disabling him. The jury brought in a verdict for the plaintiff, awarding him $3,000 damages. TWO IIUSBANI)S LIVING. Frederick W. Stevens, a well-to- do book-keeper, disappeared from Detroit under mysterious circum- stances a year ago, leaving his wife wife, to whom he had been married but five weeks, to care for herself. Mrs. Stevens waited three months to hear from her husband, and as she got no word she came to the conclusion ho was dead. She was an attractive young widow, and John Koster, who boarded near her house, soon became attentive to her. In due course of time, Mrs. Stevens recovered from her grief and was married, as she supposed, to Koster. The couple have been living to• gether f r six months. Monday morning while Mrs. Stevens -Koster was in her room the servant girl announced a caller, who proved to be Stevens, who, with his wife, eat down to dinner. Koster came in, and Mrs. Stevens explain• ed the situation to both men. Both men were inclined to be angry, but finally made up, and after finishing the meal went out and cemented their friendship by attending the theater. When they came Home it was arranged that Stevens should sleep with his wife, while Kuster, having no home, should temporarily occupy an adjoining room. After Koster had gone to bed Mr. and Mrs. Stevens discussed him in an uncomplimentary way. He over- board them, jumped out of bed and ejected Steven, from the house in his night clothes. Stevens came back, and a big fight followed, with the result that Mrs. Stevens and the two men were Rev. Dr. S. J. Nicholls, the lead. all locked up. In the police court er of the Revisionists, who is au in - ADVICE To MOTHERS. Aro you disturbed at Yesterday both rasa claimed the fluential member of the Revision night and broken of yoar rest by a slob child woman, and the justice released all suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? Committee; then came forward in a If ao send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. three, saying they would have to stropP' defence of the committee's Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Tooth• settle the differences . themselves. outnble. It will relieve v leg. Its mine is inesliews. He repudiated the doctrine thepoorlittle entfnrerimmediately. Dependnpon Koster has decided to release hie that God had predestined men for It, mother,; there is no mistake about It. It claims on Mrs. Stevens. sores Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulator the destruction anduoted the words of stomach and bowels, cure, Wind Colic, softens q the gums, reducer inflammation, and gives tone St. Paul in his first epistle to- the an Ntrea9rBy-(vertu wh'oloayatem.ttidra Ci inslatt.s . __..,' - —ao- 8�;: Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant mat(rdel3lEk--eft ...-(tea®6e,}&--41y to the taste and in the prescription of ono of the and and McLean, of Walkerton Model "For as in Adam all die, even so in oldest and hest female physicians and nurses in School,came violentlytogether in Christ shall all men be made alive." the united States, and is for sale by all druggist's g throughout the world. Price 25 sent, a bottlea game of football on Friday and lie declared it to be his belief that Besure and ask for "Mn',. rods eans leg g w's So5TnmNO SYncr,"and take no ether kind. McL'wag broken. all that die infancy are saved by the Continuing her narrative, the woman said that in 1868, when she returned from boarding school, she eloped with her father's groom, Junes W. Thompson. She lived with him in this country till 1873, then he disappeared, and she hiss never seen him since. "I wish I knew where war," she said, wiping away a big tear. Ten years after the groom decamped she became a member of the S.slvetiou Army, and when she was in Toronto she married Ransom 'Truman, notwith- standing that she was not positive her first husband was dead. Tru- man subsequently left her. The blue blooded lady said she went to Egypt as a member of the Red Cross corps. Luck has been against her since she struck lIanril• ton. She lived at 254 Catharine street Lot•th, and the day she was arrested the bailiffs got possession of her fnruiture. "I was in trouble then," said she, "and when I ant worried I take to drink. But I ern a lady." The woman is a sister of Lord Kinnaird, but the family disowned her when she married the groom. She has an income of $66 a month, INFANT DAMN ATIONr A RADICAL CHANGE IN THE CREED FAVORED RY THE ST. LOUIS PRES- I3RTERY. From toe St. Louis Globe Democrat. The St. Louis Presbytery reopen- ed its session in Webster Groves yesterday morning. At llo'clock the discussion of the report of the General Assembly' s Committee on Revision of the \\'estminter Con- fession became the order of busi- ness. Several chapters of the re- port were passed without criticism, but the section which related to the subject of "Elect Infants" precipat• ed a discussion which occupied the greater part of the afternoon. The opposition to the Commit- tee's report on the article was open- ed by the Rev. Adolphus Kerbs, who held that the position taken by the committee in declaring that all infants and all other persons in- capable of receiving the call of the gospel are saved by the blood of Christ is unwarranted by the Scrip- tures, and that the original position as held by the Westminster Confes- sion was the only consistent position on this point, and quoted the cov- enant of God with Abraham to de- fend his views. The Rev. J. R. Warner, of Kirk- wood followed with an eloquent defence of the original article, claim, ing that there was no divine war- rant fur the assertions contained in the revised article of faith, and al- though his private cpinion might lead him to believe that the blood of Christ was sufficient for the salva- tion of all infants, in the absence of Scriptural proofs he could not sanction the action of the Commit- tee. By "elect infants" be under- stood the children of professed Christians. He would not under• take to say that all other children were lost. He would leave it to God. When Christ took the little children into hie arms and blessed them it was in recognition of the faith of their mothers. Vice -Moderator Armen had al- ways opposed revision, but as it hall been decided that revision must be had he would confess that he has al- ways wanted that thing changed. The phrase "elect infanta" had al- ways been a stumbling block to a great many people, and had kept many out of the Church, and he would be glad to see it stricken out, blood of Christ, ,and; regetlerattad by, the Il'o1,y Spirit, that -no tibild• is jus . tifted, by the faith, of its parents. He defined the position of the Ro- wan Catholie Church on infant sal. vation, and declared it to be the be. lief of the Protestant Evangelical Christian World that infants are saved. The Rev. Dr. Paltrier also made an eloquent argument in fav or of the revised section. Re did not believe any one wassaved by grace transmitted in baptisin. Dr. Thomas Marshall, of Chicago, was opposed to the revised section, and assailed Dr. Nicholl's position in resting upon the twenty second verse of chapter 15, First Corinth- ians, for proof, on the ground that passage referred to the resurrection, The Hev. L. S. Ferguson was of the opinion that the Presbytery was hopelessly divided on the question, and moved the previous question, which prevailed, and the Prebytery took a vote on the substitute ,;ffered on Wednesday to the effect that the Presbytery was dissatisfied with this section. 'I'hc substitute was lust. A division was then taken on the original question, and a vole taken fin the retention of the original form of that part of chapter 10, sec- tion, 3, referring to "elect infants." The yeas and nays were demanded, with the following result :—Yeas, 11 ; nays, 19. The Presbytery then adopted a resolution setting forth that it had by the foregoing vote favored the (voiding "all infants" in preference to "elect infant." agra4amseerrosoureaaparsraert 09,411•=C1.1* HOW Slit RICI}ARD WAS SAVED. "Before we knock the I,anel out ft out under you," said the Waiter of the baud of Arizona regulators, cine you a chance to ray a few viurds." "Wheels the use 1" replied the man with the rope around his neck. "You wouldn't listen to iris." "We'll listen for just fiye min utes," rejoined the chief, pulling out his watch, "if you want to shoot off your mouth. If not, up you go." The condemned wretch looked with dogged,sullers hate at the crowd before ban. "It won't do any good that I know of," he said, "for are to make any remarks, and it won't help me any, I reckon, to kick against these proceedings. It's nothing more than I expected, anyhow. I'ui used to being knocked around, and I'm used to seeing everybody else knocked around. Your turn will come some day. You ain't a hit better then I Bill. The whole country's going to the devil as fast as it can go. Been going to the devil for years and years. Tieere ain't any chance for a man to amount to anything here, and it's not wetth while for him to to try. Every nnau's doing what he can to clown every other utan, and it dosn't stake much difference which comes ict top. The fellows that get on toppnerally'stay there, and the Moor devils that are under can squirm and squirm and squirm and it won't do them any good. They've got to stay there and " "Fellers," said the leader of the band, much mortified, "we've made a mistake. We've got one of those darned calamity howlers from Cana• da. He ain't worth lrangin' !" And they walked away and left him standing on the barrel. —Two suicides occurred in To• ronto on Thursday, both by poison. Whiskey was the cause in each case. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India mission- ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make 1t known to his suffering fol.ows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with fall directions for preparing itnd nsing. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this pa e.. W. A. NOYES, 820 Powers' Block, Rochester, N. F. O5iI--y U Pm LIU Lail mat loon CND rec nom Lal Liu .111 ERRORS OF YOUNG AND OLD Organic Weakness, Failing Memory, Lack of Energy, Physical Decay, positively cured by Ilazelton'e Vitalizer, Also Nervous Debility, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Ambition, Unfitness to Marry, Stunted Dovo'opment, Lose of Power Paing)n ..th Rpol4rli ght EnAie�ton0. SI!Gl�in, `t"rrnb,'S"emiti'al es, rlleepleaeness Aversion to Society, Unfit for Study Excessive Indult. genee, etq., etc. Every bottle guaranteed. 20,000 sold yearly. Address onolosing stamp for treatise, J. E. HAZELLION, Graduated Pharmacist. 809 Vonge St., Toronto, Ont. r4.tat=r `,..,«a rte; ,�4►. HANDSOME OR _, A given AwayWWI it I faking :Powdere Best Offer Yet fm.- See the Hant`sorae Organ, now on exhibition. N. ROBSON. - - CLINTON. Perry Davis' PAIN -KILLER StRIMEs THE 1.300T OF THE -0ISEASE` loused both internally m A. externally, It cots quickly, affording , !most !natant relief from the sever set pain. DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. Ij9STANTAHEO[IS IN ITS ACTION. For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, • NO REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER. In Canadian Cholera and Bowel Complaints its effect is magical. It cures In a very short time. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SOLD EVERYWHERE AT 260. A BOTTLE. se Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. raessNIMEEL AWWWWEIMONNElh The News -Record FOR GOOD ENVELOPES FOR FINEST PRINTING FOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN ALT. DEPARTMENTS DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE ? ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, BEC. Groceries. -- Groceries. CANT H :Li ®N HR®S_ --Have a splendid stock or'— Choice New Groceries, Fruits, Peels, Crocktiry, Glass and Chinaware At prices consistent with good goods. We are 'a a position to guarantee as goo value as any other house in the trade. Try our Famous Teas, the best for tb leest money in the market. We have a stock of General Groceries that tiunnot b surpassed in duality or lowness of price. Dc not invest till you call on us. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. NEW ;TOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furniture. The wit de Stock is from:the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of ever'• description. JOS. CIiIDLEY, one door West of Dickson's Rook Store ® ,.®6, 43111111. WHEN YOU WANT A READY-MADE SUIT OR AN ORERED SUIT Or anything in MEN'S FURNISHINGS, come and see what we can do for you. We carry a very fine range. Just now we are offering ----A LINE OF ODD PANTS •!---- At a great deal less titan their value and it is wort!, your while to come and see. 0 T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We 'want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or through their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions ntay commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements,. to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later titan MONDAY NOON of each week. - CIRCULATION. THE NEWS -RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOB PRINTING. FJte uralr— elrartrtz ni n, th-tVjetirr tial is one of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very lom prices. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, • Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, anti Rockford—new, model. d"All these makes in key and stem winders Also pendant set watches. J. BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. r-• ar QTRAY STOCK ADVER iJ TISEtIENTS inserted in Tax NEWS RacoRn at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If yon want any kind of advertising you will not do better than call on Tewe•Reoeord. .11.411.••••••••••••2 IMPLEMENTS. The subscriber having severed his connection with the Massey Company, desires to intimate that he has been appointed agent for the well known firm of FROST & WOOD, implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to fill all orders in his line es heretofore. Will also keep on hand WILKINSON PLOWS, COLTER & SCOTT DRILLS, DISC HARROWS, and articles of like nature. WM. STANLEY, 047 -Gm Holmesville and Clinton - AT A BARGAIN.—Eight acres of land with a select orchard of choice apple trees; comfortable house and stables ; adjoining1Gode rich township. , Apply to B.IIL. DOYLE, Godd ich. 520-tf