HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-09-30, Page 2t i ConstiPa on, ..,.............„.,...._... v net remedied in seaeon, is liable to I become habitual and chronic. Dras. tiapurgatives, by weakening the bowels, confirm, rather than cure, the evil. yer's Pills, being mild, effective, and strengthening in their notion, are gener- ally recommended by the faculty as the beat of aperients. " flaviug been subject, for yerefe, to constipation, without being able to find much relief, I at last tried Ayer's Pills. I deem it both a duty and a pleasure to testify that I haws derived great ben- efit from their use. For over two years past I have taken one of these pine every night before retiring. I would not. willingly be without them."- G. W. Bowman, 26 Bast Main at., Carlisle, Pa. "I have been taking Ayer's Pills and using them in my Jaunty since 1857, and cheerfully recommend them to all in need of a sate but effectual cathartic." -John M. Boggs, Louisville, liy. ''For eight years I was afflicted with constipation, which at last, became so bad that the doctors could do no more for me. Then I began to take Ayer's Pills, and soon the bowels recovered their natural and regular action, so that now I am in excellent health." -S. L. Loughbridge, Bryan, Texas. "Having used Ayer's Pills, with good results,I fully indorse them for the pur- poses for which they are recommended." -T. Conners, M. D. Centre Bridge, Pa. Ayer's Pills, Pgrirefinn BY Dr. d. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sola by an Druggists and Dealers In .),lecticIns. f:!1"0 /7 le:0,3-..?eoord ttit av, „-- :I....it it, Welnesilna i N91. TH It hi.F. M EN FLOt;(1 ii Arl.' CENTRA L TO i;iiN ). A L TI FLoOCIPTi WERE ldts I ,N Tiff; sA cif If-• ••• -fro mn-lstits Cte: n n. v•Iuht lo so I. bright ant 1 Z.,1 p.einber 22:id e green, ithe !ted the iii lt fi,nt of t▪ he iott.0 bitLtliit. wits &,vered ari,it the pionituutil ui which is the lain ,,ts the Nd... A II na; t_ ,tei tioth iug hini,o A. ins g:oomy &rine e Iot ,vhi it. lf!AJII IVGII.I. Three it fiont Gulpit, who ate just .tttu the eild at their tetra in 'li- prisi, reeeived their third and 1 -tat llog<;ing. The crime for which they attll,•red wits that of aeseit., which was cemmitted by the 1.1e1.3 mon c-ri a girl named Elizab uu September 14th, 1b8l). They e ere touud Full • .1:id were sentenced b)J edge iu mr and 360 ili9s in the t!entril Pirsun, and tu bo each fioeged thriee mill, a cat till i U it tails. Their first Cati it. u they received a tiear.li after committal, the second ten iii inch?, ;titer and to- t'.‘h their lima. do -c. ".1‘).e men who wore Id doegael wale iormerly ett,t,p,d to a triangle, but a., the wiithilig of their bodies sourrtitates huti ilt,. ethict of tnis• ple.!ing the blows, t 'no w:tycl-Li has con! Dived a machine for holding the victims fast. A solid bar of thrce•inch iron supports three iron brackets, the top one of which is bound with leather. Against this the prisoner's chest is placed, a strap p.issin.; behind holding him tight. Elie hauls are closely held in a pair of fixed hanticuffa which ate attached to the top bracket. The middle brickct clasps his I. gs about. the center of the thigh and the bottom one holds his feet firmly afout three feet apart. The cat-o'-nine-tails is nut a pleasant look iug instrument, but is of simple Qullstinaion. It. is but a woolen hand!o some two feet in length, from the end of which dangle the traditional nine tells, which Ulu iii tulut it heavy, hard cord. Telubuil was the first to suffer. He is a omen man uf 27 years. The expected penishmant has %veil:lied heavily on his mind, for he has lust flesh rapidly of late. He smiled as ha appi (niched, and taking off his jacket and shirt, his jersey avast pulled up, leaving his hack hate. Ho was soon Diced up, and while the charge was read over to him he got a good mouthful of his jersey to bite on. A warder stood by thoughtfully drawing the lashes of the cat between his fingers. Tun charge having been read Dr. W. '1'. Aik ins certified that the men Wil s able to hear Ha punishment and I)eputy NV,irtien Logan called "One 1" "Which the cat as homily cut through the air. It struck the flesh with a sicken- ing soiled And left nine purple welts across the man's skin, He writhed under the punishment and let out a pitiful "Two," said the Deputy. Again the lash descended, and eight times more with merciless re. gularity did it strike the prisoner. ,.....geeeeeeee.ee.e,,e.,....e-eH+sebao,treavaerecoverrerl-witlte- -purple, it vic- and'ecatlet seams, but the skin was notAroken in any place. Turnbull howled at every cut at first, but at last broke into a prolonged sob. lie was speedily released from the hrackets after taking his medi eine, and while dressing turned to the reporters and said : "This is a piece of gloss injustice, gentlerven. There never was a more gross sam- ple of injustice perpetrated. • As Turnbull went away Sheady was brought up, and the two men smiled as they passed. Sheady is the youngest of the trio, being only 26, but he is the only one who is married. The anticipation of what to -day had in store for him has esused him to lose flesh also. He Was tied up in the seine Manner as the other man, and shrieked "Oh, God ! Oh, God !" as the telentlies cat cut struck him the first titne. He was almut silent after the sixth stroke. After being tele teed he turned to the reporters and remarked : "It's pretty hard to get tied up like that fur a common prostitute." Leader was then brought lip lie is the oldest of the three, being now 33 years of age. He is spoken of very highly by Warden Massie as a most industrious mechanic. was apparently impassive until the Warden said to him : Leader, we'll get through with this unpleasant busibees " At this re - remark the prisonot's merry brown eye twinkled and he smiled. • He did out utter a sound when struck, although at the fifth stroke the cat cut the skin and a crimson stream of' blood ran across his bruis- ed back. in'iren," called the Deputy War• d "Whish," answered the eat for the thirtieth time. "Goodf sir !" said the plisouer with a laugh. He was quickly released and went away to the end of the corridor where a number of prisoners were dishing out a very savory Irish stew, There has been considerabl. sym- pathy expressed for the men as the gill Lore a vary loose reputation in Guelph. They will be released on Outoher 2nd, their punishment having bison a terrible lesson to tnemselves and a warning to others. • And, oh ! how refreshing it was to gist out into the sweet smelling gardens after witnessing so gruesome a sight. CLINTON CLIPPINGS. 'I had for years been tr• ubleil with dyspepsia anti sick headache and found hue little relief until I vet Burdock Blood 13:t ters which made a pee f,tet (etre. It is ti'- best rreidieire-i I ever used in my life.. - attics Davis, M cry Sa., Clinton, Ont -John F. Brown and Robert Flynn's bailie were burnt at. Credi- tor) last Friday by a steam thresher. The whole season's crop was burnt., together with separator. Loss, $3,000; insured in the Hay Town- ship Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Cu. for $1,600. It is erluettion that makes all the difference between the men who dig in the dit.sh mei the man who bosses the jab. It is tne superior qualities of Ayer's Sarsaparilla that give it its ark nowledit- ed pre-eminencs over all other blood• -Simeon Gott von of Tam worth, Ont., while helping his neighbor sink a well, deeended too soon after a blast had been discharged one afternoon, and feeeling faint front the gas asked to be drawn up. When within a few feet. of the top he let go his hold, felling a distance of 25 feet, brraking his neck. De- ceased leaves a wife and family. TIMELY WISDOM. Great en I timely wisdom is shown by keeping Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry on hand. It has no equal for cholera, cholera morhus, diarrhmes., dy- sentery, colic. cramps, and all summer complaints or looaeness of the bowel,'. -Mrs. Wilson,a widow lady who resides in Detroit, arrived in Toronto trednesday night, in com- pany of a man, ash] to be named McMurray, to whom she was to be married. During the evening the lady told McMurray that certain property out the other side in which she had a widow'e interest reverted to her children when she was no longer Mrs. Wilson This little piece of Ilf•WS evidently changed the gentleman's intention to become a family man, as he is alleged to have left the city next morning without the It no e le1L e of his promised bride. To make matters worse, Mrs. Wil- son unwittingly entrusted her puree and valuables to Mr. McMurray's care, which be ft:eget to return on his hasty departure. This left the lady pehnilems, and she had to bor- row money to return Ito' re. NINE LONG YEARS. Mrs. John MoLean writes from Berrie Leland, Oct., March 4, 1888, as follows : "I have been a great sufferer from neuralgia for the last nine years, but heiog advised to try St, Jacobs Oil, can now heartily endorse it as being a most excellent remedy for this complaint, as I have been greatly benefited by its use." -Go, W. Johnson and son, lite Aug -Tabour/ -ex -enilatseemtetire,of-iliew mark, N. D., in Emmons county, were burned to death while fighting one of the worst prairie fires ever witnessed in that country. TUE TALK OF THE DAY. PICTURES OF LIFE AS IT IS IN BLACK AND WHITE. The Ittiosynextifites of All Sorts of People Under the Brushes and the Pens of the Artlet and if outOrlsts—The Latest Paragraphs of the Newspaper Wite. "A. prienMent s.eliety man was on the train hist imi.slmt." Better Lae titan never--- Husbands. A. eittelm plant. e- -"Sick 'ettil- 13erning kisses necessarily- follow a spat It. Motley Is "e0111:11g to you" does not always at -ria -e. E.. cry 011e'a sweetheart sometimmts gets up in arms tl.1t.i11,4 l/i111. :Akin needs somebody to sympathize with him even in his meanness. The .isetii;ci II. 1.k -I t 1111)M1.11litO, is Of • tell hin,1611%,11,1) ur.mtts face. Many young hearts hi a-' been set on tire this 61111I1OUr I,y tennis in tic hcs. Sometimes there in a gnotl de.il of pride in telling how big a simmer you mita to lie. Corn is well provtaed at it I ears, tat its talk doesn't amount to much, it 'i 1:0“ husky. These are the days tiltic the tramp and Lite pumpkin are both ;lig very A western tni mer et ly u lte.smsl I,•2on bushels of at lit...it tool Pi, trt•mtr, II mite day. "Love le -,els 1. ri,tt;," 1,1 not the rank oaor of aim °Men; tlist is toe ono it for it, sometimes. "What did your allitimed say when you told her ysiu were broke?" "She said she tI break with tie.'' A great many mut the Ettrope.ia peasants think that it's pretty rocky for them to be cut off from their rye. It is oast fine 0 iut-i (..10 /111.4SCS the tumitu, although it may lie ilitlictilt to determine, where the Putt in. The Cheapest Wity.—"Don't you tial yachting expensive?" "UIno. I never try it except as an invited guest." "The shades of night iira falling filet," sang Mr. Mitts as he went to pull ilieu the blind and jerked it MI' time roller. No Cause for Div -amt -e. If you ever hear that a man is resignedti, his troubles, you know that it is because he has to be, Jack (sadly) ----"One call I made last night cosrt me ten dollars." Tom (happily.) -- "And one I made cost toe a diamond ring." "Thanks," said the guest to the colored man who brought his soup at last. "You have taken a great wait off my mind." "I am the shortstop in our nine." "'Tis very strange," said she. "The long stop seems more in your lifts Wirene'er you visit me." "Papa,- said little whose nauti- cal knowli•dge is a little mixed, "when ships beat their records, do they do it, with their spititheisr "Your trip to the sea chore must have done you good. You look like a new man." "I feel like seven men." "How's that?" "Engaged to seven girls." Alas, for all their ecstasy, They knew not what was best; The young man reached the front door, The Old nitut did the rest. Sure Relief. - • Hay fever victim -"Doc. tor, can't you tell mile how I can find relief from this constant inclination to sneeze?" Phyt3i6K11--"Yes, sir. Sitcom." She (sternly) -"What was that noise I heard early in the 1'11,11 Oils morning when you came in?" He (hastily) --"It must have been the duty breaking, darling." Doctor -"Did you have a heavy Fair Patient -"It seemed so." I )ecter- "Did your teeth chatter?" Fair Patient -- "No; they were in my dressing -ease." "Where are you going my pretty maid?" "Going to cooking school, air," she said. "Can I go with you, my pretty maid?" "•We don't cook veal today," she said. Ben --"I don't think much of girls. How- ever, I'd rather be a girl than a goose." Tom --"Probably; hut I think it impossible for you to accomplish the transformation." Ethers Winning Way. --- Ethel—"l shouldn't attempt to drive von out, on it bluff at poker." Staylate—"Why not?" Ethel--"Beitause I know you would stay." Out in Kaincits--Travoler--" W hat is that tall chimney for? Some ince putting up a factory?" Citizen - - "New. That's .1 im Bisbee's well. Cyclone turned it inside out." At the Seaside Hotel. —Kitty - - "I wonder why Cairn, hurries to her room whemmever she gets a letter?" iMitaid---"She wishes to give the impression that it's frust man." "Can your little brother talk now?" "Yes. He can say sonic words real well." "What are they?" "I don't know. They're words I never heard before." --Harper s Young People. Centerfitibler—"Hi, there! Kid! hand up that ball,quick." The Kid --"Yis. Jebi wait a see' till 1 see Tim Smithers safe over der home plate, den I will."--Harper'S Weekly. Fast Shrinkage.---Reportalm--"So poor Will was accidentally strangled to death. How'd it happen?'' Flieker--"Got caught in a shower and couldn't unbutton the col- lar of his flannel shirt." The new reporter had carefully read the office rules, and when lie wrote up a suiciile fronm a thirml-story window Ice referred deli- cately to an "Manse, nauseating iound of concussion." Old Fogy (mailing paper) ---"It says they weighed anchor; but confound them, they don t say how notch it weighed, What I want, is facts, but these newspapers never tell what a man wants to know." "It seems to me that you might -rmake a better use of your time than in lotting around saloons," "Great snakes! You can't expect a man to sit in the parks such rainy weather as this, can you?" Mr. .Itrggs_''I tell you, whisky is a handy -ttrifirItr-hiriFti- • lir WazIyoxt,'Istrfts' cramps." Mrs. Jaggs (who knows a thing or two) -"Yes, and cramps are a handy thing to have around when you have whisky in the house." .' • • ff :40206agkaS4MKOMWOO".460.042.4:7142,;14.0.4044L.M.11.7,0VAZ.4.1k I • consumption cared. Au old physic:On, retired Irene pritetice, having had placed cit Lac Amide tt.41 bast tiro formals, of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent sure of Consinaption. Braubbirds terrh, Asthma and nil throat and Lung 4,det:cations, also it positive and radical cure for Nervous Deltility and alt Nervous complaints, after having tested Ice wonderful (mutative powers to thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to make It known to his maiming fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will scud Bee of uharge, Sc all ah,, d sire it, this recipe. iu Gorman. k'rench or 5tuga0h, orth hub direetions fur preparing and using. heat by mail by addressing with , nutmeg title payer. W. A. Nor EP., 820 P,,were. Iii,v1“eier, A. Y. (ICC -y -The steam tug Ring uf St Catharines was totally destroved by fire off Tobermor.ty Friday. FRES1I AND YIGOROUs. On morning fine mat, it invigor..titig than a spill en cycle WY•en it conies to a race, the suKtesti. if M. Um.mgn Phillips, tiee'y. Li meter ., ling Club, Dab in, 'erased, has force "I have found St. J14401)9 0 I an tor. Y. ,t • • 1,7 and ht nista, all ,0 h ,ve ,•evaral mu tilt -us our 1,1 1.1!•." Thin • 11 dlt • • t.e i • -Eliza Shaw, daughter \Viat tun fernier, was eti tack by lightning Friday itntl ia to N dying condition. P. HA' SAY; THEY ? le peteilat ity incret-aiog.It, reliabilty the standard. In 111,5 first, In hot, the be -'r rem: d V for all summer complatota, diaru Lik s,tiya,ntery, en: nips, coif. cti-re. iutateutn, i.e , it. Dr. Fe le r'a F ctraer "F Wild St,swime.iy All medicine dealers sell it. -The latest Canadian application for divorce is from Mr. ,Is tiles It. Doyle, barrister, of' Toronto, seeking a bill of divorce from his wit's, Augusta L. Doyle, of KallS•id City, 111o., on the grounds of adultery and desertion, roup f0«1u ntla ti -at" 0 h. o. hnuld no• ttr4 fcm i'stisi, %OA iytth -chic!, I' des (dupes cwt.. f r ins'aut treatrileht I is 0.. ,indrol,1,- v, I .se. s 11 107 A Or'IYN, p It the• 11(ittAt. -Fin le v I ;bilk, son of llilbsrt Clink, of South Mat•yliorough, slipped when stepping hunt a mow on Thursday, and his right leg slipped into the cylinder of a thresh- ing machine. T he log was pu1 veriz- en up to the gtuiu Amputatiuu was Irsuitedto but the man died. COULD SCARCELY SEE M's. .1 chn Martin, if cut ague Bridge, P. E. I., writes : "I was tre.sthl- eil I aiit scimit-r iiht lii y had he -tot. Aolieg arid GONfl'iGatinG 5. ,1 ronv‘titr.eg could scarcely see, 0:-e bottle of Bur - deck 1111.o:I lib.tcra made a cotrip'eIe ewe of my ease, and I wish you every Rut:era, -A farmer named John Krantz, who lives on the London and Bid- dulph town line, reports that. dur- ing the night of the 16th inst. some one killed one of his horses by stab - lung the animal in the breast This is the second horse that Nil-. Krantz has lately lost in this way. Amities., MGTHENs. Aro you distnyberi at night and broken of your le,•t. 1.y a Rick child sugaring 11I111 erying with pain c -f Cutting 're, th If so send at fume and get a Malls of "Miss. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" tin Children Teat i' ing. Its value is iivalciPable. It will relieve th,-porr little sufferer immediately. lit pond 'limn it, mothers; lb i re is no reis;ake about it, It eines mentery tied Disratais, regulates the stomach and bowels, sures Wind Colic, softens the gull-, inflammation, and giveg tone and energy to the whole system, "Mrs WillIdoW'S Soothing Spur fur i•hildren teething fa pleasant to the lit -to and is the prescription of one of the oldest awl beat female physieiarm and nurses In the United States, and is for sale by ail druggist's throughout the world. Pure 21 oe"ts a bottle. Be BHT, ,,/Ni situ f01. "MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYrice,"cind take no other kind. fitly THE CELEBRATED .• IeaI Wastie* wand Wringer. THE REST IN THE MARKETII Machines Allowed on Trial am 8160 agent for all All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill, Call and see sue. J. B. WEIR, CLINTON ERRORS OF YOUNG AND OLD Organic, Weaenees, Failing memory, Met of anorgy, Physical Decay, positively mired by Hazolton'e Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility, Dimness of Sigbli, Loss of Ambition, Unfitness to Marry, Stunted Development, Lose of Power Fainein tbo flack,Night Emiasions‘Drain izl Irene; tattifWkiniiplessWeali, skddir to Society, Unfit for Study, Excessive Indul- gence, etc., Ito. Every bottle guaranteed. 20,000 sold yearly. Address,enoosing stamp for treatise, J. E. HAZELT014. Graduated Pharmacist 808 Yong. St., Toronto, Ont. ' A HANDSOME ORGAN FRVIN Given Away With Baking Powder. Best Offer Yet g2k- See the liant'suim, Organ, now on exhibition. 0— N. ROBSON. ▪ CLINTON. Perry Davis' PAIN -KILLER es If tHE OP' THE., • ;f • '#711'." is need both internally at d externally. It note qui okly, affording tmost instant relief from the sever ,st pain. IINOMMILINSWICAllsIlantlar The DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. ITISTANTRIENS IN ITS ACT1011. For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, NO REMEDY EQUALS TI -LE PAIN -KILLER. In Canadian Cholera and Bowe! Complaints its effect Is magical. it o'.tres In a very short time. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SOLD EVeRYWHERA AT 250. A aorys..g. t Beware of Counterfeits and Imitations. ews-Recor ................m, dFOR GOOD ENVFLOPES FOR FINEST PRINTING FOR NICE BILL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN AP. DEPARTMENTS 1.41,11•10101VIP.MNXIMICGOMINIIK.42...8,11.7,316 DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE? ALLEN'S Lu NG BALSAM. NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C. Groceries. - Groceries. C_A_TTTIT.:01\1". J=3± -?,CD S.. --Have a splendid stock Choice New Groceries, Fruits, Peels, Crockuy, Glass and Chinaware At prices eonsistent with good goods. We are 'a a position to guarantee as goo value as any other house in the Try our Famous 'Teas. the best for tit hi -sat money in the minket. We lave a stock of I.;eueral 4-1..roceries that cannot b salt pa. -Sed in ,1nality um luwilees of price. Dr not invest till you rail on us. CANTELON BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton. CT 3R.,, 1\..1- I 'I' IT NEW STOCK! NEW STORE ! ELLIO fT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture, Call at the Now Store and see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., and general Household Furnitme. The wit de Stock is from:the very best manufacturers. Picture Flames and Mouldings of evert description. JuS. CIIIDLEY, one door VI est or ilickson's Book Store prow _ eseeessieveszeemece aratawere THOS. JACKSON, SR, MERCHANT TAILOR, 1-1.1=_•\a, 0 — We have opened up a lot of FINE NEW GOODS for fall trade. When needing a FALL SUIT OR OVERCOAT come and see what we have got. We keep a nice selection in HATS AND CAPS, MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. We are offering just now a FINE LINE OF TR')USERINGS worth $8 for $6 that is worth seeing and.is a Big Bargain. T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of 71e11,8 from our sub. scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in every locality, not alreadb represented, to send US,RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly front the carrier or tugh their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions may commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advert i4er8 will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisememte, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULATION. THE NEws-REcolk) has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our hooks are open to those who mean business. JOB PRINTING'. -Slia,labZepartnumts-of,thiii-jour-- nal is one' of the best equipped in Western Ontario, and a superior class of work is guaranteed at very loan prices. o J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Out WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinois, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford -new, model. tirAll these make* in key and stem winders. Also pendant set watches. J. BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. •• -te TRAY STOCKS ADVER Li TISEMENTS inserted in TUN ' NMI'S MCCORD at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock It you want any kind of advertising you will not do bettor than call on 'ews•Reocord. IMPLEMENTS. The subscriber having severed his connection with the Massey Company, desires to intimate that lie has been appointed agent for the well known Min of FROST & WOOD, implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to all all orders in his line as heretofore. Will also keep on hand Ptows, Cowan & flemr Punts, Dist, Hannows, and articles of like nature. WM. STANLEY, 637 -dm Holmesville and Clinton A T A DARDATN.—Eight acres of land with a XX. select orchard of choice apple tree.; comfortable house and stables ; sdjoining,Oode rich township. Apply to alp. DOYLE, Code', . lob. 628 -ti S .e• Jr C