HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-09-16, Page 7BUSINESS DIRECTORY A large amount of Prtvato money to loan. Low- et rate of interest 0. A. HAW:, Solicitor &c. Otic Perrlu'e Block. TRE MEM alar. MONEY. • FOR SALE. Incor orated byAct of Parlbttueut, 1866, TIME SUBSCRIBER °Hera for sale four eligible ABuilding Lots fronting on Albert Street; hae -t two fronting on Rattenbury Street; either en CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000 bloc or in separate lots, to suit purchasers. For REST, $1,000,000 further particulars apply to the undereigntd.—H. D(NSLEY, Clinton. 882 Head Office, - MONTREAL" 411 THOMAS WORKMAN, President. 3. H. R. MOLSUN, President -11 F. WOLFERS TAN THOMAS, General Manager. Notes discounted, Collections made, Draft issued, Sterling, and American ex- change bought and sold at low• est current rates. iETRE/DST A 4 PER COST. ALLOWED ,O4DEPOeIT I -- FARMERS - Motley advanced to farmers cm their own note with one or more endoreere. No mortgage re quired as security. H. C. BREWER, Mana�er,FI CLINTON February. Mt G. D. 1V[cTaggart BANKER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL BANKING' BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Notes Discounted. - - Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, June Sth, 1891 111111113.9. itenti~xtvg. 658y �sns T.C. Bruce, L. D.S. 41i.•• Surgeon Dentist. Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeune of Ontario. ender Graduate University of Toronto. nice—Keefer'e old stand, Coats' Block, Clinton. N.B.—Will visit Blyth, professionally, every Monday at ylason's Hotel. 575—y G. H. COOK, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor GraMote lot the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gee administered for the painless Extraction teeth. Ht1ee—Smith's Block, upstairs, opposite the Post Otfice, Clinton. to Night Bell answered. 992y 114444 DR. GUNN W. Gunn, M. D. L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. C. S. Edinburgh Licentiate of the Midwifery, Edin. O.fice, on corner of Ontario and William Ste., Clinton. 478-y. DR. TURNBULL. .1, L. Turnbull, M. B, Toronto Univ. • M. D. ; C. M., Victoria Univ. M. C. P. k S. Ont, ; Fellow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals. Office :—Dr. Dowsley'e stand, Rattenbury St. Night calls answered at Grand Union Hotel. Electric night bell at front entrance. J W. SHAW, M. D. C• M• J. W. Shaw, M. D. C. M., Physician, Surgeon, Au,;oucher, etc. Office in the Belace block, Rattenbury St., formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Clinton Ont. MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, 4, c., ELLIOTT'S BLCCE, - CLINTON. Mune,/ hl Lott/t. A. H. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. AVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,and Conveyancing. Office—West Street, next door to Post Office, Goderich, Ont. 67. p C. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. Office, corner of 111 Square and West Street, over Butler'e Book Store, Goderich, Ont. 67. i' Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. E• CAMPION, Barrieter,Attorney-, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. (alive over Jordnn'e Drug Store, the rooms formerly oecu pied by Judge Doyle, t• Any amount of money to loan at lowest ates of interest. 1-ly. udtotterainq. H. W. BALL, A UCTfONEER for Huron County. Salee at- tended to in any part of the County. Ad. dregs orders to GODERICIl P 0. V-17. 'l. CHAS. HAMILTON, UCTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agent Blyth. Sales attended in town and country, 7o reasonable terms. A list of farms and village for sale. Mone loan r Money to on real 1 oetate, at ow rates of interest. insurance effected on all lasses of property. Notes and debt collected. Goods appraised, and sold nn commisilon. Bank- rupt stocks bought and sold. Bluth, Des. 16, 1510. Photographers VV` tel �S��� CAD CLINTON. Life Size Portraits a Sneoialty. J1o1uej to "gJ,ciul MONEY to lend In large for small sums o good mortgages or personal security a. thrlowest current rates. H. HALE, Huron et, Canton. Clinton, Feb. 26,1881 1v A. Q. V. W. The Clinton Ledge, No. 144, meetetn Jaokeou'e Hall, Victoria Block, the let and 3rd Fridays in each month. V niters cordially invited. R. STuxanAi, M.W.; J. BRAN, Recorder. 699y- 833—Robert 1n0.ouit. 11LINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A lJ meets every Friday, on or after the moots. flatting -breth ren cordially invited. RICH H EY WOO D, w. at. 015 EN BA L LAND, S eo Clinton Jan. 14, 1890. 1- .. (Orange. :°,, L. 0. L. No. 710, \ 13, CLINTON, (i. 4444.7.44..., Meets DICOND Monday of every /, month. Hall, 3ad Hat, Victoria ' sell..., block. Visiting brethren always --'0 made welcome. W. C. SMITH', W. 71 PI CANTELON, Sec. WM A ROSS, D. 11 ,p .ittcli 'niglitO Jubilee Preceptor! No, 161, (Mad, Knights of Ireland) Sleets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednesday of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in ;he evening. Visiting Sir Knights will alwaye *..'calve a hearty welcome. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor GEoROR IIANLEY, Depot)i'receptOr PETRA CANTELON, Reglstrar Royal Black Preceptor 3911 Blas Stir his of Ireland, fleets in the Orange loll, Blyth, the Wedne lay after full moon of every month. Royal Black Preceptor)! 315, Blacl Ani(/hes of Ireland, lleete in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third Ilondnyofevery mouth. Visiting Knights always node welcome. ,V It \!1'RNEY, Preceptor, Goderich P 0 I AM ES 111'8K, Registrar, Goderich P 0 5. HURON ORANGE DIRECTORY. 1891 %tines of the District Masters, Primary Lodge Masteis, their post office ad- dresses and date of meeting. BIDDULPII DISTRICT. John Neil, \V.D.\9., Ceutralia P. U. 319—S. Hariton. Greenway, Friday on or before full moon. 162—Thomas Coursey, Lucan, Saturday on or before full 01000. 193—Richard llodgins, Centralia, Wed- tlt'sday On or before lull moon. 326—William Haggart, Grand Bend, Wednesday on or before full moon. 390—W. E. McRoberts, M'tplegrove, \Vednesclay on or before full moon. )24-1leury Latnbrook, Exeter, 1st Fri- day in each mouth. 1071—John Balls, Eliinville, Saturday on or before full moon. [097—James Lathers, Sylvan, Monday on or betbre full moon. 1210—James Gibson, West McGillivray, 'I'hurs(lay on or before full moon. [343—Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday on or before trill moon. 310—Josepli Huxtable, Centralia, Fri- day 00 or atter full moon. (:DDERICIIt;DiSTRECI'. -leu, B. IIanley, iV.D.M., Clinton 1'. 0. [45—Willis hell, Goderich, 1st Monday in each ,Mouth. 153—Andl'<',, \13llian, Auburn, Friday on or h'.. o..' full rnonn. 182—W. II. `inrney, Goderich, last Tuesdio: - .:tch month. .89—Adam . ,, ,•Ion, Hol meSville,Mon- day on or ' .• Ore full moon. 102—Jarnes 1\ , -r, Saltford, 3rd Wed- nesday fn, !1 month. 306—George A. Cooper. Clinton, It Monday 111 • reh month. v' InuLI.: T1' DISTIRIC1'. A. M. Todd, W. 1'.:'L, Clinton P.O. 10—\V•;G. Smith, Clinton, 2nd Mon- day in each mni 1. 313 --James Homey, Winthrop, lee:, Wednesday helot 0 lull moon. 128—Thomas Mci1yeen, Summerhill, lst Monday iu each month. 125—John Brintnell, Chiselhnrst, 1st . londay it1 each mouth. STANLEY DISTRICT. Joseph Foster, \V.D.M., Varna P. O. 14—John Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Monday in each month, 108—James Keyes, Varna, lst Tuesday in each month. Nicholson, Blake, lst Wed- nesday In each month. 33—Jelin Berry, HentI11, lst, Thursday in each month. 035—William Rothwell, Varna, 1st Thursday in each month. ••"—Any omieeions or other errors will e promptly corrected on writing direct, to the !aunty Master, Bro. A. IL Todd, Clinton 2.0. BILL HEADS, NOTE Letter Heade, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Business Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., eta, printe 1 in a w•nrkrnnn• lino manner and at low rates, at THE NEWS -RECORD FOR SALE. Tho properly at present °coupled by the undersigned on a residence on the Huron Road, in the Town of Goderich, cnneisting of one half of an acre of land, good frame house -story and a half—seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone -collar, . stabler wood And oarringe- •lin were There nro nls., some gond fruit trees. This J_ RIVATE FUNDS to lend on Town an(: farm property is beautifully situated and very property Apply to imitable for any person wishing to live retired. C. RIM -11'T, For further particulars apply to Office, up-Atalrs, opposite Fnwn stall, Albert 0. CA Street. 869.8m 642-tf Barrieter,Goderieh. TO THE FARMERS. Study your own interest and go where; you can get Reliable kik Harness I manufacture none but tun BEST ON STo0E. Beware of shape that dell cheap, as they tutee 901 to live tar Call and get pricee. Order. by mall promply attended to. J €» FE r 1E3 JR.1 L4, HARNES&.EMPORIUM, BLYTI1, ON'P J. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats diseases of all domestic animate on the most modern and scientific ppineiplea. 3SrCalls attended to eight or day. Office Itunted'ttely west of the old Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Reeidence— Albert street, Clinton. 649-3m ABEL S. WEEKES, Civil Engineer, - P. L. Surveyor, D raughtsman, etc. Oltice -Upetairs in Perrin's Block, Clinton, Ont ALLAN LINE ' ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIP'S. Montreal and Quebec, 'o) Derry and Liverpool. CABIN $50 to $A0. According to lucatiuu of Staterooms. Intermediate and Steerage at low rates. NO CATTLE CARRIED. STATE LINE. 'SERVICE OF 1ALLAN LINE S'PEAIIS H l PS. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW via Londonderry, every Fortnight, CABIN, ($35 and upwards. Return, $65 and upwards. Steerage at lowest rates. Apply to H e A ALLAN, Montreal nr A. 0. PAT'FISON or WM. A(IKSON,Clinton NOTICE. The undersigned being necessarily absent from town for some time, has left his hooks and aceonnts wIth MANNINO & SCOTT, to whom pay- ments nut) be made. JOHN WISEMAN. FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTING AND SHAVING. Go to A. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE BARBER, 2 doors east of News -RECORD of• fice. Special attention given to LADIES .AND CH I LDItEN'N Haircutting. POMI'AD01'R HAriteC7'1'I80 A SPECIALTY COPP'S WALL PAPER and Paint Shop IS STOCKED WITH, A SELECT ASSORTMENT —CF— American and Canadian Wall Papers WITH BORDERS TO HATCH, from five cent rolls to the finest gilt, Haying bought my Papers and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex- perience justify me in saying that all wanting to decorate their houses inside or paint them out- side will find it to their advantage to give me a call, igf Shop, south of Oliver Johnston'sbinnhsmith shop, and directly opposite 31r. .1. Chidley'e residence JOSEPH COPP Pra'tival Paper hanger and Painter The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FarmSand Isolated Town Proper- Ity only Insured. Off ' ICEaa. Thee. E. Hays, ('resident, Seafortli P. 0. ; W. J. Shannon, Se-y.Treas., Senforth 1', O. ; John Hannah, Manager, Seafortli 1'. 0, cn1 R ECI•0It a, .las, Broadfoot, Sea forth ; Donald Rose, Clin- ton ; (Nitric' Elliott, Clinton ; George Watt, llarlock ; Joseph Evans, liccehwood ; J. Shan. non, Walton ; Thos. Garbert, Clinton. AORNTR. Thos. Neilans, Ifetlock; Robt. McMillan, Sea - forth ; 8. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo. Murdie, Auditors, Parties desirous to effeet Insurance or transact other busincee will be promptly attend. ed to on application to any of the shove otlirers, addressed to their respective post either'. New Blacksmith Shop ri00000 TROW1111,1, has opened out a gen- UT crnl Rlaekstnith rind Repntr Shop in the building lately 0'', pied by lir, (lanky, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert street, Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith rind iron Worh in all its branches. horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction g ananteed. The tensile are invited to call before Bering any class of work in the shove lines. 4117—tf G Cr100 0 TROW 1111.1.. PUMP FACTORY FOR RENT The nnderaiunrd 'Mere far rent, in the tnwn nt Clinton, en old established Pump Factory with horse power and all tonin in connection with pomp making. A pre Itabin hasinesn has been carried nn on the premieea Inc the past 25 years. Apply to 661—If JOSEPH ROWELL, Clinton. 000'ii -PROPERTY FOR S:\T,E OP 1001' 1 RENT.—Advertisers will and "The Nnivs•fierord" nee of the heat ,,diems in the l'vinty of Ilnrnn. Adi esti-e in "The News.trec:eel"- The Double Cireelatiop Talks to l'l,n ;anda, L'ntrs as l(w ns nn6. CTJJICOBS0 „, ,;tit CREAfWEMED W'OR .A.I.1NT. RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Frost Bites, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Etc. Sold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Fifty Cents a bottle. Directions iu 11 Languagea. THE CHARLES A. VOOELER CO.. Baltimore. Md. Canadian Depot: Toronto, Ont. The Huren News -Record 41.60 a Year -431 Win Advance. IV ednesdaav Sept. 16tH, 1891. CHIPS FROM OTTAWA. In the PuLl a Acre unto Committee, tie Chairman, N, Clark Wallace, while trying to get at the truth about some crooked aeonunle asked :— "Who did you make out theee ac counts ?" Witness, alter sense hee.tuticu, "I sup. pose TO DEFRAUD THE G. vERNMhr,T. Mr. Wood, rf Bruckvil'e, bete made a remark to Mr. atomerville about anx- iety to get t(; thu bottom tf this af- fair. Mr. Lr ter tem irked, loukicg over at Mt. v4 nod—"Fou," meaning the Con- servntive prrty, "could have got at the bottom long ago if you had Iveen anx- Gel. Dennison. th• member for \\-est Toronto, sitting behind Mr. \Vood, eaid, "You ought to be aehanad of your- self." • Mr. Lister -"1f von can't. speak like a gentleman you t ee.d not address me." Col. Denison -` I will speak when I like." Mr. Lintel —"1 won't lake it froin you," Col. Denison—"Neu have got to." Mr. Lister (uol.i"g 'towards Col. Dem- erit))—"How have I got to 7" At !his critical point the chairman 1ketuted order. Mk. 11011ACI( TALSOT. was the next witness, he swore moat peei- tively that these goods charged in ac- counts produced were regularly ordered and regularly delivered. He Was the officer to order the supplies and to receive them, and he aconic positively that he did receive them, (,),—"Did you ever deliver goods pur- chased for the fierier talent to other offic• iale?" A.—"No.' Q —"Did y oto ever present Mr. Bad - large, the late deputy minister, with a silk dress for his daughter ?" The witnese, who had been scornfully indignant at all there questions now an- swered, "Thie is ro low it turue my stornaob, It is false like all the rest." A SCENE IN THE HOUSE. Lt the course of Mr. Mills' speech an exciting scene occurred. Mr. Dlilla took Mr. Fester to task for travelling out of the record and dragging in the Quebec scandal and told ham he had better bee first if his own sjfirts were clean. He then alluded to the case of Mr. Foster taking a vote of the House for $4,000 for a steamship line to the Nest Indies and made a contract for that sura and afterwards admits ted that the service had cost over $G,000 and asked where did that $2,000 go.' Mr. Foster—",\lake a charge. The Iran who insinuates that and does not make n charge is a COW, aril." lir. Mills—"1 Say that that amount was ttileen improperly out of the public chest, and the man who dill it is guilty of a breach of public trust," Mr. Foster, rising excitedly -- "You are a meal], insinuating,"— the balance of this language was lost in cries of "Order," and Mr, Mills paused, but the Speaker, or rather the Deputy Speaker, who was in the chair, not rising, Mr. Davies jump. ed up and clapping his desk, said warmly : "Mr, Speaker, is this House to understand that you sit quietly in the chair and allow such language to he uttered across the floor of the HouSo." Sir John Thompson intervent el by saying—"Has the honorable gentles man the right to accuse another of taking money dislionestly from the public treasury?" Several honorable members -11e did not say it." Mr. Foster ---"Ile did say it in his mean way." Mr. Fegeron from the chair referr- ed to Mr. Davies its the honorable gentleman who strike a desk,and said that ho should not anticipate the de- cision of the chair. He then decid- ed that both Mr. Mille and Mr. Fos- ter were out of order, but that Mr. Mills had erred the moat. Mr. Craig spoke briefly, and in tre—Prring` sckMInls declarer] that in his belief the Government would pursue an honest est coarse and gfve then) a pure administration. The ilou. D1 r. Hogg irt, alluding to Mr. M. 0. Cameron's charge that the Post Office Department stank in the nostrils of the people, asked, "who are my accusers, and what in the charge T' Mr. Cameron was the last man who should touch upon those fake charges of impropriety with women. He denounced as ins famous the insinuatieu that female members of his department were guilty of improper conduct. To all such statements he replied emphati- cally, "They are false." He depre- cated a charge that placed innocent girls under suspicion. The charge made against hilt] coats "scandalous and untrue." Mr. Cameron autered during Mr. Haggart's remarks and was greeted with loud hisses from the Ministerial benches, which were answered try cheers froin the Opposition. Mr. Ilagtgart admitted that there had been irregularities in his De- partment. Mr. Macdonald, of Huron, followed on the Opposition side, and then, after three o'clock, came the division, resulting in a vote on Sir Richard Cutwright's amendment of 81 yeas and 103 nays, a majority of 22 BLUE BEARD'S CASTLE. Few are aware of the existence of Blue Beard's castle, which is situated a mile or two beyond that most charming summer resort, Inter- laken Switaerland,on a lonely, well - shaded mountain road. Upon looking up the wooded hillside, just at a bend in the lane one sees the ruins of an old castle. Only moss -covered wails now remain, which are the haunts for bats, birds, and insects, but Its stately columns indicate its early grandeur. Many doubt that such a character as Blue Beard ever lived, but in that portion of the world the story is believed and told by the na- tives, until one readily fancies they see Fatima's sister at the tower win• dow, anxiously awaiting some sign of her protector. TWICE DIVORCED, TiIRICE MARRIED. There live in Anniston, Alabama, a couple who have been married to each other no less than three times, besides being married twice to other parties. John Dickson and Mrs Susan Dickson are the parties. In 1870 they were married in a small Georgia town, and after living to-, gether a couple of years separated and obtained a divorce. A month later John led to the altar a young and fascinating widow. Mrs. Dick- son followed suit with a widower, and in two weeks she was Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. Dickson No. 2 lived only a year or so, and after her death Dick- son made overtures to his former wife, who repented and deserted husband No. 2 and came with Dick- son to Alabama. They located in Anniston iu 1883 and had only been living here a few months when they again separated and were again di- vorced. Both married again, Dickson tak- ing a young girl not then out of her teens, and in the summer !of 1886 Mrs. Dickson was married to a Mr. Baker. Last year Baker died. Again Dickson and the muchly married woman made up, but to get Dickson's young wife out of the way was the question. For several weeks they puzzled over it and planned, to no effect. finally the opportunity came. Trumped up charges were brought against Ler, and so plain a case did they make against the un - offending girl that Dickson was again granted a diverce. The decree was made last spring, and a few days ego Dickson and Mrs. Baker were mar- riod for the third time, irow long they will now live together no one can tell. The use of colonel for dr r' nut men sof the liver has ruined ninny a tinecunsti n• ti•tu, l'h.ae who, for aloin ar troubles, hove we Ayet's Tills testify to their e1Titre. in thoroughly remedying the malady, without lr,lury to tate e)stenr. —Rev. Mr. Spurgeon lies made little pregreee towarde rt covert'. You conuot he too particular shout the medicine you nee. \\'hen you need. n blood -purifier, he sure you get Ayer's Sareoperille, and ❑p other. It will 010- gle with, purify, and vitaLlz' evert drop Lfhind in nur body. It makes the weak etn"tg, —A line hell of atilt has heetl 8 muck at depth of 1 ri-10 feet at Sarnia. TNi'. MILK TURNED SOUR. 1 will not tell you her name, but rune of the netehbnre eaye that during her brief visit the other day the rnilk turned sow, Iler countenance looks a yard long. She sighs p: rpetually. The clou,l on her brow is deep. If beaten out thin, I be- lieve it would rover the sky. Iler voice in doleful, :and her eyee show no radiance. Her wrinkles are numberleee. She ie a sorry picture, and all bocauee she ie the victim of one of those c' mplainte common to women. Her system in deranged. She needs a °nurse of self -treatment with Dr.. kleree,'s Favorite Prescription, Thie will eradicate thoroughly those excruciat- ing periodical pains and functional weak- Ile.see inoidenr to her sex, and at the same time build up and invigorate her whole system by its health -imparting in• fluence. A trial bottle will coevinee. Children alvvtavn Enjoy It. SCOTT' 8 EMULSION of pure Cod Liver 011 with Hypo - phosphites of Lime and Soda 1s almost es palatable' as milk. A MARVELLOUS FLESH PRODUCER It is Indeed, and the Ilttle lads and lassies who take cold eaelly, may be fortified against a cough that might prove serious, by taking Scott's Emulsion after their meals during the winter season. Beware of sttLstitufiort$ and imitations. 6COTT & BOWNE, Belleville. THE KEY TO HEALTH. .,. Unlocks all the c'••� . ;,1e Bowels, Kidneys and L: y.n„ off gradually without w'e:.1,u. all the impurities ani f: el : , f the secretions ; at the‘,11,1' - - C +:-. , ting Acidity of the Stomach, • er' 131Ii. ousnes., Dyspepsia ii(:. 1-iz• ziness, Heartburn, C'lv rt.il'i.t - 1, Dryness of the Skin. Drr•1+.97. Dim- ness of Vision, Jaundic e. S:iit:alit um. Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness w:_d General Debility ; all these and many other lar Complaints yield to the hrnlly influence "f BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular size $L For sale by all dealers. Z• JULBI1BN e'0 CO., Proprietors, Toroallr HUMPHREYS' DR. HUsPatf,EYn' SPECIFICS are odea tlacally and carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many years 1u private practice with success,and for over thirty years used by the people. Every single Spe- cific Is especial euro for the disease named. These Specifics cure without drugging, urg- eterthe system, ftld dhsoveeign onalie nd are LIST OF PRINCIPAL N08. CURES. PRICES. 1 vers, Congestion, inflammation... 2 Dorms, Worm Fever, Worm ('olio.. Crying Colic, or Teething or Infants Diarrhea, of Children or Adults..., Dyeentcryy, Griping' Bl lousColic.... ��5 Cholera Morbus,Vomiting .`25 7 Coughs, Cold Bronchitis .25 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceachc2 9 Headaches, Slcklicadaohe, Vertigo .23 10 Dyspepsia, Maus Stomach .25 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods.25 12 Whites. 1 .. ;'!. r Periods .25 13 ('rob,', cough,1):),,, tat Breathing— .25 14 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.25 15 Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains.25 141 Fever and Ague, Chills, Malaria.50 17 files, Blind or Bleeding .50 19 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head 20 \Vhuoping Cough, Violent Coughs, 24 Oentire1 Debility.l'hysloal Weakness Kidney Disease.50 2 Nervous Debility 1.00 3 Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed.50 32 Diseases Diseases o1' tI,eHeart,PaujItatlon 1.0 Sold by Druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt of prie.. Du evmeuuevs' MANUAL, (leo pages) richly bound in clots and gold, 1110, Lee rasa. HUMPHREYS' DIED. CO., 1) t Dr 11:1 William SL, So,rlork. :`#.5 .50 .50 SPECIFICS. R'Ihl.LS & 1t1('IIARDSO Co. Agents 111ONTREAI.. DR. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • •WILD TRkW BERRY CURES HOlERA holera Morbus O L.r1C''ack-0-- RAMPS IARRHCEA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER `COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. —I.V TIAs-- y o - !tort