HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-09-16, Page 6Save Your Hair $Y a timely use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. J a This preparation has no equal as a dressing. It keeps the scalp clean. cool, end healthy, and preserves the color, fullness, and beauty of the hair. "I was rapidly becoming bald and gray; but after using two or three bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair grew thick and glossy and the original color was reetolud."—Melvin Aldrich, Canaan Centre, N. IL " Some time ago I lost all my hair in consequence of measles. Alter due waiting, no new growth appeared. I then used Ayer's Hair Vigor and my hair grew 'nick ftii:l, 3t::0:a€?,'• It has ai.p.xont'.y ;,oma to stay, The Vi er"...- 'Haa great aid tort,,tore." —tri. B. V' -,l c,s, ki'luresville,'J'.'xae. "I have r :1 Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past tam ' r :lee years and find it a most sari .'at . dressing for the hair. It is all I email desire, being harmless, causing the hate to retain its natural color, coil r. -q :tern., but a smell quantity to render the h,,ir easy to arrange."— Mrs. M. A. L'.a.iey, 9 Charles etreot, Nev,'da;tl, M:• 4, " i ha:a le ai nci Ayer's tide Vigor for several ye 1 cud believe tLat it has caused my let r to retain its natural color."—Mr _ : h J. Jing, Denier in Dry Goa.i;, Bishopville, Md. Ayer '4air Vigor, l•r.EYAsED JeT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. sold by Druggists and Perfumer& The Huron News -Record 1.50 a ,'ear—dL'l5 in Advance. Wednesday' Septr. 16th, 1891. CANAj)lAN NEWS NOTES. — Ctn.uli'in Pacific stock reached 90 in Montru it last week, the high est ever attained. --The Duuliuiou Gov. ruutent has deci led nut to Allow the input tabun of chile for slaughter. — William Rivers, of Sweaburg, near 'Woodstock, was killed on Tuesday by a huge stone falling upon flim. —The 16 year-old sou of Joseph Hills, of Maryborough township, was, thrown from the seat of a reap- er yesterday, ,'ell nudcr the machine and Was cut to pieces. —St. John, N, B., claims that the census as 1'eg:ITtls that city is far astray. Instead of a decrease, as shown, it is Cluimod that the popu- lation has iucreas"d ..,ver 6,000 since 1884. —Mitchell MIossett, aged 72, of Seaforth, eloped on Tuesday with Katie Kennedy, aged 12. The couple were caught and the old man examined before the magis- trate and committed for trial. —Another awful thing has been discovered.. There were in Ontario, forty-five years ago, 15,000 log school houses. Now thole are only 400. It is quite clear that the Tory government is responsible for this alarming decrease in log school houses. — La Presse, of Montreal, claims to be able to prove that a very large poitiuu of the last Dominion sub- sidies paid to the province of Que- bec was misapplied, and that Pacana took a leading part in diverting it to serve Mr. Laurier's political ends. — On Monday night Mrs. W. J. Kay, of Toronto, retired in as apparently good health as could be desired, but when her daughter want to call ler next morning she was greatly terrified by finding her dead. Death was caused by heart failure, and 1)r. Powell decided that an inquest was unnecessary. —The Ontario Government, fol- lowing up the dismissal of Registrar Macdougall, of Waterloo. has noti• fied Sheriff Brady, of Oxford, who has continued to live in Ingersoll since his appointment., that he must either remove to Woodstock, where his office is situated, or resign. He has decided to remove forthwith. —William Noad, dropped dead in a bath -room in the general hos- pital, Toronto, from heart disease at nine o'clock. He was formerly a broker, and was well known in business circles. Before he entered the broking business he followed the occupation of a commercial traveller. He was sixty-two years of ago. —R. W. Mitchell, the well known Irishman whose cons wale shot before his eyes by boycotters, who has been travelling in the North-west, left Ottawa for the Em- erald Isle yesterday. Mr. Mitchell will only remain in Ireland long enough to pack up, and then return to Canada with his family and set- tle in the North-west. —There are various rumors in circulation as to the differences said to exist between the Lieut. -Govern- or Angers tried his Cabinet. It seems they cannot agree on the course to he followed in reference to the scandals, and it is hinted that Mr. Mercier and his Ministers will resign rather than concede to the Lieut..-Govrenor the naming of the commissioners. —About 11 a. tn. at the barn of H. M. Carver, a farmer, one mile from Walsh village, Ont., the thresh- ing -.en gi rte-boilef hresh•ing-..engin.e-boi-leer of Henr-y_Palmer-- ston exploded with tremendous 'on .e `railroad track, and the force. The machine was in aetio>t engine and tender passed over it, at the time of the explosion anti the engineer had just stepped into the barn The threshing bands were thrown about 1n all directions, but no one was seriously injured. The engine is a total wreak. — The presentation of the Lake- side Home for Little Children, Tor onto, to the trustees of -the institu- tion by the founder and donor of the building, Mr. J. Koss Hobert' son, took place Saturday afternoon_ The home is ou the western side of the island, has recently been great• ly enlarged and there is now ac- commodation fur nearly 200 child- ren. The cost altogether is entire- ly borne by Mr. Robertson, and is about $95,000, and the Home is now said to be the finest of its kind on the continent. — For two years past Mr. Mac kenzie'e voice has not been heard in the House, even in a whisper. This afternoon when the salary of Mr. Fabre, the Government immigra- tion agent at Paris, was under dis- cussion, Sir Adolphe Caron said that he (Fubre) was appointed to the Senate by Mr. Mackenzie before going to Paris, and consequently ought to he acceptable to the Oppu• sitiou. To this the member for East York said loud enough to be heard on both sides of the House, "I repent that." The feww ords were received with cheers all over the ilouse. — The complete census returns from the District of Alber`a gives its population at 26,123 instead of 03,056, as cot,teiued in the return laid before 1''rliament on August 27. The increase of population, therefore, for the provisional dis- tricts in the North-west Territ- tories from the returns so far recei ved is 42,039, instead of 35,972. The percentage of increase is 164, 98, and the total numerical increase for the whole Dominion is 50.4, 601, instead of 498,534, and the percentage of total increase is 11.66, instead of 11.52. —Great excitement prevails over the finding Et Lundy's Lane, last wnek,in asand pit opposite the ceme- tery, a large trench, in which were the skeletons of British soldiers Some of the red coats wore iu per- fect condition, and buttons without number were found, also tobacco Touches, jack knives and buckskin vests and officer's braid. Up to the present time about 15 skeletons have been unearthed. The num- bers -of the regiments were on the buttons. The regiments were the 69th and 103rd. The Historical Society has taken the find in hand, and is collecting the bones and will have thea, buried in the trenches in the cemetery. The members of the society are collecting what relics they can. — Alex. Daniels, a respectable - looking young man, was placed in the dock at Toronto police court, charged with an attempted rape on Elizabeth Robins. The prosecutrix, in her examination and cross-ex- aueinetiou, told how she met de- fendant ou Yonge street, went with him to the gardens, and had a good deal of " spooning" about. She alleges that against her will Daniels attempted undue familiarities. She admitted that another young man named Dixon had seduced her about two months ago, that she still kept company with him, but did not know where he. lived or anything about him, except that he said that he was a traveler. The magistrate reduced the charge to one of the indecent assault, and committed prisoner for trial, accepting bail in two sureties of $100 each. —Some two or three months ago,it will be remembered, that the engine of a freight train went through a burning trestle not many miles from Vancouver. The fireman was killed and Engineer Morse was bad- ly burned, principally abort the legs. He was taken charge of by the doctors near where the accident happened, and was given the hest of care and attention, but the wounds refused to heal. As a last resort it was decided to try grafting, and for this purpose two healthy young guinea pigs were got and parts of their flesh transferred to the man's legs. The operation was a success, and the man's iegs at once began to heal. As soon as he was fit he was taken to Montreal, and the last word is that the burned limbs are- now almost well, and the flesh of the guinea pig has become part of the roan and is quite firm and healthy. — William C. MacDonald, a native of McArne's Corners, Lans- downe township, Hastings coun ty, worked in a camp in M issippi, near Johnstown, and after quitting work on August 13 he went to Lula, Ark., to draw his pay with the intention of starting for hone the next day. But he did not get the money expected. So he wrote to a sister and sent her some money ho had with him and told her to look for him home in a few days to stay. A negro who worked in the same camp, and knew he was going after some money with the intention of going home, stole a Winchester rifle, and as he was re- turning to camp that night shot him, the ball entering the left breast and passing almost through him. T•he ur-darer th'e:n placed the. body mangling it terribly ; but an ex- amiut►iiou showed the bullet hole, and led to the discovery of the rift, and a search for the murderer. GENERAL NEWS. —A sensational story is' reported from the vicinity of Newbury. A farmer named Edwards has an adopt ed son, who offended him in some way on Monday last. To punish the little fellow Edwards, it is said, cons ceived the horrible idea of burying him alive. This idea was promptly carried out. He dug a hole, laid the boy in it awl covered him up. After the lapse ofa few seconds,thinking the child had been sufficiently punish-. ed, he relieved him from his living tomb, to find him almost dead from sufocation and fright, and it was some time before consciousness was restor- ed. The outrage coming to the ears of the neighbors they resolved to avenge it, and next night a uumbex of able bodied men visited Edward's house with a stout rail, a pail of tar and a bag of feathers. The tar and feathers were liberally applied to Edward's person, and with the rail he was given a free ride for a dia.. tanoe of a couple of concessions. The story is vouched for by parsons of un toubted veracity. —Mrs. Catharine Robertson. nee Rose, .was married at Ridgetown in 1888 to John Marshall, The union was not found congenial and the parties shortly after separated. Mr. Marshall has been living latterly in Blenheim. He is disposed tdfignore his marriage with Mrs. Robertson on the grounds that Robertson is yet alive. Mira. Robertson. though apparently not desirous of living with Marshall, had interfered in his matrimanial intentions towards a lady in Blenheim. Marshall had Mrs Robertson before Mr. Watson here charged with bigamy. The case came up on remand Tuesday. It came out in evidence that the first husband came here from 'I ownsend, Norfolk County, settled as a tenant on Colonel Patserson's farm and mar- ried Miss Rose. Re afterwards left the country, and has been in various States of the Union photographing and teaching writing classes. His brother, a farmer from Townsend, swore that he had been back three times only in fourteen, years and that only for short visits.. It did not ap- pear that he had during that period visited, lived with or supported de— fendant. It was contended by her counsel, Mr. O'Neil of Chatham, that under the circumstances defendant was innocent of the crime charged in marrying Marshall. The magis- trate reserved his decision. COULD SCARCELY SEE. Mie. John Martie, of Montague Bridge, P. E. I., write.: "1 wets troubl- ed last summer with very bad head- ache; and constipation and aurnetin,es could scarcely see. O,.e bottle of Bar - dock Blood Bittu's made a comp cue enre of my case, and I wish you every euucese. —Dr. '51. A. Holmes, of Waterville aged 78, has a grandfather still liviug, in England at the age cf 114 years. The atter is a surgeon by prefeseion, and Dr. Holmes remembers that when a boy, over 60 years ago, he assisted;his vener- able auceetur iu the amputation of a soldier's lug. REGINA RIPPLES. "I took six bottles of Burdock Blood Butters for liver complaint, headache and dull stupid feeling, but now I ane entirely well and healthy, having alae a good appetite which I did not have previous- ly."—Mrs. T. Davie, Regina, N. W . 'f. —Mrs. Tnnntpsoa, of Beach ville, Ox ford, celewa'ed her 104th birthday on Thursday. A large number of her fri- ends aseembled to congratulate her and wish many returns et the day. The ven- erable lady is pall lively and cheerful, her eyesight, heating and speech being ate g ae ever. WHAtSAY THEY? In popularity increasing. In reliabilty the standard. In merit the first, lu tact, the beat remedy for all summer complaints, diari hie t, dysentery, cramps, colic, etcetera intantum, etc., is Dr. Fowl, r'e Extract of Will Strawberry. All medi nue dealers sell it. —The Post -master, General has caused a writ to be issued against the U. N. 'A'. Telegraph Company and the Henderson Delivery Company. of 'Toronto, claiming damages for infringement of the Act re- specting better carrying. It is alleged that for mouths past the defendants hays been conducting a sort of postal service and carrying lettere et a cheaper rate that if a pi et -office. The Act fixes a fine of $20 for each letter carried, The object is to stop letter carrying by pri- vate companion. TIMELY WISDOM, Great and timely wisdom is shown by keeping Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry on hand. It has no equal for ohelera, cholera morbus, diarrhtea, dy- sentery, colic, cramps, and all summer complaints or looseness of the bowels. A eho: king afl%ir has jest some to light at Peterboro, Oct. About two weeks pyo a tw u -year-old uhil I belong ing to parents residing in that town, was taken ill with fits. While in a fit the old-fashioned remedy of putting the child into a pan of warm water was tried. When ti a child wan put in the pan it was found that the water trap not suffi- ciently warm, so the lid was taken off the stove and the pan, with the child still in it, was raised and placed on the stove with the intention of heating the water. Immed.ately on being placed on the stove the child commenced to writhe in agony. The women is attendance deemed it the result of the fit and paid no attention, but allowed it to remain there while it was being slowly cooked Finally, one woman, mare thoughtful than the others, entered the room, and seeing what was going on, rrahed fore - ward and snatched the child from the pan, As she pulled it away the akin peeled of its body and stuck in large pieces to the bottom of the pan. A physician was summoned, hut although vtrythi'tig' p iti1%T4 Wile 'dou'e' fo r rel'iede the little sufferer, it died in a ahnrt time. • C.ouslunptlou Cared. pledlaitnauly from iihad achsa ban Lama uda mieatua pry the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, ()stadia, Asthma and ell throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervoasl,ebility sue a1l Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers In thousands of cases, has felt It his duty to make it known to his sugaring fellows. Autuatedby this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, thin recipe in German, French or English, with toll directions for preparing abd mita. ,gut by mall by addressing with stain ., naming this paper. LY. A. Nem., 8211 Powers' Block, l:uehedter, -V. Y. dill -y --London millers have abandoned the use of the grain tester. OFT IN PERIL. Lives of children are c•f:en en !angel ed by au-tdeo and violent attacks of cholera, cholate morbus, diarrhoea, dysentery and bowel compltiut•. A reasonable and certain peeaurion is to keep Ur. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry always at hand. • —The wheat, waist,. and barley crepe in V't'este-n Irel tad are rutting ou eeenunt of long-euu•iuuad rain. —The 01 -If, Bowe' Irrupts at Chio..go will kava 34 storeys altogether, with an agg reg it" height of 556 fest. —The mails from China and Javan reached New York at 4,43 yesterday morning, the run from Vcucover being made iu 84 hour.. It is thought the malls will be delivered iu Great Britain in 20 days drum the date of leaving Yok- ohama. GREAT GAMES. True great American game, Baseball, in the Stater, and the great Euglieh game, Cr,eket, in the Dominion, are in full career, and it is apropos to consider a hat a celebrated pitcher nays : Mr. Louis Rush, 99 Preston St-, Detroit, Mich,, U. S. A.. writes: "Iu pitching ball I sprained my arm ; tato applications o' S'..Jacebs Oil cured me," if you want to b • ready for the n, xt day, try it. —Mr. Judkins and airs, Jethro, of Kingston, after living together for 20 years, quarrelled, He struck her and was arredted far assault and jtiled. She sold a pig and paid the fine, hut refused to take him back. He is now endeavor ing to get her arrested fur stealing his Pia - BET fFR AND BETTER. "B• iter tll,au grandeur, better than g,ld, Batter than rank a theueand fold, la a healthy body, a mind at ease, And crumple pleasures that always please." To get and keep a healthy hotly, use Dr. Pieroe's Golden Medical Diecuvery, a reuteu ly designed to not only cure ail diseases of the threat, lungs and cheat', but keep the body iu a thoroughly h, ta'thy cenrlitiun. It eradicates all im- purities from the blood, and m'ercome■ Indiuration and f)y.p-psi.,, Blotches, Pimples and eruption distilipeer, under its tree, and your mind can lie "at cape," as to your health, --Hatt y Rooney and Charlie Bear i, who reside with their parents in Cn- bnurg, went shooting in the country. While they were getting .,ver a fence the gun which R ,ouey was carrynig went oft', wounding the young man in a terrible manner. The charge of shot entered hie right side and, taking almost a perpendicular a arise, came out at the shoulder blade necessitaiiug anupuaation of the arm. A DVIee TO MOTH It rte. Are yon disturbed at Eight and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and erying wiih pain of Curti ink Teeth? If on semi et once and get a bottle of "Mts. Winslow's Soutbing Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing. Its value is iw:alenlable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, Isotherm,; there is nu mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrbaa, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind Colic, softens the gnma, reduces inflammation, and gives tone a 'd energy to the whole system. "vIrs Winslow's Soothing Sy, up" for children teething is pieasaat to the taste and is the preeeriptinu of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all drnggist'e throughout the world. Pricy 25eon's a bottle. Be sure and itch for "Mits. \Vt.t'soow's SOOTHING Svnci,"and take no other kind. 65fiy TILE CELEBRATED Ideal Wase ;and Wringer. THE BEST IN THE MARKET Machines Allowed on Trial ant also agent for all All Agricultural Implements Wareroom opposite Fair's Mill. Call and see me. J. O. WEIR, CLINTON Flo y 161.1 Certg 1 CAI C9 MINNLu ERRORS OF YOUNG AND OLD Organic, Weakness, Falling Memory, Leek of Energy, Physical Decay, positively cured by Hazelton'. Vitalizer. Also Nervous Debility, Dimness of Sight Loss of Ambition, Unfitness to Marry, Stunted Development, Loss of Power Pains in the Back, Night Emissions, Drain in Urine, Seminal MASON sleeplessness, Aversion to Society? Unfit for Study, Excessive Indul- gence eta, eta Every bottlp guaranteed. -20.000- warty: arty:' Addr3Sv. etinlOel gr SUMP for treatise, J. E. iIAZELTON, Graduated Pharmacist. 808 Yonge Sd, Toronto, Ont. B A HANDSOME ORGAN FREE 0 Given Away ith Baking Powder. Best Offer Yet lam" See the liallt'sume Organ, now oil, exhibition. "( 0 N. ROBSON. ▪ CLINTON. Perry Davis' PAIN -KILLER Is need both internally m d externally. It nets quickly. affording, tmoet instant relief from the sever ret pain. aa DIRECTLY TO THE SPOT. INSTANTANEOUS I1 ITS ACTION. For CRAMPS, CHILLS, COLIC, DIARRH(EA,, DYSENTERY, CHOLERA MORBUS, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, MO REMEDY EQUALS THE PAIN -KILLER. In Canadian Cholera and Bowel Complaints its effect Is magical. It wares in a very short time. THE BEST FAMILY REMEDY FOR BURNS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA and TOOTHACHE. SOLD EVERYWHERE AT 260. A BOTTLE. £ Beware of Counterfeits and Imitation.. Iasiamwsw. The ows-Re nor FOR GOOD ENVELOPES FOR FINEST PRINTING FOR NICE BiLL HEADS FOR OFFICE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD EXCELS IN Ali. DEPARTMENTS MEN DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE? ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. NO BETTER REMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, CONSUMPTION, &C. Groceries. - Groceries. C NS' �110N BRO S- --Have a splendid stock o; — Choice New Groceries, Fruits, Peels, Crock' ry, Glass and Chinaware At prices eonsisteut with good goods. We area a position to guarantee as gen value as any other house in the trade. Try our Fp aunts Teas, the hest tee th least money in the' market. We have a stuck of Gebel at i:rru'eries that cannot b surpassed in duality or lowness of price. lc not invest till you '-all on us. r.11 BROS., Wholesale & Retail Grocers, Clinton, P' TT i I'll NEW STOCK ! NEW STORE ! ELLIOTT'S BLOCK, - CLINTON. JOSEPH CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furniture. Call at the New Store and see the stuck of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springs, Mattresses, etc., anti general Household 'Furniture. The wit de Stock is hom'the very best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of ever description. ' JUS. CIIIDLEY, one door II est of Dickson's (Cook Store RELIABLE TAILORING O THOS. JACKSON, SR.,' The Old Reliable Merchant Tailor, has a Co nplete Stock of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., suitab)'J for Spring and Summer Wear Qom" Every Suit a Walking Advertisement. " Cloth by the yard at a very a' call margin, and Garments of all kinds CUT FREE from the sarie. T. JACKSON, SR., HURON -ST., CLINTON. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT. • CORRESPONDENCE. We will at all times be pleased to receive items of news from our sub- scribers. We want a good corres- pondent in evert, locality, not already represented, to send us RELIABLE news. SUBSCRIBERS. Patrons who do not receive their paper regularly from the carrier or thr,ugh their local post offices will confer a favor by reporting at this office at once. Subscriptions may commence at any time. ADVERTISERS. Advertisers will please bear in mind that all "changes" of advertisements, to ensure insertion, should be handed in not later than MONDAY NOON of each week. CIRCULA- TION. THE NEws-RECORD has a larger circulation than any other paper in this section, and as an advertising medium has few equals in Ontario. Our books are open to those who mean business. JOB PRINTING. The Job Eej'artment of this jour- nal is one of the best equipped in "Western--Ont'ardz , and•=' "p 11ielld '- class of work is guaranteed at very tom prices. J. C. STEVENSON, Furniture Dealer, &c. THE LEADING UNDERTAKER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Opposite Town Hall, - Clinton, Ont WATCHES! Waltham, Elgin, Illinols, Columbus, Seth Thomas, and Rockford—new, model. VFAII these nrakee in key and stem winders. Also pendant set watches. BIDDLECOMBE, CLINTON. C;TRAY STOCK ADVER TISE\IENTS inserted in. Tate News RRCORo at low rates. The law makes it compulsory to advertise stray stock If yon want any kind of advertiein • you will not do better than call on 'eweeocord. IMPLEMENTS. The subscriber baytug severed his connection with the Massey Company, desires to intimate that he has been appointed agent for the well- known firm of FROST 8 WOOD, implement makers, of Smith's Falls, and will be pleased to fill all orders in his line ss heretofore. Will also keep on hand WuLxINeON PLOWS, COLTER & SCOTT DRILLS, DISC HARROWS, and articles of like maters. WM. STANLEY, 641—Gm Holmesville and Clinton A NICE HOME A T A BAR()Al . > ightaeree.otland-wtti}gw - iala 'Win' 4011'04 of choice ripple trees ; comfortable house and stables ; ndjmininglfnde. rich township. Apply to R.ilL. DOYLE, Gods- hall. 626-tf