HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-09-09, Page 8To Advertisers.
411 changes of Ade'etisentents, to
insure insertion in the current issue,
must be received at the ice riot later
than Alonilay ctoorc. Copy !o'•
change received later than Monday
noon Will hereafter be at the Adver-
tiser's own risk,
�t*fir j� Y TODD, PuLlidter,
Ise mid orotund the."15 tib.'
ATowl1 1'7! alk.
ooAJ. NornEs.—A11 entices in rheas
columns of meetings or entertainments,
previous to bogging of the same,at which
au admission feats harged,orfrom which
a pecuniary benefit is to be derived, will
be charged at.. the rate of ten cents per
line. THa Mnst' LAat:Ei.Y Ci RCI'LAT) I)
WANTED,—Apples, Plums, Peal's.
Highest market price paid.—Caute-
lou Bros., Clinton. 670-tt.
WANTED—A good general servant
to whom good wages will be paid—
Apply to Mrs. Thos. Jackson, jr
WANTED. --A youth nearly fifteen
years of age wants a place as messen-
ger boy, or to take care of horses—
Apply to Mr. McKeown, at Twit-
c}ael l's.
PLuarsTEEL k Gisn:Nas have arrange
ed to specially cater for the ladies
by getting a special line of nice new
goods suitable for fall wear, and have
secured the services of Miss Davis in
the millinery department and Miss
Lesslie of Toronto, and London,Ene.,
for mantle and dressmaking.
JOHN BEAcort's Torn Burk won
money at the Goderich, Clinton, and
Mitchell meets of the Lake Huron
Taetting Circuit.
THE friends of Mr. J. J. Wright,
of the Puint Farm, Goderich, will
regret to hear of the death of his
wife on the 2nd inst., after a linger-
ing illness.
Me. D. A. FORRESTER, of Clin-
ton flax mills, has been getting in a
large quantitity of the raw material.
He reports about the same acreage
under flax in this section this year
as last, and the yield a fair avenge.
FRED FLLOM, an employe of the
Thoruas organ cumpany,Woodstock,
while at work on a buzz saw, had
the misfortune to lose throe fingers
and the greater part of bis left hand,
the thumb and forefinger alone
being left intact.
SALT has been Struck at Sarnia at
a depth of 1540 feet. Works had
already- been erected in att3bT at'ron.
When this well gets into operation
it will add much further to compe-
tition which Jots made the businese
unprofitable to the eioneer8 and all
SATURIIAs sense twenty odd head
pf cattle passed tooeeugh Clinton
from Mavitvlru tv Hensel!, DIr.
Spooner says they are a flue lot et'
strong looking cattle. They will be
finisher! at Hansell, the owners pro-
posing to fatten them there for the
English market.
AT it meeting of the judiciary
committer of the Caua lian Lacrosse
Association held at Roslin 'Muse,
Toronto, Saturday, in the Goderich-
Clinton matter, Clinton did not put
in any reply and under the rules the
match is awarded to Goderich. The
precedent was instructed to suspend
certain players on the Clinton team
and the club is suspended for the sea•
THERE is a fair average crop of
apples through Ontario and the
time for harvesting or picking will
soon be on hand. The prices that
will be realized will greatly de-
pend upon the way the fruit is
handled and packed. An exchange
says the irst'regnisite in the apple -
seller is to come to his work in the
't of the iuJ eectiou, ''Ye shrill
din 510 uiirigl'teouenese in judgment,
in meteyard, in weight, or in men -
sure. * Just balance, just weight, e
just ophah, and a just line Shall ye
have.' In Stich a case it would be
impossible for any small, immature,
smoky, scabbed, or deformed fruit
to get into the barrel. In a few
yearn the name of the grower whoee
fruit was always packed thus would
ensure good prices and a ready
,'1'ERTING Or TEACHERS. -We have
been asked by some Montreal con-
cern to publish something about
some patent use of electricity for
lighting purposes. Rot our town is
already lit by electric light. Yet
there, are other lights. On Thurs-
day end Friday of this week the
pedagogues of East and West Huron
will moot in the Collegiate School
where there will be brilliant corus-
cations of scholarly light that will
pale the effulgence of the most pow-
erful "ampored" and "volled" elec-
tric light. And it won't surprise
the natives the least bit. The edu-
cational facilities of Clinton are of
such a high order that Clinton peo•
fie .are contfnuallay iev glee, toss
lig 4—irore� 'especially t lose wT o
read THE NEWS -RECORD. Terms
$1.25 a year, and no catch offers to
got subscribere. The Thursday
meeting of teachers will conclude
with an entertainment in the Town
Hall in the evening.
Ms. Trios. JACKSON= Sony., is
taking a trip through Manitoba.
THE PnESRYTERY of Hurou met
in Blyth Monday last and that of
Maitland in Wingham on same
LESSONS IN TAOItts.—A tack re'uie
h..,,cuwera when It ideates the
most mischief. It has many human
BUILDING Ur. --The demand for
more commodious premises to meet
the requirements of the trade of
Clinton has determined ex mayor
Whitehead to erecta first class block
of brick stores at the corner of
Albert and Ontario streets, on the
sites now occupied by lturnball's
jewelry store, Cunuingharne's
Express and the NEWS -RECORD
following named students are at-
tending the Clinton Model School.
Probably others will join : Lizzie
Kenney, Janet Kirby, ida Kydd,
Janet Mustard, Martha Smillie,
Mary Smillie, Beatrice Stonehouse,
Emily Thompson, Lizzie Lauchlin.
Robert Fergusou, Edward Ilagan,
John Holdworth, Edwin Jervis,
John Lindsay, Wm. McDonald.
Albert McDowell, Joseph McDon-
ough, Wm. Rea, \Vm, Robinson,
Frank Turnbull, Andrew Taylor,
Edgar Whitmore, John Woods,
Louis Wilde.
BUSINESS —Mere words cannot re-
pay the many kind offers we receive
front time to time from outside par-
ties to advertise gratuitously some
money -making scheme for them.
Schemes in which we have no
earthly interest and the advance
went of which we are strongly con-
vinced would have no bearing on
our well being when we shuttle off
this mortal coil. But the cheekiest
thing out comes from "The Colum-
bian News and Advortisiug Com-
pany" offering to furnish us with
weekly puffs of the World's Fair in
Chicago in 1892 if we will pay them
for furnishing said advertising puffs.
All such offers are declined, with
thanks. Our terms are ten cents a
line, with a liberal discount off
when over ten lines.
"A'r HOME,"—One of these social
affairs, gotten up by the Young
People's Christian Endeavor Society
of the Ontario Street Methodist
Church, came off Friday evening
last. The object was a purely social
one—to welcome Rev. Mr. Galloway
and to make pastor and people ac-
quainted. The programme was
made up of music, readings and re-
freshments. The choir was very
hap-py.-ern th:air-se1ectione- wlrrth
were rendered in •that artistic style
which has given them quite an
enviable prominence among the
church choirs of the town. The
Y. P. C. E. Orchestra, on string
and labial instruments, was au agree-
able varietiou. 'I he Quartette Club
give ttelec,tions which seemed to be
highly aphreciatetl. A reading by
Mr, Manning entitled the " Travel-
led Parson" might have U%en taken
its referring the Rev. gentlemen
whom they were welcoming, but he
sat, we were going to saystoically
indifferent to the portrayal of tees
of the alleged idiosencraciee of the
clu'l,, mut the fact is !',e appeared to
highly enjoy 'rho reading as Mr.
Manning seemed to poke him iu
the ribs with, "How is that Mr,
Parson Z" But when Mr. Giffin
read a selection from tho philosophi•
cal works ofArtomas\Ward,ono might
have imagined wrath in the eyes of
the lady members of the Y. P. C.E.
as reference was made to ancient
female persons going about to sup-
ply the "spiritooal" wants of the
man and brother of the woolly pate,
while neglecting the demands of
his "stumik." However, both Mr.
Manning and Mr. Gitlin acquitted
themselves admirably, and we take
it for granted that Mr. Galloway
will forego a libel suit against the
or and that the Y, P, C. E. larsiA;
Window Shades
We are offering our entire stock of
at greatly reduced prices, to snake room for
will refrain .from any action (hat
will make it necessary for the other
to ':wear a wig. A duet by Miss
Orphie Miller and Mr, W. H. Har-
land, excellently rendered, was ono
of the numbers. A highly pleasing
part was the "Musical Selection ou
the Glasses" b.; Mr. C. Hoare, as
with wonderful delicacy of touch he
evolved sweet sounds, that might
have peon wafted from "Araby the
Bleet," from the edges of Some two
dozen vitreous drinking vessels.
During au intermission of the intel-
lectual treat a very important feature
was carried out in the basement of
the church . where nimble -footed
Gaoymed' s and Mercuries served
cofloo and cake to the At Isomers,
and where homely converse also
waited ou digestion in a quite
social manner. The evening closed
by a few remarks from Itev. Mr.
Shilton, who came in at a late hour,
having been engaged elsewhere,
and by the pastor, both of whom re-
ferred to the social side of humanity,
and how the founder of Methodism
aimed to oeter for it by means which
approved themselves whether view-
ed in a humanitarian, moral or
spiritualpastor also
tuoli ooc 'scion fo reTeriBilieltlfitt
and hearty manner in which' be and
his family had been received.
From the very first they had folt as
though they had come among old
friends. Tho singing of the dox-
ology was the finale.
corning in shortly. 'Call early and get first choice.
Book Store and \revs Depot, Clinton.
�BEESLEY & Ciax*
Straw & Felt Hat Bep'tffl't
In answer to numerous enquiries
we beg to advise our customers
that the Straw and Felt Hat De-
partment, which has been so long
under the management of the late
MISS L. BEESLEY, will be con-
tinued by her staff of assistants,
who will commence doing over
Hats and Bonnets for the Fall as
-- -soon-as the New Srapw-are to ._-
B 883!
au ' S Great Millinery Emporium,
ClThe Ladies Favorite Establishment
MRS. JOS. WHITEHEAD itafflicted Miss Menne) has returned to
with conr,tiou of the lunge, town.
Miss ANNIE SELL.F...�t- Q£ Kinear, DTR. W TAYLOR is back from
dine is visiting at the borne of Mrs. l`1 x nglsm d'"
J. C. Gilroy.
Miss McMurchie of Clinton is visit-
ing at Inuerkip.
Mit. J. I+' SPoeeett and wife of
the Grand Union attended Detroit
Exposition last week.
are visiting their daughter Mrs. C.
C. stance, Rat Portage, Ont.
DR. Aw'ry of Mitchell has charge
of Dr. Shaw's practice while the
latter is attending camp at St.
MRs. C. R. JOHNS of Winnipeg is
here on particularly on account of the
illneeri el her mother) Mrs. John cinch euibarrased financially and as
O'Neill. free for Inoney as n frog is from
liEaD the meritorious verses on feathers. If some of you folks that
"F. '1'. K.," a owe us on subscription could have a
another page, by
whilom resident or Clinton, ou the photograph oft our empty br
Loss of "Tishomingo. pockets, you would hustle a dollar
or so and change the picture. Our
REV. JouN GRAY, Baptira minis- cash receipts have been so light the
tet', of 1{incardioo, tree accepted' a past month that a hessian fly could
call to a church near St. Thomas, cast them up in ten seconds. We
and will remove there shortly, dislike this 'contraction of the
ourreney very much, and you, one
'I'tiiiti has heart no inlproyenient and all, should extend a hand to
in the condition of Mr. \Vm. Mason ,belts ue out of the money panic wo
during the past week; the probnbilie are undergoing. P. S.—Don't for-
ty of his recovery we regret to note get to have your silver in your hand
is very slight. when extended."
MR. JAS. FAIR and wife hese re-
turned home after a trip across the
briny deep.
REV. W. Raw. Presbyterian min-
ister, of Weston, is visiting at the
residence of his brother-in-law, Mr,
T. C. Bruce. The gentleman's wife
and daughter accompany hien.
Tower PARLiAMENT met In regu-
lar session Monday night. A num-
her of accounts were passed, routine
business gone through and -2ou-
stable Wheatley appointed truant
a delicate subject with us," says a
Western editor, "but we are very
"Yes, It's A Big Stock.."
---0— —0---•
We are told by the many customers who have already --
called on us that we have a big stock. Yes, we have the;
largest and finest stock of
to be seen in this section of the country. A visit to our
establishment will demonstrate what we say. We carry
fine goods and our prices will be found as low as is con-
sistent to sell them and pay 100 cents on the $.
We want to call special attention this week to new stock
just in. . There are many new and sensible styles this
season and we have them. We always keep,in stock a
large assortment. When you need anything to keep out
the wet come and see what we have.
Our new stock of
is in and we have many new styles to show. We art±.
going to keep a big stock for the Children and we won't
let you away for the want of suiting you.
Our new line of $2.00 Pants is taking well and we are
expecting a big sale of them and Nye are preparing for it.
Our new lisle of 85 cent pants for the 1,oys will be ready.
in a few days.
Our stock of furnishings is complete and we are ready
with a fine range to show you this season.. -
aekson .-. Bros
Me. C. K. TEMPLE for some time (OBIT —There died in Clinton on
past in tee eloleoes Dank here, now Sunday 7th Sept., Edmund Corbett,
holds a similar position with the aged 54 years. Deceased had been
same bank in Ilamilton. Mr. Rene oiling only a little over a week, and
nington, of Exeter, has taken iris his demise is quite a shook to his
place here. many friends. A widow, two
daughters and one son survive him.
I)n. GUNN is said to have bought Ile was for several years in the
from ,Tohn Jackson the vacant lot woollen manufacturing business
on Huron Street between Mr. here. IIe was town reeve, council-
Biddleconlhe's private residence and lor, and assessor at various times.
the Coate block, and McLennan has He was a conspicuous figure in town
opened a bake shop in Jackson's and will be much missed. The
block opposite. Tho Doctor, it is immediate cause of his death arose
also said, will build a brick build- from congestion of the live ;,and
ing, to be used as an office, on. he eerrbege.-Qf @;stomisehe .tlao,iigh
'WV "pl rf61116e: `"'�\fiien`-'�'C1ie -- flue` l he had -been troubled with heart at -
tor has fixed up his patients so that fection for some time past. In the
they can take their "feed", it will i interests of medical science an ex -
be quite coevenient for them to step • amination was made which showed
acmes the atreetand order the "staff ' it number of gall stones and a com-
of life" that will make permanent plication of. diseseos. The funeral
the good work of the Doctor. took place Tuesday afternoon.
era -- Co.
Are moving out4Summer Goods at a quick march pace.
We have
for you this week. Some beautiful Black Dress Goods
to be moved.
5Oc. Black Henrietta now 371c.
75c. Black Brocade, 46 inches wide, 49c.
85c. Black Henrietta, 46 inches, 65c.
Good Black Cashmere, 23c.
A.11 -Wool Tweed, 25c.
All -Wool Tweed, was 50c., now 38c:
All -Wool -Tweed, was $1, now u`c,
This week, to start the season prices away down. There
are too many to attempt to quote prices.
Come and see them.
0 --
Men's Suits, $10, now $7,90.
Shirts, 75 cents, now 55 cents.
Pants, Overalls and Rubber Coats to move this week at
a tremendous sacrifice.
Grey Flannels are wanted non' --see our leader
at 15 cents.
0 ---
Always busy at the LEADING STOREC
Dealers in Bankrupt Stocks,
Berlin, Woodstock, London, Galt, and now CLINTON,