HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1891-09-09, Page 5EDITORIAL .NOTES. The month of July 1801 as cons ipared with the month of July 1890 shows the farmers of this country ibave sold of their products three quarters of a million dollars wore in July of this year than in July of last year. Clear proof that if our farming population remains com- paratively stationary as regards numbers, they are increasing in wealth. Mat1ter-ville (Iowa) Vindicator : "`Yesterday H. W. Woods thrashed 15 acres of oats that yielded him 70 bushels per acre by weight. The grain was Bold for 22 cents per bus- hel, bringing him $231.." In this -cramped Canadian market farmers can, in towns like Clinton, get from 30 to 35ceuts for their oats. Great gain to Canadian farmers, eh ! to :have free access to the American market and get from 8 to 13 cents per bushel . less than do under ex- isting conditions. One thing is certain, that it our' farming population has not increas- ed as rapidly in numbers recently as they might h the done, farmers have been selling more produce than ever, which should make them wealthier. The farmers of the Dominion ten years ago sold for export produce valued at $30,000, 000, In 1801 they sold for export produce valued at $37,000,000. While the total exports from the country increased by $17,000,1)00 during the same period. Cartwright and his friends want commercial union or unreatricttd reciprocity. They ale opposed to the present protective sys' tem in Canada. Tbyy e'tll it legal- ized robbery bee disc we have a tar iff averaging 27 per cent. They want to get in under the American system of legalized robbery under which the tariff' is 60 per cont. Pal- pably, simply and nakedly Cart- wright and his frienth demand more protection. Now, if they want more protection why not advocate it straight, right in the Dominion Par- liament, instead of advocating the the circumlocution dodge by way of Washington. Ottawa is the place where a higher tariff for Canada should he legislated, not Washing- ton. r { As-th-erli7he-'wuvYd-saw. '9'I: e i• e K It is lnrperative, it is mandatory by the terms of the British North America got that, a redisttibution of parliamentary seats be mede every ten years, on the basis �f population ati returned by the census. And yet the Oppositiop find cause for attacking the Government when a re arrangement is talked of. The Montreal Witness says that under the new order- of tbings,necessitated by the census returns, "Nova Scotia will henceforth have twenty repre- sentatives instead of twenty-one' New Brunswick fourteen instead of sixteen, and Prince Edward Island five instead of six, Manitoba gains two while British Columbia and the North-West remain like Ontario and Quebec, as they are." It will be remembered that the normal and fixed representation of Quebec is 65 members Divide that number into the population of Quebec and the result ie the unit of representa- tion for all the other Provinces. Ill 1878 Canada exported pro• ducts v Clued at $65,7.40,134, in 1890 praducta valued at $82,335,51.4, This is strong evidence of material prosperity. The farmers 'meet be more prosperous than in 1878. In the year named their exports were valued at $30,000,000 ; in 1800 at $37,000,000. And between 1878 and 1890 the city and town population of the country increased by fully 500,- 000. Thus the home market in- creased during the twelve years by 50 put Cent and exports increased by $17,000,000, while at the same time prices of all commodities used by faruteis fell in price. Can dem- onstration be :Aura complete 1 in almost every other direction evi- dence of prosperity is found. Front 1878 to 1899 the letters posted rose from 44,000,0000 to 94,000,000 ; newspapers front 39,000,000 to 70,- 000,000; couunerce from 6,600,000 to 10,300,000 tons ; imports from $91,000,000 to $112,000,000 ; rail- way mileage from 5,143 to 13,256 ; rail tvay'earniugs from $21,000,000 ; to $47,000,000 and so on through all linea of indu:)tries. C('RREN7' TOPICS. The contents of over 35 cases and bales of NEW FALL GODS have already been passed into stock and are ready for your in- spection. There are still a few lines to come that will be here in a few days, and then we will be able to say we have the finest and most comprehensive stock of Dry Goods to be found in the County. In every department of our mammoth Store we show an assortment and variety that will be hard to equal. Values Right. 5 per cent off for Cash. ESTATE JOHN HODGENS. -Nt-A8Ajn C -LA...-L-"V(A ILI 0 _,A_ ID X--% 1 C • OF I,N ER TWINE CROWN RED CAP SILVER COMPOSITE 3 -PLY FLAX tt 'UALI, EARLY AND SECURE 1'Ot;lt SUl'PLV 0 IIARAN:0 /3R08-, Iron and Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Clinton, Ont. duction of the per capita tax in the United States has taken place syn• chrorously with the burdens impos- ed upon the people'. Ono thing is manifest and that is that the industrial interests of the country have kept pace with the raising of the tariff. Every advance made in U. S. tariff has been responded to by increased pros- perity and a reduction of the public debt. Of course the time has nearly arrived when an opposite fiscal pol- icy will have to be pursued -when, as in Britain a gradual reduction in the taxes on imports will take place. Canada would do well to follow Great Britain and the United States by adopting a stiffer protective pol- icy than we now have. It will be seed well sown, and in a few years we should reap the -harvest result- ing from it as other countries have. WA N'I'S TO KNOW, t; {Iirago Inter Ocean:—To the tor. -A bet has been made between two gentlemen on a 111athiellistical proposition. A beta that 18 and times 18 and a is 351, and his op, -ponent brit tat -the sum is iron-- rect. They agree to leave the decis- ion of the bet to the Inter Ocean. Please reply through your columns and give a demonstration of the problem. JOE N ELsoN. Assistant Superintendent of Schools, James Hannan, says A loses, if the problem is a straight one of multiplication. County Sup- erintendent Lane says the same, as the answer would be 351 9-16. But by the way the question is put, Mr. Lane thinks, !neatest is intended, in- asmuch as the word "sum" is used. If "sum", which indicates an addi, tion of the question, is meant, 18, and times 18, and , is not 351. It would be 321. The Seaforth Sun is doing good work for the Conservative party by publishing in the form of a con- tinued story the "Romance of the Budget" alias "John McMillan's Speech." The flights of imagination -that thec uthor indulge inare bare- ly excelled by that prince of fiction creators, Jules Verne. It does not -require that anyone conversant with Canadian affairs shall be -told that Mr. McMillan is romancing. Even where he does not use figurative language his figures laugh in a droll manner at each other that speaks as plainly as words could express : -"We are not as bad as we look ; we are just rollicking together for a hit of diversion." And the naughts and nines ogle each other as funnily as ever did Donald and Dorothy or Bridget and Barney. It is fair to presume that the Sun gets paid by the author for publishing the coin- ing. of his imagination. If we are correct, the Smite is to be congratu• hated on helping the Conservative party and corralling the shekels of such a stalwart it as .Tohn Mc- Millan, M. Perla the same time. We take it that the Reform paper of Seaforth knew better than to afford aid and •comfort to its enemy by reprinting McMillan's Budget Romance. ' GENERAL NEWS LAST Harvest Excursi011 From all stations in Ontario return rates to METHVEN HARTNEY DELORAINE MOOSOMIN BINSCARTH REGINA YORKTON MOOSEJAW 28.0 Lobo's Stara Ennio!. This is an article worthy of ccery lady's attention. It you want to save time and labor, buy a hoa. If yon w.rnt ,aur irono I clothes to look heat and cictn and to last iii longer, buy a box. If you want the starch to stay in the clothes on the line in spite of rain or frost, buy a box, If you want everything to look like new, such fie shirt hosawarliars, cuffs, lace curtains, etc., buy It box. 1t Evtio Storekeeper horns it now, and where the merchant does not keep it WV want a lively agent to represeet• us. Manufactured liy X30.00 $35.00 CALGARY 'PRINCE ALBERT EDMONTON $40.00 To leave all points in the province of Ontario on W. J. LOBB, e.rin le The sale mentioned in last issue is now in full blast and has Leen ver successful. So far a lot of goods have been sold hut our stock is still large' and we, have many lines we want to clear before getting in fall stock. Conte and get bargains, we will give them. We are told by the People that we give the best value for the motley that can be got in town,. Come and see and get Goods, new floods, at cont price. Don't be persuaded to buy old worn out bankrupt stock when you can buy nrw goods as cheap. Norte it few of nor pride's ; hay.. trot space for more but all stock sold at cost for 30 days from date, July 24, 1891. Grey Cotton 3.1c. Nancy Scritu 3:4 c. '1'owellltiga 41c. 2 large towels for 15c. Parasols from 15c up. Ladies 4 button kid gloves, Em- broidered hack 37I2c. All wool Nun's Veiling, mist. colors 7c. Skirt linings 4;u. All wool tweeds 25e. Men's suits :3.50. Men's shirts 19c. 'Embroidery 12 yds for 100. ('heck shirtint„s 5c. Straw hats 8e. Felt hats $c. Women's slippers'2011. \Votneu's lace boots S1.00 Women's polish calf shoes Oc. e 0 HATS, FEATHERS, 11111BONS, all at prices less than you can buy wholesale. The prices we offer will lust for 30 days only. Remember this is for Casli. Don't forget the firm where the Genuine Side is going Oil, Comer Store, Costa' Block. PLTJMSTEEL & GIBBINGS ALBERT S'I'REE'l', CLINTON. Clinton, July 280, 1891. 55-tf llolmesville Farm For Rent or Sale, DI utT,•rslel' Fills his farm of 49 acres, being west half of lot 19, concession 11, township of Hallett. The soil is of good gnatity and in Rudd eondltion. 'There is a good bearing orchard on it and about five cores in timber, log house, fame granary and stables, el e. It is two miles from the town of Clinton. Will be rented SEP.■ E 1 ER 22N D• or sold on fsvontble toms, Amplyto 76/ �@�tq■ J,aHN AUTIRb),-_— ugnafiffFh, 1891. 6fld-•4i Clinton 1'.tr. Return until Nov, let 1891. Parties ticketing from other points shonbi ar- range to arrive at Toronto in time to comica with the 11 p. ut. train. For Full Information apply to any ticket agent of time Canadian faeiie Railway. SALESMAN WANTED To take orders for our Warranted NURSERY STnt'it to be delivered in the spring. Agents starting NOW can make big Salary, or Conmiis- cion. Stock and variety superior to anything heretofore shipped. Outfit end instructions furnished FREE. Write at once for terms to E. 0. GRAHAM, Nurseryman, Toronto, Ont, —The corn Drop in Wisconsin and Minnesota has been practically ruined by frost. —By the accidental discharge of a gun a young man named Harry Rooney of Co- bourg was seriously Injured. —William Bonter was helping kill sheep atMarriaora, when the knife slip- ped and cut out the young man's eye. - A report has been received from Foo Chow that three foreign missionaries have been killed up the country. -Harry Bnuldrick's left arm was shat- tered at Marmora by the accidental dis- charge of his gun. -• .V. J. Gallagher of Taploytown re- ceived fatal injuries by being hit in the stomach by a companion during a foot- ball game. —It is rumored in Winnipeg that the Grand Trunk will extend their line to that city, and thence to the Pacific coast. - sue Chambers, who shot Constable Bulmer at Clinton a few mouths ago, was lodged in Goderich gaol Friday .by Detective Murray of Toronto, who arrested him at Portage is Prairie. FAIL FAiRS. WANTS. New Firm in the Old Stand. CALL ON WALTON & MORRISON FOR A New Fa1T OVERUQAT The undersigned having purchased the old established west business of Mr. Arthur Couch, begs to inform the public that he will eoutiuue it as it has heretofore been carried on, I. Meats of all kinds in season. Orders taken and delivered as tumid. Highest cash price paid far steecpekins, hides and tallow. 667 -If JAMES A. FORD. SALE BILLS. -The News -Record has un- surpassed faiii ties for turning out first-class work at low rates. A free advertisement in The News•Record with every set of sale hills. WANTED :-Purchasers for 150 tone No. 1 Coal, Stove and Cheenut. Orders left at Swallow's grocery promptly at. • tended to. WANTS,: -1000 Cords of Wood delivered at Clinton Salt Works. J. Mrf4ARRVA. TO LET. A large room, up -stairs, suitable for almost any purpose, situate di- rectly opposite the market in Searle's block. Rent moderate. W. C. SEARLE. CLINTON C. I. NOTICE. EARLY CLAWSON WHEAT The untersigned offers for sale, of his own growth, a quantity of "NEW EARLY ILED CLAWSON," the champion full wheat, highly recommended by leading agriculturists. Also a quantity of "VelvetChsff." Samples may be seen at Sleeps feed store. 668 --at JOHN ?ifIDDLETON. OR FALL SUIT. Fit Guaranteed or no sale. Remember the stand, Smith's Block, opp. Cooper's Book Store, Clinton Leslie's Carriage Factory. BUGGIES, PIIAETONS, CARTS AND WAGONS -all of the best work- manship and material. pbrAll the latest styles and most modern improve- ments. All work warranted. Repairing and repainting promptly attended to. Prices to suit the times. /ler FACTORY -corner Huron and Orange Streets, Clinton. 657—y THE HUB GROCERY At the last meeting of the Clinton Collegiate Board it was resolved that the fees for pupils re- siding outside the County and those residing in town shall he the same as those fixed by the County Council for County pupils, viz: Fall Terni : 82, 83, and $4, according to room, Spring Term : $2, 82.50 and $3, " " Midsummer Term : $2, $9.50 and 33 " " According to School law Fees must be paid In advance. W. II. HINE, 669 -It Secretary. DESIRABLE LOTS FOR SALE. Three one -acre lots in the Town of Clinton are offered for side. They are situated on Raglan street, not far from the Doherty Organ Factory and Collegiate Institute, adjoining the former residence of Mr. J. H. Combe and in the neigh• borhood of first-class residences. For terms, etc., apply to 66Itf ARTHUR IKNOX, Clinton. SEPT Toronto • 7 to 19 London 17-26 Goderich 16-18 CLINTON 28-29-30 Exeter 28 -29 Wingham 29-30 Zurich 14-15 'l'hamesville 14-16 Ilensall 15 -16 OcT's. Brussels 1-2 Seaforth 1-2 Belgrave ......... 6-7 Bayfield ............................ 6-7 Blyth 8-9 TO RENT. Lot 88 Maitland coneasslon.. Goderich Town- ship. Apply to MANNING St SCOTT, Solicitors, Clinton. CAUTION. Any person or persons taking possession of lath, shingles, any kind of lumber, or any other kind of wreckage, and not forthwith notifying, and delivering it to the receiver of wreckage,will he prosecuted according to law. WM.BARB, Receiver of Wreckage. Ooderleh, Sept. 7th 1891. MARKET REPORTS. (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) CLINTON. Fall Wheat 0 92 to 0 97 Spring Wheat 0 92 to 0 97 Barley .. C 40'to 0 50 Oats.. 3 30 to 0 35 Peas . 0 60 to 0 65 Applee,(winter)per bag 0 40 to 0 50 Potatoes .. 0 40 to 0 50 Butter ., 0 13 to 0 15 Eggs 0 10 to 0 12 Hay 8 00 to 900 Cordwood 3 00 to 4 00 Beef .000to000 Wool 0 18 to 0 18 Pork 5 00 to 6 25 Quotation for grainexcept_whea,t, nominal. FARMS FOR SALE. e Three firms containing eighty Acres each, on 3rd and 4th concessions of L'oderieb Township, three miles from Goderich Apply to MRS. ANN IiINCRs On the premises. Voter's List, 1891—Municipality of the Village of Bayfield, Coun ty of Huron. Notice is hereby given that i have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters List Act, 1880, the copies required by said sections to he trans- mitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the last Revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality, to be entitled to vote In the said municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that said List ass first posted up at my office, at Ray field, on the 31st tray of August, 1891, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called n on to examine the said List, and, if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law H. W. ERWIN, Clerk (urn Pura) of aforesaid Municipality. Dated this 31st day of August, 1891 . M. O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, - SOLICITOR, COMMISSIONER, Etc., Orrtrx:-Cor. Hamilton µnd St. Andrew's„Sts. GODER19 { -T„ - rONT Money to loan at lowest rates. FIas one of the finest assortments in town of PAILS (wooden and fibre), 'runs, WASH- BOARDS, CHURNS, BUTTER BOWLS, LADELS, BUTTER PRINTS. In BRUSHES we have Stove Brushes, Shoe, Scrubbing and White- wash Brushes. BASKETS for clothes, willow market, Indian market, d-iml'er and fancy work baskets. We carry a fine stock of BRooMs, down to 2 for 25c. GROCERIES, fresh and as cheap as any other house in town—especially in TEA WO can give you extra -mine. Geo. Swallow, Clinton TEA! TEA I TEA Sold in London, Eng., for £10,12s., Bd., or $.52 per pound. Ram Lal's Pure Indian Tea BLENDED WITH TEA Experts have pronounced fully equal t, goods sold at $52 per pound -sold at 50c., 60c. and 75o. per pound. Special values in Black, Green and Japans, from 10 cents up, Extra Cut in 5 and 10 Bound Boxes. Extra value in Sugars, Crockery and Glassware. J. W. IRWIN, The Noted Groclwr, Clinton AGENT FOR RAM LAL INDIAN TEA. f£ •