The Huron News-Record, 1891-08-19, Page 3!t 81181111E88 DiRECTOR. itl3l►tll�. TAB IVIOLSONS BANK. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1865, CAPITAL, $2,000,000 REST, - - $1,000,000 Hettd °Aloe, - MONTREAL THOMAS WORKMAN, President. J. H. R. MOLSON, Viae -President." F. WOLFELtSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. Notes discounted, Collections made, Draft issued, Sterling and American exoL change bought and sold at low- est current rates. iNTEasST AT 4 Pea CENT. A LLOWED 1ON(,'DEl'OSIT FARMIIRS- Money advanced to tarmerson their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re quired as security. H. C. BREWER, Slanager,A, February. 1884 LLINTON G. D. lIcTaggart BANKER, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. A GENERAL, BANKING BUSINESS TIM NSA CTED. Notes Discounted. - - Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Clinton, June 8th, 1891 058y teuttotai. :rte_- Ott mi.. T, C. Bruce, L. D.S. Surgeon Dentist. Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Under Graduate University of Toronto. ttice-Keefer's old stand, Coats' Bleak, Clinton. N.B.-Will visit Blyth, professionally, every Monday at Mason's Hotel. 575-y G. H. COOK, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Graduate Iof the Toronto School of Dentistry. Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless [xtraetion teeth. Office -Smith's Block, upstairs, opposite the Poet Office, Clinton. ear Night Bell answered. 492y DR. GUNN W. Gunn, M. D. L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. C. S. Edinburgh Licenciute of the Midwifery, Edin. Office, on corner of Ontario and William Ste., Clinton, y. DR. TURNBULL. .1. L. Turnbull, M. B, Toronto Univ. ; M. D. ; C. M., Victoria Univ. M.-0. P. & S. Ont, ; Fellow of the obstetrical society of Edinburgh. Late of London, Eng., and Edinburgh hospitals. Office :-Murray block, Rattenbary St. Night calls answered at Grand Union Hotel. Electric night bell at front entrance, J. W. SHAW, M. D- C. M. J. W. Shaw, M. D. C. M., Physician, Surgeon, Aecoucher, etc. Office in the Palace block, Rattonbury St., formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve, Clinton Ont. MANNING & SCOTT, Barristers, 4-c.. ELLIOTT'S BLCCK, - CLINTON. Money to Loan. A. H. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. DAVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,and i I Conveyancing. Office -West Street, next door.,to Pit Office, Goderich, Ont. 57. RC. HAYS, Solicitor, dee. Office, corner of Square and West Street, over Butler's Book Store, Goderich, Ont. 67. tor Money to lend. at lowest rates of interest. ECAMPION, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. Office over Jordan's Drug Store, the rooms formerly occu pied by Judge Doyle, egfr Any amount of money to loan at lowest ates of interest. 1-ly. Suctxolt ec'int. H. W. BALL, A UCTiONEER for Huron County. Sales at- tended to in any part of the County. Ad• dress orders to Goonaten P 0. V-17. CHAS. HAMILTON, AUCTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agent Blyth. Sales attended in town and country, Dn reasonable terms. A list of farms and village for sale. Money to loan on real estate, at 'ow rate"s of interest. Insurance effected on all lassos of property. Notes and debts collected. goods appraised, and sold on commission. Bank- rupt stocks bought and sold. Bivth, Doc. 16, 1850, Photographers �ayLYy F051tR ChD CLINT • N. Life Size Portraits a Specialty. o• ten to gaud MONEYrto lend in large for small sums o good mortgagee or personal security a. the lowest current rates. H. HALE, Huron st Clinton. Clinton, Feb. 26,1881 1y MONEY. RIVATE FUNDS to lend on Town and form property. I to A Apply Office, up -stairs, opposite Town Hall, Albert Street. 859.8in MONEY. A large amount of Private money to loan. Low, et rate of interest C. A, UAJITT, Solicitor &o, Ohio • - Perrin'- 131ock. FOR SALE. fiIBE SUBSOLUBER ofore for sale four eligible Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; bas two fronting on Batteubury Street; either en bloc or in separate lote, to suit purchasers. For further particulars apply to the uuderelgntd.-E. DiNSLEV, Clinton. 882 A. O. U. W. The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meetsin Jackson's Hall, Victoria Block, the let and 8rd Fridays in each mouth. V sitors cordially invited. R. STUN KILL11, M.W.; J. BEAN, Recorder. 599y 11:110 .111MEM f laooIItr. tolLINTON Lodge, No. 85, A. F. & A, lJ meets every Friday, on or after the moon. Visiting brethren cordially invited. RIOH HEYWOOD, w. et. OW EN BALLARD, Sac Clinton Jan. 14, 1890. 1. L. 0. L. No. 710, CLINTON, Meets SECOND Monday of every month. Hall, OW flat, Victoria block, Visiting brethren always made welcome. W. G. SMUT, W. M I'1 CANTELON, Sec. WM A ROSS, D. M Dinah xisttght$ Jubilee Preceptory No, '161, (Bloch, Knights of Ireland) Meets in the Clinton Orange Hall, the second Wednesday of every month, at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. Visiting Sir Knights will always r^coive a hearty welcome. A. M. TODD, Worshipful Preceptor GEORGE HANLEY, Deputy Preceptor PETER CANTELON, Registrar Royal Black Preceptory 3911 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange (lull, Blyth, the Wedne day after full moon of every month. Royal Black Preceptory 3151 Black Knights of Ireland, Meets in the Orange Hall, Goderich, the Third Monday of every month. Visiting Knights always made welcome. W H MURNEY, Preceptor, Goderlch P 0 JAMES RUSK, Registrar, Goderich P 0 S. HURON ORANGE. DIRECTORY. 1891 Names of the District Masters, Primary Lodge Masters, their post office ad- dresses and date of meeting. BIDDULPII DISTRICT. John Neil, W.D.M., Centralia P. 0. 219-S. FIariton. Greenway, Friday on or before full moon. 662 -Thomas Coursey, Liman, Saturday ou or before full moon. 493 -Richard Hodgins, Centralia, Wed• nesday on or before full moon. 826 -William 1-Iaggart, Grand Bend, Wednesday on or before full moon. 890-W. E. McRoberts, Mapiegrove, Wednesday on or before full moon. 924 -Henry Lambrook, Exeter, 1st Fri- day in each mouth. 1071 -John Halls, Eliinville, Saturday on or before full moon. 1097 -James Gathers, Sylvan, Monday on or before full moon. 1210 -James Gibson, West McGillivray, Thursday on or before full moon. 1343 -Robert Sims, Crediton, Tuesday on or before full moon. 610 -.Joseph Huxtable, Centralia, Fri- day on or atter full moon. GODERICFL. DISTRICT. Geo. B. Hanley, tV.D.DI., Clinton P. 0. 145 -Willis Bell, Goderich, 1st Monday nth. •Jillian, Auburn, Friday full moon. •,iruey, Goderich, last ,•nch month. (ton Holmesyille, Mon- , one full moon. Saltford, 3rd Wed- , it month. . ,7ooper, Clinton, 1st • •ch month. in each too 153 -Andre v. on or he, ,r 182-W. Ii. Tuesday 189 -Adam t'„ . day on or • 262 -James \\ nesday fu' 306 -George .t Monday in HULL! TT DISTRICT. A. M. Todd, \V. I cL, Clintou P.O. 710-W: G. Smith. Clinton, 2nd Mon - clay in each mot t, 813 -James Homey, Winthrop, last Wednesday before lull moon. 928 -Thomas Mcllyeen, Summerhill, 1st Monday in each month. 825 -John Briutnell, Chiselhurst, 1st Monday in each mouth. STANLEI' DISTRICT. Joseph Foster, W.D.M., Varna P. O. 24 -John Pollock, Bayfield, 1st Monday in each month, 308 -James Keyes, Varna, 1st Tuesday to each month. 833 -Robert Nicholson, Blake, 1st Wed- nesday in each month. 73,3 -John Berry, i-lensell, 1st Thursday in each month. 1035 -William Rathwell, Varna, 1st Thursday in each month. - r1'Noec.-Any omissions or other errors will be promptly corrected on writing direct to the County Master, Bro. A. M. Todd, Clinton P.O. RILL HEADS, NOTE He..ds, Letter Heads, Tags, Statements, Circulars, Buslness Cards, Envelopes, Programmes, etc., etc., printed In a workman- like manner and at low rates, at THE NEWS -RECORD FOR SALE. The property at present occupied by the undersigned as a residence on the Ifuron Road, in the Town of Goderiob, consisting of one half of an acre of land, good frame house story and a half -seven rooms, including kitchen, hard and soft water, good stone cellar, stable, wood and carriage houses, There are also some good fruit trees. This property is beautifully situated and very suitable for any person wishing to live retired. tcto i thor_p tpuulare apply to .[a 'c i[roly� 542-tf Barrister, Goderieh. TO THE A.RMERS, Study your own Iptorest n ed go whDre cy.. Yen Okla get Reliable Harness, I alanufecture Crone but tue Boor OF STOOK. Beware of Shope Liget sell cheap, as they have Dot to live igf Cull and got prices. Orders by mail promply attended to, HARNESS EMPORIUM, [MYTH, ONT .1. E. BLACKALL, Veterinary Surgeon, honorary graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, treats diseases of all domestic animals O f the most modern and scientific principles. 4O'Calls attended to night or day. Office humedittely west of the old Royal Hotel, Ontario street. Residence - Albert street, Clinton. 549 -Stn ABEL S. WEEKES, Civil Engineer, - P. L Surveyor, Draughtsman, etc. Office -Upstairs in Perrin'- Block, Clinton, Ont OtO Ell PROPERTY FOR SALE OP RENT. --Advertisers will find "Thr News -Record" one of the best medium. In the County of Huron. Advertise is "The News -Record" -The Double Circulation Talks to Thousands. Rates as low as any. ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Cheap Excursions to Europe. EVERY WEEK Montreal and Quebec, To Derry and Liverpool. CABIN $50 to $80, According to location of Staterooms. Intermediate and Steerage at low rates. NO CATTLE CARRIED. I�. ;SERVICE OF LINGIALLAN LINE STATE STEAMSHIPS. NEW YORK AND GLASGOW via Londouderry, every Fortnight, CABIN, ,$35 and upwards. Return, 305 and upwards. Steerage at lowest rates. Apply to HJc A ALLAN, Montreal co. A. O. PATTISON or WM. JAOKSON,Clinton NOTICE. The undersigned being necessarily absent from town for some time, bas left his books and accunuts with MAaaiNu & SCOTT, to whom pay- ments may be made. JOHN WISEMAN. FOR FIRST CLASS, HAIRCUTTINGC AND SHAVING. Go to A. E. EVANS, FASHIONABLE BARBER, 2 doors east of NEWs•RECORD of- fice. Special attention given to LADIES AND CHILDREN'S Haircutting, POMPADOUR IIAl cu..•'r1N0 A SPECIAI.TY FARM TO LET That excellent grass farm at present occupied by Mr. Isaac Rapson, well known as the Dods - worth farm, being north half of lot 36. 9th con., Mullett, containing 85 acres, It is situated on the Base Line, 2I utiles from Summerhill and 6 miles from Manchester. Is well watered and particularly adapted for pasturage. Has good dwelling house, barn and shed. Tho lessee can have privilege of plowing after harvest with accommod,tIon for man and horses. Possession given March, 1892. For further particularsapply by letter or personally to MRS. JANE DODSWORTH, 1 Clinton. 657-tf or C. A. 11AR'IT, S :COPP's WALL PAPER and faint Shop IS STOCKED WITH A SELECT ASSORTMENT -Cr - flmerican Cr- American and Canadian Wall Papers Wl'ri1 BORDERS TO MATCH, from five cent rolls to the finest gilt. Having boughtmy Papers and Paints for Spot Cash, and my practical ex- perience justify me in saying that all wanting to decorate their houses inside or paint them out- side will find it to their advantage to give me a call, 6 ' Shop, south of Oliver Johnston's blacksmith shop, and directly opposite Mr, J. Chidley's residence, JOSEPH COPP Practical Paper 'tenger and Painter The 1VIcKillop1Vlutual Fire Insurance Company. Farmland Isolated Town Proper- Ity only Insured. Ore IC Mos. Thos. E. Hays, President, Seaforth P. 0.; W. .1. Shannon, Secy•Treas., Seaforth P, .0. ; John Ilannah, Manager, Seaforth P. 0, InmaecrooS, Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Donald Ross, Olin-, ton ; Gabriel Elliott, Clinton ; George Watt, Harlock ; Joseph Evans, Beechwood ; J. Shan- non, Walton ; Thos. Garbert, Clinton. AGENTS. Thos. Nellans, Harlock ; Robt. McMillen Sew forth ; S. Carnochan, Seaforth. John O'Sullivan and Geo. Murdie, Auditors, Parties desirous to effect Insurance or transact other business will be promptly attend• ed to on application to any of the above officers, addressed to their respective post offices. New Blacksmith Shop GEOROE TROWHiLL has opened out a gen• ernl Blacksmith and Repair Shop In the bullding`littely occupied by Mr. Gauley, opposite Fair's lumber yard, Albert street Clinton, Ont. Blacksmith end iron Work in all its branches. Horse -Shoeing promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed. The public are Invited to -rt,ll.,.lzetore..ordering, any class of work, to. the above lines. 497-tt GEORGE TROWIIiLL. '/` Trit ►TMY : -C 3;10.4111%T. r _01:7=0- RHEUMATISM, .aroz s --.. RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Frost Bites, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Etc. bold by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Fifty Cents a bottle. Directions iu 11 Languages. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Baltimore, Md. Canadian Depot: Toronto, Ont. The Huren News -Record $1.50 a Year -$1,26, in Advance. Wednesda'v, August 19th, 1891. CAPTAIN KITTY. (Continued front page three.) course thrown very much into the .company of 'Melia ; and, without wishing or questioning on her part, heard all the gir'l's pitiful, miserable story. IIow "he 'ad been so very kind to 'er, an' give 'er a meal, oh ever so of'en, when 'or, old granny, wot she lived with, got blazin' drunk an' turned 'or out of doors, after a•beatiu' of 'er till she was black an' blue ; an' 'ow, after gran- ny died, an' she was ref' alone, she crep' up 'ere one night an' asked 'im might she live along with 'im ; an' he larfed, au' called her a little foul for 'er pains ; but still he was down in the mouth an' seemed afraid of baro' alone, don't yer know, and so she stayed. An' -an' that was all !-on'y she was orful fond of him, an' if he was to die there was nuthin' for 'er bnt to make a hole in the water !" At length came -a day when he was pronounced out of danger; and after that a long, lingering con- valescence. When he could manage to eit up in a big, comfortable armchair by the fire the room was so transformed that he could scarce believe it to be the same. Curtains covered the smoke•grimed windows, flowers bloomed in pots -an air of refine- ment, if not of luxury, reigned there altogether. On a seat by the window sat 'Melia, clothed and in her right mind -if one might judge from the way in which she diligently pur- sued her task of needlework. He looked away from this pleas- ant picture very quickly, however, and up at Captain Kitty instead, who stood carelessly leaning against the chimnoypiece opposite to him. "You have done it all,' he said feebly. 'How am I to thank you for saving my life 7 Not that it is worth much any way I' he added as a bitter afterthought. She looked at him thoughtfully. 'Not to you, perhaps,' she replied, in a slow, dreamy tone, 'but God knows better than you the real value of your life.' 'IIow can it ever be anything now but a broken, worthless thing 7 But that is not the • question. I owe it to you, such as it is -not to God ; you have saved it. What must I do with it 7' 'Give it to IIiac 7 If, as you say, it is mine to du what I will with, I here call God to witness that I give it into His hand, to deal with as He may think best. Julian, I prayed for this -for years I prayed for this -and it has come at last. You will not disappoint are now, dear Julian?' Her voice crept up to his ears, in those exquisite, thrilling modula• tions that were wont to draw tears from the most hardened eyes, and those of poor Julian were very soft and weak just then. 'What do you wish me to do I' he asked in a hoarse whisper. She knelt beside him, and took his feeble hand in hers. `I want you to give up drinking, gambling, all sorts of wickedness; I want you to lead a new, healthy, and happy life, with the light of heaven shining into it; I want you to go home to your own people, and -and I want you to marry 'Melia.' 'You ask that I' 'I do ! She loves you. She hue given herself to you, and you are all she has on earth.' 'But you forget I , She is unedu- cated, vulgar, with no moral sense -a wretched little gutter brat Katherine, you are not serious 7' Katherine rose and stood over him, like an avenging angel. 'And what aro you, Julian Gray, that you should dare to disdain an immortal soul' Have you made eo grand 'a career for yourself, with all your education and ability 7 If she baa no Waal sense, so lunch the lees is she to blame for any eio,F ellplAay have committed. And if she has done wrong, she has the one supreme grace of loving --loving grandly and uuselasbly. But you -what ie there in you to justify you in despising her I' The sick man cowered down among his pillows, and put his hands before his face. 'Do not -do not be so severe, Katherine,' he remonstrated in a broken voice. 'I did not mean to despise her ; God knows how far snore despicable I am myself 1 But -but-for you to ask me to marry her -it is that seems so strange !' 'Nevertheless, you will do it for my sake and for your own, will you not, my friend 7 It is the last request I shall ever make to you, Julian I Surely you will not refuse it 7' Once again she knelt by his chair and looked up into his face. 'You ask me -ask me to marry another woman?' he repeated hoarse ly, Their eyes met and seemed to cling together as though drawn by some irresistible power. `I do,' she answered in a faint tone, yet firmly. 'Then, Kitty, I -I will obey -if you will kiss lee -kiss we -only this once.' Their faces wale close together. The same attraction drew them nearer. Without another spoken word their lips ulet in a long, linger- ing kiss. Then she turned away and hid her face in her hands for a moment. "['be last time -the last time,' the said, at length ; and her voice was like music broken and jangled. Then she rose and went over to the window. 'Melia was watching her in sullen silence. 'Colne with me,' said Captain Kitty, imperiously, and the girl obeyed. When they got outside, however, 'Melia turned savagely upon her corn wander, 'Why do you go for to kiss before my face 7' she cried, in jealous auger. 'If I've got to lose 'itu, there ain't any call for that, any. ways.' 'You're not to lose him, 'Melia! He has promised me to marry you, and that's what I want to talk to you about.' 'To marry me 7 That's a gond 'un ! What right- have you to go a-kissiu' of 'im, then 7' Captain Kitty flushed. For just one moment original sin got the better of regeneration, and she would fain have retorted : 'I bought him for you by just that kiss' -that is what she would fain have said, but the evil impulse passed and the words remained un, spoken. 'Do riot let that trouble you child,' she said ; 'he will never, never kiss me again ! I have said goodbye to him forever. You can nurse him yourself now, and his mother is coming to help you.' It was true. His elder brother bad died of fever in India, and Julian was now the only hope of the family, who were therefore pre- pared to receive him with open arms. Whether they would equally appreciate 'Melia as a daughter -in, law remained to he seen. But he would keep his word ; Captain Kitty was sure of that. It was long before the remem- brance of that kiss faded from Cap- tain Kitty's mind. At night she felt her cheeks flame in the dark, as she thought of it. Then she fell to praying against the temptation to dwell upon its bitter sweetness. 'My prayer is answered, God be thankful for that !'she said to her- self, in an ecstasy of passionate joy and grief mingled. 'And I have made him promise to be good. But I wish that I did not feel so tired - so very tired ! The work is too hard for me, I fear. But it will not be for long. I shall not last much longer -so that doctor said - if I do not take care. So much the better 7 I am tired -tired --tired ! God will certainly give me rest 80011. [THE END.] A TEN DOLLAR (SOLD PIECE FOR A CENT. Sometime ago, a gentleman bet that if he stood at the corner of Broadway and Fourteenth Street, New York, and offer- ed gold eagles to the pasters -by for a cent each, he would find no purchasers. The experiment was tried and turned out just as he said. No one would believe that the coins were genuine. It seemed too good to be true. An equally remarkable offer is that made by the proprietors of Dr, Pierce's Golden Medcal Discovery, the sovereign cure for Consumption. Think of it ! restoration to life and health for a mere song. There is nota case of Lung -scrof- ula -in other words, Consumption -that will not yield to it, if taken in lime. It is the greatest blood•pnri6er ever known, and is guaranteed Io benefit or cure in all diseases of throat and lunge, or money refunded. Only extraordinary curative properties could warrant or sus- tain it, makers in selling it thus, on trio/ 1 -George Simi.aon, a well-to-do farmer, aged 67, living in the Dickie Settlement. a few miles from Galt, committed sui- cide thie morning, bshooting the top of his head off with a gun borroed from And'rdiv C7hittshlil"rii,° yhie Mira "tnleigblior;' Deceased was well off, bat in poor health. e e➢ CAIN ONE POUND A Day. LIr GAIN OF A MOUND A DAY IN THE CASE OF A MAN WHO HAS BECOME "ALL RUN DOWN," AND HAS BEGUN TO TAKE THAT R$IKAI5ISl1Bl4E iri.FSit PRODUCER, SGOTT5S EMULSION OE PURE COD LIVER OIL WiTH Hypophosphites of Lime & Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL. THIS FEAT HAS BEEN PERFORMED OVER AND OVER AGAIN. PALATABLE AS MILK. EN- DORSED BY PHYSICIANS. SCOTT'S EMULSION IS PUT UP ONLY IN SALMON COLOR WRAPPERS. SOLD BY ALL DRUG- GISTS AT 50C. AND $I.00 SCOTT dr' BOWNE, Belleville. DR. FOWLERS •EXT: OF • •WILD• l TR./MERRY CURES go`A hole orhu s 01-r 1 C'asi.0 R A M ISS , IARRH(EA YSENTERY AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS. HUMPHREYS' DR. Homn'aREYs' SPECIFICS are scientifically and carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many Sears in private practice with success,and for over thirty years used by the people. Every single Spe- cific Is a special cure for the disease named. These Specifics cure without drugging, purg- tug or reducing the system, and are in fact and deed the sovereign remedies oftheWorld. LIST Or PRINCIPAL NOS. CORES. PRICES. 1 Foyers, Congestion, inflammation... .20 2 Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Cello..2 Crying Colic, or Teething of Infants .2 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults.... .2u Dysentery, Griping Bilious Colic.... .25 Cholera Morbus, vomiting 25 Congho, Cold Bronchitis -25 Neuralgia, Toothache Faceache2 HHeaeiac es, slckHeariaohe, Vertigo ,S 10 I)yepepeia, Billows Stomach .25 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods.25 12 Whites, too Profuse Periods .25 13 roup, Cough, Difficult Breathing-.25 14 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.25 15 Rheumn..tip to, RhepmetlePains.25 10 Fever r , . ; i:' , 1 ' ,.is, Malaria.50 17Piles, lilinu or l,lcut..ugi[ 5111 19 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head .59 20 Whooping Cough Violent Coughs. .59 24 General Debility,PllyslcalWeaknees .o0 9 Kidney Disease 28 Nervous liability 1. S Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed 3' Diseases of thoIIeart,Palpitation 1. Sold by Druggist°, or sunt postpaid on receipt of price. Da. Rusisuuevs' Menus t, (144 pages) richly bound in cloth and gold, MAILED race. IIUIIPIIREYS' DIED. CO., 111 & 113 William St., NorrYork. IIIMOSExamoomat000r SPECIFICS. WELLS&RICHARDSO Co. Agents MONTREAL. THE KEY TO HEALTH. Unlocks all the ct,',^R, . , Int Bowels, Kidneys and L'o--c.•ruing off gradually without wenkcni• l; . syarn:, all the impurities and foul to, , „ of the secretions ; at the same time Col'_i.eting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Eu ' dustless, Dyspepsia. Headrick -es. J)iz' ziness, Heartburn, Constipation. Dryness of the Skin. Dropsc. Dim- ness of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility ; all these and many other Simi• lar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. T. 311LBIIHN .t CO., Proprietors. Torous. v o u T. 53a •9 M 0 ,L4 11 4. • Q '1 a 0• .0 0 Z V V m .. R.w1 I I _ s -11%T THE- Mji er0r4 u _r a